path: root/reference/C/CONTRIB/SNIP/where.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'reference/C/CONTRIB/SNIP/where.c')
1 files changed, 132 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/reference/C/CONTRIB/SNIP/where.c b/reference/C/CONTRIB/SNIP/where.c
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..d6ffdc4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/reference/C/CONTRIB/SNIP/where.c
@@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
+** WHERE.C: will search all DIRs on the given drive for specified file.
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <dos.h>
+#include <conio.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#if defined(__ZTC__)
+ #include <direct.h>
+ #define GetDrive(d) dos_getdrive(&d)
+ #define SetDrive(d) {unsigned x;dos_setdrive(d,&x);}
+ #define FAR _far
+#elif defined(__TURBOC__)
+ #include <dir.h>
+ #define GetDrive(d) ((d) = getdisk() + 1)
+ #define SetDrive(d) (setdisk(d - 1))
+ #define FAR far
+ #define _dos_findfirst(f,a,b) findfirst(f,b,a)
+ #define _dos_findnext(b) findnext(b)
+ #define find_t ffblk
+ #define _A_SUBDIR FA_DIREC
+ #define attrib ff_attrib
+ #define name ff_name
+#else /* assume MSC */
+ #include <direct.h>
+ #define GetDrive(d) _dos_getdrive(&d)
+ #define SetDrive(d) {unsigned x;_dos_setdrive(d,&x);}
+ #define FAR _far
+int count=0;
+main(int argc, char *argv[])
+ char *curdir,
+ sought[80],
+ *temp;
+ int curdrive, newdrive, p;
+ void searchdir(char *dir, char *ptrn);
+ /* Find out where we are */
+ curdir=getcwd(NULL,80);
+ GetDrive(curdrive);
+ /* Find out what we're looking for */
+ if(argc>1)
+ strcpy(sought,argv[1]);
+ else
+ {
+ printf("\n\nPattern to search for: ");
+ gets(sought);
+ }
+ /* Get designator for another drive if specified */
+ if(sought[1]==':')
+ {
+ newdrive=(toupper(sought[0]))-64; /* convert */
+ SetDrive(newdrive);
+ p = (sought[2]=='\\') ? 3:2;
+ strcpy(sought, &(sought[p]));
+ }
+ /* Add wildcard prefix/suffix if necessary */
+ if(sought[0]=='.')
+ {
+ temp=strcat("*",sought); /* set prefix */
+ strcpy(sought,temp);
+ }
+ if(!strchr(sought,'.'))
+ strcpy(sought,"*.*"); /* set suffix */
+ /* Perform search for pattern starting in root */
+ searchdir("\\",sought);
+ printf("\nNumber of matches: %d",count);
+ /* Restore Original Drive and Directory */
+ SetDrive(curdrive);
+ chdir(curdir);
+ return EXIT_SUCCESS;
+/*------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+void searchdir(char *path, char *ptrn)
+#define ANYFILE 0xFF /* recursive routine */
+ struct find_t *f;
+ char *wholepath;
+ unsigned rtn;
+ chdir(path); /* change to new path */
+ wholepath=getcwd(NULL,80); /* get full path name */
+ f=malloc(sizeof(*f));
+ /* Search for filename matches in this directory */
+ rtn= _dos_findfirst(ptrn,ANYFILE,f);
+ while(rtn==0)
+ {
+ if( f->attrib != _A_SUBDIR )
+ printf("%s\\%s\n",wholepath,f->name);
+ else printf("%s\\%s <DIR>\n",wholepath, f->name);
+ ++count;
+ rtn = _dos_findnext(f); /* find next match */
+ } /* end while loop */
+ /* Now search any subdirectories under this directory */
+ rtn= _dos_findfirst("*.*", _A_SUBDIR,f);
+ while(rtn==0)
+ {
+ if( (f->attrib == _A_SUBDIR) && (f->name[0] != '.'))
+ {
+ searchdir(f->name,ptrn); /* recursive call */
+ chdir(wholepath);
+ }
+ rtn = _dos_findnext(f); /* search next dir */
+ }
+ free(wholepath);
+ free(f);