path: root/reference/C/FUNCTIONS/funcref.htm
diff options
authorTobias Klauser <>2008-01-27 11:37:44 +0100
committerTobias Klauser <tklauser@xenon.tklauser.home>2008-01-27 11:37:44 +0100
commit7e0f021a9aec35fd8e6725e87e3313b101d26f5e (patch)
treeb1cacc4b24393f517aeb4610e9e1021f954307a8 /reference/C/FUNCTIONS/funcref.htm
Initial import (2.0.2-6)2.0.2-6
Diffstat (limited to 'reference/C/FUNCTIONS/funcref.htm')
1 files changed, 760 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/reference/C/FUNCTIONS/funcref.htm b/reference/C/FUNCTIONS/funcref.htm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f97e076
--- /dev/null
+++ b/reference/C/FUNCTIONS/funcref.htm
@@ -0,0 +1,760 @@
+<title>C Functions - Quick Ref</title>
+<script language="JavaScript">
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+ document.writeln(Str);
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+<body bgcolor="ffffcc">
+<img src=../../GRAPHICS/function.gif alt="Functions">
+This is a summary of
+<a href="../glossary.html#ansi">ANSI</a> and
+<a href="../glossary.html#posix">POSIX</a> functions grouped by library. If you want an alphabetical
+list, please use the <a href="../master_index.html">master index</a>.
+Please refer
+to a manual for a complete list of functions available to you.
+ <ul>
+ <li><a href="#headers">ANSI standard library.</a>
+ <li><a href="#posix">POSIX library.</a>
+ <li><a href="#NONANSI">Non Standard functions from CONIO.H</a>
+ <li><a href="#NONANSIUNIX">Non ANSI Standard Unix functions</a>
+ <li><a href="#USER">User written functions.</a>
+ <li><a href="arglists.html">Variable length argument lists.</a>
+ </ul>
+ <p>
+ <hr>
+ <a name="ANSI">
+ <a name="headers">
+ <h2>ANSI standard library.</h2>
+ The ANSI library is declared in the following header files.
+ <p>
+ <table border=2 width=100% bgcolor=ivory>
+ <tr align=center><td>
+ <a href="#assert">assert.h</a>
+ </td><td>
+ <a href="#ctype">ctype.h</a>
+ </td><td>
+ <a href="#errno">errno.h</a>
+ </td><td>
+ <a href="#float">float.h</a>
+ </td><td>
+ <a href="#limits">limits.h</a>
+ </td>
+ </tr><tr align=center>
+ <td>
+ <a href="#locale">locale.h</a>
+ </td><td>
+ <a href="#math">math.h</a>
+ </td><td>
+ <a href="#setjmp">setjmp.h</a>
+ </td><td>
+ <a href="#signal">signal.h</a>
+ </td><td>
+ <a href="#stdarg">stdarg.h</a>
+ </td>
+ </tr><tr align=center>
+ <td>
+ <a href="#stddef">stddef.h</a>
+ </td><td>
+ <a href="#stdio">stdio.h</a>
+ </td><td>
+ <a href="#stdlib">stdlib.h</a>
+ </td><td>
+ <a href="#string">string.h</a>
+ </td><td>
+ <a href="#time">time.h</a>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ <p>
+ <a name=posix>
+ <hr>
+ <h2>POSIX library</h2>
+ The <a href="../glossary.html#posix">POSIX</a> library contains
+ the following headers.
+ <p>
+ <table border=2 width=100% bgcolor=ivory>
+ <tr align=center><td>
+ <a href="#cpio">cpio.h</a>
+ </td><td>
+ <a href="#dirent">dirent.h</a>
+ </td><td>
+ <a href="#fcntl">fcntl.h</a>
+ </td><td>
+ <a href="#grp">grp.h</a>
+ </td><td>
+ <a href="#pwd">pwd.h</a>
+ </td>
+ </tr><tr align=center>
+ <td>
+ <a href="#stat">sys/stat.h</a>
+ </td><td>
+ <a href="#times">sys/times.h</a>
+ </td><td>
+ <a href="#types">sys/types.h</a>
+ </td><td>
+ <a href="#utsname">sys/utsname.h</a>
+ </td><td>
+ <a href="#wait">sys/wait.h</a>
+ </td>
+ </tr><tr align=center>
+ <td>
+ <a href="#tar">tar.h</a>
+ </td><td>
+ <a href="#termios">termios.h</a>
+ </td><td>
+ <a href="#unistd">unistd.h</a>
+ </td><td>
+ <a href="#utime">utime.h</a>
+ </td><td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ <p>
+<dl compact>
+<h2>ANSII Library headers</h2>
+<! ----------------------------------------------------------- >
+<! --- Should be complete and all entries are in master index >
+<! ASSERT.H >
+<a name=assert>
+Line("man", "../MAN/assert.htm", "assert", "");
+<! ----------------------------------------------------------- >
+<! --- Should be complete and all entries are in master index >
+<! CTYPE.H >
+<a name=ctype>
+Line("whiteball", "../EXAMPLES/is_examp.c", "isalnum", "Checks whether a character is alphanumeric (A-Z, a-z, 0-9)");
+Line("whiteball", "../EXAMPLES/is_examp.c", "isalpha", "");
+Line("whiteball", "../EXAMPLES/is_examp.c", "iscntrl", "Checks whether a character is a control character or delete ( decimal 0-31 and 127)");
+Line("whiteball", "../EXAMPLES/is_examp.c", "isdigit", "Checks whether a character is a digit (0-9)");
+Line("whiteball", "../EXAMPLES/is_examp.c", "isgraph", "Checks whether a character is a printable character, excluding the space (decimal 32)");
+Line("whiteball", "../EXAMPLES/is_examp.c", "islower", "Checks whether a character is a lower case letter (a-z).");
+Line("whiteball", "../EXAMPLES/is_examp.c", "isprint", "Checks whether a character is printable (decimal 32-126).");
+Line("whiteball", "../EXAMPLES/is_examp.c", "ispunct", "Checks whether a character is punctuation (decimal 32-47, 58-63, 91-96, 123-126)");
+Line("whiteball", "../EXAMPLES/is_examp.c", "isspace", "Checks whether a character is white space - space, CR HT VT NL, FF.");
+Line("whiteball", "../EXAMPLES/is_examp.c", "isupper", "Checks whether a character is an upper case letter (A-Z).");
+Line("whiteball", "../EXAMPLES/is_examp.c", "isxdigit", "Checks whether a character is hex digit (0-9, A-F, a-f).");
+Line("man", "../MAN/toupper.htm", "toupper", "Converts a lowercase character to uppercase.");
+Line("man", "../MAN/toupper.htm", "tolower", "Convert an uppercase character to lowercase.");
+<! ----------------------------------------------------------- >
+<! ERRNO.H >
+<a name=errno>
+Line("man", "../FUNCTIONS/errno.htm", "errno", "");
+<! ----------------------------------------------------------- >
+<! FLOAT.H >
+<a name=float>
+No functions are <a href="../SYNTAX/functions.html#2.2">declared</a> in stddef.h.
+<! ----------------------------------------------------------- >
+<! LIMITS.H >
+<a name=limits>
+No functions are <a href="../SYNTAX/functions.html#2.2">declared</a> in stddef.h.
+<! ----------------------------------------------------------- >
+<! LOCALE.H >
+<a name=locale>
+Line("man", "../MAN/setlocale.htm", "setlocale", "");
+<! ----------------------------------------------------------- >
+<! MATH.H >
+<! --- Should be complete. master index done >
+<a name=math>
+Line("man", "../MAN/acos.htm", "acos", "");
+Line("man", "../MAN/asin.htm", "asin", "");
+Line("man", "../MAN/atan.htm", "atan", "");
+Line("man", "../MAN/atan2.htm", "atan2", "");
+Line("man", "../MAN/ceil.htm", "ceil", "smallest integral value not less than x");
+Line("man", "../MAN/cos.htm", "cos", "Cosine.");
+Line("man", "../MAN/cosh.htm", "cosh", "");
+Line("man", "../MAN/exp.htm", "exp", "");
+Line("man", "../MAN/fabs.htm", "fabs", "absolute value of floating-point number");
+Line("man", "../MAN/floor.htm", "floor", "largest integral value not greater than x");
+Line("man", "../MAN/fmod.htm", "fmod", "floating-point remainder function");
+Line("man", "../MAN/frexp.htm", "frexp", "");
+Line("man", "../MAN/ldexp.htm", "ldexp", "");
+Line("man", "../MAN/exp.htm", "log", "");
+Line("man", "../MAN/exp.htm", "log10", "");
+Line("man", "../MAN/modf.htm", "modf", "");
+W("<a name=power>");
+Line("man", "../MAN/exp.htm", "pow", "Raise a number by a power.");
+Line("man", "../MAN/sin.htm", "sin", "The sine of an integer.");
+Line("man", "../MAN/sinh.htm", "sinh", "");
+W("<a name=square>");
+Line("man", "../MAN/sqrt.htm", "sqrt", "Square root of a number.");
+Line("man", "../MAN/tan.htm", "tan", "Tangent.");
+Line("man", "../MAN/tanh.htm", "tanh", "Hyperbolic tangent.");
+<h3>Note</h3> For some reason <b>abs</b> is in <a href="#stdlib">stdlib.h</a>
+<! ----------------------------------------------------------- >
+<! SETJMP.H >
+<a name=setjmp>
+Line("man", "../MAN/setjmp.htm", "setjmp", "");
+Line("man", "../MAN/longjmp.htm", "longjmp", "");
+<! ----------------------------------------------------------- >
+<! SIGNAL.H >
+<a name=signal>
+Line("man", "../MAN/signal.htm", "signal", "");
+Line("man", "../MAN/raise.htm", "raise", "");
+<! ----------------------------------------------------------- >
+<! STDARG.H >
+<a name=stdarg>
+Line("man", "../MAN/va_start.htm", "va_start", "");
+Line("man", "../MAN/va_start.htm", "va_arg", "");
+Line("man", "../MAN/va_start.htm", "va_end", "");
+Line("whiteball", "../SYNTAX/functions.html#2.7", "An example of use", "");
+See also <a href=#stdio>vprintf vfprintf and vsprintf</a> which all print the contents of a va_list
+<! ----------------------------------------------------------- >
+<! STDDEF.H >
+<a name=stddef>
+No functions are <a href="../SYNTAX/functions.html#2.2">declared</a> in stddef.h.
+<! ----------------------------------------------------------- >
+<! --- Not complete. master index to be done >
+<! STDIO.H >
+<a name=stdio>
+This header defines all the ANSI I/O functions that allow you to read
+and write to files and devices.
+<a href="../MISC/io.html#low">Low level</a> (non ANSI) functions are also available.
+Line("man", "../MAN/ferror.htm", "clearerr", "");
+Line("whiteball", "fclose.html", "fclose", "Close a file.");
+Line("whiteball", "../EXAMPLES/continue.c", "feof", "Check for EOF while reading a file.");
+Line("man", "../MAN/fflush.htm", "fflush", "");
+Line("whiteball", "fgetc.html", "fgetc", "Read a character from a file.");
+Line("man", "../MAN/fgetpos.htm", "fgetpos", "");
+Line("whiteball", "fgets.html", "fgets", "Read a record from a file (safer than fgetc).");
+Line("whiteball", "fopen.html", "fopen", "Open a file");
+Line("whiteball", "fprintf.html", "fprintf", "O/P a line of data to a file.");
+Line("whiteball", "files.html", "fputc", "Put a charater into a file.");
+Line("whiteball", "files.html", "fputs", "Put a string into a file.");
+Line("man", "../MAN/fread.htm", "fread", "");
+Line("man", "../MAN/freopen.htm", "freopen", "");
+Line("man", "../MAN/fscanf.htm", "fscanf", "");
+Line("man", "../MAN/fgetpos.htm", "fseek", "");
+Line("man", "../MAN/fgetpos.htm", "fsetpos", "");
+Line("man", "../MAN/fgetpos.htm", "ftell", "");
+Line("man", "../MAN/fread.htm", "fwrite", "");
+Line("whiteball", "fgetc.html", "getc", "Get a character from an input stream.");
+Line("whiteball", "getchar.html", "getchar", "Get a character from the keyboard (STDIN).");
+Line("whiteball", "gets.html", "gets", "Get string (from keyboard).");
+Line("man", "../MAN/perror.htm", "perror", "");
+Line("whiteball", "printf.html", "printf", "O/P data to the screen or a file.");
+Line("man", "../MAN/puts.htm", "putchar", "O/P a character to STDOUT.");
+Line("whiteball", "puts.html", "puts", "O/P data to the screen or a file.");
+Line("man", "../MAN/remove.htm", "remove", "Remove a file.");
+Line("man", "../MAN/fgetpos.htm", "rewind", "");
+Line("man", "../MAN/scanf.htm", "scanf", "");
+Line("man", "../MAN/setbuf.htm", "setbuf", "");
+Line("man", "../MAN/setvbuf.htm", "setvbuf", "");
+Line("whiteball", "sprintf.html", "sprintf", "O/P data in tha same way as 'printf' but put it into a string.");
+Line("whiteball", "sscanf.html", "sscanf", "Extract fields from a string.");
+Line("man", "../MAN/tmpfile.htm", "tmpfile", "");
+Line("man", "../MAN/tmpnam.htm", "tmpnam", "");
+Line("man", "../MAN/gets.htm", "ungetc", "");
+Line("man", "../MAN/vfprintf.htm", "vfprintf", "O/P a va_list to a file.");
+Line("man", "../MAN/vfprintf.htm", "vprintf", "O/P a va_list to stdout.");
+Line("man", "../MAN/vfprintf.htm", "vsprintf", "O/P a va_list to a string.");
+<! ----------------------------------------------------------- >
+<! --- Complete. master index to be done >
+<! STDLIB.H -->
+<a name=stdlib>
+Line("whiteball", "abort.htm", "abort", "a program.");
+Line("man", "../MAN/abs.htm", "abs", "compute the absolute value of an integer.");
+Line("whiteball", "atexit.htm", "atexit", "Execute the named function when the program terminates.");
+Line("whiteball", "atof.html", "atof", "convert a string to a double");
+Line("whiteball", "../EXAMPLES/exponent.c#atoi", "atoi", "Accepts +-0123456789 leading blanks and converts to integer.");
+Line("whiteball", "atol.html", "atol", "convert a string to a long integer");
+Line("whiteball", "bsearch.html", "bsearch", "Binary chop.");
+Line("man", "../MAN/calloc.htm", "calloc", "memory for an array.");
+Line("man", "../MAN/div.htm", "div", "compute the quotient and remainder of integer division");
+Line("whiteball", "exit.html", "exit", "Normally terminate a program.");
+Line("whiteball", "env.html", "getenv", "Get an environmental variable.");
+Line("whiteball", "free.html", "free", "memory allocated with malloc.");
+Line("man", "../MAN/labs.htm", "labs", "compute the absolute value of a long integer");
+Line("man", "../MAN/div.htm", "ldiv", "compute the quotient and remainder of long integer division.");
+Line("whiteball", "malloc.html", "malloc", "dynamically allocate memory.");
+Line("man", "../MAN/mblen.htm", "mblen", "determine the number of bytes in a character");
+Line("man", "../MAN/mbstowcs.htm", "mbstowcs", "convert a multibyte string to a wide character string.");
+Line("man", "../MAN/mbtowc.htm", "mbtowc", "convert a multibyte character to a wide character");
+Line("whiteball", "qsort.html", "qsort", "Sort an array.");
+Line("whiteball", "rand.html", "rand", "Generate a random number.");
+Line("man", "../MAN/realloc.htm", "realloc", "Reallocate memory.");
+Line("man", "../MAN/strtod.htm", "strtod", "Convert a string to a double.");
+Line("whiteball", "strtol.html", "strtol", "String to long integer conversion. Takes data in various number bases.");
+Line("whiteball", "strtoul.html", "strtoul", "Convert a string to an unsigned long. This can also perform number base conversion.");
+Line("whiteball", "srand.html", "srand", "Seed a random number.");
+Line("whiteball", "system.html", "system", "Issue a command to the operating system");
+Line("man", "../MAN/wctomb.htm", "wctomb", "convert a wide character to a multibyte character.");
+Line("man", "../MAN/wcstombs.htm", "wcstombs", "convert a wide character string to a multibyte character string.");
+<! ----------------------------------------------------------- >
+<! --- Complete. master index to be done >
+<! STRING.H >
+<a name=string>
+Line("man", "../MAN/memchr.htm", "memchr", "Copy a character into memory.");
+Line("man", "../MAN/memcmp.htm", "memcmp", "Compare memory locations.");
+Line("whiteball", "memcpy.htm", "memcpy", "Copy memory.");
+Line("man", "../MAN/memmove.htm", "memmove", "Move memory.");
+Line("man", "../MAN/memset.htm", "memset", "Set memory.");
+Line("man", "../MAN/strcat.htm", "strcat", "Concatinate two strings.");
+W("<a name=strchr>");
+Line("whiteball", "strchr.html", "strchr", "Search for a character in a string.");
+Line("whiteball", "strcmp.html", "strcmp", "Compare strings.");
+Line("man", "../MAN/strcoll.htm", "strcoll", "");
+Line("whiteball", "strcpy.html", "strcpy", "Copy strings.");
+Line("man", "../MAN/strcspn.htm", "strcspn", "");
+Line("man", "../MAN/strerror.htm", "strerror", "");
+Line("whiteball", "strlen.html", "strlen", "Length of a string.");
+Line("man", "../MAN/strcat.htm", "strncat", "Concatinate two strings.");
+Line("whiteball", "strncmp.html", "strncmp", "Compare two strings.");
+Line("whiteball", "strncpy.html", "strncpy", "Copy part of a string.");
+Line("whiteball", "strpbrk.html", "strpbrk", "");
+Line("whiteball", "strchr.html", "strrchr", "Search for a character in a string.");
+Line("man", "../MAN/strspn.htm", "strspn", "");
+Line("whiteball", "strstr.html", "strstr", "Search a string for a substring.");
+Line("whiteball", "strtok.html", "strtok", "The books say this function splits a string into tokens. I think its function is best described as parsing a string.");
+Line("whiteball", "time.html", "strxfrm", "");
+<! ----------------------------------------------------------- >
+<! TIME.H >
+<! --- Should be complete. master index done >
+<a name=time>
+Line("man", "../MAN/asctime.htm", "asctime", "");
+Line("man", "../MAN/clock.htm", "clock", "");
+Line("man", "../MAN/asctime.htm", "ctime", "");
+Line("man", "../MAN/difftime.htm", "difftime", "");
+Line("man", "../MAN/asctime.htm", "gmtime", "");
+Line("man", "../MAN/asctime.htm", "localtime", "");
+Line("man", "../MAN/asctime.htm", "mktime", "");
+Line("man", "../MAN/strftime.htm", "strftime", "");
+Line("man", "../MAN/time.htm", "time", "");
+Line("computer", "../EXAMPLES/time.c", "Example", "program using some of the time functions.");
+<h2>POSIX functions start here....</h2>
+<! -------------------------------------------------->
+<a name=cpio>
+<! -------------------------------------------------->
+<a name=dirent>
+Line("whiteball", "directory.html", "opendir", "Open a directory.");
+Line("whiteball", "directory.html", "closedir", "Close a directory.");
+Line("whiteball", "directory.html", "readdir", "Read a directory entry.");
+Line("whiteball", "directory.html", "rewinddir", "Return to the beginning of a directory.");
+Line("whiteball", "directory.html", "scandir", "Scan a directory for a matching entry.");
+Line("whiteball", "directory.html", "seekdir", "Move to an offset in a directory.");
+Line("whiteball", "directory.html", "telldir", "Return the location within a directory.");
+<! -------------------------------------------------->
+<a name=fcntl>
+<! -------------------------------------------------->
+<a name=grp>
+<! -------------------------------------------------->
+<a name=pwd>
+<! -------------------------------------------------->
+<a name=stat>
+<! -------------------------------------------------->
+<a name=times>
+<! -------------------------------------------------->
+<a name=types>
+<! -------------------------------------------------->
+<a name=utsname>
+<! -------------------------------------------------->
+<a name=wait>
+<! -------------------------------------------------->
+<a name=tar>
+<! -------------------------------------------------->
+<a name=termios>
+<! -------------------------------------------------->
+<a name=unistd>
+It seems that this library contains headers for many functions that originally came with the ANSII
+standard library but did not have headers.
+<b>My documentation for this POSIX library is incomplete.</b>
+Line("man", "../MAN/access.htm", "access", "");
+Line("man", "../MAN/alarm.htm", "alarm", "");
+Line("man", "../MAN/chdir.htm", "chdir", "Change the current working directory.");
+Line("man", "../MAN/chown.htm", "chown", "Change the ownership of a file.");
+Line("whiteball", "../FUNCTIONS/close.html", "close", "Close a file (see <a href=\"../MISC/io.html#low\">low level functions</a>)");
+Line("man", "../MAN/chroot.htm", "chroot", "Change the root directory I am not 100% sure this is supposed to be in unistd.");
+Line("man", "../MAN/ctermid.htm", "ctermid", "");
+Line("man", "../MAN/cuserid.htm", "cuserid", "");
+Line("man", "../MAN/dup2.htm", "dup", "duplicate a file descriptor");
+Line("man", "../MAN/dup2.htm", "dup2", "duplicate a file descriptor");
+Line("whiteball", "execl.html", "execl", "");
+Line("whiteball", "execl.html", "execle", "");
+Line("whiteball", "execl.html", "execlp", "");
+Line("whiteball", "execl.html", "execv", "");
+Line("whiteball", "execl.html", "execve", "");
+Line("whiteball", "execl.html", "execvp", "");
+Line("man", "../MAN/chdir.htm", "fchdir", "Change the current working directory.I am not 100% sure this is supposed to be in unistd.");
+Line("whiteball", "fork.html", "fork", "Create a child process.");
+Line("man", "../MAN/pathconf.htm", "fpathconf", "Change the current working directory.I am not 100% sure this is supposed to be in unistd.");
+Line("whiteball", "setuid.html", "getegid", "Get the group ID of the process.");
+Line("whiteball", "setuid.html", "geteuid", "Get the User ID of the process.");
+Line("man", "../MAN/gethostname.htm", "gethostname", "Name of the host (see <a href=\"#uname\">uname</a>). Not 100% sure this is in unistd");
+Line("whiteball", "../MAN/getopt.html", "getopt,", "parse the command line Not 100% sure this is in unistd.");
+Line("man", "../MAN/getgid.htm", "getgid", "Get a group ID.");
+Line("man", "../MAN/getgroups.htm", "getgroups", "");
+Line("man", "../MAN/getlogin.htm", "getlogin", "");
+Line("man", "../MAN/getpgrp.htm", "getpgrp", "");
+Line("man", "../MAN/getpid.htm", "getpid", "get process ID.");
+Line("man", "../MAN/getpid.htm", "getppid,", "get parent process ID.");
+Line("whiteball", "setuid.html", "getuid", "Get the User ID of the process.");
+Line("man", "../MAN/isatty.htm", "isatty", "");
+Line("man", "../MAN/link.htm", "link", "");
+Line("man", "../MAN/lseek.htm", "lseek", "");
+Line("man", "../MAN/mkdir.htm", "mkdir", "Make a directory");
+Line("whiteball", "open.html", "open", "Open a file");
+Line("man", "../MAN/fpathconf.htm", "pathconf", "");
+Line("man", "../MAN/pause.htm", "pause", "Put the program to sleep.");
+Line("whiteball", "pipe.html", "pipe", "");
+Line("whiteball", "read.html", "read", "Read a file descriptor.");
+Line("man", "../MAN/rename.htm", "rename", "Rename a file. This function can also be found in the ANSI stdio library. MAN PAGE.");
+Line("man", "../MAN/rmdir.htm", "rmdir", "Remove a directory");
+Line("whiteball", "setuid.html", "setgid", "Set the Group ID of the process.");
+Line("man", "../MAN/setpgid.htm", "setpgid", "");
+Line("man", "../MAN/setsid.htm", "setsid", "");
+W("<a name=setuid>");
+Line("whiteball", "setuid.html", "setuid", "Set the User ID of the process.");
+W("<a name=sleep>");
+Line("whiteball", "../MAN/sleep.htm", "sleep", "Pause for a required number of seconds.");
+Line("man", "../MAN/sysconf.htm", "sysconf", "");
+Line("man", "../MAN/tcgetpgrp.htm", "tcgetpgrp", "");
+Line("man", "../MAN/tcgetpgrp.htm", "tcsetpgrp", "");
+Line("man", "../MAN/ttyname.htm", "ttyname", "");
+Line("man", "../MAN/unlink.htm", "unlink", "Remove a file");
+Line("whiteball", "write.html", "write", "Write to a file descriptor.");
+<! -------------------------------------------------->
+<a name=utime>
+<! -------------------------------------------------->
+<a name="NONANSI">
+Dos Specific functions in conio.h Not very portable as conio.h
+is NOT in the ANSI standard library and does not
+appear on the Sun or Linux machines.
+Line("whiteball", "clrscr.html", "clrscr", "Clear screen");
+Line("whiteball", "", "getch", "Get a character from the keyboard.");
+Line("whiteball", "", "getche", "Get a character from the keyboard.");
+<a name="NONANSIUNIX">
+<h2>Non ANSI Standard Unix Functions.</h2>
+These functions are not in the ANSI standard libraries but are handy
+all the same.
+<dl compact>
+Line("whiteball", "#dirent", "dirent.h", "Functions performing actions on directories");
+Line("computer", "../EXAMPLES/statfs.c", "statfs", "Filesystem statistics.");
+Line("whiteball", "#unistd", "unistd.h", "");
+Line("whiteball", "#hotchpotch", "Ungrouped functions.", "");
+<! -------------------------------------------------->
+<! -------------------------------------------------->
+<a name="hotchpotch">
+<h2>Ungrouped functions</h2>
+<dl compact>
+Line("whiteball", "passwd.html", "endpwent", "");
+Line("whiteball", "passwd.html", "fgetpwent", "");
+Line("whiteball", "passwd.html", "getpw", "Get a password entry.");
+Line("whiteball", "passwd.html", "getpwent", "Get a password entry.");
+Line("whiteball", "passwd.html", "getpwnam", "Get a record by keying on the user name.");
+Line("whiteball", "passwd.html", "getpwuid", "Get a record by keying on the UID (numeric).");
+Line("whiteball", "setuid.html", "getuidx", "Get the User ID of a process (RS/6000 only).");
+Line("whiteball", "strchr.html", "index", "Search for a character in a string (Use <a href=#strchr>strchr</a> to conform to the ANSI standard).");
+Line("whiteball", "passwd.html", "putpwent", "");
+Line("whiteball", "pclose.html", "pclose", "Close a pipe.");
+Line("whiteball", "popen.html", "popen", "Open a Unix pipe.");
+Line("whiteball", "env.html", "putenv", "Change or create an environmental variable.");
+Line("whiteball", "env.html", "setenv", "Change or create an environmental variable.");
+Line("whiteball", "passwd.html", "setpwent", "");
+Line("whiteball", "setuid.html", "setreuid", "Set the ID of the process calling process.");
+Line("whiteball", "stat.html", "stat", "Get status information on files (modification time, file size etc).");
+W("<a name=uname>");
+Line("whiteball", "uname.html", "uname", "Get information about the machine we are running on.");
+Line("whiteball", "env.html", "unsetenv", "Remove an environmental variable.");
+Line("whiteball", "setuid.html", "setuidx", "Set the User ID of the process (RS/6000 only).");
+Line("whiteball", "setuid.html", "setegid setrgid", "Set the Group ID of the process.");
+W("<a name=setuid>");
+Line("whiteball", "setuid.html", "seteuid setruid", "Set the User ID of the process.");
+Line("whiteball", "setuid.html", "getruid", "Get the User ID of the process.");
+Line("whiteball", "../SYNTAX/sizeof.html", "sizeof", "Return the storage allocation for a <a href=../CONCEPT/data_types.html>data type.</a>This is actually an operator! I have put it in here as it looks like a function and so you will probably look for it here....");
+Line("computer", "../EXAMPLES/sizeof.c", "example", "showing the size of data types");
+Line("computer", "../EXAMPLES/sizeof1.c", "example", "showing the size of data objects.");
+<a name="USER">
+<h2>User written functions <br>(and a few lifted from books)</h2>
+Line("computer", "../EXAMPLES/clrscr.c", "clrscr.", "Clear the screen using VT escape sequence.");
+Line("computer", "../EXAMPLES/convesc.c", "convesc.", "Insert escape codes into a text string.");
+Line("computer", "../EXAMPLES/basename.c", "basename.", "Strip directory information from a Unix file name.");
+Line("computer", "../EXAMPLES/printenv.c", "printenv.", "List the environmental variables.");
+Line("computer", "../EXAMPLES/lenstr.c", "lenstr", "User written version of <a href=strlen.html>strlen</a>", "");
+Line("computer", "../EXAMPLES/reverse.c", "reverse", "Reverse characters in a string.");
+<!-- Start of footer. -->
+<table border=2 width=80% bgcolor="ivory">
+<tr align=center>
+<td width="25%">
+<a href="../cref.html"> Top</a>
+</td><td width="25%">
+<a href="../master_index.html"> Master Index</a>
+</td><td width="25%">
+<a href="../SYNTAX/keywords.html"> Keywords</a>
+</td><td width="25%">
+<a href="funcref.htm"> Functions</a>
+<address>Martin Leslie