/* * netsniff-ng - the packet sniffing beast * Subject to the GPL, version 2. */ #include #include #include #include #include "dev.h" #include "xmalloc.h" #include "trafgen_conf.h" #include "trafgen_l2.h" #include "trafgen_l3.h" #include "trafgen_l4.h" #include "trafgen_proto.h" #define field_shift_and_mask(f, v) (((v) << (f)->shift) & \ ((f)->mask ? (f)->mask : (0xffffffff))) #define field_unmask_and_unshift(f, v) (((v) & \ ((f)->mask ? (f)->mask : (0xffffffff))) >> (f)->shift) static struct proto_ctx ctx; #define PROTO_MAX_LAYERS 16 static struct proto_hdr *headers[PROTO_MAX_LAYERS]; static size_t headers_count; static struct proto_hdr *registered; struct proto_hdr *proto_lower_header(struct proto_hdr *hdr) { struct proto_hdr *lower = NULL; size_t i; if (headers_count == 0) return NULL; for (i = 1, lower = headers[0]; i < headers_count; i++) { if (headers[i] == hdr) return headers[i - 1]; } return lower; } uint8_t *proto_header_ptr(struct proto_hdr *hdr) { return ¤t_packet()->payload[hdr->pkt_offset]; } static struct proto_hdr *proto_header_by_id(enum proto_id id) { struct proto_hdr *p = registered; for (; p; p = p->next) if (p->id == id) return p; panic("Can't lookup proto by id %u\n", id); } void proto_header_register(struct proto_hdr *hdr) { hdr->next = registered; registered = hdr; hdr->fields = NULL; hdr->fields_count = 0; } static void proto_fields_realloc(struct proto_hdr *hdr, size_t count) { hdr->fields = xrealloc(hdr->fields, count * sizeof(*hdr->fields)); hdr->fields_count = count; } void proto_header_fields_add(struct proto_hdr *hdr, const struct proto_field *fields, size_t count) { struct packet *pkt = current_packet(); struct proto_field *f; int i; if (!hdr->fields) hdr->pkt_offset = pkt->len; proto_fields_realloc(hdr, hdr->fields_count + count); for (i = 0; count >= 1; count--, i++) { f = &hdr->fields[hdr->fields_count - count]; f->id = fields[i].id; f->len = fields[i].len; f->is_set = false; f->shift = fields[i].shift; f->mask = fields[i].mask; f->pkt_offset = hdr->pkt_offset + fields[i].offset; if (f->pkt_offset + f->len > pkt->len) set_fill(0, (f->pkt_offset + f->len) - pkt->len); } } static struct proto_field *proto_field_by_id(struct proto_hdr *hdr, uint32_t fid) { int i; for (i = 0; i < hdr->fields_count; i++) if (hdr->fields[i].id == fid) return &hdr->fields[i]; panic("Failed lookup field id %u for proto id %u\n", fid, hdr->id); } bool proto_field_is_set(struct proto_hdr *hdr, uint32_t fid) { struct proto_field *field = proto_field_by_id(hdr, fid); return field ? field->is_set : false; } struct proto_hdr *proto_header_init(enum proto_id pid) { struct proto_hdr *hdr = proto_header_by_id(pid); struct proto_hdr *new_hdr; bug_on(headers_count >= PROTO_MAX_LAYERS); new_hdr = xmalloc(sizeof(*new_hdr)); memcpy(new_hdr, hdr, sizeof(*new_hdr)); if (new_hdr->header_init) new_hdr->header_init(new_hdr); headers[headers_count++] = new_hdr; return new_hdr; } void proto_header_finish(struct proto_hdr *hdr) { if (hdr && hdr->header_finish) hdr->header_finish(hdr); } struct proto_hdr *proto_lower_default_add(struct proto_hdr *hdr, enum proto_id pid) { struct proto_hdr *current; if (headers_count > 0) { current = headers[headers_count - 1]; if (current->layer >= proto_header_by_id(pid)->layer) goto set_proto; if (current->id == pid) goto set_proto; } current = proto_header_init(pid); set_proto: if (current->set_next_proto) current->set_next_proto(current, hdr->id); return current; } static void __proto_field_set_bytes(struct proto_hdr *hdr, uint32_t fid, uint8_t *bytes, bool is_default, bool is_be) { struct proto_field *field; uint8_t *payload, *p8; uint16_t *p16; uint32_t *p32; uint32_t v32; uint16_t v16; uint8_t v8; field = proto_field_by_id(hdr, fid); if (is_default && field->is_set) return; payload = ¤t_packet()->payload[field->pkt_offset]; if (field->len == 1) { p8 = payload; *p8 = field->mask ? *p8 & ~field->mask : *p8; v8 = field_shift_and_mask(field, *bytes); v8 = field->mask ? (v8 | *p8) : v8; bytes = &v8; } else if (field->len == 2) { p16 = (uint16_t *)payload; *p16 = be16_to_cpu(*p16); *p16 = cpu_to_be16(field->mask ? *p16 & ~field->mask : *p16); v16 = field_shift_and_mask(field, *(uint16_t *)bytes); v16 = is_be ? cpu_to_be16(v16) : v16; v16 = field->mask ? (v16 | *p16) : v16; bytes = (uint8_t *)&v16; } else if (field->len == 4) { p32 = (uint32_t *)payload; *p32 = be32_to_cpu(*p32); *p32 = cpu_to_be32(field->mask ? *p32 & ~field->mask : *p32); v32 = field_shift_and_mask(field, *(uint32_t *)bytes); v32 = is_be ? cpu_to_be32(v32) : v32; v32 = field->mask ? (v32 | *p32) : v32; bytes = (uint8_t *)&v32; } memcpy(payload, bytes, field->len); if (!is_default) field->is_set = true; } void proto_field_set_bytes(struct proto_hdr *hdr, uint32_t fid, uint8_t *bytes) { __proto_field_set_bytes(hdr, fid, bytes, false, false); } static uint8_t *__proto_field_get_bytes(struct proto_field *field) { struct packet *pkt = current_packet(); return &pkt->payload[field->pkt_offset]; } void proto_field_set_u8(struct proto_hdr *hdr, uint32_t fid, uint8_t val) { proto_field_set_bytes(hdr, fid, (uint8_t *)&val); } uint8_t proto_field_get_u8(struct proto_hdr *hdr, uint32_t fid) { struct proto_field *field = proto_field_by_id(hdr, fid); uint8_t val = *__proto_field_get_bytes(field); return field_unmask_and_unshift(field, val); } void proto_field_set_u16(struct proto_hdr *hdr, uint32_t fid, uint16_t val) { proto_field_set_bytes(hdr, fid, (uint8_t *)&val); } uint16_t proto_field_get_u16(struct proto_hdr *hdr, uint32_t fid) { struct proto_field *field = proto_field_by_id(hdr, fid); uint16_t val = *(uint16_t *)__proto_field_get_bytes(field); return field_unmask_and_unshift(field, be16_to_cpu(val)); } void proto_field_set_u32(struct proto_hdr *hdr, uint32_t fid, uint32_t val) { proto_field_set_bytes(hdr, fid, (uint8_t *)&val); } uint32_t proto_field_get_u32(struct proto_hdr *hdr, uint32_t fid) { struct proto_field *field = proto_field_by_id(hdr, fid); uint32_t val = *(uint32_t *)__proto_field_get_bytes(field); return field_unmask_and_unshift(field, be32_to_cpu(val)); } void proto_field_set_default_bytes(struct proto_hdr *hdr, uint32_t fid, uint8_t *bytes) { __proto_field_set_bytes(hdr, fid, bytes, true, false); } void proto_field_set_default_u8(struct proto_hdr *hdr, uint32_t fid, uint8_t val) { __proto_field_set_bytes(hdr, fid, (uint8_t *)&val, true, false); } void proto_field_set_default_u16(struct proto_hdr *hdr, uint32_t fid, uint16_t val) { __proto_field_set_bytes(hdr, fid, (uint8_t *)&val, true, false); } void proto_field_set_default_u32(struct proto_hdr *hdr, uint32_t fid, uint32_t val) { __proto_field_set_bytes(hdr, fid, (uint8_t *)&val, true, false); } void proto_field_set_be16(struct proto_hdr *hdr, uint32_t fid, uint16_t val) { __proto_field_set_bytes(hdr, fid, (uint8_t *)&val, false, true); } void proto_field_set_be32(struct proto_hdr *hdr, uint32_t fid, uint32_t val) { __proto_field_set_bytes(hdr, fid, (uint8_t *)&val, false, true); } void proto_field_set_default_be16(struct proto_hdr *hdr, uint32_t fid, uint16_t val) { __proto_field_set_bytes(hdr, fid, (uint8_t *)&val, true, true); } void proto_field_set_default_be32(struct proto_hdr *hdr, uint32_t fid, uint32_t val) { __proto_field_set_bytes(hdr, fid, (uint8_t *)&val, true, true); } static void __proto_field_set_dev_mac(struct proto_hdr *hdr, uint32_t fid, bool is_default) { uint8_t mac[ETH_ALEN]; int ret; if (proto_field_is_set(hdr, fid)) return; if (!hdr->ctx->dev) panic("Device is not specified\n"); ret = device_hw_address(hdr->ctx->dev, mac, sizeof(mac)); if (ret < 0) panic("Could not get device hw address\n"); __proto_field_set_bytes(hdr, fid, mac, is_default, false); } void proto_field_set_dev_mac(struct proto_hdr *hdr, uint32_t fid) { __proto_field_set_dev_mac(hdr, fid, false); } void proto_field_set_default_dev_mac(struct proto_hdr *hdr, uint32_t fid) { __proto_field_set_dev_mac(hdr, fid, true); } static void __proto_field_set_dev_ipv4(struct proto_hdr *hdr, uint32_t fid, bool is_default) { struct sockaddr_storage ss = { }; struct sockaddr_in *ss4; int ret; if (proto_field_is_set(hdr, fid)) return; ret = device_address(hdr->ctx->dev, AF_INET, &ss); if (ret < 0) panic("Could not get device IPv4 address\n"); ss4 = (struct sockaddr_in *) &ss; __proto_field_set_bytes(hdr, fid, (uint8_t *)&ss4->sin_addr.s_addr, is_default, false); } void proto_field_set_dev_ipv4(struct proto_hdr *hdr, uint32_t fid) { __proto_field_set_dev_ipv4(hdr, fid, false); } void proto_field_set_default_dev_ipv4(struct proto_hdr *hdr, uint32_t fid) { __proto_field_set_dev_ipv4(hdr, fid, true); } static void __proto_field_set_dev_ipv6(struct proto_hdr *hdr, uint32_t fid, bool is_default) { struct sockaddr_storage ss = { }; struct sockaddr_in6 *ss6; int ret; if (proto_field_is_set(hdr, fid)) return; ret = device_address(hdr->ctx->dev, AF_INET6, &ss); if (ret < 0) panic("Could not get device IPv6 address\n"); ss6 = (struct sockaddr_in6 *) &ss; __proto_field_set_bytes(hdr, fid, (uint8_t *)&ss6->sin6_addr.s6_addr, is_default, false); } void proto_field_set_dev_ipv6(struct proto_hdr *hdr, uint32_t fid) { __proto_field_set_dev_ipv6(hdr, fid, false); } void proto_field_set_default_dev_ipv6(struct proto_hdr *hdr, uint32_t fid) { __proto_field_set_dev_ipv6(hdr, fid, true); } void protos_init(const char *dev) { struct proto_hdr *p; ctx.dev = dev; protos_l2_init(); protos_l3_init(); protos_l4_init(); for (p = registered; p; p = p->next) p->ctx = &ctx; } void proto_packet_finish(void) { ssize_t i; /* Go down from upper layers to do last calculations (checksum) */ for (i = headers_count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { struct proto_hdr *p = headers[i]; if (p->packet_finish) p->packet_finish(p); } for (i = 0; i < headers_count; i++) { struct proto_hdr *p = headers[i]; if (p->fields) { xfree(p->fields); p->fields_count = 0; } xfree(headers[i]); } headers_count = 0; }