Internet References.
Where possible these links are to other sites. Some of the
references are uncompressed or de-archived copies of the originals.
Mirror Sites
This page is available at the following sites. I would like to thank
the administrators of these sites for hosting the guide.
USA - Maintained by Gary Greenburg.
Maintained by Javier Gutierrez on a IRIX 5.2 server.
Maintained by Javier Gutierrez on a IRIX 5.2 server.
French site.
English site.
Bernd Petrovitsch.
The latest home site. The home site has moved three times in three
years. Maybe this will be the final resting place :-)
- David Marshall's 'Programming
in C' tutorial
- 'C' course from Chris Sawtell.
'C Programming' from Steve Holmes.
University of Strathclyde Computer Centre.
Curran Building.
100 Cathedral Street.
- Tim Loves
'C for Programmers'. This
is a LARGE postscript document. Only download if you have a Postscript
viewer or printer.
Tim Loves documentation in HTML form.
- Introduction to C
Programming by Marshall Brian
C Reference documents.
Programming from Phil Willis
C Resources.
Martin Brown's Hot List
C Language Resource List
Items of interest from the net.
- Snippets - program examples. Compiled by Bob Stout.
- Learn C/C++
A comprehensive list of C related links maintained by Vinny Carpenter.
- C news group. Catch up on C related topics.
- C frequently-asked questions (FAQ)
maintained by Steve Summit.
HTML version of Steves FAQ
- Books list (mostly C related) compiled by Mitch
- Copies of the programs provided in the following O'Reilly Nutshell books.
- Pacific C compiler for MS-DOS
Martin Leslie