page 55, 132 ; ; ABSDISK.ASM ; ; Originally published as part of The MicroFirm Function Library ; This version released to the public domain by the author, Bob Stout ; ; Requires MASM 5.1 or later or equivalent ; ; Assemble with: MASM /Mx /z ... ; TASM /jMASM /mx /z ... ; % .MODEL memodel,C ;Add model support via ;command line macro, ;e.g. MASM /Dmemodel=LARGE ... extrn _osmajor:BYTE public absdisk .DATA start dw ? fill dw 0 number dw ? buf dw ?,? .CODE absdisk PROC USES SI DI BP, func:BYTE, drive:WORD, num_sec:WORD, start_sec:WORD, buffer:PTR mov AX,drive ;Get drive number in AL mov AH,_osmajor ;Load OS version in AH mov CX,num_sec ;Set up regs for DOS 3 call mov DX,start_sec IF @DataSize push DS ;Save DS in L & C models lds BX,buffer ELSE mov BX,buffer ENDIF cmp AH,4 ;DOS 4+? jb doint ;No, skip it mov start,DX ;Yes, fill in DCB structure mov number,CX mov buf,BX mov buf+2,DS mov cx,-1 IF @DataSize ;Point to DCB mov BX,@Data mov DS,BX ENDIF mov bx,OFFSET start doint: mov AH,func ;Read or Write? cmp AH,25h jne skip_1 int 25h ;Read sector jmp skip_3 skip_1: cmp AH,26h jne skip_2 int 26h ;Write sector jmp skip_3 skip_2: stc ;Invalid command mov AX,-1 skip_3: jc bye ;Error? mov AX,0 ;No, return SUCCESS bye: add SP,2 ;Int 25h leave the flags on the stack IF @DataSize pop DS ;Restore DS in L & C models ENDIF ret absdisk ENDP end 2ed538720ae1&id2=1ad38fd719da87980480886f21130053c73007ac'>diff
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