/* * Written and released to the public domain by David Engel. * * This function attempts to open a file which may be in any of * several directories. It is particularly useful for opening * configuration files. For example, PROG.EXE can easily open * PROG.CFG (which is kept in the same directory) by executing: * * cfg_file = pfopen("PROG.CFG", "r", getenv("PATH")); * * NULL is returned if the file can't be opened. */ #include #include #include #ifdef unix #define SEP_CHARS ":" #else #define SEP_CHARS ";" #endif FILE *pfopen(const char *name, const char *mode, const char *dirs) { char *ptr; char *tdirs; FILE *file = NULL; if (dirs == NULL || dirs[0] == '\0') return NULL; if ((tdirs = malloc(strlen(dirs)+1)) == NULL) return NULL; strcpy(tdirs, dirs); for (ptr = strtok(tdirs, SEP_CHARS); file == NULL && ptr != NULL; ptr = strtok(NULL, SEP_CHARS)) { size_t len; char work[FILENAME_MAX]; strcpy(work, ptr); len = strlen(work); if (len && work[len-1] != '/' && work[len-1] != '\\') strcat(work, "/"); strcat(work, name); file = fopen(work, mode); } free(tdirs); return file; } #ifdef TEST int main(int argc, char **argv) { FILE *file; if (argc != 4) { fprintf(stderr, "usage: pfopen name mode dirs\n"); exit(1); } file = pfopen(argv[1], argv[2], argv[3]); printf("%s \"%s\" with mode \"%s\"\n", (file == NULL) ? "Could not open" : "Opened", argv[1], argv[2]); return 0; } #endif it/log/tools/testing/selftests/net/socket.c'>logtreecommitdiff
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