// public domain TSR clock code. By Michelangelo Jones, 1:141/575 or // 1:1/124. Very little support available; this is a quick hack, not // an example of the best way to write a clock TSR! Use at own risk. // Runs under TC++/BC++. Your mileage may vary. #ifndef __HUGE__ #error "Must be compiled using HUGE model-- for now" #endif #include extern unsigned _heaplen = 0; extern unsigned _stklen = 512; static char * screenbase = (char *) MK_FP (0xb800, 0); // change for mono static const long int * volatile ticks = // to 0xb000, 0 (long int * volatile) MK_FP (0, 0x046c); int calls, lastsec, lastmin, lasthr; const double tps = 18.20648; // found by experimentation! void interrupt (*oldhandler)(void); void displayclock (void) { char *moveinto = screenbase + 300; char *initwith = " : : "; // NOTE: This initializer only works because the attribute I want for the // clock HAPPENS to be the same as the ASCII value for the SPACE char! // Modify every alternate character if you want some other attribute. while (*initwith) *moveinto++ = *initwith++; lastsec = -1; lastmin = -1; lasthr = -1; calls = 20; } void interrupt clockproc(void) { static long seconds; if (calls < 17) calls++; else { seconds = (long) ((double) *ticks / tps); if (screenbase[301] != ' ') // if the attribute has changed, displayclock(); // the screen scrolled, so update. if (seconds % 60 != lastsec) { lastsec = seconds % 60; calls = 0; screenbase[314] = (char) (lastsec/10) + 48; screenbase[316] = (char) (lastsec%10) + 48; if ((! lastsec) || (lastmin < 0)) { lastmin = (seconds % 3600) / 60; screenbase[308] = (char) (lastmin/10) + 48; screenbase[310] = (char) (lastmin%10) + 48; if ((! lastmin) || (lasthr < 0)) { lasthr = ((seconds % 86400L) / 3600L); screenbase[302] = (char) (lasthr/10) + 48; screenbase[304] = (char) (lasthr%10) + 48; } } } } oldhandler (); } void main(void) { oldhandler = getvect (0x1c); displayclock(); setvect (0x1c, clockproc); keep (0, (_SS + (_SP/16) - _psp)); }