Reference variables allow two variable names to address the same memory location. The following example shows the technique in its simplest form.
#include |
Generally, you would not use a reference variable in this way. Its more likely that they would be used in function parameter lists to make the passing of pointers more readable.
This gives C++ the ability to provide a different approch to changing a variable from within a function. Consider the two following programs.
#include <stdio.h> void Square(int *pVal); main() { int Number=10; printf("Number is %d\n", Number); Square(&Number); printf("Number is %d\n", Number); } void Square(int *pVal) { *pVal *= *pVal; printf("Number is %d\n", *pVal); } |
#include <stdio.h> void Square(int &Val); main() { int Number=10; printf("Number is %d\n", Number); Square(Number); printf("Number is %d\n", Number); } void Square(int &Val) { Val *= Val; printf("Number is %d\n", Val); } |
The program on the right should be clearer to read because you do not need to worry about pointer dereferencing.
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