path: root/reference/C/CONTRIB/SNIP/vio.asm
diff options
authorTobias Klauser <>2008-01-27 11:37:44 +0100
committerTobias Klauser <tklauser@xenon.tklauser.home>2008-01-27 11:37:44 +0100
commit7e0f021a9aec35fd8e6725e87e3313b101d26f5e (patch)
treeb1cacc4b24393f517aeb4610e9e1021f954307a8 /reference/C/CONTRIB/SNIP/vio.asm
Initial import (2.0.2-6)2.0.2-6
Diffstat (limited to 'reference/C/CONTRIB/SNIP/vio.asm')
1 files changed, 896 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/reference/C/CONTRIB/SNIP/vio.asm b/reference/C/CONTRIB/SNIP/vio.asm
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..58ae831
--- /dev/null
+++ b/reference/C/CONTRIB/SNIP/vio.asm
@@ -0,0 +1,896 @@
+; screen handling primitives
+; by: jim nutt
+.model large
+vseg dw 0b000h
+vmode db ?
+x dw 0
+y dw 0
+color db 07h
+ofs dw 0
+xhite db 8
+; video information block
+VIOinfo struc
+ level db ?
+ db ?
+ dw ?
+ flags dw ?
+ mode db ?
+ db ?
+ colors dw ?
+ pixcol dw ?
+ pixrow dw ?
+ txtcol dw ?
+ txtrow dw ?
+VIOinfo ends
+info VIOinfo <0,0,14,1,0,0,2,0,0,80,25>
+public _VIOopen, _VIOclose, _VIOcolumns, _VIOrows, _VIOmode
+public _VIOscrollright, _VIOscrollleft, _VIOscrollup, _VIOscrolldown
+public _VIOclear, _VIOputc, _VIOputs, _VIOgetca, _VIOgetra, _VIOheight,
+public _VIOsetfore, _VIOsetback, _VIOgetfore, _VIOgetback
+public _VIOgotoxy, _VIOupdate, _VIOwherex, _VIOwherey, _VIOputr
+public _VIOcursor, _VIOsegment, _VIOsetSegment, _VIOsetRows, _VIOsetCols
+;int _far _pascal VIOheight(void)
+_VIOheight proc
+ mov al, xhite;
+ xor ah,ah;
+ ret
+_VIOheight endp
+;int _far _pascal VIOopen(void);
+_VIOopen proc
+ push ds
+ mov ax,3000h ; get dos version, v4 can do this from dos
+ int 21h
+ cmp al,4
+ je odos4
+ mov ax,0f00h ; get screen mode and width
+ int 10h
+ mov vmode, al
+ cmp al,7
+ je mono
+ xor al,al
+ xchg al,ah
+ mov info.txtcol,ax
+ mov vseg,0b800h
+ push di
+ mov ax,0fe00h
+ mov es,vseg
+ mov di,0
+ int 10h
+ pop di
+ mov vseg,es
+ push bp ; how many rows
+ mov ax,1130h
+ mov bh,1h
+ xor dx,dx
+ int 10h
+ pop bp
+ cmp dl,0
+ je cga
+ mov xhite,cl
+ inc dl
+ xor dh,dh
+ mov info.txtrow,dx
+mono: mov ax,0
+ pop ds
+ ret
+odos4: mov ax,440ch
+ mov bx,0
+ mov cx,037fh
+ mov dx,offset info
+ int 21h
+ jnc l1
+ pop ds
+ ret
+cga: mov info.txtrow,25
+l1: mov ax,0
+ pop ds
+ ret
+_VIOopen endp
+;void _far _pascal VIOclose(void);
+_VIOclose proc
+ mov ax,3000h
+ int 21h
+ cmp al,4
+ jne l2
+ mov ax,440ch
+ mov bx,0
+ mov cx,035fh
+ mov dx,offset info
+ int 21h
+l2: ret
+_VIOclose endp
+;int _far VIOcolumns(void);
+_VIOcolumns proc
+ mov ax,info.txtcol
+ ret
+_VIOcolumns endp
+;int _far VIOrows(void);
+_VIOrows proc
+ mov ax,info.txtrow
+ ret
+_VIOrows endp
+;int _far VIOmode(void);
+_VIOmode proc
+ mov al,vmode
+ xor ah,ah
+ ret
+_VIOmode endp
+;int _far VIOwherex(void);
+_VIOwherex proc
+ mov ax,x
+ ret
+_VIOwherex endp
+;int _far VIOwherey(void);
+_VIOwherey proc
+ mov ax,y
+ ret
+_VIOwherey endp
+;void _far VIOscrollright(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int count);
+_VIOscrollright proc
+ push bp
+ mov bp,sp
+ pushf
+ std
+ push di
+ push si
+ mov ax,[bp+8]
+ mov bx,[bp+12]
+ sub bx,ax
+ mov cx,info.txtcol
+ mul cl
+ mov dx,[bp+10]
+ add dx,ax
+ shl dx,1
+ mov cx,[bp+10]
+ sub cx,[bp+6]
+ add bx,2
+ mov [bp+6],cx
+ mov [bp+8],bx
+ mov es,vseg
+sr1: dec word ptr [bp+8]
+ jz sr3
+ mov bx,[bp+14]
+ push ds
+ mov ah,color
+ mov al,20h
+ push es
+ pop ds
+sr2: mov di,dx
+ mov si,di
+ dec si
+ dec si
+ mov cx,[bp+6]
+ rep movsw
+ stosw
+ dec bx
+ jnz sr2
+ pop ds
+ mov ax,info.txtcol
+ shl ax,1
+ add dx,ax
+ jmp sr1
+sr3: pop si
+ pop di
+ popf
+ pop bp
+ ret
+_VIOscrollright endp
+;void _far VIOscrollleft(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int count);
+_VIOscrollleft proc
+ push bp
+ mov bp,sp
+ pushf
+ push di
+ push si
+ mov ax,[bp+8]
+ mov bx,[bp+12]
+ sub bx,ax
+ mov cx,info.txtcol
+ mul cl
+ mov dx,[bp+6]
+ add dx,ax
+ shl dx,1
+ mov cx,[bp+10]
+ sub cx,[bp+6]
+ add bx,2
+ mov [bp+6],cx
+ mov [bp+8],bx
+ mov es,vseg
+sl1: dec word ptr [bp+8]
+ jz sl3
+ mov bx,[bp+14]
+ push ds
+ mov ah,color
+ mov al,20h
+ push es
+ pop ds
+sl2: mov di,dx
+ mov si,di
+ inc si
+ inc si
+ mov cx,[bp+6]
+ rep movsw
+ stosw
+ dec bx
+ jnz sl2
+ pop ds
+ mov ax,info.txtcol
+ shl ax,1
+ add dx,ax
+ jmp sl1
+sl3: pop si
+ pop di
+ popf
+ pop bp
+ ret
+_VIOscrollleft endp
+;void _far VIOscrollup(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int count);
+_VIOscrollup proc
+ push bp
+ mov bp,sp
+ push di
+ push si
+ mov es,vseg
+ mov bx,[bp+6]
+ mov ax,[bp+8]
+ mov dx,info.txtcol
+ mul dl
+ add ax,bx
+ shl ax,1
+ shl dx,1
+ push ax
+ push ds
+ push ax
+ mov cx,[bp+10]
+ sub cx,bx
+ mov bx,cx
+ mov ax,[bp+12]
+ sub ax,[bp+8]
+ mov [bp+12],ax
+ push es
+ pop ds
+ inc word ptr [bp+14]
+l9: dec word ptr [bp+14]
+ jz l11
+ mov ax,[bp+12]
+l10: pop di
+ mov si,di
+ add si,dx
+ push si
+ mov cx,bx
+ rep movsw
+ dec ax
+ jne l10
+ pop di
+ pop ds
+ mov al,20h
+ mov ah,color
+ mov cx,bx
+ rep stosw
+ pop di
+ push di
+ push ds
+ push di
+ push es
+ pop ds
+ jmp l9
+l11: pop ax
+ pop ds
+ pop ax
+ pop si
+ pop di
+ pop bp
+ ret
+_VIOscrollup endp
+;void _far VIOscrolldown(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int count);
+_VIOscrolldown proc
+ push bp
+ mov bp,sp
+ push di
+ push si
+ mov es,vseg
+ mov bx,[bp+6]
+ mov ax,[bp+12]
+ mov dx,info.txtcol
+ mul dl
+ add ax,bx
+ shl ax,1
+ shl dx,1
+ push ax
+ push ds
+ push ax
+ mov cx,[bp+10]
+ sub cx,bx
+ mov bx,cx
+ mov ax,[bp+12]
+ sub ax,[bp+8]
+ mov [bp+12],ax
+ push es
+ pop ds
+ inc word ptr [bp+14]
+l6: dec word ptr [bp+14]
+ jz l7
+ mov ax,[bp+12]
+l8: pop di
+ mov si,di
+ sub si,dx
+ push si
+ mov cx,bx
+ rep movsw
+ dec ax
+ jne l8
+ pop di
+ pop ds
+ mov al,20h
+ mov ah,color
+ mov cx,bx
+ rep stosw
+ pop di
+ push di
+ push ds
+ push di
+ push es
+ pop ds
+ jmp l6
+l7: pop ax
+ pop ds
+ pop ax
+ pop si
+ pop di
+ pop bp
+ ret
+_VIOscrolldown endp
+;void _far VIOclear(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2);
+_VIOclear proc
+ push bp
+ mov bp,sp
+ push di
+ push si
+ mov es,vseg
+ mov ax,[bp+8]
+ mov bx,[bp+6]
+ mov cx,info.txtcol
+ mul cl
+ add ax,bx
+ shl ax,1
+ mov si,ax
+ mov bx,[bp+10]
+ sub bx,[bp+6]
+ inc bx
+ mov dx,[bp+12]
+ sub dx,[bp+8]
+ inc dx
+ mov al,20h
+ mov ah,color
+l5: mov di,si
+ mov cx,bx
+ rep stosw
+ mov cx,info.txtcol
+ shl cx,1
+ add si,cx
+ dec dx
+ jne l5
+ pop si
+ pop di
+ pop bp
+ ret
+_VIOclear endp
+;void _far VIOputc(const char c);
+_VIOputc proc
+ push bp
+ mov bp,sp
+ push di
+ mov es,vseg
+ mov di,ofs
+ mov ax,[bp+6]
+ mov ah,color
+ stosw
+ mov ofs,di
+ pop di
+ mov ax,x
+ inc ax
+ cmp ax,info.txtcol
+ jge cwrap
+ mov x,ax
+ pop bp
+ ret
+cwrap: inc y
+ sub ax,info.txtcol
+ mov x,ax
+ pop bp
+ ret
+_VIOputc endp
+;void _far VIOputs(const char far * s);
+_VIOputs proc
+ push bp
+ mov bp,sp
+ push di
+ push si
+ push ds
+ mov es,vseg
+ mov di,ofs
+ mov ah,color
+ lds si,[bp+6]
+ mov bx,x
+l3: lodsb
+ cmp al,0
+ je l4
+ stosw
+ inc bx
+ jmp l3
+l4: mov ofs,di
+ pop ds
+ pop si
+ pop di
+ cmp bx,info.txtcol
+ jge swrap
+ mov x,bx
+ pop bp
+ ret
+swrap: inc y
+ sub bx,info.txtcol
+ mov x,bx
+ pop bp
+ ret
+_VIOputs endp
+;int _far VIOgetca(const int x, const int y);
+_VIOgetca proc
+ push bp
+ mov bp,sp
+ mov es,vseg
+ mov ax,[bp+8]
+ mov bx,[bp+6]
+ mov cx,info.txtcol
+ mul cl
+ add ax,bx
+ shl ax,1
+ xchg ax,bx
+ mov ax,es:[bx]
+ pop bp
+ ret
+_VIOgetca endp
+;int *_far VIOgetra(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int * b);
+_VIOgetra proc
+ push bp
+ mov bp,sp
+ push di
+ push si
+ push ds
+ mov ax,[bp+8] ; y1
+ mov bx,info.txtcol
+ mul bl ; y1 * width of screen
+ add ax,[bp+6]
+ shl ax,1 ; x1 * 2
+ shl bx,1 ; width * 2
+ mov cx,[bp+10]
+ sub cx,[bp+6] ; x2 - x1
+ mov dx,[bp+12]
+ sub dx,[bp+8] ; y2 - y1
+ inc dx
+ inc cx
+ les di,[bp+14]
+ mov ds,vseg
+ push cx
+gr1: pop cx
+ push cx
+ mov si,ax
+ rep movsw
+ add ax,bx
+ dec dx
+ jnz gr1
+ pop cx
+ pop ds
+ pop si
+ pop di
+ pop bp
+ ret
+_VIOgetra endp
+;void _far VIOputr(int x, int y, int w, int h, int far * b);
+_VIOputr proc
+ push bp
+ mov bp,sp
+ push ds
+ push si
+ push di
+ mov ax,[bp+8]
+ mov bx,info.txtcol
+ mul bl ; y * width
+ add ax,[bp+6]
+ shl ax,1
+ shl bx,1
+ mov es,vseg
+ lds si,[bp+14]
+ mov dx,[bp+10]
+pr1: mov cx,dx
+ mov di,ax
+ rep movsw
+ add ax,bx
+ dec word ptr [bp+12]
+ jnz pr1
+ pop di
+ pop si
+ pop ds
+ pop bp
+ ret
+_VIOputr endp
+;void _far VIOsetfore(const int c);
+_VIOsetfore proc
+ push bp
+ mov bp,sp
+ mov bl,color
+ and bx,00f0h
+ mov ax,[bp+6]
+ and ax,000fh
+ or ax,bx
+ mov color,al
+ pop bp
+ ret
+_VIOsetfore endp
+;void _far VIOsetback(const int c);
+_VIOsetback proc
+ push bp
+ mov bp,sp
+ mov bl,color
+ and bx,000fh
+ mov ax,[bp+6]
+ and ax,000fh
+ shl ax,1
+ shl ax,1
+ shl ax,1
+ shl ax,1
+ or ax,bx
+ mov color,al
+ pop bp
+ ret
+_VIOsetback endp
+;int _far VIOgetfore(void);
+_VIOgetfore proc
+ mov al,color
+ and ax,000fh
+ ret
+_VIOgetfore endp
+;int _far VIOgetback(void);
+_VIOgetback proc
+ mov al,color
+ and ax,00f0h
+ shr al,1
+ shr al,1
+ shr al,1
+ shr al,1
+ ret
+_VIOgetback endp
+;void _far VIOgotoxy(int x, int y);
+_VIOgotoxy proc
+ push bp
+ mov bp,sp
+ mov bx,[bp + 6]
+ mov ax,[bp + 8]
+ mov x,bx
+ mov y,ax
+ mov cx,info.txtcol
+ mul cl
+ add ax,bx
+ shl ax,1
+ mov ofs,ax
+ pop bp
+ ret
+_VIOgotoxy endp
+;void _far VIOupdate(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2);
+_VIOupdate proc
+ mov ah,2
+ mov bh,0
+ mov cx,y
+ mov dx,x
+ mov dh,cl
+ int 10h
+ ret
+_VIOupdate endp
+;void _far VIOcursor(int _far * x, int _far * y, int _far * shape);
+_VIOcursor proc
+ push bp
+ mov bp,sp
+ push ds
+ mov ah,3
+ mov bh,0
+ int 10h
+ mov al,dl
+ cbw
+ lds bx,[bp + 6]
+ mov [bx],ax
+ mov al,dh
+ cbw
+ lds bx,[bp + 10]
+ mov [bx],ax
+ lds bx,[bp + 14]
+ mov [bx],cx
+ pop ds
+ pop bp
+ ret
+_VIOcursor endp
+;unsigned int _far VIOsegment(void);
+_VIOsegment proc
+ mov ax, vseg
+ ret
+_VIOsegment endp
+;void _far VIOsetSegment(unsigned int s);
+_VIOsetSegment proc
+ push bp
+ mov bp,sp
+ mov ax, [bp + 6]
+ mov vseg,ax
+ pop bp
+ ret
+_VIOsetSegment endp
+;void _far VIOsetRows(int r);
+_VIOsetRows proc
+ push bp
+ mov bp,sp
+ mov ax,[bp + 6]
+ mov info.txtrow,ax
+ pop bp
+ ret
+_VIOsetRows endp
+;void _far VIOsetCols(int c);
+_VIOsetCols proc
+ push bp
+ mov bp,sp
+ mov ax,[bp + 6]
+ mov info.txtcol, ax
+ pop bp
+ ret
+_VIOsetCols endp