page ,132 title STRECPY COMMENT $ Author: Leslie Satenstein A form of strcpy() where the result returned is the nul terminating character of the first argument. In many cases this function is move efficient than the equivalent strcpy, followed by strcat. The assembler code does a strlen followed by a memcpy, and makes use of the special string move instructions intrinsic to the intel 8088, 80186, 80286, '386 and '486s. Use as: strecpy(strecpy(target,"first part"),"Second part"); in place of strcat(strcpy(target,"first part"),"Second part"); One of the ways the C code appears is: char *strecpy(char *target,const char *src) { return target+strlen(strcpy(target,src)); } Another way is to do your own looping: char *strecpy(char *target,const char *src) { char *cpt,*cps; /* many compilers optimise better * when local pointers are declared * (locals can be assigned registers) */ cpt=target-1; cps=src-1; do { *++cpt = *++src; /* copy first, ask questions later */ } while(*cpt!='\0'); return cpt; } $ ; Requires MASM 5.1 or later or equivalent ; ; Assemble with: MASM /Mx /z ... ; TASM /jMASM /mx /z ... % .MODEL memodel,C ;Add model support via command ;line macros, e.g. ;MASM /Dmemodel=LARGE, ;MASM /Dmemodel=SMALL, etc. PUBLIC STRECPY .DATA .CODE if @DataSize strecpy proc uses si di ds,target:FAR ptr byte,src:FAR ptr byte les di,src ; load es:di with src mov si,di ; put copy to bx:si mov bx,es else strecpy proc uses si di,target:NEAR ptr byte,src:NEAR ptr byte mov di,ds ; make es same as ds mov es,di mov di,src mov si,di ; put copy to es:si endif xor ax,ax ; scan for the nul at end of string mov cx,-1 repne scasb not cx ; cx = strlen(src)+1 ; if @Datasize les di,target ; this is where copy is to begin mov dx,es ; dx has segment, di has offset to target mov ds,bx ; ds:si have pointer to src else mov di,target ; this is where copy is to begin endif test di,1 ; if we are on odd address, do one byte move jz on_even movsb ; now, prepare to move words at a dec cx ;time to target on_even: shr cx,1 ; carry flag has remainder after divide by 2 rep movsw ; move this many words jnc fini ; if no carry, we are finished movsb fini: xchg di,ax ; set up return value, dx has seg value dec ax ; backup to the nul character ret strecpy endp end /codecs/mc13783.h?h=nds-private-remove&id=da9f33018e2c0b2f341cb574e3c08363e3b0dd28'>mc13783.h
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