
Be sure you understand the difference between a 'constant' and a declaration. A constant has a value that cannot be changed. For example:


Constants are used to assign a value to a variable. E.G
	int i;		/* declare a variable called 'i'	*/
	i=1234;		/* assign the constant value 1234 to 
			 * the variable 'i'			*/
        i++;		/* Change the value of the variable.	*/

Integer constants.

Interger constants can be expressed in the following ways.
	1234	(decimal)
	0xff	(Hexidecimal)
	0100	(Octal)
	'\xf'	(Hex character)
Examples of their use are:
	int i=255;	/* i assigned the decimal value of 255	*/

	i-=0xff		/* subtract 255 from i			*/

	i+=010		/* Add Octal 10 (decimal 8)		*/

			/* Print 15 - there are easier ways...	*/
	printf ("%i \n", '\xf'); 

Integer constants are assumed to have a datatype of
int, if it will not fit into an 'int' the compiler will assume the constant is a long. You may also force the compiler to use 'long' by putting an 'L' on the end of the integer constant.
        1234L           /* Long int constant (4 bytes)          */
The other modifier is 'U' for Unsigned.
        1234U           /* Unsigned int                         */
and to complete the picture you can specify 'UL'
        1234UL          /* Unsigned long int                    */

Floating point constants.

Floating point constants contain a decimal point or exponent. By default they are double.


Chararacter constants.

Are actually integers.

	escape sequences

String constants.

Strings do not have a datatype of their own. They are actually a sequence of char items terminated with a \0. A string can be accessed with a char pointer.

An example of a string would be:

	char *Str = "String Constant";

See the discussion on strings for more information.

Also see:

Top Master Index Keywords Functions

Martin Leslie
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