path: root/src
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authorTobias Klauser <>2009-10-21 13:55:07 +0200
committerTobias Klauser <>2009-10-21 13:55:07 +0200
commit11666ecee4ef81bf4985772bc547697d84b8e0b3 (patch)
treee4f497e16718cc49cae325b16e0d49a994b9042e /src
parent6cf3b9fbf405cc94b150ec7ae7f12b4be23e7cdb (diff)
Add new upstream files to src
Diffstat (limited to 'src')
3 files changed, 19434 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/egrep.c b/src/egrep.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7b74a06
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/egrep.c
@@ -0,0 +1,2270 @@
+/* A Bison parser, made by GNU Bison 2.3. */
+/* Skeleton implementation for Bison's Yacc-like parsers in C
+ Copyright (C) 1984, 1989, 1990, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006
+ Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+ any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
+ Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */
+/* As a special exception, you may create a larger work that contains
+ part or all of the Bison parser skeleton and distribute that work
+ under terms of your choice, so long as that work isn't itself a
+ parser generator using the skeleton or a modified version thereof
+ as a parser skeleton. Alternatively, if you modify or redistribute
+ the parser skeleton itself, you may (at your option) remove this
+ special exception, which will cause the skeleton and the resulting
+ Bison output files to be licensed under the GNU General Public
+ License without this special exception.
+ This special exception was added by the Free Software Foundation in
+ version 2.2 of Bison. */
+/* C LALR(1) parser skeleton written by Richard Stallman, by
+ simplifying the original so-called "semantic" parser. */
+/* All symbols defined below should begin with yy or YY, to avoid
+ infringing on user name space. This should be done even for local
+ variables, as they might otherwise be expanded by user macros.
+ There are some unavoidable exceptions within include files to
+ define necessary library symbols; they are noted "INFRINGES ON
+ USER NAME SPACE" below. */
+/* Identify Bison output. */
+#define YYBISON 1
+/* Bison version. */
+#define YYBISON_VERSION "2.3"
+/* Skeleton name. */
+#define YYSKELETON_NAME "yacc.c"
+/* Pure parsers. */
+#define YYPURE 0
+/* Using locations. */
+#define YYLSP_NEEDED 0
+/* Tokens. */
+ /* Put the tokens into the symbol table, so that GDB and other debuggers
+ know about them. */
+ enum yytokentype {
+ CHAR = 258,
+ DOT = 259,
+ CCL = 260,
+ NCCL = 261,
+ OR = 262,
+ CAT = 263,
+ STAR = 264,
+ PLUS = 265,
+ QUEST = 266
+ };
+/* Tokens. */
+#define CHAR 258
+#define DOT 259
+#define CCL 260
+#define NCCL 261
+#define OR 262
+#define CAT 263
+#define STAR 264
+#define PLUS 265
+#define QUEST 266
+/* Copy the first part of user declarations. */
+#line 1 "egrep.y"
+ Copyright (c) 1998-2000, The Santa Cruz Operation
+ All rights reserved.
+ Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+ modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
+ *Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
+ this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+ *Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
+ this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
+ and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+ *Neither name of The Santa Cruz Operation nor the names of its contributors
+ may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software
+ without specific prior written permission.
+ =========================================================================*/
+/* $Id: egrep.y,v 1.11 2006/04/21 10:45:48 broeker Exp $ */
+ * egrep -- fine lines containing a regular expression
+ */
+#line 47 "egrep.y"
+#include "global.h"
+#include <ctype.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <setjmp.h> /* jmp_buf */
+#define nextch() (*input++)
+#define MAXLIN 350
+#define MAXPOS 4000
+#define NCHARS 256
+#define NSTATES 128
+#define FINAL -1
+static char gotofn[NSTATES][NCHARS];
+static int state[NSTATES];
+static char out[NSTATES];
+static unsigned int line;
+static int name[MAXLIN];
+static unsigned int left[MAXLIN];
+static unsigned int right[MAXLIN];
+static unsigned int parent[MAXLIN];
+static int foll[MAXLIN];
+static int positions[MAXPOS];
+static char chars[MAXLIN];
+static int nxtpos;
+static int nxtchar;
+static int tmpstat[MAXLIN];
+static int initstat[MAXLIN];
+static int xstate;
+static int count;
+static int icount;
+static char *input;
+static long lnum;
+static int iflag;
+static jmp_buf env; /* setjmp/longjmp buffer */
+static char *message; /* error message */
+/* Internal prototypes: */
+static void cfoll(int v);
+static void cgotofn(void);
+static int cstate(int v);
+static int member(int symb, int set, int torf);
+static int notin(int n);
+static void synerror(void);
+static void overflo(void);
+static void add(int *array, int n);
+static void follow(unsigned int v);
+static int unary(int x, int d);
+static int node(int x, int l, int r);
+static unsigned int cclenter(int x);
+static unsigned int enter(int x);
+static int yylex(void);
+static int yyerror(char *);
+/* Enabling traces. */
+#ifndef YYDEBUG
+# define YYDEBUG 0
+/* Enabling verbose error messages. */
+/* Enabling the token table. */
+# define YYTOKEN_TABLE 0
+#if ! defined YYSTYPE && ! defined YYSTYPE_IS_DECLARED
+typedef int YYSTYPE;
+# define yystype YYSTYPE /* obsolescent; will be withdrawn */
+/* Copy the second part of user declarations. */
+/* Line 216 of yacc.c. */
+#line 224 "egrep.c"
+#ifdef short
+# undef short
+#ifdef YYTYPE_UINT8
+typedef YYTYPE_UINT8 yytype_uint8;
+typedef unsigned char yytype_uint8;
+#ifdef YYTYPE_INT8
+typedef YYTYPE_INT8 yytype_int8;
+#elif (defined __STDC__ || defined __C99__FUNC__ \
+ || defined __cplusplus || defined _MSC_VER)
+typedef signed char yytype_int8;
+typedef short int yytype_int8;
+#ifdef YYTYPE_UINT16
+typedef YYTYPE_UINT16 yytype_uint16;
+typedef unsigned short int yytype_uint16;
+#ifdef YYTYPE_INT16
+typedef YYTYPE_INT16 yytype_int16;
+typedef short int yytype_int16;
+#ifndef YYSIZE_T
+# ifdef __SIZE_TYPE__
+# define YYSIZE_T __SIZE_TYPE__
+# elif defined size_t
+# define YYSIZE_T size_t
+# elif ! defined YYSIZE_T && (defined __STDC__ || defined __C99__FUNC__ \
+ || defined __cplusplus || defined _MSC_VER)
+# include <stddef.h> /* INFRINGES ON USER NAME SPACE */
+# define YYSIZE_T size_t
+# else
+# define YYSIZE_T unsigned int
+# endif
+#ifndef YY_
+# include <libintl.h> /* INFRINGES ON USER NAME SPACE */
+# define YY_(msgid) dgettext ("bison-runtime", msgid)
+# endif
+# endif
+# ifndef YY_
+# define YY_(msgid) msgid
+# endif
+/* Suppress unused-variable warnings by "using" E. */
+#if ! defined lint || defined __GNUC__
+# define YYUSE(e) ((void) (e))
+# define YYUSE(e) /* empty */
+/* Identity function, used to suppress warnings about constant conditions. */
+#ifndef lint
+# define YYID(n) (n)
+#if (defined __STDC__ || defined __C99__FUNC__ \
+ || defined __cplusplus || defined _MSC_VER)
+static int
+YYID (int i)
+static int
+YYID (i)
+ int i;
+ return i;
+#if ! defined yyoverflow || YYERROR_VERBOSE
+/* The parser invokes alloca or malloc; define the necessary symbols. */
+# ifdef __GNUC__
+# define YYSTACK_ALLOC __builtin_alloca
+# elif defined __BUILTIN_VA_ARG_INCR
+# include <alloca.h> /* INFRINGES ON USER NAME SPACE */
+# elif defined _AIX
+# define YYSTACK_ALLOC __alloca
+# elif defined _MSC_VER
+# include <malloc.h> /* INFRINGES ON USER NAME SPACE */
+# define alloca _alloca
+# else
+# define YYSTACK_ALLOC alloca
+# if ! defined _ALLOCA_H && ! defined _STDLIB_H && (defined __STDC__ || defined __C99__FUNC__ \
+ || defined __cplusplus || defined _MSC_VER)
+# include <stdlib.h> /* INFRINGES ON USER NAME SPACE */
+# ifndef _STDLIB_H
+# define _STDLIB_H 1
+# endif
+# endif
+# endif
+# endif
+# endif
+ /* Pacify GCC's `empty if-body' warning. */
+# define YYSTACK_FREE(Ptr) do { /* empty */; } while (YYID (0))
+ /* The OS might guarantee only one guard page at the bottom of the stack,
+ and a page size can be as small as 4096 bytes. So we cannot safely
+ invoke alloca (N) if N exceeds 4096. Use a slightly smaller number
+ to allow for a few compiler-allocated temporary stack slots. */
+# define YYSTACK_ALLOC_MAXIMUM 4032 /* reasonable circa 2006 */
+# endif
+# else
+# endif
+# if (defined __cplusplus && ! defined _STDLIB_H \
+ && ! ((defined YYMALLOC || defined malloc) \
+ && (defined YYFREE || defined free)))
+# include <stdlib.h> /* INFRINGES ON USER NAME SPACE */
+# ifndef _STDLIB_H
+# define _STDLIB_H 1
+# endif
+# endif
+# ifndef YYMALLOC
+# define YYMALLOC malloc
+# if ! defined malloc && ! defined _STDLIB_H && (defined __STDC__ || defined __C99__FUNC__ \
+ || defined __cplusplus || defined _MSC_VER)
+# endif
+# endif
+# ifndef YYFREE
+# define YYFREE free
+# if ! defined free && ! defined _STDLIB_H && (defined __STDC__ || defined __C99__FUNC__ \
+ || defined __cplusplus || defined _MSC_VER)
+void free (void *); /* INFRINGES ON USER NAME SPACE */
+# endif
+# endif
+# endif
+#endif /* ! defined yyoverflow || YYERROR_VERBOSE */
+#if (! defined yyoverflow \
+ && (! defined __cplusplus \
+/* A type that is properly aligned for any stack member. */
+union yyalloc
+ yytype_int16 yyss;
+ YYSTYPE yyvs;
+ };
+/* The size of the maximum gap between one aligned stack and the next. */
+# define YYSTACK_GAP_MAXIMUM (sizeof (union yyalloc) - 1)
+/* The size of an array large to enough to hold all stacks, each with
+ N elements. */
+# define YYSTACK_BYTES(N) \
+ ((N) * (sizeof (yytype_int16) + sizeof (YYSTYPE)) \
+/* Copy COUNT objects from FROM to TO. The source and destination do
+ not overlap. */
+# ifndef YYCOPY
+# if defined __GNUC__ && 1 < __GNUC__
+# define YYCOPY(To, From, Count) \
+ __builtin_memcpy (To, From, (Count) * sizeof (*(From)))
+# else
+# define YYCOPY(To, From, Count) \
+ do \
+ { \
+ YYSIZE_T yyi; \
+ for (yyi = 0; yyi < (Count); yyi++) \
+ (To)[yyi] = (From)[yyi]; \
+ } \
+ while (YYID (0))
+# endif
+# endif
+/* Relocate STACK from its old location to the new one. The
+ local variables YYSIZE and YYSTACKSIZE give the old and new number of
+ elements in the stack, and YYPTR gives the new location of the
+ stack. Advance YYPTR to a properly aligned location for the next
+ stack. */
+# define YYSTACK_RELOCATE(Stack) \
+ do \
+ { \
+ YYSIZE_T yynewbytes; \
+ YYCOPY (&yyptr->Stack, Stack, yysize); \
+ Stack = &yyptr->Stack; \
+ yynewbytes = yystacksize * sizeof (*Stack) + YYSTACK_GAP_MAXIMUM; \
+ yyptr += yynewbytes / sizeof (*yyptr); \
+ } \
+ while (YYID (0))
+/* YYFINAL -- State number of the termination state. */
+#define YYFINAL 6
+/* YYLAST -- Last index in YYTABLE. */
+#define YYLAST 108
+/* YYNTOKENS -- Number of terminals. */
+#define YYNTOKENS 14
+/* YYNNTS -- Number of nonterminals. */
+#define YYNNTS 5
+/* YYNRULES -- Number of rules. */
+#define YYNRULES 18
+/* YYNRULES -- Number of states. */
+#define YYNSTATES 25
+/* YYTRANSLATE(YYLEX) -- Bison symbol number corresponding to YYLEX. */
+#define YYUNDEFTOK 2
+#define YYMAXUTOK 266
+ ((unsigned int) (YYX) <= YYMAXUTOK ? yytranslate[YYX] : YYUNDEFTOK)
+/* YYTRANSLATE[YYLEX] -- Bison symbol number corresponding to YYLEX. */
+static const yytype_uint8 yytranslate[] =
+ 0, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2,
+ 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2,
+ 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2,
+ 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2,
+ 12, 13, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2,
+ 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2,
+ 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2,
+ 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2,
+ 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2,
+ 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2,
+ 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2,
+ 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2,
+ 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2,
+ 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2,
+ 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2,
+ 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2,
+ 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2,
+ 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2,
+ 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2,
+ 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2,
+ 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2,
+ 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2,
+ 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2,
+ 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2,
+ 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2,
+ 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 2, 3, 4,
+ 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11
+/* YYPRHS[YYN] -- Index of the first RHS symbol of rule number YYN in
+ YYRHS. */
+static const yytype_uint8 yyprhs[] =
+ 0, 0, 3, 5, 8, 13, 17, 21, 22, 24,
+ 26, 28, 30, 34, 37, 40, 43, 46, 50
+/* YYRHS -- A `-1'-separated list of the rules' RHS. */
+static const yytype_int8 yyrhs[] =
+ 15, 0, -1, 16, -1, 17, 18, -1, 7, 17,
+ 18, 7, -1, 7, 17, 18, -1, 17, 18, 7,
+ -1, -1, 3, -1, 4, -1, 5, -1, 6, -1,
+ 18, 7, 18, -1, 18, 18, -1, 18, 9, -1,
+ 18, 10, -1, 18, 11, -1, 12, 18, 13, -1,
+ 1, -1
+/* YYRLINE[YYN] -- source line where rule number YYN was defined. */
+static const yytype_uint8 yyrline[] =
+ 0, 105, 105, 110, 112, 114, 116, 120, 123, 125,
+ 127, 129, 133, 135, 137, 139, 141, 143, 145
+/* YYTNAME[SYMBOL-NUM] -- String name of the symbol SYMBOL-NUM.
+ First, the terminals, then, starting at YYNTOKENS, nonterminals. */
+static const char *const yytname[] =
+ "$end", "error", "$undefined", "CHAR", "DOT", "CCL", "NCCL", "OR",
+ "CAT", "STAR", "PLUS", "QUEST", "'('", "')'", "$accept", "s", "t", "b",
+ "r", 0
+# ifdef YYPRINT
+/* YYTOKNUM[YYLEX-NUM] -- Internal token number corresponding to
+ token YYLEX-NUM. */
+static const yytype_uint16 yytoknum[] =
+ 0, 256, 257, 258, 259, 260, 261, 262, 263, 264,
+ 265, 266, 40, 41
+# endif
+/* YYR1[YYN] -- Symbol number of symbol that rule YYN derives. */
+static const yytype_uint8 yyr1[] =
+ 0, 14, 15, 16, 16, 16, 16, 17, 18, 18,
+ 18, 18, 18, 18, 18, 18, 18, 18, 18
+/* YYR2[YYN] -- Number of symbols composing right hand side of rule YYN. */
+static const yytype_uint8 yyr2[] =
+ 0, 2, 1, 2, 4, 3, 3, 0, 1, 1,
+ 1, 1, 3, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 1
+/* YYDEFACT[STATE-NAME] -- Default rule to reduce with in state
+ STATE-NUM when YYTABLE doesn't specify something else to do. Zero
+ means the default is an error. */
+static const yytype_uint8 yydefact[] =
+ 7, 7, 0, 2, 0, 0, 1, 18, 8, 9,
+ 10, 11, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 14, 15, 16,
+ 0, 0, 0, 17, 0
+static const yytype_int8 yydefgoto[] =
+ -1, 2, 3, 4, 20
+/* YYPACT[STATE-NUM] -- Index in YYTABLE of the portion describing
+#define YYPACT_NINF -5
+static const yytype_int8 yypact[] =
+ 2, -5, 3, -5, 1, 1, -5, -5, -5, -5,
+ -5, -5, 1, 47, 60, 72, 86, -5, -5, -5,
+ 19, 96, 1, -5, 33
+static const yytype_int8 yypgoto[] =
+ -5, -5, -5, 9, -4
+/* YYTABLE[YYPACT[STATE-NUM]]. What to do in state STATE-NUM. If
+ positive, shift that token. If negative, reduce the rule which
+ number is the opposite. If zero, do what YYDEFACT says.
+ If YYTABLE_NINF, syntax error. */
+#define YYTABLE_NINF -14
+static const yytype_int8 yytable[] =
+ 13, 14, 7, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 15, 1,
+ 5, 0, 24, 12, 0, 0, 0, 24, 24, -13,
+ 7, 0, -13, -13, -13, -13, -13, 0, 17, 18,
+ 19, -13, -13, -12, 7, 0, 8, 9, 10, 11,
+ -12, 0, 17, 18, 19, 12, -12, -3, 7, 0,
+ 8, 9, 10, 11, 16, 0, 17, 18, 19, 12,
+ -5, 7, 0, 8, 9, 10, 11, 21, 0, 17,
+ 18, 19, 12, 7, 0, 8, 9, 10, 11, 22,
+ 0, 17, 18, 19, 12, 23, -6, 7, 0, 8,
+ 9, 10, 11, 0, 0, 0, -4, 7, 12, 8,
+ 9, 10, 11, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 12
+static const yytype_int8 yycheck[] =
+ 4, 5, 1, 0, 3, 4, 5, 6, 12, 7,
+ 1, -1, 16, 12, -1, -1, -1, 21, 22, 0,
+ 1, -1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, -1, 9, 10,
+ 11, 12, 13, 0, 1, -1, 3, 4, 5, 6,
+ 7, -1, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 0, 1, -1,
+ 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, -1, 9, 10, 11, 12,
+ 0, 1, -1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, -1, 9,
+ 10, 11, 12, 1, -1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7,
+ -1, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 0, 1, -1, 3,
+ 4, 5, 6, -1, -1, -1, 0, 1, 12, 3,
+ 4, 5, 6, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 12
+/* YYSTOS[STATE-NUM] -- The (internal number of the) accessing
+ symbol of state STATE-NUM. */
+static const yytype_uint8 yystos[] =
+ 0, 7, 15, 16, 17, 17, 0, 1, 3, 4,
+ 5, 6, 12, 18, 18, 18, 7, 9, 10, 11,
+ 18, 7, 7, 13, 18
+#define yyerrok (yyerrstatus = 0)
+#define yyclearin (yychar = YYEMPTY)
+#define YYEMPTY (-2)
+#define YYEOF 0
+#define YYACCEPT goto yyacceptlab
+#define YYABORT goto yyabortlab
+#define YYERROR goto yyerrorlab
+/* Like YYERROR except do call yyerror. This remains here temporarily
+ to ease the transition to the new meaning of YYERROR, for GCC.
+ Once GCC version 2 has supplanted version 1, this can go. */
+#define YYFAIL goto yyerrlab
+#define YYRECOVERING() (!!yyerrstatus)
+#define YYBACKUP(Token, Value) \
+do \
+ if (yychar == YYEMPTY && yylen == 1) \
+ { \
+ yychar = (Token); \
+ yylval = (Value); \
+ yytoken = YYTRANSLATE (yychar); \
+ goto yybackup; \
+ } \
+ else \
+ { \
+ yyerror (YY_("syntax error: cannot back up")); \
+ } \
+while (YYID (0))
+#define YYTERROR 1
+#define YYERRCODE 256
+/* YYLLOC_DEFAULT -- Set CURRENT to span from RHS[1] to RHS[N].
+ If N is 0, then set CURRENT to the empty location which ends
+ the previous symbol: RHS[0] (always defined). */
+#define YYRHSLOC(Rhs, K) ((Rhs)[K])
+# define YYLLOC_DEFAULT(Current, Rhs, N) \
+ do \
+ if (YYID (N)) \
+ { \
+ (Current).first_line = YYRHSLOC (Rhs, 1).first_line; \
+ (Current).first_column = YYRHSLOC (Rhs, 1).first_column; \
+ (Current).last_line = YYRHSLOC (Rhs, N).last_line; \
+ (Current).last_column = YYRHSLOC (Rhs, N).last_column; \
+ } \
+ else \
+ { \
+ (Current).first_line = (Current).last_line = \
+ YYRHSLOC (Rhs, 0).last_line; \
+ (Current).first_column = (Current).last_column = \
+ YYRHSLOC (Rhs, 0).last_column; \
+ } \
+ while (YYID (0))
+/* YY_LOCATION_PRINT -- Print the location on the stream.
+ This macro was not mandated originally: define only if we know
+ we won't break user code: when these are the locations we know. */
+# define YY_LOCATION_PRINT(File, Loc) \
+ fprintf (File, "%d.%d-%d.%d", \
+ (Loc).first_line, (Loc).first_column, \
+ (Loc).last_line, (Loc).last_column)
+# else
+# define YY_LOCATION_PRINT(File, Loc) ((void) 0)
+# endif
+/* YYLEX -- calling `yylex' with the right arguments. */
+# define YYLEX yylex (YYLEX_PARAM)
+# define YYLEX yylex ()
+/* Enable debugging if requested. */
+# ifndef YYFPRINTF
+# include <stdio.h> /* INFRINGES ON USER NAME SPACE */
+# define YYFPRINTF fprintf
+# endif
+# define YYDPRINTF(Args) \
+do { \
+ if (yydebug) \
+} while (YYID (0))
+# define YY_SYMBOL_PRINT(Title, Type, Value, Location) \
+do { \
+ if (yydebug) \
+ { \
+ YYFPRINTF (stderr, "%s ", Title); \
+ yy_symbol_print (stderr, \
+ Type, Value); \
+ YYFPRINTF (stderr, "\n"); \
+ } \
+} while (YYID (0))
+| Print this symbol on YYOUTPUT. |
+#if (defined __STDC__ || defined __C99__FUNC__ \
+ || defined __cplusplus || defined _MSC_VER)
+static void
+yy_symbol_value_print (FILE *yyoutput, int yytype, YYSTYPE const * const yyvaluep)
+static void
+yy_symbol_value_print (yyoutput, yytype, yyvaluep)
+ FILE *yyoutput;
+ int yytype;
+ YYSTYPE const * const yyvaluep;
+ if (!yyvaluep)
+ return;
+# ifdef YYPRINT
+ if (yytype < YYNTOKENS)
+ YYPRINT (yyoutput, yytoknum[yytype], *yyvaluep);
+# else
+ YYUSE (yyoutput);
+# endif
+ switch (yytype)
+ {
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+| Print this symbol on YYOUTPUT. |
+#if (defined __STDC__ || defined __C99__FUNC__ \
+ || defined __cplusplus || defined _MSC_VER)
+static void
+yy_symbol_print (FILE *yyoutput, int yytype, YYSTYPE const * const yyvaluep)
+static void
+yy_symbol_print (yyoutput, yytype, yyvaluep)
+ FILE *yyoutput;
+ int yytype;
+ YYSTYPE const * const yyvaluep;
+ if (yytype < YYNTOKENS)
+ YYFPRINTF (yyoutput, "token %s (", yytname[yytype]);
+ else
+ YYFPRINTF (yyoutput, "nterm %s (", yytname[yytype]);
+ yy_symbol_value_print (yyoutput, yytype, yyvaluep);
+ YYFPRINTF (yyoutput, ")");
+| yy_stack_print -- Print the state stack from its BOTTOM up to its |
+| TOP (included). |
+#if (defined __STDC__ || defined __C99__FUNC__ \
+ || defined __cplusplus || defined _MSC_VER)
+static void
+yy_stack_print (yytype_int16 *bottom, yytype_int16 *top)
+static void
+yy_stack_print (bottom, top)
+ yytype_int16 *bottom;
+ yytype_int16 *top;
+ YYFPRINTF (stderr, "Stack now");
+ for (; bottom <= top; ++bottom)
+ YYFPRINTF (stderr, " %d", *bottom);
+ YYFPRINTF (stderr, "\n");
+# define YY_STACK_PRINT(Bottom, Top) \
+do { \
+ if (yydebug) \
+ yy_stack_print ((Bottom), (Top)); \
+} while (YYID (0))
+| Report that the YYRULE is going to be reduced. |
+#if (defined __STDC__ || defined __C99__FUNC__ \
+ || defined __cplusplus || defined _MSC_VER)
+static void
+yy_reduce_print (YYSTYPE *yyvsp, int yyrule)
+static void
+yy_reduce_print (yyvsp, yyrule)
+ YYSTYPE *yyvsp;
+ int yyrule;
+ int yynrhs = yyr2[yyrule];
+ int yyi;
+ unsigned long int yylno = yyrline[yyrule];
+ YYFPRINTF (stderr, "Reducing stack by rule %d (line %lu):\n",
+ yyrule - 1, yylno);
+ /* The symbols being reduced. */
+ for (yyi = 0; yyi < yynrhs; yyi++)
+ {
+ fprintf (stderr, " $%d = ", yyi + 1);
+ yy_symbol_print (stderr, yyrhs[yyprhs[yyrule] + yyi],
+ &(yyvsp[(yyi + 1) - (yynrhs)])
+ );
+ fprintf (stderr, "\n");
+ }
+# define YY_REDUCE_PRINT(Rule) \
+do { \
+ if (yydebug) \
+ yy_reduce_print (yyvsp, Rule); \
+} while (YYID (0))
+/* Nonzero means print parse trace. It is left uninitialized so that
+ multiple parsers can coexist. */
+int yydebug;
+#else /* !YYDEBUG */
+# define YYDPRINTF(Args)
+# define YY_SYMBOL_PRINT(Title, Type, Value, Location)
+# define YY_STACK_PRINT(Bottom, Top)
+# define YY_REDUCE_PRINT(Rule)
+#endif /* !YYDEBUG */
+/* YYINITDEPTH -- initial size of the parser's stacks. */
+# define YYINITDEPTH 200
+/* YYMAXDEPTH -- maximum size the stacks can grow to (effective only
+ if the built-in stack extension method is used).
+ Do not make this value too large; the results are undefined if
+ evaluated with infinite-precision integer arithmetic. */
+# define YYMAXDEPTH 10000
+# ifndef yystrlen
+# if defined __GLIBC__ && defined _STRING_H
+# define yystrlen strlen
+# else
+/* Return the length of YYSTR. */
+#if (defined __STDC__ || defined __C99__FUNC__ \
+ || defined __cplusplus || defined _MSC_VER)
+static YYSIZE_T
+yystrlen (const char *yystr)
+static YYSIZE_T
+yystrlen (yystr)
+ const char *yystr;
+ YYSIZE_T yylen;
+ for (yylen = 0; yystr[yylen]; yylen++)
+ continue;
+ return yylen;
+# endif
+# endif
+# ifndef yystpcpy
+# if defined __GLIBC__ && defined _STRING_H && defined _GNU_SOURCE
+# define yystpcpy stpcpy
+# else
+/* Copy YYSRC to YYDEST, returning the address of the terminating '\0' in
+ YYDEST. */
+#if (defined __STDC__ || defined __C99__FUNC__ \
+ || defined __cplusplus || defined _MSC_VER)
+static char *
+yystpcpy (char *yydest, const char *yysrc)
+static char *
+yystpcpy (yydest, yysrc)
+ char *yydest;
+ const char *yysrc;
+ char *yyd = yydest;
+ const char *yys = yysrc;
+ while ((*yyd++ = *yys++) != '\0')
+ continue;
+ return yyd - 1;
+# endif
+# endif
+# ifndef yytnamerr
+/* Copy to YYRES the contents of YYSTR after stripping away unnecessary
+ quotes and backslashes, so that it's suitable for yyerror. The
+ heuristic is that double-quoting is unnecessary unless the string
+ contains an apostrophe, a comma, or backslash (other than
+ backslash-backslash). YYSTR is taken from yytname. If YYRES is
+ null, do not copy; instead, return the length of what the result
+ would have been. */
+static YYSIZE_T
+yytnamerr (char *yyres, const char *yystr)
+ if (*yystr == '"')
+ {
+ YYSIZE_T yyn = 0;
+ char const *yyp = yystr;
+ for (;;)
+ switch (*++yyp)
+ {
+ case '\'':
+ case ',':
+ goto do_not_strip_quotes;
+ case '\\':
+ if (*++yyp != '\\')
+ goto do_not_strip_quotes;
+ /* Fall through. */
+ default:
+ if (yyres)
+ yyres[yyn] = *yyp;
+ yyn++;
+ break;
+ case '"':
+ if (yyres)
+ yyres[yyn] = '\0';
+ return yyn;
+ }
+ do_not_strip_quotes: ;
+ }
+ if (! yyres)
+ return yystrlen (yystr);
+ return yystpcpy (yyres, yystr) - yyres;
+# endif
+/* Copy into YYRESULT an error message about the unexpected token
+ YYCHAR while in state YYSTATE. Return the number of bytes copied,
+ including the terminating null byte. If YYRESULT is null, do not
+ copy anything; just return the number of bytes that would be
+ copied. As a special case, return 0 if an ordinary "syntax error"
+ message will do. Return YYSIZE_MAXIMUM if overflow occurs during
+ size calculation. */
+static YYSIZE_T
+yysyntax_error (char *yyresult, int yystate, int yychar)
+ int yyn = yypact[yystate];
+ if (! (YYPACT_NINF < yyn && yyn <= YYLAST))
+ return 0;
+ else
+ {
+ int yytype = YYTRANSLATE (yychar);
+ YYSIZE_T yysize0 = yytnamerr (0, yytname[yytype]);
+ YYSIZE_T yysize = yysize0;
+ YYSIZE_T yysize1;
+ int yysize_overflow = 0;
+ char const *yyarg[YYERROR_VERBOSE_ARGS_MAXIMUM];
+ int yyx;
+# if 0
+ /* This is so xgettext sees the translatable formats that are
+ constructed on the fly. */
+ YY_("syntax error, unexpected %s");
+ YY_("syntax error, unexpected %s, expecting %s");
+ YY_("syntax error, unexpected %s, expecting %s or %s");
+ YY_("syntax error, unexpected %s, expecting %s or %s or %s");
+ YY_("syntax error, unexpected %s, expecting %s or %s or %s or %s");
+# endif
+ char *yyfmt;
+ char const *yyf;
+ static char const yyunexpected[] = "syntax error, unexpected %s";
+ static char const yyexpecting[] = ", expecting %s";
+ static char const yyor[] = " or %s";
+ char yyformat[sizeof yyunexpected
+ + sizeof yyexpecting - 1
+ * (sizeof yyor - 1))];
+ char const *yyprefix = yyexpecting;
+ /* Start YYX at -YYN if negative to avoid negative indexes in
+ int yyxbegin = yyn < 0 ? -yyn : 0;
+ /* Stay within bounds of both yycheck and yytname. */
+ int yychecklim = YYLAST - yyn + 1;
+ int yyxend = yychecklim < YYNTOKENS ? yychecklim : YYNTOKENS;
+ int yycount = 1;
+ yyarg[0] = yytname[yytype];
+ yyfmt = yystpcpy (yyformat, yyunexpected);
+ for (yyx = yyxbegin; yyx < yyxend; ++yyx)
+ if (yycheck[yyx + yyn] == yyx && yyx != YYTERROR)
+ {
+ {
+ yycount = 1;
+ yysize = yysize0;
+ yyformat[sizeof yyunexpected - 1] = '\0';
+ break;
+ }
+ yyarg[yycount++] = yytname[yyx];
+ yysize1 = yysize + yytnamerr (0, yytname[yyx]);
+ yysize_overflow |= (yysize1 < yysize);
+ yysize = yysize1;
+ yyfmt = yystpcpy (yyfmt, yyprefix);
+ yyprefix = yyor;
+ }
+ yyf = YY_(yyformat);
+ yysize1 = yysize + yystrlen (yyf);
+ yysize_overflow |= (yysize1 < yysize);
+ yysize = yysize1;
+ if (yysize_overflow)
+ if (yyresult)
+ {
+ /* Avoid sprintf, as that infringes on the user's name space.
+ Don't have undefined behavior even if the translation
+ produced a string with the wrong number of "%s"s. */
+ char *yyp = yyresult;
+ int yyi = 0;
+ while ((*yyp = *yyf) != '\0')
+ {
+ if (*yyp == '%' && yyf[1] == 's' && yyi < yycount)
+ {
+ yyp += yytnamerr (yyp, yyarg[yyi++]);
+ yyf += 2;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ yyp++;
+ yyf++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return yysize;
+ }
+#endif /* YYERROR_VERBOSE */
+| Release the memory associated to this symbol. |
+#if (defined __STDC__ || defined __C99__FUNC__ \
+ || defined __cplusplus || defined _MSC_VER)
+static void
+yydestruct (const char *yymsg, int yytype, YYSTYPE *yyvaluep)
+static void
+yydestruct (yymsg, yytype, yyvaluep)
+ const char *yymsg;
+ int yytype;
+ YYSTYPE *yyvaluep;
+ YYUSE (yyvaluep);
+ if (!yymsg)
+ yymsg = "Deleting";
+ YY_SYMBOL_PRINT (yymsg, yytype, yyvaluep, yylocationp);
+ switch (yytype)
+ {
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+/* Prevent warnings from -Wmissing-prototypes. */
+#if defined __STDC__ || defined __cplusplus
+int yyparse (void *YYPARSE_PARAM);
+int yyparse ();
+#else /* ! YYPARSE_PARAM */
+#if defined __STDC__ || defined __cplusplus
+int yyparse (void);
+int yyparse ();
+#endif /* ! YYPARSE_PARAM */
+/* The look-ahead symbol. */
+int yychar;
+/* The semantic value of the look-ahead symbol. */
+YYSTYPE yylval;
+/* Number of syntax errors so far. */
+int yynerrs;
+| yyparse. |
+#if (defined __STDC__ || defined __C99__FUNC__ \
+ || defined __cplusplus || defined _MSC_VER)
+yyparse (void *YYPARSE_PARAM)
+yyparse (YYPARSE_PARAM)
+#else /* ! YYPARSE_PARAM */
+#if (defined __STDC__ || defined __C99__FUNC__ \
+ || defined __cplusplus || defined _MSC_VER)
+yyparse (void)
+yyparse ()
+ int yystate;
+ int yyn;
+ int yyresult;
+ /* Number of tokens to shift before error messages enabled. */
+ int yyerrstatus;
+ /* Look-ahead token as an internal (translated) token number. */
+ int yytoken = 0;
+ /* Buffer for error messages, and its allocated size. */
+ char yymsgbuf[128];
+ char *yymsg = yymsgbuf;
+ YYSIZE_T yymsg_alloc = sizeof yymsgbuf;
+ /* Three stacks and their tools:
+ `yyss': related to states,
+ `yyvs': related to semantic values,
+ `yyls': related to locations.
+ Refer to the stacks thru separate pointers, to allow yyoverflow
+ to reallocate them elsewhere. */
+ /* The state stack. */
+ yytype_int16 yyssa[YYINITDEPTH];
+ yytype_int16 *yyss = yyssa;
+ yytype_int16 *yyssp;
+ /* The semantic value stack. */
+ YYSTYPE *yyvs = yyvsa;
+ YYSTYPE *yyvsp;
+#define YYPOPSTACK(N) (yyvsp -= (N), yyssp -= (N))
+ YYSIZE_T yystacksize = YYINITDEPTH;
+ /* The variables used to return semantic value and location from the
+ action routines. */
+ YYSTYPE yyval;
+ /* The number of symbols on the RHS of the reduced rule.
+ Keep to zero when no symbol should be popped. */
+ int yylen = 0;
+ YYDPRINTF ((stderr, "Starting parse\n"));
+ yystate = 0;
+ yyerrstatus = 0;
+ yynerrs = 0;
+ yychar = YYEMPTY; /* Cause a token to be read. */
+ /* Initialize stack pointers.
+ Waste one element of value and location stack
+ so that they stay on the same level as the state stack.
+ The wasted elements are never initialized. */
+ yyssp = yyss;
+ yyvsp = yyvs;
+ goto yysetstate;
+| yynewstate -- Push a new state, which is found in yystate. |
+ yynewstate:
+ /* In all cases, when you get here, the value and location stacks
+ have just been pushed. So pushing a state here evens the stacks. */
+ yyssp++;
+ yysetstate:
+ *yyssp = yystate;
+ if (yyss + yystacksize - 1 <= yyssp)
+ {
+ /* Get the current used size of the three stacks, in elements. */
+ YYSIZE_T yysize = yyssp - yyss + 1;
+#ifdef yyoverflow
+ {
+ /* Give user a chance to reallocate the stack. Use copies of
+ these so that the &'s don't force the real ones into
+ memory. */
+ YYSTYPE *yyvs1 = yyvs;
+ yytype_int16 *yyss1 = yyss;
+ /* Each stack pointer address is followed by the size of the
+ data in use in that stack, in bytes. This used to be a
+ conditional around just the two extra args, but that might
+ be undefined if yyoverflow is a macro. */
+ yyoverflow (YY_("memory exhausted"),
+ &yyss1, yysize * sizeof (*yyssp),
+ &yyvs1, yysize * sizeof (*yyvsp),
+ &yystacksize);
+ yyss = yyss1;
+ yyvs = yyvs1;
+ }
+#else /* no yyoverflow */
+ goto yyexhaustedlab;
+# else
+ /* Extend the stack our own way. */
+ if (YYMAXDEPTH <= yystacksize)
+ goto yyexhaustedlab;
+ yystacksize *= 2;
+ if (YYMAXDEPTH < yystacksize)
+ yystacksize = YYMAXDEPTH;
+ {
+ yytype_int16 *yyss1 = yyss;
+ union yyalloc *yyptr =
+ (union yyalloc *) YYSTACK_ALLOC (YYSTACK_BYTES (yystacksize));
+ if (! yyptr)
+ goto yyexhaustedlab;
+ if (yyss1 != yyssa)
+ YYSTACK_FREE (yyss1);
+ }
+# endif
+#endif /* no yyoverflow */
+ yyssp = yyss + yysize - 1;
+ yyvsp = yyvs + yysize - 1;
+ YYDPRINTF ((stderr, "Stack size increased to %lu\n",
+ (unsigned long int) yystacksize));
+ if (yyss + yystacksize - 1 <= yyssp)
+ }
+ YYDPRINTF ((stderr, "Entering state %d\n", yystate));
+ goto yybackup;
+| yybackup. |
+ /* Do appropriate processing given the current state. Read a
+ look-ahead token if we need one and don't already have one. */
+ /* First try to decide what to do without reference to look-ahead token. */
+ yyn = yypact[yystate];
+ if (yyn == YYPACT_NINF)
+ goto yydefault;
+ /* Not known => get a look-ahead token if don't already have one. */
+ /* YYCHAR is either YYEMPTY or YYEOF or a valid look-ahead symbol. */
+ if (yychar == YYEMPTY)
+ {
+ YYDPRINTF ((stderr, "Reading a token: "));
+ yychar = YYLEX;
+ }
+ if (yychar <= YYEOF)
+ {
+ yychar = yytoken = YYEOF;
+ YYDPRINTF ((stderr, "Now at end of input.\n"));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ yytoken = YYTRANSLATE (yychar);
+ YY_SYMBOL_PRINT ("Next token is", yytoken, &yylval, &yylloc);
+ }
+ /* If the proper action on seeing token YYTOKEN is to reduce or to
+ detect an error, take that action. */
+ yyn += yytoken;
+ if (yyn < 0 || YYLAST < yyn || yycheck[yyn] != yytoken)
+ goto yydefault;
+ yyn = yytable[yyn];
+ if (yyn <= 0)
+ {
+ if (yyn == 0 || yyn == YYTABLE_NINF)
+ goto yyerrlab;
+ yyn = -yyn;
+ goto yyreduce;
+ }
+ if (yyn == YYFINAL)
+ /* Count tokens shifted since error; after three, turn off error
+ status. */
+ if (yyerrstatus)
+ yyerrstatus--;
+ /* Shift the look-ahead token. */
+ YY_SYMBOL_PRINT ("Shifting", yytoken, &yylval, &yylloc);
+ /* Discard the shifted token unless it is eof. */
+ if (yychar != YYEOF)
+ yychar = YYEMPTY;
+ yystate = yyn;
+ *++yyvsp = yylval;
+ goto yynewstate;
+| yydefault -- do the default action for the current state. |
+ yyn = yydefact[yystate];
+ if (yyn == 0)
+ goto yyerrlab;
+ goto yyreduce;
+| yyreduce -- Do a reduction. |
+ /* yyn is the number of a rule to reduce with. */
+ yylen = yyr2[yyn];
+ /* If YYLEN is nonzero, implement the default value of the action:
+ `$$ = $1'.
+ Otherwise, the following line sets YYVAL to garbage.
+ This behavior is undocumented and Bison
+ users should not rely upon it. Assigning to YYVAL
+ unconditionally makes the parser a bit smaller, and it avoids a
+ GCC warning that YYVAL may be used uninitialized. */
+ yyval = yyvsp[1-yylen];
+ switch (yyn)
+ {
+ case 2:
+#line 106 "egrep.y"
+ { unary(FINAL, (yyvsp[(1) - (1)]));
+ line--;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 3:
+#line 111 "egrep.y"
+ { (yyval) = node(CAT, (yyvsp[(1) - (2)]), (yyvsp[(2) - (2)])); }
+ break;
+ case 4:
+#line 113 "egrep.y"
+ { (yyval) = node(CAT, (yyvsp[(2) - (4)]), (yyvsp[(3) - (4)])); }
+ break;
+ case 5:
+#line 115 "egrep.y"
+ { (yyval) = node(CAT, (yyvsp[(2) - (3)]), (yyvsp[(3) - (3)])); }
+ break;
+ case 6:
+#line 117 "egrep.y"
+ { (yyval) = node(CAT, (yyvsp[(1) - (3)]), (yyvsp[(2) - (3)])); }
+ break;
+ case 7:
+#line 120 "egrep.y"
+ { (yyval) = enter(DOT);
+ (yyval) = unary(STAR, (yyval)); }
+ break;
+ case 8:
+#line 124 "egrep.y"
+ { (yyval) = enter((yyvsp[(1) - (1)])); }
+ break;
+ case 9:
+#line 126 "egrep.y"
+ { (yyval) = enter(DOT); }
+ break;
+ case 10:
+#line 128 "egrep.y"
+ { (yyval) = cclenter(CCL); }
+ break;
+ case 11:
+#line 130 "egrep.y"
+ { (yyval) = cclenter(NCCL); }
+ break;
+ case 12:
+#line 134 "egrep.y"
+ { (yyval) = node(OR, (yyvsp[(1) - (3)]), (yyvsp[(3) - (3)])); }
+ break;
+ case 13:
+#line 136 "egrep.y"
+ { (yyval) = node(CAT, (yyvsp[(1) - (2)]), (yyvsp[(2) - (2)])); }
+ break;
+ case 14:
+#line 138 "egrep.y"
+ { (yyval) = unary(STAR, (yyvsp[(1) - (2)])); }
+ break;
+ case 15:
+#line 140 "egrep.y"
+ { (yyval) = unary(PLUS, (yyvsp[(1) - (2)])); }
+ break;
+ case 16:
+#line 142 "egrep.y"
+ { (yyval) = unary(QUEST, (yyvsp[(1) - (2)])); }
+ break;
+ case 17:
+#line 144 "egrep.y"
+ { (yyval) = (yyvsp[(2) - (3)]); }
+ break;
+/* Line 1267 of yacc.c. */
+#line 1524 "egrep.c"
+ default: break;
+ }
+ YY_SYMBOL_PRINT ("-> $$ =", yyr1[yyn], &yyval, &yyloc);
+ YYPOPSTACK (yylen);
+ yylen = 0;
+ YY_STACK_PRINT (yyss, yyssp);
+ *++yyvsp = yyval;
+ /* Now `shift' the result of the reduction. Determine what state
+ that goes to, based on the state we popped back to and the rule
+ number reduced by. */
+ yyn = yyr1[yyn];
+ yystate = yypgoto[yyn - YYNTOKENS] + *yyssp;
+ if (0 <= yystate && yystate <= YYLAST && yycheck[yystate] == *yyssp)
+ yystate = yytable[yystate];
+ else
+ yystate = yydefgoto[yyn - YYNTOKENS];
+ goto yynewstate;
+| yyerrlab -- here on detecting error |
+ /* If not already recovering from an error, report this error. */
+ if (!yyerrstatus)
+ {
+ ++yynerrs;
+ yyerror (YY_("syntax error"));
+ {
+ YYSIZE_T yysize = yysyntax_error (0, yystate, yychar);
+ if (yymsg_alloc < yysize && yymsg_alloc < YYSTACK_ALLOC_MAXIMUM)
+ {
+ YYSIZE_T yyalloc = 2 * yysize;
+ if (! (yysize <= yyalloc && yyalloc <= YYSTACK_ALLOC_MAXIMUM))
+ if (yymsg != yymsgbuf)
+ YYSTACK_FREE (yymsg);
+ yymsg = (char *) YYSTACK_ALLOC (yyalloc);
+ if (yymsg)
+ yymsg_alloc = yyalloc;
+ else
+ {
+ yymsg = yymsgbuf;
+ yymsg_alloc = sizeof yymsgbuf;
+ }
+ }
+ if (0 < yysize && yysize <= yymsg_alloc)
+ {
+ (void) yysyntax_error (yymsg, yystate, yychar);
+ yyerror (yymsg);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ yyerror (YY_("syntax error"));
+ if (yysize != 0)
+ goto yyexhaustedlab;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (yyerrstatus == 3)
+ {
+ /* If just tried and failed to reuse look-ahead token after an
+ error, discard it. */
+ if (yychar <= YYEOF)
+ {
+ /* Return failure if at end of input. */
+ if (yychar == YYEOF)
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ yydestruct ("Error: discarding",
+ yytoken, &yylval);
+ yychar = YYEMPTY;
+ }
+ }
+ /* Else will try to reuse look-ahead token after shifting the error
+ token. */
+ goto yyerrlab1;
+| yyerrorlab -- error raised explicitly by YYERROR. |
+ /* Pacify compilers like GCC when the user code never invokes
+ YYERROR and the label yyerrorlab therefore never appears in user
+ code. */
+ if (/*CONSTCOND*/ 0)
+ goto yyerrorlab;
+ /* Do not reclaim the symbols of the rule which action triggered
+ this YYERROR. */
+ YYPOPSTACK (yylen);
+ yylen = 0;
+ YY_STACK_PRINT (yyss, yyssp);
+ yystate = *yyssp;
+ goto yyerrlab1;
+| yyerrlab1 -- common code for both syntax error and YYERROR. |
+ yyerrstatus = 3; /* Each real token shifted decrements this. */
+ for (;;)
+ {
+ yyn = yypact[yystate];
+ if (yyn != YYPACT_NINF)
+ {
+ yyn += YYTERROR;
+ if (0 <= yyn && yyn <= YYLAST && yycheck[yyn] == YYTERROR)
+ {
+ yyn = yytable[yyn];
+ if (0 < yyn)
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ /* Pop the current state because it cannot handle the error token. */
+ if (yyssp == yyss)
+ yydestruct ("Error: popping",
+ yystos[yystate], yyvsp);
+ yystate = *yyssp;
+ YY_STACK_PRINT (yyss, yyssp);
+ }
+ if (yyn == YYFINAL)
+ *++yyvsp = yylval;
+ /* Shift the error token. */
+ YY_SYMBOL_PRINT ("Shifting", yystos[yyn], yyvsp, yylsp);
+ yystate = yyn;
+ goto yynewstate;
+| yyacceptlab -- YYACCEPT comes here. |
+ yyresult = 0;
+ goto yyreturn;
+| yyabortlab -- YYABORT comes here. |
+ yyresult = 1;
+ goto yyreturn;
+#ifndef yyoverflow
+| yyexhaustedlab -- memory exhaustion comes here. |
+ yyerror (YY_("memory exhausted"));
+ yyresult = 2;
+ /* Fall through. */
+ if (yychar != YYEOF && yychar != YYEMPTY)
+ yydestruct ("Cleanup: discarding lookahead",
+ yytoken, &yylval);
+ /* Do not reclaim the symbols of the rule which action triggered
+ this YYABORT or YYACCEPT. */
+ YYPOPSTACK (yylen);
+ YY_STACK_PRINT (yyss, yyssp);
+ while (yyssp != yyss)
+ {
+ yydestruct ("Cleanup: popping",
+ yystos[*yyssp], yyvsp);
+ }
+#ifndef yyoverflow
+ if (yyss != yyssa)
+ YYSTACK_FREE (yyss);
+ if (yymsg != yymsgbuf)
+ YYSTACK_FREE (yymsg);
+ /* Make sure YYID is used. */
+ return YYID (yyresult);
+#line 148 "egrep.y"
+static int
+yyerror(char *s)
+ message = s;
+ longjmp(env, 1);
+ return 1; /* silence a warning */
+static int
+ int cclcnt, x;
+ char c, d;
+ switch(c = nextch()) {
+ case '|':
+ return (OR);
+ case '*':
+ return (STAR);
+ case '+':
+ return (PLUS);
+ case '?':
+ return (QUEST);
+ case '(':
+ return (c);
+ case ')':
+ return (c);
+ case '.':
+ return (DOT);
+ case '\0':
+ return (0);
+ case '\n':
+ return (OR);
+ case '[':
+ x = CCL;
+ cclcnt = 0;
+ count = nxtchar++;
+ if ((c = nextch()) == '^') {
+ x = NCCL;
+ c = nextch();
+ }
+ do {
+ if (c == '\0')
+ synerror();
+ if (c == '-'
+ && cclcnt > 0
+ && chars[nxtchar-1] != 0) {
+ if ((d = nextch()) != 0) {
+ c = chars[nxtchar-1];
+ while ((unsigned int)c < (unsigned int)d) {
+ if (nxtchar >= MAXLIN)
+ overflo();
+ chars[nxtchar++] = ++c;
+ cclcnt++;
+ }
+ continue;
+ } /* if() */
+ } /* if() */
+ if (nxtchar >= MAXLIN)
+ overflo();
+ chars[nxtchar++] = c;
+ cclcnt++;
+ } while ((c = nextch()) != ']');
+ chars[count] = cclcnt;
+ return (x);
+ case '\\':
+ if ((c = nextch()) == '\0')
+ synerror();
+ /* not reached */
+ case '$':
+ case '^':
+ c = '\n';
+ /* fall through */
+ default:
+ yylval = c;
+ return (CHAR);
+ }
+static void
+ yyerror("Syntax error");
+static unsigned int
+enter(int x)
+ if(line >= MAXLIN)
+ overflo();
+ name[line] = x;
+ left[line] = 0;
+ right[line] = 0;
+ return(line++);
+static unsigned int
+cclenter(int x)
+ unsigned int linno;
+ linno = enter(x);
+ right[linno] = count;
+ return (linno);
+static int
+node(int x, int l, int r)
+ if(line >= MAXLIN)
+ overflo();
+ name[line] = x;
+ left[line] = l;
+ right[line] = r;
+ parent[l] = line;
+ parent[r] = line;
+ return(line++);
+static int
+unary(int x, int d)
+ if(line >= MAXLIN)
+ overflo();
+ name[line] = x;
+ left[line] = d;
+ right[line] = 0;
+ parent[d] = line;
+ return(line++);
+static void
+ yyerror("internal table overflow");
+static void
+cfoll(int v)
+ unsigned int i;
+ if (left[v] == 0) {
+ count = 0;
+ for (i = 1; i <= line; i++)
+ tmpstat[i] = 0;
+ follow(v);
+ add(foll, v);
+ } else if (right[v] == 0)
+ cfoll(left[v]);
+ else {
+ cfoll(left[v]);
+ cfoll(right[v]);
+ }
+static void
+ unsigned int i, n, s;
+ int c, k;
+ char symbol[NCHARS];
+ unsigned int j, l, pc, pos;
+ unsigned int nc;
+ int curpos;
+ unsigned int num, number, newpos;
+ count = 0;
+ for (n=3; n<=line; n++)
+ tmpstat[n] = 0;
+ if (cstate(line-1)==0) {
+ tmpstat[line] = 1;
+ count++;
+ out[0] = 1;
+ }
+ for (n=3; n<=line; n++)
+ initstat[n] = tmpstat[n];
+ count--; /*leave out position 1 */
+ icount = count;
+ tmpstat[1] = 0;
+ add(state, 0);
+ n = 0;
+ for (s = 0; s <= n; s++) {
+ if (out[s] == 1)
+ continue;
+ for (i = 0; i < NCHARS; i++)
+ symbol[i] = 0;
+ num = positions[state[s]];
+ count = icount;
+ for (i = 3; i <= line; i++)
+ tmpstat[i] = initstat[i];
+ pos = state[s] + 1;
+ for (i = 0; i < num; i++) {
+ curpos = positions[pos];
+ if ((c = name[curpos]) >= 0) {
+ if (c < NCHARS) {
+ symbol[c] = 1;
+ } else if (c == DOT) {
+ for (k = 0; k < NCHARS; k++)
+ if (k != '\n')
+ symbol[k] = 1;
+ } else if (c == CCL) {
+ nc = chars[right[curpos]];
+ pc = right[curpos] + 1;
+ for (j = 0; j < nc; j++)
+ symbol[(unsigned char)(chars[pc++])] = 1;
+ } else if (c == NCCL) {
+ nc = chars[right[curpos]];
+ for (j = 0; j < NCHARS; j++) {
+ pc = right[curpos] + 1;
+ for (l = 0; l < nc; l++)
+ if (j==(unsigned char)(chars[pc++]))
+ goto cont;
+ if (j != '\n')
+ symbol[j] = 1;
+ cont:
+ ;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ pos++;
+ } /* for (i) */
+ for (c=0; c<NCHARS; c++) {
+ if (symbol[c] == 1) {
+ /* nextstate(s,c) */
+ count = icount;
+ for (i=3; i <= line; i++)
+ tmpstat[i] = initstat[i];
+ pos = state[s] + 1;
+ for (i=0; i<num; i++) {
+ curpos = positions[pos];
+ if ((k = name[curpos]) >= 0)
+ if ((k == c)
+ || (k == DOT)
+ || (k == CCL && member(c, right[curpos], 1))
+ || (k == NCCL && member(c, right[curpos], 0))
+ ) {
+ number = positions[foll[curpos]];
+ newpos = foll[curpos] + 1;
+ for (j = 0; j < number; j++) {
+ if (tmpstat[positions[newpos]] != 1) {
+ tmpstat[positions[newpos]] = 1;
+ count++;
+ }
+ newpos++;
+ }
+ }
+ pos++;
+ } /* end nextstate */
+ if (notin(n)) {
+ if (n >= NSTATES)
+ overflo();
+ add(state, ++n);
+ if (tmpstat[line] == 1)
+ out[n] = 1;
+ gotofn[s][c] = n;
+ } else {
+ gotofn[s][c] = xstate;
+ }
+ } /* if (symbol) */
+ } /* for(c) */
+ } /* for(s) */
+static int
+cstate(int v)
+ int b;
+ if (left[v] == 0) {
+ if (tmpstat[v] != 1) {
+ tmpstat[v] = 1;
+ count++;
+ }
+ return(1);
+ }
+ else if (right[v] == 0) {
+ if (cstate(left[v]) == 0) return (0);
+ else if (name[v] == PLUS) return (1);
+ else return (0);
+ }
+ else if (name[v] == CAT) {
+ if (cstate(left[v]) == 0 && cstate(right[v]) == 0) return (0);
+ else return (1);
+ }
+ else { /* name[v] == OR */
+ b = cstate(right[v]);
+ if (cstate(left[v]) == 0 || b == 0) return (0);
+ else return (1);
+ }
+static int
+member(int symb, int set, int torf)
+ unsigned int i, num, pos;
+ num = chars[set];
+ pos = set + 1;
+ for (i = 0; i < num; i++)
+ if (symb == (unsigned char)(chars[pos++]))
+ return (torf);
+ return (!torf);
+static int
+notin(int n)
+ int i, j, pos;
+ for (i=0; i<=n; i++) {
+ if (positions[state[i]] == count) {
+ pos = state[i] + 1;
+ for (j=0; j < count; j++)
+ if (tmpstat[positions[pos++]] != 1) goto nxt;
+ xstate = i;
+ return (0);
+ }
+ nxt: ;
+ }
+ return (1);
+static void
+add(int *array, int n)
+ unsigned int i;
+ if (nxtpos + count > MAXPOS)
+ overflo();
+ array[n] = nxtpos;
+ positions[nxtpos++] = count;
+ for (i=3; i <= line; i++) {
+ if (tmpstat[i] == 1) {
+ positions[nxtpos++] = i;
+ }
+ }
+static void
+follow(unsigned int v)
+ unsigned int p;
+ if (v == line)
+ return;
+ p = parent[v];
+ switch(name[p]) {
+ case STAR:
+ case PLUS: cstate(v);
+ follow(p);
+ return;
+ case OR:
+ case QUEST: follow(p);
+ return;
+ case CAT:
+ if (v == left[p]) {
+ if (cstate(right[p]) == 0) {
+ follow(p);
+ return;
+ }
+ } else
+ follow(p);
+ return;
+ case FINAL:
+ if (tmpstat[line] != 1) {
+ tmpstat[line] = 1;
+ count++;
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+char *
+egrepinit(char *egreppat)
+ /* initialize the global data */
+ memset(gotofn, 0, sizeof(gotofn));
+ memset(state, 0, sizeof(state));
+ memset(out, 0, sizeof(out));
+ line = 1;
+ memset(name, 0, sizeof(name));
+ memset(left, 0, sizeof(left));
+ memset(right, 0, sizeof(right));
+ memset(parent, 0, sizeof(parent));
+ memset(foll, 0, sizeof(foll));
+ memset(positions, 0, sizeof(positions));
+ memset(chars, 0, sizeof(chars));
+ nxtpos = 0;
+ nxtchar = 0;
+ memset(tmpstat, 0, sizeof(tmpstat));
+ memset(initstat, 0, sizeof(initstat));
+ xstate = 0;
+ count = 0;
+ icount = 0;
+ input = egreppat;
+ message = NULL;
+ if (setjmp(env) == 0) {
+ yyparse();
+ cfoll(line-1);
+ cgotofn();
+ }
+ return(message);
+egrep(char *file, FILE *output, char *format)
+ char *p;
+ unsigned int cstat;
+ int ccount;
+ char buf[2*BUFSIZ];
+ char *nlp;
+ unsigned int istat;
+ int in_line;
+ FILE *fptr;
+ if ((fptr = myfopen(file, "r")) == NULL)
+ return(-1);
+ ccount = 0;
+ lnum = 1;
+ in_line = 0;
+ p = buf;
+ nlp = p;
+ if ((ccount = fread(p, sizeof(char), BUFSIZ, fptr)) <= 0)
+ goto done;
+ in_line = 1;
+ istat = cstat = (unsigned int) gotofn[0]['\n'];
+ if (out[cstat])
+ goto found;
+ for (;;) {
+ if (!iflag)
+ cstat = (unsigned int) gotofn[cstat][(unsigned int)*p&0377];
+ /* all input chars made positive */
+ else
+ cstat = (unsigned int) gotofn[cstat][tolower((int)*p&0377)];
+ /* for -i option*/
+ if (out[cstat]) {
+ found:
+ for(;;) {
+ if (*p++ == '\n') {
+ in_line = 0;
+ succeed:
+ fprintf(output, format, file, lnum);
+ if (p <= nlp) {
+ while (nlp < &buf[2*BUFSIZ])
+ putc(*nlp++, output);
+ nlp = buf;
+ }
+ while (nlp < p)
+ putc(*nlp++, output);
+ lnum++;
+ nlp = p;
+ if ((out[(cstat=istat)]) == 0)
+ goto brk2;
+ } /* if (p++ == \n) */
+ cfound:
+ if (--ccount <= 0) {
+ if (p <= &buf[BUFSIZ]) {
+ ccount = fread(p, sizeof(char), BUFSIZ, fptr);
+ } else if (p == &buf[2*BUFSIZ]) {
+ p = buf;
+ ccount = fread(p, sizeof(char), BUFSIZ, fptr);
+ } else {
+ ccount = fread(p, sizeof(char), &buf[2*BUFSIZ] - p,
+ fptr);
+ }
+ if (ccount <= 0) {
+ if (in_line) {
+ in_line = 0;
+ goto succeed;
+ }
+ goto done;
+ }
+ } /* if(ccount <= 0) */
+ in_line = 1;
+ } /* for(ever) */
+ } /* if(out[cstat]) */
+ if (*p++ == '\n') {
+ in_line = 0;
+ lnum++;
+ nlp = p;
+ if (out[(cstat=istat)])
+ goto cfound;
+ }
+ brk2:
+ if (--ccount <= 0) {
+ if (p <= &buf[BUFSIZ]) {
+ ccount = fread(p, sizeof(char), BUFSIZ, fptr);
+ } else if (p == &buf[2*BUFSIZ]) {
+ p = buf;
+ ccount = fread(p, sizeof(char), BUFSIZ, fptr);
+ } else {
+ ccount = fread(p, sizeof(char), &buf[2*BUFSIZ] - p, fptr);
+ }
+ if (ccount <= 0)
+ break;
+ }
+ in_line = 1;
+ }
+ fclose(fptr);
+ return(0);
+/* FIXME HBB: should export this to a separate file and use
+#if !STDC_HEADERS && !defined(HAVE_MEMSET) && !defined(HAVE_MEMORY_H)
+ * Set an array of n chars starting at sp to the character c.
+ * Return sp.
+ */
+char *
+memset(char *sp, char c, int n)
+ char *sp0 = sp;
+ while (--n >= 0)
+ *sp++ = c;
+ return (sp0);
+egrepcaseless(int i)
+ iflag = i; /* simulate "egrep -i" */
diff --git a/src/fscanner.c b/src/fscanner.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bec49a8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/fscanner.c
@@ -0,0 +1,14210 @@
+#line 3 "fscanner.c"
+#define YY_INT_ALIGNED short int
+/* A lexical scanner generated by flex */
+#define FLEX_BETA
+/* First, we deal with platform-specific or compiler-specific issues. */
+/* begin standard C headers. */
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+/* end standard C headers. */
+/* flex integer type definitions */
+#ifndef FLEXINT_H
+#define FLEXINT_H
+/* C99 systems have <inttypes.h>. Non-C99 systems may or may not. */
+#if defined (__STDC_VERSION__) && __STDC_VERSION__ >= 199901L
+/* C99 says to define __STDC_LIMIT_MACROS before including stdint.h,
+ * if you want the limit (max/min) macros for int types.
+ */
+#define __STDC_LIMIT_MACROS 1
+#include <inttypes.h>
+typedef int8_t flex_int8_t;
+typedef uint8_t flex_uint8_t;
+typedef int16_t flex_int16_t;
+typedef uint16_t flex_uint16_t;
+typedef int32_t flex_int32_t;
+typedef uint32_t flex_uint32_t;
+typedef signed char flex_int8_t;
+typedef short int flex_int16_t;
+typedef int flex_int32_t;
+typedef unsigned char flex_uint8_t;
+typedef unsigned short int flex_uint16_t;
+typedef unsigned int flex_uint32_t;
+#endif /* ! C99 */
+/* Limits of integral types. */
+#ifndef INT8_MIN
+#define INT8_MIN (-128)
+#ifndef INT16_MIN
+#define INT16_MIN (-32767-1)
+#ifndef INT32_MIN
+#define INT32_MIN (-2147483647-1)
+#ifndef INT8_MAX
+#define INT8_MAX (127)
+#ifndef INT16_MAX
+#define INT16_MAX (32767)
+#ifndef INT32_MAX
+#define INT32_MAX (2147483647)
+#ifndef UINT8_MAX
+#define UINT8_MAX (255U)
+#ifndef UINT16_MAX
+#define UINT16_MAX (65535U)
+#ifndef UINT32_MAX
+#define UINT32_MAX (4294967295U)
+#endif /* ! FLEXINT_H */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+/* The "const" storage-class-modifier is valid. */
+#define YY_USE_CONST
+#else /* ! __cplusplus */
+/* C99 requires __STDC__ to be defined as 1. */
+#if defined (__STDC__)
+#define YY_USE_CONST
+#endif /* defined (__STDC__) */
+#endif /* ! __cplusplus */
+#ifdef YY_USE_CONST
+#define yyconst const
+#define yyconst
+/* Returned upon end-of-file. */
+#define YY_NULL 0
+/* Promotes a possibly negative, possibly signed char to an unsigned
+ * integer for use as an array index. If the signed char is negative,
+ * we want to instead treat it as an 8-bit unsigned char, hence the
+ * double cast.
+ */
+#define YY_SC_TO_UI(c) ((unsigned int) (unsigned char) c)
+/* Enter a start condition. This macro really ought to take a parameter,
+ * but we do it the disgusting crufty way forced on us by the ()-less
+ * definition of BEGIN.
+ */
+#define BEGIN (yy_start) = 1 + 2 *
+/* Translate the current start state into a value that can be later handed
+ * to BEGIN to return to the state. The YYSTATE alias is for lex
+ * compatibility.
+ */
+#define YY_START (((yy_start) - 1) / 2)
+/* Action number for EOF rule of a given start state. */
+#define YY_STATE_EOF(state) (YY_END_OF_BUFFER + state + 1)
+/* Special action meaning "start processing a new file". */
+#define YY_NEW_FILE yyrestart(yyin )
+/* Size of default input buffer. */
+#ifndef YY_BUF_SIZE
+#define YY_BUF_SIZE 16384
+/* The state buf must be large enough to hold one state per character in the main buffer.
+ */
+#define YY_STATE_BUF_SIZE ((YY_BUF_SIZE + 2) * sizeof(yy_state_type))
+typedef struct yy_buffer_state *YY_BUFFER_STATE;
+extern int yyleng;
+extern FILE *yyin, *yyout;
+#define EOB_ACT_END_OF_FILE 1
+ #define YY_LESS_LINENO(n)
+/* Return all but the first "n" matched characters back to the input stream. */
+#define yyless(n) \
+ do \
+ { \
+ /* Undo effects of setting up yytext. */ \
+ int yyless_macro_arg = (n); \
+ YY_LESS_LINENO(yyless_macro_arg);\
+ *yy_cp = (yy_hold_char); \
+ (yy_c_buf_p) = yy_cp = yy_bp + yyless_macro_arg - YY_MORE_ADJ; \
+ YY_DO_BEFORE_ACTION; /* set up yytext again */ \
+ } \
+ while ( 0 )
+#define unput(c) yyunput( c, (yytext_ptr) )
+typedef size_t yy_size_t;
+struct yy_buffer_state
+ {
+ FILE *yy_input_file;
+ char *yy_ch_buf; /* input buffer */
+ char *yy_buf_pos; /* current position in input buffer */
+ /* Size of input buffer in bytes, not including room for EOB
+ * characters.
+ */
+ yy_size_t yy_buf_size;
+ /* Number of characters read into yy_ch_buf, not including EOB
+ * characters.
+ */
+ int yy_n_chars;
+ /* Whether we "own" the buffer - i.e., we know we created it,
+ * and can realloc() it to grow it, and should free() it to
+ * delete it.
+ */
+ int yy_is_our_buffer;
+ /* Whether this is an "interactive" input source; if so, and
+ * if we're using stdio for input, then we want to use getc()
+ * instead of fread(), to make sure we stop fetching input after
+ * each newline.
+ */
+ int yy_is_interactive;
+ /* Whether we're considered to be at the beginning of a line.
+ * If so, '^' rules will be active on the next match, otherwise
+ * not.
+ */
+ int yy_at_bol;
+ int yy_bs_lineno; /**< The line count. */
+ int yy_bs_column; /**< The column count. */
+ /* Whether to try to fill the input buffer when we reach the
+ * end of it.
+ */
+ int yy_fill_buffer;
+ int yy_buffer_status;
+#define YY_BUFFER_NEW 0
+ /* When an EOF's been seen but there's still some text to process
+ * then we mark the buffer as YY_EOF_PENDING, to indicate that we
+ * shouldn't try reading from the input source any more. We might
+ * still have a bunch of tokens to match, though, because of
+ * possible backing-up.
+ *
+ * When we actually see the EOF, we change the status to "new"
+ * (via yyrestart()), so that the user can continue scanning by
+ * just pointing yyin at a new input file.
+ */
+ };
+/* Stack of input buffers. */
+static size_t yy_buffer_stack_top = 0; /**< index of top of stack. */
+static size_t yy_buffer_stack_max = 0; /**< capacity of stack. */
+static YY_BUFFER_STATE * yy_buffer_stack = 0; /**< Stack as an array. */
+/* We provide macros for accessing buffer states in case in the
+ * future we want to put the buffer states in a more general
+ * "scanner state".
+ *
+ * Returns the top of the stack, or NULL.
+ */
+#define YY_CURRENT_BUFFER ( (yy_buffer_stack) \
+ ? (yy_buffer_stack)[(yy_buffer_stack_top)] \
+ : NULL)
+/* Same as previous macro, but useful when we know that the buffer stack is not
+ * NULL or when we need an lvalue. For internal use only.
+ */
+#define YY_CURRENT_BUFFER_LVALUE (yy_buffer_stack)[(yy_buffer_stack_top)]
+/* yy_hold_char holds the character lost when yytext is formed. */
+static char yy_hold_char;
+static int yy_n_chars; /* number of characters read into yy_ch_buf */
+int yyleng;
+/* Points to current character in buffer. */
+static char *yy_c_buf_p = (char *) 0;
+static int yy_init = 0; /* whether we need to initialize */
+static int yy_start = 0; /* start state number */
+/* Flag which is used to allow yywrap()'s to do buffer switches
+ * instead of setting up a fresh yyin. A bit of a hack ...
+ */
+static int yy_did_buffer_switch_on_eof;
+void yyrestart (FILE *input_file );
+void yy_switch_to_buffer (YY_BUFFER_STATE new_buffer );
+YY_BUFFER_STATE yy_create_buffer (FILE *file,int size );
+void yy_delete_buffer (YY_BUFFER_STATE b );
+void yy_flush_buffer (YY_BUFFER_STATE b );
+void yypush_buffer_state (YY_BUFFER_STATE new_buffer );
+void yypop_buffer_state (void );
+static void yyensure_buffer_stack (void );
+static void yy_load_buffer_state (void );
+static void yy_init_buffer (YY_BUFFER_STATE b,FILE *file );
+#define YY_FLUSH_BUFFER yy_flush_buffer(YY_CURRENT_BUFFER )
+YY_BUFFER_STATE yy_scan_buffer (char *base,yy_size_t size );
+YY_BUFFER_STATE yy_scan_string (yyconst char *yy_str );
+YY_BUFFER_STATE yy_scan_bytes (yyconst char *bytes,int len );
+void *yyalloc (yy_size_t );
+void *yyrealloc (void *,yy_size_t );
+void yyfree (void * );
+#define yy_new_buffer yy_create_buffer
+#define yy_set_interactive(is_interactive) \
+ { \
+ if ( ! YY_CURRENT_BUFFER ){ \
+ yyensure_buffer_stack (); \
+ yy_create_buffer(yyin,YY_BUF_SIZE ); \
+ } \
+ YY_CURRENT_BUFFER_LVALUE->yy_is_interactive = is_interactive; \
+ }
+#define yy_set_bol(at_bol) \
+ { \
+ if ( ! YY_CURRENT_BUFFER ){\
+ yyensure_buffer_stack (); \
+ yy_create_buffer(yyin,YY_BUF_SIZE ); \
+ } \
+ YY_CURRENT_BUFFER_LVALUE->yy_at_bol = at_bol; \
+ }
+#define YY_AT_BOL() (YY_CURRENT_BUFFER_LVALUE->yy_at_bol)
+/* Begin user sect3 */
+#define yywrap(n) 1
+typedef unsigned char YY_CHAR;
+FILE *yyin = (FILE *) 0, *yyout = (FILE *) 0;
+typedef int yy_state_type;
+extern int yylineno;
+int yylineno = 1;
+extern char *yytext;
+#define yytext_ptr yytext
+static yy_state_type yy_get_previous_state (void );
+static yy_state_type yy_try_NUL_trans (yy_state_type current_state );
+static int yy_get_next_buffer (void );
+static void yy_fatal_error (yyconst char msg[] );
+/* Done after the current pattern has been matched and before the
+ * corresponding action - sets up yytext.
+ */
+ (yytext_ptr) = yy_bp; \
+ (yytext_ptr) -= (yy_more_len); \
+ yyleng = (size_t) (yy_cp - (yytext_ptr)); \
+ (yy_hold_char) = *yy_cp; \
+ *yy_cp = '\0'; \
+ (yy_c_buf_p) = yy_cp;
+#define YY_NUM_RULES 66
+#define YY_END_OF_BUFFER 67
+/* This struct is not used in this scanner,
+ but its presence is necessary. */
+struct yy_trans_info
+ {
+ flex_int32_t yy_verify;
+ flex_int32_t yy_nxt;
+ };
+static yyconst flex_int16_t yy_accept[2256] =
+ { 0,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 32, 32, 0, 0, 0, 0, 57, 57, 67, 65,
+ 54, 43, 65, 46, 7, 35, 65, 44, 19, 20,
+ 23, 65, 65, 63, 22, 24, 21, 40, 65, 41,
+ 35, 35, 35, 35, 35, 6, 18, 52, 52, 65,
+ 35, 35, 26, 26, 26, 26, 26, 66, 10, 39,
+ 39, 39, 37, 39, 33, 32, 33, 31, 50, 48,
+ 47, 50, 45, 57, 59, 58, 54, 53, 55, 7,
+ 35, 1, 2, 63, 56, 62, 63, 42, 35, 35,
+ 35, 35, 35, 52, 52, 3, 35, 35, 27, 27,
+ 27, 27, 27, 27, 10, 0, 0, 0, 0, 38,
+ 37, 0, 37, 37, 37, 0, 37, 0, 37, 0,
+ 0, 32, 32, 0, 31, 0, 0, 49, 51, 57,
+ 59, 58, 60, 58, 61, 54, 55, 62, 62, 35,
+ 35, 0, 34, 0, 35, 35, 52, 52, 35, 35,
+ 27, 27, 27, 27, 13, 27, 27, 27, 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 38, 37, 37, 0, 36, 0, 0, 0,
+ 37, 37, 37, 0, 0, 0, 32, 32, 0, 30,
+ 0, 0, 0, 35, 29, 0, 0, 35, 35, 35,
+ 35, 27, 27, 14, 27, 27, 27, 27, 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 37, 37, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 35, 0, 0, 0, 35,
+ 35, 35, 27, 15, 14, 8, 27, 27, 27, 9,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 35, 64, 27, 14, 8, 12, 27, 27, 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 32,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 35, 4, 4, 0, 8,
+ 11, 27, 0, 0, 10, 0, 0, 37, 38, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0, 32, 0, 31, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 28, 0, 0, 0, 0, 35, 4, 25, 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 37, 37, 0, 37, 37, 0,
+ 37, 38, 0, 38, 0, 0, 0, 0, 32, 32,
+ 32, 0, 30, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 34, 0, 5, 25, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 36, 0, 37, 37, 0, 36, 0, 37,
+ 37, 37, 0, 37, 37, 37, 37, 0, 0, 37,
+ 37, 37, 0, 38, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 30, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 16, 17, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 0, 37, 37, 0, 0, 37, 37, 37, 0, 37,
+ 37, 37, 37, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 32, 0, 0, 0,
+ 32, 0, 32, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 9, 0,
+ 0, 0, 10, 0, 10, 0, 0, 0, 0, 37,
+ 0, 0, 37, 0, 0, 0, 0, 37, 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0, 38, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 0, 32, 0, 31, 0, 32, 0, 32, 0, 32,
+ 0, 32, 32, 0, 31, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 10, 0, 10, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 37,
+ 37, 0, 37, 37, 0, 37, 0, 0, 0, 37,
+ 37, 0, 0, 0, 37, 37, 37, 0, 37, 0,
+ 37, 0, 0, 0, 38, 0, 32, 0, 32, 0,
+ 0, 32, 0, 0, 32, 32, 0, 0, 0, 32,
+ 0, 32, 32, 0, 31, 32, 32, 32, 0, 30,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 28, 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 34, 0, 0, 0, 10, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 36, 0, 0,
+ 0, 37, 0, 0, 37, 37, 37, 37, 37, 37,
+ 0, 37, 37, 0, 37, 0, 0, 37, 37, 37,
+ 0, 0, 0, 37, 37, 0, 37, 0, 37, 0,
+ 0, 37, 37, 37, 0, 36, 0, 37, 37, 37,
+ 0, 38, 0, 0, 0, 32, 0, 32, 0, 30,
+ 0, 30, 32, 32, 0, 31, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 32, 32, 0, 0, 32, 32, 0, 31, 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 28, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0, 10, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 36, 37, 37, 37, 0, 37, 37, 0,
+ 37, 37, 37, 37, 37, 37, 0, 37, 37, 37,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 37, 37, 37, 0, 0,
+ 37, 37, 37, 37, 37, 37, 0, 37, 37, 0,
+ 37, 37, 37, 0, 0, 38, 0, 0, 38, 0,
+ 0, 32, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 30, 32, 32,
+ 0, 30, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 32, 0, 32,
+ 32, 0, 31, 0, 32, 32, 0, 30, 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 34, 0, 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 9, 0, 0, 0, 36, 0, 0, 0,
+ 36, 0, 0, 0, 36, 37, 37, 0, 37, 37,
+ 37, 0, 37, 37, 37, 37, 0, 0, 37, 37,
+ 37, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 37, 37, 37, 0,
+ 37, 37, 0, 37, 37, 37, 0, 37, 37, 0,
+ 36, 0, 37, 37, 37, 37, 0, 37, 37, 37,
+ 37, 37, 37, 37, 0, 0, 38, 0, 0, 0,
+ 32, 0, 30, 0, 0, 0, 0, 32, 0, 0,
+ 0, 32, 0, 0, 30, 32, 32, 32, 0, 30,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 0, 37, 37, 0, 0, 37, 37, 37, 0, 37,
+ 37, 37, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 36, 37, 37, 0, 0, 36, 0, 37, 37, 37,
+ 37, 0, 37, 37, 37, 37, 0, 0, 37, 37,
+ 37, 37, 37, 0, 0, 37, 37, 37, 37, 0,
+ 37, 37, 37, 37, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 32, 0, 0, 0, 32, 0, 32, 32, 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 32, 0, 32, 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 28, 0, 0, 9, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 37, 0, 0, 37, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 37, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 37, 37, 0, 0,
+ 37, 37, 37, 37, 0, 37, 37, 37, 37, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0, 37, 0, 37, 37, 0, 0, 0,
+ 32, 0, 32, 0, 30, 0, 32, 0, 32, 0,
+ 32, 0, 32, 0, 30, 32, 0, 30, 0, 0,
+ 0, 32, 0, 32, 0, 32, 0, 32, 0, 32,
+ 0, 32, 32, 0, 31, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 0, 28, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 37,
+ 0, 37, 0, 0, 36, 0, 0, 0, 37, 37,
+ 0, 0, 0, 37, 0, 0, 36, 0, 0, 36,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 37, 37, 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 37, 0, 37, 0, 37, 37, 37, 0,
+ 37, 37, 0, 37, 37, 0, 0, 32, 0, 32,
+ 32, 0, 30, 0, 0, 0, 32, 0, 32, 0,
+ 30, 32, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 32, 0, 32,
+ 0, 31, 0, 32, 0, 0, 31, 32, 32, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 0, 28, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 28, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 37, 0, 37, 36, 37, 37, 0, 0, 37, 0,
+ 37, 36, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 37, 0, 0,
+ 36, 37, 37, 0, 37, 37, 37, 37, 0, 0,
+ 37, 0, 37, 0, 0, 0, 0, 37, 37, 0,
+ 37, 37, 0, 37, 37, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 37, 37, 37, 37, 37, 37, 37, 0, 37, 37,
+ 0, 37, 0, 0, 37, 37, 37, 32, 32, 32,
+ 0, 30, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 32, 0,
+ 0, 32, 32, 0, 30, 32, 32, 0, 0, 32,
+ 0, 0, 32, 0, 31, 0, 32, 0, 0, 0,
+ 0, 28, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 0, 28, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 37,
+ 37, 37, 0, 0, 0, 37, 37, 37, 0, 0,
+ 37, 0, 0, 37, 0, 37, 36, 37, 37, 0,
+ 0, 37, 37, 0, 37, 36, 0, 37, 0, 37,
+ 37, 37, 37, 37, 37, 0, 37, 37, 0, 37,
+ 0, 0, 37, 37, 37, 0, 0, 37, 37, 0,
+ 0, 37, 37, 37, 37, 37, 37, 0, 37, 37,
+ 37, 0, 0, 37, 0, 32, 32, 0, 30, 0,
+ 0, 0, 32, 0, 32, 32, 0, 30, 32, 32,
+ 32, 0, 30, 0, 0, 0, 31, 0, 32, 0,
+ 32, 32, 0, 31, 0, 0, 0, 32, 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 37, 36, 37, 37, 0, 0, 37, 37, 0, 37,
+ 36, 37, 37, 0, 0, 37, 36, 37, 37, 0,
+ 0, 37, 37, 0, 37, 36, 0, 0, 0, 37,
+ 37, 0, 37, 37, 37, 37, 0, 37, 37, 37,
+ 37, 37, 37, 37, 0, 0, 0, 37, 37, 37,
+ 37, 37, 0, 37, 37, 37, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 37, 37, 37, 0, 37, 37, 0, 37, 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 37, 0, 32, 32, 0, 30, 0, 0,
+ 0, 32, 0, 32, 32, 32, 0, 30, 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 32, 0, 32, 32, 32,
+ 0, 30, 0, 0, 32, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0, 28, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 37, 37, 0, 0, 37, 0, 37, 37,
+ 37, 37, 0, 37, 37, 37, 37, 0, 0, 37,
+ 37, 37, 37, 37, 0, 0, 37, 37, 37, 0,
+ 37, 37, 37, 37, 0, 0, 37, 37, 37, 0,
+ 37, 0, 37, 37, 0, 0, 37, 37, 37, 37,
+ 0, 37, 37, 37, 0, 37, 36, 0, 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 37, 37, 0, 37, 36, 0,
+ 37, 37, 37, 37, 0, 37, 37, 37, 37, 37,
+ 37, 37, 37, 0, 0, 0, 32, 0, 0, 32,
+ 32, 0, 0, 0, 30, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 28, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 37, 37, 0, 0, 37,
+ 37, 37, 37, 0, 37, 37, 37, 37, 0, 37,
+ 37, 0, 0, 37, 37, 37, 0, 37, 37, 37,
+ 0, 37, 37, 0, 0, 37, 0, 37, 37, 0,
+ 0, 37, 37, 37, 37, 0, 37, 37, 37, 0,
+ 0, 0, 36, 0, 32, 0, 32, 32, 0, 30,
+ 32, 32, 0, 30, 0, 30, 0, 32, 0, 32,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 28, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 37, 0, 37, 0, 37, 0, 37, 37, 37, 37,
+ 37, 0, 0, 36, 37, 0, 0, 0, 36, 0,
+ 37, 0, 37, 37, 32, 32, 0, 30, 0, 0,
+ 0, 30, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 32, 0, 0,
+ 31, 0, 32, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 28, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 28, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 37, 0, 0, 36, 37, 37,
+ 37, 0, 37, 37, 0, 37, 36, 37, 0, 0,
+ 0, 36, 37, 0, 0, 0, 37, 37, 37, 37,
+ 0, 37, 37, 37, 37, 0, 0, 0, 0, 37,
+ 0, 32, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 32, 0, 0,
+ 32, 0, 32, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 28, 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0, 37, 37, 37, 37, 37, 37, 0,
+ 37, 37, 0, 37, 0, 0, 37, 37, 37, 37,
+ 37, 37, 37, 0, 37, 37, 37, 37, 0, 0,
+ 37, 37, 37, 0, 37, 37, 37, 37, 0, 37,
+ 0, 37, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 32,
+ 0, 0, 32, 0, 0, 31, 0, 32, 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 37, 0,
+ 37, 37, 37, 37, 37, 37, 0, 37, 37, 37,
+ 0, 0, 37, 0, 37, 0, 0, 0, 0, 37,
+ 0, 0, 0, 37, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 28, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 32, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 32, 0, 30, 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 32,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
+ } ;
+static yyconst flex_int32_t yy_ec[256] =
+ { 0,
+ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 3,
+ 4, 4, 4, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
+ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
+ 1, 5, 1, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12,
+ 13, 14, 1, 15, 1, 16, 17, 18, 18, 18,
+ 18, 18, 18, 18, 18, 18, 18, 19, 20, 21,
+ 22, 23, 1, 1, 24, 25, 25, 26, 27, 25,
+ 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 25, 28, 29, 28, 28,
+ 28, 28, 30, 31, 25, 28, 28, 25, 28, 28,
+ 32, 33, 34, 1, 28, 1, 35, 25, 36, 37,
+ 38, 39, 28, 28, 40, 28, 28, 41, 42, 43,
+ 44, 28, 28, 45, 46, 47, 48, 28, 28, 25,
+ 28, 28, 49, 1, 50, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
+ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
+ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
+ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
+ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
+ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
+ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
+ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
+ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
+ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
+ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
+ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
+ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
+ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1
+ } ;
+static yyconst flex_int32_t yy_meta[51] =
+ { 0,
+ 1, 2, 3, 4, 2, 5, 6, 7, 1, 8,
+ 1, 9, 10, 11, 8, 12, 13, 14, 15, 1,
+ 1, 8, 16, 17, 17, 17, 17, 18, 18, 18,
+ 18, 8, 1, 8, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 18,
+ 17, 18, 18, 18, 18, 18, 18, 17, 19, 1
+ } ;
+static yyconst flex_int32_t yy_base[2967] =
+ { 0,
+ 0, 49, 25, 55, 85, 0, 6574, 6267, 63, 67,
+ 134, 138, 141, 142, 143, 146, 59, 60, 6246,46460,
+ 156,46460, 160,46460, 148, 0, 117,46460,46460,46460,
+ 46460, 6226, 154, 0,46460,46460,46460,46460, 6122,46460,
+ 6083, 6080, 6071, 5936, 5939,46460,46460, 186, 190, 147,
+ 5934, 5923,46460, 0, 5784, 35, 130,46460, 196,46460,
+ 202, 206, 222, 163,46460, 226, 164,46460,46460,46460,
+ 46460, 5795,46460, 5793,46460, 231, 247,46460, 255, 180,
+ 0,46460,46460, 0,46460, 5686, 0,46460, 5625, 5596,
+ 259, 5598, 5589, 263, 275,46460, 5601, 5601, 0, 5526,
+ 175, 5514, 268, 5513, 279, 283, 275, 289, 0, 0,
+ 322, 281, 0, 355, 0, 304, 0, 283, 374, 5528,
+ 5417, 326, 344, 285,46460, 5405, 5415,46460,46460, 5402,
+ 46460, 301,46460, 338,46460, 376, 380, 5287,46460, 5240,
+ 5229, 402,46460, 296, 5218, 5221, 392, 421, 5166, 5164,
+ 5154, 5140, 4723, 4720, 362, 4696, 4520, 4515, 416, 4516,
+ 4528, 4475, 0, 455, 474, 425,46460, 305, 4441, 4451,
+ 0, 0, 0, 4325, 328, 4326, 429, 445, 336,46460,
+ 4308, 374, 4247, 4203, 0, 4234, 4232, 4085, 4062, 4072,
+ 4062, 4045, 439, 449, 4045, 4041, 3971, 3960, 459, 3966,
+ 422, 3964, 0, 0, 3938, 3831, 3808, 438, 3809, 3793,
+ 462, 3724, 3734, 3722, 466, 501, 3709, 467, 3716, 3671,
+ 3673, 480, 3658, 512, 0, 522, 571, 3643, 3641, 575,
+ 3473, 3472, 3480, 474, 3471, 564, 3366, 3342, 568, 3330,
+ 569, 3328, 570, 3335, 3323, 574, 590, 582, 3203, 583,
+ 3184, 596, 600, 0, 0, 604, 609, 3171, 3164, 3161,
+ 3173, 598, 3171, 602, 3165, 603, 620, 3042, 657, 674,
+ 723, 3032, 3036, 2953, 715, 2939, 0,46460, 729, 0,
+ 741, 745, 750, 2926, 754, 2938, 746, 772, 815, 863,
+ 748, 2934, 750, 913, 810, 2873, 962, 1010, 811, 1058,
+ 46460, 2869, 817, 2865, 966, 830, 0, 0, 980, 0,
+ 0, 985, 959, 1107, 1150, 0, 1198, 1248, 0, 974,
+ 1283, 0, 0, 0, 1331, 990, 983, 219, 1016, 1032,
+ 0, 988, 2849, 989, 239, 1380, 1428, 0, 2848, 2696,
+ 2675, 1024, 2668, 1025,46460, 0, 2603, 2570, 1043, 337,
+ 1026, 300, 2577, 1036, 0, 1462, 0, 2315, 1037, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0, 1510, 0, 1559, 0, 1038, 360, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 2308, 0, 1055, 472, 1065, 1050,
+ 2310, 1070, 494, 734, 1071, 1592, 0, 2303, 1072, 2299,
+ 2284, 1076, 1077, 823,46460,46460, 1399, 833, 1089, 1081,
+ 835, 0, 0, 1082, 995, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2280,
+ 0, 0, 0, 1156, 1157, 1297, 1083, 1158, 2173, 1299,
+ 1309, 1641, 1087, 1301, 2138, 1088, 1691, 1302, 1388, 1303,
+ 1741, 1392, 1791, 2134, 1148, 1841, 1386, 1393, 1410, 203,
+ 232, 1405, 1446, 1408, 1452, 1413, 1420, 2059, 1149, 1891,
+ 1414, 1458, 1150, 1459, 2069, 1462, 1465, 1941, 1991, 1467,
+ 1471, 1488, 1490, 2039, 1565, 1564, 1584, 2057, 1311, 2042,
+ 1313, 2087, 1373, 1626, 1585, 2136, 1586, 2185, 1599, 2235,
+ 1603, 2284, 2333, 1604, 1633, 1617, 1404, 2383, 1421, 1605,
+ 1620, 1612, 2041, 481, 348, 1613, 2140, 2045, 2156, 2288,
+ 2148, 1625, 2433, 2152, 2483, 1600, 1450, 1598, 1492, 2533,
+ 2576, 0, 2624, 0, 1566, 2659, 2046, 2707, 2153, 2757,
+ 2807, 2161, 2047, 2165, 2856, 2890, 2933, 2981, 0, 2291,
+ 3016, 2292, 2169, 3064, 3114, 2293, 3163, 2296, 3167, 1578,
+ 1616, 3171, 1576, 1621, 3220, 3270, 2037, 2297, 2300, 3319,
+ 2301, 3323, 3372, 2309, 1583, 3422, 3471, 3520, 2313, 1582,
+ 2317, 1581, 3570, 3620, 3663, 2038, 3704, 1557, 2132, 2318,
+ 2582, 2676, 2688, 3033, 1567, 2689, 2584, 730, 3187, 3327,
+ 969, 2594, 1563, 2596, 3752, 2862, 3193, 1562, 2872, 1494,
+ 2157, 3801, 1482, 2163, 3850, 3900, 3935, 3976, 0, 0,
+ 0, 4024, 0, 4073, 4075, 2167, 2673, 0, 0, 0,
+ 2939, 4123, 3030, 4173, 4216, 4264, 0, 3045, 4299, 3046,
+ 2940, 4347, 4397, 4432, 4480, 1487, 3197, 4523, 0, 0,
+ 4571, 4621, 4671, 3331, 2941, 3961, 3332, 4720, 3336, 1480,
+ 2305,46460, 4769, 4819, 2573, 1457, 1452, 2578, 2942, 3338,
+ 4869, 4919, 3179, 1455, 4969, 5019, 3340, 3199, 3204, 1449,
+ 5069, 2687, 1430, 5119, 5162, 0, 2850, 3205, 3344, 3348,
+ 3475, 3356, 1440, 3479, 3681, 3487, 3952, 5210, 3357, 1436,
+ 3495, 2863, 5259, 5293, 5343, 5386, 5434, 5484, 0, 2867,
+ 5519, 5567, 0, 5610, 5643, 0, 5691, 5741, 0, 5776,
+ 3488, 1412, 2868, 3492, 3500, 5824, 5874, 5909, 3710, 1417,
+ 5950, 0, 0, 5998, 6048, 6091, 6139, 6189, 0, 3807,
+ 6224, 6272, 0, 3711, 1391, 6322, 6372, 6422, 0, 6472,
+ 6522, 5935, 3712, 1385, 1372, 1326, 2932, 1289, 6571, 6620,
+ 2933, 1170, 3044, 3713, 1169, 3164, 3955, 6670, 3965, 6720,
+ 6770, 3974, 3978, 1179, 6819, 6868, 3982, 3983, 4078, 3984,
+ 6918, 0, 3169, 4080, 6968, 0, 1155, 3347, 7018, 4093,
+ 4101, 4094, 7068, 4103, 7118, 4316, 4095, 4222, 4724, 4727,
+ 4328, 4223, 3670, 209, 437, 7168, 4224, 4329, 1064, 1070,
+ 1052, 7218, 0, 3349, 7268, 0, 7303, 3496, 7344, 0,
+ 0, 0, 7392, 0, 7441, 7475, 3501, 4313, 0, 0,
+ 0, 3502, 1042, 3662, 4446, 4448, 7523, 7573, 7616, 7664,
+ 7714, 0, 4449, 7749, 7797, 0, 1028, 7847, 7882, 7930,
+ 4450, 4458, 7973, 8021, 0, 0, 0, 8071, 0, 8121,
+ 8156, 0, 0, 0, 8204, 8254, 8304, 8354, 0, 4529,
+ 7329, 4728, 4530, 3663, 4531, 3703, 4729, 8404, 4730, 4732,
+ 4733, 8454, 4736, 3976, 1012, 8503, 8507, 8556, 4737, 4745,
+ 5168, 4749, 5265, 4753, 4754, 5275, 1010, 4065, 1003, 4105,
+ 8606, 4214, 5169, 8656, 5392, 8706, 5170, 8756, 5533, 5536,
+ 8806, 5545, 5549, 5393, 5628, 993, 252, 5659, 5394, 4215,
+ 5660, 8856, 0, 4216, 5661, 8899, 8932, 0, 8980, 9030,
+ 0, 9065, 5669, 5663, 5790, 5792, 5794, 5802, 9113, 4327,
+ 9163, 9213, 9248, 9296, 0, 5796, 5939, 9339, 9387, 0,
+ 0, 0, 9437, 0, 9487, 9522, 5948, 5927, 0, 0,
+ 0, 9570, 0, 5952, 5929, 9613, 9654, 9687, 0, 9735,
+ 9785, 0, 9820, 0, 5956, 9868, 6097, 5957, 5958, 6238,
+ 9918, 6098, 6240, 6099, 9968, 6250,10018,10067, 4460, 6242,
+ 6575, 6244, 6576, 6577, 6579, 0, 6581,10116, 6583,10166,
+ 6593,10216, 1002, 4462,10265, 996, 4521,10314,10357,10398,
+ 4522, 6597, 6598,10446, 6599,10489, 6600,10537,10587,10630,
+ 6601,10671, 974, 6605, 845, 6823, 6826, 6828, 5172, 1041,
+ 6827, 6829,10719, 6831, 6835,10769, 6836, 827, 6841, 6844,
+ 10819, 6845, 6853,10869, 4523, 7321,10919, 0, 7333, 7323,
+ 10962,11010,11045, 0,11093,11143, 0,11178, 0, 7342,
+ 7346, 7350, 7351,11226, 7447,11276,11326,11376, 7489, 7352,
+ 11426, 7491,11476, 4741, 756, 7493,11525, 7501,11574, 7495,
+ 8916, 7622, 9671, 7763, 750,11624, 7765, 7623, 725, 4748,
+ 7624,11673, 7775,11722, 7767,11772, 7896,11821, 7769,11825,
+ 7898,11829,11878, 7908, 7900, 7902,11928, 7979,11977,12026,
+ 8170, 735,12075, 5164,12124,12174, 5253,12217, 0, 716,
+ 5266, 7980, 8172,12265,12308,12349, 7981, 670,12397,12447,
+ 8182,12497,12540, 0, 8174, 669, 8511, 8513, 8176,12588,
+ 8512,12638,12688, 5270,12738, 8516,12788, 8519,12838,12888,
+ 8520, 8525, 8528,12937,12986, 8529,13036, 8535, 8946, 8541,
+ 8958, 604, 5271, 8908, 0, 9079,13086,13136, 8948, 600,
+ 8950, 9081,13186, 8952,13236, 9091,13279,13327,13370,13418,
+ 13468, 0, 9262,13503,13551, 9264, 9083,13601, 9274,13650,
+ 13699, 9345, 587, 5384, 9085, 9266,13748, 9536,13752, 9538,
+ 586,13801, 9268, 571, 9548, 9346, 9347,13850, 9619,13899,
+ 9701, 9540, 9542,13949, 9713, 9834, 522,13998,14047, 9836,
+ 9620,14097,14147, 0, 9621, 518, 505, 504,14197,14240,
+ 5385, 479, 0, 5386,14281, 5547, 9663, 453, 5605, 9703,
+ 14329, 9846,14379,14429,10071,14472, 0, 463,14520,14563,
+ 10072,14604, 9705,10073, 9707,14652, 0, 9838,10269, 9851,
+ 14702,10077,14751, 442,14800,14843,14891, 0, 0,10079,
+ 14926, 0, 5606,10089,10092,14974,10094, 0,15024,10095,
+ 15074,15124,15167, 0,15215, 0,15265,15300,10096,10101,
+ 15348,10271,15398,10272,10273, 0,10276,15448,15491,15539,
+ 15589, 0,10277,15624,15672,10278,10285,10293, 0,10295,
+ 15722,15772,15807,15848,15896, 0, 0,15946,15996, 0,
+ 16046,16081,10363,10297, 0, 0, 0,16129,15833,16179,
+ 10404, 432,10299, 414, 402, 5607,10364,10495,16229,10365,
+ 405,16279,16329,10636,10405,16378,16427,10677,10406,16477,
+ 10496, 400,16526,10968,10497,10637,16530,11059,16579,16629,
+ 11061,10638,16679, 0,16722, 5671,10678, 5673,10679,10969,
+ 11071,10970,16770,11192,16820, 5804,16870,16913,16954,11194,
+ 16995,11063,11204,11065,17043,17086, 0,11529,11196,17134,
+ 17184,17219,11530,11198, 399,17260, 0, 0, 320, 5806,
+ 17308,11531, 330,17358,11534,17408,11535,17458,17501,17549,
+ 0,17599, 0,11538,17634, 0,11547,17682,11550,17732,
+ 17782,17817,17858, 0, 0,17906,17956, 0,18006,18041,
+ 11551,11555, 0, 0, 0,11556,11557,18089, 5912, 0,
+ 11677,18139, 0,18182,18230,18265, 0,18313,18363, 0,
+ 18398,11678,11679, 5914,11682,18446,18496,11683,11695,11698,
+ 317,11699,18546,11700, 0,18596,11701,11702,17245, 0,
+ 18646,11833,11705,11834,11707,11838,11840,11842,17843,11846,
+ 18696,18746,11850,11854,11855,11859,11862,18795,11981,18844,
+ 0,11983,11863,18894, 0,11985,11988,18944,11989,11990,
+ 11998,18994,12003,19044,19094, 5950,12005,19144,19187, 0,
+ 12007,12008,12011,12081,19235, 0,12082, 0,12083,19285,
+ 19335,12087,19385,19428,19476, 0,19526, 0,12088,19561,
+ 0,19609, 0,12096, 309, 0,12100,19659,19702,19750,
+ 0,19800, 0,12101,19835, 0,12103,12105,12109,19883,
+ 19918,12223,19959,20007, 0, 0,20057,20107, 0,20157,
+ 20192, 0, 0, 0,20240, 0,12314,20290, 0,20333,
+ 20366, 0,20414,20464, 0,20499,12355,12224,20547,12546,
+ 20597,20647,20690,20738,20788, 0,12943,20823,13285,12225,
+ 20871,12315, 0,13376,19944,20921,13517,12316,13519,12356,
+ 12357,20971,13529,21020,21024,21073,13654,12547,13655,12548,
+ 13656,13286,13660,13287,13377,21122,13661,21126,21175,21225,
+ 13662,13378,13677,13521,21275,13523,21325,13678,21375,21425,
+ 6089,13679,21475,13756,21525,13682,21575,13757,21624,21673,
+ 13758,21723,13763,13683, 260, 6090,21773, 0,13684, 0,
+ 13764,21823,13765,21873,13773,21923,13779, 0,13781,21973,
+ 22016,13782,22064,22107,22155,13854,22190,13855, 0,22238,
+ 0, 0, 0,22288, 0,22338,22373,13856,13780, 0,
+ 0, 0,22421,22456,22504,13860,22547, 0, 0,22595,
+ 22645, 0,22695,22730,13862,13786, 0, 0, 0,13872,
+ 22778,13875,22828, 0,13877,13879,22871, 0,22904, 0,
+ 22952,23002, 0,23037,13881,23085,13882,14002,14003,14004,
+ 23135,14007, 0,14008,23185,23220,23268,23318,14009,14010,
+ 23361, 0, 0, 0, 0,23409, 0,23459,23494, 0,
+ 0, 0,23542,14023,14025,14027,23591,14029,14030,23640,
+ 23690,14246,14031,14287,14247,14248,23740,14478,23789,23838,
+ 23881,14569, 199, 6091,14288,14289,23929,14610,23978,24027,
+ 14757,24077,14479, 183,24127, 0,14849,14480,14570, 0,
+ 14940,24177,14942,14571,24227,14952,24270,15173,24318,24361,
+ 24402,15314,14611,15316,14612,24450, 0,15326,14850,24493,
+ 24541,24576, 0,24624,24674, 0,24709,24757,15497,24807,
+ 0,15638,14851,24850,24883, 0,24931,24981, 0,25016,
+ 15640,25064,25114,15650,14944,25164,15837,25207, 0,15844,
+ 14946, 0,25255,25290, 0,25338,25388, 0,25423,15846,
+ 25471,15850,25521,15174,25571,15854,25621,25671,16095,15175,
+ 25721, 0,16097,15318,16107,15320,15498, 0,16382,20350,
+ 16383,15499,25771,25821,16384, 0,25864,15642, 169, 156,
+ 6252,15644,16388,25912,15825, 80,25962,26012,26055,16389,
+ 15827,26103,26153,26196,16390,15856,26244, 0,26287,15866,
+ 58,26335,26378,16405,26426, 0,16099, 0,16406,16101,
+ 26476,16407,26526,16411, 0,16534,26576,26626,26676,26726,
+ 26776,26826,16535,26876,26926,16536,26976,16541,27026,16412,
+ 0,16542,27076,27126,27176,27226,16543,16551,16559,16558,
+ 16560,16564,16728,16729,16919,16730,16920,27276,16960,17001,
+ 16921,16961,22888,17092,27326,27376,27419,17249,16962,17002,
+ 53,27467, 0,17003,27517,17258, 0,27567,27610,17262,
+ 17093,27658,17266, 0,27701,17507,17094,27742,17648,27790,
+ 0,17237,27840,17650,27890,27940,17660, 0,27983,17847,
+ 17239,17267,28031,17856,28081,28131,17860,28181,28231,28281,
+ 28324,28372,28422, 0,17864,28457, 0,28505,18055,28555,
+ 18057,28605,28655,18067,18188,17268,28705,28755,28798, 0,
+ 28846,28896, 0,28946,28981,18279,17508, 0,18281,29029,
+ 18291,29079,18412,17509,18414,17652,17654,29129,18424,17835,
+ 29178,18799,29227,18800,17837,29277,18801, 0,29320,18805,
+ 17865,17866,29368,18806,29418,29468,18807, 0,29511,18822,
+ 18059,18823,18061,29559, 0, 0,29602,18824,18189,18190,
+ 0,19193,29650,29700,29743,19434,29784,18283,19575,18285,
+ 29832,19577,18416,29882,29917,29958,30006, 0, 0,30056,
+ 30106, 0,30156,30191,19587,18418, 0, 0, 0,30239,
+ 30289,30332, 0,30380,30430, 0,30480,30515,19708,18828,
+ 30563,30606, 0,30654,30704, 0,30754,30789,18829,30837,
+ 19849,30887,19851,19194,30937,19861,19948,19195,19435,30987,
+ 19957,19436,29943,19961,19965,19579,19581, 0,20206,20208,
+ 19709,31037, 0,31087,20218,19710,31137, 0,31187,31237,
+ 31287,31330, 0,20380,19853,31378,20392,19855,31428,20513,
+ 31478, 0,31521,31569,31604, 0,31652,31702, 0,31737,
+ 20515,19936, 0,20525,31785,20696,19938,31835,20837,31885,
+ 20839,20849,19966, 0,21028,21029,19967,20210,31935,21030,
+ 31985,32035,32078,21036,20212,32126, 0,32176,21037,32226,
+ 21045,32269, 0,20342, 0,21046,32317,21053,20382, 6254,
+ 21054,21130,32367, 0,32410,21131, 0, 0,21132,20384,
+ 32458,21138,21139,20386,21147,20517,20519, 0,21148,32501,
+ 21155,20697,32549,21156,21628,32599,21630,20698, 0, 0,
+ 21632,20841,21636,20843,21052, 0,21637,21058,32649,21645,
+ 32699, 0, 0,21649,21154,21653,21160,21654, 0,21655,
+ 21657, 0,22022,32749,22113,22023, 0,22204,22024,32799,
+ 22206,32842, 0,22216,22114,32890,32940,32990,22387,22389,
+ 22115,22208, 0,22399,46460,33040,33059,33078,33097,33116,
+ 33129,33136,33147,33164,33181,33198,33217,33236,33255,33274,
+ 33287,33304,33321,33340,33359,33377,33396,33415,33434,33453,
+ 33472,33491,33510,33529,33548,33567,33586,33605,33624,33643,
+ 33662,33681,33700,33719,33738,33757,33776,33795,33814,33833,
+ 33851,33869,33887,33905,33924,33943,33961,33980,33999,34012,
+ 34029,34046,34064,34083,34096,34114,34133,34151,34169,34188,
+ 34207,34226,34244,34263,34282,34301,34320,34339,34358,34376,
+ 34394,34413,34432,34451,34470,34489,34508,34527,34546,34565,
+ 34584,34603,34622,34641,34660,34679,34698,34717,34736,34755,
+ 34774,34793,34812,34831,34850,34869,34888,34907,34926,34945,
+ 34964,34983,35002,35020,35038,35057,35076,35095,35114,35133,
+ 35152,35171,35190,35208,35227,35246,35265,35284,35303,35322,
+ 35341,35360,35379,35398,35417,35436,35455,35474,35493,35512,
+ 35531,35550,35569,35588,35607,35626,35644,35662,35681,35700,
+ 35719,35738,35757,35776,35795,35814,35832,35851,35870,35889,
+ 35908,35927,35946,35965,35984,36003,36022,36041,36060,36079,
+ 36098,36117,36136,36155,36174,36193,36211,36230,36249,36268,
+ 36287,36306,36325,36344,36363,36382,36401,36420,36439,36458,
+ 36477,36496,36515,36534,36553,36572,36591,36610,36629,36648,
+ 36667,36686,36705,36724,36743,36762,36781,36800,36819,36838,
+ 36857,36875,36893,36911,36930,36949,36968,36987,37006,37025,
+ 37044,37063,37082,37101,37120,37139,37158,37177,37196,37215,
+ 37234,37253,37272,37291,37310,37329,37348,37367,37386,37405,
+ 37424,37443,37462,37481,37500,37519,37538,37557,37576,37595,
+ 37614,37633,37652,37671,37690,37709,37728,37747,37766,37785,
+ 37804,37823,37842,37861,37880,37899,37918,37937,37956,37975,
+ 37994,38013,38032,38051,38070,38089,38108,38127,38146,38165,
+ 38184,38203,38221,38239,38258,38277,38296,38315,38334,38353,
+ 38372,38391,38410,38429,38448,38467,38486,38505,38524,38543,
+ 38562,38581,38600,38619,38638,38657,38676,38695,38714,38733,
+ 38752,38771,38790,38809,38828,38847,38866,38885,38904,38923,
+ 38942,38961,38980,38998,39017,39036,39055,39074,39093,39112,
+ 39131,39150,39169,39188,39207,39226,39245,39264,39283,39302,
+ 39321,39340,39359,39378,39397,39416,39435,39454,39473,39492,
+ 39511,39530,39549,39568,39587,39606,39625,39643,39662,39681,
+ 39700,39719,39738,39757,39776,39795,39813,39832,39850,39869,
+ 39888,39907,39926,39945,39964,39983,40002,40021,40040,40059,
+ 40078,40097,40116,40135,40154,40173,40192,40211,40230,40249,
+ 40268,40287,40306,40325,40344,40363,40382,40400,40419,40438,
+ 40457,40476,40495,40514,40533,40552,40571,40590,40609,40628,
+ 40647,40666,40685,40704,40723,40742,40761,40780,40799,40818,
+ 40837,40856,40875,40894,40913,40932,40951,40970,40989,41008,
+ 41027,41046,41065,41084,41103,41122,41141,41160,41179,41198,
+ 41217,41236,41255,41274,41293,41312,41331,41350,41369,41388,
+ 41407,41426,41445,41464,41483,41502,41521,41540,41559,41578,
+ 41597,41616,41635,41654,41673,41692,41711,41730,41749,41768,
+ 41787,41806,41825,41844,41863,41882,41901,41920,41939,41958,
+ 41977,41996,42015,42034,42053,42072,42091,42110,42129,42148,
+ 42167,42186,42205,42224,42243,42262,42281,42300,42319,42338,
+ 42357,42376,42395,42414,42433,42452,42471,42490,42509,42528,
+ 42547,42566,42585,42604,42623,42642,42661,42680,42699,42718,
+ 42737,42756,42775,42794,42813,42832,42851,42870,42889,42908,
+ 42927,42946,42964,42983,43002,43021,43040,43059,43078,43097,
+ 43116,43135,43154,43173,43192,43211,43230,43249,43268,43287,
+ 43306,43325,43344,43363,43382,43401,43420,43439,43458,43477,
+ 43496,43515,43533,43552,43571,43590,43609,43628,43647,43666,
+ 43685,43704,43723,43742,43761,43780,43799,43818,43837,43856,
+ 43875,43894,43913,43932,43951,43970,43989,44008,44027,44046,
+ 44065,44084,44103,44122,44141,44160,44179,44198,44217,44236,
+ 44255,44274,44293,44312,44331,44350,44369,44388,44407,44426,
+ 44445,44464,44483,44502,44521,44540,44559,44578,44597,44616,
+ 44635,44654,44673,44692,44711,44730,44749,44768,44787,44806,
+ 44825,44844,44863,44882,44901,44920,44939,44958,44977,44996,
+ 45015,45034,45053,45072,45091,45110,45129,45148,45167,45186,
+ 45205,45224,45243,45262,45281,45300,45319,45338,45357,45376,
+ 45395,45414,45433,45452,45471,45490,45509,45528,45547,45566,
+ 45585,45604,45623,45642,45661,45680,45699,45718,45737,45756,
+ 45775,45794,45813,45832,45851,45870,45889,45908,45927,45946,
+ 45965,45984,46003,46022,46041,46060,46079,46098,46117,46136,
+ 46155,46174,46193,46212,46231,46250,46269,46288,46307,46326,
+ 46345,46364,46383,46402,46421,46440
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+ 2279, 2280, 2271, 2272, 164, 2273, 2255, 2255, 2281, 2282,
+ 119, 119, 165, 2274, 2283, 2275, 2255, 2276, 2255, 2255,
+ 2277, 2284, 2278, 2261, 2261, 2285, 2286, 2261, 2261, 2261,
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+ 2287, 2280, 165, 165, 2288, 2289, 2281, 2290, 2282, 2274,
+ 2291, 2292, 2293, 2277, 2294, 2261, 2285, 2295, 2286, 2261,
+ 2261, 2261, 2263, 2255, 2296, 2255, 2263, 2263, 2263, 2255,
+ 2255, 2255, 2279, 2297, 2288, 2298, 2289, 2281, 2299, 2274,
+ 2291, 2292, 2300, 2293, 2277, 2294, 2301, 2255, 2285, 2302,
+ 2261, 2303, 2263, 2296, 2304, 2255, 2263, 2263, 2255, 2255,
+ 2279, 2297, 2288, 2305, 2281, 2299, 2255, 2292, 2306, 2255,
+ 2307, 2308, 2309, 2285, 2302, 2261, 2310, 2255, 2311, 2304,
+ 2255, 2263, 2255, 2255, 2279, 2288, 2305, 2255, 2274, 2255,
+ 2274, 2292, 2306, 2255, 2277, 2277, 2312, 2313, 2255, 2307,
+ 2255, 2308, 2314, 2309, 2285, 2261, 2310, 2315, 2255, 2316,
+ 2317, 2279, 2279, 2255, 288, 288, 2255, 2255, 288, 2281,
+ 288, 289, 267, 289, 2255, 2318, 2319, 2320, 2292, 2277,
+ 294, 2277, 2277, 2321, 2322, 2323, 2313, 337, 2324, 2325,
+ 2308, 2326, 2285, 2285, 2255, 2315, 2316, 2317, 2279, 2279,
+ 2327, 2328, 2329, 2329, 315, 315, 317, 2281, 2281, 288,
+ 315, 288, 317, 2255, 288, 2330, 321, 2331, 2332, 321,
+ 321, 356, 267, 289, 325, 267, 2333, 2320, 2334, 2292,
+ 2292, 2335, 2336, 2322, 2337, 2323, 386, 2324, 2338, 2325,
+ 2308, 2326, 2339, 2340, 2255, 2255, 2279, 2328, 2341, 2342,
+ 2343, 356, 356, 2344, 2345, 288, 315, 288, 317, 364,
+ 288, 321, 288, 2346, 2332, 2347, 267, 2320, 2333, 2320,
+ 2348, 2255, 2349, 2350, 2351, 2352, 2255, 2336, 2353, 2322,
+ 2255, 2354, 2255, 2324, 2355, 2255, 2340, 2356, 2279, 2279,
+ 2279, 2328, 2279, 2357, 2358, 2343, 2359, 2360, 2361, 2255,
+ 2345, 2362, 288, 2332, 2346, 2332, 2363, 2255, 2255, 2320,
+ 2320, 2348, 2364, 2333, 2333, 2350, 2365, 2351, 2366, 2351,
+ 2367, 2255, 2368, 2368, 2369, 2370, 2371, 2255, 2372, 2255,
+ 2373, 2374, 2255, 2375, 2375, 2376, 2377, 2255, 2378, 2379,
+ 2380, 2381, 2382, 2383, 2383, 2384, 2383, 2385, 2255, 2386,
+ 2386, 2387, 2255, 2388, 2255, 2389, 2390, 2389, 2391, 2255,
+ 510, 503, 2255, 511, 2392, 511, 2393, 2255, 2394, 2255,
+ 2255, 2395, 2395, 2396, 2397, 2255, 526, 2255, 527, 2398,
+ 527, 2399, 2400, 2255, 2255, 2401, 2402, 2403, 2404, 2405,
+ 2406, 2407, 2405, 2406, 2255, 2255, 2408, 2409, 2410, 2411,
+ 2412, 2407, 2255, 2404, 2404, 2255, 2413, 2255, 2413, 2413,
+ 2414, 2413, 2255, 2255, 564, 2415, 564, 2415, 2416, 2417,
+ 2418, 2419, 2420, 2255, 2421, 2421, 2422, 2422, 2423, 2424,
+ 2424, 2423, 2424, 2425, 2255, 2426, 2427, 2428, 2428, 2429,
+ 2430, 2255, 2429, 2430, 2255, 2255, 596, 596, 596, 598,
+ 585, 2255, 598, 2427, 598, 2431, 2432, 605, 605, 597,
+ 2433, 2255, 2434, 2255, 614, 2255, 615, 2428, 615, 2435,
+ 2436, 2255, 2255, 623, 2255, 2437, 2437, 624, 628, 624,
+ 2255, 2255, 2255, 2438, 2439, 2440, 2441, 2255, 2442, 2442,
+ 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2443, 2443, 2443, 2444, 2445, 2446,
+ 2255, 2255, 2447, 2448, 2255, 2255, 2449, 2449, 2445, 2448,
+ 2255, 2450, 2450, 2255, 664, 665, 2451, 2452, 2453, 2454,
+ 2455, 2455, 2456, 2457, 2458, 2458, 2459, 2255, 2460, 2461,
+ 2462, 2255, 2463, 2255, 2255, 685, 2255, 2255, 686, 2464,
+ 686, 2255, 692, 692, 692, 694, 2255, 2255, 694, 694,
+ 2465, 2464, 2466, 2467, 2468, 2255, 2255, 707, 2469, 2470,
+ 708, 711, 708, 2255, 2255, 715, 2255, 2255, 716, 2471,
+ 716, 2255, 722, 2467, 2470, 2255, 2255, 2255, 726, 2255,
+ 2255, 2472, 2472, 2473, 2474, 2475, 2474, 2474, 2474, 2255,
+ 2474, 2474, 2476, 2477, 2474, 2478, 2479, 2255, 2480, 2255,
+ 2255, 2481, 2481, 2475, 2482, 2255, 2482, 2482, 2483, 2482,
+ 2255, 761, 2484, 2485, 2255, 765, 2486, 2487, 2255, 2488,
+ 2489, 2490, 2255, 2491, 2255, 2492, 2493, 2493, 2494, 2494,
+ 2495, 2494, 2496, 2496, 2496, 2255, 2497, 2497, 2498, 2499,
+ 2498, 2255, 792, 2498, 2255, 795, 795, 2498, 795, 795,
+ 799, 792, 2255, 799, 2255, 799, 2500, 2501, 806, 806,
+ 797, 786, 2498, 2502, 2503, 2504, 2255, 2255, 818, 2255,
+ 2255, 819, 2505, 819, 2255, 825, 2499, 2255, 828, 2255,
+ 2506, 2506, 828, 2255, 828, 833, 830, 2255, 833, 2255,
+ 833, 841, 841, 829, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 845, 2507,
+ 2508, 2509, 2509, 2510, 2511, 2512, 2513, 2255, 2514, 2515,
+ 2516, 2255, 2517, 2518, 2518, 2519, 2518, 2255, 2519, 2519,
+ 2520, 2521, 2522, 2521, 2523, 2524, 2525, 2526, 2525, 2527,
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+ 2255, 2534, 2535, 2536, 2537, 2538, 2538, 2539, 2540, 2541,
+ 2542, 2255, 902, 2543, 2544, 902, 902, 906, 2255, 2255,
+ 906, 906, 2545, 2546, 2547, 2548, 2548, 2549, 2255, 2550,
+ 2255, 2255, 922, 2255, 919, 2551, 2551, 922, 2255, 922,
+ 928, 924, 2255, 928, 2255, 928, 2552, 2553, 936, 936,
+ 923, 2255, 942, 2554, 2553, 942, 921, 942, 946, 2255,
+ 2255, 946, 946, 946, 2545, 2255, 2555, 2556, 2557, 2558,
+ 2255, 2559, 2560, 2561, 2255, 2562, 2255, 2563, 2564, 2565,
+ 2566, 2567, 2565, 2568, 2561, 965, 2569, 2255, 2570, 2255,
+ 2571, 2255, 2572, 2573, 2574, 2572, 2573, 2255, 980, 980,
+ 2575, 2576, 2577, 2255, 2578, 982, 2579, 2255, 2255, 999,
+ 2580, 999, 2580, 2581, 2580, 2582, 2582, 2582, 2583, 2583,
+ 2584, 2585, 2255, 2586, 2587, 2255, 2588, 2589, 2588, 2590,
+ 2255, 2591, 2592, 2255, 2593, 2594, 2255, 1027, 2595, 2596,
+ 1027, 2255, 1027, 1031, 2255, 2255, 1031, 1031, 1031, 2589,
+ 2594, 2597, 2588, 2255, 2598, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2599, 2600,
+ 2255, 2601, 2255, 2602, 2602, 2603, 2604, 2605, 2255, 2606,
+ 1051, 2607, 2608, 2609, 2609, 2255, 2610, 2610, 2604, 2611,
+ 2603, 2604, 2612, 2255, 2613, 2255, 2614, 1053, 2606, 1051,
+ 2607, 1066, 2255, 2610, 2610, 2615, 2255, 2616, 2617, 2255,
+ 2618, 2618, 2619, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2620, 1087, 1098, 2620,
+ 2621, 2622, 2623, 2255, 1090, 1090, 2624, 2625, 2255, 2255,
+ 2626, 2255, 1112, 1113, 2622, 2625, 2627, 2627, 2628, 2255,
+ 2629, 2255, 2255, 2630, 2255, 2631, 2255, 2632, 2255, 2255,
+ 2633, 2633, 2634, 2255, 2255, 2635, 2255, 2636, 2637, 2638,
+ 2638, 2639, 2640, 2631, 1127, 2641, 2255, 2255, 2642, 2643,
+ 2642, 2644, 2255, 2633, 2255, 2634, 1125, 2255, 1158, 2255,
+ 2255, 1159, 2638, 1159, 2255, 2645, 2646, 2255, 2647, 2648,
+ 2255, 2649, 2649, 2650, 2651, 2652, 2653, 2654, 2648, 2655,
+ 2655, 2255, 2656, 2649, 2657, 2651, 2652, 2653, 2654, 2255,
+ 2658, 2658, 2659, 2255, 2660, 2649, 2649, 1182, 2255, 2661,
+ 2662, 2255, 2255, 1203, 2663, 2664, 2665, 2666, 2255, 1209,
+ 2665, 2665, 1209, 2665, 1209, 2667, 2668, 2665, 2669, 2670,
+ 2255, 2671, 2255, 2255, 2672, 1203, 1226, 2666, 2255, 1229,
+ 2673, 1229, 2673, 2674, 2673, 2255, 1236, 2675, 2675, 2676,
+ 2255, 2677, 2255, 2678, 2255, 1245, 2255, 1247, 1246, 2678,
+ 1246, 1245, 2679, 2680, 2681, 2255, 2682, 1243, 2255, 2683,
+ 2255, 2255, 1262, 1256, 2255, 1263, 2255, 1263, 2684, 2676,
+ 2255, 2680, 2255, 2685, 2681, 1256, 2682, 2255, 1278, 2255,
+ 2255, 1279, 2686, 1279, 2255, 2687, 2687, 2688, 1247, 2678,
+ 2255, 2255, 1292, 1292, 2255, 1292, 1294, 2255, 2255, 1294,
+ 2255, 1294, 2689, 2690, 1302, 1302, 1293, 2255, 2691, 2255,
+ 2691, 2691, 2692, 2691, 2693, 2694, 2695, 2696, 2255, 2697,
+ 2691, 2255, 2255, 2698, 2698, 1319, 2255, 2699, 2695, 2255,
+ 2700, 2691, 1322, 2698, 2698, 2698, 1322, 2701, 2255, 2255,
+ 2702, 2702, 2255, 1343, 1343, 2703, 2704, 2705, 2706, 2707,
+ 2708, 2709, 2255, 2710, 2255, 2711, 2255, 1355, 1357, 2712,
+ 1357, 2712, 2713, 2714, 2255, 1365, 1366, 2715, 2714, 2255,
+ 2255, 1371, 2716, 2717, 2716, 1372, 1376, 1372, 2718, 2719,
+ 2255, 2720, 2716, 2255, 2721, 2255, 2722, 2255, 1388, 2255,
+ 1390, 2255, 1389, 2722, 1389, 1388, 2723, 2255, 2724, 2255,
+ 2255, 1401, 1401, 1401, 1403, 2255, 2255, 1403, 2255, 1403,
+ 2725, 2723, 1410, 1410, 1402, 2726, 2727, 2255, 1384, 1390,
+ 2722, 2255, 1422, 1422, 2255, 1422, 1424, 2255, 2255, 1424,
+ 1424, 2728, 2722, 1384, 2729, 2255, 2255, 2730, 2730, 2731,
+ 2732, 2731, 2255, 2733, 1436, 2255, 2734, 2734, 2735, 1436,
+ 2255, 2735, 2735, 2736, 2730, 2734, 2734, 2734, 2737, 2738,
+ 2255, 2255, 2739, 2739, 2740, 2735, 2735, 1436, 2736, 2255,
+ 1470, 2741, 2742, 2255, 1474, 2743, 2744, 2255, 2745, 2746,
+ 2747, 2255, 2748, 2255, 2255, 2749, 2750, 2255, 1488, 1489,
+ 2751, 2752, 2750, 2753, 2255, 1495, 2747, 1482, 2754, 2255,
+ 2255, 2755, 2255, 1503, 2255, 1505, 2255, 1504, 2755, 1504,
+ 1503, 2255, 1512, 2756, 2757, 1501, 2758, 2255, 1518, 2255,
+ 1520, 2255, 1519, 2758, 1519, 1518, 2759, 2760, 2761, 2255,
+ 1530, 2759, 1530, 2255, 1530, 1533, 2255, 2255, 1533, 2255,
+ 1533, 1541, 1541, 1531, 2255, 1520, 2758, 2255, 1548, 1548,
+ 1548, 1550, 2255, 2255, 1550, 1550, 2757, 2758, 2255, 2762,
+ 2255, 2255, 1562, 2255, 2255, 1563, 2761, 1563, 2763, 2759,
+ 2255, 2759, 1534, 2764, 2765, 2255, 2765, 2765, 2766, 2765,
+ 2767, 2255, 2768, 2769, 2770, 2255, 2769, 2769, 2771, 2765,
+ 2772, 2765, 2773, 2765, 2769, 2770, 2771, 2774, 2255, 2255,
+ 2774, 2774, 2775, 2774, 2255, 2776, 2255, 2777, 2255, 2255,
+ 2778, 2779, 2255, 2780, 2255, 2781, 2255, 2782, 2783, 2255,
+ 2784, 2255, 2785, 2785, 2786, 2787, 2255, 1627, 2779, 1613,
+ 2788, 2255, 2789, 2255, 2790, 2255, 2781, 1617, 2782, 2255,
+ 1622, 2785, 2255, 1643, 2255, 2791, 1644, 2791, 1643, 2255,
+ 1644, 1643, 1645, 2255, 1643, 2255, 1643, 2792, 2791, 1657,
+ 1657, 1647, 2255, 1663, 2255, 2793, 1663, 1663, 1667, 2255,
+ 2255, 1667, 2255, 1667, 2794, 2791, 1674, 1674, 1664, 2795,
+ 2255, 2796, 2255, 1683, 2797, 2791, 1683, 1681, 1683, 1687,
+ 2255, 2255, 1687, 1687, 2798, 2255, 2799, 2799, 2800, 2791,
+ 2255, 2793, 1665, 2794, 2255, 1705, 2255, 2255, 2801, 2801,
+ 1705, 1708, 1705, 1711, 1707, 2255, 1711, 2255, 1711, 1719,
+ 1719, 1706, 2255, 2802, 2803, 2804, 2805, 2806, 2807, 2255,
+ 2255, 2808, 2809, 2810, 2810, 2811, 2255, 2812, 2813, 2255,
+ 1740, 2814, 2814, 2815, 2816, 2817, 2255, 2818, 2813, 2255,
+ 2819, 2255, 2820, 2814, 2255, 1755, 2821, 2816, 2817, 1747,
+ 2818, 2255, 2822, 2823, 2255, 2824, 1740, 2814, 2255, 1755,
+ 1755, 2825, 2826, 2827, 2828, 2255, 1776, 2829, 2828, 1776,
+ 2255, 1776, 1780, 2255, 2255, 1780, 1780, 2255, 2830, 2255,
+ 1790, 2831, 2832, 1790, 1790, 1794, 2255, 2255, 1794, 1794,
+ 2830, 2255, 2255, 2833, 2834, 2255, 2834, 1788, 1808, 2835,
+ 2836, 1788, 2255, 1808, 1788, 2255, 2255, 1788, 1788, 2830,
+ 2255, 2837, 2255, 2838, 2255, 2839, 2255, 2255, 2840, 2840,
+ 2255, 1828, 2841, 2841, 2842, 2842, 2838, 1825, 2843, 1827,
+ 2844, 2845, 2255, 2255, 2846, 1844, 1844, 2847, 2846, 2848,
+ 2849, 2850, 2851, 2255, 2852, 2846, 2255, 2255, 1858, 2853,
+ 2853, 2255, 2255, 1863, 2854, 2850, 2255, 1844, 1844, 2855,
+ 2846, 2255, 1858, 2853, 2255, 1875, 2853, 1872, 2856, 2857,
+ 2255, 2858, 2255, 2857, 1881, 2858, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255,
+ 2255, 2255, 2859, 2255, 2255, 2860, 2255, 2861, 2255, 2857,
+ 1881, 2862, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2863, 2863, 2864, 2863,
+ 2865, 2865, 2866, 2863, 2867, 2868, 2869, 2255, 2870, 2863,
+ 2863, 2871, 1918, 2872, 2255, 2255, 1926, 2873, 2873, 2874,
+ 2875, 2255, 1932, 2874, 2255, 2876, 1925, 2255, 1938, 2877,
+ 2877, 2255, 2878, 1942, 1942, 2879, 2873, 1938, 2877, 2255,
+ 1950, 2877, 2255, 2880, 2255, 2255, 2881, 1942, 1942, 2882,
+ 2878, 2878, 2255, 2879, 2255, 2255, 2883, 2255, 2255, 2255,
+ 1970, 2255, 2255, 1971, 2884, 1971, 1970, 2255, 2885, 2255,
+ 2886, 2255, 2255, 2885, 2887, 2884, 2255, 2255, 1987, 1987,
+ 2255, 2255, 1987, 2255, 1987, 2888, 2883, 1972, 2884, 2255,
+ 2883, 2255, 2889, 2890, 2891, 2890, 2892, 2255, 2893, 2894,
+ 2895, 2896, 2255, 2897, 2890, 2255, 2898, 2016, 2016, 2899,
+ 2898, 2900, 2255, 2901, 2255, 2255, 2902, 2026, 2026, 2903,
+ 2898, 2904, 2898, 2255, 2034, 2026, 2026, 2905, 2898, 2902,
+ 2025, 2903, 2255, 2255, 2043, 2906, 2043, 2906, 2907, 2906,
+ 2255, 2908, 2883, 2255, 2054, 2054, 2255, 2054, 2056, 2255,
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+ 297, 309, 344, 309, 309, 310, 349, 368, 349, 349,
+ 369, 109, 109, 109, 109, 105, 241, 357, 201, 267,
+ 311, 382, 246, 376, 383, 270, 377, 677, 452, 878,
+ 301, 297, 297, 297, 297, 878, 878, 329, 329, 329,
+ 329, 297, 297, 878, 350, 182, 299, 338, 297, 243,
+ 592, 1009, 380, 330, 330, 330, 330, 392, 393, 262,
+ 302, 394, 285, 105, 349, 182, 349, 349, 332, 400,
+ 404, 266, 401, 405, 288, 507, 201, 109, 301, 297,
+ 297, 297, 297, 423, 381, 507, 424, 323, 418, 297,
+ 297, 419, 592, 431, 299, 300, 297, 507, 421, 1009,
+ 333, 422, 350, 426, 432, 435, 427, 433, 297, 392,
+ 275, 443, 436, 305, 287, 449, 459, 314, 450, 460,
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+ 439, 477, 439, 439, 478, 481, 492, 285, 384, 493,
+ 497, 439, 201, 439, 439, 314, 357, 487, 399, 592,
+ 563, 498, 503, 201, 398, 507, 447, 452, 301, 297,
+ 297, 297, 297, 504, 569, 440, 505, 570, 166, 297,
+ 297, 441, 142, 389, 299, 338, 297, 285, 285, 285,
+ 285, 542, 312, 445, 499, 445, 445, 542, 500, 201,
+ 518, 288, 313, 591, 288, 469, 592, 406, 501, 267,
+ 469, 519, 416, 267, 520, 416, 301, 370, 524, 402,
+ 532, 415, 177, 533, 379, 403, 403, 403, 403, 113,
+ 373, 109, 109, 109, 109, 507, 403, 403, 403, 403,
+ 403, 462, 403, 109, 534, 594, 112, 507, 595, 403,
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+ 303, 116, 413, 115, 117, 414, 119, 467, 418, 606,
+ 115, 419, 607, 122, 122, 177, 537, 330, 550, 469,
+ 115, 469, 115, 297, 297, 297, 297, 538, 429, 551,
+ 539, 270, 428, 297, 297, 480, 122, 305, 299, 387,
+ 297, 507, 385, 507, 572, 285, 481, 561, 438, 556,
+ 562, 305, 305, 305, 305, 573, 399, 314, 437, 544,
+ 389, 343, 468, 218, 544, 122, 344, 643, 447, 243,
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+ 648, 667, 575, 330, 668, 469, 535, 576, 498, 452,
+ 416, 579, 535, 535, 535, 535, 535, 535, 535, 535,
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+ 105, 469, 332, 201, 585, 612, 313, 105, 105, 105,
+ 105, 582, 106, 288, 583, 586, 613, 406, 446, 451,
+ 594, 267, 107, 506, 620, 109, 594, 621, 524, 684,
+ 703, 622, 379, 357, 333, 244, 478, 552, 478, 478,
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+ 105, 580, 580, 113, 373, 329, 453, 303, 636, 427,
+ 124, 297, 330, 550, 454, 462, 467, 455, 534, 637,
+ 650, 177, 466, 429, 551, 122, 389, 651, 735, 270,
+ 436, 736, 653, 243, 417, 654, 659, 581, 208, 660,
+ 385, 670, 125, 183, 557, 552, 557, 557, 183, 183,
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+ 572, 142, 344, 610, 610, 610, 610, 610, 297, 610,
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+ 115, 117, 118, 119, 166, 586, 789, 115, 678, 790,
+ 807, 814, 303, 808, 450, 679, 182, 115, 680, 115,
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+ 526, 526, 526, 526, 283, 306, 218, 526, 526, 526,
+ 526, 526, 526, 526, 526, 526, 526, 526, 526, 526,
+ 526, 209, 625, 592, 625, 625, 209, 626, 209, 209,
+ 209, 209, 625, 625, 209, 209, 209, 627, 209, 626,
+ 209, 209, 209, 209, 626, 626, 626, 626, 626, 626,
+ 626, 626, 209, 209, 209, 626, 626, 626, 626, 626,
+ 626, 626, 626, 626, 626, 626, 626, 626, 626, 626,
+ 209, 628, 612, 629, 142, 142, 142, 142, 247, 630,
+ 630, 630, 630, 613, 143, 303, 706, 166, 406, 144,
+ 630, 630, 630, 630, 630, 243, 630, 471, 709, 524,
+ 858, 710, 622, 630, 378, 534, 631, 534, 534, 378,
+ 378, 632, 378, 378, 378, 378, 378, 633, 378, 378,
+ 634, 378, 378, 378, 378, 378, 378, 632, 632, 632,
+ 632, 632, 632, 632, 632, 378, 378, 378, 632, 632,
+ 632, 632, 632, 632, 632, 632, 632, 632, 632, 632,
+ 632, 632, 378, 378, 176, 176, 109, 176, 176, 176,
+ 176, 535, 176, 176, 176, 176, 176, 176, 176, 176,
+ 176, 535, 176, 176, 176, 176, 176, 535, 535, 535,
+ 535, 535, 535, 535, 535, 176, 176, 176, 535, 535,
+ 535, 535, 535, 535, 535, 535, 535, 535, 535, 535,
+ 535, 535, 176, 176, 329, 329, 329, 329, 539, 638,
+ 539, 539, 542, 542, 542, 542, 243, 544, 208, 380,
+ 739, 330, 487, 639, 236, 563, 201, 641, 579, 674,
+ 579, 579, 429, 675, 166, 166, 166, 166, 284, 113,
+ 399, 270, 283, 676, 166, 166, 427, 564, 282, 168,
+ 724, 381, 385, 725, 276, 640, 218, 650, 771, 642,
+ 468, 545, 545, 545, 545, 468, 468, 644, 468, 468,
+ 468, 468, 468, 469, 468, 468, 645, 468, 468, 468,
+ 468, 468, 468, 644, 644, 644, 644, 644, 644, 644,
+ 644, 468, 468, 468, 644, 644, 644, 644, 644, 644,
+ 644, 644, 644, 644, 644, 644, 644, 644, 646, 468,
+ 242, 329, 329, 329, 329, 242, 242, 546, 242, 242,
+ 242, 242, 242, 243, 242, 242, 380, 546, 242, 242,
+ 242, 242, 242, 546, 546, 546, 546, 546, 546, 546,
+ 546, 242, 242, 242, 546, 546, 546, 546, 546, 546,
+ 546, 546, 546, 546, 546, 546, 546, 546, 381, 242,
+ 330, 330, 330, 330, 542, 542, 542, 542, 580, 105,
+ 580, 580, 182, 267, 636, 332, 182, 177, 177, 641,
+ 748, 243, 270, 175, 532, 637, 436, 533, 732, 733,
+ 773, 749, 734, 759, 557, 208, 760, 670, 305, 314,
+ 880, 774, 900, 564, 775, 901, 581, 333, 166, 438,
+ 447, 642, 244, 539, 638, 539, 539, 244, 244, 652,
+ 244, 244, 244, 244, 244, 244, 244, 244, 639, 652,
+ 244, 244, 244, 244, 244, 652, 652, 652, 652, 652,
+ 652, 652, 652, 244, 244, 244, 652, 652, 652, 652,
+ 652, 652, 652, 652, 652, 652, 652, 652, 652, 652,
+ 640, 244, 384, 556, 655, 556, 556, 384, 384, 656,
+ 384, 384, 384, 384, 384, 385, 384, 384, 657, 384,
+ 384, 384, 384, 384, 384, 656, 656, 656, 656, 656,
+ 656, 656, 656, 384, 384, 384, 656, 656, 656, 656,
+ 656, 656, 656, 656, 656, 656, 656, 656, 656, 656,
+ 658, 384, 557, 552, 557, 557, 671, 776, 671, 671,
+ 285, 285, 285, 285, 236, 312, 777, 559, 438, 285,
+ 113, 778, 201, 201, 450, 313, 166, 166, 166, 166,
+ 781, 724, 598, 782, 725, 705, 166, 166, 260, 904,
+ 259, 168, 905, 816, 509, 606, 625, 817, 916, 560,
+ 183, 557, 552, 557, 557, 183, 183, 558, 183, 183,
+ 183, 183, 183, 183, 183, 183, 559, 558, 183, 183,
+ 183, 183, 183, 558, 558, 558, 558, 558, 558, 558,
+ 558, 183, 183, 183, 558, 558, 558, 558, 558, 558,
+ 558, 558, 558, 558, 558, 558, 558, 558, 560, 183,
+ 388, 563, 563, 563, 563, 388, 388, 661, 388, 388,
+ 388, 563, 563, 389, 388, 388, 662, 388, 563, 388,
+ 388, 388, 388, 661, 661, 661, 661, 661, 661, 661,
+ 661, 388, 388, 388, 661, 661, 661, 661, 661, 661,
+ 661, 661, 661, 661, 661, 661, 661, 661, 663, 388,
+ 302, 564, 564, 564, 564, 302, 302, 664, 302, 302,
+ 302, 564, 564, 303, 302, 302, 566, 302, 564, 302,
+ 302, 302, 302, 664, 664, 664, 664, 664, 664, 664,
+ 664, 302, 302, 302, 664, 664, 664, 664, 664, 664,
+ 664, 664, 664, 664, 664, 664, 664, 664, 568, 302,
+ 665, 783, 105, 783, 783, 594, 544, 258, 792, 643,
+ 666, 257, 779, 285, 779, 779, 665, 665, 665, 665,
+ 665, 665, 665, 665, 399, 253, 251, 665, 665, 665,
+ 665, 665, 665, 665, 665, 665, 665, 665, 665, 665,
+ 665, 565, 357, 450, 329, 545, 746, 185, 142, 961,
+ 780, 567, 218, 452, 705, 467, 860, 565, 565, 565,
+ 565, 565, 565, 565, 565, 182, 177, 243, 565, 565,
+ 565, 565, 565, 565, 565, 565, 565, 565, 565, 565,
+ 565, 565, 235, 314, 314, 314, 314, 235, 353, 235,
+ 235, 235, 235, 314, 314, 236, 235, 235, 354, 235,
+ 353, 235, 235, 235, 235, 353, 353, 353, 353, 353,
+ 353, 353, 353, 235, 235, 235, 353, 353, 353, 353,
+ 353, 353, 353, 353, 353, 353, 353, 353, 353, 353,
+ 353, 235, 592, 592, 592, 592, 175, 167, 114, 288,
+ 115, 113, 166, 681, 115, 115, 117, 682, 119, 167,
+ 620, 208, 115, 621, 683, 683, 683, 683, 683, 683,
+ 683, 683, 115, 166, 115, 683, 683, 683, 683, 683,
+ 683, 683, 683, 683, 683, 683, 683, 683, 683, 167,
+ 506, 595, 595, 595, 595, 506, 506, 685, 506, 686,
+ 506, 506, 687, 688, 686, 689, 690, 691, 506, 506,
+ 506, 686, 506, 685, 685, 685, 685, 685, 685, 685,
+ 685, 686, 506, 686, 685, 685, 685, 685, 685, 685,
+ 685, 685, 685, 685, 685, 685, 685, 685, 506, 506,
+ 235, 450, 450, 450, 450, 235, 235, 596, 235, 511,
+ 235, 235, 512, 513, 511, 514, 515, 597, 235, 235,
+ 235, 511, 235, 596, 596, 596, 596, 596, 596, 596,
+ 596, 511, 235, 511, 596, 596, 596, 596, 596, 596,
+ 596, 596, 596, 596, 596, 596, 596, 596, 235, 235,
+ 608, 236, 692, 783, 105, 783, 783, 427, 693, 693,
+ 693, 693, 329, 329, 329, 329, 105, 862, 650, 693,
+ 693, 693, 693, 693, 243, 693, 330, 380, 863, 201,
+ 330, 649, 693, 510, 270, 270, 270, 871, 784, 969,
+ 872, 429, 970, 516, 785, 873, 385, 385, 874, 510,
+ 510, 510, 510, 510, 510, 510, 510, 229, 228, 381,
+ 510, 510, 510, 510, 510, 510, 510, 510, 510, 510,
+ 510, 510, 510, 510, 286, 694, 694, 694, 694, 286,
+ 286, 695, 286, 696, 286, 286, 697, 698, 696, 699,
+ 515, 700, 286, 286, 286, 696, 286, 695, 695, 695,
+ 695, 695, 695, 695, 695, 696, 286, 696, 695, 695,
+ 695, 695, 695, 695, 695, 695, 695, 695, 695, 695,
+ 695, 695, 286, 286, 166, 166, 166, 166, 984, 227,
+ 480, 985, 563, 226, 166, 166, 169, 223, 222, 701,
+ 608, 481, 609, 876, 556, 564, 436, 305, 610, 610,
+ 610, 610, 221, 884, 185, 888, 771, 670, 438, 610,
+ 610, 610, 610, 610, 885, 610, 889, 886, 987, 669,
+ 220, 988, 610, 207, 357, 357, 357, 357, 207, 358,
+ 207, 207, 207, 207, 357, 357, 208, 207, 207, 359,
+ 207, 358, 207, 207, 207, 207, 358, 358, 358, 358,
+ 358, 358, 358, 358, 207, 207, 207, 358, 358, 358,
+ 358, 358, 358, 358, 358, 358, 358, 358, 358, 358,
+ 358, 358, 207, 237, 520, 592, 520, 520, 237, 237,
+ 707, 237, 615, 237, 237, 616, 615, 615, 617, 618,
+ 708, 237, 237, 237, 615, 237, 707, 707, 707, 707,
+ 707, 707, 707, 707, 615, 237, 615, 707, 707, 707,
+ 707, 707, 707, 707, 707, 707, 707, 707, 707, 707,
+ 707, 237, 237, 614, 305, 285, 314, 991, 594, 814,
+ 992, 684, 1013, 619, 142, 893, 399, 447, 894, 614,
+ 614, 614, 614, 614, 614, 614, 614, 218, 216, 122,
+ 614, 614, 614, 614, 614, 614, 614, 614, 614, 614,
+ 614, 614, 614, 614, 237, 505, 587, 505, 505, 237,
+ 588, 237, 237, 237, 237, 505, 505, 237, 237, 237,
+ 589, 237, 588, 237, 237, 237, 237, 588, 588, 588,
+ 588, 588, 588, 588, 588, 237, 237, 237, 588, 588,
+ 588, 588, 588, 588, 588, 588, 588, 588, 588, 588,
+ 588, 588, 588, 237, 711, 595, 712, 305, 305, 305,
+ 305, 182, 713, 713, 713, 713, 915, 343, 109, 218,
+ 497, 314, 344, 713, 713, 713, 713, 713, 175, 713,
+ 1025, 498, 898, 1026, 579, 899, 713, 415, 622, 714,
+ 622, 622, 415, 415, 715, 415, 716, 415, 415, 717,
+ 718, 716, 719, 720, 721, 415, 415, 415, 716, 415,
+ 715, 715, 715, 715, 715, 715, 715, 715, 716, 415,
+ 716, 715, 715, 715, 715, 715, 715, 715, 715, 715,
+ 715, 715, 715, 715, 715, 415, 415, 209, 458, 525,
+ 458, 458, 209, 209, 623, 209, 527, 209, 209, 528,
+ 527, 527, 529, 530, 624, 209, 209, 209, 527, 209,
+ 623, 623, 623, 623, 623, 623, 623, 623, 527, 209,
+ 527, 623, 623, 623, 623, 623, 623, 623, 623, 623,
+ 623, 623, 623, 623, 623, 209, 209, 628, 450, 722,
+ 694, 357, 288, 113, 208, 723, 723, 723, 723, 705,
+ 288, 918, 937, 416, 704, 938, 723, 723, 723, 723,
+ 723, 944, 723, 1070, 945, 987, 545, 105, 877, 723,
+ 209, 625, 592, 625, 625, 209, 626, 209, 209, 209,
+ 209, 625, 625, 209, 209, 209, 627, 209, 626, 209,
+ 209, 209, 209, 626, 626, 626, 626, 626, 626, 626,
+ 626, 209, 209, 209, 626, 626, 626, 626, 626, 626,
+ 626, 626, 626, 626, 626, 626, 626, 626, 626, 209,
+ 526, 109, 329, 643, 987, 1101, 1143, 1095, 564, 595,
+ 629, 201, 418, 467, 960, 419, 630, 630, 630, 630,
+ 526, 526, 526, 526, 199, 198, 197, 630, 630, 630,
+ 630, 630, 526, 630, 526, 526, 526, 526, 526, 526,
+ 630, 174, 267, 267, 267, 267, 174, 174, 289, 174,
+ 174, 174, 174, 174, 290, 174, 174, 291, 174, 174,
+ 174, 174, 174, 174, 289, 289, 289, 289, 289, 289,
+ 289, 289, 174, 174, 174, 289, 289, 289, 289, 289,
+ 289, 289, 289, 289, 289, 289, 289, 289, 289, 174,
+ 174, 378, 378, 267, 378, 378, 378, 378, 726, 378,
+ 378, 378, 378, 378, 379, 378, 378, 378, 726, 378,
+ 378, 378, 378, 378, 726, 726, 726, 726, 726, 726,
+ 726, 726, 378, 378, 378, 726, 726, 726, 726, 726,
+ 726, 726, 726, 726, 726, 726, 726, 726, 726, 378,
+ 378, 420, 727, 728, 727, 727, 420, 420, 729, 420,
+ 420, 420, 420, 420, 730, 420, 420, 731, 420, 420,
+ 420, 420, 420, 420, 729, 729, 729, 729, 729, 729,
+ 729, 729, 420, 420, 420, 729, 729, 729, 729, 729,
+ 729, 729, 729, 729, 729, 729, 729, 729, 729, 420,
+ 420, 177, 177, 177, 177, 779, 285, 779, 779, 285,
+ 329, 739, 545, 196, 965, 427, 179, 399, 862, 330,
+ 399, 957, 963, 860, 958, 966, 650, 330, 967, 863,
+ 971, 858, 968, 972, 1174, 858, 563, 1175, 429, 195,
+ 194, 471, 974, 780, 858, 895, 974, 876, 180, 468,
+ 643, 643, 643, 643, 468, 468, 644, 468, 468, 468,
+ 468, 468, 469, 468, 468, 737, 468, 468, 468, 468,
+ 468, 468, 644, 644, 644, 644, 644, 644, 644, 644,
+ 468, 468, 468, 644, 644, 644, 644, 644, 644, 644,
+ 644, 644, 644, 644, 644, 644, 644, 738, 468, 468,
+ 739, 739, 739, 739, 468, 468, 740, 468, 468, 468,
+ 468, 468, 469, 468, 468, 741, 740, 468, 468, 468,
+ 468, 468, 740, 740, 740, 740, 740, 740, 740, 740,
+ 468, 468, 468, 740, 740, 740, 740, 740, 740, 740,
+ 740, 740, 740, 740, 740, 740, 740, 742, 468, 428,
+ 651, 750, 651, 651, 428, 428, 751, 428, 428, 428,
+ 428, 428, 429, 428, 428, 752, 428, 428, 428, 428,
+ 428, 428, 751, 751, 751, 751, 751, 751, 751, 751,
+ 428, 428, 428, 751, 751, 751, 751, 751, 751, 751,
+ 751, 751, 751, 751, 751, 751, 751, 753, 428, 244,
+ 539, 638, 539, 539, 244, 244, 652, 244, 244, 244,
+ 244, 244, 244, 244, 244, 639, 652, 244, 244, 244,
+ 244, 244, 652, 652, 652, 652, 652, 652, 652, 652,
+ 244, 244, 244, 652, 652, 652, 652, 652, 652, 652,
+ 652, 652, 652, 652, 652, 652, 652, 640, 244, 181,
+ 270, 270, 270, 270, 181, 181, 294, 181, 181, 181,
+ 181, 181, 182, 181, 181, 295, 181, 181, 181, 181,
+ 181, 181, 294, 294, 294, 294, 294, 294, 294, 294,
+ 181, 181, 181, 294, 294, 294, 294, 294, 294, 294,
+ 294, 294, 294, 294, 294, 294, 294, 296, 181, 384,
+ 755, 750, 755, 755, 384, 384, 756, 384, 384, 384,
+ 384, 384, 385, 384, 384, 757, 756, 384, 384, 384,
+ 384, 384, 756, 756, 756, 756, 756, 756, 756, 756,
+ 384, 384, 384, 756, 756, 756, 756, 756, 756, 756,
+ 756, 756, 756, 756, 756, 756, 756, 758, 384, 388,
+ 563, 563, 563, 563, 388, 388, 761, 388, 388, 388,
+ 563, 563, 389, 388, 388, 662, 762, 563, 388, 388,
+ 388, 388, 761, 761, 761, 761, 761, 761, 761, 761,
+ 388, 388, 388, 761, 761, 761, 761, 761, 761, 761,
+ 761, 761, 761, 761, 761, 761, 761, 663, 388, 302,
+ 564, 564, 564, 564, 302, 302, 765, 302, 302, 302,
+ 564, 564, 303, 302, 302, 566, 766, 564, 302, 302,
+ 302, 302, 765, 765, 765, 765, 765, 765, 765, 765,
+ 302, 302, 302, 765, 765, 765, 765, 765, 765, 765,
+ 765, 765, 765, 765, 765, 765, 765, 568, 302, 665,
+ 550, 564, 436, 783, 105, 783, 783, 1207, 193, 666,
+ 1208, 551, 771, 670, 651, 665, 665, 665, 665, 665,
+ 665, 665, 665, 192, 191, 190, 665, 665, 665, 665,
+ 665, 665, 665, 665, 665, 665, 665, 665, 665, 665,
+ 446, 678, 786, 678, 678, 446, 787, 446, 446, 446,
+ 446, 678, 678, 447, 446, 446, 788, 446, 787, 446,
+ 446, 446, 446, 787, 787, 787, 787, 787, 787, 787,
+ 787, 446, 446, 446, 787, 787, 787, 787, 787, 787,
+ 787, 787, 787, 787, 787, 787, 787, 787, 787, 446,
+ 113, 113, 113, 113, 189, 188, 1216, 976, 115, 1217,
+ 185, 116, 115, 115, 117, 118, 165, 980, 977, 1219,
+ 115, 978, 769, 1253, 509, 184, 1254, 817, 981, 139,
+ 115, 982, 115, 506, 684, 684, 684, 684, 506, 791,
+ 685, 506, 686, 506, 792, 793, 688, 686, 689, 794,
+ 691, 791, 506, 506, 686, 506, 795, 795, 795, 795,
+ 795, 795, 795, 795, 686, 506, 686, 795, 795, 795,
+ 795, 795, 795, 795, 795, 795, 795, 795, 795, 795,
+ 795, 791, 506, 506, 595, 595, 595, 595, 506, 506,
+ 796, 506, 686, 506, 506, 687, 688, 686, 689, 690,
+ 797, 506, 506, 506, 686, 506, 796, 796, 796, 796,
+ 796, 796, 796, 796, 686, 506, 686, 796, 796, 796,
+ 796, 796, 796, 796, 796, 796, 796, 796, 796, 796,
+ 796, 506, 506, 685, 994, 305, 314, 1316, 1346, 1348,
+ 739, 1347, 1349, 691, 131, 995, 438, 447, 770, 685,
+ 685, 685, 685, 685, 685, 685, 685, 122, 182, 109,
+ 685, 685, 685, 685, 685, 685, 685, 685, 685, 685,
+ 685, 685, 685, 685, 506, 792, 792, 792, 792, 506,
+ 791, 506, 506, 506, 506, 792, 792, 507, 506, 506,
+ 798, 506, 791, 506, 506, 506, 506, 791, 791, 791,
+ 791, 791, 791, 791, 791, 506, 506, 506, 791, 791,
+ 791, 791, 791, 791, 791, 791, 791, 791, 791, 791,
+ 791, 791, 791, 506, 590, 799, 799, 799, 799, 590,
+ 590, 800, 590, 801, 590, 590, 802, 803, 801, 804,
+ 805, 806, 590, 590, 590, 801, 590, 800, 800, 800,
+ 800, 800, 800, 800, 800, 801, 590, 801, 800, 800,
+ 800, 800, 800, 800, 800, 800, 800, 800, 800, 800,
+ 800, 800, 590, 590, 809, 888, 810, 247, 247, 247,
+ 247, 175, 811, 811, 811, 811, 889, 247, 158, 998,
+ 154, 572, 248, 811, 811, 811, 811, 811, 1004, 811,
+ 880, 1005, 573, 1223, 151, 671, 811, 235, 450, 450,
+ 450, 450, 235, 235, 596, 235, 511, 235, 235, 512,
+ 513, 511, 608, 515, 692, 235, 235, 235, 511, 235,
+ 693, 693, 693, 693, 596, 596, 596, 596, 511, 235,
+ 511, 693, 693, 693, 693, 693, 596, 693, 596, 596,
+ 596, 596, 596, 596, 693, 235, 235, 510, 987, 1380,
+ 746, 1210, 792, 961, 150, 514, 149, 516, 146, 1006,
+ 285, 1006, 1006, 510, 510, 510, 510, 510, 510, 510,
+ 510, 399, 145, 141, 510, 510, 510, 510, 510, 510,
+ 510, 510, 510, 510, 510, 510, 510, 510, 514, 140,
+ 597, 585, 684, 792, 1007, 595, 596, 596, 596, 596,
+ 1008, 113, 586, 1012, 1015, 678, 915, 596, 596, 596,
+ 596, 596, 1017, 596, 987, 1018, 1219, 1095, 139, 1478,
+ 596, 235, 314, 314, 314, 314, 235, 353, 235, 235,
+ 235, 235, 314, 314, 236, 235, 235, 354, 235, 353,
+ 235, 235, 235, 235, 353, 353, 353, 353, 353, 353,
+ 353, 353, 235, 235, 235, 353, 353, 353, 353, 353,
+ 353, 353, 353, 353, 353, 353, 353, 353, 353, 353,
+ 235, 286, 694, 694, 694, 694, 286, 286, 695, 286,
+ 696, 286, 286, 697, 698, 696, 699, 812, 700, 286,
+ 286, 286, 696, 286, 695, 695, 695, 695, 695, 695,
+ 695, 695, 696, 286, 696, 695, 695, 695, 695, 695,
+ 695, 695, 695, 695, 695, 695, 695, 695, 695, 286,
+ 286, 608, 799, 609, 450, 131, 450, 129, 357, 610,
+ 610, 610, 610, 1020, 694, 1022, 1021, 705, 1023, 452,
+ 610, 610, 610, 610, 610, 918, 610, 1486, 1024, 814,
+ 1487, 100, 1013, 610, 451, 706, 817, 706, 706, 451,
+ 451, 818, 451, 819, 451, 451, 820, 821, 819, 822,
+ 823, 824, 451, 451, 451, 819, 451, 818, 818, 818,
+ 818, 818, 818, 818, 818, 819, 451, 819, 818, 818,
+ 818, 818, 818, 818, 818, 818, 818, 818, 818, 818,
+ 818, 818, 451, 451, 237, 520, 592, 520, 520, 237,
+ 237, 707, 237, 615, 237, 237, 616, 615, 615, 617,
+ 618, 708, 237, 237, 237, 615, 237, 707, 707, 707,
+ 707, 707, 707, 707, 707, 615, 237, 615, 707, 707,
+ 707, 707, 707, 707, 707, 707, 707, 707, 707, 707,
+ 707, 707, 237, 237, 711, 688, 825, 688, 690, 817,
+ 690, 817, 826, 826, 826, 826, 732, 851, 732, 732,
+ 1042, 357, 1042, 826, 826, 826, 826, 826, 467, 826,
+ 612, 852, 1029, 98, 1044, 1030, 826, 614, 113, 329,
+ 643, 613, 97, 1626, 706, 1045, 988, 712, 1046, 454,
+ 467, 960, 455, 713, 713, 713, 713, 614, 614, 614,
+ 614, 93, 92, 853, 713, 713, 713, 713, 713, 614,
+ 713, 614, 614, 614, 614, 614, 614, 713, 207, 288,
+ 288, 288, 288, 207, 207, 315, 207, 316, 207, 207,
+ 317, 318, 316, 319, 320, 321, 207, 207, 207, 316,
+ 207, 315, 315, 315, 315, 315, 315, 315, 315, 316,
+ 207, 316, 315, 315, 315, 315, 315, 315, 315, 315,
+ 315, 315, 315, 315, 315, 315, 207, 207, 415, 622,
+ 714, 622, 622, 415, 415, 828, 415, 716, 415, 415,
+ 717, 718, 716, 719, 720, 829, 415, 415, 415, 716,
+ 415, 828, 828, 828, 828, 828, 828, 828, 828, 716,
+ 415, 716, 828, 828, 828, 828, 828, 828, 828, 828,
+ 828, 828, 828, 828, 828, 828, 415, 415, 715, 636,
+ 739, 545, 1744, 880, 1851, 1745, 1223, 1210, 721, 91,
+ 637, 963, 860, 732, 715, 715, 715, 715, 715, 715,
+ 715, 715, 90, 89, 88, 715, 715, 715, 715, 715,
+ 715, 715, 715, 715, 715, 715, 715, 715, 715, 415,
+ 830, 817, 830, 830, 415, 831, 415, 415, 415, 415,
+ 830, 830, 416, 415, 415, 832, 415, 831, 415, 415,
+ 415, 415, 831, 831, 831, 831, 831, 831, 831, 831,
+ 415, 415, 415, 831, 831, 831, 831, 831, 831, 831,
+ 831, 831, 831, 831, 831, 831, 831, 831, 415, 456,
+ 833, 834, 833, 833, 456, 456, 835, 456, 836, 456,
+ 456, 837, 838, 836, 839, 840, 841, 456, 456, 456,
+ 836, 456, 835, 835, 835, 835, 835, 835, 835, 835,
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+ 835, 835, 835, 835, 835, 835, 835, 456, 456, 842,
+ 1051, 843, 1057, 84, 858, 2255, 330, 844, 844, 844,
+ 844, 1052, 1061, 1058, 1053, 974, 1059, 429, 844, 844,
+ 844, 844, 844, 1062, 844, 1219, 859, 2097, 1478, 59,
+ 2205, 844, 209, 458, 525, 458, 458, 209, 209, 623,
+ 209, 527, 209, 209, 528, 527, 527, 628, 530, 722,
+ 209, 209, 209, 527, 209, 723, 723, 723, 723, 623,
+ 623, 623, 623, 527, 209, 527, 723, 723, 723, 723,
+ 723, 623, 723, 623, 623, 623, 623, 623, 623, 723,
+ 209, 209, 378, 378, 267, 378, 378, 378, 378, 726,
+ 378, 378, 378, 378, 378, 379, 378, 378, 378, 726,
+ 378, 378, 378, 378, 378, 726, 726, 726, 726, 726,
+ 726, 726, 726, 378, 378, 378, 726, 726, 726, 726,
+ 726, 726, 726, 726, 726, 726, 726, 726, 726, 726,
+ 378, 378, 378, 534, 631, 534, 534, 378, 378, 632,
+ 378, 378, 378, 378, 378, 633, 378, 378, 634, 378,
+ 378, 378, 378, 378, 378, 632, 632, 632, 632, 632,
+ 632, 632, 632, 378, 378, 378, 632, 632, 632, 632,
+ 632, 632, 632, 632, 632, 632, 632, 632, 632, 632,
+ 378, 378, 174, 267, 267, 267, 267, 174, 174, 289,
+ 174, 174, 174, 174, 174, 290, 174, 174, 291, 174,
+ 174, 174, 174, 174, 174, 289, 289, 289, 289, 289,
+ 289, 289, 289, 174, 174, 174, 289, 289, 289, 289,
+ 289, 289, 289, 289, 289, 289, 289, 289, 289, 289,
+ 174, 174, 461, 845, 846, 845, 845, 461, 461, 847,
+ 461, 461, 461, 461, 461, 848, 461, 461, 634, 461,
+ 461, 461, 461, 461, 461, 847, 847, 847, 847, 847,
+ 847, 847, 847, 461, 461, 461, 847, 847, 847, 847,
+ 847, 847, 847, 847, 847, 847, 847, 847, 847, 847,
+ 461, 461, 176, 422, 463, 422, 422, 176, 176, 464,
+ 176, 176, 176, 176, 176, 849, 176, 176, 850, 176,
+ 176, 176, 176, 176, 176, 464, 464, 464, 464, 464,
+ 464, 464, 464, 176, 176, 176, 464, 464, 464, 464,
+ 464, 464, 464, 464, 464, 464, 464, 464, 464, 464,
+ 176, 176, 739, 739, 739, 739, 59, 1072, 858, 1076,
+ 2255, 545, 2255, 1080, 469, 563, 2255, 741, 1073, 974,
+ 1077, 1074, 860, 1078, 1081, 1087, 876, 755, 2255, 769,
+ 564, 994, 297, 247, 2255, 2255, 1088, 436, 2255, 875,
+ 1103, 771, 995, 1107, 1115, 1104, 1108, 1116, 670, 742,
+ 468, 739, 739, 739, 739, 468, 468, 740, 468, 468,
+ 468, 468, 468, 469, 468, 468, 741, 740, 468, 468,
+ 468, 468, 468, 740, 740, 740, 740, 740, 740, 740,
+ 740, 468, 468, 468, 740, 740, 740, 740, 740, 740,
+ 740, 740, 740, 740, 740, 740, 740, 740, 742, 468,
+ 242, 427, 427, 427, 427, 242, 242, 472, 242, 242,
+ 242, 242, 242, 243, 242, 242, 473, 242, 242, 242,
+ 242, 242, 242, 472, 472, 472, 472, 472, 472, 472,
+ 472, 242, 242, 242, 472, 472, 472, 472, 472, 472,
+ 472, 472, 472, 472, 472, 472, 472, 472, 474, 242,
+ 181, 858, 858, 858, 858, 181, 181, 294, 181, 181,
+ 181, 181, 181, 182, 181, 181, 864, 181, 181, 181,
+ 181, 181, 181, 294, 294, 294, 294, 294, 294, 294,
+ 294, 181, 181, 181, 294, 294, 294, 294, 294, 294,
+ 294, 294, 294, 294, 294, 294, 294, 294, 865, 181,
+ 428, 866, 867, 866, 866, 428, 428, 868, 428, 428,
+ 428, 428, 428, 429, 428, 428, 869, 868, 428, 428,
+ 428, 428, 428, 868, 868, 868, 868, 868, 868, 868,
+ 868, 428, 428, 428, 868, 868, 868, 868, 868, 868,
+ 868, 868, 868, 868, 868, 868, 868, 868, 870, 428,
+ 755, 750, 755, 755, 1006, 285, 1006, 1006, 285, 684,
+ 285, 1120, 385, 792, 2255, 757, 399, 1127, 595, 399,
+ 1012, 399, 1121, 595, 1015, 1122, 906, 694, 1128, 915,
+ 2255, 1129, 2255, 2255, 915, 1013, 2255, 1133, 918, 2255,
+ 914, 1024, 2255, 1117, 1118, 2255, 1139, 758, 384, 755,
+ 750, 755, 755, 384, 384, 756, 384, 384, 384, 384,
+ 384, 385, 384, 384, 757, 756, 384, 384, 384, 384,
+ 384, 756, 756, 756, 756, 756, 756, 756, 756, 384,
+ 384, 384, 756, 756, 756, 756, 756, 756, 756, 756,
+ 756, 756, 756, 756, 756, 756, 758, 384, 388, 563,
+ 563, 563, 563, 388, 388, 761, 388, 388, 388, 563,
+ 563, 389, 388, 388, 662, 762, 563, 388, 388, 388,
+ 388, 761, 761, 761, 761, 761, 761, 761, 761, 388,
+ 388, 388, 761, 761, 761, 761, 761, 761, 761, 761,
+ 761, 761, 761, 761, 761, 761, 663, 388, 302, 564,
+ 564, 564, 564, 302, 302, 765, 302, 302, 302, 564,
+ 564, 303, 302, 302, 566, 766, 564, 302, 302, 302,
+ 302, 765, 765, 765, 765, 765, 765, 765, 765, 302,
+ 302, 302, 765, 765, 765, 765, 765, 765, 765, 765,
+ 765, 765, 765, 765, 765, 765, 568, 302, 388, 769,
+ 769, 769, 769, 388, 388, 881, 388, 388, 388, 388,
+ 388, 389, 388, 388, 882, 388, 388, 388, 388, 388,
+ 388, 881, 881, 881, 881, 881, 881, 881, 881, 388,
+ 388, 388, 881, 881, 881, 881, 881, 881, 881, 881,
+ 881, 881, 881, 881, 881, 881, 388, 388, 302, 436,
+ 436, 436, 436, 302, 302, 488, 302, 302, 302, 302,
+ 302, 303, 302, 302, 489, 302, 302, 302, 302, 302,
+ 302, 488, 488, 488, 488, 488, 488, 488, 488, 302,
+ 302, 302, 488, 488, 488, 488, 488, 488, 488, 488,
+ 488, 488, 488, 488, 488, 488, 302, 302, 304, 775,
+ 890, 775, 775, 304, 304, 891, 304, 304, 304, 304,
+ 304, 304, 304, 304, 892, 304, 304, 304, 304, 304,
+ 304, 891, 891, 891, 891, 891, 891, 891, 891, 304,
+ 304, 304, 891, 891, 891, 891, 891, 891, 891, 891,
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+ 314, 314, 314, 235, 353, 235, 235, 235, 235, 314,
+ 314, 236, 235, 235, 354, 235, 353, 235, 235, 235,
+ 235, 353, 353, 353, 353, 353, 353, 353, 353, 235,
+ 235, 235, 353, 353, 353, 353, 353, 353, 353, 353,
+ 353, 353, 353, 353, 353, 353, 353, 235, 506, 792,
+ 792, 792, 792, 506, 791, 506, 506, 506, 506, 792,
+ 792, 507, 506, 506, 798, 506, 791, 506, 506, 506,
+ 506, 791, 791, 791, 791, 791, 791, 791, 791, 506,
+ 506, 506, 791, 791, 791, 791, 791, 791, 791, 791,
+ 791, 791, 791, 791, 791, 791, 791, 506, 506, 595,
+ 595, 595, 595, 506, 506, 796, 506, 686, 506, 506,
+ 687, 688, 686, 689, 690, 797, 506, 506, 506, 686,
+ 506, 796, 796, 796, 796, 796, 796, 796, 796, 686,
+ 506, 686, 796, 796, 796, 796, 796, 796, 796, 796,
+ 796, 796, 796, 796, 796, 796, 506, 506, 809, 2255,
+ 902, 2255, 2255, 817, 2255, 357, 903, 903, 903, 903,
+ 329, 329, 329, 329, 1042, 1145, 452, 903, 903, 903,
+ 903, 903, 243, 903, 592, 380, 1146, 2255, 817, 1147,
+ 903, 685, 929, 595, 643, 1149, 2255, 2255, 1150, 1042,
+ 2255, 691, 2255, 1152, 915, 960, 1153, 685, 685, 685,
+ 685, 685, 685, 685, 685, 2255, 2255, 381, 685, 685,
+ 685, 685, 685, 685, 685, 685, 685, 685, 685, 685,
+ 685, 685, 593, 906, 906, 906, 906, 593, 593, 907,
+ 593, 908, 593, 593, 909, 910, 908, 911, 690, 912,
+ 593, 593, 593, 908, 593, 907, 907, 907, 907, 907,
+ 907, 907, 907, 908, 593, 908, 907, 907, 907, 907,
+ 907, 907, 907, 907, 907, 907, 907, 907, 907, 907,
+ 593, 593, 592, 592, 592, 592, 2255, 167, 114, 1155,
+ 115, 2255, 166, 681, 413, 115, 117, 913, 119, 167,
+ 1156, 2255, 115, 830, 683, 683, 683, 683, 683, 683,
+ 683, 683, 115, 2255, 115, 683, 683, 683, 683, 683,
+ 683, 683, 683, 683, 683, 683, 683, 683, 683, 167,
+ 809, 267, 810, 1168, 2255, 739, 2255, 545, 811, 811,
+ 811, 811, 532, 1177, 1169, 533, 963, 959, 860, 811,
+ 811, 811, 811, 811, 1178, 811, 2255, 962, 2255, 2255,
+ 2255, 2255, 811, 207, 817, 817, 817, 817, 207, 358,
+ 315, 207, 316, 207, 357, 919, 318, 316, 319, 920,
+ 321, 358, 207, 207, 316, 207, 921, 921, 921, 921,
+ 921, 921, 921, 921, 316, 207, 316, 921, 921, 921,
+ 921, 921, 921, 921, 921, 921, 921, 921, 921, 921,
+ 921, 358, 207, 451, 706, 817, 706, 706, 451, 451,
+ 922, 451, 819, 451, 451, 820, 821, 819, 822, 823,
+ 923, 451, 451, 451, 819, 451, 922, 922, 922, 922,
+ 922, 922, 922, 922, 819, 451, 819, 922, 922, 922,
+ 922, 922, 922, 922, 922, 922, 922, 922, 922, 922,
+ 922, 451, 451, 818, 1061, 427, 739, 2255, 2255, 2255,
+ 2255, 2255, 2255, 824, 2255, 1062, 650, 963, 1182, 818,
+ 818, 818, 818, 818, 818, 818, 818, 2255, 2255, 2255,
+ 818, 818, 818, 818, 818, 818, 818, 818, 818, 818,
+ 818, 818, 818, 818, 451, 924, 925, 924, 924, 451,
+ 926, 451, 451, 451, 451, 924, 924, 452, 451, 451,
+ 927, 451, 926, 451, 451, 451, 451, 926, 926, 926,
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+ 926, 926, 926, 926, 926, 926, 926, 926, 926, 926,
+ 926, 926, 926, 451, 517, 928, 929, 928, 928, 517,
+ 517, 930, 517, 931, 517, 517, 932, 933, 931, 934,
+ 935, 936, 517, 517, 517, 931, 517, 930, 930, 930,
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+ 930, 930, 930, 930, 930, 930, 930, 930, 930, 930,
+ 930, 930, 517, 517, 939, 122, 940, 427, 2255, 858,
+ 2255, 545, 941, 941, 941, 941, 1183, 1188, 1185, 1184,
+ 974, 1186, 860, 941, 941, 941, 941, 941, 1189, 941,
+ 2255, 866, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 941, 237, 520, 592,
+ 520, 520, 237, 237, 707, 237, 615, 237, 237, 616,
+ 615, 615, 711, 618, 825, 237, 237, 237, 615, 237,
+ 826, 826, 826, 826, 707, 707, 707, 707, 615, 237,
+ 615, 826, 826, 826, 826, 826, 707, 826, 707, 707,
+ 707, 707, 707, 707, 826, 237, 237, 415, 622, 714,
+ 622, 622, 415, 415, 828, 415, 716, 415, 415, 717,
+ 718, 716, 719, 720, 829, 415, 415, 415, 716, 415,
+ 828, 828, 828, 828, 828, 828, 828, 828, 716, 415,
+ 716, 828, 828, 828, 828, 828, 828, 828, 828, 828,
+ 828, 828, 828, 828, 828, 415, 415, 842, 1194, 942,
+ 1061, 2255, 427, 2255, 563, 943, 943, 943, 943, 1195,
+ 427, 1062, 973, 650, 1198, 876, 943, 943, 943, 943,
+ 943, 1200, 943, 2255, 1201, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 943,
+ 415, 830, 817, 830, 830, 415, 831, 415, 415, 415,
+ 415, 830, 830, 416, 415, 415, 832, 415, 831, 415,
+ 415, 415, 415, 831, 831, 831, 831, 831, 831, 831,
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+ 831, 831, 831, 831, 831, 831, 831, 831, 831, 415,
+ 715, 1087, 769, 564, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255,
+ 721, 2255, 1088, 1103, 771, 1202, 715, 715, 715, 715,
+ 715, 715, 715, 715, 2255, 2255, 2255, 715, 715, 715,
+ 715, 715, 715, 715, 715, 715, 715, 715, 715, 715,
+ 715, 207, 288, 288, 288, 288, 207, 207, 315, 207,
+ 316, 207, 207, 317, 318, 316, 319, 320, 321, 207,
+ 207, 207, 316, 207, 315, 315, 315, 315, 315, 315,
+ 315, 315, 316, 207, 316, 315, 315, 315, 315, 315,
+ 315, 315, 315, 315, 315, 315, 315, 315, 315, 207,
+ 207, 523, 946, 947, 946, 946, 523, 523, 948, 523,
+ 949, 523, 523, 950, 951, 949, 952, 720, 953, 523,
+ 523, 523, 949, 523, 948, 948, 948, 948, 948, 948,
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+ 523, 209, 458, 525, 458, 458, 209, 209, 526, 209,
+ 527, 209, 209, 528, 954, 527, 529, 955, 531, 209,
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+ 526, 526, 526, 526, 526, 526, 526, 526, 526, 209,
+ 209, 842, 297, 843, 1221, 2255, 769, 2255, 684, 844,
+ 844, 844, 844, 1205, 436, 1222, 1206, 1103, 999, 1012,
+ 844, 844, 844, 844, 844, 1234, 844, 2255, 1235, 2255,
+ 2255, 2255, 2255, 844, 378, 534, 631, 534, 534, 378,
+ 378, 632, 378, 378, 378, 378, 378, 633, 378, 378,
+ 634, 378, 378, 378, 378, 378, 378, 632, 632, 632,
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+ 632, 632, 632, 632, 632, 632, 632, 632, 632, 632,
+ 632, 632, 378, 378, 174, 267, 267, 267, 267, 174,
+ 174, 289, 174, 174, 174, 174, 174, 290, 174, 174,
+ 291, 174, 174, 174, 174, 174, 174, 289, 289, 289,
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+ 726, 726, 726, 726, 726, 726, 726, 726, 726, 726,
+ 726, 726, 378, 378, 461, 845, 846, 845, 845, 461,
+ 461, 847, 461, 461, 461, 461, 461, 848, 461, 461,
+ 956, 461, 461, 461, 461, 461, 461, 847, 847, 847,
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+ 847, 847, 847, 847, 847, 847, 847, 847, 847, 847,
+ 847, 847, 461, 461, 181, 858, 858, 858, 858, 181,
+ 181, 294, 181, 181, 181, 181, 181, 182, 181, 181,
+ 864, 181, 181, 181, 181, 181, 181, 294, 294, 294,
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+ 242, 472, 242, 242, 242, 242, 242, 243, 242, 242,
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+ 472, 472, 474, 242, 866, 867, 866, 866, 330, 330,
+ 330, 330, 2255, 285, 1241, 285, 429, 2255, 792, 869,
+ 182, 1256, 595, 332, 399, 1242, 399, 595, 1011, 1015,
+ 906, 113, 1257, 1269, 2255, 1014, 1270, 1013, 915, 2255,
+ 2255, 1133, 1017, 450, 1271, 1018, 2255, 2255, 1139, 1238,
+ 1239, 870, 2255, 2255, 705, 333, 428, 866, 867, 866,
+ 866, 428, 428, 868, 428, 428, 428, 428, 428, 429,
+ 428, 428, 869, 868, 428, 428, 428, 428, 428, 868,
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+ 388, 388, 662, 990, 563, 388, 388, 388, 388, 989,
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+ 302, 302, 566, 302, 564, 302, 302, 302, 302, 664,
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+ 390, 390, 997, 390, 390, 390, 390, 390, 390, 996,
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+ 1000, 1000, 1000, 1000, 1000, 1000, 1000, 304, 304, 304,
+ 1000, 1000, 1000, 1000, 1000, 1000, 1000, 1000, 1000, 1000,
+ 1000, 1000, 1000, 1000, 1003, 304, 506, 595, 595, 595,
+ 595, 506, 506, 796, 506, 686, 506, 506, 687, 688,
+ 686, 809, 690, 902, 506, 506, 506, 686, 506, 903,
+ 903, 903, 903, 796, 796, 796, 796, 686, 506, 686,
+ 903, 903, 903, 903, 903, 796, 903, 796, 796, 796,
+ 796, 796, 796, 903, 506, 506, 685, 2255, 2255, 2255,
+ 792, 2255, 2255, 2255, 689, 2255, 691, 545, 545, 545,
+ 545, 1015, 685, 685, 685, 685, 685, 685, 685, 685,
+ 2255, 2255, 645, 685, 685, 685, 685, 685, 685, 685,
+ 685, 685, 685, 685, 685, 685, 685, 689, 1273, 797,
+ 817, 2255, 817, 2255, 595, 796, 796, 796, 796, 1274,
+ 450, 1042, 1247, 1042, 646, 915, 796, 796, 796, 796,
+ 796, 1022, 796, 2255, 1023, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 796,
+ 506, 792, 792, 792, 792, 506, 791, 506, 506, 506,
+ 506, 792, 792, 507, 506, 506, 798, 506, 791, 506,
+ 506, 506, 506, 791, 791, 791, 791, 791, 791, 791,
+ 791, 506, 506, 506, 791, 791, 791, 791, 791, 791,
+ 791, 791, 791, 791, 791, 791, 791, 791, 791, 506,
+ 593, 906, 906, 906, 906, 593, 593, 907, 593, 908,
+ 593, 593, 909, 910, 908, 911, 1016, 912, 593, 593,
+ 593, 908, 593, 907, 907, 907, 907, 907, 907, 907,
+ 907, 908, 593, 908, 907, 907, 907, 907, 907, 907,
+ 907, 907, 907, 907, 907, 907, 907, 907, 593, 593,
+ 809, 1276, 810, 1032, 2255, 643, 2255, 961, 811, 811,
+ 811, 811, 1277, 906, 1288, 924, 960, 1041, 1318, 811,
+ 811, 811, 811, 811, 1133, 811, 2255, 1291, 2255, 2255,
+ 2255, 2255, 811, 207, 357, 357, 357, 357, 207, 358,
+ 207, 207, 207, 207, 357, 357, 208, 207, 207, 359,
+ 207, 358, 207, 207, 207, 207, 358, 358, 358, 358,
+ 358, 358, 358, 358, 207, 207, 207, 358, 358, 358,
+ 358, 358, 358, 358, 358, 358, 358, 358, 358, 358,
+ 358, 358, 207, 207, 288, 288, 288, 288, 207, 207,
+ 355, 207, 316, 207, 207, 317, 318, 316, 319, 320,
+ 356, 207, 207, 207, 316, 207, 355, 355, 355, 355,
+ 355, 355, 355, 355, 316, 207, 316, 355, 355, 355,
+ 355, 355, 355, 355, 355, 355, 355, 355, 355, 355,
+ 355, 207, 207, 451, 706, 817, 706, 706, 451, 451,
+ 922, 451, 819, 451, 451, 820, 821, 819, 822, 823,
+ 923, 451, 451, 451, 819, 451, 922, 922, 922, 922,
+ 922, 922, 922, 922, 819, 451, 819, 922, 922, 922,
+ 922, 922, 922, 922, 922, 922, 922, 922, 922, 922,
+ 922, 451, 451, 939, 450, 1027, 288, 2255, 739, 2255,
+ 545, 1028, 1028, 1028, 1028, 1303, 1168, 620, 1304, 963,
+ 621, 860, 1028, 1028, 1028, 1028, 1028, 1169, 1028, 2255,
+ 1308, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 1028, 451, 924, 925, 924,
+ 924, 451, 926, 451, 451, 451, 451, 924, 924, 452,
+ 451, 451, 927, 451, 926, 451, 451, 451, 451, 926,
+ 926, 926, 926, 926, 926, 926, 926, 451, 451, 451,
+ 926, 926, 926, 926, 926, 926, 926, 926, 926, 926,
+ 926, 926, 926, 926, 926, 451, 818, 542, 961, 739,
+ 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 824, 2255, 1313, 1318,
+ 963, 1314, 818, 818, 818, 818, 818, 818, 818, 818,
+ 2255, 2255, 2255, 818, 818, 818, 818, 818, 818, 818,
+ 818, 818, 818, 818, 818, 818, 818, 207, 817, 817,
+ 817, 817, 207, 358, 315, 207, 316, 207, 357, 919,
+ 318, 316, 319, 920, 321, 358, 207, 207, 316, 207,
+ 921, 921, 921, 921, 921, 921, 921, 921, 316, 207,
+ 316, 921, 921, 921, 921, 921, 921, 921, 921, 921,
+ 921, 921, 921, 921, 921, 358, 207, 611, 1031, 1032,
+ 1031, 1031, 611, 611, 1033, 611, 1034, 611, 611, 1035,
+ 1036, 1034, 1037, 823, 1038, 611, 611, 611, 1034, 611,
+ 1033, 1033, 1033, 1033, 1033, 1033, 1033, 1033, 1034, 611,
+ 1034, 1033, 1033, 1033, 1033, 1033, 1033, 1033, 1033, 1033,
+ 1033, 1033, 1033, 1033, 1033, 611, 611, 237, 520, 592,
+ 520, 520, 237, 237, 614, 237, 615, 237, 237, 616,
+ 1039, 615, 617, 1040, 619, 237, 237, 237, 615, 237,
+ 614, 614, 614, 614, 614, 614, 614, 614, 615, 237,
+ 615, 614, 614, 614, 614, 614, 614, 614, 614, 614,
+ 614, 614, 614, 614, 614, 237, 237, 939, 1177, 940,
+ 177, 2255, 329, 2255, 858, 941, 941, 941, 941, 1178,
+ 862, 1320, 1319, 467, 1321, 974, 941, 941, 941, 941,
+ 941, 863, 941, 2255, 968, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 941,
+ 415, 622, 714, 622, 622, 415, 415, 828, 415, 716,
+ 415, 415, 717, 718, 716, 842, 720, 942, 415, 415,
+ 415, 716, 415, 943, 943, 943, 943, 828, 828, 828,
+ 828, 716, 415, 716, 943, 943, 943, 943, 943, 828,
+ 943, 828, 828, 828, 828, 828, 828, 943, 415, 415,
+ 715, 1177, 427, 563, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 719, 2255,
+ 721, 2255, 1178, 650, 876, 1326, 715, 715, 715, 715,
+ 715, 715, 715, 715, 2255, 2255, 2255, 715, 715, 715,
+ 715, 715, 715, 715, 715, 715, 715, 715, 715, 715,
+ 715, 315, 2255, 2255, 2255, 988, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255,
+ 2255, 321, 542, 542, 542, 542, 1351, 315, 315, 315,
+ 315, 315, 315, 315, 315, 2255, 2255, 641, 315, 315,
+ 315, 315, 315, 315, 315, 315, 315, 315, 315, 315,
+ 315, 315, 719, 329, 829, 769, 2255, 436, 2255, 436,
+ 828, 828, 828, 828, 1328, 1194, 1103, 1329, 670, 642,
+ 670, 828, 828, 828, 828, 828, 1195, 828, 2255, 1330,
+ 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 828, 415, 830, 817, 830, 830,
+ 415, 831, 415, 415, 415, 415, 830, 830, 416, 415,
+ 415, 832, 415, 831, 415, 415, 415, 415, 831, 831,
+ 831, 831, 831, 831, 831, 831, 415, 415, 415, 831,
+ 831, 831, 831, 831, 831, 831, 831, 831, 831, 831,
+ 831, 831, 831, 831, 415, 523, 946, 947, 946, 946,
+ 523, 523, 948, 523, 949, 523, 523, 950, 951, 949,
+ 952, 1047, 953, 523, 523, 523, 949, 523, 948, 948,
+ 948, 948, 948, 948, 948, 948, 949, 523, 949, 948,
+ 948, 948, 948, 948, 948, 948, 948, 948, 948, 948,
+ 948, 948, 948, 523, 523, 842, 542, 843, 1337, 1006,
+ 285, 1006, 1006, 844, 844, 844, 844, 1331, 1353, 1338,
+ 1332, 399, 755, 684, 844, 844, 844, 844, 844, 1354,
+ 844, 2255, 1102, 2255, 1012, 2255, 2255, 844, 378, 534,
+ 631, 534, 534, 378, 378, 632, 378, 378, 378, 378,
+ 378, 1048, 378, 378, 1049, 378, 378, 378, 378, 378,
+ 378, 632, 632, 632, 632, 632, 632, 632, 632, 378,
+ 378, 378, 632, 632, 632, 632, 632, 632, 632, 632,
+ 632, 632, 632, 632, 632, 632, 378, 378, 242, 961,
+ 961, 961, 961, 242, 242, 472, 242, 242, 242, 242,
+ 242, 243, 242, 242, 1054, 242, 242, 242, 242, 242,
+ 242, 472, 472, 472, 472, 472, 472, 472, 472, 242,
+ 242, 242, 472, 472, 472, 472, 472, 472, 472, 472,
+ 472, 472, 472, 472, 472, 472, 1055, 242, 468, 545,
+ 545, 545, 545, 468, 468, 644, 468, 468, 468, 468,
+ 468, 469, 468, 468, 645, 468, 468, 468, 468, 468,
+ 468, 644, 644, 644, 644, 644, 644, 644, 644, 468,
+ 468, 468, 644, 644, 644, 644, 644, 644, 644, 644,
+ 644, 644, 644, 644, 644, 644, 646, 468, 183, 967,
+ 1063, 967, 967, 183, 183, 483, 183, 183, 183, 183,
+ 183, 183, 183, 183, 1064, 183, 183, 183, 183, 183,
+ 183, 483, 483, 483, 483, 483, 483, 483, 483, 183,
+ 183, 183, 483, 483, 483, 483, 483, 483, 483, 483,
+ 483, 483, 483, 483, 483, 483, 1065, 183, 968, 1066,
+ 968, 968, 2255, 564, 436, 888, 2255, 2255, 2255, 1241,
+ 650, 592, 2255, 1067, 1363, 1368, 889, 1364, 1369, 998,
+ 1242, 1013, 1374, 1370, 792, 1375, 1256, 166, 906, 2255,
+ 2255, 2255, 1139, 684, 2255, 1015, 2255, 1257, 1382, 1133,
+ 1381, 1383, 1271, 2255, 1012, 1068, 649, 978, 1082, 978,
+ 978, 649, 649, 1083, 649, 649, 649, 649, 649, 650,
+ 649, 649, 1084, 649, 649, 649, 649, 649, 649, 1083,
+ 1083, 1083, 1083, 1083, 1083, 1083, 1083, 649, 649, 649,
+ 1083, 1083, 1083, 1083, 1083, 1083, 1083, 1083, 1083, 1083,
+ 1083, 1083, 1083, 1083, 1085, 649, 388, 563, 563, 563,
+ 563, 388, 388, 661, 388, 388, 388, 563, 563, 389,
+ 388, 388, 662, 388, 563, 388, 388, 388, 388, 661,
+ 661, 661, 661, 661, 661, 661, 661, 388, 388, 388,
+ 661, 661, 661, 661, 661, 661, 661, 661, 661, 661,
+ 661, 661, 661, 661, 663, 388, 390, 982, 1089, 982,
+ 982, 390, 390, 1090, 390, 390, 390, 982, 982, 390,
+ 390, 390, 1091, 390, 982, 390, 390, 390, 390, 1090,
+ 1090, 1090, 1090, 1090, 1090, 1090, 1090, 390, 390, 390,
+ 1090, 1090, 1090, 1090, 1090, 1090, 1090, 1090, 1090, 1090,
+ 1090, 1090, 1090, 1090, 1092, 390, 985, 985, 985, 985,
+ 2255, 285, 2255, 1013, 1398, 792, 297, 297, 1256, 314,
+ 817, 1094, 399, 297, 1139, 1399, 1015, 817, 1138, 1257,
+ 1411, 1416, 1400, 1412, 1417, 1032, 2255, 592, 1042, 450,
+ 2255, 643, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 1288, 1238, 1149, 1418,
+ 705, 1150, 960, 301, 877, 988, 988, 988, 988, 877,
+ 877, 1096, 877, 877, 877, 877, 877, 878, 877, 877,
+ 1097, 877, 877, 877, 877, 877, 877, 1096, 1096, 1096,
+ 1096, 1096, 1096, 1096, 1096, 877, 877, 877, 1096, 1096,
+ 1096, 1096, 1096, 1096, 1096, 1096, 1096, 1096, 1096, 1096,
+ 1096, 1096, 877, 877, 1098, 1434, 961, 739, 2255, 2255,
+ 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 1099, 2255, 1435, 1318, 963, 830,
+ 1098, 1098, 1098, 1098, 1098, 1098, 1098, 1098, 2255, 2255,
+ 2255, 1098, 1098, 1098, 1098, 1098, 1098, 1098, 1098, 1098,
+ 1098, 1098, 1098, 1098, 1098, 989, 542, 545, 961, 2255,
+ 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 990, 2255, 1440, 860, 1318,
+ 1441, 989, 989, 989, 989, 989, 989, 989, 989, 2255,
+ 2255, 2255, 989, 989, 989, 989, 989, 989, 989, 989,
+ 989, 989, 989, 989, 989, 989, 302, 564, 564, 564,
+ 564, 302, 302, 664, 302, 302, 302, 564, 564, 303,
+ 302, 302, 566, 302, 564, 302, 302, 302, 302, 664,
+ 664, 664, 664, 664, 664, 664, 664, 302, 302, 302,
+ 664, 664, 664, 664, 664, 664, 664, 664, 664, 664,
+ 664, 664, 664, 664, 568, 302, 1105, 1443, 858, 545,
+ 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 1106, 2255, 1444, 974,
+ 860, 1309, 1105, 1105, 1105, 1105, 1105, 1105, 1105, 1105,
+ 2255, 2255, 2255, 1105, 1105, 1105, 1105, 1105, 1105, 1105,
+ 1105, 1105, 1105, 1105, 1105, 1105, 1105, 669, 998, 1109,
+ 998, 998, 669, 669, 1110, 669, 669, 669, 669, 669,
+ 670, 669, 669, 1111, 669, 669, 669, 669, 669, 669,
+ 1110, 1110, 1110, 1110, 1110, 1110, 1110, 1110, 669, 669,
+ 669, 1110, 1110, 1110, 1110, 1110, 1110, 1110, 1110, 1110,
+ 1110, 1110, 1110, 1110, 1110, 669, 669, 304, 999, 985,
+ 999, 999, 304, 304, 1112, 304, 304, 304, 999, 999,
+ 304, 304, 304, 1001, 304, 999, 304, 304, 304, 304,
+ 1112, 1112, 1112, 1112, 1112, 1112, 1112, 1112, 304, 304,
+ 304, 1112, 1112, 1112, 1112, 1112, 1112, 1112, 1112, 1112,
+ 1112, 1112, 1112, 1112, 1112, 1003, 304, 1113, 545, 545,
+ 563, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 1114, 2255, 1454,
+ 860, 876, 1455, 1113, 1113, 1113, 1113, 1113, 1113, 1113,
+ 1113, 2255, 2255, 2255, 1113, 1113, 1113, 1113, 1113, 1113,
+ 1113, 1113, 1113, 1113, 1113, 1113, 1113, 1113, 1000, 1459,
+ 1095, 1210, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 1002, 2255,
+ 1460, 1477, 1480, 866, 1000, 1000, 1000, 1000, 1000, 1000,
+ 1000, 1000, 2255, 2255, 2255, 1000, 1000, 1000, 1000, 1000,
+ 1000, 1000, 1000, 1000, 1000, 1000, 1000, 1000, 1000, 235,
+ 1013, 1013, 1013, 1013, 235, 353, 510, 235, 511, 235,
+ 314, 1123, 513, 511, 514, 1124, 516, 353, 235, 235,
+ 511, 235, 1125, 1125, 1125, 1125, 1125, 1125, 1125, 1125,
+ 511, 235, 511, 1125, 1125, 1125, 1125, 1125, 1125, 1125,
+ 1125, 1125, 1125, 1125, 1125, 1125, 1125, 353, 235, 506,
+ 684, 684, 684, 684, 506, 791, 685, 506, 686, 506,
+ 792, 793, 1130, 686, 689, 1131, 691, 791, 506, 506,
+ 686, 506, 795, 795, 795, 795, 795, 795, 795, 795,
+ 686, 506, 686, 795, 795, 795, 795, 795, 795, 795,
+ 795, 795, 795, 795, 795, 795, 795, 791, 506, 209,
+ 1021, 1134, 1021, 1021, 209, 626, 526, 209, 527, 209,
+ 625, 1135, 527, 527, 529, 1136, 531, 626, 209, 209,
+ 527, 209, 1137, 1137, 1137, 1137, 1137, 1137, 1137, 1137,
+ 527, 209, 527, 1137, 1137, 1137, 1137, 1137, 1137, 1137,
+ 1137, 1137, 1137, 1137, 1137, 1137, 1137, 626, 209, 704,
+ 1024, 1013, 1024, 1024, 704, 1140, 704, 704, 704, 704,
+ 1024, 1024, 705, 704, 704, 1141, 704, 1140, 704, 704,
+ 704, 704, 1140, 1140, 1140, 1140, 1140, 1140, 1140, 1140,
+ 704, 704, 704, 1140, 1140, 1140, 1140, 1140, 1140, 1140,
+ 1140, 1140, 1140, 1140, 1140, 1140, 1140, 1140, 704, 451,
+ 706, 817, 706, 706, 451, 451, 922, 451, 819, 451,
+ 451, 820, 821, 819, 939, 823, 1027, 451, 451, 451,
+ 819, 451, 1028, 1028, 1028, 1028, 922, 922, 922, 922,
+ 819, 451, 819, 1028, 1028, 1028, 1028, 1028, 922, 1028,
+ 922, 922, 922, 922, 922, 922, 1028, 451, 451, 818,
+ 545, 988, 769, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 822, 2255, 824,
+ 2255, 1465, 1351, 1103, 1466, 818, 818, 818, 818, 818,
+ 818, 818, 818, 2255, 2255, 2255, 818, 818, 818, 818,
+ 818, 818, 818, 818, 818, 818, 818, 818, 818, 818,
+ 207, 817, 817, 817, 817, 207, 358, 315, 207, 316,
+ 207, 357, 919, 318, 316, 319, 920, 321, 358, 207,
+ 207, 316, 207, 921, 921, 921, 921, 921, 921, 921,
+ 921, 316, 207, 316, 921, 921, 921, 921, 921, 921,
+ 921, 921, 921, 921, 921, 921, 921, 921, 358, 207,
+ 822, 1468, 923, 563, 2255, 564, 2255, 1223, 922, 922,
+ 922, 922, 1469, 1482, 1472, 978, 771, 1473, 1494, 922,
+ 922, 922, 922, 922, 1483, 922, 2255, 1484, 2255, 2255,
+ 2255, 2255, 922, 451, 924, 925, 924, 924, 451, 926,
+ 451, 451, 451, 451, 924, 924, 452, 451, 451, 927,
+ 451, 926, 451, 451, 451, 451, 926, 926, 926, 926,
+ 926, 926, 926, 926, 451, 451, 451, 926, 926, 926,
+ 926, 926, 926, 926, 926, 926, 926, 926, 926, 926,
+ 926, 926, 451, 611, 1031, 1032, 1031, 1031, 611, 611,
+ 1033, 611, 1034, 611, 611, 1035, 1036, 1034, 1037, 1148,
+ 1038, 611, 611, 611, 1034, 611, 1033, 1033, 1033, 1033,
+ 1033, 1033, 1033, 1033, 1034, 611, 1034, 1033, 1033, 1033,
+ 1033, 1033, 1033, 1033, 1033, 1033, 1033, 1033, 1033, 1033,
+ 1033, 611, 611, 939, 1353, 940, 564, 2255, 1223, 2255,
+ 684, 941, 941, 941, 941, 1354, 994, 1491, 1485, 1494,
+ 1492, 1012, 941, 941, 941, 941, 941, 995, 941, 2255,
+ 1104, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 941, 506, 595, 595, 595,
+ 595, 506, 506, 685, 506, 686, 506, 506, 687, 688,
+ 686, 689, 690, 691, 506, 506, 506, 686, 506, 685,
+ 685, 685, 685, 685, 685, 685, 685, 686, 506, 686,
+ 685, 685, 685, 685, 685, 685, 685, 685, 685, 685,
+ 685, 685, 685, 685, 506, 506, 704, 1046, 1157, 1046,
+ 1046, 704, 704, 1158, 704, 1159, 704, 704, 1160, 1161,
+ 1159, 1162, 1163, 1164, 704, 704, 704, 1159, 704, 1158,
+ 1158, 1158, 1158, 1158, 1158, 1158, 1158, 1159, 704, 1159,
+ 1158, 1158, 1158, 1158, 1158, 1158, 1158, 1158, 1158, 1158,
+ 1158, 1158, 1158, 1158, 704, 704, 415, 622, 714, 622,
+ 622, 415, 415, 715, 415, 716, 415, 415, 717, 1165,
+ 716, 719, 1166, 721, 415, 415, 415, 716, 415, 715,
+ 715, 715, 715, 715, 715, 715, 715, 716, 415, 716,
+ 715, 715, 715, 715, 715, 715, 715, 715, 715, 715,
+ 715, 715, 715, 715, 415, 415, 461, 845, 846, 845,
+ 845, 461, 461, 847, 461, 461, 461, 461, 461, 848,
+ 461, 461, 956, 461, 461, 461, 461, 461, 461, 847,
+ 847, 847, 847, 847, 847, 847, 847, 461, 461, 461,
+ 847, 847, 847, 847, 847, 847, 847, 847, 847, 847,
+ 847, 847, 847, 847, 461, 461, 468, 643, 643, 643,
+ 643, 468, 468, 644, 468, 468, 468, 468, 468, 469,
+ 468, 468, 737, 468, 468, 468, 468, 468, 468, 644,
+ 644, 644, 644, 644, 644, 644, 644, 468, 468, 468,
+ 644, 644, 644, 644, 644, 644, 644, 644, 644, 644,
+ 644, 644, 644, 644, 738, 468, 754, 1053, 1170, 1053,
+ 1053, 754, 754, 1171, 754, 754, 754, 754, 754, 754,
+ 754, 754, 1172, 754, 754, 754, 754, 754, 754, 1171,
+ 1171, 1171, 1171, 1171, 1171, 1171, 1171, 754, 754, 754,
+ 1171, 1171, 1171, 1171, 1171, 1171, 1171, 1171, 1171, 1171,
+ 1171, 1171, 1171, 1171, 1173, 754, 739, 739, 739, 739,
+ 2255, 1498, 592, 792, 2255, 2255, 288, 595, 469, 2255,
+ 595, 741, 1499, 1514, 1015, 1500, 1515, 1528, 915, 1013,
+ 1529, 1269, 1398, 1559, 1270, 2255, 2255, 1013, 1032, 817,
+ 1139, 2255, 2255, 1399, 1560, 2255, 1545, 924, 1139, 1288,
+ 1042, 2255, 1418, 742, 244, 1059, 1179, 1059, 1059, 244,
+ 244, 553, 244, 244, 244, 244, 244, 244, 244, 244,
+ 1180, 244, 244, 244, 244, 244, 244, 553, 553, 553,
+ 553, 553, 553, 553, 553, 244, 244, 244, 553, 553,
+ 553, 553, 553, 553, 553, 553, 553, 553, 553, 553,
+ 553, 553, 1181, 244, 242, 961, 961, 961, 961, 242,
+ 242, 472, 242, 242, 242, 242, 242, 243, 242, 242,
+ 1054, 242, 242, 242, 242, 242, 242, 472, 472, 472,
+ 472, 472, 472, 472, 472, 242, 242, 242, 472, 472,
+ 472, 472, 472, 472, 472, 472, 472, 472, 472, 472,
+ 472, 472, 1055, 242, 739, 739, 739, 739, 2255, 595,
+ 113, 595, 2255, 2255, 1573, 643, 469, 2255, 2255, 741,
+ 1569, 724, 915, 1570, 725, 1574, 1579, 643, 1046, 1580,
+ 961, 961, 1582, 739, 739, 2255, 2255, 545, 960, 643,
+ 2255, 1318, 1318, 1583, 1589, 963, 1317, 1590, 860, 2255,
+ 960, 742, 466, 1074, 1066, 1074, 1074, 466, 466, 1190,
+ 466, 466, 466, 466, 466, 467, 466, 466, 1191, 466,
+ 466, 466, 466, 466, 466, 1190, 1190, 1190, 1190, 1190,
+ 1190, 1190, 1190, 466, 466, 466, 1190, 1190, 1190, 1190,
+ 1190, 1190, 1190, 1190, 1190, 1190, 1190, 1190, 1190, 1190,
+ 1192, 466, 181, 858, 858, 858, 858, 181, 181, 294,
+ 181, 181, 181, 181, 181, 182, 181, 181, 864, 181,
+ 181, 181, 181, 181, 181, 294, 294, 294, 294, 294,
+ 294, 294, 294, 181, 181, 181, 294, 294, 294, 294,
+ 294, 294, 294, 294, 294, 294, 294, 294, 294, 294,
+ 865, 181, 1078, 1063, 1078, 1078, 545, 545, 545, 545,
+ 427, 427, 427, 427, 2255, 545, 1061, 1196, 2255, 2255,
+ 739, 645, 739, 2255, 739, 473, 1591, 1062, 1596, 1592,
+ 1182, 1593, 858, 963, 1594, 963, 858, 1080, 2255, 1597,
+ 2255, 545, 1074, 1603, 545, 563, 1604, 974, 1081, 1197,
+ 2255, 1605, 860, 646, 2255, 860, 876, 474, 649, 968,
+ 1066, 968, 968, 649, 649, 1199, 649, 649, 649, 649,
+ 649, 650, 649, 649, 1067, 1199, 649, 649, 649, 649,
+ 649, 1199, 1199, 1199, 1199, 1199, 1199, 1199, 1199, 649,
+ 649, 649, 1199, 1199, 1199, 1199, 1199, 1199, 1199, 1199,
+ 1199, 1199, 1199, 1199, 1199, 1199, 1068, 649, 388, 563,
+ 563, 563, 563, 388, 388, 661, 388, 388, 388, 563,
+ 563, 389, 388, 388, 662, 388, 563, 388, 388, 388,
+ 388, 661, 661, 661, 661, 661, 661, 661, 661, 388,
+ 388, 388, 661, 661, 661, 661, 661, 661, 661, 661,
+ 661, 661, 661, 661, 661, 661, 663, 388, 297, 297,
+ 297, 297, 2255, 1061, 2255, 1087, 2255, 1095, 297, 297,
+ 1607, 1210, 1613, 299, 1062, 297, 1088, 1449, 1477, 1202,
+ 988, 1608, 1480, 1614, 1609, 1617, 1615, 1223, 2255, 1630,
+ 564, 1351, 2255, 1223, 2255, 2255, 1618, 2255, 1494, 1350,
+ 1631, 771, 2255, 1632, 1494, 301, 390, 982, 1089, 982,
+ 982, 390, 390, 1203, 390, 390, 390, 982, 982, 390,
+ 390, 390, 1091, 1204, 982, 390, 390, 390, 390, 1203,
+ 1203, 1203, 1203, 1203, 1203, 1203, 1203, 390, 390, 390,
+ 1203, 1203, 1203, 1203, 1203, 1203, 1203, 1203, 1203, 1203,
+ 1203, 1203, 1203, 1203, 1092, 390, 297, 297, 297, 297,
+ 2255, 2255, 2255, 1634, 988, 1638, 297, 297, 2255, 684,
+ 684, 299, 338, 297, 1635, 1351, 1639, 1636, 1013, 1229,
+ 1012, 1658, 792, 792, 1659, 595, 2255, 1681, 2255, 1139,
+ 2255, 817, 2255, 1015, 1675, 2255, 1569, 1676, 1682, 1570,
+ 2255, 1291, 1042, 301, 877, 1095, 1095, 1095, 1095, 877,
+ 877, 1209, 877, 877, 877, 1210, 1210, 878, 877, 877,
+ 1211, 877, 1210, 877, 877, 877, 877, 1209, 1209, 1209,
+ 1209, 1209, 1209, 1209, 1209, 877, 877, 877, 1209, 1209,
+ 1209, 1209, 1209, 1209, 1209, 1209, 1209, 1209, 1209, 1209,
+ 1209, 1209, 1212, 877, 877, 1210, 1210, 1210, 1210, 877,
+ 877, 1213, 877, 877, 877, 1210, 1210, 878, 877, 877,
+ 1214, 1215, 1210, 877, 877, 877, 877, 1213, 1213, 1213,
+ 1213, 1213, 1213, 1213, 1213, 877, 877, 877, 1213, 1213,
+ 1213, 1213, 1213, 1213, 1213, 1213, 1213, 1213, 1213, 1213,
+ 1213, 1213, 1212, 877, 1098, 595, 792, 595, 2255, 2255,
+ 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 1099, 2255, 1685, 1015, 915, 1686,
+ 1098, 1098, 1098, 1098, 1098, 1098, 1098, 1098, 2255, 2255,
+ 2255, 1098, 1098, 1098, 1098, 1098, 1098, 1098, 1098, 1098,
+ 1098, 1098, 1098, 1098, 1098, 770, 1104, 1223, 1104, 1104,
+ 770, 770, 1224, 770, 770, 770, 770, 770, 771, 770,
+ 770, 1225, 770, 770, 770, 770, 770, 770, 1224, 1224,
+ 1224, 1224, 1224, 1224, 1224, 1224, 770, 770, 770, 1224,
+ 1224, 1224, 1224, 1224, 1224, 1224, 1224, 1224, 1224, 1224,
+ 1224, 1224, 1224, 770, 770, 1226, 792, 595, 643, 2255,
+ 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 1227, 2255, 1699, 915, 960,
+ 1700, 1226, 1226, 1226, 1226, 1226, 1226, 1226, 1226, 2255,
+ 2255, 2255, 1226, 1226, 1226, 1226, 1226, 1226, 1226, 1226,
+ 1226, 1226, 1226, 1226, 1226, 1226, 1105, 592, 643, 961,
+ 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 1106, 2255, 1514, 960,
+ 1318, 1515, 1105, 1105, 1105, 1105, 1105, 1105, 1105, 1105,
+ 2255, 2255, 2255, 1105, 1105, 1105, 1105, 1105, 1105, 1105,
+ 1105, 1105, 1105, 1105, 1105, 1105, 1105, 302, 436, 436,
+ 436, 436, 302, 302, 488, 302, 302, 302, 302, 302,
+ 303, 302, 302, 489, 302, 302, 302, 302, 302, 302,
+ 488, 488, 488, 488, 488, 488, 488, 488, 302, 302,
+ 302, 488, 488, 488, 488, 488, 488, 488, 488, 488,
+ 488, 488, 488, 488, 488, 302, 302, 669, 1229, 1223,
+ 1229, 1229, 669, 669, 1230, 669, 669, 669, 1229, 1229,
+ 670, 669, 669, 1231, 1232, 1229, 669, 669, 669, 669,
+ 1230, 1230, 1230, 1230, 1230, 1230, 1230, 1230, 669, 669,
+ 669, 1230, 1230, 1230, 1230, 1230, 1230, 1230, 1230, 1230,
+ 1230, 1230, 1230, 1230, 1230, 1233, 669, 304, 999, 985,
+ 999, 999, 304, 304, 1236, 304, 304, 304, 999, 999,
+ 304, 304, 304, 1001, 1237, 999, 304, 304, 304, 304,
+ 1236, 1236, 1236, 1236, 1236, 1236, 1236, 1236, 304, 304,
+ 304, 1236, 1236, 1236, 1236, 1236, 1236, 1236, 1236, 1236,
+ 1236, 1236, 1236, 1236, 1236, 1003, 304, 1113, 1703, 739,
+ 643, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 1114, 2255, 1704,
+ 963, 960, 1147, 1113, 1113, 1113, 1113, 1113, 1113, 1113,
+ 1113, 2255, 2255, 2255, 1113, 1113, 1113, 1113, 1113, 1113,
+ 1113, 1113, 1113, 1113, 1113, 1113, 1113, 1113, 506, 684,
+ 684, 684, 684, 506, 791, 685, 506, 686, 506, 792,
+ 793, 688, 686, 689, 794, 691, 791, 506, 506, 686,
+ 506, 795, 795, 795, 795, 795, 795, 795, 795, 686,
+ 506, 686, 795, 795, 795, 795, 795, 795, 795, 795,
+ 795, 795, 795, 795, 795, 795, 791, 506, 827, 1122,
+ 1243, 1122, 1122, 827, 1244, 1245, 827, 1246, 827, 1247,
+ 1248, 1246, 1246, 1249, 1250, 1251, 1244, 827, 827, 1246,
+ 827, 1252, 1252, 1252, 1252, 1252, 1252, 1252, 1252, 1246,
+ 827, 1246, 1252, 1252, 1252, 1252, 1252, 1252, 1252, 1252,
+ 1252, 1252, 1252, 1252, 1252, 1252, 1244, 827, 235, 314,
+ 314, 314, 314, 235, 353, 235, 235, 235, 235, 314,
+ 314, 236, 235, 235, 354, 235, 353, 235, 235, 235,
+ 235, 353, 353, 353, 353, 353, 353, 353, 353, 235,
+ 235, 235, 353, 353, 353, 353, 353, 353, 353, 353,
+ 353, 353, 353, 353, 353, 353, 353, 235, 235, 450,
+ 450, 450, 450, 235, 235, 596, 235, 511, 235, 235,
+ 512, 513, 511, 514, 515, 597, 235, 235, 235, 511,
+ 235, 596, 596, 596, 596, 596, 596, 596, 596, 511,
+ 235, 511, 596, 596, 596, 596, 596, 596, 596, 596,
+ 596, 596, 596, 596, 596, 596, 235, 235, 506, 792,
+ 792, 792, 792, 506, 791, 506, 506, 506, 506, 792,
+ 792, 507, 506, 506, 798, 506, 791, 506, 506, 506,
+ 506, 791, 791, 791, 791, 791, 791, 791, 791, 506,
+ 506, 506, 791, 791, 791, 791, 791, 791, 791, 791,
+ 791, 791, 791, 791, 791, 791, 791, 506, 237, 1129,
+ 1258, 1129, 1129, 237, 588, 614, 237, 615, 237, 505,
+ 1259, 615, 615, 617, 1260, 619, 588, 237, 237, 615,
+ 237, 1261, 1261, 1261, 1261, 1261, 1261, 1261, 1261, 615,
+ 237, 615, 1261, 1261, 1261, 1261, 1261, 1261, 1261, 1261,
+ 1261, 1261, 1261, 1261, 1261, 1261, 588, 237, 508, 1155,
+ 1155, 1155, 1155, 508, 508, 1262, 508, 1263, 508, 508,
+ 1264, 1265, 1263, 1266, 1267, 1268, 508, 508, 508, 1263,
+ 508, 1262, 1262, 1262, 1262, 1262, 1262, 1262, 1262, 1263,
+ 508, 1263, 1262, 1262, 1262, 1262, 1262, 1262, 1262, 1262,
+ 1262, 1262, 1262, 1262, 1262, 1262, 508, 508, 592, 592,
+ 592, 592, 2255, 167, 114, 817, 115, 2255, 166, 681,
+ 115, 115, 117, 682, 119, 167, 1416, 2255, 115, 1417,
+ 683, 683, 683, 683, 683, 683, 683, 683, 115, 2255,
+ 115, 683, 683, 683, 683, 683, 683, 683, 683, 683,
+ 683, 683, 683, 683, 683, 167, 209, 625, 592, 625,
+ 625, 209, 626, 209, 209, 209, 209, 625, 625, 209,
+ 209, 209, 627, 209, 626, 209, 209, 209, 209, 626,
+ 626, 626, 626, 626, 626, 626, 626, 209, 209, 209,
+ 626, 626, 626, 626, 626, 626, 626, 626, 626, 626,
+ 626, 626, 626, 626, 626, 209, 209, 458, 525, 458,
+ 458, 209, 209, 623, 209, 527, 209, 209, 528, 527,
+ 527, 529, 530, 624, 209, 209, 209, 527, 209, 623,
+ 623, 623, 623, 623, 623, 623, 623, 527, 209, 527,
+ 623, 623, 623, 623, 623, 623, 623, 623, 623, 623,
+ 623, 623, 623, 623, 209, 209, 446, 1147, 1013, 1147,
+ 1147, 446, 446, 1278, 446, 1279, 446, 446, 1280, 1281,
+ 1279, 1282, 1283, 1284, 446, 446, 446, 1279, 446, 1278,
+ 1278, 1278, 1278, 1278, 1278, 1278, 1278, 1279, 446, 1279,
+ 1278, 1278, 1278, 1278, 1278, 1278, 1278, 1278, 1278, 1278,
+ 1278, 1278, 1278, 1278, 446, 446, 451, 706, 817, 706,
+ 706, 451, 451, 818, 451, 819, 451, 451, 820, 1285,
+ 819, 822, 1286, 824, 451, 451, 451, 819, 451, 818,
+ 818, 818, 818, 818, 818, 818, 818, 819, 451, 819,
+ 818, 818, 818, 818, 818, 818, 818, 818, 818, 818,
+ 818, 818, 818, 818, 451, 451, 827, 1153, 1134, 1153,
+ 1153, 827, 827, 1245, 827, 1246, 827, 827, 1289, 1246,
+ 1246, 1249, 1290, 1251, 827, 827, 827, 1246, 827, 1245,
+ 1245, 1245, 1245, 1245, 1245, 1245, 1245, 1246, 827, 1246,
+ 1245, 1245, 1245, 1245, 1245, 1245, 1245, 1245, 1245, 1245,
+ 1245, 1245, 1245, 1245, 827, 827, 506, 595, 595, 595,
+ 595, 506, 506, 685, 506, 686, 506, 506, 687, 688,
+ 686, 689, 690, 691, 506, 506, 506, 686, 506, 685,
+ 685, 685, 685, 685, 685, 685, 685, 686, 506, 686,
+ 685, 685, 685, 685, 685, 685, 685, 685, 685, 685,
+ 685, 685, 685, 685, 506, 506, 510, 1155, 643, 643,
+ 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 516, 2255, 1156, 960,
+ 960, 1723, 510, 510, 510, 510, 510, 510, 510, 510,
+ 2255, 2255, 2255, 510, 510, 510, 510, 510, 510, 510,
+ 510, 510, 510, 510, 510, 510, 510, 704, 1046, 1157,
+ 1046, 1046, 704, 704, 1292, 704, 1159, 704, 704, 1160,
+ 1161, 1159, 1162, 1163, 1293, 704, 704, 704, 1159, 704,
+ 1292, 1292, 1292, 1292, 1292, 1292, 1292, 1292, 1159, 704,
+ 1159, 1292, 1292, 1292, 1292, 1292, 1292, 1292, 1292, 1292,
+ 1292, 1292, 1292, 1292, 1292, 704, 704, 1158, 906, 739,
+ 858, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 1164, 2255, 1133,
+ 963, 974, 1390, 1158, 1158, 1158, 1158, 1158, 1158, 1158,
+ 1158, 2255, 2255, 2255, 1158, 1158, 1158, 1158, 1158, 1158,
+ 1158, 1158, 1158, 1158, 1158, 1158, 1158, 1158, 704, 1024,
+ 1013, 1024, 1024, 704, 1140, 704, 704, 704, 704, 1024,
+ 1024, 705, 704, 704, 1141, 704, 1140, 704, 704, 704,
+ 704, 1140, 1140, 1140, 1140, 1140, 1140, 1140, 1140, 704,
+ 704, 704, 1140, 1140, 1140, 1140, 1140, 1140, 1140, 1140,
+ 1140, 1140, 1140, 1140, 1140, 1140, 1140, 704, 815, 1294,
+ 1295, 1294, 1294, 815, 815, 1296, 815, 1297, 815, 815,
+ 1298, 1299, 1297, 1300, 1301, 1302, 815, 815, 815, 1297,
+ 815, 1296, 1296, 1296, 1296, 1296, 1296, 1296, 1296, 1297,
+ 815, 1297, 1296, 1296, 1296, 1296, 1296, 1296, 1296, 1296,
+ 1296, 1296, 1296, 1296, 1296, 1296, 815, 815, 1305, 643,
+ 1306, 1168, 2255, 858, 2255, 1095, 1307, 1307, 1307, 1307,
+ 1725, 1582, 1169, 1726, 974, 1308, 1477, 1307, 1307, 1307,
+ 1307, 1307, 1583, 1307, 2255, 1727, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255,
+ 1307, 523, 946, 947, 946, 946, 523, 523, 948, 523,
+ 949, 523, 523, 950, 951, 949, 952, 1047, 953, 523,
+ 523, 523, 949, 523, 948, 948, 948, 948, 948, 948,
+ 948, 948, 949, 523, 949, 948, 948, 948, 948, 948,
+ 948, 948, 948, 948, 948, 948, 948, 948, 948, 523,
+ 523, 468, 643, 643, 643, 643, 468, 468, 644, 468,
+ 468, 468, 468, 468, 469, 468, 468, 737, 468, 468,
+ 468, 468, 468, 468, 644, 644, 644, 644, 644, 644,
+ 644, 644, 468, 468, 468, 644, 644, 644, 644, 644,
+ 644, 644, 644, 644, 644, 644, 644, 644, 644, 738,
+ 468, 542, 542, 542, 542, 2255, 739, 1177, 1468, 2255,
+ 2255, 2255, 1188, 1177, 858, 2255, 641, 1728, 1178, 1469,
+ 1729, 1319, 1730, 1189, 1178, 1732, 1731, 1584, 1733, 1194,
+ 1737, 1210, 2255, 2255, 988, 769, 1210, 2255, 2255, 2255,
+ 1195, 1738, 1480, 1330, 1476, 1351, 1103, 1480, 642, 754,
+ 1309, 1179, 1309, 1309, 754, 754, 1310, 754, 754, 754,
+ 754, 754, 754, 754, 754, 1311, 1310, 754, 754, 754,
+ 754, 754, 1310, 1310, 1310, 1310, 1310, 1310, 1310, 1310,
+ 754, 754, 754, 1310, 1310, 1310, 1310, 1310, 1310, 1310,
+ 1310, 1310, 1310, 1310, 1310, 1310, 1310, 1312, 754, 739,
+ 739, 739, 739, 542, 542, 542, 542, 2255, 1747, 1617,
+ 247, 469, 2255, 2255, 741, 769, 1760, 1223, 641, 1748,
+ 1618, 1753, 1479, 1752, 1754, 1765, 1757, 1761, 1494, 1758,
+ 1357, 988, 684, 1617, 769, 2255, 1766, 2255, 684, 1493,
+ 2255, 2255, 1351, 1012, 1618, 1772, 742, 1769, 1773, 1012,
+ 642, 859, 1182, 1322, 1182, 1182, 859, 859, 1323, 859,
+ 859, 859, 859, 859, 860, 859, 859, 1324, 859, 859,
+ 859, 859, 859, 859, 1323, 1323, 1323, 1323, 1323, 1323,
+ 1323, 1323, 859, 859, 859, 1323, 1323, 1323, 1323, 1323,
+ 1323, 1323, 1323, 1323, 1323, 1323, 1323, 1323, 1323, 1325,
+ 859, 739, 739, 739, 739, 2255, 684, 684, 1241, 2255,
+ 2255, 2255, 792, 469, 1256, 2255, 741, 1774, 1778, 1242,
+ 1775, 1779, 1370, 1792, 595, 1257, 1793, 1155, 1381, 1573,
+ 2255, 684, 2255, 113, 1013, 915, 2255, 2255, 1156, 2255,
+ 1574, 1723, 1012, 1802, 1017, 1139, 2255, 1018, 742, 466,
+ 732, 851, 732, 732, 466, 466, 1327, 466, 466, 466,
+ 466, 466, 467, 466, 466, 852, 1327, 466, 466, 466,
+ 466, 466, 1327, 1327, 1327, 1327, 1327, 1327, 1327, 1327,
+ 466, 466, 466, 1327, 1327, 1327, 1327, 1327, 1327, 1327,
+ 1327, 1327, 1327, 1327, 1327, 1327, 1327, 853, 466, 181,
+ 858, 858, 858, 858, 181, 181, 294, 181, 181, 181,
+ 181, 181, 182, 181, 181, 864, 181, 181, 181, 181,
+ 181, 181, 294, 294, 294, 294, 294, 294, 294, 294,
+ 181, 181, 181, 294, 294, 294, 294, 294, 294, 294,
+ 294, 294, 294, 294, 294, 294, 294, 865, 181, 1198,
+ 1333, 1198, 1198, 2255, 1013, 1276, 684, 2255, 2255, 792,
+ 1256, 817, 817, 2255, 1334, 1804, 1277, 1012, 1805, 1806,
+ 1015, 1257, 1042, 1810, 1520, 450, 1811, 1825, 2255, 643,
+ 2255, 1596, 739, 858, 2255, 2255, 1022, 2255, 1826, 1023,
+ 960, 1827, 1597, 963, 974, 1831, 1335, 649, 968, 1066,
+ 968, 968, 649, 649, 1199, 649, 649, 649, 649, 649,
+ 650, 649, 649, 1067, 1199, 649, 649, 649, 649, 649,
+ 1199, 1199, 1199, 1199, 1199, 1199, 1199, 1199, 649, 649,
+ 649, 1199, 1199, 1199, 1199, 1199, 1199, 1199, 1199, 1199,
+ 1199, 1199, 1199, 1199, 1199, 1068, 649, 875, 1202, 1339,
+ 1202, 1202, 875, 875, 1340, 875, 875, 875, 1202, 1202,
+ 876, 875, 875, 1341, 875, 1202, 875, 875, 875, 875,
+ 1340, 1340, 1340, 1340, 1340, 1340, 1340, 1340, 875, 875,
+ 875, 1340, 1340, 1340, 1340, 1340, 1340, 1340, 1340, 1340,
+ 1340, 1340, 1340, 1340, 1340, 1342, 875, 390, 982, 1089,
+ 982, 982, 390, 390, 1203, 390, 390, 390, 982, 982,
+ 390, 390, 390, 1091, 1204, 982, 390, 390, 390, 390,
+ 1203, 1203, 1203, 1203, 1203, 1203, 1203, 1203, 390, 390,
+ 390, 1203, 1203, 1203, 1203, 1203, 1203, 1203, 1203, 1203,
+ 1203, 1203, 1203, 1203, 1203, 1092, 390, 877, 1210, 1210,
+ 1210, 1210, 877, 877, 1343, 877, 877, 877, 1210, 1210,
+ 878, 877, 877, 1214, 1344, 1210, 877, 877, 877, 877,
+ 1343, 1343, 1343, 1343, 1343, 1343, 1343, 1343, 877, 877,
+ 877, 1343, 1343, 1343, 1343, 1343, 1343, 1343, 1343, 1343,
+ 1343, 1343, 1343, 1343, 1343, 1212, 877, 1345, 1838, 270,
+ 1095, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 877, 2255, 1839,
+ 385, 1477, 1840, 1345, 1345, 1345, 1345, 1345, 1345, 1345,
+ 1345, 2255, 2255, 2255, 1345, 1345, 1345, 1345, 1345, 1345,
+ 1345, 1345, 1345, 1345, 1345, 1345, 1345, 1345, 1213, 270,
+ 1478, 1210, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 1215, 2255,
+ 1841, 1853, 1480, 1842, 1213, 1213, 1213, 1213, 1213, 1213,
+ 1213, 1213, 2255, 2255, 2255, 1213, 1213, 1213, 1213, 1213,
+ 1213, 1213, 1213, 1213, 1213, 1213, 1213, 1213, 1213, 388,
+ 769, 769, 769, 769, 388, 388, 881, 388, 388, 388,
+ 388, 388, 389, 388, 388, 882, 388, 388, 388, 388,
+ 388, 388, 881, 881, 881, 881, 881, 881, 881, 881,
+ 388, 388, 388, 881, 881, 881, 881, 881, 881, 881,
+ 881, 881, 881, 881, 881, 881, 881, 388, 388, 302,
+ 1223, 1223, 1223, 1223, 302, 302, 1355, 302, 302, 302,
+ 564, 564, 303, 302, 302, 1356, 302, 564, 302, 302,
+ 302, 302, 1355, 1355, 1355, 1355, 1355, 1355, 1355, 1355,
+ 302, 302, 302, 1355, 1355, 1355, 1355, 1355, 1355, 1355,
+ 1355, 1355, 1355, 1355, 1355, 1355, 1355, 568, 302, 770,
+ 1357, 1358, 1357, 1357, 770, 770, 1359, 770, 770, 770,
+ 1357, 1357, 771, 770, 770, 1360, 1361, 1357, 770, 770,
+ 770, 770, 1359, 1359, 1359, 1359, 1359, 1359, 1359, 1359,
+ 770, 770, 770, 1359, 1359, 1359, 1359, 1359, 1359, 1359,
+ 1359, 1359, 1359, 1359, 1359, 1359, 1359, 1362, 770, 1226,
+ 1737, 988, 1478, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 1227,
+ 2255, 1738, 1351, 1853, 1843, 1226, 1226, 1226, 1226, 1226,
+ 1226, 1226, 1226, 2255, 2255, 2255, 1226, 1226, 1226, 1226,
+ 1226, 1226, 1226, 1226, 1226, 1226, 1226, 1226, 1226, 1226,
+ 669, 1229, 1223, 1229, 1229, 669, 669, 1365, 669, 669,
+ 669, 1229, 1229, 670, 669, 669, 1231, 669, 1229, 669,
+ 669, 669, 669, 1365, 1365, 1365, 1365, 1365, 1365, 1365,
+ 1365, 669, 669, 669, 1365, 1365, 1365, 1365, 1365, 1365,
+ 1365, 1365, 1365, 1365, 1365, 1365, 1365, 1365, 1233, 669,
+ 1366, 985, 1210, 1223, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255,
+ 1367, 2255, 1848, 1480, 1494, 1849, 1366, 1366, 1366, 1366,
+ 1366, 1366, 1366, 1366, 2255, 2255, 2255, 1366, 1366, 1366,
+ 1366, 1366, 1366, 1366, 1366, 1366, 1366, 1366, 1366, 1366,
+ 1366, 1230, 1747, 769, 684, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255,
+ 2255, 1232, 2255, 1748, 1103, 1012, 1854, 1230, 1230, 1230,
+ 1230, 1230, 1230, 1230, 1230, 2255, 2255, 2255, 1230, 1230,
+ 1230, 1230, 1230, 1230, 1230, 1230, 1230, 1230, 1230, 1230,
+ 1230, 1230, 304, 999, 985, 999, 999, 304, 304, 1236,
+ 304, 304, 304, 999, 999, 304, 304, 304, 1001, 1237,
+ 999, 304, 304, 304, 304, 1236, 1236, 1236, 1236, 1236,
+ 1236, 1236, 1236, 304, 304, 304, 1236, 1236, 1236, 1236,
+ 1236, 1236, 1236, 1236, 1236, 1236, 1236, 1236, 1236, 1236,
+ 1003, 304, 506, 684, 684, 684, 684, 506, 791, 685,
+ 506, 686, 506, 792, 793, 688, 686, 689, 794, 691,
+ 791, 506, 506, 686, 506, 795, 795, 795, 795, 795,
+ 795, 795, 795, 686, 506, 686, 795, 795, 795, 795,
+ 795, 795, 795, 795, 795, 795, 795, 795, 795, 795,
+ 791, 506, 592, 592, 592, 592, 2255, 167, 114, 297,
+ 115, 2255, 166, 681, 115, 115, 117, 682, 119, 167,
+ 1855, 2255, 115, 1856, 683, 683, 683, 683, 683, 683,
+ 683, 683, 115, 2255, 115, 683, 683, 683, 683, 683,
+ 683, 683, 683, 683, 683, 683, 683, 683, 683, 167,
+ 827, 1153, 1134, 1153, 1153, 827, 827, 1371, 827, 1246,
+ 827, 827, 1289, 1246, 1246, 1249, 1290, 1372, 827, 827,
+ 827, 1246, 827, 1371, 1371, 1371, 1371, 1371, 1371, 1371,
+ 1371, 1246, 827, 1246, 1371, 1371, 1371, 1371, 1371, 1371,
+ 1371, 1371, 1371, 1371, 1371, 1371, 1371, 1371, 827, 827,
+ 1245, 1353, 684, 792, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255,
+ 1251, 2255, 1354, 1012, 1015, 1485, 1245, 1245, 1245, 1245,
+ 1245, 1245, 1245, 1245, 2255, 2255, 2255, 1245, 1245, 1245,
+ 1245, 1245, 1245, 1245, 1245, 1245, 1245, 1245, 1245, 1245,
+ 1245, 827, 1247, 1258, 1247, 1247, 827, 1244, 827, 827,
+ 827, 827, 1247, 1247, 827, 827, 827, 1373, 827, 1244,
+ 827, 827, 827, 827, 1244, 1244, 1244, 1244, 1244, 1244,
+ 1244, 1244, 827, 827, 827, 1244, 1244, 1244, 1244, 1244,
+ 1244, 1244, 1244, 1244, 1244, 1244, 1244, 1244, 1244, 1244,
+ 827, 1376, 1747, 1377, 563, 2255, 1013, 2255, 817, 1378,
+ 1378, 1378, 1378, 1748, 1765, 1865, 1862, 1139, 1866, 1042,
+ 1378, 1378, 1378, 1378, 1378, 1766, 1378, 2255, 1867, 2255,
+ 2255, 2255, 2255, 1378, 506, 792, 792, 792, 792, 506,
+ 791, 506, 506, 506, 506, 792, 792, 507, 506, 506,
+ 798, 506, 791, 506, 506, 506, 506, 791, 791, 791,
+ 791, 791, 791, 791, 791, 506, 506, 506, 791, 791,
+ 791, 791, 791, 791, 791, 791, 791, 791, 791, 791,
+ 791, 791, 791, 506, 237, 505, 587, 505, 505, 237,
+ 588, 237, 237, 237, 237, 505, 505, 237, 237, 237,
+ 589, 237, 588, 237, 237, 237, 237, 588, 588, 588,
+ 588, 588, 588, 588, 588, 237, 237, 237, 588, 588,
+ 588, 588, 588, 588, 588, 588, 588, 588, 588, 588,
+ 588, 588, 588, 237, 237, 520, 592, 520, 520, 237,
+ 237, 707, 237, 615, 237, 237, 616, 615, 615, 617,
+ 618, 708, 237, 237, 237, 615, 237, 707, 707, 707,
+ 707, 707, 707, 707, 707, 615, 237, 615, 707, 707,
+ 707, 707, 707, 707, 707, 707, 707, 707, 707, 707,
+ 707, 707, 237, 237, 506, 595, 595, 595, 595, 506,
+ 506, 796, 506, 686, 506, 506, 687, 688, 686, 689,
+ 690, 797, 506, 506, 506, 686, 506, 796, 796, 796,
+ 796, 796, 796, 796, 796, 686, 506, 686, 796, 796,
+ 796, 796, 796, 796, 796, 796, 796, 796, 796, 796,
+ 796, 796, 506, 506, 685, 985, 643, 961, 2255, 2255,
+ 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 691, 2255, 1870, 960, 1318, 1871,
+ 685, 685, 685, 685, 685, 685, 685, 685, 2255, 2255,
+ 2255, 685, 685, 685, 685, 685, 685, 685, 685, 685,
+ 685, 685, 685, 685, 685, 593, 906, 906, 906, 906,
+ 593, 593, 907, 593, 908, 593, 593, 909, 910, 908,
+ 911, 1384, 912, 593, 593, 593, 908, 593, 907, 907,
+ 907, 907, 907, 907, 907, 907, 908, 593, 908, 907,
+ 907, 907, 907, 907, 907, 907, 907, 907, 907, 907,
+ 907, 907, 907, 593, 593, 207, 817, 817, 817, 817,
+ 207, 358, 315, 207, 316, 207, 357, 919, 521, 316,
+ 319, 1385, 321, 358, 207, 207, 316, 207, 921, 921,
+ 921, 921, 921, 921, 921, 921, 316, 207, 316, 921,
+ 921, 921, 921, 921, 921, 921, 921, 921, 921, 921,
+ 921, 921, 921, 358, 207, 809, 1878, 810, 1881, 2255,
+ 427, 2255, 330, 811, 811, 811, 811, 1879, 1885, 1882,
+ 1229, 650, 1883, 429, 811, 811, 811, 811, 811, 1886,
+ 811, 2255, 1887, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 811, 914, 1271,
+ 1386, 1271, 1271, 914, 1387, 1388, 914, 1389, 914, 1390,
+ 1391, 1392, 1389, 1393, 1394, 1395, 1387, 914, 914, 1389,
+ 914, 1396, 1396, 1396, 1396, 1396, 1396, 1396, 1396, 1389,
+ 914, 1389, 1396, 1396, 1396, 1396, 1396, 1396, 1396, 1396,
+ 1396, 1396, 1396, 1396, 1396, 1396, 1387, 914, 235, 1013,
+ 1013, 1013, 1013, 235, 353, 510, 235, 511, 235, 314,
+ 1123, 513, 511, 514, 1124, 516, 353, 235, 235, 511,
+ 235, 1125, 1125, 1125, 1125, 1125, 1125, 1125, 1125, 511,
+ 235, 511, 1125, 1125, 1125, 1125, 1125, 1125, 1125, 1125,
+ 1125, 1125, 1125, 1125, 1125, 1125, 353, 235, 446, 1147,
+ 1013, 1147, 1147, 446, 446, 1401, 446, 1279, 446, 446,
+ 1280, 1281, 1279, 1282, 1283, 1402, 446, 446, 446, 1279,
+ 446, 1401, 1401, 1401, 1401, 1401, 1401, 1401, 1401, 1279,
+ 446, 1279, 1401, 1401, 1401, 1401, 1401, 1401, 1401, 1401,
+ 1401, 1401, 1401, 1401, 1401, 1401, 446, 446, 1278, 592,
+ 643, 858, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 1284, 2255,
+ 1374, 960, 974, 1375, 1278, 1278, 1278, 1278, 1278, 1278,
+ 1278, 1278, 2255, 2255, 2255, 1278, 1278, 1278, 1278, 1278,
+ 1278, 1278, 1278, 1278, 1278, 1278, 1278, 1278, 1278, 446,
+ 678, 786, 678, 678, 446, 787, 446, 446, 446, 446,
+ 678, 678, 447, 446, 446, 788, 446, 787, 446, 446,
+ 446, 446, 787, 787, 787, 787, 787, 787, 787, 787,
+ 446, 446, 446, 787, 787, 787, 787, 787, 787, 787,
+ 787, 787, 787, 787, 787, 787, 787, 787, 446, 502,
+ 1403, 1273, 1403, 1403, 502, 502, 1404, 502, 1405, 502,
+ 502, 1406, 1407, 1405, 1408, 1409, 1410, 502, 502, 502,
+ 1405, 502, 1404, 1404, 1404, 1404, 1404, 1404, 1404, 1404,
+ 1405, 502, 1405, 1404, 1404, 1404, 1404, 1404, 1404, 1404,
+ 1404, 1404, 1404, 1404, 1404, 1404, 1404, 502, 502, 1413,
+ 1703, 1414, 592, 2255, 1095, 2255, 1478, 1415, 1415, 1415,
+ 1415, 1704, 1398, 1374, 1889, 1477, 1375, 1853, 1415, 1415,
+ 1415, 1415, 1415, 1399, 1415, 2255, 1545, 2255, 2255, 2255,
+ 2255, 1415, 611, 1031, 1032, 1031, 1031, 611, 611, 1033,
+ 611, 1034, 611, 611, 1035, 1036, 1034, 1037, 1148, 1038,
+ 611, 611, 611, 1034, 611, 1033, 1033, 1033, 1033, 1033,
+ 1033, 1033, 1033, 1034, 611, 1034, 1033, 1033, 1033, 1033,
+ 1033, 1033, 1033, 1033, 1033, 1033, 1033, 1033, 1033, 1033,
+ 611, 611, 914, 1291, 1419, 1291, 1291, 914, 914, 1388,
+ 914, 1389, 914, 914, 1420, 1392, 1389, 1393, 1421, 1395,
+ 914, 914, 914, 1389, 914, 1388, 1388, 1388, 1388, 1388,
+ 1388, 1388, 1388, 1389, 914, 1389, 1388, 1388, 1388, 1388,
+ 1388, 1388, 1388, 1388, 1388, 1388, 1388, 1388, 1388, 1388,
+ 914, 914, 704, 1046, 1157, 1046, 1046, 704, 704, 1292,
+ 704, 1159, 704, 704, 1160, 1161, 1159, 1162, 1163, 1293,
+ 704, 704, 704, 1159, 704, 1292, 1292, 1292, 1292, 1292,
+ 1292, 1292, 1292, 1159, 704, 1159, 1292, 1292, 1292, 1292,
+ 1292, 1292, 1292, 1292, 1292, 1292, 1292, 1292, 1292, 1292,
+ 704, 704, 1305, 2255, 1422, 2255, 2255, 1210, 2255, 988,
+ 1423, 1423, 1423, 1423, 1309, 1179, 1309, 1309, 1480, 1013,
+ 1351, 1423, 1423, 1423, 1423, 1423, 1901, 1423, 592, 1311,
+ 1804, 2255, 288, 1805, 1423, 1158, 1168, 1902, 1478, 1149,
+ 1903, 2255, 1150, 1528, 2255, 1164, 1529, 1169, 1223, 1853,
+ 1575, 1158, 1158, 1158, 1158, 1158, 1158, 1158, 1158, 1494,
+ 2255, 1312, 1158, 1158, 1158, 1158, 1158, 1158, 1158, 1158,
+ 1158, 1158, 1158, 1158, 1158, 1158, 235, 450, 450, 450,
+ 450, 235, 235, 510, 235, 511, 235, 235, 512, 513,
+ 511, 514, 515, 516, 235, 235, 235, 511, 235, 510,
+ 510, 510, 510, 510, 510, 510, 510, 511, 235, 511,
+ 510, 510, 510, 510, 510, 510, 510, 510, 510, 510,
+ 510, 510, 510, 510, 235, 235, 704, 1024, 1013, 1024,
+ 1024, 704, 1140, 704, 704, 704, 704, 1024, 1024, 705,
+ 704, 704, 1141, 704, 1140, 704, 704, 704, 704, 1140,
+ 1140, 1140, 1140, 1140, 1140, 1140, 1140, 704, 704, 704,
+ 1140, 1140, 1140, 1140, 1140, 1140, 1140, 1140, 1140, 1140,
+ 1140, 1140, 1140, 1140, 1140, 704, 917, 1424, 1425, 1424,
+ 1424, 917, 917, 1426, 917, 1427, 917, 917, 1428, 1429,
+ 1427, 1430, 1163, 1431, 917, 917, 917, 1427, 917, 1426,
+ 1426, 1426, 1426, 1426, 1426, 1426, 1426, 1427, 917, 1427,
+ 1426, 1426, 1426, 1426, 1426, 1426, 1426, 1426, 1426, 1426,
+ 1426, 1426, 1426, 1426, 917, 917, 209, 625, 592, 625,
+ 625, 209, 626, 209, 209, 209, 209, 625, 625, 454,
+ 209, 209, 1432, 209, 626, 209, 209, 209, 209, 626,
+ 626, 626, 626, 626, 626, 626, 626, 209, 209, 209,
+ 626, 626, 626, 626, 626, 626, 626, 626, 626, 626,
+ 626, 626, 626, 626, 626, 209, 1305, 961, 1306, 427,
+ 2255, 988, 2255, 684, 1307, 1307, 1307, 1307, 1909, 330,
+ 1913, 1910, 1351, 1914, 1012, 1307, 1307, 1307, 1307, 1307,
+ 1915, 1307, 2255, 1916, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 1307, 959,
+ 1308, 1436, 1308, 1308, 959, 959, 1437, 959, 959, 959,
+ 959, 959, 960, 959, 959, 1438, 959, 959, 959, 959,
+ 959, 959, 1437, 1437, 1437, 1437, 1437, 1437, 1437, 1437,
+ 959, 959, 959, 1437, 1437, 1437, 1437, 1437, 1437, 1437,
+ 1437, 1437, 1437, 1437, 1437, 1437, 1437, 1439, 959, 754,
+ 1309, 1179, 1309, 1309, 754, 754, 1310, 754, 754, 754,
+ 754, 754, 754, 754, 754, 1311, 1310, 754, 754, 754,
+ 754, 754, 1310, 1310, 1310, 1310, 1310, 1310, 1310, 1310,
+ 754, 754, 754, 1310, 1310, 1310, 1310, 1310, 1310, 1310,
+ 1310, 1310, 1310, 1310, 1310, 1310, 1310, 1312, 754, 962,
+ 1319, 1445, 1319, 1319, 962, 962, 1446, 962, 962, 962,
+ 962, 962, 963, 962, 962, 1447, 962, 962, 962, 962,
+ 962, 962, 1446, 1446, 1446, 1446, 1446, 1446, 1446, 1446,
+ 962, 962, 962, 1446, 1446, 1446, 1446, 1446, 1446, 1446,
+ 1446, 1446, 1446, 1446, 1446, 1446, 1446, 1448, 962, 468,
+ 643, 643, 643, 643, 468, 468, 644, 468, 468, 468,
+ 468, 468, 469, 468, 468, 737, 468, 468, 468, 468,
+ 468, 468, 644, 644, 644, 644, 644, 644, 644, 644,
+ 468, 468, 468, 644, 644, 644, 644, 644, 644, 644,
+ 644, 644, 644, 644, 644, 644, 644, 738, 468, 859,
+ 1449, 1450, 1449, 1449, 859, 859, 1451, 859, 859, 859,
+ 859, 859, 860, 859, 859, 1452, 1451, 859, 859, 859,
+ 859, 859, 1451, 1451, 1451, 1451, 1451, 1451, 1451, 1451,
+ 859, 859, 859, 1451, 1451, 1451, 1451, 1451, 1451, 1451,
+ 1451, 1451, 1451, 1451, 1451, 1451, 1451, 1453, 859, 1326,
+ 1450, 1326, 1326, 2255, 1918, 1923, 985, 2255, 2255, 2255,
+ 1935, 988, 1953, 2255, 1456, 1919, 1924, 1930, 1598, 1198,
+ 1931, 1936, 1946, 1954, 1741, 1947, 1357, 988, 1963, 1241,
+ 2255, 2255, 2255, 684, 684, 2255, 2255, 2255, 1960, 1964,
+ 1242, 1961, 1500, 1643, 1012, 1012, 1457, 466, 732, 851,
+ 732, 732, 466, 466, 1327, 466, 466, 466, 466, 466,
+ 467, 466, 466, 852, 1327, 466, 466, 466, 466, 466,
+ 1327, 1327, 1327, 1327, 1327, 1327, 1327, 1327, 466, 466,
+ 466, 1327, 1327, 1327, 1327, 1327, 1327, 1327, 1327, 1327,
+ 1327, 1327, 1327, 1327, 1327, 853, 466, 973, 1330, 1461,
+ 1330, 1330, 973, 973, 1462, 973, 973, 973, 973, 973,
+ 974, 973, 973, 1463, 973, 973, 973, 973, 973, 973,
+ 1462, 1462, 1462, 1462, 1462, 1462, 1462, 1462, 973, 973,
+ 973, 1462, 1462, 1462, 1462, 1462, 1462, 1462, 1462, 1462,
+ 1462, 1462, 1462, 1462, 1462, 1464, 973, 545, 545, 545,
+ 545, 545, 545, 545, 545, 2255, 1241, 450, 595, 2255,
+ 2255, 2255, 645, 357, 1881, 961, 645, 1242, 1985, 1269,
+ 1505, 1986, 1270, 961, 1996, 1882, 2003, 1997, 1707, 2004,
+ 961, 1582, 329, 2255, 1318, 2255, 329, 2255, 2255, 2255,
+ 2255, 1318, 1583, 2005, 646, 1727, 2006, 467, 646, 388,
+ 563, 563, 563, 563, 388, 388, 661, 388, 388, 388,
+ 563, 563, 389, 388, 388, 662, 388, 563, 388, 388,
+ 388, 388, 661, 661, 661, 661, 661, 661, 661, 661,
+ 388, 388, 388, 661, 661, 661, 661, 661, 661, 661,
+ 661, 661, 661, 661, 661, 661, 661, 663, 388, 875,
+ 1202, 1339, 1202, 1202, 875, 875, 1470, 875, 875, 875,
+ 1202, 1202, 876, 875, 875, 1341, 1471, 1202, 875, 875,
+ 875, 875, 1470, 1470, 1470, 1470, 1470, 1470, 1470, 1470,
+ 875, 875, 875, 1470, 1470, 1470, 1470, 1470, 1470, 1470,
+ 1470, 1470, 1470, 1470, 1470, 1470, 1470, 1342, 875, 877,
+ 1210, 1210, 1210, 1210, 877, 877, 1343, 877, 877, 877,
+ 1210, 1210, 878, 877, 877, 1214, 1344, 1210, 877, 877,
+ 877, 877, 1343, 1343, 1343, 1343, 1343, 1343, 1343, 1343,
+ 877, 877, 877, 1343, 1343, 1343, 1343, 1343, 1343, 1343,
+ 1343, 1343, 1343, 1343, 1343, 1343, 1343, 1212, 877, 1474,
+ 2008, 961, 858, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 1475,
+ 2255, 2009, 1318, 974, 1449, 1474, 1474, 1474, 1474, 1474,
+ 1474, 1474, 1474, 2255, 2255, 2255, 1474, 1474, 1474, 1474,
+ 1474, 1474, 1474, 1474, 1474, 1474, 1474, 1474, 1474, 1474,
+ 388, 769, 769, 769, 769, 388, 388, 881, 388, 388,
+ 388, 388, 388, 389, 388, 388, 882, 388, 388, 388,
+ 388, 388, 388, 881, 881, 881, 881, 881, 881, 881,
+ 881, 388, 388, 388, 881, 881, 881, 881, 881, 881,
+ 881, 881, 881, 881, 881, 881, 881, 881, 388, 388,
+ 302, 564, 564, 564, 564, 302, 302, 665, 302, 302,
+ 302, 564, 564, 303, 302, 302, 566, 666, 564, 302,
+ 302, 302, 302, 665, 665, 665, 665, 665, 665, 665,
+ 665, 302, 302, 302, 665, 665, 665, 665, 665, 665,
+ 665, 665, 665, 665, 665, 665, 665, 665, 568, 302,
+ 770, 1357, 1358, 1357, 1357, 770, 770, 1488, 770, 770,
+ 770, 1357, 1357, 771, 770, 770, 1360, 770, 1357, 770,
+ 770, 770, 770, 1488, 1488, 1488, 1488, 1488, 1488, 1488,
+ 1488, 770, 770, 770, 1488, 1488, 1488, 1488, 1488, 1488,
+ 1488, 1488, 1488, 1488, 1488, 1488, 1488, 1488, 1362, 770,
+ 664, 2011, 643, 961, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255,
+ 302, 2255, 2012, 960, 1318, 1326, 664, 664, 664, 664,
+ 664, 664, 664, 664, 2255, 2255, 2255, 664, 664, 664,
+ 664, 664, 664, 664, 664, 664, 664, 664, 664, 664,
+ 664, 1489, 1168, 545, 1095, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255,
+ 2255, 1490, 2255, 1169, 860, 1477, 2013, 1489, 1489, 1489,
+ 1489, 1489, 1489, 1489, 1489, 2255, 2255, 2255, 1489, 1489,
+ 1489, 1489, 1489, 1489, 1489, 1489, 1489, 1489, 1489, 1489,
+ 1489, 1489, 1359, 961, 1478, 1478, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255,
+ 2255, 2255, 1361, 2255, 2014, 1853, 1853, 2015, 1359, 1359,
+ 1359, 1359, 1359, 1359, 1359, 1359, 2255, 2255, 2255, 1359,
+ 1359, 1359, 1359, 1359, 1359, 1359, 1359, 1359, 1359, 1359,
+ 1359, 1359, 1359, 669, 1229, 1223, 1229, 1229, 669, 669,
+ 1495, 669, 669, 669, 1229, 1229, 670, 669, 669, 1231,
+ 1496, 1229, 669, 669, 669, 669, 1495, 1495, 1495, 1495,
+ 1495, 1495, 1495, 1495, 669, 669, 669, 1495, 1495, 1495,
+ 1495, 1495, 1495, 1495, 1495, 1495, 1495, 1495, 1495, 1495,
+ 1495, 1233, 669, 1366, 1080, 1210, 1095, 2255, 2255, 2255,
+ 2255, 2255, 2255, 1367, 2255, 1081, 1480, 1477, 1605, 1366,
+ 1366, 1366, 1366, 1366, 1366, 1366, 1366, 2255, 2255, 2255,
+ 1366, 1366, 1366, 1366, 1366, 1366, 1366, 1366, 1366, 1366,
+ 1366, 1366, 1366, 1366, 1011, 1370, 1501, 1370, 1370, 1011,
+ 1502, 1503, 1011, 1504, 1011, 1505, 1506, 1507, 1504, 1508,
+ 1509, 1510, 1502, 1011, 1011, 1504, 1011, 1511, 1511, 1511,
+ 1511, 1511, 1511, 1511, 1511, 1504, 1011, 1504, 1511, 1511,
+ 1511, 1511, 1511, 1511, 1511, 1511, 1511, 1511, 1511, 1511,
+ 1511, 1511, 1502, 1011, 827, 1153, 1134, 1153, 1153, 827,
+ 827, 1371, 827, 1246, 827, 827, 1289, 1246, 1246, 1249,
+ 1290, 1372, 827, 827, 827, 1246, 827, 1371, 1371, 1371,
+ 1371, 1371, 1371, 1371, 1371, 1246, 827, 1246, 1371, 1371,
+ 1371, 1371, 1371, 1371, 1371, 1371, 1371, 1371, 1371, 1371,
+ 1371, 1371, 827, 827, 1376, 2255, 1512, 2255, 2255, 1210,
+ 2255, 988, 1513, 1513, 1513, 1513, 1449, 1450, 1449, 1449,
+ 1480, 1095, 1351, 1513, 1513, 1513, 1513, 1513, 860, 1513,
+ 2023, 1452, 2020, 2255, 1210, 2021, 1513, 1245, 988, 988,
+ 1013, 2024, 2255, 2255, 1852, 2030, 2255, 1377, 2031, 2032,
+ 1351, 1139, 2033, 1378, 1378, 1378, 1378, 1245, 1245, 1245,
+ 1245, 2255, 2255, 1453, 1378, 1378, 1378, 1378, 1378, 1245,
+ 1378, 1245, 1245, 1245, 1245, 1245, 1245, 1378, 1014, 1381,
+ 1516, 1381, 1381, 1014, 1517, 1518, 1014, 1519, 1014, 1520,
+ 1521, 1522, 1519, 1523, 1524, 1525, 1517, 1014, 1014, 1519,
+ 1014, 1526, 1526, 1526, 1526, 1526, 1526, 1526, 1526, 1519,
+ 1014, 1519, 1526, 1526, 1526, 1526, 1526, 1526, 1526, 1526,
+ 1526, 1526, 1526, 1526, 1526, 1526, 1517, 1014, 506, 595,
+ 595, 595, 595, 506, 506, 685, 506, 686, 506, 506,
+ 687, 1130, 686, 689, 1527, 691, 506, 506, 506, 686,
+ 506, 685, 685, 685, 685, 685, 685, 685, 685, 686,
+ 506, 686, 685, 685, 685, 685, 685, 685, 685, 685,
+ 685, 685, 685, 685, 685, 685, 506, 506, 506, 684,
+ 684, 684, 684, 506, 791, 685, 506, 686, 506, 792,
+ 793, 688, 686, 689, 794, 691, 791, 506, 506, 686,
+ 506, 795, 795, 795, 795, 795, 795, 795, 795, 686,
+ 506, 686, 795, 795, 795, 795, 795, 795, 795, 795,
+ 795, 795, 795, 795, 795, 795, 791, 506, 914, 1291,
+ 1419, 1291, 1291, 914, 914, 1530, 914, 1389, 914, 914,
+ 1420, 1392, 1389, 1393, 1421, 1531, 914, 914, 914, 1389,
+ 914, 1530, 1530, 1530, 1530, 1530, 1530, 1530, 1530, 1389,
+ 914, 1389, 1530, 1530, 1530, 1530, 1530, 1530, 1530, 1530,
+ 1530, 1530, 1530, 1530, 1530, 1530, 914, 914, 1388, 1617,
+ 817, 961, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 1395, 2255,
+ 1618, 1042, 1318, 1752, 1388, 1388, 1388, 1388, 1388, 1388,
+ 1388, 1388, 2255, 2255, 2255, 1388, 1388, 1388, 1388, 1388,
+ 1388, 1388, 1388, 1388, 1388, 1388, 1388, 1388, 1388, 914,
+ 1390, 684, 1390, 1390, 914, 1387, 914, 914, 914, 914,
+ 1390, 1390, 915, 914, 914, 1532, 914, 1387, 914, 914,
+ 914, 914, 1387, 1387, 1387, 1387, 1387, 1387, 1387, 1387,
+ 914, 914, 914, 1387, 1387, 1387, 1387, 1387, 1387, 1387,
+ 1387, 1387, 1387, 1387, 1387, 1387, 1387, 1387, 914, 1019,
+ 1533, 1534, 1533, 1533, 1019, 1019, 1535, 1019, 1536, 1019,
+ 1019, 1537, 1538, 1536, 1539, 1540, 1541, 1019, 1019, 1019,
+ 1536, 1019, 1535, 1535, 1535, 1535, 1535, 1535, 1535, 1535,
+ 1536, 1019, 1536, 1535, 1535, 1535, 1535, 1535, 1535, 1535,
+ 1535, 1535, 1535, 1535, 1535, 1535, 1535, 1019, 1019, 1542,
+ 1210, 1543, 2041, 2255, 961, 2255, 545, 1544, 1544, 1544,
+ 1544, 2038, 1223, 2042, 2039, 1318, 1632, 860, 1544, 1544,
+ 1544, 1544, 1544, 2049, 1544, 2255, 2050, 2255, 2255, 2255,
+ 2255, 1544, 235, 1013, 1013, 1013, 1013, 235, 353, 510,
+ 235, 511, 235, 314, 1123, 513, 511, 514, 1124, 516,
+ 353, 235, 235, 511, 235, 1125, 1125, 1125, 1125, 1125,
+ 1125, 1125, 1125, 511, 235, 511, 1125, 1125, 1125, 1125,
+ 1125, 1125, 1125, 1125, 1125, 1125, 1125, 1125, 1125, 1125,
+ 353, 235, 1014, 1400, 684, 1400, 1400, 1014, 1014, 1518,
+ 1014, 1519, 1014, 1014, 1546, 1522, 1519, 1523, 1547, 1525,
+ 1014, 1014, 1014, 1519, 1014, 1518, 1518, 1518, 1518, 1518,
+ 1518, 1518, 1518, 1519, 1014, 1519, 1518, 1518, 1518, 1518,
+ 1518, 1518, 1518, 1518, 1518, 1518, 1518, 1518, 1518, 1518,
+ 1014, 1014, 446, 1147, 1013, 1147, 1147, 446, 446, 1401,
+ 446, 1279, 446, 446, 1280, 1281, 1279, 1282, 1283, 1402,
+ 446, 446, 446, 1279, 446, 1401, 1401, 1401, 1401, 1401,
+ 1401, 1401, 1401, 1279, 446, 1279, 1401, 1401, 1401, 1401,
+ 1401, 1401, 1401, 1401, 1401, 1401, 1401, 1401, 1401, 1401,
+ 446, 446, 1413, 2255, 1548, 2255, 2255, 739, 2255, 961,
+ 1549, 1549, 1549, 1549, 739, 739, 739, 739, 963, 1638,
+ 1318, 1549, 1549, 1549, 1549, 1549, 469, 1549, 1617, 741,
+ 1639, 2255, 817, 2051, 1549, 1278, 1013, 1095, 1478, 1618,
+ 2255, 2255, 1859, 2052, 2255, 1284, 2053, 2065, 1477, 1853,
+ 2066, 1278, 1278, 1278, 1278, 1278, 1278, 1278, 1278, 2255,
+ 2255, 742, 1278, 1278, 1278, 1278, 1278, 1278, 1278, 1278,
+ 1278, 1278, 1278, 1278, 1278, 1278, 446, 678, 786, 678,
+ 678, 446, 787, 446, 446, 446, 446, 678, 678, 447,
+ 446, 446, 788, 446, 787, 446, 446, 446, 446, 787,
+ 787, 787, 787, 787, 787, 787, 787, 446, 446, 446,
+ 787, 787, 787, 787, 787, 787, 787, 787, 787, 787,
+ 787, 787, 787, 787, 787, 446, 584, 1550, 1398, 1550,
+ 1550, 584, 584, 1551, 584, 1552, 584, 584, 1553, 1554,
+ 1552, 1555, 1283, 1556, 584, 584, 584, 1552, 584, 1551,
+ 1551, 1551, 1551, 1551, 1551, 1551, 1551, 1552, 584, 1552,
+ 1551, 1551, 1551, 1551, 1551, 1551, 1551, 1551, 1551, 1551,
+ 1551, 1551, 1551, 1551, 584, 584, 237, 505, 587, 505,
+ 505, 237, 588, 237, 237, 237, 237, 505, 505, 709,
+ 237, 237, 1557, 237, 588, 237, 237, 237, 237, 588,
+ 588, 588, 588, 588, 588, 588, 588, 237, 237, 237,
+ 588, 588, 588, 588, 588, 588, 588, 588, 588, 588,
+ 588, 588, 588, 588, 588, 237, 1413, 684, 1414, 314,
+ 2255, 1095, 2255, 1095, 1415, 1415, 1415, 1415, 1658, 684,
+ 2079, 1659, 1477, 2080, 1477, 1415, 1415, 1415, 1415, 1415,
+ 1658, 1415, 2255, 1659, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 1415, 1041,
+ 1418, 1561, 1418, 1418, 1041, 1041, 1562, 1041, 1563, 1041,
+ 1041, 1564, 1565, 1563, 1566, 1567, 1568, 1041, 1041, 1041,
+ 1563, 1041, 1562, 1562, 1562, 1562, 1562, 1562, 1562, 1562,
+ 1563, 1041, 1563, 1562, 1562, 1562, 1562, 1562, 1562, 1562,
+ 1562, 1562, 1562, 1562, 1562, 1562, 1562, 1041, 1041, 704,
+ 1046, 1157, 1046, 1046, 704, 704, 1292, 704, 1159, 704,
+ 704, 1160, 1161, 1159, 1305, 1163, 1422, 704, 704, 704,
+ 1159, 704, 1423, 1423, 1423, 1423, 1292, 1292, 1292, 1292,
+ 1159, 704, 1159, 1423, 1423, 1423, 1423, 1423, 1292, 1423,
+ 1292, 1292, 1292, 1292, 1292, 1292, 1423, 704, 704, 1158,
+ 2090, 1095, 1210, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 1162, 2255, 1164,
+ 2255, 2091, 1477, 1480, 1390, 1158, 1158, 1158, 1158, 1158,
+ 1158, 1158, 1158, 2255, 2255, 2255, 1158, 1158, 1158, 1158,
+ 1158, 1158, 1158, 1158, 1158, 1158, 1158, 1158, 1158, 1158,
+ 235, 450, 450, 450, 450, 235, 235, 510, 235, 511,
+ 235, 235, 512, 513, 511, 514, 515, 516, 235, 235,
+ 235, 511, 235, 510, 510, 510, 510, 510, 510, 510,
+ 510, 511, 235, 511, 510, 510, 510, 510, 510, 510,
+ 510, 510, 510, 510, 510, 510, 510, 510, 235, 235,
+ 1162, 2095, 1293, 1013, 2255, 1223, 2255, 1223, 1292, 1292,
+ 1292, 1292, 2096, 817, 2097, 1400, 1494, 2098, 1494, 1292,
+ 1292, 1292, 1292, 1292, 1416, 1292, 2255, 1417, 2255, 2255,
+ 2255, 2255, 1292, 704, 1024, 1013, 1024, 1024, 704, 1140,
+ 704, 704, 704, 704, 1024, 1024, 705, 704, 704, 1141,
+ 704, 1140, 704, 704, 704, 704, 1140, 1140, 1140, 1140,
+ 1140, 1140, 1140, 1140, 704, 704, 704, 1140, 1140, 1140,
+ 1140, 1140, 1140, 1140, 1140, 1140, 1140, 1140, 1140, 1140,
+ 1140, 1140, 704, 917, 1424, 1425, 1424, 1424, 917, 917,
+ 1426, 917, 1427, 917, 917, 1428, 1429, 1427, 1430, 1571,
+ 1431, 917, 917, 917, 1427, 917, 1426, 1426, 1426, 1426,
+ 1426, 1426, 1426, 1426, 1427, 917, 1427, 1426, 1426, 1426,
+ 1426, 1426, 1426, 1426, 1426, 1426, 1426, 1426, 1426, 1426,
+ 1426, 917, 917, 1305, 2100, 1306, 2103, 2255, 817, 2255,
+ 1013, 1307, 1307, 1307, 1307, 2101, 1468, 2104, 1575, 1042,
+ 1584, 1139, 1307, 1307, 1307, 1307, 1307, 1469, 1307, 2255,
+ 1730, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 1307, 468, 643, 643, 643,
+ 643, 468, 468, 644, 468, 468, 468, 468, 468, 469,
+ 468, 468, 737, 468, 468, 468, 468, 468, 468, 644,
+ 644, 644, 644, 644, 644, 644, 644, 468, 468, 468,
+ 644, 644, 644, 644, 644, 644, 644, 644, 644, 644,
+ 644, 644, 644, 644, 738, 468, 959, 1575, 1445, 1575,
+ 1575, 959, 959, 1576, 959, 959, 959, 959, 959, 960,
+ 959, 959, 1577, 1576, 959, 959, 959, 959, 959, 1576,
+ 1576, 1576, 1576, 1576, 1576, 1576, 1576, 959, 959, 959,
+ 1576, 1576, 1576, 1576, 1576, 1576, 1576, 1576, 1576, 1576,
+ 1576, 1576, 1576, 1576, 1578, 959, 242, 961, 961, 961,
+ 961, 242, 242, 472, 242, 242, 242, 242, 242, 243,
+ 242, 242, 1054, 242, 242, 242, 242, 242, 242, 472,
+ 472, 472, 472, 472, 472, 472, 472, 242, 242, 242,
+ 472, 472, 472, 472, 472, 472, 472, 472, 472, 472,
+ 472, 472, 472, 472, 1055, 242, 962, 1584, 1585, 1584,
+ 1584, 962, 962, 1586, 962, 962, 962, 962, 962, 963,
+ 962, 962, 1587, 1586, 962, 962, 962, 962, 962, 1586,
+ 1586, 1586, 1586, 1586, 1586, 1586, 1586, 962, 962, 962,
+ 1586, 1586, 1586, 1586, 1586, 1586, 1586, 1586, 1586, 1586,
+ 1586, 1586, 1586, 1586, 1588, 962, 859, 1449, 1450, 1449,
+ 1449, 859, 859, 1451, 859, 859, 859, 859, 859, 860,
+ 859, 859, 1452, 1451, 859, 859, 859, 859, 859, 1451,
+ 1451, 1451, 1451, 1451, 1451, 1451, 1451, 859, 859, 859,
+ 1451, 1451, 1451, 1451, 1451, 1451, 1451, 1451, 1451, 1451,
+ 1451, 1451, 1451, 1451, 1453, 859, 181, 858, 858, 858,
+ 858, 181, 181, 294, 181, 181, 181, 181, 181, 182,
+ 181, 181, 864, 181, 181, 181, 181, 181, 181, 294,
+ 294, 294, 294, 294, 294, 294, 294, 181, 181, 181,
+ 294, 294, 294, 294, 294, 294, 294, 294, 294, 294,
+ 294, 294, 294, 294, 865, 181, 973, 1598, 1599, 1598,
+ 1598, 973, 973, 1600, 973, 973, 973, 973, 973, 974,
+ 973, 973, 1601, 1600, 973, 973, 973, 973, 973, 1600,
+ 1600, 1600, 1600, 1600, 1600, 1600, 1600, 973, 973, 973,
+ 1600, 1600, 1600, 1600, 1600, 1600, 1600, 1600, 1600, 1600,
+ 1600, 1600, 1600, 1600, 1602, 973, 545, 545, 545, 545,
+ 2255, 1188, 2108, 1095, 2255, 2255, 2255, 1737, 2023, 1210,
+ 2255, 645, 1189, 2109, 2110, 1731, 1598, 2111, 1738, 2024,
+ 2115, 1843, 2114, 2116, 1747, 1963, 1760, 2255, 2255, 2255,
+ 1013, 595, 2255, 2255, 2255, 1748, 1964, 1761, 1854, 2119,
+ 2120, 1139, 915, 646, 875, 1202, 1339, 1202, 1202, 875,
+ 875, 1470, 875, 875, 875, 1202, 1202, 876, 875, 875,
+ 1341, 1471, 1202, 875, 875, 875, 875, 1470, 1470, 1470,
+ 1470, 1470, 1470, 1470, 1470, 875, 875, 875, 1470, 1470,
+ 1470, 1470, 1470, 1470, 1470, 1470, 1470, 1470, 1470, 1470,
+ 1470, 1470, 1342, 875, 877, 1210, 1210, 1210, 1210, 877,
+ 877, 1474, 877, 877, 877, 1210, 1210, 878, 877, 877,
+ 1214, 1475, 1210, 877, 877, 877, 877, 1474, 1474, 1474,
+ 1474, 1474, 1474, 1474, 1474, 877, 877, 877, 1474, 1474,
+ 1474, 1474, 1474, 1474, 1474, 1474, 1474, 1474, 1474, 1474,
+ 1474, 1474, 1212, 877, 388, 1478, 1478, 1478, 1478, 388,
+ 388, 1610, 388, 388, 388, 563, 563, 389, 388, 388,
+ 1611, 388, 563, 388, 388, 388, 388, 1610, 1610, 1610,
+ 1610, 1610, 1610, 1610, 1610, 388, 388, 388, 1610, 1610,
+ 1610, 1610, 1610, 1610, 1610, 1610, 1610, 1610, 1610, 1610,
+ 1610, 1610, 663, 388, 877, 988, 988, 988, 988, 877,
+ 877, 1096, 877, 877, 877, 877, 877, 878, 877, 877,
+ 1097, 877, 877, 877, 877, 877, 877, 1096, 1096, 1096,
+ 1096, 1096, 1096, 1096, 1096, 877, 877, 877, 1096, 1096,
+ 1096, 1096, 1096, 1096, 1096, 1096, 1096, 1096, 1096, 1096,
+ 1096, 1096, 877, 877, 304, 1484, 1619, 1484, 1484, 304,
+ 304, 1620, 304, 304, 304, 999, 999, 304, 304, 304,
+ 1621, 304, 999, 304, 304, 304, 304, 1620, 1620, 1620,
+ 1620, 1620, 1620, 1620, 1620, 304, 304, 304, 1620, 1620,
+ 1620, 1620, 1620, 1620, 1620, 1620, 1620, 1620, 1620, 1620,
+ 1620, 1620, 1003, 304, 1102, 1485, 1478, 1485, 1485, 1102,
+ 1102, 1622, 1102, 1102, 1102, 1485, 1485, 1103, 1102, 1102,
+ 1623, 1102, 1485, 1102, 1102, 1102, 1102, 1622, 1622, 1622,
+ 1622, 1622, 1622, 1622, 1622, 1102, 1102, 1102, 1622, 1622,
+ 1622, 1622, 1622, 1622, 1622, 1622, 1622, 1622, 1622, 1622,
+ 1622, 1622, 1624, 1102, 770, 1357, 1358, 1357, 1357, 770,
+ 770, 1627, 770, 770, 770, 1357, 1357, 771, 770, 770,
+ 1360, 1628, 1357, 770, 770, 770, 770, 1627, 1627, 1627,
+ 1627, 1627, 1627, 1627, 1627, 770, 770, 770, 1627, 1627,
+ 1627, 1627, 1627, 1627, 1627, 1627, 1627, 1627, 1627, 1627,
+ 1627, 1627, 1362, 770, 1489, 1747, 792, 1013, 2255, 2255,
+ 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 1490, 2255, 1748, 1015, 1139, 1939,
+ 1489, 1489, 1489, 1489, 1489, 1489, 1489, 1489, 2255, 2255,
+ 2255, 1489, 1489, 1489, 1489, 1489, 1489, 1489, 1489, 1489,
+ 1489, 1489, 1489, 1489, 1489, 669, 1229, 1223, 1229, 1229,
+ 669, 669, 1495, 669, 669, 669, 1229, 1229, 670, 669,
+ 669, 1231, 1496, 1229, 669, 669, 669, 669, 1495, 1495,
+ 1495, 1495, 1495, 1495, 1495, 1495, 669, 669, 669, 1495,
+ 1495, 1495, 1495, 1495, 1495, 1495, 1495, 1495, 1495, 1495,
+ 1495, 1495, 1495, 1233, 669, 1102, 1500, 1640, 1500, 1500,
+ 1102, 1102, 1641, 1102, 1102, 1102, 1102, 1102, 1103, 1102,
+ 1102, 1642, 1102, 1102, 1102, 1102, 1102, 1102, 1641, 1641,
+ 1641, 1641, 1641, 1641, 1641, 1641, 1102, 1102, 1102, 1641,
+ 1641, 1641, 1641, 1641, 1641, 1641, 1641, 1641, 1641, 1641,
+ 1641, 1641, 1641, 1102, 1102, 506, 684, 684, 684, 684,
+ 506, 791, 685, 506, 686, 506, 792, 793, 688, 686,
+ 689, 794, 691, 791, 506, 506, 686, 506, 795, 795,
+ 795, 795, 795, 795, 795, 795, 686, 506, 686, 795,
+ 795, 795, 795, 795, 795, 795, 795, 795, 795, 795,
+ 795, 795, 795, 791, 506, 1011, 1643, 1386, 1643, 1643,
+ 1011, 1011, 1644, 1011, 1504, 1011, 1011, 1645, 1507, 1504,
+ 1508, 1646, 1647, 1011, 1011, 1011, 1504, 1011, 1644, 1644,
+ 1644, 1644, 1644, 1644, 1644, 1644, 1504, 1011, 1504, 1644,
+ 1644, 1644, 1644, 1644, 1644, 1644, 1644, 1644, 1644, 1644,
+ 1644, 1644, 1644, 1011, 1011, 1503, 1223, 643, 739, 2255,
+ 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 1510, 2255, 2124, 960, 963,
+ 2125, 1503, 1503, 1503, 1503, 1503, 1503, 1503, 1503, 2255,
+ 2255, 2255, 1503, 1503, 1503, 1503, 1503, 1503, 1503, 1503,
+ 1503, 1503, 1503, 1503, 1503, 1503, 1011, 1505, 1516, 1505,
+ 1505, 1011, 1502, 1011, 1011, 1011, 1011, 1505, 1505, 1012,
+ 1011, 1011, 1648, 1011, 1502, 1011, 1011, 1011, 1011, 1502,
+ 1502, 1502, 1502, 1502, 1502, 1502, 1502, 1011, 1011, 1011,
+ 1502, 1502, 1502, 1502, 1502, 1502, 1502, 1502, 1502, 1502,
+ 1502, 1502, 1502, 1502, 1502, 1011, 1119, 1649, 1650, 1649,
+ 1649, 1119, 1119, 1651, 1119, 1652, 1119, 1119, 1653, 1654,
+ 1652, 1655, 1656, 1657, 1119, 1119, 1119, 1652, 1119, 1651,
+ 1651, 1651, 1651, 1651, 1651, 1651, 1651, 1652, 1119, 1652,
+ 1651, 1651, 1651, 1651, 1651, 1651, 1651, 1651, 1651, 1651,
+ 1651, 1651, 1651, 1651, 1119, 1119, 1660, 1765, 1661, 2129,
+ 2255, 643, 2255, 643, 1662, 1662, 1662, 1662, 1766, 2143,
+ 2130, 1867, 960, 1643, 960, 1662, 1662, 1662, 1662, 1662,
+ 2144, 1662, 2255, 1505, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 1662, 827,
+ 1153, 1134, 1153, 1153, 827, 827, 1371, 827, 1246, 827,
+ 827, 1289, 1246, 1246, 1376, 1290, 1512, 827, 827, 827,
+ 1246, 827, 1513, 1513, 1513, 1513, 1371, 1371, 1371, 1371,
+ 1246, 827, 1246, 1513, 1513, 1513, 1513, 1513, 1371, 1513,
+ 1371, 1371, 1371, 1371, 1371, 1371, 1513, 827, 827, 1014,
+ 1400, 684, 1400, 1400, 1014, 1014, 1663, 1014, 1519, 1014,
+ 1014, 1546, 1522, 1519, 1523, 1547, 1664, 1014, 1014, 1014,
+ 1519, 1014, 1663, 1663, 1663, 1663, 1663, 1663, 1663, 1663,
+ 1519, 1014, 1519, 1663, 1663, 1663, 1663, 1663, 1663, 1663,
+ 1663, 1663, 1663, 1663, 1663, 1663, 1663, 1014, 1014, 1518,
+ 2148, 1095, 1210, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 1525,
+ 2255, 2149, 1477, 1480, 1520, 1518, 1518, 1518, 1518, 1518,
+ 1518, 1518, 1518, 2255, 2255, 2255, 1518, 1518, 1518, 1518,
+ 1518, 1518, 1518, 1518, 1518, 1518, 1518, 1518, 1518, 1518,
+ 1014, 1520, 1665, 1520, 1520, 1014, 1517, 1014, 1014, 1014,
+ 1014, 1520, 1520, 1015, 1014, 1014, 1666, 1014, 1517, 1014,
+ 1014, 1014, 1014, 1517, 1517, 1517, 1517, 1517, 1517, 1517,
+ 1517, 1014, 1014, 1014, 1517, 1517, 1517, 1517, 1517, 1517,
+ 1517, 1517, 1517, 1517, 1517, 1517, 1517, 1517, 1517, 1014,
+ 1126, 1667, 1120, 1667, 1667, 1126, 1126, 1668, 1126, 1669,
+ 1126, 1126, 1670, 1671, 1669, 1672, 1673, 1674, 1126, 1126,
+ 1126, 1669, 1126, 1668, 1668, 1668, 1668, 1668, 1668, 1668,
+ 1668, 1669, 1126, 1669, 1668, 1668, 1668, 1668, 1668, 1668,
+ 1668, 1668, 1668, 1668, 1668, 1668, 1668, 1668, 1126, 1126,
+ 1677, 1573, 1678, 288, 2255, 1223, 2255, 684, 1679, 1679,
+ 1679, 1679, 1574, 1276, 1528, 1802, 1494, 1529, 1012, 1679,
+ 1679, 1679, 1679, 1679, 1277, 1679, 2255, 1806, 2255, 2255,
+ 2255, 2255, 1679, 914, 1291, 1419, 1291, 1291, 914, 914,
+ 1530, 914, 1389, 914, 914, 1420, 1392, 1389, 1393, 1421,
+ 1531, 914, 914, 914, 1389, 914, 1530, 1530, 1530, 1530,
+ 1530, 1530, 1530, 1530, 1389, 914, 1389, 1530, 1530, 1530,
+ 1530, 1530, 1530, 1530, 1530, 1530, 1530, 1530, 1530, 1530,
+ 1530, 914, 914, 1542, 2255, 1683, 2255, 2255, 684, 2255,
+ 792, 1684, 1684, 1684, 1684, 1575, 1445, 1575, 1575, 1012,
+ 2154, 1015, 1684, 1684, 1684, 1684, 1684, 960, 1684, 1825,
+ 1577, 2155, 2255, 1596, 1707, 1684, 1388, 643, 684, 643,
+ 1826, 2255, 2255, 1827, 1597, 2255, 1395, 1831, 2156, 1012,
+ 960, 2157, 1388, 1388, 1388, 1388, 1388, 1388, 1388, 1388,
+ 2255, 2255, 1578, 1388, 1388, 1388, 1388, 1388, 1388, 1388,
+ 1388, 1388, 1388, 1388, 1388, 1388, 1388, 506, 595, 595,
+ 595, 595, 506, 506, 685, 506, 686, 506, 506, 687,
+ 688, 686, 689, 690, 691, 506, 506, 506, 686, 506,
+ 685, 685, 685, 685, 685, 685, 685, 685, 686, 506,
+ 686, 685, 685, 685, 685, 685, 685, 685, 685, 685,
+ 685, 685, 685, 685, 685, 506, 506, 914, 1390, 684,
+ 1390, 1390, 914, 1387, 914, 914, 914, 914, 1390, 1390,
+ 915, 914, 914, 1532, 914, 1387, 914, 914, 914, 914,
+ 1387, 1387, 1387, 1387, 1387, 1387, 1387, 1387, 914, 914,
+ 914, 1387, 1387, 1387, 1387, 1387, 1387, 1387, 1387, 1387,
+ 1387, 1387, 1387, 1387, 1387, 1387, 914, 1132, 1687, 1688,
+ 1687, 1687, 1132, 1132, 1689, 1132, 1690, 1132, 1132, 1691,
+ 1692, 1690, 1693, 1421, 1694, 1132, 1132, 1132, 1690, 1132,
+ 1689, 1689, 1689, 1689, 1689, 1689, 1689, 1689, 1690, 1132,
+ 1690, 1689, 1689, 1689, 1689, 1689, 1689, 1689, 1689, 1689,
+ 1689, 1689, 1689, 1689, 1689, 1132, 1132, 209, 1021, 1134,
+ 1021, 1021, 209, 626, 526, 209, 527, 209, 625, 1135,
+ 954, 527, 529, 1695, 531, 626, 209, 209, 527, 209,
+ 1137, 1137, 1137, 1137, 1137, 1137, 1137, 1137, 527, 209,
+ 527, 1137, 1137, 1137, 1137, 1137, 1137, 1137, 1137, 1137,
+ 1137, 1137, 1137, 1137, 1137, 626, 209, 1542, 1825, 1543,
+ 2159, 2255, 1095, 2255, 1478, 1544, 1544, 1544, 1544, 1826,
+ 2041, 2160, 1840, 1477, 2161, 1853, 1544, 1544, 1544, 1544,
+ 1544, 2042, 1544, 2255, 2166, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 1544,
+ 1138, 1545, 1696, 1545, 1545, 1138, 1697, 1138, 1138, 1138,
+ 1138, 1545, 1545, 1139, 1138, 1138, 1698, 1138, 1697, 1138,
+ 1138, 1138, 1138, 1697, 1697, 1697, 1697, 1697, 1697, 1697,
+ 1697, 1138, 1138, 1138, 1697, 1697, 1697, 1697, 1697, 1697,
+ 1697, 1697, 1697, 1697, 1697, 1697, 1697, 1697, 1697, 1138,
+ 446, 1147, 1013, 1147, 1147, 446, 446, 1401, 446, 1279,
+ 446, 446, 1280, 1281, 1279, 1413, 1283, 1548, 446, 446,
+ 446, 1279, 446, 1549, 1549, 1549, 1549, 1401, 1401, 1401,
+ 1401, 1279, 446, 1279, 1549, 1549, 1549, 1549, 1549, 1401,
+ 1549, 1401, 1401, 1401, 1401, 1401, 1401, 1549, 446, 446,
+ 1278, 2255, 2255, 2255, 1095, 2255, 2255, 2255, 1282, 2255,
+ 1284, 1840, 1832, 1840, 1840, 1477, 1278, 1278, 1278, 1278,
+ 1278, 1278, 1278, 1278, 2255, 2255, 1920, 1278, 1278, 1278,
+ 1278, 1278, 1278, 1278, 1278, 1278, 1278, 1278, 1278, 1278,
+ 1278, 1282, 2175, 1402, 1223, 2255, 1478, 2255, 1478, 1401,
+ 1401, 1401, 1401, 2176, 436, 1494, 2177, 1853, 1921, 1853,
+ 1401, 1401, 1401, 1401, 1401, 2178, 1401, 2255, 2179, 2255,
+ 2255, 2255, 2255, 1401, 446, 678, 786, 678, 678, 446,
+ 787, 446, 446, 446, 446, 678, 678, 447, 446, 446,
+ 788, 446, 787, 446, 446, 446, 446, 787, 787, 787,
+ 787, 787, 787, 787, 787, 446, 446, 446, 787, 787,
+ 787, 787, 787, 787, 787, 787, 787, 787, 787, 787,
+ 787, 787, 787, 446, 584, 1550, 1398, 1550, 1550, 584,
+ 584, 1551, 584, 1552, 584, 584, 1553, 1554, 1552, 1555,
+ 1701, 1556, 584, 584, 584, 1552, 584, 1551, 1551, 1551,
+ 1551, 1551, 1551, 1551, 1551, 1552, 584, 1552, 1551, 1551,
+ 1551, 1551, 1551, 1551, 1551, 1551, 1551, 1551, 1551, 1551,
+ 1551, 1551, 584, 584, 1413, 1881, 1414, 592, 2255, 1223,
+ 2255, 1095, 1415, 1415, 1415, 1415, 1882, 1885, 1514, 1883,
+ 1494, 1515, 1477, 1415, 1415, 1415, 1415, 1415, 1886, 1415,
+ 2255, 1887, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 1415, 506, 792, 792,
+ 792, 792, 506, 791, 506, 506, 506, 506, 792, 792,
+ 507, 506, 506, 798, 506, 791, 506, 506, 506, 506,
+ 791, 791, 791, 791, 791, 791, 791, 791, 506, 506,
+ 506, 791, 791, 791, 791, 791, 791, 791, 791, 791,
+ 791, 791, 791, 791, 791, 791, 506, 207, 817, 817,
+ 817, 817, 207, 358, 315, 207, 316, 207, 357, 919,
+ 318, 316, 319, 920, 321, 358, 207, 207, 316, 207,
+ 921, 921, 921, 921, 921, 921, 921, 921, 316, 207,
+ 316, 921, 921, 921, 921, 921, 921, 921, 921, 921,
+ 921, 921, 921, 921, 921, 358, 207, 1041, 1418, 1561,
+ 1418, 1418, 1041, 1041, 1705, 1041, 1563, 1041, 1041, 1564,
+ 1565, 1563, 1566, 1567, 1706, 1041, 1041, 1041, 1563, 1041,
+ 1705, 1705, 1705, 1705, 1705, 1705, 1705, 1705, 1563, 1041,
+ 1563, 1705, 1705, 1705, 1705, 1705, 1705, 1705, 1705, 1705,
+ 1705, 1705, 1705, 1705, 1705, 1041, 1041, 1562, 817, 988,
+ 858, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 1568, 2255, 2052,
+ 1351, 974, 2053, 1562, 1562, 1562, 1562, 1562, 1562, 1562,
+ 1562, 2255, 2255, 2255, 1562, 1562, 1562, 1562, 1562, 1562,
+ 1562, 1562, 1562, 1562, 1562, 1562, 1562, 1562, 1041, 1707,
+ 1708, 1707, 1707, 1041, 1709, 1041, 1041, 1041, 1041, 1707,
+ 1707, 1042, 1041, 1041, 1710, 1041, 1709, 1041, 1041, 1041,
+ 1041, 1709, 1709, 1709, 1709, 1709, 1709, 1709, 1709, 1041,
+ 1041, 1041, 1709, 1709, 1709, 1709, 1709, 1709, 1709, 1709,
+ 1709, 1709, 1709, 1709, 1709, 1709, 1709, 1041, 1151, 1711,
+ 1712, 1711, 1711, 1151, 1151, 1713, 1151, 1714, 1151, 1151,
+ 1715, 1716, 1714, 1717, 1718, 1719, 1151, 1151, 1151, 1714,
+ 1151, 1713, 1713, 1713, 1713, 1713, 1713, 1713, 1713, 1714,
+ 1151, 1714, 1713, 1713, 1713, 1713, 1713, 1713, 1713, 1713,
+ 1713, 1713, 1713, 1713, 1713, 1713, 1151, 1151, 1720, 1703,
+ 1721, 817, 2255, 1478, 2255, 1478, 1722, 1722, 1722, 1722,
+ 1704, 595, 2052, 1889, 1853, 2053, 1853, 1722, 1722, 1722,
+ 1722, 1722, 1569, 1722, 2255, 1570, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255,
+ 1722, 704, 1024, 1013, 1024, 1024, 704, 1140, 704, 704,
+ 704, 704, 1024, 1024, 1303, 704, 704, 1724, 704, 1140,
+ 704, 704, 704, 704, 1140, 1140, 1140, 1140, 1140, 1140,
+ 1140, 1140, 704, 704, 704, 1140, 1140, 1140, 1140, 1140,
+ 1140, 1140, 1140, 1140, 1140, 1140, 1140, 1140, 1140, 1140,
+ 704, 959, 1575, 1445, 1575, 1575, 959, 959, 1576, 959,
+ 959, 959, 959, 959, 960, 959, 959, 1577, 1576, 959,
+ 959, 959, 959, 959, 1576, 1576, 1576, 1576, 1576, 1576,
+ 1576, 1576, 959, 959, 959, 1576, 1576, 1576, 1576, 1576,
+ 1576, 1576, 1576, 1576, 1576, 1576, 1576, 1576, 1576, 1578,
+ 959, 242, 961, 961, 961, 961, 242, 242, 472, 242,
+ 242, 242, 242, 242, 243, 242, 242, 1054, 242, 242,
+ 242, 242, 242, 242, 472, 472, 472, 472, 472, 472,
+ 472, 472, 242, 242, 242, 472, 472, 472, 472, 472,
+ 472, 472, 472, 472, 472, 472, 472, 472, 472, 1055,
+ 242, 1584, 1585, 1584, 1584, 739, 739, 739, 739, 2255,
+ 1885, 1918, 1737, 963, 2255, 2255, 1587, 469, 1478, 769,
+ 741, 1886, 1919, 1738, 1903, 2183, 1927, 564, 2198, 2189,
+ 2193, 2255, 2190, 2194, 988, 2203, 684, 2255, 2195, 2199,
+ 1210, 2196, 2043, 2255, 2255, 1351, 2204, 1774, 1588, 1769,
+ 1775, 1480, 742, 962, 1584, 1585, 1584, 1584, 962, 962,
+ 1586, 962, 962, 962, 962, 962, 963, 962, 962, 1587,
+ 1586, 962, 962, 962, 962, 962, 1586, 1586, 1586, 1586,
+ 1586, 1586, 1586, 1586, 962, 962, 962, 1586, 1586, 1586,
+ 1586, 1586, 1586, 1586, 1586, 1586, 1586, 1586, 1586, 1586,
+ 1586, 1588, 962, 739, 739, 739, 739, 1598, 1599, 1598,
+ 1598, 2255, 684, 1478, 2023, 469, 2255, 2255, 741, 974,
+ 563, 2216, 1601, 1774, 2211, 2024, 1775, 2212, 2114, 2219,
+ 1737, 2213, 2217, 2255, 2214, 1859, 1478, 1478, 1638, 2255,
+ 2220, 1738, 858, 1862, 2221, 2255, 2255, 1853, 2224, 1639,
+ 742, 2225, 2051, 974, 1602, 181, 858, 858, 858, 858,
+ 181, 181, 294, 181, 181, 181, 181, 181, 182, 181,
+ 181, 864, 181, 181, 181, 181, 181, 181, 294, 294,
+ 294, 294, 294, 294, 294, 294, 181, 181, 181, 294,
+ 294, 294, 294, 294, 294, 294, 294, 294, 294, 294,
+ 294, 294, 294, 865, 181, 973, 1598, 1599, 1598, 1598,
+ 973, 973, 1600, 973, 973, 973, 973, 973, 974, 973,
+ 973, 1601, 1600, 973, 973, 973, 973, 973, 1600, 1600,
+ 1600, 1600, 1600, 1600, 1600, 1600, 973, 973, 973, 1600,
+ 1600, 1600, 1600, 1600, 1600, 1600, 1600, 1600, 1600, 1600,
+ 1600, 1600, 1600, 1602, 973, 384, 1605, 1461, 1605, 1605,
+ 384, 384, 656, 384, 384, 384, 384, 384, 385, 384,
+ 384, 1734, 384, 384, 384, 384, 384, 384, 656, 656,
+ 656, 656, 656, 656, 656, 656, 384, 384, 384, 656,
+ 656, 656, 656, 656, 656, 656, 656, 656, 656, 656,
+ 656, 656, 656, 1735, 384, 877, 1095, 1095, 1095, 1095,
+ 877, 877, 1209, 877, 877, 877, 1210, 1210, 878, 877,
+ 877, 1211, 877, 1210, 877, 877, 877, 877, 1209, 1209,
+ 1209, 1209, 1209, 1209, 1209, 1209, 877, 877, 877, 1209,
+ 1209, 1209, 1209, 1209, 1209, 1209, 1209, 1209, 1209, 1209,
+ 1209, 1209, 1209, 1212, 877, 1228, 1609, 1739, 1609, 1609,
+ 1228, 1228, 1740, 1228, 1228, 1228, 1741, 1741, 1228, 1228,
+ 1228, 1742, 1228, 1741, 1228, 1228, 1228, 1228, 1740, 1740,
+ 1740, 1740, 1740, 1740, 1740, 1740, 1228, 1228, 1228, 1740,
+ 1740, 1740, 1740, 1740, 1740, 1740, 1740, 1740, 1740, 1740,
+ 1740, 1740, 1740, 1743, 1228, 388, 563, 563, 563, 563,
+ 388, 388, 1098, 388, 388, 388, 563, 563, 389, 388,
+ 388, 662, 1099, 563, 388, 388, 388, 388, 1098, 1098,
+ 1098, 1098, 1098, 1098, 1098, 1098, 388, 388, 388, 1098,
+ 1098, 1098, 1098, 1098, 1098, 1098, 1098, 1098, 1098, 1098,
+ 1098, 1098, 1098, 663, 388, 877, 1210, 1210, 1210, 1210,
+ 877, 877, 1345, 877, 877, 877, 1210, 1210, 878, 877,
+ 877, 1214, 877, 1210, 877, 877, 877, 877, 1345, 1345,
+ 1345, 1345, 1345, 1345, 1345, 1345, 877, 877, 877, 1345,
+ 1345, 1345, 1345, 1345, 1345, 1345, 1345, 1345, 1345, 1345,
+ 1345, 1345, 1345, 1212, 877, 390, 1615, 1749, 1615, 1615,
+ 390, 390, 1750, 390, 390, 390, 982, 982, 390, 390,
+ 390, 1751, 390, 982, 390, 390, 390, 390, 1750, 1750,
+ 1750, 1750, 1750, 1750, 1750, 1750, 390, 390, 390, 1750,
+ 1750, 1750, 1750, 1750, 1750, 1750, 1750, 1750, 1750, 1750,
+ 1750, 1750, 1750, 1092, 390, 877, 988, 988, 988, 988,
+ 877, 877, 1096, 877, 877, 877, 877, 877, 878, 877,
+ 877, 1097, 877, 877, 877, 877, 877, 877, 1096, 1096,
+ 1096, 1096, 1096, 1096, 1096, 1096, 877, 877, 877, 1096,
+ 1096, 1096, 1096, 1096, 1096, 1096, 1096, 1096, 1096, 1096,
+ 1096, 1096, 1096, 877, 877, 985, 985, 985, 985, 2255,
+ 1013, 2255, 858, 2255, 2229, 297, 297, 2255, 2232, 1963,
+ 1094, 1804, 297, 2226, 1805, 2230, 2227, 1760, 1927, 2233,
+ 1964, 2237, 1939, 2119, 2255, 2240, 1095, 2159, 1761, 1210,
+ 2255, 2120, 2238, 2255, 2255, 2043, 2241, 1477, 2160, 2013,
+ 1480, 2161, 301, 304, 999, 985, 999, 999, 304, 304,
+ 1113, 304, 304, 304, 999, 999, 304, 304, 304, 1001,
+ 1114, 999, 304, 304, 304, 304, 1113, 1113, 1113, 1113,
+ 1113, 1113, 1113, 1113, 304, 304, 304, 1113, 1113, 1113,
+ 1113, 1113, 1113, 1113, 1113, 1113, 1113, 1113, 1113, 1113,
+ 1113, 1003, 304, 1102, 1485, 1478, 1485, 1485, 1102, 1102,
+ 1755, 1102, 1102, 1102, 1485, 1485, 1103, 1102, 1102, 1623,
+ 1756, 1485, 1102, 1102, 1102, 1102, 1755, 1755, 1755, 1755,
+ 1755, 1755, 1755, 1755, 1102, 1102, 1102, 1755, 1755, 1755,
+ 1755, 1755, 1755, 1755, 1755, 1755, 1755, 1755, 1755, 1755,
+ 1755, 1624, 1102, 770, 1357, 1358, 1357, 1357, 770, 770,
+ 1627, 770, 770, 770, 1357, 1357, 771, 770, 770, 1360,
+ 1628, 1357, 770, 770, 770, 770, 1627, 1627, 1627, 1627,
+ 1627, 1627, 1627, 1627, 770, 770, 770, 1627, 1627, 1627,
+ 1627, 1627, 1627, 1627, 1627, 1627, 1627, 1627, 1627, 1627,
+ 1627, 1362, 770, 875, 1632, 1478, 1632, 1632, 875, 875,
+ 1762, 875, 875, 875, 875, 875, 876, 875, 875, 1763,
+ 875, 875, 875, 875, 875, 875, 1762, 1762, 1762, 1762,
+ 1762, 1762, 1762, 1762, 875, 875, 875, 1762, 1762, 1762,
+ 1762, 1762, 1762, 1762, 1762, 1762, 1762, 1762, 1762, 1762,
+ 1762, 875, 875, 302, 1223, 1223, 1223, 1223, 302, 302,
+ 1355, 302, 302, 302, 564, 564, 303, 302, 302, 1356,
+ 302, 564, 302, 302, 302, 302, 1355, 1355, 1355, 1355,
+ 1355, 1355, 1355, 1355, 302, 302, 302, 1355, 1355, 1355,
+ 1355, 1355, 1355, 1355, 1355, 1355, 1355, 1355, 1355, 1355,
+ 1355, 568, 302, 1228, 1636, 1619, 1636, 1636, 1228, 1228,
+ 1767, 1228, 1228, 1228, 1228, 1228, 1228, 1228, 1228, 1768,
+ 1228, 1228, 1228, 1228, 1228, 1228, 1767, 1767, 1767, 1767,
+ 1767, 1767, 1767, 1767, 1228, 1228, 1228, 1767, 1767, 1767,
+ 1767, 1767, 1767, 1767, 1767, 1767, 1767, 1767, 1767, 1767,
+ 1767, 1228, 1228, 388, 769, 769, 769, 769, 388, 388,
+ 881, 388, 388, 388, 388, 388, 389, 388, 388, 882,
+ 388, 388, 388, 388, 388, 388, 881, 881, 881, 881,
+ 881, 881, 881, 881, 388, 388, 388, 881, 881, 881,
+ 881, 881, 881, 881, 881, 881, 881, 881, 881, 881,
+ 881, 388, 388, 1770, 2041, 1095, 643, 2255, 2255, 2255,
+ 2255, 2255, 2255, 1771, 2255, 2042, 1477, 960, 2166, 1770,
+ 1770, 1770, 1770, 1770, 1770, 1770, 1770, 2255, 2255, 2255,
+ 1770, 1770, 1770, 1770, 1770, 1770, 1770, 1770, 1770, 1770,
+ 1770, 1770, 1770, 1770, 1011, 1643, 1386, 1643, 1643, 1011,
+ 1011, 1503, 1011, 1504, 1011, 1011, 1645, 1507, 1504, 1508,
+ 1646, 1510, 1011, 1011, 1011, 1504, 1011, 1503, 1503, 1503,
+ 1503, 1503, 1503, 1503, 1503, 1504, 1011, 1504, 1503, 1503,
+ 1503, 1503, 1503, 1503, 1503, 1503, 1503, 1503, 1503, 1503,
+ 1503, 1503, 1011, 1011, 1644, 1095, 1095, 1223, 2255, 2255,
+ 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 1647, 2255, 2244, 1477, 1494, 2245,
+ 1644, 1644, 1644, 1644, 1644, 1644, 1644, 1644, 2255, 2255,
+ 2255, 1644, 1644, 1644, 1644, 1644, 1644, 1644, 1644, 1644,
+ 1644, 1644, 1644, 1644, 1644, 1011, 1505, 1516, 1505, 1505,
+ 1011, 1502, 1011, 1011, 1011, 1011, 1505, 1505, 1012, 1011,
+ 1011, 1648, 1011, 1502, 1011, 1011, 1011, 1011, 1502, 1502,
+ 1502, 1502, 1502, 1502, 1502, 1502, 1011, 1011, 1011, 1502,
+ 1502, 1502, 1502, 1502, 1502, 1502, 1502, 1502, 1502, 1502,
+ 1502, 1502, 1502, 1502, 1011, 1660, 2159, 1776, 1918, 2255,
+ 1095, 2255, 2255, 1777, 1777, 1777, 1777, 2160, 2198, 1919,
+ 2177, 1477, 2183, 2255, 1777, 1777, 1777, 1777, 1777, 2199,
+ 1777, 2255, 2246, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 1777, 506, 684,
+ 684, 684, 684, 506, 791, 685, 506, 686, 506, 792,
+ 793, 688, 686, 689, 794, 691, 791, 506, 506, 686,
+ 506, 795, 795, 795, 795, 795, 795, 795, 795, 686,
+ 506, 686, 795, 795, 795, 795, 795, 795, 795, 795,
+ 795, 795, 795, 795, 795, 795, 791, 506, 1240, 1780,
+ 1781, 1780, 1780, 1240, 1240, 1782, 1240, 1783, 1240, 1240,
+ 1784, 1785, 1783, 1786, 1646, 1787, 1240, 1240, 1240, 1783,
+ 1240, 1782, 1782, 1782, 1782, 1782, 1782, 1782, 1782, 1783,
+ 1240, 1783, 1782, 1782, 1782, 1782, 1782, 1782, 1782, 1782,
+ 1782, 1782, 1782, 1782, 1782, 1782, 1240, 1240, 827, 1122,
+ 1243, 1122, 1122, 827, 1244, 1245, 827, 1246, 827, 1247,
+ 1248, 1788, 1246, 1249, 1789, 1251, 1244, 827, 827, 1246,
+ 827, 1252, 1252, 1252, 1252, 1252, 1252, 1252, 1252, 1246,
+ 827, 1246, 1252, 1252, 1252, 1252, 1252, 1252, 1252, 1252,
+ 1252, 1252, 1252, 1252, 1252, 1252, 1244, 827, 1660, 1223,
+ 1661, 2253, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 1662, 1662, 1662, 1662,
+ 2250, 2198, 2254, 2251, 2255, 2221, 2255, 1662, 1662, 1662,
+ 1662, 1662, 2199, 1662, 2255, 2246, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255,
+ 1662, 1014, 1400, 684, 1400, 1400, 1014, 1014, 1663, 1014,
+ 1519, 1014, 1014, 1546, 1522, 1519, 1523, 1547, 1664, 1014,
+ 1014, 1014, 1519, 1014, 1663, 1663, 1663, 1663, 1663, 1663,
+ 1663, 1663, 1519, 1014, 1519, 1663, 1663, 1663, 1663, 1663,
+ 1663, 1663, 1663, 1663, 1663, 1663, 1663, 1663, 1663, 1014,
+ 1014, 1677, 2255, 1790, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 1791,
+ 1791, 1791, 1791, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255,
+ 1791, 1791, 1791, 1791, 1791, 2255, 1791, 2255, 2255, 2255,
+ 2255, 2255, 2255, 1791, 506, 792, 792, 792, 792, 506,
+ 791, 506, 506, 506, 506, 792, 792, 507, 506, 506,
+ 798, 506, 791, 506, 506, 506, 506, 791, 791, 791,
+ 791, 791, 791, 791, 791, 506, 506, 506, 791, 791,
+ 791, 791, 791, 791, 791, 791, 791, 791, 791, 791,
+ 791, 791, 791, 506, 1518, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255,
+ 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 1525, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255,
+ 1518, 1518, 1518, 1518, 1518, 1518, 1518, 1518, 2255, 2255,
+ 2255, 1518, 1518, 1518, 1518, 1518, 1518, 1518, 1518, 1518,
+ 1518, 1518, 1518, 1518, 1518, 1014, 1520, 1665, 1520, 1520,
+ 1014, 1517, 1014, 1014, 1014, 1014, 1520, 1520, 1015, 1014,
+ 1014, 1666, 1014, 1517, 1014, 1014, 1014, 1014, 1517, 1517,
+ 1517, 1517, 1517, 1517, 1517, 1517, 1014, 1014, 1014, 1517,
+ 1517, 1517, 1517, 1517, 1517, 1517, 1517, 1517, 1517, 1517,
+ 1517, 1517, 1517, 1517, 1014, 1255, 1794, 1241, 1794, 1794,
+ 1255, 1255, 1795, 1255, 1796, 1255, 1255, 1797, 1798, 1796,
+ 1799, 1547, 1800, 1255, 1255, 1255, 1796, 1255, 1795, 1795,
+ 1795, 1795, 1795, 1795, 1795, 1795, 1796, 1255, 1796, 1795,
+ 1795, 1795, 1795, 1795, 1795, 1795, 1795, 1795, 1795, 1795,
+ 1795, 1795, 1795, 1255, 1255, 237, 1129, 1258, 1129, 1129,
+ 237, 588, 614, 237, 615, 237, 505, 1259, 1039, 615,
+ 617, 1801, 619, 588, 237, 237, 615, 237, 1261, 1261,
+ 1261, 1261, 1261, 1261, 1261, 1261, 615, 237, 615, 1261,
+ 1261, 1261, 1261, 1261, 1261, 1261, 1261, 1261, 1261, 1261,
+ 1261, 1261, 1261, 588, 237, 1677, 2255, 1678, 2255, 2255,
+ 2255, 2255, 2255, 1679, 1679, 1679, 1679, 2255, 2255, 2255,
+ 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 1679, 1679, 1679, 1679, 1679, 2255,
+ 1679, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 1679, 506, 595,
+ 595, 595, 595, 506, 506, 685, 506, 686, 506, 506,
+ 687, 688, 686, 689, 690, 691, 506, 506, 506, 686,
+ 506, 685, 685, 685, 685, 685, 685, 685, 685, 686,
+ 506, 686, 685, 685, 685, 685, 685, 685, 685, 685,
+ 685, 685, 685, 685, 685, 685, 506, 506, 914, 1291,
+ 1419, 1291, 1291, 914, 914, 1530, 914, 1389, 914, 914,
+ 1420, 1392, 1389, 1542, 1421, 1683, 914, 914, 914, 1389,
+ 914, 1684, 1684, 1684, 1684, 1530, 1530, 1530, 1530, 1389,
+ 914, 1389, 1684, 1684, 1684, 1684, 1684, 1530, 1684, 1530,
+ 1530, 1530, 1530, 1530, 1530, 1684, 914, 914, 1388, 2255,
+ 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 1393, 2255, 1395, 545,
+ 545, 545, 545, 2255, 1388, 1388, 1388, 1388, 1388, 1388,
+ 1388, 1388, 2255, 2255, 645, 1388, 1388, 1388, 1388, 1388,
+ 1388, 1388, 1388, 1388, 1388, 1388, 1388, 1388, 1388, 1393,
+ 2255, 1531, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 1530, 1530, 1530,
+ 1530, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 646, 2255, 1530, 1530,
+ 1530, 1530, 1530, 2255, 1530, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255,
+ 2255, 1530, 914, 1390, 684, 1390, 1390, 914, 1387, 914,
+ 914, 914, 914, 1390, 1390, 915, 914, 914, 1532, 914,
+ 1387, 914, 914, 914, 914, 1387, 1387, 1387, 1387, 1387,
+ 1387, 1387, 1387, 914, 914, 914, 1387, 1387, 1387, 1387,
+ 1387, 1387, 1387, 1387, 1387, 1387, 1387, 1387, 1387, 1387,
+ 1387, 914, 1132, 1687, 1688, 1687, 1687, 1132, 1132, 1689,
+ 1132, 1690, 1132, 1132, 1691, 1692, 1690, 1693, 1803, 1694,
+ 1132, 1132, 1132, 1690, 1132, 1689, 1689, 1689, 1689, 1689,
+ 1689, 1689, 1689, 1690, 1132, 1690, 1689, 1689, 1689, 1689,
+ 1689, 1689, 1689, 1689, 1689, 1689, 1689, 1689, 1689, 1689,
+ 1132, 1132, 1542, 2255, 1543, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255,
+ 1544, 1544, 1544, 1544, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255,
+ 2255, 1544, 1544, 1544, 1544, 1544, 2255, 1544, 2255, 2255,
+ 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 1544, 235, 1013, 1013, 1013, 1013,
+ 235, 353, 510, 235, 511, 235, 314, 1123, 513, 511,
+ 514, 1124, 516, 353, 235, 235, 511, 235, 1125, 1125,
+ 1125, 1125, 1125, 1125, 1125, 1125, 511, 235, 511, 1125,
+ 1125, 1125, 1125, 1125, 1125, 1125, 1125, 1125, 1125, 1125,
+ 1125, 1125, 1125, 353, 235, 446, 678, 786, 678, 678,
+ 446, 787, 446, 446, 446, 446, 678, 678, 1411, 446,
+ 446, 1807, 446, 787, 446, 446, 446, 446, 787, 787,
+ 787, 787, 787, 787, 787, 787, 446, 446, 446, 787,
+ 787, 787, 787, 787, 787, 787, 787, 787, 787, 787,
+ 787, 787, 787, 787, 446, 1041, 1418, 1561, 1418, 1418,
+ 1041, 1041, 1705, 1041, 1563, 1041, 1041, 1564, 1565, 1563,
+ 1566, 1567, 1706, 1041, 1041, 1041, 1563, 1041, 1705, 1705,
+ 1705, 1705, 1705, 1705, 1705, 1705, 1563, 1041, 1563, 1705,
+ 1705, 1705, 1705, 1705, 1705, 1705, 1705, 1705, 1705, 1705,
+ 1705, 1705, 1705, 1041, 1041, 1720, 2255, 1808, 2255, 2255,
+ 2255, 2255, 2255, 1809, 1809, 1809, 1809, 2255, 2255, 2255,
+ 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 1809, 1809, 1809, 1809, 1809, 2255,
+ 1809, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 1809, 1041, 1707,
+ 1708, 1707, 1707, 1041, 1709, 1041, 1041, 1041, 1041, 1707,
+ 1707, 1042, 1041, 1041, 1710, 1041, 1709, 1041, 1041, 1041,
+ 1041, 1709, 1709, 1709, 1709, 1709, 1709, 1709, 1709, 1041,
+ 1041, 1041, 1709, 1709, 1709, 1709, 1709, 1709, 1709, 1709,
+ 1709, 1709, 1709, 1709, 1709, 1709, 1709, 1041, 207, 817,
+ 817, 817, 817, 207, 358, 315, 207, 316, 207, 357,
+ 919, 318, 316, 319, 920, 321, 358, 207, 207, 316,
+ 207, 921, 921, 921, 921, 921, 921, 921, 921, 316,
+ 207, 316, 921, 921, 921, 921, 921, 921, 921, 921,
+ 921, 921, 921, 921, 921, 921, 358, 207, 1562, 2255,
+ 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 1568, 2255,
+ 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 1562, 1562, 1562, 1562, 1562, 1562,
+ 1562, 1562, 2255, 2255, 2255, 1562, 1562, 1562, 1562, 1562,
+ 1562, 1562, 1562, 1562, 1562, 1562, 1562, 1562, 1562, 1287,
+ 1812, 1813, 1812, 1812, 1287, 1287, 1814, 1287, 1815, 1287,
+ 1287, 1816, 1817, 1815, 1818, 1567, 1819, 1287, 1287, 1287,
+ 1815, 1287, 1814, 1814, 1814, 1814, 1814, 1814, 1814, 1814,
+ 1815, 1287, 1815, 1814, 1814, 1814, 1814, 1814, 1814, 1814,
+ 1814, 1814, 1814, 1814, 1814, 1814, 1814, 1287, 1287, 827,
+ 1153, 1134, 1153, 1153, 827, 827, 1245, 827, 1246, 827,
+ 827, 1289, 1788, 1246, 1249, 1820, 1251, 827, 827, 827,
+ 1246, 827, 1245, 1245, 1245, 1245, 1245, 1245, 1245, 1245,
+ 1246, 827, 1246, 1245, 1245, 1245, 1245, 1245, 1245, 1245,
+ 1245, 1245, 1245, 1245, 1245, 1245, 1245, 827, 827, 1720,
+ 2255, 1721, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 1722, 1722, 1722,
+ 1722, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 1722, 1722,
+ 1722, 1722, 1722, 2255, 1722, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255,
+ 2255, 1722, 415, 1723, 1561, 1723, 1723, 415, 831, 715,
+ 415, 716, 415, 830, 1821, 718, 716, 719, 1822, 721,
+ 831, 415, 415, 716, 415, 1823, 1823, 1823, 1823, 1823,
+ 1823, 1823, 1823, 716, 415, 716, 1823, 1823, 1823, 1823,
+ 1823, 1823, 1823, 1823, 1823, 1823, 1823, 1823, 1823, 1823,
+ 831, 415, 1727, 1828, 1727, 1727, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255,
+ 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 1318, 2255, 2255, 1829, 2255, 2255,
+ 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255,
+ 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255,
+ 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 1830,
+ 649, 1730, 1832, 1730, 1730, 649, 649, 1083, 649, 649,
+ 649, 649, 649, 650, 649, 649, 1833, 649, 649, 649,
+ 649, 649, 649, 1083, 1083, 1083, 1083, 1083, 1083, 1083,
+ 1083, 649, 649, 649, 1083, 1083, 1083, 1083, 1083, 1083,
+ 1083, 1083, 1083, 1083, 1083, 1083, 1083, 1083, 1834, 649,
+ 428, 1731, 1599, 1731, 1731, 428, 428, 751, 428, 428,
+ 428, 428, 428, 429, 428, 428, 1835, 428, 428, 428,
+ 428, 428, 428, 751, 751, 751, 751, 751, 751, 751,
+ 751, 428, 428, 428, 751, 751, 751, 751, 751, 751,
+ 751, 751, 751, 751, 751, 751, 751, 751, 1836, 428,
+ 877, 1095, 1095, 1095, 1095, 877, 877, 1209, 877, 877,
+ 877, 1210, 1210, 878, 877, 877, 1211, 877, 1210, 877,
+ 877, 877, 877, 1209, 1209, 1209, 1209, 1209, 1209, 1209,
+ 1209, 877, 877, 877, 1209, 1209, 1209, 1209, 1209, 1209,
+ 1209, 1209, 1209, 1209, 1209, 1209, 1209, 1209, 1212, 877,
+ 985, 985, 985, 985, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255,
+ 297, 297, 2255, 2255, 2255, 1094, 2255, 297, 2255, 2255,
+ 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255,
+ 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255,
+ 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 301, 1228, 1741,
+ 1749, 1741, 1741, 1228, 1228, 1844, 1228, 1228, 1228, 1741,
+ 1741, 1228, 1228, 1228, 1845, 1846, 1741, 1228, 1228, 1228,
+ 1228, 1844, 1844, 1844, 1844, 1844, 1844, 1844, 1844, 1228,
+ 1228, 1228, 1844, 1844, 1844, 1844, 1844, 1844, 1844, 1844,
+ 1844, 1844, 1844, 1844, 1844, 1844, 1743, 1228, 1847, 2255,
+ 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 1228, 2255,
+ 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 1847, 1847, 1847, 1847, 1847, 1847,
+ 1847, 1847, 2255, 2255, 2255, 1847, 1847, 1847, 1847, 1847,
+ 1847, 1847, 1847, 1847, 1847, 1847, 1847, 1847, 1847, 877,
+ 1210, 1210, 1210, 1210, 877, 877, 1345, 877, 877, 877,
+ 1210, 1210, 878, 877, 877, 1214, 877, 1210, 877, 877,
+ 877, 877, 1345, 1345, 1345, 1345, 1345, 1345, 1345, 1345,
+ 877, 877, 877, 1345, 1345, 1345, 1345, 1345, 1345, 1345,
+ 1345, 1345, 1345, 1345, 1345, 1345, 1345, 1212, 877, 985,
+ 985, 985, 985, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 297,
+ 297, 2255, 2255, 2255, 1094, 2255, 297, 2255, 2255, 2255,
+ 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255,
+ 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255,
+ 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 301, 390, 982, 1089,
+ 982, 982, 390, 390, 1226, 390, 390, 390, 982, 982,
+ 390, 390, 390, 1091, 1227, 982, 390, 390, 390, 390,
+ 1226, 1226, 1226, 1226, 1226, 1226, 1226, 1226, 390, 390,
+ 390, 1226, 1226, 1226, 1226, 1226, 1226, 1226, 1226, 1226,
+ 1226, 1226, 1226, 1226, 1226, 1092, 390, 1350, 1752, 1857,
+ 1752, 1752, 1350, 1350, 1858, 1350, 1350, 1350, 1859, 1859,
+ 1351, 1350, 1350, 1860, 1350, 1859, 1350, 1350, 1350, 1350,
+ 1858, 1858, 1858, 1858, 1858, 1858, 1858, 1858, 1350, 1350,
+ 1350, 1858, 1858, 1858, 1858, 1858, 1858, 1858, 1858, 1858,
+ 1858, 1858, 1858, 1858, 1858, 1861, 1350, 1102, 1485, 1478,
+ 1485, 1485, 1102, 1102, 1755, 1102, 1102, 1102, 1485, 1485,
+ 1103, 1102, 1102, 1623, 1756, 1485, 1102, 1102, 1102, 1102,
+ 1755, 1755, 1755, 1755, 1755, 1755, 1755, 1755, 1102, 1102,
+ 1102, 1755, 1755, 1755, 1755, 1755, 1755, 1755, 1755, 1755,
+ 1755, 1755, 1755, 1755, 1755, 1624, 1102, 875, 1202, 1339,
+ 1202, 1202, 875, 875, 1863, 875, 875, 875, 1202, 1202,
+ 876, 875, 875, 1341, 1864, 1202, 875, 875, 875, 875,
+ 1863, 1863, 1863, 1863, 1863, 1863, 1863, 1863, 875, 875,
+ 875, 1863, 1863, 1863, 1863, 1863, 1863, 1863, 1863, 1863,
+ 1863, 1863, 1863, 1863, 1863, 1342, 875, 302, 1223, 1223,
+ 1223, 1223, 302, 302, 1355, 302, 302, 302, 564, 564,
+ 303, 302, 302, 1356, 302, 564, 302, 302, 302, 302,
+ 1355, 1355, 1355, 1355, 1355, 1355, 1355, 1355, 302, 302,
+ 302, 1355, 1355, 1355, 1355, 1355, 1355, 1355, 1355, 1355,
+ 1355, 1355, 1355, 1355, 1355, 568, 302, 1868, 2255, 2255,
+ 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 1869, 2255, 2255,
+ 2255, 2255, 2255, 1868, 1868, 1868, 1868, 1868, 1868, 1868,
+ 1868, 2255, 2255, 2255, 1868, 1868, 1868, 1868, 1868, 1868,
+ 1868, 1868, 1868, 1868, 1868, 1868, 1868, 1868, 1350, 1769,
+ 1872, 1769, 1769, 1350, 1350, 1873, 1350, 1350, 1350, 1350,
+ 1350, 1351, 1350, 1350, 1874, 1350, 1350, 1350, 1350, 1350,
+ 1350, 1873, 1873, 1873, 1873, 1873, 1873, 1873, 1873, 1350,
+ 1350, 1350, 1873, 1873, 1873, 1873, 1873, 1873, 1873, 1873,
+ 1873, 1873, 1873, 1873, 1873, 1873, 1350, 1350, 1875, 2255,
+ 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 1876, 2255,
+ 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 1875, 1875, 1875, 1875, 1875, 1875,
+ 1875, 1875, 2255, 2255, 2255, 1875, 1875, 1875, 1875, 1875,
+ 1875, 1875, 1875, 1875, 1875, 1875, 1875, 1875, 1875, 1770,
+ 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 1771,
+ 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 1770, 1770, 1770, 1770, 1770,
+ 1770, 1770, 1770, 2255, 2255, 2255, 1770, 1770, 1770, 1770,
+ 1770, 1770, 1770, 1770, 1770, 1770, 1770, 1770, 1770, 1770,
+ 1011, 1643, 1386, 1643, 1643, 1011, 1011, 1644, 1011, 1504,
+ 1011, 1011, 1645, 1507, 1504, 1660, 1646, 1776, 1011, 1011,
+ 1011, 1504, 1011, 1777, 1777, 1777, 1777, 1644, 1644, 1644,
+ 1644, 1504, 1011, 1504, 1777, 1777, 1777, 1777, 1777, 1644,
+ 1777, 1644, 1644, 1644, 1644, 1644, 1644, 1777, 1011, 1011,
+ 1503, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 1508, 2255,
+ 1510, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 1503, 1503, 1503, 1503,
+ 1503, 1503, 1503, 1503, 2255, 2255, 2255, 1503, 1503, 1503,
+ 1503, 1503, 1503, 1503, 1503, 1503, 1503, 1503, 1503, 1503,
+ 1503, 506, 684, 684, 684, 684, 506, 791, 685, 506,
+ 686, 506, 792, 793, 688, 686, 689, 794, 691, 791,
+ 506, 506, 686, 506, 795, 795, 795, 795, 795, 795,
+ 795, 795, 686, 506, 686, 795, 795, 795, 795, 795,
+ 795, 795, 795, 795, 795, 795, 795, 795, 795, 791,
+ 506, 1508, 2255, 1647, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 1644,
+ 1644, 1644, 1644, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255,
+ 1644, 1644, 1644, 1644, 1644, 2255, 1644, 2255, 2255, 2255,
+ 2255, 2255, 2255, 1644, 1011, 1505, 1516, 1505, 1505, 1011,
+ 1502, 1011, 1011, 1011, 1011, 1505, 1505, 1012, 1011, 1011,
+ 1648, 1011, 1502, 1011, 1011, 1011, 1011, 1502, 1502, 1502,
+ 1502, 1502, 1502, 1502, 1502, 1011, 1011, 1011, 1502, 1502,
+ 1502, 1502, 1502, 1502, 1502, 1502, 1502, 1502, 1502, 1502,
+ 1502, 1502, 1502, 1011, 1240, 1780, 1781, 1780, 1780, 1240,
+ 1240, 1782, 1240, 1783, 1240, 1240, 1784, 1785, 1783, 1786,
+ 1888, 1787, 1240, 1240, 1240, 1783, 1240, 1782, 1782, 1782,
+ 1782, 1782, 1782, 1782, 1782, 1783, 1240, 1783, 1782, 1782,
+ 1782, 1782, 1782, 1782, 1782, 1782, 1782, 1782, 1782, 1782,
+ 1782, 1782, 1240, 1240, 1660, 2255, 1661, 2255, 2255, 2255,
+ 2255, 2255, 1662, 1662, 1662, 1662, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255,
+ 2255, 2255, 2255, 1662, 1662, 1662, 1662, 1662, 2255, 1662,
+ 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 1662, 1041, 1418, 1561,
+ 1418, 1418, 1041, 1041, 1562, 1041, 1563, 1041, 1041, 1564,
+ 1565, 1563, 1566, 1567, 1568, 1041, 1041, 1041, 1563, 1041,
+ 1562, 1562, 1562, 1562, 1562, 1562, 1562, 1562, 1563, 1041,
+ 1563, 1562, 1562, 1562, 1562, 1562, 1562, 1562, 1562, 1562,
+ 1562, 1562, 1562, 1562, 1562, 1041, 1041, 1014, 1400, 684,
+ 1400, 1400, 1014, 1014, 1663, 1014, 1519, 1014, 1014, 1546,
+ 1522, 1519, 1677, 1547, 1790, 1014, 1014, 1014, 1519, 1014,
+ 1791, 1791, 1791, 1791, 1663, 1663, 1663, 1663, 1519, 1014,
+ 1519, 1791, 1791, 1791, 1791, 1791, 1663, 1791, 1663, 1663,
+ 1663, 1663, 1663, 1663, 1791, 1014, 1014, 1518, 2255, 2255,
+ 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 1523, 2255, 1525, 2255, 2255,
+ 2255, 2255, 2255, 1518, 1518, 1518, 1518, 1518, 1518, 1518,
+ 1518, 2255, 2255, 2255, 1518, 1518, 1518, 1518, 1518, 1518,
+ 1518, 1518, 1518, 1518, 1518, 1518, 1518, 1518, 1523, 2255,
+ 1664, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 1663, 1663, 1663, 1663,
+ 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 1663, 1663, 1663,
+ 1663, 1663, 2255, 1663, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255,
+ 1663, 1014, 1520, 1665, 1520, 1520, 1014, 1517, 1014, 1014,
+ 1014, 1014, 1520, 1520, 1015, 1014, 1014, 1666, 1014, 1517,
+ 1014, 1014, 1014, 1014, 1517, 1517, 1517, 1517, 1517, 1517,
+ 1517, 1517, 1014, 1014, 1014, 1517, 1517, 1517, 1517, 1517,
+ 1517, 1517, 1517, 1517, 1517, 1517, 1517, 1517, 1517, 1517,
+ 1014, 1255, 1794, 1241, 1794, 1794, 1255, 1255, 1795, 1255,
+ 1796, 1255, 1255, 1797, 1798, 1796, 1799, 1890, 1800, 1255,
+ 1255, 1255, 1796, 1255, 1795, 1795, 1795, 1795, 1795, 1795,
+ 1795, 1795, 1796, 1255, 1796, 1795, 1795, 1795, 1795, 1795,
+ 1795, 1795, 1795, 1795, 1795, 1795, 1795, 1795, 1795, 1255,
+ 1255, 1677, 2255, 1678, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 1679,
+ 1679, 1679, 1679, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255,
+ 1679, 1679, 1679, 1679, 1679, 2255, 1679, 2255, 2255, 2255,
+ 2255, 2255, 2255, 1679, 704, 1802, 1891, 1802, 1802, 704,
+ 1140, 1158, 704, 1159, 704, 1024, 1892, 1161, 1159, 1162,
+ 1893, 1164, 1140, 704, 704, 1159, 704, 1894, 1894, 1894,
+ 1894, 1894, 1894, 1894, 1894, 1159, 704, 1159, 1894, 1894,
+ 1894, 1894, 1894, 1894, 1894, 1894, 1894, 1894, 1894, 1894,
+ 1894, 1894, 1140, 704, 914, 1271, 1386, 1271, 1271, 914,
+ 1387, 1388, 914, 1389, 914, 1390, 1391, 1895, 1389, 1393,
+ 1896, 1395, 1387, 914, 914, 1389, 914, 1396, 1396, 1396,
+ 1396, 1396, 1396, 1396, 1396, 1389, 914, 1389, 1396, 1396,
+ 1396, 1396, 1396, 1396, 1396, 1396, 1396, 1396, 1396, 1396,
+ 1396, 1396, 1387, 914, 451, 1806, 1708, 1806, 1806, 451,
+ 926, 818, 451, 819, 451, 924, 1897, 821, 819, 822,
+ 1898, 824, 926, 451, 451, 819, 451, 1899, 1899, 1899,
+ 1899, 1899, 1899, 1899, 1899, 819, 451, 819, 1899, 1899,
+ 1899, 1899, 1899, 1899, 1899, 1899, 1899, 1899, 1899, 1899,
+ 1899, 1899, 926, 451, 1705, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255,
+ 2255, 2255, 1720, 2255, 1808, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255,
+ 1809, 1809, 1809, 1809, 1705, 1705, 1705, 1705, 2255, 2255,
+ 2255, 1809, 1809, 1809, 1809, 1809, 1705, 1809, 1705, 1705,
+ 1705, 1705, 1705, 1705, 1809, 207, 817, 817, 817, 817,
+ 207, 358, 315, 207, 316, 207, 357, 919, 318, 316,
+ 319, 920, 321, 358, 207, 207, 316, 207, 921, 921,
+ 921, 921, 921, 921, 921, 921, 316, 207, 316, 921,
+ 921, 921, 921, 921, 921, 921, 921, 921, 921, 921,
+ 921, 921, 921, 358, 207, 1566, 2255, 1706, 2255, 2255,
+ 2255, 2255, 2255, 1705, 1705, 1705, 1705, 2255, 2255, 2255,
+ 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 1705, 1705, 1705, 1705, 1705, 2255,
+ 1705, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 1705, 1041, 1707,
+ 1708, 1707, 1707, 1041, 1709, 1041, 1041, 1041, 1041, 1707,
+ 1707, 1042, 1041, 1041, 1710, 1041, 1709, 1041, 1041, 1041,
+ 1041, 1709, 1709, 1709, 1709, 1709, 1709, 1709, 1709, 1041,
+ 1041, 1041, 1709, 1709, 1709, 1709, 1709, 1709, 1709, 1709,
+ 1709, 1709, 1709, 1709, 1709, 1709, 1709, 1041, 1287, 1812,
+ 1813, 1812, 1812, 1287, 1287, 1814, 1287, 1815, 1287, 1287,
+ 1816, 1817, 1815, 1818, 1904, 1819, 1287, 1287, 1287, 1815,
+ 1287, 1814, 1814, 1814, 1814, 1814, 1814, 1814, 1814, 1815,
+ 1287, 1815, 1814, 1814, 1814, 1814, 1814, 1814, 1814, 1814,
+ 1814, 1814, 1814, 1814, 1814, 1814, 1287, 1287, 1720, 2255,
+ 1721, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 1722, 1722, 1722, 1722,
+ 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 1722, 1722, 1722,
+ 1722, 1722, 2255, 1722, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255,
+ 1722, 415, 830, 817, 830, 830, 415, 831, 415, 415,
+ 415, 415, 830, 830, 416, 415, 415, 832, 415, 831,
+ 415, 415, 415, 415, 831, 831, 831, 831, 831, 831,
+ 831, 831, 415, 415, 415, 831, 831, 831, 831, 831,
+ 831, 831, 831, 831, 831, 831, 831, 831, 831, 831,
+ 415, 415, 622, 714, 622, 622, 415, 415, 828, 415,
+ 716, 415, 415, 717, 718, 716, 719, 720, 829, 415,
+ 415, 415, 716, 415, 828, 828, 828, 828, 828, 828,
+ 828, 828, 716, 415, 716, 828, 828, 828, 828, 828,
+ 828, 828, 828, 828, 828, 828, 828, 828, 828, 415,
+ 415, 468, 643, 643, 643, 643, 468, 468, 644, 468,
+ 468, 468, 468, 468, 469, 468, 468, 737, 468, 468,
+ 468, 468, 468, 468, 644, 644, 644, 644, 644, 644,
+ 644, 644, 468, 468, 468, 644, 644, 644, 644, 644,
+ 644, 644, 644, 644, 644, 644, 644, 644, 644, 738,
+ 468, 1317, 1827, 1905, 1827, 1827, 1317, 1317, 1906, 1317,
+ 1317, 1317, 1317, 1317, 1318, 1317, 1317, 1907, 1317, 1317,
+ 1317, 1317, 1317, 1317, 1906, 1906, 1906, 1906, 1906, 1906,
+ 1906, 1906, 1317, 1317, 1317, 1906, 1906, 1906, 1906, 1906,
+ 1906, 1906, 1906, 1906, 1906, 1906, 1906, 1906, 1906, 1908,
+ 1317, 242, 961, 961, 961, 961, 242, 242, 472, 242,
+ 242, 242, 242, 242, 243, 242, 242, 1054, 242, 242,
+ 242, 242, 242, 242, 472, 472, 472, 472, 472, 472,
+ 472, 472, 242, 242, 242, 472, 472, 472, 472, 472,
+ 472, 472, 472, 472, 472, 472, 472, 472, 472, 1055,
+ 242, 466, 1831, 1828, 1831, 1831, 466, 466, 1190, 466,
+ 466, 466, 466, 466, 467, 466, 466, 1911, 466, 466,
+ 466, 466, 466, 466, 1190, 1190, 1190, 1190, 1190, 1190,
+ 1190, 1190, 466, 466, 466, 1190, 1190, 1190, 1190, 1190,
+ 1190, 1190, 1190, 1190, 1190, 1190, 1190, 1190, 1190, 1912,
+ 466, 1476, 1843, 1925, 1843, 1843, 1476, 1476, 1926, 1476,
+ 1476, 1476, 1927, 1927, 1477, 1476, 1476, 1928, 1476, 1927,
+ 1476, 1476, 1476, 1476, 1926, 1926, 1926, 1926, 1926, 1926,
+ 1926, 1926, 1476, 1476, 1476, 1926, 1926, 1926, 1926, 1926,
+ 1926, 1926, 1926, 1926, 1926, 1926, 1926, 1926, 1926, 1929,
+ 1476, 1228, 1741, 1749, 1741, 1741, 1228, 1228, 1844, 1228,
+ 1228, 1228, 1741, 1741, 1228, 1228, 1228, 1845, 1846, 1741,
+ 1228, 1228, 1228, 1228, 1844, 1844, 1844, 1844, 1844, 1844,
+ 1844, 1844, 1228, 1228, 1228, 1844, 1844, 1844, 1844, 1844,
+ 1844, 1844, 1844, 1844, 1844, 1844, 1844, 1844, 1844, 1743,
+ 1228, 1932, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255,
+ 2255, 1933, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 1932, 1932, 1932,
+ 1932, 1932, 1932, 1932, 1932, 2255, 2255, 2255, 1932, 1932,
+ 1932, 1932, 1932, 1932, 1932, 1932, 1932, 1932, 1932, 1932,
+ 1932, 1932, 1479, 1854, 1937, 1854, 1854, 1479, 1479, 1938,
+ 1479, 1479, 1479, 1939, 1939, 1480, 1479, 1479, 1940, 1479,
+ 1939, 1479, 1479, 1479, 1479, 1938, 1938, 1938, 1938, 1938,
+ 1938, 1938, 1938, 1479, 1479, 1479, 1938, 1938, 1938, 1938,
+ 1938, 1938, 1938, 1938, 1938, 1938, 1938, 1938, 1938, 1938,
+ 1941, 1479, 877, 1095, 1095, 1095, 1095, 877, 877, 1209,
+ 877, 877, 877, 1210, 1210, 878, 877, 877, 1211, 877,
+ 1210, 877, 877, 877, 877, 1209, 1209, 1209, 1209, 1209,
+ 1209, 1209, 1209, 877, 877, 877, 1209, 1209, 1209, 1209,
+ 1209, 1209, 1209, 1209, 1209, 1209, 1209, 1209, 1209, 1209,
+ 1212, 877, 1350, 1859, 1095, 1859, 1859, 1350, 1350, 1942,
+ 1350, 1350, 1350, 1859, 1859, 1351, 1350, 1350, 1943, 1944,
+ 1859, 1350, 1350, 1350, 1350, 1942, 1942, 1942, 1942, 1942,
+ 1942, 1942, 1942, 1350, 1350, 1350, 1942, 1942, 1942, 1942,
+ 1942, 1942, 1942, 1942, 1942, 1942, 1942, 1942, 1942, 1942,
+ 1861, 1350, 1945, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255,
+ 2255, 2255, 1350, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 1945, 1945,
+ 1945, 1945, 1945, 1945, 1945, 1945, 2255, 2255, 2255, 1945,
+ 1945, 1945, 1945, 1945, 1945, 1945, 1945, 1945, 1945, 1945,
+ 1945, 1945, 1945, 1479, 1862, 1095, 1862, 1862, 1479, 1479,
+ 1948, 1479, 1479, 1479, 1479, 1479, 1480, 1479, 1479, 1949,
+ 1479, 1479, 1479, 1479, 1479, 1479, 1948, 1948, 1948, 1948,
+ 1948, 1948, 1948, 1948, 1479, 1479, 1479, 1948, 1948, 1948,
+ 1948, 1948, 1948, 1948, 1948, 1948, 1948, 1948, 1948, 1948,
+ 1948, 1479, 1479, 875, 1202, 1339, 1202, 1202, 875, 875,
+ 1950, 875, 875, 875, 1202, 1202, 876, 875, 875, 1341,
+ 1951, 1202, 875, 875, 875, 875, 1950, 1950, 1950, 1950,
+ 1950, 1950, 1950, 1950, 875, 875, 875, 1950, 1950, 1950,
+ 1950, 1950, 1950, 1950, 1950, 1950, 1950, 1950, 1950, 1950,
+ 1950, 1342, 875, 1863, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255,
+ 2255, 2255, 2255, 1864, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 1863,
+ 1863, 1863, 1863, 1863, 1863, 1863, 1863, 2255, 2255, 2255,
+ 1863, 1863, 1863, 1863, 1863, 1863, 1863, 1863, 1863, 1863,
+ 1863, 1863, 1863, 1863, 1493, 1867, 1955, 1867, 1867, 1493,
+ 1493, 1956, 1493, 1493, 1493, 1493, 1493, 1494, 1493, 1493,
+ 1957, 1493, 1493, 1493, 1493, 1493, 1493, 1956, 1956, 1956,
+ 1956, 1956, 1956, 1956, 1956, 1493, 1493, 1493, 1956, 1956,
+ 1956, 1956, 1956, 1956, 1956, 1956, 1956, 1956, 1956, 1956,
+ 1956, 1956, 1493, 1493, 1868, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255,
+ 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 1869, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255,
+ 1868, 1868, 1868, 1868, 1868, 1868, 1868, 1868, 2255, 2255,
+ 2255, 1868, 1868, 1868, 1868, 1868, 1868, 1868, 1868, 1868,
+ 1868, 1868, 1868, 1868, 1868, 877, 988, 988, 988, 988,
+ 877, 877, 1096, 877, 877, 877, 877, 877, 878, 877,
+ 877, 1097, 877, 877, 877, 877, 877, 877, 1096, 1096,
+ 1096, 1096, 1096, 1096, 1096, 1096, 877, 877, 877, 1096,
+ 1096, 1096, 1096, 1096, 1096, 1096, 1096, 1096, 1096, 1096,
+ 1096, 1096, 1096, 877, 877, 1958, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255,
+ 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 1959, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255,
+ 2255, 1958, 1958, 1958, 1958, 1958, 1958, 1958, 1958, 2255,
+ 2255, 2255, 1958, 1958, 1958, 1958, 1958, 1958, 1958, 1958,
+ 1958, 1958, 1958, 1958, 1958, 1958, 1102, 1485, 1478, 1485,
+ 1485, 1102, 1102, 1875, 1102, 1102, 1102, 1485, 1485, 1103,
+ 1102, 1102, 1623, 1876, 1485, 1102, 1102, 1102, 1102, 1875,
+ 1875, 1875, 1875, 1875, 1875, 1875, 1875, 1102, 1102, 1102,
+ 1875, 1875, 1875, 1875, 1875, 1875, 1875, 1875, 1875, 1875,
+ 1875, 1875, 1875, 1875, 1624, 1102, 506, 684, 684, 684,
+ 684, 506, 791, 685, 506, 686, 506, 792, 793, 688,
+ 686, 689, 794, 691, 791, 506, 506, 686, 506, 795,
+ 795, 795, 795, 795, 795, 795, 795, 686, 506, 686,
+ 795, 795, 795, 795, 795, 795, 795, 795, 795, 795,
+ 795, 795, 795, 795, 791, 506, 1041, 1883, 1965, 1883,
+ 1883, 1041, 1709, 1562, 1041, 1563, 1041, 1707, 1966, 1565,
+ 1563, 1566, 1967, 1568, 1709, 1041, 1041, 1563, 1041, 1968,
+ 1968, 1968, 1968, 1968, 1968, 1968, 1968, 1563, 1041, 1563,
+ 1968, 1968, 1968, 1968, 1968, 1968, 1968, 1968, 1968, 1968,
+ 1968, 1968, 1968, 1968, 1709, 1041, 1138, 1887, 1969, 1887,
+ 1887, 1138, 1697, 1970, 1138, 1971, 1138, 1545, 1972, 1973,
+ 1971, 1974, 1975, 1976, 1697, 1138, 1138, 1971, 1138, 1977,
+ 1977, 1977, 1977, 1977, 1977, 1977, 1977, 1971, 1138, 1971,
+ 1977, 1977, 1977, 1977, 1977, 1977, 1977, 1977, 1977, 1977,
+ 1977, 1977, 1977, 1977, 1697, 1138, 1011, 1370, 1501, 1370,
+ 1370, 1011, 1502, 1503, 1011, 1504, 1011, 1505, 1506, 1978,
+ 1504, 1508, 1979, 1510, 1502, 1011, 1011, 1504, 1011, 1511,
+ 1511, 1511, 1511, 1511, 1511, 1511, 1511, 1504, 1011, 1504,
+ 1511, 1511, 1511, 1511, 1511, 1511, 1511, 1511, 1511, 1511,
+ 1511, 1511, 1511, 1511, 1502, 1011, 446, 1889, 1696, 1889,
+ 1889, 446, 787, 1278, 446, 1279, 446, 678, 1980, 1281,
+ 1279, 1282, 1981, 1284, 787, 446, 446, 1279, 446, 1982,
+ 1982, 1982, 1982, 1982, 1982, 1982, 1982, 1279, 446, 1279,
+ 1982, 1982, 1982, 1982, 1982, 1982, 1982, 1982, 1982, 1982,
+ 1982, 1982, 1982, 1982, 787, 446, 1014, 1381, 1516, 1381,
+ 1381, 1014, 1517, 1518, 1014, 1519, 1014, 1520, 1521, 1983,
+ 1519, 1523, 1984, 1525, 1517, 1014, 1014, 1519, 1014, 1526,
+ 1526, 1526, 1526, 1526, 1526, 1526, 1526, 1519, 1014, 1519,
+ 1526, 1526, 1526, 1526, 1526, 1526, 1526, 1526, 1526, 1526,
+ 1526, 1526, 1526, 1526, 1517, 1014, 235, 1013, 1013, 1013,
+ 1013, 235, 353, 510, 235, 511, 235, 314, 1123, 513,
+ 511, 514, 1124, 516, 353, 235, 235, 511, 235, 1125,
+ 1125, 1125, 1125, 1125, 1125, 1125, 1125, 511, 235, 511,
+ 1125, 1125, 1125, 1125, 1125, 1125, 1125, 1125, 1125, 1125,
+ 1125, 1125, 1125, 1125, 353, 235, 704, 1024, 1013, 1024,
+ 1024, 704, 1140, 704, 704, 704, 704, 1024, 1024, 705,
+ 704, 704, 1141, 704, 1140, 704, 704, 704, 704, 1140,
+ 1140, 1140, 1140, 1140, 1140, 1140, 1140, 704, 704, 704,
+ 1140, 1140, 1140, 1140, 1140, 1140, 1140, 1140, 1140, 1140,
+ 1140, 1140, 1140, 1140, 1140, 704, 704, 1046, 1157, 1046,
+ 1046, 704, 704, 1292, 704, 1159, 704, 704, 1160, 1161,
+ 1159, 1162, 1163, 1293, 704, 704, 704, 1159, 704, 1292,
+ 1292, 1292, 1292, 1292, 1292, 1292, 1292, 1159, 704, 1159,
+ 1292, 1292, 1292, 1292, 1292, 1292, 1292, 1292, 1292, 1292,
+ 1292, 1292, 1292, 1292, 704, 704, 1154, 1987, 1988, 1987,
+ 1987, 1154, 1154, 1989, 1154, 1990, 1154, 1154, 1991, 1992,
+ 1990, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1154, 1154, 1154, 1990, 1154, 1989,
+ 1989, 1989, 1989, 1989, 1989, 1989, 1989, 1990, 1154, 1990,
+ 1989, 1989, 1989, 1989, 1989, 1989, 1989, 1989, 1989, 1989,
+ 1989, 1989, 1989, 1989, 1154, 1154, 451, 924, 925, 924,
+ 924, 451, 926, 451, 451, 451, 451, 924, 924, 452,
+ 451, 451, 927, 451, 926, 451, 451, 451, 451, 926,
+ 926, 926, 926, 926, 926, 926, 926, 451, 451, 451,
+ 926, 926, 926, 926, 926, 926, 926, 926, 926, 926,
+ 926, 926, 926, 926, 926, 451, 451, 706, 817, 706,
+ 706, 451, 451, 922, 451, 819, 451, 451, 820, 821,
+ 819, 822, 823, 923, 451, 451, 451, 819, 451, 922,
+ 922, 922, 922, 922, 922, 922, 922, 819, 451, 819,
+ 922, 922, 922, 922, 922, 922, 922, 922, 922, 922,
+ 922, 922, 922, 922, 451, 451, 1138, 1903, 1891, 1903,
+ 1903, 1138, 1138, 1970, 1138, 1971, 1138, 1138, 1998, 1973,
+ 1971, 1974, 1999, 1976, 1138, 1138, 1138, 1971, 1138, 1970,
+ 1970, 1970, 1970, 1970, 1970, 1970, 1970, 1971, 1138, 1971,
+ 1970, 1970, 1970, 1970, 1970, 1970, 1970, 1970, 1970, 1970,
+ 1970, 1970, 1970, 1970, 1138, 1138, 1041, 1418, 1561, 1418,
+ 1418, 1041, 1041, 1562, 1041, 1563, 1041, 1041, 1564, 2000,
+ 1563, 1566, 2001, 1568, 1041, 1041, 1041, 1563, 1041, 1562,
+ 1562, 1562, 1562, 1562, 1562, 1562, 1562, 1563, 1041, 1563,
+ 1562, 1562, 1562, 1562, 1562, 1562, 1562, 1562, 1562, 1562,
+ 1562, 1562, 1562, 1562, 1041, 1041, 242, 961, 961, 961,
+ 961, 242, 242, 472, 242, 242, 242, 242, 242, 243,
+ 242, 242, 1054, 242, 242, 242, 242, 242, 242, 472,
+ 472, 472, 472, 472, 472, 472, 472, 242, 242, 242,
+ 472, 472, 472, 472, 472, 472, 472, 472, 472, 472,
+ 472, 472, 472, 472, 1055, 242, 1317, 1727, 1828, 1727,
+ 1727, 1317, 1317, 2002, 1317, 1317, 1317, 1317, 1317, 1318,
+ 1317, 1317, 1829, 2002, 1317, 1317, 1317, 1317, 1317, 2002,
+ 2002, 2002, 2002, 2002, 2002, 2002, 2002, 1317, 1317, 1317,
+ 2002, 2002, 2002, 2002, 2002, 2002, 2002, 2002, 2002, 2002,
+ 2002, 2002, 2002, 2002, 1830, 1317, 468, 643, 643, 643,
+ 643, 468, 468, 644, 468, 468, 468, 468, 468, 469,
+ 468, 468, 737, 468, 468, 468, 468, 468, 468, 644,
+ 644, 644, 644, 644, 644, 644, 644, 468, 468, 468,
+ 644, 644, 644, 644, 644, 644, 644, 644, 644, 644,
+ 644, 644, 644, 644, 738, 468, 877, 1095, 1095, 1095,
+ 1095, 877, 877, 1209, 877, 877, 877, 1210, 1210, 878,
+ 877, 877, 1211, 877, 1210, 877, 877, 877, 877, 1209,
+ 1209, 1209, 1209, 1209, 1209, 1209, 1209, 877, 877, 877,
+ 1209, 1209, 1209, 1209, 1209, 1209, 1209, 1209, 1209, 1209,
+ 1209, 1209, 1209, 1209, 1212, 877, 1476, 1927, 1937, 1927,
+ 1927, 1476, 1476, 2016, 1476, 1476, 1476, 1927, 1927, 1477,
+ 1476, 1476, 2017, 2018, 1927, 1476, 1476, 1476, 1476, 2016,
+ 2016, 2016, 2016, 2016, 2016, 2016, 2016, 1476, 1476, 1476,
+ 2016, 2016, 2016, 2016, 2016, 2016, 2016, 2016, 2016, 2016,
+ 2016, 2016, 2016, 2016, 1929, 1476, 2019, 2255, 2255, 2255,
+ 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 1476, 2255, 2255, 2255,
+ 2255, 2255, 2019, 2019, 2019, 2019, 2019, 2019, 2019, 2019,
+ 2255, 2255, 2255, 2019, 2019, 2019, 2019, 2019, 2019, 2019,
+ 2019, 2019, 2019, 2019, 2019, 2019, 2019, 1228, 1741, 1749,
+ 1741, 1741, 1228, 1228, 1932, 1228, 1228, 1228, 1741, 1741,
+ 1228, 1228, 1228, 1845, 1933, 1741, 1228, 1228, 1228, 1228,
+ 1932, 1932, 1932, 1932, 1932, 1932, 1932, 1932, 1228, 1228,
+ 1228, 1932, 1932, 1932, 1932, 1932, 1932, 1932, 1932, 1932,
+ 1932, 1932, 1932, 1932, 1932, 1743, 1228, 388, 1478, 1478,
+ 1478, 1478, 388, 388, 1610, 388, 388, 388, 563, 563,
+ 389, 388, 388, 1611, 388, 563, 388, 388, 388, 388,
+ 1610, 1610, 1610, 1610, 1610, 1610, 1610, 1610, 388, 388,
+ 388, 1610, 1610, 1610, 1610, 1610, 1610, 1610, 1610, 1610,
+ 1610, 1610, 1610, 1610, 1610, 663, 388, 1479, 1939, 2025,
+ 1939, 1939, 1479, 1479, 2026, 1479, 1479, 1479, 1939, 1939,
+ 1480, 1479, 1479, 2027, 2028, 1939, 1479, 1479, 1479, 1479,
+ 2026, 2026, 2026, 2026, 2026, 2026, 2026, 2026, 1479, 1479,
+ 1479, 2026, 2026, 2026, 2026, 2026, 2026, 2026, 2026, 2026,
+ 2026, 2026, 2026, 2026, 2026, 1941, 1479, 2029, 2255, 2255,
+ 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 1479, 2255, 2255,
+ 2255, 2255, 2255, 2029, 2029, 2029, 2029, 2029, 2029, 2029,
+ 2029, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2029, 2029, 2029, 2029, 2029, 2029,
+ 2029, 2029, 2029, 2029, 2029, 2029, 2029, 2029, 1350, 1859,
+ 1095, 1859, 1859, 1350, 1350, 1942, 1350, 1350, 1350, 1859,
+ 1859, 1351, 1350, 1350, 1943, 1944, 1859, 1350, 1350, 1350,
+ 1350, 1942, 1942, 1942, 1942, 1942, 1942, 1942, 1942, 1350,
+ 1350, 1350, 1942, 1942, 1942, 1942, 1942, 1942, 1942, 1942,
+ 1942, 1942, 1942, 1942, 1942, 1942, 1861, 1350, 2034, 2255,
+ 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2035, 2255,
+ 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2034, 2034, 2034, 2034, 2034, 2034,
+ 2034, 2034, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2034, 2034, 2034, 2034, 2034,
+ 2034, 2034, 2034, 2034, 2034, 2034, 2034, 2034, 2034, 2036,
+ 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2037,
+ 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2036, 2036, 2036, 2036, 2036,
+ 2036, 2036, 2036, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2036, 2036, 2036, 2036,
+ 2036, 2036, 2036, 2036, 2036, 2036, 2036, 2036, 2036, 2036,
+ 875, 1202, 1339, 1202, 1202, 875, 875, 1950, 875, 875,
+ 875, 1202, 1202, 876, 875, 875, 1341, 1951, 1202, 875,
+ 875, 875, 875, 1950, 1950, 1950, 1950, 1950, 1950, 1950,
+ 1950, 875, 875, 875, 1950, 1950, 1950, 1950, 1950, 1950,
+ 1950, 1950, 1950, 1950, 1950, 1950, 1950, 1950, 1342, 875,
+ 877, 1210, 1210, 1210, 1210, 877, 877, 1345, 877, 877,
+ 877, 1210, 1210, 878, 877, 877, 1214, 877, 1210, 877,
+ 877, 877, 877, 1345, 1345, 1345, 1345, 1345, 1345, 1345,
+ 1345, 877, 877, 877, 1345, 1345, 1345, 1345, 1345, 1345,
+ 1345, 1345, 1345, 1345, 1345, 1345, 1345, 1345, 1212, 877,
+ 302, 1223, 1223, 1223, 1223, 302, 302, 1355, 302, 302,
+ 302, 564, 564, 303, 302, 302, 1356, 302, 564, 302,
+ 302, 302, 302, 1355, 1355, 1355, 1355, 1355, 1355, 1355,
+ 1355, 302, 302, 302, 1355, 1355, 1355, 1355, 1355, 1355,
+ 1355, 1355, 1355, 1355, 1355, 1355, 1355, 1355, 568, 302,
+ 1493, 2043, 2044, 2043, 2043, 1493, 1493, 2045, 1493, 1493,
+ 1493, 2043, 2043, 1494, 1493, 1493, 2046, 2047, 2043, 1493,
+ 1493, 1493, 1493, 2045, 2045, 2045, 2045, 2045, 2045, 2045,
+ 2045, 1493, 1493, 1493, 2045, 2045, 2045, 2045, 2045, 2045,
+ 2045, 2045, 2045, 2045, 2045, 2045, 2045, 2045, 2048, 1493,
+ 1958, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255,
+ 1959, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 1958, 1958, 1958, 1958,
+ 1958, 1958, 1958, 1958, 2255, 2255, 2255, 1958, 1958, 1958,
+ 1958, 1958, 1958, 1958, 1958, 1958, 1958, 1958, 1958, 1958,
+ 1958, 877, 988, 988, 988, 988, 877, 877, 1096, 877,
+ 877, 877, 877, 877, 878, 877, 877, 1097, 877, 877,
+ 877, 877, 877, 877, 1096, 1096, 1096, 1096, 1096, 1096,
+ 1096, 1096, 877, 877, 877, 1096, 1096, 1096, 1096, 1096,
+ 1096, 1096, 1096, 1096, 1096, 1096, 1096, 1096, 1096, 877,
+ 877, 207, 817, 817, 817, 817, 207, 358, 315, 207,
+ 316, 207, 357, 919, 318, 316, 319, 920, 321, 358,
+ 207, 207, 316, 207, 921, 921, 921, 921, 921, 921,
+ 921, 921, 316, 207, 316, 921, 921, 921, 921, 921,
+ 921, 921, 921, 921, 921, 921, 921, 921, 921, 358,
+ 207, 1041, 1707, 1708, 1707, 1707, 1041, 1709, 1041, 1041,
+ 1041, 1041, 1707, 1707, 1042, 1041, 1041, 1710, 1041, 1709,
+ 1041, 1041, 1041, 1041, 1709, 1709, 1709, 1709, 1709, 1709,
+ 1709, 1709, 1041, 1041, 1041, 1709, 1709, 1709, 1709, 1709,
+ 1709, 1709, 1709, 1709, 1709, 1709, 1709, 1709, 1709, 1709,
+ 1041, 1041, 1418, 1561, 1418, 1418, 1041, 1041, 1705, 1041,
+ 1563, 1041, 1041, 1564, 1565, 1563, 1566, 1567, 1706, 1041,
+ 1041, 1041, 1563, 1041, 1705, 1705, 1705, 1705, 1705, 1705,
+ 1705, 1705, 1563, 1041, 1563, 1705, 1705, 1705, 1705, 1705,
+ 1705, 1705, 1705, 1705, 1705, 1705, 1705, 1705, 1705, 1041,
+ 1041, 235, 1013, 1013, 1013, 1013, 235, 353, 510, 235,
+ 511, 235, 314, 1123, 513, 511, 514, 1124, 516, 353,
+ 235, 235, 511, 235, 1125, 1125, 1125, 1125, 1125, 1125,
+ 1125, 1125, 511, 235, 511, 1125, 1125, 1125, 1125, 1125,
+ 1125, 1125, 1125, 1125, 1125, 1125, 1125, 1125, 1125, 353,
+ 235, 1138, 1903, 1891, 1903, 1903, 1138, 1138, 2054, 1138,
+ 1971, 1138, 1138, 1998, 1973, 1971, 1974, 1999, 2055, 1138,
+ 1138, 1138, 1971, 1138, 2054, 2054, 2054, 2054, 2054, 2054,
+ 2054, 2054, 1971, 1138, 1971, 2054, 2054, 2054, 2054, 2054,
+ 2054, 2054, 2054, 2054, 2054, 2054, 2054, 2054, 2054, 1138,
+ 1138, 1970, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255,
+ 2255, 1976, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 1970, 1970, 1970,
+ 1970, 1970, 1970, 1970, 1970, 2255, 2255, 2255, 1970, 1970,
+ 1970, 1970, 1970, 1970, 1970, 1970, 1970, 1970, 1970, 1970,
+ 1970, 1970, 1138, 1545, 1696, 1545, 1545, 1138, 1697, 1138,
+ 1138, 1138, 1138, 1545, 1545, 1139, 1138, 1138, 1698, 1138,
+ 1697, 1138, 1138, 1138, 1138, 1697, 1697, 1697, 1697, 1697,
+ 1697, 1697, 1697, 1138, 1138, 1138, 1697, 1697, 1697, 1697,
+ 1697, 1697, 1697, 1697, 1697, 1697, 1697, 1697, 1697, 1697,
+ 1697, 1138, 1272, 2056, 2057, 2056, 2056, 1272, 1272, 2058,
+ 1272, 2059, 1272, 1272, 2060, 2061, 2059, 2062, 2063, 2064,
+ 1272, 1272, 1272, 2059, 1272, 2058, 2058, 2058, 2058, 2058,
+ 2058, 2058, 2058, 2059, 1272, 2059, 2058, 2058, 2058, 2058,
+ 2058, 2058, 2058, 2058, 2058, 2058, 2058, 2058, 2058, 2058,
+ 1272, 1272, 2067, 2255, 2068, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255,
+ 2069, 2069, 2069, 2069, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255,
+ 2255, 2069, 2069, 2069, 2069, 2069, 2255, 2069, 2255, 2255,
+ 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2069, 1880, 2070, 2071, 2070, 2070,
+ 1880, 1880, 2072, 1880, 2073, 1880, 1880, 2074, 2075, 2073,
+ 2076, 2077, 2078, 1880, 1880, 1880, 2073, 1880, 2072, 2072,
+ 2072, 2072, 2072, 2072, 2072, 2072, 2073, 1880, 2073, 2072,
+ 2072, 2072, 2072, 2072, 2072, 2072, 2072, 2072, 2072, 2072,
+ 2072, 2072, 2072, 1880, 1880, 446, 678, 786, 678, 678,
+ 446, 787, 446, 446, 446, 446, 678, 678, 447, 446,
+ 446, 788, 446, 787, 446, 446, 446, 446, 787, 787,
+ 787, 787, 787, 787, 787, 787, 446, 446, 446, 787,
+ 787, 787, 787, 787, 787, 787, 787, 787, 787, 787,
+ 787, 787, 787, 787, 446, 446, 1147, 1013, 1147, 1147,
+ 446, 446, 1401, 446, 1279, 446, 446, 1280, 1281, 1279,
+ 1282, 1283, 1402, 446, 446, 446, 1279, 446, 1401, 1401,
+ 1401, 1401, 1401, 1401, 1401, 1401, 1279, 446, 1279, 1401,
+ 1401, 1401, 1401, 1401, 1401, 1401, 1401, 1401, 1401, 1401,
+ 1401, 1401, 1401, 446, 446, 1275, 2081, 1881, 2081, 2081,
+ 1275, 1275, 2082, 1275, 2083, 1275, 1275, 2084, 2085, 2083,
+ 2086, 2087, 2088, 1275, 1275, 1275, 2083, 1275, 2082, 2082,
+ 2082, 2082, 2082, 2082, 2082, 2082, 2083, 1275, 2083, 2082,
+ 2082, 2082, 2082, 2082, 2082, 2082, 2082, 2082, 2082, 2082,
+ 2082, 2082, 2082, 1275, 1275, 914, 1291, 1419, 1291, 1291,
+ 914, 914, 1388, 914, 1389, 914, 914, 1420, 1392, 1389,
+ 1393, 1421, 1395, 914, 914, 914, 1389, 914, 1388, 1388,
+ 1388, 1388, 1388, 1388, 1388, 1388, 1389, 914, 1389, 1388,
+ 1388, 1388, 1388, 1388, 1388, 1388, 1388, 1388, 1388, 1388,
+ 1388, 1388, 1388, 914, 914, 506, 595, 595, 595, 595,
+ 506, 506, 685, 506, 686, 506, 506, 687, 688, 686,
+ 689, 690, 691, 506, 506, 506, 686, 506, 685, 685,
+ 685, 685, 685, 685, 685, 685, 686, 506, 686, 685,
+ 685, 685, 685, 685, 685, 685, 685, 685, 685, 685,
+ 685, 685, 685, 506, 506, 1530, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255,
+ 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 1531, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255,
+ 2255, 1530, 1530, 1530, 1530, 1530, 1530, 1530, 1530, 2255,
+ 2255, 2255, 1530, 1530, 1530, 1530, 1530, 1530, 1530, 1530,
+ 1530, 1530, 1530, 1530, 1530, 1530, 914, 1390, 684, 1390,
+ 1390, 914, 1387, 914, 914, 914, 914, 1390, 1390, 915,
+ 914, 914, 1532, 914, 1387, 914, 914, 914, 914, 1387,
+ 1387, 1387, 1387, 1387, 1387, 1387, 1387, 914, 914, 914,
+ 1387, 1387, 1387, 1387, 1387, 1387, 1387, 1387, 1387, 1387,
+ 1387, 1387, 1387, 1387, 1387, 914, 1132, 1687, 1688, 1687,
+ 1687, 1132, 1132, 1689, 1132, 1690, 1132, 1132, 1691, 1692,
+ 1690, 1693, 2092, 1694, 1132, 1132, 1132, 1690, 1132, 1689,
+ 1689, 1689, 1689, 1689, 1689, 1689, 1689, 1690, 1132, 1690,
+ 1689, 1689, 1689, 1689, 1689, 1689, 1689, 1689, 1689, 1689,
+ 1689, 1689, 1689, 1689, 1132, 1132, 415, 1723, 1561, 1723,
+ 1723, 415, 831, 715, 415, 716, 415, 830, 1821, 1165,
+ 716, 719, 2093, 721, 831, 415, 415, 716, 415, 1823,
+ 1823, 1823, 1823, 1823, 1823, 1823, 1823, 716, 415, 716,
+ 1823, 1823, 1823, 1823, 1823, 1823, 1823, 1823, 1823, 1823,
+ 1823, 1823, 1823, 1823, 831, 415, 1542, 2255, 1543, 2255,
+ 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 1544, 1544, 1544, 1544, 2255, 2255,
+ 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 1544, 1544, 1544, 1544, 1544,
+ 2255, 1544, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 1544, 1287,
+ 1812, 1813, 1812, 1812, 1287, 1287, 1814, 1287, 1815, 1287,
+ 1287, 1816, 1817, 1815, 1818, 1904, 1819, 1287, 1287, 1287,
+ 1815, 1287, 1814, 1814, 1814, 1814, 1814, 1814, 1814, 1814,
+ 1815, 1287, 1815, 1814, 1814, 1814, 1814, 1814, 1814, 1814,
+ 1814, 1814, 1814, 1814, 1814, 1814, 1814, 1287, 1287, 1317,
+ 1727, 1828, 1727, 1727, 1317, 1317, 2002, 1317, 1317, 1317,
+ 1317, 1317, 1318, 1317, 1317, 1829, 2002, 1317, 1317, 1317,
+ 1317, 1317, 2002, 2002, 2002, 2002, 2002, 2002, 2002, 2002,
+ 1317, 1317, 1317, 2002, 2002, 2002, 2002, 2002, 2002, 2002,
+ 2002, 2002, 2002, 2002, 2002, 2002, 2002, 1830, 1317, 468,
+ 545, 545, 545, 545, 468, 468, 644, 468, 468, 468,
+ 468, 468, 469, 468, 468, 645, 468, 468, 468, 468,
+ 468, 468, 644, 644, 644, 644, 644, 644, 644, 644,
+ 468, 468, 468, 644, 644, 644, 644, 644, 644, 644,
+ 644, 644, 644, 644, 644, 644, 644, 646, 468, 739,
+ 739, 739, 739, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255,
+ 2255, 469, 2255, 2255, 741, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255,
+ 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255,
+ 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255,
+ 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 742, 959, 2013, 1322,
+ 2013, 2013, 959, 959, 1437, 959, 959, 959, 959, 959,
+ 960, 959, 959, 2105, 959, 959, 959, 959, 959, 959,
+ 1437, 1437, 1437, 1437, 1437, 1437, 1437, 1437, 959, 959,
+ 959, 1437, 1437, 1437, 1437, 1437, 1437, 1437, 1437, 1437,
+ 1437, 1437, 1437, 1437, 1437, 2106, 959, 1476, 1927, 1937,
+ 1927, 1927, 1476, 1476, 2016, 1476, 1476, 1476, 1927, 1927,
+ 1477, 1476, 1476, 2017, 2018, 1927, 1476, 1476, 1476, 1476,
+ 2016, 2016, 2016, 2016, 2016, 2016, 2016, 2016, 1476, 1476,
+ 1476, 2016, 2016, 2016, 2016, 2016, 2016, 2016, 2016, 2016,
+ 2016, 2016, 2016, 2016, 2016, 1929, 1476, 2112, 2255, 2255,
+ 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2113, 2255, 2255,
+ 2255, 2255, 2255, 2112, 2112, 2112, 2112, 2112, 2112, 2112,
+ 2112, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2112, 2112, 2112, 2112, 2112, 2112,
+ 2112, 2112, 2112, 2112, 2112, 2112, 2112, 2112, 388, 1478,
+ 1478, 1478, 1478, 388, 388, 1610, 388, 388, 388, 563,
+ 563, 389, 388, 388, 1611, 388, 563, 388, 388, 388,
+ 388, 1610, 1610, 1610, 1610, 1610, 1610, 1610, 1610, 388,
+ 388, 388, 1610, 1610, 1610, 1610, 1610, 1610, 1610, 1610,
+ 1610, 1610, 1610, 1610, 1610, 1610, 663, 388, 877, 1210,
+ 1210, 1210, 1210, 877, 877, 1345, 877, 877, 877, 1210,
+ 1210, 878, 877, 877, 1214, 877, 1210, 877, 877, 877,
+ 877, 1345, 1345, 1345, 1345, 1345, 1345, 1345, 1345, 877,
+ 877, 877, 1345, 1345, 1345, 1345, 1345, 1345, 1345, 1345,
+ 1345, 1345, 1345, 1345, 1345, 1345, 1212, 877, 1479, 1939,
+ 2025, 1939, 1939, 1479, 1479, 2026, 1479, 1479, 1479, 1939,
+ 1939, 1480, 1479, 1479, 2027, 2028, 1939, 1479, 1479, 1479,
+ 1479, 2026, 2026, 2026, 2026, 2026, 2026, 2026, 2026, 1479,
+ 1479, 1479, 2026, 2026, 2026, 2026, 2026, 2026, 2026, 2026,
+ 2026, 2026, 2026, 2026, 2026, 2026, 1941, 1479, 2117, 2255,
+ 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2118, 2255,
+ 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2117, 2117, 2117, 2117, 2117, 2117,
+ 2117, 2117, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2117, 2117, 2117, 2117, 2117,
+ 2117, 2117, 2117, 2117, 2117, 2117, 2117, 2117, 2117, 1350,
+ 1859, 1095, 1859, 1859, 1350, 1350, 2034, 1350, 1350, 1350,
+ 1859, 1859, 1351, 1350, 1350, 1943, 2035, 1859, 1350, 1350,
+ 1350, 1350, 2034, 2034, 2034, 2034, 2034, 2034, 2034, 2034,
+ 1350, 1350, 1350, 2034, 2034, 2034, 2034, 2034, 2034, 2034,
+ 2034, 2034, 2034, 2034, 2034, 2034, 2034, 1861, 1350, 2036,
+ 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2037,
+ 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2036, 2036, 2036, 2036, 2036,
+ 2036, 2036, 2036, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2036, 2036, 2036, 2036,
+ 2036, 2036, 2036, 2036, 2036, 2036, 2036, 2036, 2036, 2036,
+ 1493, 2043, 2044, 2043, 2043, 1493, 1493, 2121, 1493, 1493,
+ 1493, 2043, 2043, 1494, 1493, 1493, 2046, 1493, 2043, 1493,
+ 1493, 1493, 1493, 2121, 2121, 2121, 2121, 2121, 2121, 2121,
+ 2121, 1493, 1493, 1493, 2121, 2121, 2121, 2121, 2121, 2121,
+ 2121, 2121, 2121, 2121, 2121, 2121, 2121, 2121, 2048, 1493,
+ 302, 1223, 1223, 1223, 1223, 302, 302, 1355, 302, 302,
+ 302, 564, 564, 303, 302, 302, 1356, 302, 564, 302,
+ 302, 302, 302, 1355, 1355, 1355, 1355, 1355, 1355, 1355,
+ 1355, 302, 302, 302, 1355, 1355, 1355, 1355, 1355, 1355,
+ 1355, 1355, 1355, 1355, 1355, 1355, 1355, 1355, 568, 302,
+ 2122, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255,
+ 2123, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2122, 2122, 2122, 2122,
+ 2122, 2122, 2122, 2122, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2122, 2122, 2122,
+ 2122, 2122, 2122, 2122, 2122, 2122, 2122, 2122, 2122, 2122,
+ 2122, 2045, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255,
+ 2255, 2047, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2045, 2045, 2045,
+ 2045, 2045, 2045, 2045, 2045, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2045, 2045,
+ 2045, 2045, 2045, 2045, 2045, 2045, 2045, 2045, 2045, 2045,
+ 2045, 2045, 669, 2051, 1955, 2051, 2051, 669, 669, 2126,
+ 669, 669, 669, 1229, 1229, 670, 669, 669, 2127, 669,
+ 1229, 669, 669, 669, 669, 2126, 2126, 2126, 2126, 2126,
+ 2126, 2126, 2126, 669, 669, 669, 2126, 2126, 2126, 2126,
+ 2126, 2126, 2126, 2126, 2126, 2126, 2126, 2126, 2126, 2126,
+ 1233, 669, 1138, 1903, 1891, 1903, 1903, 1138, 1138, 2054,
+ 1138, 1971, 1138, 1138, 1998, 1973, 1971, 1974, 1999, 2055,
+ 1138, 1138, 1138, 1971, 1138, 2054, 2054, 2054, 2054, 2054,
+ 2054, 2054, 2054, 1971, 1138, 1971, 2054, 2054, 2054, 2054,
+ 2054, 2054, 2054, 2054, 2054, 2054, 2054, 2054, 2054, 2054,
+ 1138, 1138, 2067, 2255, 2131, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255,
+ 2132, 2132, 2132, 2132, 739, 739, 739, 739, 2255, 2255,
+ 2255, 2132, 2132, 2132, 2132, 2132, 469, 2132, 2255, 741,
+ 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2132, 1970, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255,
+ 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 1976, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255,
+ 2255, 1970, 1970, 1970, 1970, 1970, 1970, 1970, 1970, 2255,
+ 2255, 742, 1970, 1970, 1970, 1970, 1970, 1970, 1970, 1970,
+ 1970, 1970, 1970, 1970, 1970, 1970, 235, 1013, 1013, 1013,
+ 1013, 235, 353, 510, 235, 511, 235, 314, 1123, 513,
+ 511, 514, 1124, 516, 353, 235, 235, 511, 235, 1125,
+ 1125, 1125, 1125, 1125, 1125, 1125, 1125, 511, 235, 511,
+ 1125, 1125, 1125, 1125, 1125, 1125, 1125, 1125, 1125, 1125,
+ 1125, 1125, 1125, 1125, 353, 235, 1138, 1545, 1696, 1545,
+ 1545, 1138, 1697, 1138, 1138, 1138, 1138, 1545, 1545, 1139,
+ 1138, 1138, 1698, 1138, 1697, 1138, 1138, 1138, 1138, 1697,
+ 1697, 1697, 1697, 1697, 1697, 1697, 1697, 1138, 1138, 1138,
+ 1697, 1697, 1697, 1697, 1697, 1697, 1697, 1697, 1697, 1697,
+ 1697, 1697, 1697, 1697, 1697, 1138, 1397, 2133, 2134, 2133,
+ 2133, 1397, 1397, 2135, 1397, 2136, 1397, 1397, 2137, 2138,
+ 2136, 2139, 1999, 2140, 1397, 1397, 1397, 2136, 1397, 2135,
+ 2135, 2135, 2135, 2135, 2135, 2135, 2135, 2136, 1397, 2136,
+ 2135, 2135, 2135, 2135, 2135, 2135, 2135, 2135, 2135, 2135,
+ 2135, 2135, 2135, 2135, 1397, 1397, 827, 1247, 1258, 1247,
+ 1247, 827, 1244, 827, 827, 827, 827, 1247, 1247, 1149,
+ 827, 827, 2141, 827, 1244, 827, 827, 827, 827, 1244,
+ 1244, 1244, 1244, 1244, 1244, 1244, 1244, 827, 827, 827,
+ 1244, 1244, 1244, 1244, 1244, 1244, 1244, 1244, 1244, 1244,
+ 1244, 1244, 1244, 1244, 1244, 827, 2067, 2255, 2068, 2255,
+ 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2069, 2069, 2069, 2069, 2255, 2255,
+ 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2069, 2069, 2069, 2069, 2069,
+ 2255, 2069, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2069, 1011,
+ 1643, 1386, 1643, 1643, 1011, 1011, 1503, 1011, 1504, 1011,
+ 1011, 1645, 1507, 1504, 1508, 1646, 1510, 1011, 1011, 1011,
+ 1504, 1011, 1503, 1503, 1503, 1503, 1503, 1503, 1503, 1503,
+ 1504, 1011, 1504, 1503, 1503, 1503, 1503, 1503, 1503, 1503,
+ 1503, 1503, 1503, 1503, 1503, 1503, 1503, 1011, 1011, 506,
+ 684, 684, 684, 684, 506, 791, 685, 506, 686, 506,
+ 792, 793, 688, 686, 689, 794, 691, 791, 506, 506,
+ 686, 506, 795, 795, 795, 795, 795, 795, 795, 795,
+ 686, 506, 686, 795, 795, 795, 795, 795, 795, 795,
+ 795, 795, 795, 795, 795, 795, 795, 791, 506, 1644,
+ 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 1647,
+ 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 1644, 1644, 1644, 1644, 1644,
+ 1644, 1644, 1644, 2255, 2255, 2255, 1644, 1644, 1644, 1644,
+ 1644, 1644, 1644, 1644, 1644, 1644, 1644, 1644, 1644, 1644,
+ 1011, 1505, 1516, 1505, 1505, 1011, 1502, 1011, 1011, 1011,
+ 1011, 1505, 1505, 1012, 1011, 1011, 1648, 1011, 1502, 1011,
+ 1011, 1011, 1011, 1502, 1502, 1502, 1502, 1502, 1502, 1502,
+ 1502, 1011, 1011, 1011, 1502, 1502, 1502, 1502, 1502, 1502,
+ 1502, 1502, 1502, 1502, 1502, 1502, 1502, 1502, 1502, 1011,
+ 1240, 1780, 1781, 1780, 1780, 1240, 1240, 1782, 1240, 1783,
+ 1240, 1240, 1784, 1785, 1783, 1786, 2145, 1787, 1240, 1240,
+ 1240, 1783, 1240, 1782, 1782, 1782, 1782, 1782, 1782, 1782,
+ 1782, 1783, 1240, 1783, 1782, 1782, 1782, 1782, 1782, 1782,
+ 1782, 1782, 1782, 1782, 1782, 1782, 1782, 1782, 1240, 1240,
+ 1041, 1883, 1965, 1883, 1883, 1041, 1709, 1562, 1041, 1563,
+ 1041, 1707, 1966, 2000, 1563, 1566, 2146, 1568, 1709, 1041,
+ 1041, 1563, 1041, 1968, 1968, 1968, 1968, 1968, 1968, 1968,
+ 1968, 1563, 1041, 1563, 1968, 1968, 1968, 1968, 1968, 1968,
+ 1968, 1968, 1968, 1968, 1968, 1968, 1968, 1968, 1709, 1041,
+ 1660, 2255, 1661, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 1662, 1662,
+ 1662, 1662, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 1662,
+ 1662, 1662, 1662, 1662, 2255, 1662, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255,
+ 2255, 2255, 1662, 1014, 1400, 684, 1400, 1400, 1014, 1014,
+ 1518, 1014, 1519, 1014, 1014, 1546, 1522, 1519, 1523, 1547,
+ 1525, 1014, 1014, 1014, 1519, 1014, 1518, 1518, 1518, 1518,
+ 1518, 1518, 1518, 1518, 1519, 1014, 1519, 1518, 1518, 1518,
+ 1518, 1518, 1518, 1518, 1518, 1518, 1518, 1518, 1518, 1518,
+ 1518, 1014, 1014, 1663, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255,
+ 2255, 2255, 2255, 1664, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 1663,
+ 1663, 1663, 1663, 1663, 1663, 1663, 1663, 2255, 2255, 2255,
+ 1663, 1663, 1663, 1663, 1663, 1663, 1663, 1663, 1663, 1663,
+ 1663, 1663, 1663, 1663, 1014, 1520, 1665, 1520, 1520, 1014,
+ 1517, 1014, 1014, 1014, 1014, 1520, 1520, 1015, 1014, 1014,
+ 1666, 1014, 1517, 1014, 1014, 1014, 1014, 1517, 1517, 1517,
+ 1517, 1517, 1517, 1517, 1517, 1014, 1014, 1014, 1517, 1517,
+ 1517, 1517, 1517, 1517, 1517, 1517, 1517, 1517, 1517, 1517,
+ 1517, 1517, 1517, 1014, 1255, 1794, 1241, 1794, 1794, 1255,
+ 1255, 1795, 1255, 1796, 1255, 1255, 1797, 1798, 1796, 1799,
+ 2150, 1800, 1255, 1255, 1255, 1796, 1255, 1795, 1795, 1795,
+ 1795, 1795, 1795, 1795, 1795, 1796, 1255, 1796, 1795, 1795,
+ 1795, 1795, 1795, 1795, 1795, 1795, 1795, 1795, 1795, 1795,
+ 1795, 1795, 1255, 1255, 451, 1806, 1708, 1806, 1806, 451,
+ 926, 818, 451, 819, 451, 924, 1897, 1285, 819, 822,
+ 2151, 824, 926, 451, 451, 819, 451, 1899, 1899, 1899,
+ 1899, 1899, 1899, 1899, 1899, 819, 451, 819, 1899, 1899,
+ 1899, 1899, 1899, 1899, 1899, 1899, 1899, 1899, 1899, 1899,
+ 1899, 1899, 926, 451, 1677, 2255, 1678, 2255, 2255, 2255,
+ 2255, 2255, 1679, 1679, 1679, 1679, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255,
+ 2255, 2255, 2255, 1679, 1679, 1679, 1679, 1679, 2255, 1679,
+ 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 1679, 506, 595, 595,
+ 595, 595, 506, 506, 685, 506, 686, 506, 506, 687,
+ 688, 686, 689, 690, 691, 506, 506, 506, 686, 506,
+ 685, 685, 685, 685, 685, 685, 685, 685, 686, 506,
+ 686, 685, 685, 685, 685, 685, 685, 685, 685, 685,
+ 685, 685, 685, 685, 685, 506, 506, 914, 1291, 1419,
+ 1291, 1291, 914, 914, 1388, 914, 1389, 914, 914, 1420,
+ 1895, 1389, 1393, 2152, 1395, 914, 914, 914, 1389, 914,
+ 1388, 1388, 1388, 1388, 1388, 1388, 1388, 1388, 1389, 914,
+ 1389, 1388, 1388, 1388, 1388, 1388, 1388, 1388, 1388, 1388,
+ 1388, 1388, 1388, 1388, 1388, 914, 914, 506, 792, 792,
+ 792, 792, 506, 791, 506, 506, 506, 506, 792, 792,
+ 507, 506, 506, 798, 506, 791, 506, 506, 506, 506,
+ 791, 791, 791, 791, 791, 791, 791, 791, 506, 506,
+ 506, 791, 791, 791, 791, 791, 791, 791, 791, 791,
+ 791, 791, 791, 791, 791, 791, 506, 468, 643, 643,
+ 643, 643, 468, 468, 644, 468, 468, 468, 468, 468,
+ 469, 468, 468, 737, 468, 468, 468, 468, 468, 468,
+ 644, 644, 644, 644, 644, 644, 644, 644, 468, 468,
+ 468, 644, 644, 644, 644, 644, 644, 644, 644, 644,
+ 644, 644, 644, 644, 644, 738, 468, 1476, 1927, 1937,
+ 1927, 1927, 1476, 1476, 2112, 1476, 1476, 1476, 1927, 1927,
+ 1477, 1476, 1476, 2017, 2113, 1927, 1476, 1476, 1476, 1476,
+ 2112, 2112, 2112, 2112, 2112, 2112, 2112, 2112, 1476, 1476,
+ 1476, 2112, 2112, 2112, 2112, 2112, 2112, 2112, 2112, 2112,
+ 2112, 2112, 2112, 2112, 2112, 1929, 1476, 1852, 2114, 2162,
+ 2114, 2114, 1852, 1852, 2163, 1852, 1852, 1852, 2114, 2114,
+ 1853, 1852, 1852, 2164, 1852, 2114, 1852, 1852, 1852, 1852,
+ 2163, 2163, 2163, 2163, 2163, 2163, 2163, 2163, 1852, 1852,
+ 1852, 2163, 2163, 2163, 2163, 2163, 2163, 2163, 2163, 2163,
+ 2163, 2163, 2163, 2163, 2163, 2165, 1852, 1479, 1939, 2025,
+ 1939, 1939, 1479, 1479, 2117, 1479, 1479, 1479, 1939, 1939,
+ 1480, 1479, 1479, 2027, 2118, 1939, 1479, 1479, 1479, 1479,
+ 2117, 2117, 2117, 2117, 2117, 2117, 2117, 2117, 1479, 1479,
+ 1479, 2117, 2117, 2117, 2117, 2117, 2117, 2117, 2117, 2117,
+ 2117, 2117, 2117, 2117, 2117, 1941, 1479, 1102, 2119, 2167,
+ 2119, 2119, 1102, 1102, 2168, 1102, 1102, 1102, 1485, 1485,
+ 1103, 1102, 1102, 2169, 1102, 1485, 1102, 1102, 1102, 1102,
+ 2168, 2168, 2168, 2168, 2168, 2168, 2168, 2168, 1102, 1102,
+ 1102, 2168, 2168, 2168, 2168, 2168, 2168, 2168, 2168, 2168,
+ 2168, 2168, 2168, 2168, 2168, 1624, 1102, 770, 2120, 2044,
+ 2120, 2120, 770, 770, 2170, 770, 770, 770, 1357, 1357,
+ 771, 770, 770, 2171, 770, 1357, 770, 770, 770, 770,
+ 2170, 2170, 2170, 2170, 2170, 2170, 2170, 2170, 770, 770,
+ 770, 2170, 2170, 2170, 2170, 2170, 2170, 2170, 2170, 2170,
+ 2170, 2170, 2170, 2170, 2170, 1362, 770, 1493, 2043, 2044,
+ 2043, 2043, 1493, 1493, 2172, 1493, 1493, 1493, 2043, 2043,
+ 1494, 1493, 1493, 2046, 2173, 2043, 1493, 1493, 1493, 1493,
+ 2172, 2172, 2172, 2172, 2172, 2172, 2172, 2172, 1493, 1493,
+ 1493, 2172, 2172, 2172, 2172, 2172, 2172, 2172, 2172, 2172,
+ 2172, 2172, 2172, 2172, 2172, 2048, 1493, 2122, 2255, 2255,
+ 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2123, 2255, 2255,
+ 2255, 2255, 2255, 2122, 2122, 2122, 2122, 2122, 2122, 2122,
+ 2122, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2122, 2122, 2122, 2122, 2122, 2122,
+ 2122, 2122, 2122, 2122, 2122, 2122, 2122, 2122, 669, 1229,
+ 1223, 1229, 1229, 669, 669, 1366, 669, 669, 669, 1229,
+ 1229, 670, 669, 669, 1231, 1367, 1229, 669, 669, 669,
+ 669, 1366, 1366, 1366, 1366, 1366, 1366, 1366, 1366, 669,
+ 669, 669, 1366, 1366, 1366, 1366, 1366, 1366, 1366, 1366,
+ 1366, 1366, 1366, 1366, 1366, 1366, 1233, 669, 506, 684,
+ 684, 684, 684, 506, 791, 685, 506, 686, 506, 792,
+ 793, 688, 686, 689, 794, 691, 791, 506, 506, 686,
+ 506, 795, 795, 795, 795, 795, 795, 795, 795, 686,
+ 506, 686, 795, 795, 795, 795, 795, 795, 795, 795,
+ 795, 795, 795, 795, 795, 795, 791, 506, 1138, 1903,
+ 1891, 1903, 1903, 1138, 1138, 2054, 1138, 1971, 1138, 1138,
+ 1998, 1973, 1971, 2067, 1999, 2131, 1138, 1138, 1138, 1971,
+ 1138, 2132, 2132, 2132, 2132, 2054, 2054, 2054, 2054, 1971,
+ 1138, 1971, 2132, 2132, 2132, 2132, 2132, 2054, 2132, 2054,
+ 2054, 2054, 2054, 2054, 2054, 2132, 1138, 1138, 1970, 2255,
+ 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 1974, 2255, 1976, 2255,
+ 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 1970, 1970, 1970, 1970, 1970, 1970,
+ 1970, 1970, 2255, 2255, 2255, 1970, 1970, 1970, 1970, 1970,
+ 1970, 1970, 1970, 1970, 1970, 1970, 1970, 1970, 1970, 235,
+ 1013, 1013, 1013, 1013, 235, 353, 510, 235, 511, 235,
+ 314, 1123, 513, 511, 514, 1124, 516, 353, 235, 235,
+ 511, 235, 1125, 1125, 1125, 1125, 1125, 1125, 1125, 1125,
+ 511, 235, 511, 1125, 1125, 1125, 1125, 1125, 1125, 1125,
+ 1125, 1125, 1125, 1125, 1125, 1125, 1125, 353, 235, 1974,
+ 2255, 2055, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2054, 2054, 2054,
+ 2054, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2054, 2054,
+ 2054, 2054, 2054, 2255, 2054, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255,
+ 2255, 2054, 1138, 1545, 1696, 1545, 1545, 1138, 1697, 1138,
+ 1138, 1138, 1138, 1545, 1545, 1139, 1138, 1138, 1698, 1138,
+ 1697, 1138, 1138, 1138, 1138, 1697, 1697, 1697, 1697, 1697,
+ 1697, 1697, 1697, 1138, 1138, 1138, 1697, 1697, 1697, 1697,
+ 1697, 1697, 1697, 1697, 1697, 1697, 1697, 1697, 1697, 1697,
+ 1697, 1138, 1397, 2133, 2134, 2133, 2133, 1397, 1397, 2135,
+ 1397, 2136, 1397, 1397, 2137, 2138, 2136, 2139, 2180, 2140,
+ 1397, 1397, 1397, 2136, 1397, 2135, 2135, 2135, 2135, 2135,
+ 2135, 2135, 2135, 2136, 1397, 2136, 2135, 2135, 2135, 2135,
+ 2135, 2135, 2135, 2135, 2135, 2135, 2135, 2135, 2135, 2135,
+ 1397, 1397, 2067, 2255, 2068, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255,
+ 2069, 2069, 2069, 2069, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255,
+ 2255, 2069, 2069, 2069, 2069, 2069, 2255, 2069, 2255, 2255,
+ 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2069, 1011, 1643, 1386, 1643, 1643,
+ 1011, 1011, 1503, 1011, 1504, 1011, 1011, 1645, 1978, 1504,
+ 1508, 2181, 1510, 1011, 1011, 1011, 1504, 1011, 1503, 1503,
+ 1503, 1503, 1503, 1503, 1503, 1503, 1504, 1011, 1504, 1503,
+ 1503, 1503, 1503, 1503, 1503, 1503, 1503, 1503, 1503, 1503,
+ 1503, 1503, 1503, 1011, 1011, 506, 792, 792, 792, 792,
+ 506, 791, 506, 506, 506, 506, 792, 792, 507, 506,
+ 506, 798, 506, 791, 506, 506, 506, 506, 791, 791,
+ 791, 791, 791, 791, 791, 791, 506, 506, 506, 791,
+ 791, 791, 791, 791, 791, 791, 791, 791, 791, 791,
+ 791, 791, 791, 791, 506, 1014, 1400, 684, 1400, 1400,
+ 1014, 1014, 1518, 1014, 1519, 1014, 1014, 1546, 1983, 1519,
+ 1523, 2182, 1525, 1014, 1014, 1014, 1519, 1014, 1518, 1518,
+ 1518, 1518, 1518, 1518, 1518, 1518, 1519, 1014, 1519, 1518,
+ 1518, 1518, 1518, 1518, 1518, 1518, 1518, 1518, 1518, 1518,
+ 1518, 1518, 1518, 1014, 1014, 877, 1095, 1095, 1095, 1095,
+ 877, 877, 1209, 877, 877, 877, 1210, 1210, 878, 877,
+ 877, 1211, 877, 1210, 877, 877, 877, 877, 1209, 1209,
+ 1209, 1209, 1209, 1209, 1209, 1209, 877, 877, 877, 1209,
+ 1209, 1209, 1209, 1209, 1209, 1209, 1209, 1209, 1209, 1209,
+ 1209, 1209, 1209, 1212, 877, 1852, 2161, 2184, 2161, 2161,
+ 1852, 1852, 2185, 1852, 1852, 1852, 2114, 2114, 1853, 1852,
+ 1852, 2186, 1852, 2114, 1852, 1852, 1852, 1852, 2185, 2185,
+ 2185, 2185, 2185, 2185, 2185, 2185, 1852, 1852, 1852, 2185,
+ 2185, 2185, 2185, 2185, 2185, 2185, 2185, 2185, 2185, 2185,
+ 2185, 2185, 2185, 2165, 1852, 388, 1478, 1478, 1478, 1478,
+ 388, 388, 1610, 388, 388, 388, 563, 563, 389, 388,
+ 388, 1611, 388, 563, 388, 388, 388, 388, 1610, 1610,
+ 1610, 1610, 1610, 1610, 1610, 1610, 388, 388, 388, 1610,
+ 1610, 1610, 1610, 1610, 1610, 1610, 1610, 1610, 1610, 1610,
+ 1610, 1610, 1610, 663, 388, 2187, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255,
+ 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2188, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255,
+ 2255, 2187, 2187, 2187, 2187, 2187, 2187, 2187, 2187, 2255,
+ 2255, 2255, 2187, 2187, 2187, 2187, 2187, 2187, 2187, 2187,
+ 2187, 2187, 2187, 2187, 2187, 2187, 875, 2166, 2162, 2166,
+ 2166, 875, 875, 2191, 875, 875, 875, 1202, 1202, 876,
+ 875, 875, 2192, 875, 1202, 875, 875, 875, 875, 2191,
+ 2191, 2191, 2191, 2191, 2191, 2191, 2191, 875, 875, 875,
+ 2191, 2191, 2191, 2191, 2191, 2191, 2191, 2191, 2191, 2191,
+ 2191, 2191, 2191, 2191, 1342, 875, 1102, 1485, 1478, 1485,
+ 1485, 1102, 1102, 1875, 1102, 1102, 1102, 1485, 1485, 1103,
+ 1102, 1102, 1623, 1876, 1485, 1102, 1102, 1102, 1102, 1875,
+ 1875, 1875, 1875, 1875, 1875, 1875, 1875, 1102, 1102, 1102,
+ 1875, 1875, 1875, 1875, 1875, 1875, 1875, 1875, 1875, 1875,
+ 1875, 1875, 1875, 1875, 1624, 1102, 770, 1357, 1358, 1357,
+ 1357, 770, 770, 1489, 770, 770, 770, 1357, 1357, 771,
+ 770, 770, 1360, 1490, 1357, 770, 770, 770, 770, 1489,
+ 1489, 1489, 1489, 1489, 1489, 1489, 1489, 770, 770, 770,
+ 1489, 1489, 1489, 1489, 1489, 1489, 1489, 1489, 1489, 1489,
+ 1489, 1489, 1489, 1489, 1362, 770, 2172, 2255, 2255, 2255,
+ 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2173, 2255, 2255, 2255,
+ 2255, 2255, 2172, 2172, 2172, 2172, 2172, 2172, 2172, 2172,
+ 2255, 2255, 2255, 2172, 2172, 2172, 2172, 2172, 2172, 2172,
+ 2172, 2172, 2172, 2172, 2172, 2172, 2172, 1852, 2177, 2167,
+ 2177, 2177, 1852, 1852, 2200, 1852, 1852, 1852, 1852, 1852,
+ 1853, 1852, 1852, 2201, 1852, 1852, 1852, 1852, 1852, 1852,
+ 2200, 2200, 2200, 2200, 2200, 2200, 2200, 2200, 1852, 1852,
+ 1852, 2200, 2200, 2200, 2200, 2200, 2200, 2200, 2200, 2200,
+ 2200, 2200, 2200, 2200, 2200, 1852, 1852, 973, 2183, 2206,
+ 2183, 2183, 973, 973, 1462, 973, 973, 973, 973, 973,
+ 974, 973, 973, 2207, 973, 973, 973, 973, 973, 973,
+ 1462, 1462, 1462, 1462, 1462, 1462, 1462, 1462, 973, 973,
+ 973, 1462, 1462, 1462, 1462, 1462, 1462, 1462, 1462, 1462,
+ 1462, 1462, 1462, 1462, 1462, 2208, 973, 2209, 2255, 2255,
+ 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2210, 2255, 2255,
+ 2255, 2255, 2255, 2209, 2209, 2209, 2209, 2209, 2209, 2209,
+ 2209, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2209, 2209, 2209, 2209, 2209, 2209,
+ 2209, 2209, 2209, 2209, 2209, 2209, 2209, 2209, 875, 1202,
+ 1339, 1202, 1202, 875, 875, 1950, 875, 875, 875, 1202,
+ 1202, 876, 875, 875, 1341, 1951, 1202, 875, 875, 875,
+ 875, 1950, 1950, 1950, 1950, 1950, 1950, 1950, 1950, 875,
+ 875, 875, 1950, 1950, 1950, 1950, 1950, 1950, 1950, 1950,
+ 1950, 1950, 1950, 1950, 1950, 1950, 1342, 875, 2222, 2255,
+ 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2223, 2255,
+ 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2222, 2222, 2222, 2222, 2222, 2222,
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+ 988, 988, 988, 988, 877, 877, 1096, 877, 877, 877,
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+ 858, 858, 858, 858, 181, 181, 294, 181, 181, 181,
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+ 181, 181, 294, 294, 294, 294, 294, 294, 294, 294,
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+ 294, 294, 294, 294, 294, 294, 294, 865, 181, 877,
+ 1210, 1210, 1210, 1210, 877, 877, 1345, 877, 877, 877,
+ 1210, 1210, 878, 877, 877, 1214, 877, 1210, 877, 877,
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+ 2221, 1857, 2221, 2221, 1476, 1476, 2234, 1476, 1476, 1476,
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+ 1927, 1937, 1927, 1927, 1476, 1476, 2242, 1476, 1476, 1476,
+ 1927, 1927, 1477, 1476, 1476, 2017, 2243, 1927, 1476, 1476,
+ 1476, 1476, 2242, 2242, 2242, 2242, 2242, 2242, 2242, 2242,
+ 1476, 1476, 1476, 2242, 2242, 2242, 2242, 2242, 2242, 2242,
+ 2242, 2242, 2242, 2242, 2242, 2242, 2242, 1929, 1476, 468,
+ 643, 643, 643, 643, 468, 468, 644, 468, 468, 468,
+ 468, 468, 469, 468, 468, 737, 468, 468, 468, 468,
+ 468, 468, 644, 644, 644, 644, 644, 644, 644, 644,
+ 468, 468, 468, 644, 644, 644, 644, 644, 644, 644,
+ 644, 644, 644, 644, 644, 644, 644, 738, 468, 2016,
+ 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2018,
+ 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2016, 2016, 2016, 2016, 2016,
+ 2016, 2016, 2016, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2016, 2016, 2016, 2016,
+ 2016, 2016, 2016, 2016, 2016, 2016, 2016, 2016, 2016, 2016,
+ 1493, 2246, 2247, 2246, 2246, 1493, 1493, 2248, 1493, 1493,
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+ 242, 242, 242, 242, 428, 428, 428, 428, 428, 428,
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+ 181, 181, 549, 549, 549, 549, 549, 549, 549, 549,
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+ 549, 384, 384, 384, 384, 384, 384, 384, 384, 384,
+ 384, 384, 384, 384, 384, 384, 384, 384, 384, 384,
+ 479, 479, 479, 479, 479, 479, 479, 479, 479, 479,
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+ 183, 183, 183, 183, 183, 183, 183, 183, 183, 183,
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+ 388, 388, 388, 388, 388, 486, 486, 486, 486, 486,
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+ 302, 302, 302, 437, 437, 437, 437, 437, 437, 437,
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+ 437, 437, 217, 217, 217, 217, 217, 217, 217, 217,
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+ 219, 219, 219, 219, 219, 219, 219, 219, 219, 219,
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+ 200, 200, 200, 200, 200, 200, 200, 200, 200, 200,
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+ 451, 451, 451, 451, 451, 451, 451, 451, 451, 451,
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+ 114, 114, 209, 209, 209, 209, 209, 209, 209, 209,
+ 209, 209, 209, 209, 209, 209, 209, 209, 209, 209,
+ 209, 461, 461, 461, 461, 461, 461, 461, 461, 461,
+ 461, 461, 461, 461, 461, 461, 461, 461, 461, 461,
+ 378, 378, 378, 378, 378, 378, 378, 378, 378, 378,
+ 378, 378, 378, 378, 378, 378, 378, 378, 378, 466,
+ 466, 466, 466, 466, 466, 466, 466, 466, 466, 466,
+ 466, 466, 466, 466, 466, 466, 466, 466, 242, 242,
+ 242, 242, 242, 242, 242, 242, 242, 242, 242, 242,
+ 242, 242, 242, 242, 242, 242, 242, 635, 635, 635,
+ 635, 635, 635, 635, 635, 635, 635, 635, 635, 635,
+ 635, 635, 635, 635, 635, 635, 244, 244, 244, 244,
+ 244, 244, 244, 244, 244, 244, 244, 244, 244, 244,
+ 244, 244, 244, 244, 244, 468, 468, 468, 468, 468,
+ 468, 468, 468, 468, 468, 468, 468, 468, 468, 468,
+ 468, 468, 468, 468, 543, 543, 543, 543, 543, 543,
+ 543, 543, 543, 543, 543, 543, 543, 543, 543, 543,
+ 543, 543, 543, 123, 123, 123, 2255, 2255, 123, 2255,
+ 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 123, 2255, 2255, 2255, 123, 123,
+ 123, 647, 647, 647, 647, 647, 647, 647, 647, 647,
+ 647, 647, 647, 647, 647, 647, 647, 647, 647, 647,
+ 649, 649, 649, 649, 649, 649, 649, 649, 649, 649,
+ 649, 649, 649, 649, 649, 649, 649, 649, 649, 428,
+ 428, 428, 428, 428, 428, 428, 428, 428, 428, 428,
+ 428, 428, 428, 428, 428, 428, 428, 428, 181, 181,
+ 181, 181, 181, 181, 181, 181, 181, 181, 181, 181,
+ 181, 181, 181, 181, 181, 181, 181, 549, 549, 549,
+ 549, 549, 549, 549, 549, 549, 549, 549, 549, 549,
+ 549, 549, 549, 549, 549, 549, 183, 183, 183, 183,
+ 183, 183, 183, 183, 183, 183, 183, 183, 183, 183,
+ 183, 183, 183, 183, 183, 384, 384, 384, 384, 384,
+ 384, 384, 384, 384, 384, 384, 384, 384, 384, 384,
+ 384, 384, 384, 384, 302, 302, 302, 302, 302, 302,
+ 302, 302, 302, 302, 302, 302, 302, 302, 302, 302,
+ 302, 302, 302, 391, 391, 391, 391, 391, 391, 391,
+ 391, 391, 391, 391, 391, 391, 391, 391, 391, 391,
+ 391, 391, 669, 669, 669, 669, 669, 669, 669, 669,
+ 669, 669, 669, 669, 669, 669, 669, 669, 669, 669,
+ 669, 437, 437, 437, 437, 437, 437, 437, 437, 437,
+ 437, 437, 437, 437, 437, 437, 437, 437, 437, 437,
+ 217, 217, 217, 217, 217, 217, 217, 217, 217, 217,
+ 217, 217, 217, 217, 217, 217, 217, 217, 217, 571,
+ 571, 571, 571, 571, 571, 571, 571, 571, 571, 571,
+ 571, 571, 571, 571, 571, 571, 571, 571, 219, 219,
+ 219, 219, 219, 219, 219, 219, 219, 219, 219, 219,
+ 219, 219, 219, 219, 219, 219, 219, 200, 200, 200,
+ 200, 200, 200, 200, 200, 200, 200, 200, 200, 200,
+ 200, 200, 200, 200, 200, 200, 398, 398, 398, 398,
+ 398, 398, 398, 398, 398, 398, 398, 398, 398, 398,
+ 398, 398, 398, 398, 398, 202, 202, 202, 202, 202,
+ 202, 202, 202, 202, 202, 202, 202, 202, 202, 202,
+ 202, 202, 202, 202, 446, 446, 446, 446, 446, 446,
+ 446, 446, 446, 446, 446, 446, 446, 446, 446, 446,
+ 446, 446, 446, 584, 584, 584, 584, 584, 584, 584,
+ 584, 584, 584, 584, 584, 584, 584, 584, 584, 584,
+ 584, 584, 167, 167, 167, 2255, 167, 2255, 2255, 167,
+ 167, 2255, 2255, 167, 2255, 167, 2255, 167, 167, 167,
+ 237, 237, 237, 237, 237, 237, 237, 237, 237, 237,
+ 237, 237, 237, 237, 237, 237, 237, 237, 237, 506,
+ 506, 506, 506, 506, 506, 506, 506, 506, 506, 506,
+ 506, 506, 506, 506, 506, 506, 506, 506, 593, 593,
+ 593, 593, 593, 593, 593, 593, 593, 593, 593, 593,
+ 593, 593, 593, 593, 593, 593, 593, 702, 702, 702,
+ 702, 702, 702, 702, 702, 702, 702, 702, 702, 702,
+ 702, 702, 702, 702, 702, 702, 704, 704, 704, 704,
+ 704, 704, 704, 704, 704, 704, 704, 704, 704, 704,
+ 704, 704, 704, 704, 704, 451, 451, 451, 451, 451,
+ 451, 451, 451, 451, 451, 451, 451, 451, 451, 451,
+ 451, 451, 451, 451, 611, 611, 611, 611, 611, 611,
+ 611, 611, 611, 611, 611, 611, 611, 611, 611, 611,
+ 611, 611, 611, 523, 523, 523, 523, 523, 523, 523,
+ 523, 523, 523, 523, 523, 523, 523, 523, 523, 523,
+ 523, 523, 415, 415, 415, 415, 415, 415, 415, 415,
+ 415, 415, 415, 415, 415, 415, 415, 415, 415, 415,
+ 415, 209, 209, 209, 209, 209, 209, 209, 209, 209,
+ 209, 209, 209, 209, 209, 209, 209, 209, 209, 209,
+ 378, 378, 378, 378, 378, 378, 378, 378, 378, 378,
+ 378, 378, 378, 378, 378, 378, 378, 378, 378, 466,
+ 466, 466, 466, 466, 466, 466, 466, 466, 466, 466,
+ 466, 466, 466, 466, 466, 466, 466, 466, 242, 242,
+ 242, 242, 242, 242, 242, 242, 242, 242, 242, 242,
+ 242, 242, 242, 242, 242, 242, 242, 635, 635, 635,
+ 635, 635, 635, 635, 635, 635, 635, 635, 635, 635,
+ 635, 635, 635, 635, 635, 635, 244, 244, 244, 244,
+ 244, 244, 244, 244, 244, 244, 244, 244, 244, 244,
+ 244, 244, 244, 244, 244, 468, 468, 468, 468, 468,
+ 468, 468, 468, 468, 468, 468, 468, 468, 468, 468,
+ 468, 468, 468, 468, 745, 745, 745, 745, 745, 745,
+ 745, 745, 745, 745, 745, 745, 745, 745, 745, 745,
+ 745, 745, 745, 649, 649, 649, 649, 649, 649, 649,
+ 649, 649, 649, 649, 649, 649, 649, 649, 649, 649,
+ 649, 649, 747, 747, 747, 747, 747, 747, 747, 747,
+ 747, 747, 747, 747, 747, 747, 747, 747, 747, 747,
+ 747, 428, 428, 428, 428, 428, 428, 428, 428, 428,
+ 428, 428, 428, 428, 428, 428, 428, 428, 428, 428,
+ 754, 754, 754, 754, 754, 754, 754, 754, 754, 754,
+ 754, 754, 754, 754, 754, 754, 754, 754, 754, 384,
+ 384, 384, 384, 384, 384, 384, 384, 384, 384, 384,
+ 384, 384, 384, 384, 384, 384, 384, 384, 388, 388,
+ 388, 388, 388, 388, 388, 388, 388, 388, 388, 388,
+ 388, 388, 388, 388, 388, 388, 388, 767, 767, 767,
+ 767, 767, 767, 767, 767, 767, 767, 767, 767, 767,
+ 767, 767, 767, 767, 767, 767, 770, 770, 770, 770,
+ 770, 770, 770, 770, 770, 770, 770, 770, 770, 770,
+ 770, 770, 770, 770, 770, 669, 669, 669, 669, 669,
+ 669, 669, 669, 669, 669, 669, 669, 669, 669, 669,
+ 669, 669, 669, 669, 772, 772, 772, 772, 772, 772,
+ 772, 772, 772, 772, 772, 772, 772, 772, 772, 772,
+ 772, 772, 772, 437, 437, 437, 437, 437, 437, 437,
+ 437, 437, 437, 437, 437, 437, 437, 437, 437, 437,
+ 437, 437, 219, 219, 219, 219, 219, 219, 219, 219,
+ 219, 219, 219, 219, 219, 219, 219, 219, 219, 219,
+ 219, 200, 200, 200, 200, 200, 200, 200, 200, 200,
+ 200, 200, 200, 200, 200, 200, 200, 200, 200, 200,
+ 398, 398, 398, 398, 398, 398, 398, 398, 398, 398,
+ 398, 398, 398, 398, 398, 398, 398, 398, 398, 202,
+ 202, 202, 202, 202, 202, 202, 202, 202, 202, 202,
+ 202, 202, 202, 202, 202, 202, 202, 202, 446, 446,
+ 446, 446, 446, 446, 446, 446, 446, 446, 446, 446,
+ 446, 446, 446, 446, 446, 446, 446, 237, 237, 237,
+ 237, 237, 237, 237, 237, 237, 237, 237, 237, 237,
+ 237, 237, 237, 237, 237, 237, 167, 167, 167, 2255,
+ 167, 2255, 2255, 167, 167, 2255, 2255, 167, 2255, 167,
+ 2255, 167, 167, 167, 164, 164, 164, 2255, 2255, 164,
+ 164, 2255, 164, 164, 164, 164, 164, 2255, 2255, 164,
+ 164, 506, 506, 506, 506, 506, 506, 506, 506, 506,
+ 506, 506, 506, 506, 506, 506, 506, 506, 506, 506,
+ 209, 209, 209, 209, 209, 209, 209, 209, 209, 209,
+ 209, 209, 209, 209, 209, 209, 209, 209, 209, 813,
+ 813, 813, 813, 813, 813, 813, 813, 813, 813, 813,
+ 813, 813, 813, 813, 813, 813, 813, 813, 704, 704,
+ 704, 704, 704, 704, 704, 704, 704, 704, 704, 704,
+ 704, 704, 704, 704, 704, 704, 704, 815, 815, 815,
+ 815, 815, 815, 815, 815, 815, 815, 815, 815, 815,
+ 815, 815, 815, 815, 815, 815, 451, 451, 451, 451,
+ 451, 451, 451, 451, 451, 451, 451, 451, 451, 451,
+ 451, 451, 451, 451, 451, 827, 827, 827, 827, 827,
+ 827, 827, 827, 827, 827, 827, 827, 827, 827, 827,
+ 827, 827, 827, 827, 415, 415, 415, 415, 415, 415,
+ 415, 415, 415, 415, 415, 415, 415, 415, 415, 415,
+ 415, 415, 415, 466, 466, 466, 466, 466, 466, 466,
+ 466, 466, 466, 466, 466, 466, 466, 466, 466, 466,
+ 466, 466, 244, 244, 244, 244, 244, 244, 244, 244,
+ 244, 244, 244, 244, 244, 244, 244, 244, 244, 244,
+ 244, 468, 468, 468, 468, 468, 468, 468, 468, 468,
+ 468, 468, 468, 468, 468, 468, 468, 468, 468, 468,
+ 754, 754, 754, 754, 754, 754, 754, 754, 754, 754,
+ 754, 754, 754, 754, 754, 754, 754, 754, 754, 470,
+ 470, 470, 470, 470, 470, 470, 470, 470, 470, 470,
+ 470, 470, 470, 470, 470, 470, 470, 470, 859, 859,
+ 859, 859, 859, 859, 859, 859, 859, 859, 859, 859,
+ 859, 859, 859, 859, 859, 859, 859, 543, 543, 543,
+ 543, 543, 543, 543, 543, 543, 543, 543, 543, 543,
+ 543, 543, 543, 543, 543, 543, 649, 649, 649, 649,
+ 649, 649, 649, 649, 649, 649, 649, 649, 649, 649,
+ 649, 649, 649, 649, 649, 861, 861, 861, 861, 861,
+ 861, 861, 861, 861, 861, 861, 861, 861, 861, 861,
+ 861, 861, 861, 861, 428, 428, 428, 428, 428, 428,
+ 428, 428, 428, 428, 428, 428, 428, 428, 428, 428,
+ 428, 428, 428, 384, 384, 384, 384, 384, 384, 384,
+ 384, 384, 384, 384, 384, 384, 384, 384, 384, 384,
+ 384, 384, 479, 479, 479, 479, 479, 479, 479, 479,
+ 479, 479, 479, 479, 479, 479, 479, 479, 479, 479,
+ 479, 486, 486, 486, 486, 486, 486, 486, 486, 486,
+ 486, 486, 486, 486, 486, 486, 486, 486, 486, 486,
+ 875, 875, 875, 875, 875, 875, 875, 875, 875, 875,
+ 875, 875, 875, 875, 875, 875, 875, 875, 875, 877,
+ 877, 877, 877, 877, 877, 877, 877, 877, 877, 877,
+ 877, 877, 877, 877, 877, 877, 877, 877, 879, 879,
+ 879, 879, 879, 879, 879, 879, 879, 879, 879, 879,
+ 879, 879, 879, 879, 879, 879, 879, 770, 770, 770,
+ 770, 770, 770, 770, 770, 770, 770, 770, 770, 770,
+ 770, 770, 770, 770, 770, 770, 883, 883, 883, 883,
+ 883, 883, 883, 883, 883, 883, 883, 883, 883, 883,
+ 883, 883, 883, 883, 883, 669, 669, 669, 669, 669,
+ 669, 669, 669, 669, 669, 669, 669, 669, 669, 669,
+ 669, 669, 669, 669, 887, 887, 887, 887, 887, 887,
+ 887, 887, 887, 887, 887, 887, 887, 887, 887, 887,
+ 887, 887, 887, 217, 217, 217, 217, 217, 217, 217,
+ 217, 217, 217, 217, 217, 217, 217, 217, 217, 217,
+ 217, 217, 437, 437, 437, 437, 437, 437, 437, 437,
+ 437, 437, 437, 437, 437, 437, 437, 437, 437, 437,
+ 437, 398, 398, 398, 398, 398, 398, 398, 398, 398,
+ 398, 398, 398, 398, 398, 398, 398, 398, 398, 398,
+ 496, 496, 496, 496, 496, 496, 496, 496, 496, 496,
+ 496, 496, 496, 496, 496, 496, 496, 496, 496, 202,
+ 202, 202, 202, 202, 202, 202, 202, 202, 202, 202,
+ 202, 202, 202, 202, 202, 202, 202, 202, 446, 446,
+ 446, 446, 446, 446, 446, 446, 446, 446, 446, 446,
+ 446, 446, 446, 446, 446, 446, 446, 506, 506, 506,
+ 506, 506, 506, 506, 506, 506, 506, 506, 506, 506,
+ 506, 506, 506, 506, 506, 506, 827, 827, 827, 827,
+ 827, 827, 827, 827, 827, 827, 827, 827, 827, 827,
+ 827, 827, 827, 827, 827, 508, 508, 508, 508, 508,
+ 508, 508, 508, 508, 508, 508, 508, 508, 508, 508,
+ 508, 508, 508, 508, 914, 914, 914, 914, 914, 914,
+ 914, 914, 914, 914, 914, 914, 914, 914, 914, 914,
+ 914, 914, 914, 593, 593, 593, 593, 593, 593, 593,
+ 593, 593, 593, 593, 593, 593, 593, 593, 593, 593,
+ 593, 593, 704, 704, 704, 704, 704, 704, 704, 704,
+ 704, 704, 704, 704, 704, 704, 704, 704, 704, 704,
+ 704, 917, 917, 917, 917, 917, 917, 917, 917, 917,
+ 917, 917, 917, 917, 917, 917, 917, 917, 917, 917,
+ 451, 451, 451, 451, 451, 451, 451, 451, 451, 451,
+ 451, 451, 451, 451, 451, 451, 451, 451, 451, 415,
+ 415, 415, 415, 415, 415, 415, 415, 415, 415, 415,
+ 415, 415, 415, 415, 415, 415, 415, 415, 176, 176,
+ 176, 176, 176, 176, 176, 176, 176, 176, 176, 176,
+ 176, 176, 176, 176, 176, 176, 176, 242, 242, 242,
+ 242, 242, 242, 242, 242, 242, 242, 242, 242, 242,
+ 242, 242, 242, 242, 242, 242, 466, 466, 466, 466,
+ 466, 466, 466, 466, 466, 466, 466, 466, 466, 466,
+ 466, 466, 466, 466, 466, 543, 543, 543, 543, 543,
+ 543, 543, 543, 543, 543, 543, 543, 543, 543, 543,
+ 543, 543, 543, 543, 959, 959, 959, 959, 959, 959,
+ 959, 959, 959, 959, 959, 959, 959, 959, 959, 959,
+ 959, 959, 959, 745, 745, 745, 745, 745, 745, 745,
+ 745, 745, 745, 745, 745, 745, 745, 745, 745, 745,
+ 745, 745, 962, 962, 962, 962, 962, 962, 962, 962,
+ 962, 962, 962, 962, 962, 962, 962, 962, 962, 962,
+ 962, 859, 859, 859, 859, 859, 859, 859, 859, 859,
+ 859, 859, 859, 859, 859, 859, 859, 859, 859, 859,
+ 964, 964, 964, 964, 964, 964, 964, 964, 964, 964,
+ 964, 964, 964, 964, 964, 964, 964, 964, 964, 649,
+ 649, 649, 649, 649, 649, 649, 649, 649, 649, 649,
+ 649, 649, 649, 649, 649, 649, 649, 649, 861, 861,
+ 861, 861, 861, 861, 861, 861, 861, 861, 861, 861,
+ 861, 861, 861, 861, 861, 861, 861, 181, 181, 181,
+ 181, 181, 181, 181, 181, 181, 181, 181, 181, 181,
+ 181, 181, 181, 181, 181, 181, 428, 428, 428, 428,
+ 428, 428, 428, 428, 428, 428, 428, 428, 428, 428,
+ 428, 428, 428, 428, 428, 549, 549, 549, 549, 549,
+ 549, 549, 549, 549, 549, 549, 549, 549, 549, 549,
+ 549, 549, 549, 549, 973, 973, 973, 973, 973, 973,
+ 973, 973, 973, 973, 973, 973, 973, 973, 973, 973,
+ 973, 973, 973, 975, 975, 975, 975, 975, 975, 975,
+ 975, 975, 975, 975, 975, 975, 975, 975, 975, 975,
+ 975, 975, 875, 875, 875, 875, 875, 875, 875, 875,
+ 875, 875, 875, 875, 875, 875, 875, 875, 875, 875,
+ 875, 979, 979, 979, 979, 979, 979, 979, 979, 979,
+ 979, 979, 979, 979, 979, 979, 979, 979, 979, 979,
+ 877, 877, 877, 877, 877, 877, 877, 877, 877, 877,
+ 877, 877, 877, 877, 877, 877, 877, 877, 877, 983,
+ 983, 983, 983, 983, 983, 983, 983, 983, 983, 983,
+ 983, 983, 983, 983, 983, 983, 983, 983, 986, 986,
+ 986, 986, 986, 986, 986, 986, 986, 986, 986, 986,
+ 986, 986, 986, 986, 986, 986, 986, 388, 388, 388,
+ 388, 388, 388, 388, 388, 388, 388, 388, 388, 388,
+ 388, 388, 388, 388, 388, 388, 770, 770, 770, 770,
+ 770, 770, 770, 770, 770, 770, 770, 770, 770, 770,
+ 770, 770, 770, 770, 770, 993, 993, 993, 993, 993,
+ 993, 993, 993, 993, 993, 993, 993, 993, 993, 993,
+ 993, 993, 993, 993, 669, 669, 669, 669, 669, 669,
+ 669, 669, 669, 669, 669, 669, 669, 669, 669, 669,
+ 669, 669, 669, 887, 887, 887, 887, 887, 887, 887,
+ 887, 887, 887, 887, 887, 887, 887, 887, 887, 887,
+ 887, 887, 271, 271, 271, 2255, 2255, 271, 2255, 2255,
+ 2255, 2255, 2255, 271, 2255, 2255, 2255, 271, 271, 304,
+ 304, 304, 304, 304, 304, 304, 304, 304, 304, 304,
+ 304, 304, 304, 304, 304, 304, 304, 304, 571, 571,
+ 571, 571, 571, 571, 571, 571, 571, 571, 571, 571,
+ 571, 571, 571, 571, 571, 571, 571, 437, 437, 437,
+ 437, 437, 437, 437, 437, 437, 437, 437, 437, 437,
+ 437, 437, 437, 437, 437, 437, 398, 398, 398, 398,
+ 398, 398, 398, 398, 398, 398, 398, 398, 398, 398,
+ 398, 398, 398, 398, 398, 202, 202, 202, 202, 202,
+ 202, 202, 202, 202, 202, 202, 202, 202, 202, 202,
+ 202, 202, 202, 202, 584, 584, 584, 584, 584, 584,
+ 584, 584, 584, 584, 584, 584, 584, 584, 584, 584,
+ 584, 584, 584, 446, 446, 446, 446, 446, 446, 446,
+ 446, 446, 446, 446, 446, 446, 446, 446, 446, 446,
+ 446, 446, 593, 593, 593, 593, 593, 593, 593, 593,
+ 593, 593, 593, 593, 593, 593, 593, 593, 593, 593,
+ 593, 1011, 1011, 1011, 1011, 1011, 1011, 1011, 1011, 1011,
+ 1011, 1011, 1011, 1011, 1011, 1011, 1011, 1011, 1011, 1011,
+ 813, 813, 813, 813, 813, 813, 813, 813, 813, 813,
+ 813, 813, 813, 813, 813, 813, 813, 813, 813, 1014,
+ 1014, 1014, 1014, 1014, 1014, 1014, 1014, 1014, 1014, 1014,
+ 1014, 1014, 1014, 1014, 1014, 1014, 1014, 1014, 209, 209,
+ 209, 209, 209, 209, 209, 209, 209, 209, 209, 209,
+ 209, 209, 209, 209, 209, 209, 209, 914, 914, 914,
+ 914, 914, 914, 914, 914, 914, 914, 914, 914, 914,
+ 914, 914, 914, 914, 914, 914, 1019, 1019, 1019, 1019,
+ 1019, 1019, 1019, 1019, 1019, 1019, 1019, 1019, 1019, 1019,
+ 1019, 1019, 1019, 1019, 1019, 704, 704, 704, 704, 704,
+ 704, 704, 704, 704, 704, 704, 704, 704, 704, 704,
+ 704, 704, 704, 704, 917, 917, 917, 917, 917, 917,
+ 917, 917, 917, 917, 917, 917, 917, 917, 917, 917,
+ 917, 917, 917, 207, 207, 207, 207, 207, 207, 207,
+ 207, 207, 207, 207, 207, 207, 207, 207, 207, 207,
+ 207, 207, 451, 451, 451, 451, 451, 451, 451, 451,
+ 451, 451, 451, 451, 451, 451, 451, 451, 451, 451,
+ 451, 611, 611, 611, 611, 611, 611, 611, 611, 611,
+ 611, 611, 611, 611, 611, 611, 611, 611, 611, 611,
+ 1041, 1041, 1041, 1041, 1041, 1041, 1041, 1041, 1041, 1041,
+ 1041, 1041, 1041, 1041, 1041, 1041, 1041, 1041, 1041, 1043,
+ 1043, 1043, 1043, 1043, 1043, 1043, 1043, 1043, 1043, 1043,
+ 1043, 1043, 1043, 1043, 1043, 1043, 1043, 1043, 635, 635,
+ 635, 635, 635, 635, 635, 635, 635, 635, 635, 635,
+ 635, 635, 635, 635, 635, 635, 635, 466, 466, 466,
+ 466, 466, 466, 466, 466, 466, 466, 466, 466, 466,
+ 466, 466, 466, 466, 466, 466, 959, 959, 959, 959,
+ 959, 959, 959, 959, 959, 959, 959, 959, 959, 959,
+ 959, 959, 959, 959, 959, 1050, 1050, 1050, 1050, 1050,
+ 1050, 1050, 1050, 1050, 1050, 1050, 1050, 1050, 1050, 1050,
+ 1050, 1050, 1050, 1050, 962, 962, 962, 962, 962, 962,
+ 962, 962, 962, 962, 962, 962, 962, 962, 962, 962,
+ 962, 962, 962, 1056, 1056, 1056, 1056, 1056, 1056, 1056,
+ 1056, 1056, 1056, 1056, 1056, 1056, 1056, 1056, 1056, 1056,
+ 1056, 1056, 859, 859, 859, 859, 859, 859, 859, 859,
+ 859, 859, 859, 859, 859, 859, 859, 859, 859, 859,
+ 859, 1060, 1060, 1060, 1060, 1060, 1060, 1060, 1060, 1060,
+ 1060, 1060, 1060, 1060, 1060, 1060, 1060, 1060, 1060, 1060,
+ 649, 649, 649, 649, 649, 649, 649, 649, 649, 649,
+ 649, 649, 649, 649, 649, 649, 649, 649, 649, 1069,
+ 1069, 1069, 1069, 1069, 1069, 1069, 1069, 1069, 1069, 1069,
+ 1069, 1069, 1069, 1069, 1069, 1069, 1069, 1069, 973, 973,
+ 973, 973, 973, 973, 973, 973, 973, 973, 973, 973,
+ 973, 973, 973, 973, 973, 973, 973, 1071, 1071, 1071,
+ 1071, 1071, 1071, 1071, 1071, 1071, 1071, 1071, 1071, 1071,
+ 1071, 1071, 1071, 1071, 1071, 1071, 428, 428, 428, 428,
+ 428, 428, 428, 428, 428, 428, 428, 428, 428, 428,
+ 428, 428, 428, 428, 428, 1075, 1075, 1075, 1075, 1075,
+ 1075, 1075, 1075, 1075, 1075, 1075, 1075, 1075, 1075, 1075,
+ 1075, 1075, 1075, 1075, 1079, 1079, 1079, 1079, 1079, 1079,
+ 1079, 1079, 1079, 1079, 1079, 1079, 1079, 1079, 1079, 1079,
+ 1079, 1079, 1079, 875, 875, 875, 875, 875, 875, 875,
+ 875, 875, 875, 875, 875, 875, 875, 875, 875, 875,
+ 875, 875, 1086, 1086, 1086, 1086, 1086, 1086, 1086, 1086,
+ 1086, 1086, 1086, 1086, 1086, 1086, 1086, 1086, 1086, 1086,
+ 1086, 877, 877, 877, 877, 877, 877, 877, 877, 877,
+ 877, 877, 877, 877, 877, 877, 877, 877, 877, 877,
+ 986, 986, 986, 986, 986, 986, 986, 986, 986, 986,
+ 986, 986, 986, 986, 986, 986, 986, 986, 986, 1093,
+ 1093, 1093, 2255, 2255, 1093, 2255, 1093, 1093, 2255, 2255,
+ 1093, 2255, 1093, 2255, 1093, 1093, 1093, 1100, 1100, 1100,
+ 1100, 1100, 1100, 1100, 1100, 1100, 1100, 1100, 1100, 1100,
+ 1100, 1100, 1100, 1100, 1100, 1100, 1102, 1102, 1102, 1102,
+ 1102, 1102, 1102, 1102, 1102, 1102, 1102, 1102, 1102, 1102,
+ 1102, 1102, 1102, 1102, 1102, 770, 770, 770, 770, 770,
+ 770, 770, 770, 770, 770, 770, 770, 770, 770, 770,
+ 770, 770, 770, 770, 993, 993, 993, 993, 993, 993,
+ 993, 993, 993, 993, 993, 993, 993, 993, 993, 993,
+ 993, 993, 993, 390, 390, 390, 390, 390, 390, 390,
+ 390, 390, 390, 390, 390, 390, 390, 390, 390, 390,
+ 390, 390, 304, 304, 304, 304, 304, 304, 304, 304,
+ 304, 304, 304, 304, 304, 304, 304, 304, 304, 304,
+ 304, 669, 669, 669, 669, 669, 669, 669, 669, 669,
+ 669, 669, 669, 669, 669, 669, 669, 669, 669, 669,
+ 398, 398, 398, 398, 398, 398, 398, 398, 398, 398,
+ 398, 398, 398, 398, 398, 398, 398, 398, 398, 202,
+ 202, 202, 202, 202, 202, 202, 202, 202, 202, 202,
+ 202, 202, 202, 202, 202, 202, 202, 202, 1011, 1011,
+ 1011, 1011, 1011, 1011, 1011, 1011, 1011, 1011, 1011, 1011,
+ 1011, 1011, 1011, 1011, 1011, 1011, 1011, 1119, 1119, 1119,
+ 1119, 1119, 1119, 1119, 1119, 1119, 1119, 1119, 1119, 1119,
+ 1119, 1119, 1119, 1119, 1119, 1119, 1014, 1014, 1014, 1014,
+ 1014, 1014, 1014, 1014, 1014, 1014, 1014, 1014, 1014, 1014,
+ 1014, 1014, 1014, 1014, 1014, 1126, 1126, 1126, 1126, 1126,
+ 1126, 1126, 1126, 1126, 1126, 1126, 1126, 1126, 1126, 1126,
+ 1126, 1126, 1126, 1126, 914, 914, 914, 914, 914, 914,
+ 914, 914, 914, 914, 914, 914, 914, 914, 914, 914,
+ 914, 914, 914, 827, 827, 827, 827, 827, 827, 827,
+ 827, 827, 827, 827, 827, 827, 827, 827, 827, 827,
+ 827, 827, 1132, 1132, 1132, 1132, 1132, 1132, 1132, 1132,
+ 1132, 1132, 1132, 1132, 1132, 1132, 1132, 1132, 1132, 1132,
+ 1132, 917, 917, 917, 917, 917, 917, 917, 917, 917,
+ 917, 917, 917, 917, 917, 917, 917, 917, 917, 917,
+ 1138, 1138, 1138, 1138, 1138, 1138, 1138, 1138, 1138, 1138,
+ 1138, 1138, 1138, 1138, 1138, 1138, 1138, 1138, 1138, 1142,
+ 1142, 1142, 1142, 1142, 1142, 1142, 1142, 1142, 1142, 1142,
+ 1142, 1142, 1142, 1142, 1142, 1142, 1142, 1142, 1041, 1041,
+ 1041, 1041, 1041, 1041, 1041, 1041, 1041, 1041, 1041, 1041,
+ 1041, 1041, 1041, 1041, 1041, 1041, 1041, 1144, 1144, 1144,
+ 1144, 1144, 1144, 1144, 1144, 1144, 1144, 1144, 1144, 1144,
+ 1144, 1144, 1144, 1144, 1144, 1144, 451, 451, 451, 451,
+ 451, 451, 451, 451, 451, 451, 451, 451, 451, 451,
+ 451, 451, 451, 451, 451, 1151, 1151, 1151, 1151, 1151,
+ 1151, 1151, 1151, 1151, 1151, 1151, 1151, 1151, 1151, 1151,
+ 1151, 1151, 1151, 1151, 1154, 1154, 1154, 1154, 1154, 1154,
+ 1154, 1154, 1154, 1154, 1154, 1154, 1154, 1154, 1154, 1154,
+ 1154, 1154, 1154, 378, 378, 378, 378, 378, 378, 378,
+ 378, 378, 378, 378, 378, 378, 378, 378, 378, 378,
+ 378, 378, 959, 959, 959, 959, 959, 959, 959, 959,
+ 959, 959, 959, 959, 959, 959, 959, 959, 959, 959,
+ 959, 1167, 1167, 1167, 1167, 1167, 1167, 1167, 1167, 1167,
+ 1167, 1167, 1167, 1167, 1167, 1167, 1167, 1167, 1167, 1167,
+ 242, 242, 242, 242, 242, 242, 242, 242, 242, 242,
+ 242, 242, 242, 242, 242, 242, 242, 242, 242, 962,
+ 962, 962, 962, 962, 962, 962, 962, 962, 962, 962,
+ 962, 962, 962, 962, 962, 962, 962, 962, 468, 468,
+ 468, 468, 468, 468, 468, 468, 468, 468, 468, 468,
+ 468, 468, 468, 468, 468, 468, 468, 1176, 1176, 1176,
+ 1176, 1176, 1176, 1176, 1176, 1176, 1176, 1176, 1176, 1176,
+ 1176, 1176, 1176, 1176, 1176, 1176, 859, 859, 859, 859,
+ 859, 859, 859, 859, 859, 859, 859, 859, 859, 859,
+ 859, 859, 859, 859, 859, 1060, 1060, 1060, 1060, 1060,
+ 1060, 1060, 1060, 1060, 1060, 1060, 1060, 1060, 1060, 1060,
+ 1060, 1060, 1060, 1060, 123, 123, 123, 2255, 2255, 123,
+ 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 123, 2255, 2255, 2255, 123,
+ 123, 123, 183, 183, 183, 183, 183, 183, 183, 183,
+ 183, 183, 183, 183, 183, 183, 183, 183, 183, 183,
+ 183, 649, 649, 649, 649, 649, 649, 649, 649, 649,
+ 649, 649, 649, 649, 649, 649, 649, 649, 649, 649,
+ 470, 470, 470, 470, 470, 470, 470, 470, 470, 470,
+ 470, 470, 470, 470, 470, 470, 470, 470, 470, 1187,
+ 1187, 1187, 1187, 1187, 1187, 1187, 1187, 1187, 1187, 1187,
+ 1187, 1187, 1187, 1187, 1187, 1187, 1187, 1187, 973, 973,
+ 973, 973, 973, 973, 973, 973, 973, 973, 973, 973,
+ 973, 973, 973, 973, 973, 973, 973, 1193, 1193, 1193,
+ 1193, 1193, 1193, 1193, 1193, 1193, 1193, 1193, 1193, 1193,
+ 1193, 1193, 1193, 1193, 1193, 1193, 875, 875, 875, 875,
+ 875, 875, 875, 875, 875, 875, 875, 875, 875, 875,
+ 875, 875, 875, 875, 875, 1086, 1086, 1086, 1086, 1086,
+ 1086, 1086, 1086, 1086, 1086, 1086, 1086, 1086, 1086, 1086,
+ 1086, 1086, 1086, 1086, 336, 336, 336, 2255, 2255, 336,
+ 2255, 336, 336, 2255, 2255, 336, 2255, 336, 2255, 336,
+ 336, 336, 390, 390, 390, 390, 390, 390, 390, 390,
+ 390, 390, 390, 390, 390, 390, 390, 390, 390, 390,
+ 390, 337, 337, 337, 2255, 2255, 337, 2255, 337, 337,
+ 2255, 2255, 337, 337, 337, 2255, 337, 337, 337, 877,
+ 877, 877, 877, 877, 877, 877, 877, 877, 877, 877,
+ 877, 877, 877, 877, 877, 877, 877, 877, 1218, 1218,
+ 1218, 1218, 1218, 1218, 1218, 1218, 1218, 1218, 1218, 1218,
+ 1218, 1218, 1218, 1218, 1218, 1218, 1218, 1102, 1102, 1102,
+ 1102, 1102, 1102, 1102, 1102, 1102, 1102, 1102, 1102, 1102,
+ 1102, 1102, 1102, 1102, 1102, 1102, 1220, 1220, 1220, 1220,
+ 1220, 1220, 1220, 1220, 1220, 1220, 1220, 1220, 1220, 1220,
+ 1220, 1220, 1220, 1220, 1220, 770, 770, 770, 770, 770,
+ 770, 770, 770, 770, 770, 770, 770, 770, 770, 770,
+ 770, 770, 770, 770, 1228, 1228, 1228, 1228, 1228, 1228,
+ 1228, 1228, 1228, 1228, 1228, 1228, 1228, 1228, 1228, 1228,
+ 1228, 1228, 1228, 669, 669, 669, 669, 669, 669, 669,
+ 669, 669, 669, 669, 669, 669, 669, 669, 669, 669,
+ 669, 669, 398, 398, 398, 398, 398, 398, 398, 398,
+ 398, 398, 398, 398, 398, 398, 398, 398, 398, 398,
+ 398, 1011, 1011, 1011, 1011, 1011, 1011, 1011, 1011, 1011,
+ 1011, 1011, 1011, 1011, 1011, 1011, 1011, 1011, 1011, 1011,
+ 1240, 1240, 1240, 1240, 1240, 1240, 1240, 1240, 1240, 1240,
+ 1240, 1240, 1240, 1240, 1240, 1240, 1240, 1240, 1240, 235,
+ 235, 235, 235, 235, 235, 235, 235, 235, 235, 235,
+ 235, 235, 235, 235, 235, 235, 235, 235, 1014, 1014,
+ 1014, 1014, 1014, 1014, 1014, 1014, 1014, 1014, 1014, 1014,
+ 1014, 1014, 1014, 1014, 1014, 1014, 1014, 1255, 1255, 1255,
+ 1255, 1255, 1255, 1255, 1255, 1255, 1255, 1255, 1255, 1255,
+ 1255, 1255, 1255, 1255, 1255, 1255, 914, 914, 914, 914,
+ 914, 914, 914, 914, 914, 914, 914, 914, 914, 914,
+ 914, 914, 914, 914, 914, 1132, 1132, 1132, 1132, 1132,
+ 1132, 1132, 1132, 1132, 1132, 1132, 1132, 1132, 1132, 1132,
+ 1132, 1132, 1132, 1132, 209, 209, 209, 209, 209, 209,
+ 209, 209, 209, 209, 209, 209, 209, 209, 209, 209,
+ 209, 209, 209, 1138, 1138, 1138, 1138, 1138, 1138, 1138,
+ 1138, 1138, 1138, 1138, 1138, 1138, 1138, 1138, 1138, 1138,
+ 1138, 1138, 1272, 1272, 1272, 1272, 1272, 1272, 1272, 1272,
+ 1272, 1272, 1272, 1272, 1272, 1272, 1272, 1272, 1272, 1272,
+ 1272, 704, 704, 704, 704, 704, 704, 704, 704, 704,
+ 704, 704, 704, 704, 704, 704, 704, 704, 704, 704,
+ 506, 506, 506, 506, 506, 506, 506, 506, 506, 506,
+ 506, 506, 506, 506, 506, 506, 506, 506, 506, 508,
+ 508, 508, 508, 508, 508, 508, 508, 508, 508, 508,
+ 508, 508, 508, 508, 508, 508, 508, 508, 1275, 1275,
+ 1275, 1275, 1275, 1275, 1275, 1275, 1275, 1275, 1275, 1275,
+ 1275, 1275, 1275, 1275, 1275, 1275, 1275, 1041, 1041, 1041,
+ 1041, 1041, 1041, 1041, 1041, 1041, 1041, 1041, 1041, 1041,
+ 1041, 1041, 1041, 1041, 1041, 1041, 827, 827, 827, 827,
+ 827, 827, 827, 827, 827, 827, 827, 827, 827, 827,
+ 827, 827, 827, 827, 827, 1287, 1287, 1287, 1287, 1287,
+ 1287, 1287, 1287, 1287, 1287, 1287, 1287, 1287, 1287, 1287,
+ 1287, 1287, 1287, 1287, 415, 415, 415, 415, 415, 415,
+ 415, 415, 415, 415, 415, 415, 415, 415, 415, 415,
+ 415, 415, 415, 959, 959, 959, 959, 959, 959, 959,
+ 959, 959, 959, 959, 959, 959, 959, 959, 959, 959,
+ 959, 959, 1167, 1167, 1167, 1167, 1167, 1167, 1167, 1167,
+ 1167, 1167, 1167, 1167, 1167, 1167, 1167, 1167, 1167, 1167,
+ 1167, 123, 123, 123, 2255, 2255, 123, 2255, 2255, 2255,
+ 2255, 2255, 123, 2255, 2255, 2255, 123, 123, 123, 754,
+ 754, 754, 754, 754, 754, 754, 754, 754, 754, 754,
+ 754, 754, 754, 754, 754, 754, 754, 754, 1315, 1315,
+ 1315, 1315, 1315, 1315, 1315, 1315, 1315, 1315, 1315, 1315,
+ 1315, 1315, 1315, 1315, 1315, 1315, 1315, 1317, 1317, 1317,
+ 1317, 1317, 1317, 1317, 1317, 1317, 1317, 1317, 1317, 1317,
+ 1317, 1317, 1317, 1317, 1317, 1317, 962, 962, 962, 962,
+ 962, 962, 962, 962, 962, 962, 962, 962, 962, 962,
+ 962, 962, 962, 962, 962, 468, 468, 468, 468, 468,
+ 468, 468, 468, 468, 468, 468, 468, 468, 468, 468,
+ 468, 468, 468, 468, 1176, 1176, 1176, 1176, 1176, 1176,
+ 1176, 1176, 1176, 1176, 1176, 1176, 1176, 1176, 1176, 1176,
+ 1176, 1176, 1176, 244, 244, 244, 244, 244, 244, 244,
+ 244, 244, 244, 244, 244, 244, 244, 244, 244, 244,
+ 244, 244, 859, 859, 859, 859, 859, 859, 859, 859,
+ 859, 859, 859, 859, 859, 859, 859, 859, 859, 859,
+ 859, 861, 861, 861, 861, 861, 861, 861, 861, 861,
+ 861, 861, 861, 861, 861, 861, 861, 861, 861, 861,
+ 466, 466, 466, 466, 466, 466, 466, 466, 466, 466,
+ 466, 466, 466, 466, 466, 466, 466, 466, 466, 973,
+ 973, 973, 973, 973, 973, 973, 973, 973, 973, 973,
+ 973, 973, 973, 973, 973, 973, 973, 973, 1193, 1193,
+ 1193, 1193, 1193, 1193, 1193, 1193, 1193, 1193, 1193, 1193,
+ 1193, 1193, 1193, 1193, 1193, 1193, 1193, 1336, 1336, 1336,
+ 1336, 1336, 1336, 1336, 1336, 1336, 1336, 1336, 1336, 1336,
+ 1336, 1336, 1336, 1336, 1336, 1336, 649, 649, 649, 649,
+ 649, 649, 649, 649, 649, 649, 649, 649, 649, 649,
+ 649, 649, 649, 649, 649, 875, 875, 875, 875, 875,
+ 875, 875, 875, 875, 875, 875, 875, 875, 875, 875,
+ 875, 875, 875, 875, 390, 390, 390, 390, 390, 390,
+ 390, 390, 390, 390, 390, 390, 390, 390, 390, 390,
+ 390, 390, 390, 877, 877, 877, 877, 877, 877, 877,
+ 877, 877, 877, 877, 877, 877, 877, 877, 877, 877,
+ 877, 877, 1228, 1228, 1228, 1228, 1228, 1228, 1228, 1228,
+ 1228, 1228, 1228, 1228, 1228, 1228, 1228, 1228, 1228, 1228,
+ 1228, 879, 879, 879, 879, 879, 879, 879, 879, 879,
+ 879, 879, 879, 879, 879, 879, 879, 879, 879, 879,
+ 1350, 1350, 1350, 1350, 1350, 1350, 1350, 1350, 1350, 1350,
+ 1350, 1350, 1350, 1350, 1350, 1350, 1350, 1350, 1350, 986,
+ 986, 986, 986, 986, 986, 986, 986, 986, 986, 986,
+ 986, 986, 986, 986, 986, 986, 986, 986, 1102, 1102,
+ 1102, 1102, 1102, 1102, 1102, 1102, 1102, 1102, 1102, 1102,
+ 1102, 1102, 1102, 1102, 1102, 1102, 1102, 1352, 1352, 1352,
+ 1352, 1352, 1352, 1352, 1352, 1352, 1352, 1352, 1352, 1352,
+ 1352, 1352, 1352, 1352, 1352, 1352, 770, 770, 770, 770,
+ 770, 770, 770, 770, 770, 770, 770, 770, 770, 770,
+ 770, 770, 770, 770, 770, 669, 669, 669, 669, 669,
+ 669, 669, 669, 669, 669, 669, 669, 669, 669, 669,
+ 669, 669, 669, 669, 887, 887, 887, 887, 887, 887,
+ 887, 887, 887, 887, 887, 887, 887, 887, 887, 887,
+ 887, 887, 887, 398, 398, 398, 398, 398, 398, 398,
+ 398, 398, 398, 398, 398, 398, 398, 398, 398, 398,
+ 398, 398, 1011, 1011, 1011, 1011, 1011, 1011, 1011, 1011,
+ 1011, 1011, 1011, 1011, 1011, 1011, 1011, 1011, 1011, 1011,
+ 1011, 1240, 1240, 1240, 1240, 1240, 1240, 1240, 1240, 1240,
+ 1240, 1240, 1240, 1240, 1240, 1240, 1240, 1240, 1240, 1240,
+ 827, 827, 827, 827, 827, 827, 827, 827, 827, 827,
+ 827, 827, 827, 827, 827, 827, 827, 827, 827, 1379,
+ 1379, 1379, 1379, 1379, 1379, 1379, 1379, 1379, 1379, 1379,
+ 1379, 1379, 1379, 1379, 1379, 1379, 1379, 1379, 1138, 1138,
+ 1138, 1138, 1138, 1138, 1138, 1138, 1138, 1138, 1138, 1138,
+ 1138, 1138, 1138, 1138, 1138, 1138, 1138, 1014, 1014, 1014,
+ 1014, 1014, 1014, 1014, 1014, 1014, 1014, 1014, 1014, 1014,
+ 1014, 1014, 1014, 1014, 1014, 1014, 1255, 1255, 1255, 1255,
+ 1255, 1255, 1255, 1255, 1255, 1255, 1255, 1255, 1255, 1255,
+ 1255, 1255, 1255, 1255, 1255, 237, 237, 237, 237, 237,
+ 237, 237, 237, 237, 237, 237, 237, 237, 237, 237,
+ 237, 237, 237, 237, 1132, 1132, 1132, 1132, 1132, 1132,
+ 1132, 1132, 1132, 1132, 1132, 1132, 1132, 1132, 1132, 1132,
+ 1132, 1132, 1132, 1397, 1397, 1397, 1397, 1397, 1397, 1397,
+ 1397, 1397, 1397, 1397, 1397, 1397, 1397, 1397, 1397, 1397,
+ 1397, 1397, 446, 446, 446, 446, 446, 446, 446, 446,
+ 446, 446, 446, 446, 446, 446, 446, 446, 446, 446,
+ 446, 1041, 1041, 1041, 1041, 1041, 1041, 1041, 1041, 1041,
+ 1041, 1041, 1041, 1041, 1041, 1041, 1041, 1041, 1041, 1041,
+ 1287, 1287, 1287, 1287, 1287, 1287, 1287, 1287, 1287, 1287,
+ 1287, 1287, 1287, 1287, 1287, 1287, 1287, 1287, 1287, 1433,
+ 1433, 1433, 1433, 1433, 1433, 1433, 1433, 1433, 1433, 1433,
+ 1433, 1433, 1433, 1433, 1433, 1433, 1433, 1433, 704, 704,
+ 704, 704, 704, 704, 704, 704, 704, 704, 704, 704,
+ 704, 704, 704, 704, 704, 704, 704, 754, 754, 754,
+ 754, 754, 754, 754, 754, 754, 754, 754, 754, 754,
+ 754, 754, 754, 754, 754, 754, 959, 959, 959, 959,
+ 959, 959, 959, 959, 959, 959, 959, 959, 959, 959,
+ 959, 959, 959, 959, 959, 468, 468, 468, 468, 468,
+ 468, 468, 468, 468, 468, 468, 468, 468, 468, 468,
+ 468, 468, 468, 468, 745, 745, 745, 745, 745, 745,
+ 745, 745, 745, 745, 745, 745, 745, 745, 745, 745,
+ 745, 745, 745, 1317, 1317, 1317, 1317, 1317, 1317, 1317,
+ 1317, 1317, 1317, 1317, 1317, 1317, 1317, 1317, 1317, 1317,
+ 1317, 1317, 1442, 1442, 1442, 1442, 1442, 1442, 1442, 1442,
+ 1442, 1442, 1442, 1442, 1442, 1442, 1442, 1442, 1442, 1442,
+ 1442, 962, 962, 962, 962, 962, 962, 962, 962, 962,
+ 962, 962, 962, 962, 962, 962, 962, 962, 962, 962,
+ 859, 859, 859, 859, 859, 859, 859, 859, 859, 859,
+ 859, 859, 859, 859, 859, 859, 859, 859, 859, 1458,
+ 1458, 1458, 1458, 1458, 1458, 1458, 1458, 1458, 1458, 1458,
+ 1458, 1458, 1458, 1458, 1458, 1458, 1458, 1458, 973, 973,
+ 973, 973, 973, 973, 973, 973, 973, 973, 973, 973,
+ 973, 973, 973, 973, 973, 973, 973, 1467, 1467, 1467,
+ 1467, 1467, 1467, 1467, 1467, 1467, 1467, 1467, 1467, 1467,
+ 1467, 1467, 1467, 1467, 1467, 1467, 875, 875, 875, 875,
+ 875, 875, 875, 875, 875, 875, 875, 875, 875, 875,
+ 875, 875, 875, 875, 875, 986, 986, 986, 986, 986,
+ 986, 986, 986, 986, 986, 986, 986, 986, 986, 986,
+ 986, 986, 986, 986, 1476, 1476, 1476, 1476, 1476, 1476,
+ 1476, 1476, 1476, 1476, 1476, 1476, 1476, 1476, 1476, 1476,
+ 1476, 1476, 1476, 1218, 1218, 1218, 1218, 1218, 1218, 1218,
+ 1218, 1218, 1218, 1218, 1218, 1218, 1218, 1218, 1218, 1218,
+ 1218, 1218, 1479, 1479, 1479, 1479, 1479, 1479, 1479, 1479,
+ 1479, 1479, 1479, 1479, 1479, 1479, 1479, 1479, 1479, 1479,
+ 1479, 1350, 1350, 1350, 1350, 1350, 1350, 1350, 1350, 1350,
+ 1350, 1350, 1350, 1350, 1350, 1350, 1350, 1350, 1350, 1350,
+ 1481, 1481, 1481, 1481, 1481, 1481, 1481, 1481, 1481, 1481,
+ 1481, 1481, 1481, 1481, 1481, 1481, 1481, 1481, 1481, 1102,
+ 1102, 1102, 1102, 1102, 1102, 1102, 1102, 1102, 1102, 1102,
+ 1102, 1102, 1102, 1102, 1102, 1102, 1102, 1102, 1352, 1352,
+ 1352, 1352, 1352, 1352, 1352, 1352, 1352, 1352, 1352, 1352,
+ 1352, 1352, 1352, 1352, 1352, 1352, 1352, 302, 302, 302,
+ 302, 302, 302, 302, 302, 302, 302, 302, 302, 302,
+ 302, 302, 302, 302, 302, 302, 770, 770, 770, 770,
+ 770, 770, 770, 770, 770, 770, 770, 770, 770, 770,
+ 770, 770, 770, 770, 770, 993, 993, 993, 993, 993,
+ 993, 993, 993, 993, 993, 993, 993, 993, 993, 993,
+ 993, 993, 993, 993, 1493, 1493, 1493, 1493, 1493, 1493,
+ 1493, 1493, 1493, 1493, 1493, 1493, 1493, 1493, 1493, 1493,
+ 1493, 1493, 1493, 1497, 1497, 1497, 1497, 1497, 1497, 1497,
+ 1497, 1497, 1497, 1497, 1497, 1497, 1497, 1497, 1497, 1497,
+ 1497, 1497, 827, 827, 827, 827, 827, 827, 827, 827,
+ 827, 827, 827, 827, 827, 827, 827, 827, 827, 827,
+ 827, 1011, 1011, 1011, 1011, 1011, 1011, 1011, 1011, 1011,
+ 1011, 1011, 1011, 1011, 1011, 1011, 1011, 1011, 1011, 1011,
+ 506, 506, 506, 506, 506, 506, 506, 506, 506, 506,
+ 506, 506, 506, 506, 506, 506, 506, 506, 506, 813,
+ 813, 813, 813, 813, 813, 813, 813, 813, 813, 813,
+ 813, 813, 813, 813, 813, 813, 813, 813, 1014, 1014,
+ 1014, 1014, 1014, 1014, 1014, 1014, 1014, 1014, 1014, 1014,
+ 1014, 1014, 1014, 1014, 1014, 1014, 1014, 415, 415, 415,
+ 415, 415, 415, 415, 415, 415, 415, 415, 415, 415,
+ 415, 415, 415, 415, 415, 415, 914, 914, 914, 914,
+ 914, 914, 914, 914, 914, 914, 914, 914, 914, 914,
+ 914, 914, 914, 914, 914, 1138, 1138, 1138, 1138, 1138,
+ 1138, 1138, 1138, 1138, 1138, 1138, 1138, 1138, 1138, 1138,
+ 1138, 1138, 1138, 1138, 1397, 1397, 1397, 1397, 1397, 1397,
+ 1397, 1397, 1397, 1397, 1397, 1397, 1397, 1397, 1397, 1397,
+ 1397, 1397, 1397, 1558, 1558, 1558, 1558, 1558, 1558, 1558,
+ 1558, 1558, 1558, 1558, 1558, 1558, 1558, 1558, 1558, 1558,
+ 1558, 1558, 1287, 1287, 1287, 1287, 1287, 1287, 1287, 1287,
+ 1287, 1287, 1287, 1287, 1287, 1287, 1287, 1287, 1287, 1287,
+ 1287, 1041, 1041, 1041, 1041, 1041, 1041, 1041, 1041, 1041,
+ 1041, 1041, 1041, 1041, 1041, 1041, 1041, 1041, 1041, 1041,
+ 209, 209, 209, 209, 209, 209, 209, 209, 209, 209,
+ 209, 209, 209, 209, 209, 209, 209, 209, 209, 1572,
+ 1572, 1572, 1572, 1572, 1572, 1572, 1572, 1572, 1572, 1572,
+ 1572, 1572, 1572, 1572, 1572, 1572, 1572, 1572, 959, 959,
+ 959, 959, 959, 959, 959, 959, 959, 959, 959, 959,
+ 959, 959, 959, 959, 959, 959, 959, 1317, 1317, 1317,
+ 1317, 1317, 1317, 1317, 1317, 1317, 1317, 1317, 1317, 1317,
+ 1317, 1317, 1317, 1317, 1317, 1317, 754, 754, 754, 754,
+ 754, 754, 754, 754, 754, 754, 754, 754, 754, 754,
+ 754, 754, 754, 754, 754, 1581, 1581, 1581, 1581, 1581,
+ 1581, 1581, 1581, 1581, 1581, 1581, 1581, 1581, 1581, 1581,
+ 1581, 1581, 1581, 1581, 962, 962, 962, 962, 962, 962,
+ 962, 962, 962, 962, 962, 962, 962, 962, 962, 962,
+ 962, 962, 962, 859, 859, 859, 859, 859, 859, 859,
+ 859, 859, 859, 859, 859, 859, 859, 859, 859, 859,
+ 859, 859, 1060, 1060, 1060, 1060, 1060, 1060, 1060, 1060,
+ 1060, 1060, 1060, 1060, 1060, 1060, 1060, 1060, 1060, 1060,
+ 1060, 468, 468, 468, 468, 468, 468, 468, 468, 468,
+ 468, 468, 468, 468, 468, 468, 468, 468, 468, 468,
+ 1595, 1595, 1595, 1595, 1595, 1595, 1595, 1595, 1595, 1595,
+ 1595, 1595, 1595, 1595, 1595, 1595, 1595, 1595, 1595, 973,
+ 973, 973, 973, 973, 973, 973, 973, 973, 973, 973,
+ 973, 973, 973, 973, 973, 973, 973, 973, 1079, 1079,
+ 1079, 1079, 1079, 1079, 1079, 1079, 1079, 1079, 1079, 1079,
+ 1079, 1079, 1079, 1079, 1079, 1079, 1079, 1086, 1086, 1086,
+ 1086, 1086, 1086, 1086, 1086, 1086, 1086, 1086, 1086, 1086,
+ 1086, 1086, 1086, 1086, 1086, 1086, 875, 875, 875, 875,
+ 875, 875, 875, 875, 875, 875, 875, 875, 875, 875,
+ 875, 875, 875, 875, 875, 1476, 1476, 1476, 1476, 1476,
+ 1476, 1476, 1476, 1476, 1476, 1476, 1476, 1476, 1476, 1476,
+ 1476, 1476, 1476, 1476, 1606, 1606, 1606, 1606, 1606, 1606,
+ 1606, 1606, 1606, 1606, 1606, 1606, 1606, 1606, 1606, 1606,
+ 1606, 1606, 1606, 1479, 1479, 1479, 1479, 1479, 1479, 1479,
+ 1479, 1479, 1479, 1479, 1479, 1479, 1479, 1479, 1479, 1479,
+ 1479, 1479, 1612, 1612, 1612, 1612, 1612, 1612, 1612, 1612,
+ 1612, 1612, 1612, 1612, 1612, 1612, 1612, 1612, 1612, 1612,
+ 1612, 1350, 1350, 1350, 1350, 1350, 1350, 1350, 1350, 1350,
+ 1350, 1350, 1350, 1350, 1350, 1350, 1350, 1350, 1350, 1350,
+ 1616, 1616, 1616, 1616, 1616, 1616, 1616, 1616, 1616, 1616,
+ 1616, 1616, 1616, 1616, 1616, 1616, 1616, 1616, 1616, 1625,
+ 1625, 1625, 1625, 1625, 1625, 1625, 1625, 1625, 1625, 1625,
+ 1625, 1625, 1625, 1625, 1625, 1625, 1625, 1625, 1493, 1493,
+ 1493, 1493, 1493, 1493, 1493, 1493, 1493, 1493, 1493, 1493,
+ 1493, 1493, 1493, 1493, 1493, 1493, 1493, 1629, 1629, 1629,
+ 1629, 1629, 1629, 1629, 1629, 1629, 1629, 1629, 1629, 1629,
+ 1629, 1629, 1629, 1629, 1629, 1629, 770, 770, 770, 770,
+ 770, 770, 770, 770, 770, 770, 770, 770, 770, 770,
+ 770, 770, 770, 770, 770, 1633, 1633, 1633, 1633, 1633,
+ 1633, 1633, 1633, 1633, 1633, 1633, 1633, 1633, 1633, 1633,
+ 1633, 1633, 1633, 1633, 1637, 1637, 1637, 1637, 1637, 1637,
+ 1637, 1637, 1637, 1637, 1637, 1637, 1637, 1637, 1637, 1637,
+ 1637, 1637, 1637, 1011, 1011, 1011, 1011, 1011, 1011, 1011,
+ 1011, 1011, 1011, 1011, 1011, 1011, 1011, 1011, 1011, 1011,
+ 1011, 1011, 1138, 1138, 1138, 1138, 1138, 1138, 1138, 1138,
+ 1138, 1138, 1138, 1138, 1138, 1138, 1138, 1138, 1138, 1138,
+ 1138, 827, 827, 827, 827, 827, 827, 827, 827, 827,
+ 827, 827, 827, 827, 827, 827, 827, 827, 827, 827,
+ 1014, 1014, 1014, 1014, 1014, 1014, 1014, 1014, 1014, 1014,
+ 1014, 1014, 1014, 1014, 1014, 1014, 1014, 1014, 1014, 914,
+ 914, 914, 914, 914, 914, 914, 914, 914, 914, 914,
+ 914, 914, 914, 914, 914, 914, 914, 914, 1680, 1680,
+ 1680, 1680, 1680, 1680, 1680, 1680, 1680, 1680, 1680, 1680,
+ 1680, 1680, 1680, 1680, 1680, 1680, 1680, 1041, 1041, 1041,
+ 1041, 1041, 1041, 1041, 1041, 1041, 1041, 1041, 1041, 1041,
+ 1041, 1041, 1041, 1041, 1041, 1041, 1702, 1702, 1702, 1702,
+ 1702, 1702, 1702, 1702, 1702, 1702, 1702, 1702, 1702, 1702,
+ 1702, 1702, 1702, 1702, 1702, 1154, 1154, 1154, 1154, 1154,
+ 1154, 1154, 1154, 1154, 1154, 1154, 1154, 1154, 1154, 1154,
+ 1154, 1154, 1154, 1154, 1132, 1132, 1132, 1132, 1132, 1132,
+ 1132, 1132, 1132, 1132, 1132, 1132, 1132, 1132, 1132, 1132,
+ 1132, 1132, 1132, 959, 959, 959, 959, 959, 959, 959,
+ 959, 959, 959, 959, 959, 959, 959, 959, 959, 959,
+ 959, 959, 1167, 1167, 1167, 1167, 1167, 1167, 1167, 1167,
+ 1167, 1167, 1167, 1167, 1167, 1167, 1167, 1167, 1167, 1167,
+ 1167, 1317, 1317, 1317, 1317, 1317, 1317, 1317, 1317, 1317,
+ 1317, 1317, 1317, 1317, 1317, 1317, 1317, 1317, 1317, 1317,
+ 1581, 1581, 1581, 1581, 1581, 1581, 1581, 1581, 1581, 1581,
+ 1581, 1581, 1581, 1581, 1581, 1581, 1581, 1581, 1581, 962,
+ 962, 962, 962, 962, 962, 962, 962, 962, 962, 962,
+ 962, 962, 962, 962, 962, 962, 962, 962, 468, 468,
+ 468, 468, 468, 468, 468, 468, 468, 468, 468, 468,
+ 468, 468, 468, 468, 468, 468, 468, 1176, 1176, 1176,
+ 1176, 1176, 1176, 1176, 1176, 1176, 1176, 1176, 1176, 1176,
+ 1176, 1176, 1176, 1176, 1176, 1176, 1467, 1467, 1467, 1467,
+ 1467, 1467, 1467, 1467, 1467, 1467, 1467, 1467, 1467, 1467,
+ 1467, 1467, 1467, 1467, 1467, 1187, 1187, 1187, 1187, 1187,
+ 1187, 1187, 1187, 1187, 1187, 1187, 1187, 1187, 1187, 1187,
+ 1187, 1187, 1187, 1187, 973, 973, 973, 973, 973, 973,
+ 973, 973, 973, 973, 973, 973, 973, 973, 973, 973,
+ 973, 973, 973, 1193, 1193, 1193, 1193, 1193, 1193, 1193,
+ 1193, 1193, 1193, 1193, 1193, 1193, 1193, 1193, 1193, 1193,
+ 1193, 1193, 1476, 1476, 1476, 1476, 1476, 1476, 1476, 1476,
+ 1476, 1476, 1476, 1476, 1476, 1476, 1476, 1476, 1476, 1476,
+ 1476, 1736, 1736, 1736, 1736, 1736, 1736, 1736, 1736, 1736,
+ 1736, 1736, 1736, 1736, 1736, 1736, 1736, 1736, 1736, 1736,
+ 388, 388, 388, 388, 388, 388, 388, 388, 388, 388,
+ 388, 388, 388, 388, 388, 388, 388, 388, 388, 1479,
+ 1479, 1479, 1479, 1479, 1479, 1479, 1479, 1479, 1479, 1479,
+ 1479, 1479, 1479, 1479, 1479, 1479, 1479, 1479, 1746, 1746,
+ 1746, 1746, 1746, 1746, 1746, 1746, 1746, 1746, 1746, 1746,
+ 1746, 1746, 1746, 1746, 1746, 1746, 1746, 1350, 1350, 1350,
+ 1350, 1350, 1350, 1350, 1350, 1350, 1350, 1350, 1350, 1350,
+ 1350, 1350, 1350, 1350, 1350, 1350, 1616, 1616, 1616, 1616,
+ 1616, 1616, 1616, 1616, 1616, 1616, 1616, 1616, 1616, 1616,
+ 1616, 1616, 1616, 1616, 1616, 1093, 1093, 1093, 2255, 2255,
+ 1093, 2255, 1093, 1093, 2255, 2255, 1093, 2255, 1093, 2255,
+ 1093, 1093, 1093, 304, 304, 304, 304, 304, 304, 304,
+ 304, 304, 304, 304, 304, 304, 304, 304, 304, 304,
+ 304, 304, 1102, 1102, 1102, 1102, 1102, 1102, 1102, 1102,
+ 1102, 1102, 1102, 1102, 1102, 1102, 1102, 1102, 1102, 1102,
+ 1102, 877, 877, 877, 877, 877, 877, 877, 877, 877,
+ 877, 877, 877, 877, 877, 877, 877, 877, 877, 877,
+ 879, 879, 879, 879, 879, 879, 879, 879, 879, 879,
+ 879, 879, 879, 879, 879, 879, 879, 879, 879, 1759,
+ 1759, 1759, 1759, 1759, 1759, 1759, 1759, 1759, 1759, 1759,
+ 1759, 1759, 1759, 1759, 1759, 1759, 1759, 1759, 1493, 1493,
+ 1493, 1493, 1493, 1493, 1493, 1493, 1493, 1493, 1493, 1493,
+ 1493, 1493, 1493, 1493, 1493, 1493, 1493, 1764, 1764, 1764,
+ 1764, 1764, 1764, 1764, 1764, 1764, 1764, 1764, 1764, 1764,
+ 1764, 1764, 1764, 1764, 1764, 1764, 1011, 1011, 1011, 1011,
+ 1011, 1011, 1011, 1011, 1011, 1011, 1011, 1011, 1011, 1011,
+ 1011, 1011, 1011, 1011, 1011, 1240, 1240, 1240, 1240, 1240,
+ 1240, 1240, 1240, 1240, 1240, 1240, 1240, 1240, 1240, 1240,
+ 1240, 1240, 1240, 1240, 1014, 1014, 1014, 1014, 1014, 1014,
+ 1014, 1014, 1014, 1014, 1014, 1014, 1014, 1014, 1014, 1014,
+ 1014, 1014, 1014, 1255, 1255, 1255, 1255, 1255, 1255, 1255,
+ 1255, 1255, 1255, 1255, 1255, 1255, 1255, 1255, 1255, 1255,
+ 1255, 1255, 914, 914, 914, 914, 914, 914, 914, 914,
+ 914, 914, 914, 914, 914, 914, 914, 914, 914, 914,
+ 914, 1154, 1154, 1154, 1154, 1154, 1154, 1154, 1154, 1154,
+ 1154, 1154, 1154, 1154, 1154, 1154, 1154, 1154, 1154, 1154,
+ 1572, 1572, 1572, 1572, 1572, 1572, 1572, 1572, 1572, 1572,
+ 1572, 1572, 1572, 1572, 1572, 1572, 1572, 1572, 1572, 209,
+ 209, 209, 209, 209, 209, 209, 209, 209, 209, 209,
+ 209, 209, 209, 209, 209, 209, 209, 209, 1138, 1138,
+ 1138, 1138, 1138, 1138, 1138, 1138, 1138, 1138, 1138, 1138,
+ 1138, 1138, 1138, 1138, 1138, 1138, 1138, 1275, 1275, 1275,
+ 1275, 1275, 1275, 1275, 1275, 1275, 1275, 1275, 1275, 1275,
+ 1275, 1275, 1275, 1275, 1275, 1275, 1041, 1041, 1041, 1041,
+ 1041, 1041, 1041, 1041, 1041, 1041, 1041, 1041, 1041, 1041,
+ 1041, 1041, 1041, 1041, 1041, 704, 704, 704, 704, 704,
+ 704, 704, 704, 704, 704, 704, 704, 704, 704, 704,
+ 704, 704, 704, 704, 1824, 1824, 1824, 1824, 1824, 1824,
+ 1824, 1824, 1824, 1824, 1824, 1824, 1824, 1824, 1824, 1824,
+ 1824, 1824, 1824, 959, 959, 959, 959, 959, 959, 959,
+ 959, 959, 959, 959, 959, 959, 959, 959, 959, 959,
+ 959, 959, 1317, 1317, 1317, 1317, 1317, 1317, 1317, 1317,
+ 1317, 1317, 1317, 1317, 1317, 1317, 1317, 1317, 1317, 1317,
+ 1317, 1595, 1595, 1595, 1595, 1595, 1595, 1595, 1595, 1595,
+ 1595, 1595, 1595, 1595, 1595, 1595, 1595, 1595, 1595, 1595,
+ 962, 962, 962, 962, 962, 962, 962, 962, 962, 962,
+ 962, 962, 962, 962, 962, 962, 962, 962, 962, 1837,
+ 1837, 1837, 1837, 1837, 1837, 1837, 1837, 1837, 1837, 1837,
+ 1837, 1837, 1837, 1837, 1837, 1837, 1837, 1837, 973, 973,
+ 973, 973, 973, 973, 973, 973, 973, 973, 973, 973,
+ 973, 973, 973, 973, 973, 973, 973, 384, 384, 384,
+ 384, 384, 384, 384, 384, 384, 384, 384, 384, 384,
+ 384, 384, 384, 384, 384, 384, 1476, 1476, 1476, 1476,
+ 1476, 1476, 1476, 1476, 1476, 1476, 1476, 1476, 1476, 1476,
+ 1476, 1476, 1476, 1476, 1476, 1736, 1736, 1736, 1736, 1736,
+ 1736, 1736, 1736, 1736, 1736, 1736, 1736, 1736, 1736, 1736,
+ 1736, 1736, 1736, 1736, 1093, 1093, 1093, 2255, 2255, 1093,
+ 2255, 1093, 1093, 2255, 2255, 1093, 2255, 1093, 2255, 1093,
+ 1093, 1093, 1228, 1228, 1228, 1228, 1228, 1228, 1228, 1228,
+ 1228, 1228, 1228, 1228, 1228, 1228, 1228, 1228, 1228, 1228,
+ 1228, 1850, 1850, 1850, 1850, 1850, 1850, 1850, 1850, 1850,
+ 1850, 1850, 1850, 1850, 1850, 1850, 1850, 1850, 1850, 1850,
+ 1852, 1852, 1852, 1852, 1852, 1852, 1852, 1852, 1852, 1852,
+ 1852, 1852, 1852, 1852, 1852, 1852, 1852, 1852, 1852, 1479,
+ 1479, 1479, 1479, 1479, 1479, 1479, 1479, 1479, 1479, 1479,
+ 1479, 1479, 1479, 1479, 1479, 1479, 1479, 1479, 1746, 1746,
+ 1746, 1746, 1746, 1746, 1746, 1746, 1746, 1746, 1746, 1746,
+ 1746, 1746, 1746, 1746, 1746, 1746, 1746, 390, 390, 390,
+ 390, 390, 390, 390, 390, 390, 390, 390, 390, 390,
+ 390, 390, 390, 390, 390, 390, 1350, 1350, 1350, 1350,
+ 1350, 1350, 1350, 1350, 1350, 1350, 1350, 1350, 1350, 1350,
+ 1350, 1350, 1350, 1350, 1350, 1352, 1352, 1352, 1352, 1352,
+ 1352, 1352, 1352, 1352, 1352, 1352, 1352, 1352, 1352, 1352,
+ 1352, 1352, 1352, 1352, 875, 875, 875, 875, 875, 875,
+ 875, 875, 875, 875, 875, 875, 875, 875, 875, 875,
+ 875, 875, 875, 1493, 1493, 1493, 1493, 1493, 1493, 1493,
+ 1493, 1493, 1493, 1493, 1493, 1493, 1493, 1493, 1493, 1493,
+ 1493, 1493, 1764, 1764, 1764, 1764, 1764, 1764, 1764, 1764,
+ 1764, 1764, 1764, 1764, 1764, 1764, 1764, 1764, 1764, 1764,
+ 1764, 1877, 1877, 1877, 1877, 1877, 1877, 1877, 1877, 1877,
+ 1877, 1877, 1877, 1877, 1877, 1877, 1877, 1877, 1877, 1877,
+ 1102, 1102, 1102, 1102, 1102, 1102, 1102, 1102, 1102, 1102,
+ 1102, 1102, 1102, 1102, 1102, 1102, 1102, 1102, 1102, 1880,
+ 1880, 1880, 1880, 1880, 1880, 1880, 1880, 1880, 1880, 1880,
+ 1880, 1880, 1880, 1880, 1880, 1880, 1880, 1880, 1011, 1011,
+ 1011, 1011, 1011, 1011, 1011, 1011, 1011, 1011, 1011, 1011,
+ 1011, 1011, 1011, 1011, 1011, 1011, 1011, 1884, 1884, 1884,
+ 1884, 1884, 1884, 1884, 1884, 1884, 1884, 1884, 1884, 1884,
+ 1884, 1884, 1884, 1884, 1884, 1884, 827, 827, 827, 827,
+ 827, 827, 827, 827, 827, 827, 827, 827, 827, 827,
+ 827, 827, 827, 827, 827, 1702, 1702, 1702, 1702, 1702,
+ 1702, 1702, 1702, 1702, 1702, 1702, 1702, 1702, 1702, 1702,
+ 1702, 1702, 1702, 1702, 1014, 1014, 1014, 1014, 1014, 1014,
+ 1014, 1014, 1014, 1014, 1014, 1014, 1014, 1014, 1014, 1014,
+ 1014, 1014, 1014, 1397, 1397, 1397, 1397, 1397, 1397, 1397,
+ 1397, 1397, 1397, 1397, 1397, 1397, 1397, 1397, 1397, 1397,
+ 1397, 1397, 1138, 1138, 1138, 1138, 1138, 1138, 1138, 1138,
+ 1138, 1138, 1138, 1138, 1138, 1138, 1138, 1138, 1138, 1138,
+ 1138, 1900, 1900, 1900, 1900, 1900, 1900, 1900, 1900, 1900,
+ 1900, 1900, 1900, 1900, 1900, 1900, 1900, 1900, 1900, 1900,
+ 1041, 1041, 1041, 1041, 1041, 1041, 1041, 1041, 1041, 1041,
+ 1041, 1041, 1041, 1041, 1041, 1041, 1041, 1041, 1041, 415,
+ 415, 415, 415, 415, 415, 415, 415, 415, 415, 415,
+ 415, 415, 415, 415, 415, 415, 415, 415, 959, 959,
+ 959, 959, 959, 959, 959, 959, 959, 959, 959, 959,
+ 959, 959, 959, 959, 959, 959, 959, 1167, 1167, 1167,
+ 1167, 1167, 1167, 1167, 1167, 1167, 1167, 1167, 1167, 1167,
+ 1167, 1167, 1167, 1167, 1167, 1167, 1317, 1317, 1317, 1317,
+ 1317, 1317, 1317, 1317, 1317, 1317, 1317, 1317, 1317, 1317,
+ 1317, 1317, 1317, 1317, 1317, 649, 649, 649, 649, 649,
+ 649, 649, 649, 649, 649, 649, 649, 649, 649, 649,
+ 649, 649, 649, 649, 428, 428, 428, 428, 428, 428,
+ 428, 428, 428, 428, 428, 428, 428, 428, 428, 428,
+ 428, 428, 428, 1917, 1917, 1917, 1917, 1917, 1917, 1917,
+ 1917, 1917, 1917, 1917, 1917, 1917, 1917, 1917, 1917, 1917,
+ 1917, 1917, 1922, 1922, 1922, 1922, 1922, 1922, 1922, 1922,
+ 1922, 1922, 1922, 1922, 1922, 1922, 1922, 1922, 1922, 1922,
+ 1922, 973, 973, 973, 973, 973, 973, 973, 973, 973,
+ 973, 973, 973, 973, 973, 973, 973, 973, 973, 973,
+ 1228, 1228, 1228, 1228, 1228, 1228, 1228, 1228, 1228, 1228,
+ 1228, 1228, 1228, 1228, 1228, 1228, 1228, 1228, 1228, 1476,
+ 1476, 1476, 1476, 1476, 1476, 1476, 1476, 1476, 1476, 1476,
+ 1476, 1476, 1476, 1476, 1476, 1476, 1476, 1476, 877, 877,
+ 877, 877, 877, 877, 877, 877, 877, 877, 877, 877,
+ 877, 877, 877, 877, 877, 877, 877, 1218, 1218, 1218,
+ 1218, 1218, 1218, 1218, 1218, 1218, 1218, 1218, 1218, 1218,
+ 1218, 1218, 1218, 1218, 1218, 1218, 1852, 1852, 1852, 1852,
+ 1852, 1852, 1852, 1852, 1852, 1852, 1852, 1852, 1852, 1852,
+ 1852, 1852, 1852, 1852, 1852, 1934, 1934, 1934, 1934, 1934,
+ 1934, 1934, 1934, 1934, 1934, 1934, 1934, 1934, 1934, 1934,
+ 1934, 1934, 1934, 1934, 1479, 1479, 1479, 1479, 1479, 1479,
+ 1479, 1479, 1479, 1479, 1479, 1479, 1479, 1479, 1479, 1479,
+ 1479, 1479, 1479, 1350, 1350, 1350, 1350, 1350, 1350, 1350,
+ 1350, 1350, 1350, 1350, 1350, 1350, 1350, 1350, 1350, 1350,
+ 1350, 1350, 1952, 1952, 1952, 1952, 1952, 1952, 1952, 1952,
+ 1952, 1952, 1952, 1952, 1952, 1952, 1952, 1952, 1952, 1952,
+ 1952, 1493, 1493, 1493, 1493, 1493, 1493, 1493, 1493, 1493,
+ 1493, 1493, 1493, 1493, 1493, 1493, 1493, 1493, 1493, 1493,
+ 1962, 1962, 1962, 1962, 1962, 1962, 1962, 1962, 1962, 1962,
+ 1962, 1962, 1962, 1962, 1962, 1962, 1962, 1962, 1962, 1011,
+ 1011, 1011, 1011, 1011, 1011, 1011, 1011, 1011, 1011, 1011,
+ 1011, 1011, 1011, 1011, 1011, 1011, 1011, 1011, 1240, 1240,
+ 1240, 1240, 1240, 1240, 1240, 1240, 1240, 1240, 1240, 1240,
+ 1240, 1240, 1240, 1240, 1240, 1240, 1240, 704, 704, 704,
+ 704, 704, 704, 704, 704, 704, 704, 704, 704, 704,
+ 704, 704, 704, 704, 704, 704, 914, 914, 914, 914,
+ 914, 914, 914, 914, 914, 914, 914, 914, 914, 914,
+ 914, 914, 914, 914, 914, 451, 451, 451, 451, 451,
+ 451, 451, 451, 451, 451, 451, 451, 451, 451, 451,
+ 451, 451, 451, 451, 1880, 1880, 1880, 1880, 1880, 1880,
+ 1880, 1880, 1880, 1880, 1880, 1880, 1880, 1880, 1880, 1880,
+ 1880, 1880, 1880, 1317, 1317, 1317, 1317, 1317, 1317, 1317,
+ 1317, 1317, 1317, 1317, 1317, 1317, 1317, 1317, 1317, 1317,
+ 1317, 1317, 1581, 1581, 1581, 1581, 1581, 1581, 1581, 1581,
+ 1581, 1581, 1581, 1581, 1581, 1581, 1581, 1581, 1581, 1581,
+ 1581, 466, 466, 466, 466, 466, 466, 466, 466, 466,
+ 466, 466, 466, 466, 466, 466, 466, 466, 466, 466,
+ 2007, 2007, 2007, 2007, 2007, 2007, 2007, 2007, 2007, 2007,
+ 2007, 2007, 2007, 2007, 2007, 2007, 2007, 2007, 2007, 2010,
+ 2010, 2010, 2010, 2010, 2010, 2010, 2010, 2010, 2010, 2010,
+ 2010, 2010, 2010, 2010, 2010, 2010, 2010, 2010, 973, 973,
+ 973, 973, 973, 973, 973, 973, 973, 973, 973, 973,
+ 973, 973, 973, 973, 973, 973, 973, 959, 959, 959,
+ 959, 959, 959, 959, 959, 959, 959, 959, 959, 959,
+ 959, 959, 959, 959, 959, 959, 1167, 1167, 1167, 1167,
+ 1167, 1167, 1167, 1167, 1167, 1167, 1167, 1167, 1167, 1167,
+ 1167, 1167, 1167, 1167, 1167, 859, 859, 859, 859, 859,
+ 859, 859, 859, 859, 859, 859, 859, 859, 859, 859,
+ 859, 859, 859, 859, 1079, 1079, 1079, 1079, 1079, 1079,
+ 1079, 1079, 1079, 1079, 1079, 1079, 1079, 1079, 1079, 1079,
+ 1079, 1079, 1079, 1476, 1476, 1476, 1476, 1476, 1476, 1476,
+ 1476, 1476, 1476, 1476, 1476, 1476, 1476, 1476, 1476, 1476,
+ 1476, 1476, 1852, 1852, 1852, 1852, 1852, 1852, 1852, 1852,
+ 1852, 1852, 1852, 1852, 1852, 1852, 1852, 1852, 1852, 1852,
+ 1852, 1228, 1228, 1228, 1228, 1228, 1228, 1228, 1228, 1228,
+ 1228, 1228, 1228, 1228, 1228, 1228, 1228, 1228, 1228, 1228,
+ 2022, 2022, 2022, 2022, 2022, 2022, 2022, 2022, 2022, 2022,
+ 2022, 2022, 2022, 2022, 2022, 2022, 2022, 2022, 2022, 1479,
+ 1479, 1479, 1479, 1479, 1479, 1479, 1479, 1479, 1479, 1479,
+ 1479, 1479, 1479, 1479, 1479, 1479, 1479, 1479, 1350, 1350,
+ 1350, 1350, 1350, 1350, 1350, 1350, 1350, 1350, 1350, 1350,
+ 1350, 1350, 1350, 1350, 1350, 1350, 1350, 1616, 1616, 1616,
+ 1616, 1616, 1616, 1616, 1616, 1616, 1616, 1616, 1616, 1616,
+ 1616, 1616, 1616, 1616, 1616, 1616, 2040, 2040, 2040, 2040,
+ 2040, 2040, 2040, 2040, 2040, 2040, 2040, 2040, 2040, 2040,
+ 2040, 2040, 2040, 2040, 2040, 1493, 1493, 1493, 1493, 1493,
+ 1493, 1493, 1493, 1493, 1493, 1493, 1493, 1493, 1493, 1493,
+ 1493, 1493, 1493, 1493, 1637, 1637, 1637, 1637, 1637, 1637,
+ 1637, 1637, 1637, 1637, 1637, 1637, 1637, 1637, 1637, 1637,
+ 1637, 1637, 1637, 1041, 1041, 1041, 1041, 1041, 1041, 1041,
+ 1041, 1041, 1041, 1041, 1041, 1041, 1041, 1041, 1041, 1041,
+ 1041, 1041, 1138, 1138, 1138, 1138, 1138, 1138, 1138, 1138,
+ 1138, 1138, 1138, 1138, 1138, 1138, 1138, 1138, 1138, 1138,
+ 1138, 1011, 1011, 1011, 1011, 1011, 1011, 1011, 1011, 1011,
+ 1011, 1011, 1011, 1011, 1011, 1011, 1011, 1011, 1011, 1011,
+ 446, 446, 446, 446, 446, 446, 446, 446, 446, 446,
+ 446, 446, 446, 446, 446, 446, 446, 446, 446, 2089,
+ 2089, 2089, 2089, 2089, 2089, 2089, 2089, 2089, 2089, 2089,
+ 2089, 2089, 2089, 2089, 2089, 2089, 2089, 2089, 2094, 2094,
+ 2094, 2094, 2094, 2094, 2094, 2094, 2094, 2094, 2094, 2094,
+ 2094, 2094, 2094, 2094, 2094, 2094, 2094, 2099, 2099, 2099,
+ 2099, 2099, 2099, 2099, 2099, 2099, 2099, 2099, 2099, 2099,
+ 2099, 2099, 2099, 2099, 2099, 2099, 1317, 1317, 1317, 1317,
+ 1317, 1317, 1317, 1317, 1317, 1317, 1317, 1317, 1317, 1317,
+ 1317, 1317, 1317, 1317, 1317, 2102, 2102, 2102, 2102, 2102,
+ 2102, 2102, 2102, 2102, 2102, 2102, 2102, 2102, 2102, 2102,
+ 2102, 2102, 2102, 2102, 859, 859, 859, 859, 859, 859,
+ 859, 859, 859, 859, 859, 859, 859, 859, 859, 859,
+ 859, 859, 859, 1467, 1467, 1467, 1467, 1467, 1467, 1467,
+ 1467, 1467, 1467, 1467, 1467, 1467, 1467, 1467, 1467, 1467,
+ 1467, 1467, 962, 962, 962, 962, 962, 962, 962, 962,
+ 962, 962, 962, 962, 962, 962, 962, 962, 962, 962,
+ 962, 468, 468, 468, 468, 468, 468, 468, 468, 468,
+ 468, 468, 468, 468, 468, 468, 468, 468, 468, 468,
+ 1187, 1187, 1187, 1187, 1187, 1187, 1187, 1187, 1187, 1187,
+ 1187, 1187, 1187, 1187, 1187, 1187, 1187, 1187, 1187, 2107,
+ 2107, 2107, 2107, 2107, 2107, 2107, 2107, 2107, 2107, 2107,
+ 2107, 2107, 2107, 2107, 2107, 2107, 2107, 2107, 1476, 1476,
+ 1476, 1476, 1476, 1476, 1476, 1476, 1476, 1476, 1476, 1476,
+ 1476, 1476, 1476, 1476, 1476, 1476, 1476, 1736, 1736, 1736,
+ 1736, 1736, 1736, 1736, 1736, 1736, 1736, 1736, 1736, 1736,
+ 1736, 1736, 1736, 1736, 1736, 1736, 1852, 1852, 1852, 1852,
+ 1852, 1852, 1852, 1852, 1852, 1852, 1852, 1852, 1852, 1852,
+ 1852, 1852, 1852, 1852, 1852, 2022, 2022, 2022, 2022, 2022,
+ 2022, 2022, 2022, 2022, 2022, 2022, 2022, 2022, 2022, 2022,
+ 2022, 2022, 2022, 2022, 1479, 1479, 1479, 1479, 1479, 1479,
+ 1479, 1479, 1479, 1479, 1479, 1479, 1479, 1479, 1479, 1479,
+ 1479, 1479, 1479, 1746, 1746, 1746, 1746, 1746, 1746, 1746,
+ 1746, 1746, 1746, 1746, 1746, 1746, 1746, 1746, 1746, 1746,
+ 1746, 1746, 1962, 1962, 1962, 1962, 1962, 1962, 1962, 1962,
+ 1962, 1962, 1962, 1962, 1962, 1962, 1962, 1962, 1962, 1962,
+ 1962, 1759, 1759, 1759, 1759, 1759, 1759, 1759, 1759, 1759,
+ 1759, 1759, 1759, 1759, 1759, 1759, 1759, 1759, 1759, 1759,
+ 1493, 1493, 1493, 1493, 1493, 1493, 1493, 1493, 1493, 1493,
+ 1493, 1493, 1493, 1493, 1493, 1493, 1493, 1493, 1493, 1764,
+ 1764, 1764, 1764, 1764, 1764, 1764, 1764, 1764, 1764, 1764,
+ 1764, 1764, 1764, 1764, 1764, 1764, 1764, 1764, 2128, 2128,
+ 2128, 2128, 2128, 2128, 2128, 2128, 2128, 2128, 2128, 2128,
+ 2128, 2128, 2128, 2128, 2128, 2128, 2128, 2142, 2142, 2142,
+ 2142, 2142, 2142, 2142, 2142, 2142, 2142, 2142, 2142, 2142,
+ 2142, 2142, 2142, 2142, 2142, 2142, 1138, 1138, 1138, 1138,
+ 1138, 1138, 1138, 1138, 1138, 1138, 1138, 1138, 1138, 1138,
+ 1138, 1138, 1138, 1138, 1138, 2147, 2147, 2147, 2147, 2147,
+ 2147, 2147, 2147, 2147, 2147, 2147, 2147, 2147, 2147, 2147,
+ 2147, 2147, 2147, 2147, 914, 914, 914, 914, 914, 914,
+ 914, 914, 914, 914, 914, 914, 914, 914, 914, 914,
+ 914, 914, 914, 1572, 1572, 1572, 1572, 1572, 1572, 1572,
+ 1572, 1572, 1572, 1572, 1572, 1572, 1572, 1572, 1572, 1572,
+ 1572, 1572, 415, 415, 415, 415, 415, 415, 415, 415,
+ 415, 415, 415, 415, 415, 415, 415, 415, 415, 415,
+ 415, 1014, 1014, 1014, 1014, 1014, 1014, 1014, 1014, 1014,
+ 1014, 1014, 1014, 1014, 1014, 1014, 1014, 1014, 1014, 1014,
+ 1275, 1275, 1275, 1275, 1275, 1275, 1275, 1275, 1275, 1275,
+ 1275, 1275, 1275, 1275, 1275, 1275, 1275, 1275, 1275, 2153,
+ 2153, 2153, 2153, 2153, 2153, 2153, 2153, 2153, 2153, 2153,
+ 2153, 2153, 2153, 2153, 2153, 2153, 2153, 2153, 959, 959,
+ 959, 959, 959, 959, 959, 959, 959, 959, 959, 959,
+ 959, 959, 959, 959, 959, 959, 959, 1824, 1824, 1824,
+ 1824, 1824, 1824, 1824, 1824, 1824, 1824, 1824, 1824, 1824,
+ 1824, 1824, 1824, 1824, 1824, 1824, 962, 962, 962, 962,
+ 962, 962, 962, 962, 962, 962, 962, 962, 962, 962,
+ 962, 962, 962, 962, 962, 468, 468, 468, 468, 468,
+ 468, 468, 468, 468, 468, 468, 468, 468, 468, 468,
+ 468, 468, 468, 468, 1595, 1595, 1595, 1595, 1595, 1595,
+ 1595, 1595, 1595, 1595, 1595, 1595, 1595, 1595, 1595, 1595,
+ 1595, 1595, 1595, 2158, 2158, 2158, 2158, 2158, 2158, 2158,
+ 2158, 2158, 2158, 2158, 2158, 2158, 2158, 2158, 2158, 2158,
+ 2158, 2158, 1476, 1476, 1476, 1476, 1476, 1476, 1476, 1476,
+ 1476, 1476, 1476, 1476, 1476, 1476, 1476, 1476, 1476, 1476,
+ 1476, 2040, 2040, 2040, 2040, 2040, 2040, 2040, 2040, 2040,
+ 2040, 2040, 2040, 2040, 2040, 2040, 2040, 2040, 2040, 2040,
+ 1479, 1479, 1479, 1479, 1479, 1479, 1479, 1479, 1479, 1479,
+ 1479, 1479, 1479, 1479, 1479, 1479, 1479, 1479, 1479, 2174,
+ 2174, 2174, 2174, 2174, 2174, 2174, 2174, 2174, 2174, 2174,
+ 2174, 2174, 2174, 2174, 2174, 2174, 2174, 2174, 1493, 1493,
+ 1493, 1493, 1493, 1493, 1493, 1493, 1493, 1493, 1493, 1493,
+ 1493, 1493, 1493, 1493, 1493, 1493, 1493, 669, 669, 669,
+ 669, 669, 669, 669, 669, 669, 669, 669, 669, 669,
+ 669, 669, 669, 669, 669, 669, 1011, 1011, 1011, 1011,
+ 1011, 1011, 1011, 1011, 1011, 1011, 1011, 1011, 1011, 1011,
+ 1011, 1011, 1011, 1011, 1011, 1880, 1880, 1880, 1880, 1880,
+ 1880, 1880, 1880, 1880, 1880, 1880, 1880, 1880, 1880, 1880,
+ 1880, 1880, 1880, 1880, 827, 827, 827, 827, 827, 827,
+ 827, 827, 827, 827, 827, 827, 827, 827, 827, 827,
+ 827, 827, 827, 1884, 1884, 1884, 1884, 1884, 1884, 1884,
+ 1884, 1884, 1884, 1884, 1884, 1884, 1884, 1884, 1884, 1884,
+ 1884, 1884, 1041, 1041, 1041, 1041, 1041, 1041, 1041, 1041,
+ 1041, 1041, 1041, 1041, 1041, 1041, 1041, 1041, 1041, 1041,
+ 1041, 1014, 1014, 1014, 1014, 1014, 1014, 1014, 1014, 1014,
+ 1014, 1014, 1014, 1014, 1014, 1014, 1014, 1014, 1014, 1014,
+ 1702, 1702, 1702, 1702, 1702, 1702, 1702, 1702, 1702, 1702,
+ 1702, 1702, 1702, 1702, 1702, 1702, 1702, 1702, 1702, 914,
+ 914, 914, 914, 914, 914, 914, 914, 914, 914, 914,
+ 914, 914, 914, 914, 914, 914, 914, 914, 1917, 1917,
+ 1917, 1917, 1917, 1917, 1917, 1917, 1917, 1917, 1917, 1917,
+ 1917, 1917, 1917, 1917, 1917, 1917, 1917, 1736, 1736, 1736,
+ 1736, 1736, 1736, 1736, 1736, 1736, 1736, 1736, 1736, 1736,
+ 1736, 1736, 1736, 1736, 1736, 1736, 1852, 1852, 1852, 1852,
+ 1852, 1852, 1852, 1852, 1852, 1852, 1852, 1852, 1852, 1852,
+ 1852, 1852, 1852, 1852, 1852, 1102, 1102, 1102, 1102, 1102,
+ 1102, 1102, 1102, 1102, 1102, 1102, 1102, 1102, 1102, 1102,
+ 1102, 1102, 1102, 1102, 770, 770, 770, 770, 770, 770,
+ 770, 770, 770, 770, 770, 770, 770, 770, 770, 770,
+ 770, 770, 770, 2197, 2197, 2197, 2197, 2197, 2197, 2197,
+ 2197, 2197, 2197, 2197, 2197, 2197, 2197, 2197, 2197, 2197,
+ 2197, 2197, 2202, 2202, 2202, 2202, 2202, 2202, 2202, 2202,
+ 2202, 2202, 2202, 2202, 2202, 2202, 2202, 2202, 2202, 2202,
+ 2202, 1493, 1493, 1493, 1493, 1493, 1493, 1493, 1493, 1493,
+ 1493, 1493, 1493, 1493, 1493, 1493, 1493, 1493, 1493, 1493,
+ 2022, 2022, 2022, 2022, 2022, 2022, 2022, 2022, 2022, 2022,
+ 2022, 2022, 2022, 2022, 2022, 2022, 2022, 2022, 2022, 875,
+ 875, 875, 875, 875, 875, 875, 875, 875, 875, 875,
+ 875, 875, 875, 875, 875, 875, 875, 875, 2215, 2215,
+ 2215, 2215, 2215, 2215, 2215, 2215, 2215, 2215, 2215, 2215,
+ 2215, 2215, 2215, 2215, 2215, 2215, 2215, 2218, 2218, 2218,
+ 2218, 2218, 2218, 2218, 2218, 2218, 2218, 2218, 2218, 2218,
+ 2218, 2218, 2218, 2218, 2218, 2218, 1350, 1350, 1350, 1350,
+ 1350, 1350, 1350, 1350, 1350, 1350, 1350, 1350, 1350, 1350,
+ 1350, 1350, 1350, 1350, 1350, 1637, 1637, 1637, 1637, 1637,
+ 1637, 1637, 1637, 1637, 1637, 1637, 1637, 1637, 1637, 1637,
+ 1637, 1637, 1637, 1637, 1138, 1138, 1138, 1138, 1138, 1138,
+ 1138, 1138, 1138, 1138, 1138, 1138, 1138, 1138, 1138, 1138,
+ 1138, 1138, 1138, 973, 973, 973, 973, 973, 973, 973,
+ 973, 973, 973, 973, 973, 973, 973, 973, 973, 973,
+ 973, 973, 2228, 2228, 2228, 2228, 2228, 2228, 2228, 2228,
+ 2228, 2228, 2228, 2228, 2228, 2228, 2228, 2228, 2228, 2228,
+ 2228, 2231, 2231, 2231, 2231, 2231, 2231, 2231, 2231, 2231,
+ 2231, 2231, 2231, 2231, 2231, 2231, 2231, 2231, 2231, 2231,
+ 1962, 1962, 1962, 1962, 1962, 1962, 1962, 1962, 1962, 1962,
+ 1962, 1962, 1962, 1962, 1962, 1962, 1962, 1962, 1962, 1479,
+ 1479, 1479, 1479, 1479, 1479, 1479, 1479, 1479, 1479, 1479,
+ 1479, 1479, 1479, 1479, 1479, 1479, 1479, 1479, 1759, 1759,
+ 1759, 1759, 1759, 1759, 1759, 1759, 1759, 1759, 1759, 1759,
+ 1759, 1759, 1759, 1759, 1759, 1759, 1759, 2236, 2236, 2236,
+ 2236, 2236, 2236, 2236, 2236, 2236, 2236, 2236, 2236, 2236,
+ 2236, 2236, 2236, 2236, 2236, 2236, 2239, 2239, 2239, 2239,
+ 2239, 2239, 2239, 2239, 2239, 2239, 2239, 2239, 2239, 2239,
+ 2239, 2239, 2239, 2239, 2239, 2158, 2158, 2158, 2158, 2158,
+ 2158, 2158, 2158, 2158, 2158, 2158, 2158, 2158, 2158, 2158,
+ 2158, 2158, 2158, 2158, 2040, 2040, 2040, 2040, 2040, 2040,
+ 2040, 2040, 2040, 2040, 2040, 2040, 2040, 2040, 2040, 2040,
+ 2040, 2040, 2040, 959, 959, 959, 959, 959, 959, 959,
+ 959, 959, 959, 959, 959, 959, 959, 959, 959, 959,
+ 959, 959, 1917, 1917, 1917, 1917, 1917, 1917, 1917, 1917,
+ 1917, 1917, 1917, 1917, 1917, 1917, 1917, 1917, 1917, 1917,
+ 1917, 2197, 2197, 2197, 2197, 2197, 2197, 2197, 2197, 2197,
+ 2197, 2197, 2197, 2197, 2197, 2197, 2197, 2197, 2197, 2197,
+ 2252, 2252, 2252, 2252, 2252, 2252, 2252, 2252, 2252, 2252,
+ 2252, 2252, 2252, 2252, 2252, 2252, 2252, 2252, 2252, 19,
+ 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255,
+ 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255,
+ 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255,
+ 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255,
+ 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2255
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+ 193, 166, 193, 193, 1244, 177, 178, 178, 178, 178,
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+ 320, 326, 326, 326, 326, 896, 327, 405, 312, 327,
+ 309, 332, 334, 326, 332, 334, 326, 581, 405, 986,
+ 297, 298, 298, 298, 298, 983, 879, 329, 329, 329,
+ 329, 298, 298, 877, 312, 865, 298, 298, 298, 329,
+ 827, 896, 329, 330, 330, 330, 330, 342, 344, 351,
+ 342, 344, 351, 1010, 349, 330, 349, 349, 330, 354,
+ 359, 368, 354, 359, 368, 813, 349, 377, 298, 300,
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+ 330, 379, 349, 382, 385, 389, 382, 385, 389, 392,
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+ 397, 429, 397, 397, 429, 432, 438, 442, 432, 438,
+ 444, 439, 397, 439, 439, 446, 451, 487, 442, 710,
+ 487, 444, 447, 439, 444, 702, 446, 451, 336, 337,
+ 337, 337, 337, 447, 489, 397, 447, 489, 680, 337,
+ 337, 397, 673, 663, 337, 337, 337, 443, 443, 443,
+ 443, 660, 443, 445, 445, 445, 445, 654, 445, 443,
+ 452, 454, 443, 507, 456, 647, 507, 457, 445, 460,
+ 646, 452, 454, 461, 452, 456, 337, 356, 457, 356,
+ 460, 457, 640, 460, 461, 356, 356, 356, 356, 626,
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+ 366, 465, 515, 562, 560, 555, 467, 475, 477, 543,
+ 366, 540, 366, 386, 386, 386, 386, 467, 475, 477,
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+ 556, 556, 557, 557, 557, 557, 671, 671, 671, 671,
+ 674, 674, 674, 674, 235, 674, 671, 557, 671, 676,
+ 701, 671, 674, 233, 704, 674, 681, 681, 681, 681,
+ 676, 701, 705, 676, 701, 704, 681, 681, 232, 798,
+ 231, 681, 798, 705, 807, 812, 705, 807, 812, 557,
+ 558, 558, 558, 558, 558, 558, 558, 558, 558, 558,
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+ 563, 563, 563, 563, 563, 563, 563, 563, 563, 563,
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+ 564, 564, 564, 564, 564, 564, 564, 564, 564, 564,
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+ 564, 564, 564, 564, 564, 564, 564, 564, 564, 564,
+ 564, 564, 564, 564, 564, 564, 564, 564, 564, 564,
+ 565, 783, 783, 783, 783, 814, 854, 229, 814, 854,
+ 565, 228, 675, 675, 675, 675, 565, 565, 565, 565,
+ 565, 565, 565, 565, 675, 223, 221, 565, 565, 565,
+ 565, 565, 565, 565, 565, 565, 565, 565, 565, 565,
+ 565, 567, 709, 724, 733, 744, 856, 220, 219, 856,
+ 675, 567, 217, 709, 724, 733, 744, 567, 567, 567,
+ 567, 567, 567, 567, 567, 214, 213, 212, 567, 567,
+ 567, 567, 567, 567, 567, 567, 567, 567, 567, 567,
+ 567, 567, 585, 585, 585, 585, 585, 585, 585, 585,
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+ 585, 585, 585, 585, 585, 585, 585, 585, 585, 585,
+ 585, 585, 585, 585, 585, 585, 585, 585, 585, 585,
+ 585, 585, 592, 592, 592, 592, 210, 592, 592, 720,
+ 592, 209, 592, 592, 592, 592, 592, 592, 592, 592,
+ 720, 207, 592, 720, 592, 592, 592, 592, 592, 592,
+ 592, 592, 592, 206, 592, 592, 592, 592, 592, 592,
+ 592, 592, 592, 592, 592, 592, 592, 592, 592, 592,
+ 595, 595, 595, 595, 595, 595, 595, 595, 595, 595,
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+ 596, 596, 596, 596, 596, 596, 596, 596, 596, 596,
+ 597, 205, 597, 677, 677, 677, 677, 747, 597, 597,
+ 597, 597, 636, 636, 636, 636, 202, 749, 747, 597,
+ 597, 597, 597, 597, 636, 597, 752, 636, 749, 200,
+ 753, 749, 597, 598, 757, 758, 760, 752, 677, 864,
+ 752, 753, 864, 598, 677, 757, 758, 760, 757, 598,
+ 598, 598, 598, 598, 598, 598, 598, 198, 197, 636,
+ 598, 598, 598, 598, 598, 598, 598, 598, 598, 598,
+ 598, 598, 598, 598, 602, 602, 602, 602, 602, 602,
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+ 602, 602, 602, 602, 604, 604, 604, 604, 878, 196,
+ 759, 878, 764, 195, 604, 604, 604, 192, 191, 604,
+ 605, 759, 605, 764, 759, 770, 772, 777, 605, 605,
+ 605, 605, 190, 771, 189, 774, 770, 772, 777, 605,
+ 605, 605, 605, 605, 771, 605, 774, 771, 880, 774,
+ 188, 880, 605, 612, 612, 612, 612, 612, 612, 612,
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+ 614, 614, 614, 614, 614, 614, 614, 614, 614, 614,
+ 614, 614, 614, 615, 778, 782, 787, 882, 900, 904,
+ 882, 900, 904, 615, 187, 778, 782, 787, 778, 615,
+ 615, 615, 615, 615, 615, 615, 615, 186, 184, 183,
+ 615, 615, 615, 615, 615, 615, 615, 615, 615, 615,
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+ 616, 616, 616, 616, 619, 808, 619, 776, 776, 776,
+ 776, 181, 619, 619, 619, 619, 808, 776, 176, 776,
+ 781, 788, 776, 619, 619, 619, 619, 619, 174, 619,
+ 920, 781, 788, 920, 781, 788, 619, 622, 622, 622,
+ 622, 622, 622, 622, 622, 622, 622, 622, 622, 622,
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+ 623, 623, 623, 623, 623, 623, 623, 624, 815, 624,
+ 816, 823, 831, 170, 169, 624, 624, 624, 624, 815,
+ 832, 816, 823, 831, 816, 823, 624, 624, 624, 624,
+ 624, 832, 624, 969, 832, 984, 969, 162, 984, 624,
+ 625, 625, 625, 625, 625, 625, 625, 625, 625, 625,
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+ 625, 625, 625, 625, 625, 625, 625, 625, 625, 625,
+ 628, 850, 853, 855, 987, 991, 1025, 987, 991, 1025,
+ 628, 161, 850, 853, 855, 850, 628, 628, 628, 628,
+ 628, 628, 628, 628, 160, 158, 157, 628, 628, 628,
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+ 633, 633, 633, 633, 633, 633, 633, 633, 633, 633,
+ 633, 638, 638, 638, 638, 779, 779, 779, 779, 780,
+ 852, 857, 859, 156, 860, 861, 638, 779, 863, 869,
+ 780, 852, 857, 859, 852, 860, 861, 870, 860, 863,
+ 869, 872, 863, 869, 1054, 874, 875, 1054, 870, 154,
+ 153, 1070, 872, 779, 1070, 780, 874, 875, 638, 643,
+ 643, 643, 643, 643, 643, 643, 643, 643, 643, 643,
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+ 664, 664, 664, 664, 664, 664, 664, 664, 664, 665,
+ 871, 883, 887, 1009, 1009, 1009, 1009, 1094, 152, 665,
+ 1094, 871, 883, 887, 871, 665, 665, 665, 665, 665,
+ 665, 665, 665, 151, 150, 149, 665, 665, 665, 665,
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+ 678, 678, 678, 678, 678, 678, 678, 678, 678, 678,
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+ 683, 683, 683, 683, 146, 145, 1097, 873, 683, 1097,
+ 141, 683, 683, 683, 683, 683, 683, 876, 873, 1101,
+ 683, 873, 1101, 1124, 1143, 140, 1124, 1143, 876, 138,
+ 683, 876, 683, 684, 684, 684, 684, 684, 684, 684,
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+ 685, 685, 685, 686, 885, 894, 899, 1174, 1211, 1214,
+ 1174, 1211, 1214, 686, 130, 885, 894, 899, 885, 686,
+ 686, 686, 686, 686, 686, 686, 686, 127, 126, 121,
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+ 688, 688, 688, 688, 691, 889, 691, 890, 890, 890,
+ 890, 120, 691, 691, 691, 691, 889, 892, 104, 889,
+ 102, 893, 890, 691, 691, 691, 691, 691, 892, 691,
+ 1216, 892, 893, 1216, 100, 893, 691, 692, 692, 692,
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+ 692, 692, 692, 692, 692, 692, 692, 694, 1219, 1253,
+ 1316, 1219, 1253, 1316, 98, 694, 97, 694, 93, 895,
+ 895, 895, 895, 694, 694, 694, 694, 694, 694, 694,
+ 694, 895, 92, 90, 694, 694, 694, 694, 694, 694,
+ 694, 694, 694, 694, 694, 694, 694, 694, 695, 89,
+ 695, 898, 901, 905, 895, 914, 695, 695, 695, 695,
+ 895, 913, 898, 901, 905, 898, 914, 695, 695, 695,
+ 695, 695, 913, 695, 1346, 913, 1348, 1346, 86, 1348,
+ 695, 697, 697, 697, 697, 697, 697, 697, 697, 697,
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+ 698, 700, 915, 700, 916, 74, 917, 72, 926, 700,
+ 700, 700, 700, 915, 918, 916, 915, 917, 916, 926,
+ 700, 700, 700, 700, 700, 918, 700, 1356, 918, 1380,
+ 1356, 55, 1380, 700, 706, 706, 706, 706, 706, 706,
+ 706, 706, 706, 706, 706, 706, 706, 706, 706, 706,
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+ 707, 707, 707, 707, 707, 707, 707, 707, 707, 707,
+ 707, 707, 707, 707, 708, 1419, 708, 1434, 1419, 938,
+ 1434, 945, 708, 708, 708, 708, 732, 732, 732, 732,
+ 938, 927, 945, 708, 708, 708, 708, 708, 732, 708,
+ 937, 732, 927, 52, 944, 927, 708, 711, 955, 958,
+ 959, 937, 51, 1486, 937, 944, 1486, 711, 944, 955,
+ 958, 959, 955, 711, 711, 711, 711, 711, 711, 711,
+ 711, 45, 44, 732, 711, 711, 711, 711, 711, 711,
+ 711, 711, 711, 711, 711, 711, 711, 711, 714, 714,
+ 714, 714, 714, 714, 714, 714, 714, 714, 714, 714,
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+ 715, 715, 715, 715, 715, 715, 715, 715, 716, 957,
+ 962, 964, 1611, 1626, 1744, 1611, 1626, 1744, 716, 43,
+ 957, 962, 964, 957, 716, 716, 716, 716, 716, 716,
+ 716, 716, 42, 41, 39, 716, 716, 716, 716, 716,
+ 716, 716, 716, 716, 716, 716, 716, 716, 716, 717,
+ 717, 717, 717, 717, 717, 717, 717, 717, 717, 717,
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+ 1061, 1144, 906, 906, 906, 906, 906, 906, 906, 906,
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+ 1141, 1149, 1139, 1151, 1061, 1154, 907, 907, 907, 907,
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+ 912, 912, 912, 912, 1156, 912, 0, 1156, 0, 0,
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+ 1185, 1180, 1178, 1192, 1180, 1193, 936, 936, 936, 936,
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+ 1196, 1238, 1200, 1240, 953, 953, 953, 953, 953, 1222,
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+ 968, 1250, 0, 968, 1225, 1231, 1234, 1225, 1231, 1234,
+ 1242, 1254, 1250, 1242, 1255, 1250, 1257, 1260, 1269, 0,
+ 0, 0, 1254, 1270, 0, 1255, 0, 1257, 1260, 1269,
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+ 1286, 985, 1239, 985, 1272, 1274, 1275, 1287, 1274, 1277,
+ 1283, 1286, 1277, 1283, 1286, 1288, 0, 1290, 1287, 1304,
+ 0, 1313, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1288, 1239, 1290, 1288,
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+ 1326, 1326, 1326, 0, 1839, 1841, 1845, 0, 0, 0,
+ 1853, 1860, 1865, 0, 1326, 1839, 1841, 1845, 1839, 1841,
+ 1845, 1853, 1860, 1865, 1853, 1860, 1865, 1874, 1879, 1882,
+ 0, 0, 0, 1884, 1900, 0, 0, 0, 1874, 1879,
+ 1882, 1874, 1879, 1882, 1884, 1900, 1326, 1327, 1327, 1327,
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+ 1333, 1337, 1337, 1337, 1337, 0, 1886, 1893, 1896, 0,
+ 0, 0, 1333, 1898, 1902, 1907, 1337, 1886, 1893, 1896,
+ 1886, 1893, 1896, 1908, 1898, 1902, 1907, 1898, 1902, 1907,
+ 1910, 1909, 1911, 0, 1908, 0, 1912, 0, 0, 0,
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+ 1913, 1914, 1916, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1345,
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+ 1358, 1915, 1917, 1921, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 1358, 0, 1915, 1917, 1921, 1915, 1358, 1358, 1358, 1358,
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+ 1358, 1358, 1358, 1358, 1358, 1358, 1358, 1358, 1358, 1358,
+ 1358, 1359, 1919, 1922, 1929, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 0, 1359, 0, 1919, 1922, 1929, 1919, 1359, 1359, 1359,
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+ 1359, 1359, 1359, 1359, 1359, 1359, 1359, 1359, 1359, 1359,
+ 1359, 1359, 1361, 1920, 1930, 1934, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 1361, 0, 1920, 1930, 1934, 1920, 1361, 1361,
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+ 0, 0, 0, 1366, 0, 1924, 1941, 1947, 1924, 1366,
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+ 1371, 1371, 1371, 1371, 1372, 0, 1372, 0, 0, 1952,
+ 0, 1961, 1372, 1372, 1372, 1372, 1449, 1449, 1449, 1449,
+ 1952, 1928, 1961, 1372, 1372, 1372, 1372, 1372, 1449, 1372,
+ 1936, 1449, 1928, 0, 1940, 1928, 1372, 1376, 1943, 1962,
+ 1986, 1936, 0, 0, 1936, 1940, 0, 1376, 1940, 1943,
+ 1962, 1986, 1943, 1376, 1376, 1376, 1376, 1376, 1376, 1376,
+ 1376, 0, 0, 1449, 1376, 1376, 1376, 1376, 1376, 1376,
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+ 1997, 2004, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1389, 0,
+ 1946, 1997, 2004, 1946, 1389, 1389, 1389, 1389, 1389, 1389,
+ 1389, 1389, 0, 0, 0, 1389, 1389, 1389, 1389, 1389,
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+ 1392, 1392, 1392, 1392, 1392, 1392, 1392, 1392, 1392, 1395,
+ 1949, 1395, 1954, 0, 2006, 0, 2007, 1395, 1395, 1395,
+ 1395, 1949, 1957, 1954, 1949, 2006, 1954, 2007, 1395, 1395,
+ 1395, 1395, 1395, 1957, 1395, 0, 1957, 0, 0, 0,
+ 0, 1395, 1398, 1398, 1398, 1398, 1398, 1398, 1398, 1398,
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+ 1401, 1401, 1402, 0, 1402, 0, 0, 2010, 0, 2015,
+ 1402, 1402, 1402, 1402, 1459, 1459, 1459, 1459, 2010, 1960,
+ 2015, 1402, 1402, 1402, 1402, 1402, 1459, 1402, 1964, 1459,
+ 1960, 0, 1967, 1960, 1402, 1403, 1975, 2021, 2022, 1964,
+ 0, 0, 1964, 1967, 0, 1403, 1967, 1975, 2021, 2022,
+ 1975, 1403, 1403, 1403, 1403, 1403, 1403, 1403, 1403, 0,
+ 0, 1459, 1403, 1403, 1403, 1403, 1403, 1403, 1403, 1403,
+ 1403, 1403, 1403, 1403, 1403, 1403, 1406, 1406, 1406, 1406,
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+ 1409, 1409, 1409, 1409, 1409, 1409, 1410, 1979, 1410, 1981,
+ 0, 2031, 0, 2033, 1410, 1410, 1410, 1410, 1979, 1984,
+ 1981, 1979, 2031, 1981, 2033, 1410, 1410, 1410, 1410, 1410,
+ 1984, 1410, 0, 1984, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1410, 1418,
+ 1418, 1418, 1418, 1418, 1418, 1418, 1418, 1418, 1418, 1418,
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+ 1422, 1422, 1422, 1422, 1422, 1422, 1422, 1422, 1422, 1424,
+ 1985, 2039, 2040, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1424, 0, 1424,
+ 0, 1985, 2039, 2040, 1985, 1424, 1424, 1424, 1424, 1424,
+ 1424, 1424, 1424, 0, 0, 0, 1424, 1424, 1424, 1424,
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+ 1426, 1996, 1426, 1999, 0, 2048, 0, 2050, 1426, 1426,
+ 1426, 1426, 1996, 2001, 1999, 1996, 2048, 1999, 2050, 1426,
+ 1426, 1426, 1426, 1426, 2001, 1426, 0, 2001, 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 1426, 1428, 1428, 1428, 1428, 1428, 1428, 1428,
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+ 1429, 1429, 1429, 1429, 1429, 1429, 1429, 1429, 1429, 1429,
+ 1429, 1429, 1429, 1431, 2003, 1431, 2005, 0, 2053, 0,
+ 2066, 1431, 1431, 1431, 1431, 2003, 2009, 2005, 2003, 2053,
+ 2005, 2066, 1431, 1431, 1431, 1431, 1431, 2009, 1431, 0,
+ 2009, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1431, 1436, 1436, 1436, 1436,
+ 1436, 1436, 1436, 1436, 1436, 1436, 1436, 1436, 1436, 1436,
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+ 1462, 1462, 1462, 1462, 1462, 1462, 1468, 1468, 1468, 1468,
+ 0, 2012, 2014, 2017, 0, 0, 0, 2020, 2024, 2027,
+ 0, 1468, 2012, 2014, 2017, 2012, 2014, 2017, 2020, 2024,
+ 2027, 2020, 2024, 2027, 2030, 2032, 2038, 0, 0, 0,
+ 2080, 2089, 0, 0, 0, 2030, 2032, 2038, 2030, 2032,
+ 2038, 2080, 2089, 1468, 1470, 1470, 1470, 1470, 1470, 1470,
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+ } ;
+static yy_state_type yy_last_accepting_state;
+static char *yy_last_accepting_cpos;
+extern int yy_flex_debug;
+int yy_flex_debug = 0;
+/* The intent behind this definition is that it'll catch
+ * any uses of REJECT which flex missed.
+ */
+#define REJECT reject_used_but_not_detected
+static int yy_more_flag = 0;
+static int yy_more_len = 0;
+#define yymore() ((yy_more_flag) = 1)
+#define YY_MORE_ADJ (yy_more_len)
+char *yytext;
+#line 1 "fscanner.l"
+#line 2 "fscanner.l"
+ Copyright (c) 1998-2000, The Santa Cruz Operation
+ All rights reserved.
+ Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+ modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
+ *Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
+ this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+ *Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
+ this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
+ and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+ *Neither name of The Santa Cruz Operation nor the names of its contributors
+ may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software
+ without specific prior written permission.
+ =========================================================================*/
+/* cscope - interactive C symbol cross-reference
+ *
+ * C symbol scanner
+ */
+#include "global.h"
+#include "alloc.h"
+#include "scanner.h"
+#include "lookup.h"
+#include <assert.h>
+/* the line counting has been moved from character reading for speed */
+/* comments are discarded */
+# error Sorry, this scanner needs flex. It is not usable with AT&T Lex.
+#define IFLEVELINC 5 /* #if nesting level size increment */
+#define YY_NO_TOP_STATE 1
+static char const rcsid[] = "$Id: fscanner.l,v 1.13 2007/01/07 12:41:23 broeker Exp $";
+int first; /* buffer index for first char of symbol */
+int last; /* buffer index for last char of symbol */
+int lineno; /* symbol line number */
+int myylineno = 1;
+/* HBB 20001007: new variables, emulating yytext in a way that allows
+ * the yymore() simulation, my_yymore(), to be used even in the presence of
+ * yyless(). */
+size_t my_yyleng = 0;
+char *my_yytext = NULL;
+static BOOL arraydimension; /* inside array dimension declaration */
+static BOOL bplisting; /* breakpoint listing */
+static int braces; /* unmatched left brace count */
+static BOOL classdef; /* c++ class definition */
+static BOOL elseelif; /* #else or #elif found */
+static BOOL esudef; /* enum/struct/union global definition */
+static BOOL external; /* external definition */
+static int externalbraces; /* external definition outer brace count */
+static BOOL fcndef; /* function definition */
+static BOOL global; /* file global scope (outside functions) */
+static int iflevel; /* #if nesting level */
+static BOOL initializer; /* data initializer */
+static int initializerbraces; /* data initializer outer brace count */
+static BOOL lex; /* lex file */
+static int miflevel = IFLEVELINC; /* maximum #if nesting level */
+static int *maxifbraces; /* maximum brace count within #if */
+static int *preifbraces; /* brace count before #if */
+static int parens; /* unmatched left parenthesis count */
+static BOOL ppdefine; /* preprocessor define statement */
+static BOOL pseudoelif; /* pseudo-#elif */
+static BOOL oldtype; /* next identifier is an old type */
+static BOOL rules; /* lex/yacc rules */
+static BOOL sdl; /* sdl file */
+static BOOL structfield; /* structure field declaration */
+static int tagdef; /* class/enum/struct/union tag definition */
+static BOOL template; /* function template */
+static int templateparens; /* function template outer parentheses count */
+static int typedefbraces = -1; /* initial typedef brace count */
+static int token; /* token found */
+static int ident_start; /* begin of preceding identifier */
+/* If this is defined to 1, use flex rules rather than the input
+ * function to discard comments. The scanner gains quite a bit of
+ * speed this way, because of a large reduction of the number of I/O
+ * system/library calls. The original skipcomment_input() called
+ * getc() so often that the call overhead of shared libraries
+ * vs. static linking, alone, already caused a sizeable performance
+ * hit (up to 40% gross gain on a cscope -cub of its own source
+ * dir). */
+static int skipcomment_input(void);
+static int comment(void);
+static int insidestring_input(int);
+static void my_yymore(void);
+# define skipcomment_input input
+# define YY_INPUT(buf,result,max_size) \
+{ \
+ int c = skipcomment_input (); \
+ result = (c == EOF) ? YY_NULL : (buf[0] = c, 1); \
+#endif /* !COMMENTS_BY_FLEX*/
+/* flex options: stack of start conditions, and don't use yywrap() */
+/* exclusive start conditions. not available in AT&T lex -> use flex! */
+#line 11719 "fscanner.c"
+#define INITIAL 0
+#define SDL 1
+#define IN_PREPROC 2
+#define WAS_ENDIF 3
+#define WAS_ESU 5
+#define IN_DQUOTE 6
+#define IN_SQUOTE 7
+#define COMMENT 8
+#ifndef YY_NO_UNISTD_H
+/* Special case for "unistd.h", since it is non-ANSI. We include it way
+ * down here because we want the user's section 1 to have been scanned first.
+ * The user has a chance to override it with an option.
+ */
+#include <unistd.h>
+#ifndef YY_EXTRA_TYPE
+#define YY_EXTRA_TYPE void *
+static int yy_init_globals (void );
+/* Accessor methods to globals.
+ These are made visible to non-reentrant scanners for convenience. */
+int yylex_destroy (void );
+int yyget_debug (void );
+void yyset_debug (int debug_flag );
+YY_EXTRA_TYPE yyget_extra (void );
+void yyset_extra (YY_EXTRA_TYPE user_defined );
+FILE *yyget_in (void );
+void yyset_in (FILE * in_str );
+FILE *yyget_out (void );
+void yyset_out (FILE * out_str );
+int yyget_leng (void );
+char *yyget_text (void );
+int yyget_lineno (void );
+void yyset_lineno (int line_number );
+/* Macros after this point can all be overridden by user definitions in
+ * section 1.
+ */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" int yywrap (void );
+extern int yywrap (void );
+ static void yyunput (int c,char *buf_ptr );
+#ifndef yytext_ptr
+static void yy_flex_strncpy (char *,yyconst char *,int );
+static int yy_flex_strlen (yyconst char * );
+#ifndef YY_NO_INPUT
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+static int yyinput (void );
+static int input (void );
+ static int yy_start_stack_ptr = 0;
+ static int yy_start_stack_depth = 0;
+ static int *yy_start_stack = NULL;
+ static void yy_push_state (int new_state );
+ static void yy_pop_state (void );
+ static int yy_top_state (void );
+/* Amount of stuff to slurp up with each read. */
+#define YY_READ_BUF_SIZE 8192
+/* Copy whatever the last rule matched to the standard output. */
+#ifndef ECHO
+/* This used to be an fputs(), but since the string might contain NUL's,
+ * we now use fwrite().
+ */
+#define ECHO fwrite( yytext, yyleng, 1, yyout )
+/* Gets input and stuffs it into "buf". number of characters read, or YY_NULL,
+ * is returned in "result".
+ */
+#ifndef YY_INPUT
+#define YY_INPUT(buf,result,max_size) \
+ if ( YY_CURRENT_BUFFER_LVALUE->yy_is_interactive ) \
+ { \
+ int c = '*'; \
+ int n; \
+ for ( n = 0; n < max_size && \
+ (c = getc( yyin )) != EOF && c != '\n'; ++n ) \
+ buf[n] = (char) c; \
+ if ( c == '\n' ) \
+ buf[n++] = (char) c; \
+ if ( c == EOF && ferror( yyin ) ) \
+ YY_FATAL_ERROR( "input in flex scanner failed" ); \
+ result = n; \
+ } \
+ else \
+ { \
+ errno=0; \
+ while ( (result = fread(buf, 1, max_size, yyin))==0 && ferror(yyin)) \
+ { \
+ if( errno != EINTR) \
+ { \
+ YY_FATAL_ERROR( "input in flex scanner failed" ); \
+ break; \
+ } \
+ errno=0; \
+ clearerr(yyin); \
+ } \
+ }\
+/* No semi-colon after return; correct usage is to write "yyterminate();" -
+ * we don't want an extra ';' after the "return" because that will cause
+ * some compilers to complain about unreachable statements.
+ */
+#ifndef yyterminate
+#define yyterminate() return YY_NULL
+/* Number of entries by which start-condition stack grows. */
+/* Report a fatal error. */
+#define YY_FATAL_ERROR(msg) yy_fatal_error( msg )
+/* end tables serialization structures and prototypes */
+/* Default declaration of generated scanner - a define so the user can
+ * easily add parameters.
+ */
+#ifndef YY_DECL
+#define YY_DECL_IS_OURS 1
+extern int yylex (void);
+#define YY_DECL int yylex (void)
+#endif /* !YY_DECL */
+/* Code executed at the beginning of each rule, after yytext and yyleng
+ * have been set up.
+ */
+/* Code executed at the end of each rule. */
+#ifndef YY_BREAK
+#define YY_BREAK break;
+#define YY_RULE_SETUP \
+ if ( yyleng > 0 ) \
+ (yytext[yyleng - 1] == '\n'); \
+/** The main scanner function which does all the work.
+ */
+ register yy_state_type yy_current_state;
+ register char *yy_cp, *yy_bp;
+ register int yy_act;
+#line 148 "fscanner.l"
+#line 11925 "fscanner.c"
+ if ( !(yy_init) )
+ {
+ (yy_init) = 1;
+#ifdef YY_USER_INIT
+ if ( ! (yy_start) )
+ (yy_start) = 1; /* first start state */
+ if ( ! yyin )
+ yyin = stdin;
+ if ( ! yyout )
+ yyout = stdout;
+ if ( ! YY_CURRENT_BUFFER ) {
+ yyensure_buffer_stack ();
+ yy_create_buffer(yyin,YY_BUF_SIZE );
+ }
+ yy_load_buffer_state( );
+ }
+ while ( 1 ) /* loops until end-of-file is reached */
+ {
+ (yy_more_len) = 0;
+ if ( (yy_more_flag) )
+ {
+ (yy_more_len) = (yy_c_buf_p) - (yytext_ptr);
+ (yy_more_flag) = 0;
+ }
+ yy_cp = (yy_c_buf_p);
+ /* Support of yytext. */
+ *yy_cp = (yy_hold_char);
+ /* yy_bp points to the position in yy_ch_buf of the start of
+ * the current run.
+ */
+ yy_bp = yy_cp;
+ yy_current_state = (yy_start);
+ yy_current_state += YY_AT_BOL();
+ do
+ {
+ register YY_CHAR yy_c = yy_ec[YY_SC_TO_UI(*yy_cp)];
+ if ( yy_accept[yy_current_state] )
+ {
+ (yy_last_accepting_state) = yy_current_state;
+ (yy_last_accepting_cpos) = yy_cp;
+ }
+ while ( yy_chk[yy_base[yy_current_state] + yy_c] != yy_current_state )
+ {
+ yy_current_state = (int) yy_def[yy_current_state];
+ if ( yy_current_state >= 2256 )
+ yy_c = yy_meta[(unsigned int) yy_c];
+ }
+ yy_current_state = yy_nxt[yy_base[yy_current_state] + (unsigned int) yy_c];
+ ++yy_cp;
+ }
+ while ( yy_base[yy_current_state] != 46460 );
+ yy_act = yy_accept[yy_current_state];
+ if ( yy_act == 0 )
+ { /* have to back up */
+ yy_cp = (yy_last_accepting_cpos);
+ yy_current_state = (yy_last_accepting_state);
+ yy_act = yy_accept[yy_current_state];
+ }
+do_action: /* This label is used only to access EOF actions. */
+ switch ( yy_act )
+ { /* beginning of action switch */
+ case 0: /* must back up */
+ /* undo the effects of YY_DO_BEFORE_ACTION */
+ *yy_cp = (yy_hold_char);
+ yy_cp = (yy_last_accepting_cpos);
+ yy_current_state = (yy_last_accepting_state);
+ goto yy_find_action;
+case 1:
+#line 150 "fscanner.l"
+{ /* lex/yacc C declarations/definitions */
+ global = YES;
+ goto more;
+ }
+case 2:
+#line 155 "fscanner.l"
+ global = NO;
+ goto more;
+ }
+case 3:
+#line 160 "fscanner.l"
+{ /* lex/yacc rules delimiter */
+ braces = 0;
+ if (rules == NO) {
+ /* this %% starts the section containing the rules */
+ rules = YES;
+ /* Copy yytext to private buffer, to be able to add further
+ * content following it: */
+ my_yymore();
+ /* simulate a yylex() or yyparse() definition */
+ (void) strcat(my_yytext, " /* ");
+ first = strlen(my_yytext);
+ if (lex == YES) {
+ (void) strcat(my_yytext, "yylex");
+ } else {
+ /* yacc: yyparse implicitly calls yylex */
+ char *s = " yylex()";
+ char *cp = s + strlen(s);
+ while (--cp >= s) {
+ unput(*cp);
+ }
+ (void) strcat(my_yytext, "yyparse");
+ }
+ last = strlen(my_yytext);
+ (void) strcat(my_yytext, " */");
+ my_yyleng = strlen(my_yytext);
+ return(FCNDEF);
+ } else {
+ /* were in the rules section, now comes the closing one */
+ rules = NO;
+ global = YES;
+ last = first;
+ my_yymore();
+ return(FCNEND);
+ }
+ }
+case 4:
+#line 199 "fscanner.l"
+{ /* sdl state, treat as function def */
+ braces = 1;
+ fcndef = YES;
+ token = FCNDEF;
+ goto findident;
+ }
+case 5:
+#line 206 "fscanner.l"
+{ /* end of an sdl state, treat as end of a function */
+ goto endstate;
+ }
+case 6:
+#line 211 "fscanner.l"
+{ /* count unmatched left braces for fcn def detection */
+ ++braces;
+ /* mark an untagged enum/struct/union so its beginning
+ can be found */
+ if (tagdef) {
+ if (braces == 1) {
+ esudef = YES;
+ }
+ token = tagdef;
+ tagdef = '\0';
+ last = first;
+ my_yymore();
+ return(token);
+ }
+ goto more;
+ }
+case 7:
+#line 230 "fscanner.l"
+{ /* start a preprocessor line */
+ if (rules == NO) /* don't consider CPP for lex/yacc rules */
+ yyleng = 1; /* get rid of the blanks, if any */
+ goto more;
+ }
+case 8:
+#line 237 "fscanner.l"
+{ /* #endif */
+ /* delay treatment of #endif depending on whether an
+ * #if comes right after it, or not */
+ /* HBB 20010619: new pattern allows trailing garbage
+ * after the #endif */
+ goto more;
+ }
+case 9:
+/* rule 9 can match eol */
+#line 246 "fscanner.l"
+ /* attempt to correct erroneous brace count caused by:
+ *
+ * #if ...
+ * ... {
+ * #endif
+ * #if ...
+ * ... {
+ * #endif
+ */
+ /* the current #if must not have an #else or #elif */
+ if (elseelif == YES) {
+ goto endif;
+ }
+ pseudoelif = YES;
+ yyless(1); /* rescan all but the line ending */
+ yy_set_bol(1);
+ goto eol;
+ }
+case 10:
+/* rule 10 can match eol */
+#line 268 "fscanner.l"
+{ /* an #endif with no #if right after it */
+ endif:
+ if (iflevel > 0) {
+ /* get the maximum brace count for this #if */
+ if (braces < maxifbraces[--iflevel]) {
+ braces = maxifbraces[iflevel];
+ }
+ }
+ yyless(1);
+ yy_set_bol(1);
+ goto eol;
+ }
+case 11:
+#line 284 "fscanner.l"
+case 12:
+#line 285 "fscanner.l"
+case 13:
+#line 285 "fscanner.l"
+{ /* #if directive */
+ elseelif = NO;
+ if (pseudoelif == YES) {
+ pseudoelif = NO;
+ goto elif;
+ }
+ /* make sure there is room for the current brace count */
+ if (iflevel == miflevel) {
+ miflevel += IFLEVELINC;
+ maxifbraces = myrealloc(maxifbraces, miflevel * sizeof(int));
+ preifbraces = myrealloc(preifbraces, miflevel * sizeof(int));
+ }
+ /* push the current brace count */
+ preifbraces[iflevel] = braces;
+ maxifbraces[iflevel++] = 0;
+ goto more;
+ }
+case 14:
+#line 305 "fscanner.l"
+{ /* #else --- eat up whole line */
+ elseelif = YES;
+ if (iflevel > 0) {
+ /* save the maximum brace count for this #if */
+ if (braces > maxifbraces[iflevel - 1]) {
+ maxifbraces[iflevel - 1] = braces;
+ }
+ /* restore the brace count to before the #if */
+ braces = preifbraces[iflevel - 1];
+ }
+ goto more;
+ }
+case 15:
+#line 320 "fscanner.l"
+{ /* #elif */
+ /* elseelif = YES; --- HBB I doubt this is correct */
+ elif:
+ if (iflevel > 0) {
+ /* save the maximum brace count for this #if */
+ if (braces > maxifbraces[iflevel - 1]) {
+ maxifbraces[iflevel - 1] = braces;
+ }
+ /* restore the brace count to before the #if */
+ braces = preifbraces[iflevel - 1];
+ }
+ goto more;
+ }
+case 16:
+#line 338 "fscanner.l"
+case 17:
+#line 338 "fscanner.l"
+{ /* #include file */
+ char *s;
+ char remember = yytext[yyleng-1];
+ my_yymore();
+ s = strpbrk(my_yytext, "\"<");
+ my_yytext[my_yyleng-1] = '\0';
+ incfile(s + 1, s);
+ my_yytext[my_yyleng-1] = remember;
+ first = s - my_yytext;
+ last = my_yyleng - 1;
+ if (compress == YES) {
+ my_yytext[0] = '\2'; /* compress the keyword */
+ }
+ return(INCLUDE);
+ }
+case 18:
+#line 357 "fscanner.l"
+ /* could be the last enum member initializer */
+ if (braces == initializerbraces) {
+ initializerbraces = -1;
+ initializer = NO;
+ }
+ if (--braces <= 0) {
+ endstate:
+ braces = 0;
+ classdef = NO;
+ }
+ if (braces == 0 || (braces == 1 && classdef == YES)) {
+ /* if the end of an enum/struct/union definition */
+ if (esudef == YES) {
+ esudef = NO;
+ }
+ /* if the end of the function */
+ else if (fcndef == YES) {
+ fcndef = NO;
+ last = first;
+ my_yymore();
+ return(FCNEND);
+ }
+ }
+ goto more;
+ }
+case 19:
+#line 386 "fscanner.l"
+{ /* count unmatched left parentheses for function templates */
+ ++parens;
+ goto more;
+ }
+case 20:
+#line 391 "fscanner.l"
+ if (--parens <= 0) {
+ parens = 0;
+ }
+ /* if the end of a function template */
+ if (parens == templateparens) {
+ templateparens = -1;
+ template = NO;
+ }
+ goto more;
+ }
+case 21:
+#line 403 "fscanner.l"
+{ /* if a global definition initializer */
+ if (global == YES && ppdefine == NO && my_yytext[0] != '#') {
+ initializerbraces = braces;
+ initializer = YES;
+ }
+ goto more;
+ }
+case 22:
+#line 411 "fscanner.l"
+{ /* a if global structure field */
+ if (global == YES && ppdefine == NO && my_yytext[0] != '#') {
+ structfield = YES;
+ }
+ goto more;
+ }
+case 23:
+#line 418 "fscanner.l"
+ if (braces == initializerbraces) {
+ initializerbraces = -1;
+ initializer = NO;
+ }
+ structfield = NO;
+ goto more;
+ }
+case 24:
+#line 427 "fscanner.l"
+{ /* if the enum/struct/union was not a definition */
+ if (braces == 0) {
+ esudef = NO;
+ }
+ /* if the end of a typedef */
+ if (braces == typedefbraces) {
+ typedefbraces = -1;
+ }
+ /* if the end of a external definition */
+ if (braces == externalbraces) {
+ externalbraces = -1;
+ external = NO;
+ }
+ structfield = NO;
+ initializer = NO;
+ goto more;
+ }
+case 25:
+#line 445 "fscanner.l"
+ /* preprocessor macro or constant definition */
+ ppdefine = YES;
+ token = DEFINE;
+ if (compress == YES) {
+ my_yytext[0] = '\1'; /* compress the keyword */
+ }
+ findident:
+ /* search backwards through yytext[] to find the identifier */
+ /* NOTE: this had better be left to flex, by use of
+ * yet another starting condition */
+ my_yymore();
+ first = my_yyleng - 1;
+ while (my_yytext[first] != ' ' && my_yytext[first] != '\t') {
+ --first;
+ }
+ ++first;
+ last = my_yyleng;
+ goto definition;
+ }
+case 26:
+/* rule 26 can match eol */
+#line 469 "fscanner.l"
+case 27:
+/* rule 27 can match eol */
+#line 469 "fscanner.l"
+{ /* unknown preprocessor line */
+ goto more;
+ }
+case 28:
+/* rule 28 can match eol */
+#line 475 "fscanner.l"
+{ /* class definition */
+ classdef = YES;
+ tagdef = 'c';
+ yyless(5); /* eat up 'class', and re-scan */
+ yy_set_bol(0);
+ goto more;
+ }
+case 29:
+#line 484 "fscanner.l"
+ ident_start = first;
+ goto more;
+ }
+case 30:
+/* rule 30 can match eol */
+#line 490 "fscanner.l"
+{ /* e/s/u definition */
+ tagdef = my_yytext[ident_start];
+ goto ident;
+ }
+case 31:
+/* rule 31 can match eol */
+#line 495 "fscanner.l"
+{ /* e/s/u definition without a tag */
+ tagdef = my_yytext[ident_start];
+ if (braces == 0) {
+ esudef = YES;
+ }
+ last = first;
+ yyless(0); /* re-scan all this as normal text */
+ tagdef = '\0';
+ goto more;
+ }
+case 32:
+/* rule 32 can match eol */
+#line 507 "fscanner.l"
+case 33:
+/* rule 33 can match eol */
+#line 507 "fscanner.l"
+{ /* e/s/u usage */
+ goto ident;
+ }
+case 34:
+/* rule 34 can match eol */
+#line 513 "fscanner.l"
+{ /* ignore 'if' */
+ yyless(2);
+ yy_set_bol(0);
+ goto more;
+case 35:
+#line 519 "fscanner.l"
+{ /* identifier found: do nothing, yet. (!) */
+ ident_start = first;
+ goto more;
+ }
+case 36:
+/* rule 36 can match eol */
+#line 527 "fscanner.l"
+ /* a function definition */
+ /* note: "#define a (b) {" and "#if defined(a)\n#"
+ * are not fcn definitions! */
+ /* warning: "if (...)" must not overflow yytext,
+ * so the content of function argument definitions
+ * is restricted, in particular parentheses are
+ * not allowed */
+ /* FIXME HBB 20001003: the above 'not allowed' may well be the
+ * reason for the parsing bug concerning function pointer usage,
+ * I suspect. --- I think my new special-case rule for 'if'
+ * could be helpful in removing that limitation */
+ if ((braces == 0 && ppdefine == NO && my_yytext[0] != '#' && rules == NO) ||
+ (braces == 1 && classdef == YES)) {
+ fcndef = YES;
+ token = FCNDEF;
+ goto fcn;
+ }
+ goto fcncal;
+ }
+case 37:
+/* rule 37 can match eol */
+#line 549 "fscanner.l"
+{ /* function call */
+ fcncal: if (fcndef == YES || ppdefine == YES || rules == YES) {
+ token = FCNCALL;
+ goto fcn;
+ }
+ if (template == NO) {
+ templateparens = parens;
+ template = YES;
+ }
+ goto ident;
+ }
+case 38:
+/* rule 38 can match eol */
+#line 562 "fscanner.l"
+{ /* typedef name or modifier use */
+ goto ident;
+ }
+case 39:
+/* rule 39 can match eol */
+#line 566 "fscanner.l"
+{ /* general identifer usage */
+ char *s;
+ if (global == YES && ppdefine == NO && my_yytext[0] != '#' &&
+ external == NO && initializer == NO &&
+ arraydimension == NO && structfield == NO &&
+ template == NO && fcndef == NO) {
+ if (esudef == YES) {
+ /* if enum/struct/union */
+ token = MEMBERDEF;
+ } else {
+ token = GLOBALDEF;
+ }
+ } else {
+ ident:
+ token = IDENT;
+ }
+ fcn:
+ /* Position back to the actual identifier: */
+ last = first;
+ first = ident_start;
+ yyless(0);
+ /* HBB 20001008: if the anti-backup-pattern above matched,
+ * and the matched context ended with a \n, then the scanner
+ * believes it's at the start of a new line. But the yyless()
+ * should feeds that \n back into the input, so that's
+ * wrong. --> force 'beginning-of-line' status off. */
+ yy_set_bol(0);
+ } else {
+ my_yymore();
+ last = my_yyleng;
+ }
+ definition:
+ /* if a long line */
+ if (yyleng > STMTMAX) {
+ int c;
+ /* skip to the end of the line */
+ warning("line too long");
+ while ((c = skipcomment_input()) > LEXEOF) {
+ if (c == '\n') {
+ unput(c);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* truncate a long symbol */
+ if (yyleng > PATLEN) {
+ warning("symbol too long");
+ my_yyleng = first + PATLEN;
+ my_yytext[my_yyleng] = '\0';
+ }
+ /* if found word was a keyword: */
+ if ((s = lookup(my_yytext + first)) != NULL) {
+ first = my_yyleng;
+ /* if the start of a typedef */
+ if (s == typedeftext) {
+ typedefbraces = braces;
+ oldtype = YES;
+ }
+ /* if an enum/struct/union */
+ /* (needed for "typedef struct tag name;" so
+ tag isn't marked as the typedef name) */
+ else if (s == enumtext || s == structtext || s == uniontext) {
+ /* do nothing */
+ } else if (s == externtext) {
+ /* if an external definition */
+ externalbraces = braces;
+ external = YES;
+ } else if (templateparens == parens && template == YES) {
+ /* keyword doesn't start a function
+ * template */
+ templateparens = -1;
+ template = NO;
+ } else {
+ /* identifier after typedef was a
+ * keyword */
+ oldtype = NO;
+ }
+ } else {
+ /* not a keyword --> found an identifier */
+ /* last = yyleng; */
+ /* if a class/enum/struct/union tag definition */
+ /* FIXME HBB 20001001: why reject "class"? */
+ if (tagdef && strnotequal(my_yytext + first, "class")) {
+ token = tagdef;
+ tagdef = '\0';
+ if (braces == 0) {
+ esudef = YES;
+ }
+ } else if (braces == typedefbraces && oldtype == NO &&
+ arraydimension == NO) {
+ /* if a typedef name */
+ token = TYPEDEF;
+ } else {
+ oldtype = NO;
+ }
+ /* my_yymore(); */
+ return(token);
+ }
+ }
+case 40:
+#line 676 "fscanner.l"
+{ /* array dimension (don't worry or about subscripts) */
+ arraydimension = YES;
+ goto more;
+ }
+case 41:
+#line 681 "fscanner.l"
+ arraydimension = NO;
+ goto more;
+ }
+case 42:
+/* rule 42 can match eol */
+#line 686 "fscanner.l"
+{ /* preprocessor statement is continued on next line */
+ /* save the '\\' to the output file, but not the '\n': */
+ yyleng = 1;
+ my_yymore();
+ goto eol;
+ }
+case 43:
+/* rule 43 can match eol */
+#line 693 "fscanner.l"
+{ /* end of the line */
+ if (ppdefine == YES) { /* end of a #define */
+ ppdefine = NO;
+ yyless(yyleng - 1);
+ last = first;
+ my_yymore();
+ return(DEFINEEND);
+ }
+ /* skip the first 8 columns of a breakpoint listing line */
+ /* and skip the file path in the page header */
+ if (bplisting == YES) {
+ int c, i;
+ /* FIXME HBB 20001007: should call input() instead */
+ switch (skipcomment_input()) { /* tab and EOF just fall through */
+ case ' ': /* breakpoint number line */
+ case '[':
+ for (i = 1; i < 8 && skipcomment_input() > LEXEOF; ++i)
+ ;
+ break;
+ case '.': /* header line */
+ case '/':
+ /* skip to the end of the line */
+ while ((c = skipcomment_input()) > LEXEOF) {
+ if (c == '\n') {
+ unput(c);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case '\n': /* empty line */
+ unput('\n');
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ eol:
+ ++myylineno;
+ first = 0;
+ last = 0;
+ if (symbols > 0) {
+ /* no my_yymore(): \n doesn't need to be in my_yytext */
+ return(NEWLINE);
+ }
+ /* line ended --> flush my_yytext */
+ if (my_yytext)
+ *my_yytext = '\0';
+ my_yyleng = 0;
+ lineno = myylineno;
+ }
+case 44:
+#line 743 "fscanner.l"
+{ /* character constant */
+ if (sdl == NO)
+ goto more;
+ }
+case 45:
+#line 749 "fscanner.l"
+ goto more;
+ }
+case 46:
+#line 754 "fscanner.l"
+{ /* string constant */
+ goto more;
+ }
+case 47:
+#line 759 "fscanner.l"
+ goto more;
+ }
+case 48:
+/* rule 48 can match eol */
+#line 765 "fscanner.l"
+{ /* syntax error: unexpected EOL */
+ goto eol;
+ }
+case 49:
+#line 771 "fscanner.l"
+case 50:
+#line 771 "fscanner.l"
+ goto more;
+ }
+case 51:
+/* rule 51 can match eol */
+#line 775 "fscanner.l"
+{ /* line continuation inside a string! */
+ myylineno++;
+ goto more;
+ }
+case 52:
+#line 782 "fscanner.l"
+{ /* don't save leading white space */
+ }
+case 53:
+/* rule 53 can match eol */
+#line 785 "fscanner.l"
+{ /* eat whitespace at end of line */
+ unput('\n');
+ }
+case 54:
+#line 789 "fscanner.l"
+{ /* eat non-blank whitespace sequences, replace
+ * by single blank */
+ unput(' ');
+ }
+case 55:
+#line 794 "fscanner.l"
+{ /* compress sequential whitespace here, not in putcrossref() */
+ unput(' ');
+ }
+case 56:
+#line 798 "fscanner.l"
+case 57:
+#line 801 "fscanner.l"
+case 58:
+#line 801 "fscanner.l"
+; /* do nothing */
+case 59:
+/* rule 59 can match eol */
+#line 803 "fscanner.l"
+case 60:
+/* rule 60 can match eol */
+#line 803 "fscanner.l"
+ if (ppdefine == NO) {
+ goto eol;
+ } else {
+ ++myylineno;
+ }
+ }
+case 61:
+#line 811 "fscanner.l"
+ /* replace the comment by a single blank */
+ unput(' ');
+ yy_pop_state();
+ }
+case 62:
+/* rule 62 can match eol */
+#line 818 "fscanner.l"
+ /* C++-style one-line comment */
+ goto eol;
+ }
+case 63:
+#line 825 "fscanner.l"
+case 64:
+#line 826 "fscanner.l"
+case 65:
+#line 826 "fscanner.l"
+{ /* punctuation and operators */
+ more:
+ my_yymore();
+ first = my_yyleng;
+ }
+case 66:
+#line 832 "fscanner.l"
+#line 12932 "fscanner.c"
+ yyterminate();
+ {
+ /* Amount of text matched not including the EOB char. */
+ int yy_amount_of_matched_text = (int) (yy_cp - (yytext_ptr)) - 1;
+ /* Undo the effects of YY_DO_BEFORE_ACTION. */
+ *yy_cp = (yy_hold_char);
+ if ( YY_CURRENT_BUFFER_LVALUE->yy_buffer_status == YY_BUFFER_NEW )
+ {
+ /* We're scanning a new file or input source. It's
+ * possible that this happened because the user
+ * just pointed yyin at a new source and called
+ * yylex(). If so, then we have to assure
+ * consistency between YY_CURRENT_BUFFER and our
+ * globals. Here is the right place to do so, because
+ * this is the first action (other than possibly a
+ * back-up) that will match for the new input source.
+ */
+ (yy_n_chars) = YY_CURRENT_BUFFER_LVALUE->yy_n_chars;
+ YY_CURRENT_BUFFER_LVALUE->yy_input_file = yyin;
+ }
+ /* Note that here we test for yy_c_buf_p "<=" to the position
+ * of the first EOB in the buffer, since yy_c_buf_p will
+ * already have been incremented past the NUL character
+ * (since all states make transitions on EOB to the
+ * end-of-buffer state). Contrast this with the test
+ * in input().
+ */
+ if ( (yy_c_buf_p) <= &YY_CURRENT_BUFFER_LVALUE->yy_ch_buf[(yy_n_chars)] )
+ { /* This was really a NUL. */
+ yy_state_type yy_next_state;
+ (yy_c_buf_p) = (yytext_ptr) + yy_amount_of_matched_text;
+ yy_current_state = yy_get_previous_state( );
+ /* Okay, we're now positioned to make the NUL
+ * transition. We couldn't have
+ * yy_get_previous_state() go ahead and do it
+ * for us because it doesn't know how to deal
+ * with the possibility of jamming (and we don't
+ * want to build jamming into it because then it
+ * will run more slowly).
+ */
+ yy_next_state = yy_try_NUL_trans( yy_current_state );
+ yy_bp = (yytext_ptr) + YY_MORE_ADJ;
+ if ( yy_next_state )
+ {
+ /* Consume the NUL. */
+ yy_cp = ++(yy_c_buf_p);
+ yy_current_state = yy_next_state;
+ goto yy_match;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ yy_cp = (yy_c_buf_p);
+ goto yy_find_action;
+ }
+ }
+ else switch ( yy_get_next_buffer( ) )
+ {
+ {
+ (yy_did_buffer_switch_on_eof) = 0;
+ if ( yywrap( ) )
+ {
+ /* Note: because we've taken care in
+ * yy_get_next_buffer() to have set up
+ * yytext, we can now set up
+ * yy_c_buf_p so that if some total
+ * hoser (like flex itself) wants to
+ * call the scanner after we return the
+ * YY_NULL, it'll still work - another
+ * YY_NULL will get returned.
+ */
+ (yy_c_buf_p) = (yytext_ptr) + YY_MORE_ADJ;
+ yy_act = YY_STATE_EOF(YY_START);
+ goto do_action;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if ( ! (yy_did_buffer_switch_on_eof) )
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ (yy_c_buf_p) =
+ (yytext_ptr) + yy_amount_of_matched_text;
+ yy_current_state = yy_get_previous_state( );
+ yy_cp = (yy_c_buf_p);
+ yy_bp = (yytext_ptr) + YY_MORE_ADJ;
+ goto yy_match;
+ (yy_c_buf_p) =
+ &YY_CURRENT_BUFFER_LVALUE->yy_ch_buf[(yy_n_chars)];
+ yy_current_state = yy_get_previous_state( );
+ yy_cp = (yy_c_buf_p);
+ yy_bp = (yytext_ptr) + YY_MORE_ADJ;
+ goto yy_find_action;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ "fatal flex scanner internal error--no action found" );
+ } /* end of action switch */
+ } /* end of scanning one token */
+} /* end of yylex */
+/* yy_get_next_buffer - try to read in a new buffer
+ *
+ * Returns a code representing an action:
+ * EOB_ACT_CONTINUE_SCAN - continue scanning from current position
+ * EOB_ACT_END_OF_FILE - end of file
+ */
+static int yy_get_next_buffer (void)
+ register char *dest = YY_CURRENT_BUFFER_LVALUE->yy_ch_buf;
+ register char *source = (yytext_ptr);
+ register int number_to_move, i;
+ int ret_val;
+ if ( (yy_c_buf_p) > &YY_CURRENT_BUFFER_LVALUE->yy_ch_buf[(yy_n_chars) + 1] )
+ "fatal flex scanner internal error--end of buffer missed" );
+ if ( YY_CURRENT_BUFFER_LVALUE->yy_fill_buffer == 0 )
+ { /* Don't try to fill the buffer, so this is an EOF. */
+ if ( (yy_c_buf_p) - (yytext_ptr) - YY_MORE_ADJ == 1 )
+ {
+ /* We matched a single character, the EOB, so
+ * treat this as a final EOF.
+ */
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* We matched some text prior to the EOB, first
+ * process it.
+ */
+ }
+ }
+ /* Try to read more data. */
+ /* First move last chars to start of buffer. */
+ number_to_move = (int) ((yy_c_buf_p) - (yytext_ptr)) - 1;
+ for ( i = 0; i < number_to_move; ++i )
+ *(dest++) = *(source++);
+ /* don't do the read, it's not guaranteed to return an EOF,
+ * just force an EOF
+ */
+ YY_CURRENT_BUFFER_LVALUE->yy_n_chars = (yy_n_chars) = 0;
+ else
+ {
+ int num_to_read =
+ YY_CURRENT_BUFFER_LVALUE->yy_buf_size - number_to_move - 1;
+ while ( num_to_read <= 0 )
+ { /* Not enough room in the buffer - grow it. */
+ /* just a shorter name for the current buffer */
+ int yy_c_buf_p_offset =
+ (int) ((yy_c_buf_p) - b->yy_ch_buf);
+ if ( b->yy_is_our_buffer )
+ {
+ int new_size = b->yy_buf_size * 2;
+ if ( new_size <= 0 )
+ b->yy_buf_size += b->yy_buf_size / 8;
+ else
+ b->yy_buf_size *= 2;
+ b->yy_ch_buf = (char *)
+ /* Include room in for 2 EOB chars. */
+ yyrealloc((void *) b->yy_ch_buf,b->yy_buf_size + 2 );
+ }
+ else
+ /* Can't grow it, we don't own it. */
+ b->yy_ch_buf = 0;
+ if ( ! b->yy_ch_buf )
+ "fatal error - scanner input buffer overflow" );
+ (yy_c_buf_p) = &b->yy_ch_buf[yy_c_buf_p_offset];
+ num_to_read = YY_CURRENT_BUFFER_LVALUE->yy_buf_size -
+ number_to_move - 1;
+ }
+ if ( num_to_read > YY_READ_BUF_SIZE )
+ num_to_read = YY_READ_BUF_SIZE;
+ /* Read in more data. */
+ YY_INPUT( (&YY_CURRENT_BUFFER_LVALUE->yy_ch_buf[number_to_move]),
+ (yy_n_chars), (size_t) num_to_read );
+ YY_CURRENT_BUFFER_LVALUE->yy_n_chars = (yy_n_chars);
+ }
+ if ( (yy_n_chars) == 0 )
+ {
+ if ( number_to_move == YY_MORE_ADJ )
+ {
+ ret_val = EOB_ACT_END_OF_FILE;
+ yyrestart(yyin );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ret_val = EOB_ACT_LAST_MATCH;
+ YY_CURRENT_BUFFER_LVALUE->yy_buffer_status =
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ if ((yy_size_t) ((yy_n_chars) + number_to_move) > YY_CURRENT_BUFFER_LVALUE->yy_buf_size) {
+ /* Extend the array by 50%, plus the number we really need. */
+ yy_size_t new_size = (yy_n_chars) + number_to_move + ((yy_n_chars) >> 1);
+ YY_CURRENT_BUFFER_LVALUE->yy_ch_buf = (char *) yyrealloc((void *) YY_CURRENT_BUFFER_LVALUE->yy_ch_buf,new_size );
+ if ( ! YY_CURRENT_BUFFER_LVALUE->yy_ch_buf )
+ YY_FATAL_ERROR( "out of dynamic memory in yy_get_next_buffer()" );
+ }
+ (yy_n_chars) += number_to_move;
+ YY_CURRENT_BUFFER_LVALUE->yy_ch_buf[(yy_n_chars)] = YY_END_OF_BUFFER_CHAR;
+ YY_CURRENT_BUFFER_LVALUE->yy_ch_buf[(yy_n_chars) + 1] = YY_END_OF_BUFFER_CHAR;
+ (yytext_ptr) = &YY_CURRENT_BUFFER_LVALUE->yy_ch_buf[0];
+ return ret_val;
+/* yy_get_previous_state - get the state just before the EOB char was reached */
+ static yy_state_type yy_get_previous_state (void)
+ register yy_state_type yy_current_state;
+ register char *yy_cp;
+ yy_current_state = (yy_start);
+ yy_current_state += YY_AT_BOL();
+ for ( yy_cp = (yytext_ptr) + YY_MORE_ADJ; yy_cp < (yy_c_buf_p); ++yy_cp )
+ {
+ register YY_CHAR yy_c = (*yy_cp ? yy_ec[YY_SC_TO_UI(*yy_cp)] : 1);
+ if ( yy_accept[yy_current_state] )
+ {
+ (yy_last_accepting_state) = yy_current_state;
+ (yy_last_accepting_cpos) = yy_cp;
+ }
+ while ( yy_chk[yy_base[yy_current_state] + yy_c] != yy_current_state )
+ {
+ yy_current_state = (int) yy_def[yy_current_state];
+ if ( yy_current_state >= 2256 )
+ yy_c = yy_meta[(unsigned int) yy_c];
+ }
+ yy_current_state = yy_nxt[yy_base[yy_current_state] + (unsigned int) yy_c];
+ }
+ return yy_current_state;
+/* yy_try_NUL_trans - try to make a transition on the NUL character
+ *
+ * synopsis
+ * next_state = yy_try_NUL_trans( current_state );
+ */
+ static yy_state_type yy_try_NUL_trans (yy_state_type yy_current_state )
+ register int yy_is_jam;
+ register char *yy_cp = (yy_c_buf_p);
+ register YY_CHAR yy_c = 1;
+ if ( yy_accept[yy_current_state] )
+ {
+ (yy_last_accepting_state) = yy_current_state;
+ (yy_last_accepting_cpos) = yy_cp;
+ }
+ while ( yy_chk[yy_base[yy_current_state] + yy_c] != yy_current_state )
+ {
+ yy_current_state = (int) yy_def[yy_current_state];
+ if ( yy_current_state >= 2256 )
+ yy_c = yy_meta[(unsigned int) yy_c];
+ }
+ yy_current_state = yy_nxt[yy_base[yy_current_state] + (unsigned int) yy_c];
+ yy_is_jam = (yy_current_state == 2255);
+ return yy_is_jam ? 0 : yy_current_state;
+ static void yyunput (int c, register char * yy_bp )
+ register char *yy_cp;
+ yy_cp = (yy_c_buf_p);
+ /* undo effects of setting up yytext */
+ *yy_cp = (yy_hold_char);
+ if ( yy_cp < YY_CURRENT_BUFFER_LVALUE->yy_ch_buf + 2 )
+ { /* need to shift things up to make room */
+ /* +2 for EOB chars. */
+ register int number_to_move = (yy_n_chars) + 2;
+ register char *dest = &YY_CURRENT_BUFFER_LVALUE->yy_ch_buf[
+ YY_CURRENT_BUFFER_LVALUE->yy_buf_size + 2];
+ register char *source =
+ &YY_CURRENT_BUFFER_LVALUE->yy_ch_buf[number_to_move];
+ while ( source > YY_CURRENT_BUFFER_LVALUE->yy_ch_buf )
+ *--dest = *--source;
+ yy_cp += (int) (dest - source);
+ yy_bp += (int) (dest - source);
+ (yy_n_chars) = YY_CURRENT_BUFFER_LVALUE->yy_buf_size;
+ if ( yy_cp < YY_CURRENT_BUFFER_LVALUE->yy_ch_buf + 2 )
+ YY_FATAL_ERROR( "flex scanner push-back overflow" );
+ }
+ *--yy_cp = (char) c;
+ (yytext_ptr) = yy_bp;
+ (yy_hold_char) = *yy_cp;
+ (yy_c_buf_p) = yy_cp;
+#ifndef YY_NO_INPUT
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+ static int yyinput (void)
+ static int input (void)
+ int c;
+ *(yy_c_buf_p) = (yy_hold_char);
+ if ( *(yy_c_buf_p) == YY_END_OF_BUFFER_CHAR )
+ {
+ /* yy_c_buf_p now points to the character we want to return.
+ * If this occurs *before* the EOB characters, then it's a
+ * valid NUL; if not, then we've hit the end of the buffer.
+ */
+ if ( (yy_c_buf_p) < &YY_CURRENT_BUFFER_LVALUE->yy_ch_buf[(yy_n_chars)] )
+ /* This was really a NUL. */
+ *(yy_c_buf_p) = '\0';
+ else
+ { /* need more input */
+ int offset = (yy_c_buf_p) - (yytext_ptr);
+ ++(yy_c_buf_p);
+ switch ( yy_get_next_buffer( ) )
+ {
+ /* This happens because yy_g_n_b()
+ * sees that we've accumulated a
+ * token and flags that we need to
+ * try matching the token before
+ * proceeding. But for input(),
+ * there's no matching to consider.
+ * So convert the EOB_ACT_LAST_MATCH
+ */
+ /* Reset buffer status. */
+ yyrestart(yyin );
+ {
+ if ( yywrap( ) )
+ return EOF;
+ if ( ! (yy_did_buffer_switch_on_eof) )
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+ return yyinput();
+ return input();
+ }
+ (yy_c_buf_p) = (yytext_ptr) + offset;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ c = *(unsigned char *) (yy_c_buf_p); /* cast for 8-bit char's */
+ *(yy_c_buf_p) = '\0'; /* preserve yytext */
+ (yy_hold_char) = *++(yy_c_buf_p);
+ YY_CURRENT_BUFFER_LVALUE->yy_at_bol = (c == '\n');
+ return c;
+#endif /* ifndef YY_NO_INPUT */
+/** Immediately switch to a different input stream.
+ * @param input_file A readable stream.
+ *
+ * @note This function does not reset the start condition to @c INITIAL .
+ */
+ void yyrestart (FILE * input_file )
+ yyensure_buffer_stack ();
+ yy_create_buffer(yyin,YY_BUF_SIZE );
+ }
+ yy_init_buffer(YY_CURRENT_BUFFER,input_file );
+ yy_load_buffer_state( );
+/** Switch to a different input buffer.
+ * @param new_buffer The new input buffer.
+ *
+ */
+ void yy_switch_to_buffer (YY_BUFFER_STATE new_buffer )
+ /* TODO. We should be able to replace this entire function body
+ * with
+ * yypop_buffer_state();
+ * yypush_buffer_state(new_buffer);
+ */
+ yyensure_buffer_stack ();
+ if ( YY_CURRENT_BUFFER == new_buffer )
+ return;
+ {
+ /* Flush out information for old buffer. */
+ *(yy_c_buf_p) = (yy_hold_char);
+ YY_CURRENT_BUFFER_LVALUE->yy_buf_pos = (yy_c_buf_p);
+ YY_CURRENT_BUFFER_LVALUE->yy_n_chars = (yy_n_chars);
+ }
+ yy_load_buffer_state( );
+ /* We don't actually know whether we did this switch during
+ * EOF (yywrap()) processing, but the only time this flag
+ * is looked at is after yywrap() is called, so it's safe
+ * to go ahead and always set it.
+ */
+ (yy_did_buffer_switch_on_eof) = 1;
+static void yy_load_buffer_state (void)
+ (yy_n_chars) = YY_CURRENT_BUFFER_LVALUE->yy_n_chars;
+ (yytext_ptr) = (yy_c_buf_p) = YY_CURRENT_BUFFER_LVALUE->yy_buf_pos;
+ yyin = YY_CURRENT_BUFFER_LVALUE->yy_input_file;
+ (yy_hold_char) = *(yy_c_buf_p);
+/** Allocate and initialize an input buffer state.
+ * @param file A readable stream.
+ * @param size The character buffer size in bytes. When in doubt, use @c YY_BUF_SIZE.
+ *
+ * @return the allocated buffer state.
+ */
+ YY_BUFFER_STATE yy_create_buffer (FILE * file, int size )
+ b = (YY_BUFFER_STATE) yyalloc(sizeof( struct yy_buffer_state ) );
+ if ( ! b )
+ YY_FATAL_ERROR( "out of dynamic memory in yy_create_buffer()" );
+ b->yy_buf_size = size;
+ /* yy_ch_buf has to be 2 characters longer than the size given because
+ * we need to put in 2 end-of-buffer characters.
+ */
+ b->yy_ch_buf = (char *) yyalloc(b->yy_buf_size + 2 );
+ if ( ! b->yy_ch_buf )
+ YY_FATAL_ERROR( "out of dynamic memory in yy_create_buffer()" );
+ b->yy_is_our_buffer = 1;
+ yy_init_buffer(b,file );
+ return b;
+/** Destroy the buffer.
+ * @param b a buffer created with yy_create_buffer()
+ *
+ */
+ void yy_delete_buffer (YY_BUFFER_STATE b )
+ if ( ! b )
+ return;
+ if ( b == YY_CURRENT_BUFFER ) /* Not sure if we should pop here. */
+ if ( b->yy_is_our_buffer )
+ yyfree((void *) b->yy_ch_buf );
+ yyfree((void *) b );
+#ifndef __cplusplus
+extern int isatty (int );
+#endif /* __cplusplus */
+/* Initializes or reinitializes a buffer.
+ * This function is sometimes called more than once on the same buffer,
+ * such as during a yyrestart() or at EOF.
+ */
+ static void yy_init_buffer (YY_BUFFER_STATE b, FILE * file )
+ int oerrno = errno;
+ yy_flush_buffer(b );
+ b->yy_input_file = file;
+ b->yy_fill_buffer = 1;
+ /* If b is the current buffer, then yy_init_buffer was _probably_
+ * called from yyrestart() or through yy_get_next_buffer.
+ * In that case, we don't want to reset the lineno or column.
+ */
+ if (b != YY_CURRENT_BUFFER){
+ b->yy_bs_lineno = 1;
+ b->yy_bs_column = 0;
+ }
+ b->yy_is_interactive = file ? (isatty( fileno(file) ) > 0) : 0;
+ errno = oerrno;
+/** Discard all buffered characters. On the next scan, YY_INPUT will be called.
+ * @param b the buffer state to be flushed, usually @c YY_CURRENT_BUFFER.
+ *
+ */
+ void yy_flush_buffer (YY_BUFFER_STATE b )
+ if ( ! b )
+ return;
+ b->yy_n_chars = 0;
+ /* We always need two end-of-buffer characters. The first causes
+ * a transition to the end-of-buffer state. The second causes
+ * a jam in that state.
+ */
+ b->yy_ch_buf[0] = YY_END_OF_BUFFER_CHAR;
+ b->yy_ch_buf[1] = YY_END_OF_BUFFER_CHAR;
+ b->yy_buf_pos = &b->yy_ch_buf[0];
+ b->yy_at_bol = 1;
+ b->yy_buffer_status = YY_BUFFER_NEW;
+ if ( b == YY_CURRENT_BUFFER )
+ yy_load_buffer_state( );
+/** Pushes the new state onto the stack. The new state becomes
+ * the current state. This function will allocate the stack
+ * if necessary.
+ * @param new_buffer The new state.
+ *
+ */
+void yypush_buffer_state (YY_BUFFER_STATE new_buffer )
+ if (new_buffer == NULL)
+ return;
+ yyensure_buffer_stack();
+ /* This block is copied from yy_switch_to_buffer. */
+ {
+ /* Flush out information for old buffer. */
+ *(yy_c_buf_p) = (yy_hold_char);
+ YY_CURRENT_BUFFER_LVALUE->yy_buf_pos = (yy_c_buf_p);
+ YY_CURRENT_BUFFER_LVALUE->yy_n_chars = (yy_n_chars);
+ }
+ /* Only push if top exists. Otherwise, replace top. */
+ (yy_buffer_stack_top)++;
+ /* copied from yy_switch_to_buffer. */
+ yy_load_buffer_state( );
+ (yy_did_buffer_switch_on_eof) = 1;
+/** Removes and deletes the top of the stack, if present.
+ * The next element becomes the new top.
+ *
+ */
+void yypop_buffer_state (void)
+ return;
+ yy_delete_buffer(YY_CURRENT_BUFFER );
+ if ((yy_buffer_stack_top) > 0)
+ --(yy_buffer_stack_top);
+ yy_load_buffer_state( );
+ (yy_did_buffer_switch_on_eof) = 1;
+ }
+/* Allocates the stack if it does not exist.
+ * Guarantees space for at least one push.
+ */
+static void yyensure_buffer_stack (void)
+ int num_to_alloc;
+ if (!(yy_buffer_stack)) {
+ /* First allocation is just for 2 elements, since we don't know if this
+ * scanner will even need a stack. We use 2 instead of 1 to avoid an
+ * immediate realloc on the next call.
+ */
+ num_to_alloc = 1;
+ (yy_buffer_stack) = (struct yy_buffer_state**)yyalloc
+ (num_to_alloc * sizeof(struct yy_buffer_state*)
+ );
+ if ( ! (yy_buffer_stack) )
+ YY_FATAL_ERROR( "out of dynamic memory in yyensure_buffer_stack()" );
+ memset((yy_buffer_stack), 0, num_to_alloc * sizeof(struct yy_buffer_state*));
+ (yy_buffer_stack_max) = num_to_alloc;
+ (yy_buffer_stack_top) = 0;
+ return;
+ }
+ if ((yy_buffer_stack_top) >= ((yy_buffer_stack_max)) - 1){
+ /* Increase the buffer to prepare for a possible push. */
+ int grow_size = 8 /* arbitrary grow size */;
+ num_to_alloc = (yy_buffer_stack_max) + grow_size;
+ (yy_buffer_stack) = (struct yy_buffer_state**)yyrealloc
+ ((yy_buffer_stack),
+ num_to_alloc * sizeof(struct yy_buffer_state*)
+ );
+ if ( ! (yy_buffer_stack) )
+ YY_FATAL_ERROR( "out of dynamic memory in yyensure_buffer_stack()" );
+ /* zero only the new slots.*/
+ memset((yy_buffer_stack) + (yy_buffer_stack_max), 0, grow_size * sizeof(struct yy_buffer_state*));
+ (yy_buffer_stack_max) = num_to_alloc;
+ }
+/** Setup the input buffer state to scan directly from a user-specified character buffer.
+ * @param base the character buffer
+ * @param size the size in bytes of the character buffer
+ *
+ * @return the newly allocated buffer state object.
+ */
+YY_BUFFER_STATE yy_scan_buffer (char * base, yy_size_t size )
+ if ( size < 2 ||
+ base[size-2] != YY_END_OF_BUFFER_CHAR ||
+ base[size-1] != YY_END_OF_BUFFER_CHAR )
+ /* They forgot to leave room for the EOB's. */
+ return 0;
+ b = (YY_BUFFER_STATE) yyalloc(sizeof( struct yy_buffer_state ) );
+ if ( ! b )
+ YY_FATAL_ERROR( "out of dynamic memory in yy_scan_buffer()" );
+ b->yy_buf_size = size - 2; /* "- 2" to take care of EOB's */
+ b->yy_buf_pos = b->yy_ch_buf = base;
+ b->yy_is_our_buffer = 0;
+ b->yy_input_file = 0;
+ b->yy_n_chars = b->yy_buf_size;
+ b->yy_is_interactive = 0;
+ b->yy_at_bol = 1;
+ b->yy_fill_buffer = 0;
+ b->yy_buffer_status = YY_BUFFER_NEW;
+ yy_switch_to_buffer(b );
+ return b;
+/** Setup the input buffer state to scan a string. The next call to yylex() will
+ * scan from a @e copy of @a str.
+ * @param yystr a NUL-terminated string to scan
+ *
+ * @return the newly allocated buffer state object.
+ * @note If you want to scan bytes that may contain NUL values, then use
+ * yy_scan_bytes() instead.
+ */
+YY_BUFFER_STATE yy_scan_string (yyconst char * yystr )
+ return yy_scan_bytes(yystr,strlen(yystr) );
+/** Setup the input buffer state to scan the given bytes. The next call to yylex() will
+ * scan from a @e copy of @a bytes.
+ * @param bytes the byte buffer to scan
+ * @param len the number of bytes in the buffer pointed to by @a bytes.
+ *
+ * @return the newly allocated buffer state object.
+ */
+YY_BUFFER_STATE yy_scan_bytes (yyconst char * yybytes, int _yybytes_len )
+ char *buf;
+ yy_size_t n;
+ int i;
+ /* Get memory for full buffer, including space for trailing EOB's. */
+ n = _yybytes_len + 2;
+ buf = (char *) yyalloc(n );
+ if ( ! buf )
+ YY_FATAL_ERROR( "out of dynamic memory in yy_scan_bytes()" );
+ for ( i = 0; i < _yybytes_len; ++i )
+ buf[i] = yybytes[i];
+ buf[_yybytes_len] = buf[_yybytes_len+1] = YY_END_OF_BUFFER_CHAR;
+ b = yy_scan_buffer(buf,n );
+ if ( ! b )
+ YY_FATAL_ERROR( "bad buffer in yy_scan_bytes()" );
+ /* It's okay to grow etc. this buffer, and we should throw it
+ * away when we're done.
+ */
+ b->yy_is_our_buffer = 1;
+ return b;
+ static void yy_push_state (int new_state )
+ if ( (yy_start_stack_ptr) >= (yy_start_stack_depth) )
+ {
+ yy_size_t new_size;
+ (yy_start_stack_depth) += YY_START_STACK_INCR;
+ new_size = (yy_start_stack_depth) * sizeof( int );
+ if ( ! (yy_start_stack) )
+ (yy_start_stack) = (int *) yyalloc(new_size );
+ else
+ (yy_start_stack) = (int *) yyrealloc((void *) (yy_start_stack),new_size );
+ if ( ! (yy_start_stack) )
+ YY_FATAL_ERROR( "out of memory expanding start-condition stack" );
+ }
+ (yy_start_stack)[(yy_start_stack_ptr)++] = YY_START;
+ BEGIN(new_state);
+ static void yy_pop_state (void)
+ if ( --(yy_start_stack_ptr) < 0 )
+ YY_FATAL_ERROR( "start-condition stack underflow" );
+ BEGIN((yy_start_stack)[(yy_start_stack_ptr)]);
+ static int yy_top_state (void)
+ return (yy_start_stack)[(yy_start_stack_ptr) - 1];
+#define YY_EXIT_FAILURE 2
+static void yy_fatal_error (yyconst char* msg )
+ (void) fprintf( stderr, "%s\n", msg );
+ exit( YY_EXIT_FAILURE );
+/* Redefine yyless() so it works in section 3 code. */
+#undef yyless
+#define yyless(n) \
+ do \
+ { \
+ /* Undo effects of setting up yytext. */ \
+ int yyless_macro_arg = (n); \
+ YY_LESS_LINENO(yyless_macro_arg);\
+ yytext[yyleng] = (yy_hold_char); \
+ (yy_c_buf_p) = yytext + yyless_macro_arg; \
+ (yy_hold_char) = *(yy_c_buf_p); \
+ *(yy_c_buf_p) = '\0'; \
+ yyleng = yyless_macro_arg; \
+ } \
+ while ( 0 )
+/* Accessor methods (get/set functions) to struct members. */
+/** Get the current line number.
+ *
+ */
+int yyget_lineno (void)
+ return yylineno;
+/** Get the input stream.
+ *
+ */
+FILE *yyget_in (void)
+ return yyin;
+/** Get the output stream.
+ *
+ */
+FILE *yyget_out (void)
+ return yyout;
+/** Get the length of the current token.
+ *
+ */
+int yyget_leng (void)
+ return yyleng;
+/** Get the current token.
+ *
+ */
+char *yyget_text (void)
+ return yytext;
+/** Set the current line number.
+ * @param line_number
+ *
+ */
+void yyset_lineno (int line_number )
+ yylineno = line_number;
+/** Set the input stream. This does not discard the current
+ * input buffer.
+ * @param in_str A readable stream.
+ *
+ * @see yy_switch_to_buffer
+ */
+void yyset_in (FILE * in_str )
+ yyin = in_str ;
+void yyset_out (FILE * out_str )
+ yyout = out_str ;
+int yyget_debug (void)
+ return yy_flex_debug;
+void yyset_debug (int bdebug )
+ yy_flex_debug = bdebug ;
+static int yy_init_globals (void)
+ /* Initialization is the same as for the non-reentrant scanner.
+ * This function is called from yylex_destroy(), so don't allocate here.
+ */
+ (yy_buffer_stack) = 0;
+ (yy_buffer_stack_top) = 0;
+ (yy_buffer_stack_max) = 0;
+ (yy_c_buf_p) = (char *) 0;
+ (yy_init) = 0;
+ (yy_start) = 0;
+ (yy_start_stack_ptr) = 0;
+ (yy_start_stack_depth) = 0;
+ (yy_start_stack) = NULL;
+/* Defined in main.c */
+#ifdef YY_STDINIT
+ yyin = stdin;
+ yyout = stdout;
+ yyin = (FILE *) 0;
+ yyout = (FILE *) 0;
+ /* For future reference: Set errno on error, since we are called by
+ * yylex_init()
+ */
+ return 0;
+/* yylex_destroy is for both reentrant and non-reentrant scanners. */
+int yylex_destroy (void)
+ /* Pop the buffer stack, destroying each element. */
+ yy_delete_buffer(YY_CURRENT_BUFFER );
+ yypop_buffer_state();
+ }
+ /* Destroy the stack itself. */
+ yyfree((yy_buffer_stack) );
+ (yy_buffer_stack) = NULL;
+ /* Destroy the start condition stack. */
+ yyfree((yy_start_stack) );
+ (yy_start_stack) = NULL;
+ /* Reset the globals. This is important in a non-reentrant scanner so the next time
+ * yylex() is called, initialization will occur. */
+ yy_init_globals( );
+ return 0;
+ * Internal utility routines.
+ */
+#ifndef yytext_ptr
+static void yy_flex_strncpy (char* s1, yyconst char * s2, int n )
+ register int i;
+ for ( i = 0; i < n; ++i )
+ s1[i] = s2[i];
+static int yy_flex_strlen (yyconst char * s )
+ register int n;
+ for ( n = 0; s[n]; ++n )
+ ;
+ return n;
+void *yyalloc (yy_size_t size )
+ return (void *) malloc( size );
+void *yyrealloc (void * ptr, yy_size_t size )
+ /* The cast to (char *) in the following accommodates both
+ * implementations that use char* generic pointers, and those
+ * that use void* generic pointers. It works with the latter
+ * because both ANSI C and C++ allow castless assignment from
+ * any pointer type to void*, and deal with argument conversions
+ * as though doing an assignment.
+ */
+ return (void *) realloc( (char *) ptr, size );
+void yyfree (void * ptr )
+ free( (char *) ptr ); /* see yyrealloc() for (char *) cast */
+#define YYTABLES_NAME "yytables"
+#line 832 "fscanner.l"
+initscanner(char *srcfile)
+ char *s;
+ if (maxifbraces == NULL) {
+ maxifbraces = mymalloc(miflevel * sizeof(int));
+ preifbraces = mymalloc(miflevel * sizeof(int));
+ }
+ first = 0; /* buffer index for first char of symbol */
+ last = 0; /* buffer index for last char of symbol */
+ lineno = 1; /* symbol line number */
+ myylineno = 1; /* input line number */
+ arraydimension = NO; /* inside array dimension declaration */
+ bplisting = NO; /* breakpoint listing */
+ braces = 0; /* unmatched left brace count */
+ classdef = NO; /* c++ class definition */
+ elseelif = NO; /* #else or #elif found */
+ esudef = NO; /* enum/struct/union global definition */
+ external = NO; /* external definition */
+ externalbraces = -1; /* external definition outer brace count */
+ fcndef = NO; /* function definition */
+ global = YES; /* file global scope (outside functions) */
+ iflevel = 0; /* #if nesting level */
+ initializer = NO; /* data initializer */
+ initializerbraces = -1; /* data initializer outer brace count */
+ lex = NO; /* lex file */
+ parens = 0; /* unmatched left parenthesis count */
+ ppdefine = NO; /* preprocessor define statement */
+ pseudoelif = NO; /* pseudo-#elif */
+ oldtype = NO; /* next identifier is an old type */
+ rules = NO; /* lex/yacc rules */
+ sdl = NO; /* sdl file */
+ structfield = NO; /* structure field declaration */
+ tagdef = '\0'; /* class/enum/struct/union tag definition */
+ template = NO; /* function template */
+ templateparens = -1; /* function template outer parentheses count */
+ typedefbraces = -1; /* initial typedef braces count */
+ ident_start = 0; /* start of previously found identifier */
+ if (my_yytext)
+ *my_yytext = '\0';
+ my_yyleng = 0;
+ /* if this is not a C file */
+ if ((s = strrchr(srcfile, '.')) != NULL) {
+ switch (*++s) { /* this switch saves time on C files */
+ case 'b':
+ if (strcmp(s, "bp") == 0) { /* breakpoint listing */
+ bplisting = YES;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'l':
+ if (strcmp(s, "l") == 0) { /* lex */
+ lex = YES;
+ global = NO;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 's':
+ if (strcmp(s, "sd") == 0) { /* sdl */
+ sdl = YES;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'y':
+ if (strcmp(s, "y") == 0) { /* yacc */
+ global = NO;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+/* A micro-scanner that serves as the input() function of the
+ * scanner. It throws away any comments in the input, correctly
+ * avoiding doing this inside string/character constants, and knows
+ * about backslash sequences. Now that the main scanner doesn't use
+ * yymore() any longer, this could be replaced by lex rules. Left for
+ * trying later. */
+/* Status variable: If this is non-NUL, it's the character that
+* terminates a string we're currently in. */
+static int string_terminator = '\0';
+/* Helper routine: treat 'c' as a character found inside a
+ * string. Check if this character might be the end of that
+ * string. Backslashes have to be taken care of, for the sake of
+ * "quotes like \"these\" found inside a string". */
+static int
+insidestring_input(int c)
+ static BOOL was_backslash = NO;
+ if ((c == '\\') && (was_backslash == NO)) {
+ /* escape character found --> treat next char specially */
+ /* FIXME HBB 20001003: need treatment of backslash in the main
+ * scanner, too. It'll get false line counts in case of "\\'",
+ * otherwise --- they can occur as part of a lex pattern */
+ was_backslash = YES;
+ return c;
+ }
+ if (((c == '\t') && (lex == YES))
+ /* Note: "\\\n" is removed even inside strings! */
+ || ((c == '\n') && (was_backslash == NO))
+ || (c == EOF)
+ || ((c == string_terminator) && (was_backslash == NO))
+ ) {
+ /* Line ended, or end-of-string was found. That is a syntax
+ * error. To recover, stop treatment as a string constant: */
+ string_terminator = '\0';
+ } else if (!isprint((unsigned char)c)) {
+ /* mask unprintable characters */
+ c = ' ';
+ }
+ was_backslash = NO;
+ return c;
+/* Helper function: skip over input until end of comment is found (or
+ * we find that it wasn't really comment, in the first place): */
+static int
+ int c, lastc;
+ /* Coming here, we've just read in the opening '/' of a
+ * comment. */
+ do {
+ if ((c = getc(yyin)) == '*') { /* C comment */
+ lastc = '\0';
+ while ((c = getc(yyin)) != EOF
+ /* fewer '/'s --> test them first! */
+ && (c != '/' || lastc != '*')
+ ) {
+ if (c == '\n') {
+ /* keep the line number count */
+ /* FIXME HBB 20001008: this is not synchronized
+ * properly with myylineno changes by the main
+ * scanner. A strong point in favour of moving
+ * this to lex-code that is, IMHO */
+ ++myylineno;
+ }
+ lastc = c;
+ }
+ /* return a blank for Reiser cpp token concatenation */
+ /* FIXME HBB 20001008: what on earth is 'Reiser cpp'? ANSI
+ * C defines cpp to explicitly replace any comment by a
+ * blank. Pre-ANSI cpp's behaved differently, but do we
+ * really want that? If at all, it should only ever be a
+ * non-default option (like gcc's "-traditional-cpp")
+ * */
+ if ((c = getc(yyin)) == '_' || isalnum(c)) {
+ (void) ungetc(c, yyin);
+ c = ' ';
+ break;
+ }
+ } else if (c == '/') { /* C++ comment */
+ while ((c = getc(yyin)) != EOF && c != '\n') {
+ ; /* do nothing else */
+ }
+ break;
+ } else { /* not a comment */
+ (void) ungetc(c, yyin);
+ c = '/';
+ break;
+ }
+ /* there may be an immediately following comment */
+ } while (c == '/');
+ return(c);
+/* The core of the actual input() function to be used by (f)lex. The
+ * calling scheme between this and the actual input() redefinition is
+ * a bit different for lex and flex. See the #ifdef FLEX_SCANNER part
+ * in the head section. */
+static int
+ int c;
+ c = getc (yyin);
+ if (string_terminator != '\0') {
+ /* don't look for comments inside strings! */
+ return insidestring_input(c);
+ } else if (c == '/') {
+ /* swallow everything until end of comment, if this is one */
+ return comment ();
+ } else if (c == '"' || c == '\'') {
+ /* a string is beginning here, so switch input method */
+ string_terminator = c;
+ }
+ return c;
+#endif /* !COMMENTS_BY_FLEX */
+#define MY_YY_ALLOCSTEP 1000
+static void
+ static size_t yytext_size = 0;
+ /* my_yytext is an ever-growing buffer. It will not ever
+ * shrink, nor will it be freed at end of program, for now */
+ while (my_yyleng + yyleng + 1 >= yytext_size) {
+ my_yytext = myrealloc(my_yytext,
+ yytext_size += MY_YY_ALLOCSTEP);
+ }
+ strncpy (my_yytext + my_yyleng, yytext, yyleng+1);
+ my_yyleng += yyleng;
diff --git a/src/scanner.c b/src/scanner.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3ea4633
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/scanner.c
@@ -0,0 +1,2954 @@
+#line 3 "scanner.c"
+#define YY_INT_ALIGNED short int
+/* A lexical scanner generated by flex */
+#define FLEX_BETA
+/* First, we deal with platform-specific or compiler-specific issues. */
+/* begin standard C headers. */
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+/* end standard C headers. */
+/* flex integer type definitions */
+#ifndef FLEXINT_H
+#define FLEXINT_H
+/* C99 systems have <inttypes.h>. Non-C99 systems may or may not. */
+#if defined (__STDC_VERSION__) && __STDC_VERSION__ >= 199901L
+/* C99 says to define __STDC_LIMIT_MACROS before including stdint.h,
+ * if you want the limit (max/min) macros for int types.
+ */
+#define __STDC_LIMIT_MACROS 1
+#include <inttypes.h>
+typedef int8_t flex_int8_t;
+typedef uint8_t flex_uint8_t;
+typedef int16_t flex_int16_t;
+typedef uint16_t flex_uint16_t;
+typedef int32_t flex_int32_t;
+typedef uint32_t flex_uint32_t;
+typedef signed char flex_int8_t;
+typedef short int flex_int16_t;
+typedef int flex_int32_t;
+typedef unsigned char flex_uint8_t;
+typedef unsigned short int flex_uint16_t;
+typedef unsigned int flex_uint32_t;
+#endif /* ! C99 */
+/* Limits of integral types. */
+#ifndef INT8_MIN
+#define INT8_MIN (-128)
+#ifndef INT16_MIN
+#define INT16_MIN (-32767-1)
+#ifndef INT32_MIN
+#define INT32_MIN (-2147483647-1)
+#ifndef INT8_MAX
+#define INT8_MAX (127)
+#ifndef INT16_MAX
+#define INT16_MAX (32767)
+#ifndef INT32_MAX
+#define INT32_MAX (2147483647)
+#ifndef UINT8_MAX
+#define UINT8_MAX (255U)
+#ifndef UINT16_MAX
+#define UINT16_MAX (65535U)
+#ifndef UINT32_MAX
+#define UINT32_MAX (4294967295U)
+#endif /* ! FLEXINT_H */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+/* The "const" storage-class-modifier is valid. */
+#define YY_USE_CONST
+#else /* ! __cplusplus */
+/* C99 requires __STDC__ to be defined as 1. */
+#if defined (__STDC__)
+#define YY_USE_CONST
+#endif /* defined (__STDC__) */
+#endif /* ! __cplusplus */
+#ifdef YY_USE_CONST
+#define yyconst const
+#define yyconst
+/* Returned upon end-of-file. */
+#define YY_NULL 0
+/* Promotes a possibly negative, possibly signed char to an unsigned
+ * integer for use as an array index. If the signed char is negative,
+ * we want to instead treat it as an 8-bit unsigned char, hence the
+ * double cast.
+ */
+#define YY_SC_TO_UI(c) ((unsigned int) (unsigned char) c)
+/* Enter a start condition. This macro really ought to take a parameter,
+ * but we do it the disgusting crufty way forced on us by the ()-less
+ * definition of BEGIN.
+ */
+#define BEGIN (yy_start) = 1 + 2 *
+/* Translate the current start state into a value that can be later handed
+ * to BEGIN to return to the state. The YYSTATE alias is for lex
+ * compatibility.
+ */
+#define YY_START (((yy_start) - 1) / 2)
+/* Action number for EOF rule of a given start state. */
+#define YY_STATE_EOF(state) (YY_END_OF_BUFFER + state + 1)
+/* Special action meaning "start processing a new file". */
+#define YY_NEW_FILE yyrestart(yyin )
+/* Size of default input buffer. */
+#ifndef YY_BUF_SIZE
+#define YY_BUF_SIZE 16384
+/* The state buf must be large enough to hold one state per character in the main buffer.
+ */
+#define YY_STATE_BUF_SIZE ((YY_BUF_SIZE + 2) * sizeof(yy_state_type))
+typedef struct yy_buffer_state *YY_BUFFER_STATE;
+extern int yyleng;
+extern FILE *yyin, *yyout;
+#define EOB_ACT_END_OF_FILE 1
+ #define YY_LESS_LINENO(n)
+/* Return all but the first "n" matched characters back to the input stream. */
+#define yyless(n) \
+ do \
+ { \
+ /* Undo effects of setting up yytext. */ \
+ int yyless_macro_arg = (n); \
+ YY_LESS_LINENO(yyless_macro_arg);\
+ *yy_cp = (yy_hold_char); \
+ (yy_c_buf_p) = yy_cp = yy_bp + yyless_macro_arg - YY_MORE_ADJ; \
+ YY_DO_BEFORE_ACTION; /* set up yytext again */ \
+ } \
+ while ( 0 )
+#define unput(c) yyunput( c, (yytext_ptr) )
+typedef size_t yy_size_t;
+struct yy_buffer_state
+ {
+ FILE *yy_input_file;
+ char *yy_ch_buf; /* input buffer */
+ char *yy_buf_pos; /* current position in input buffer */
+ /* Size of input buffer in bytes, not including room for EOB
+ * characters.
+ */
+ yy_size_t yy_buf_size;
+ /* Number of characters read into yy_ch_buf, not including EOB
+ * characters.
+ */
+ int yy_n_chars;
+ /* Whether we "own" the buffer - i.e., we know we created it,
+ * and can realloc() it to grow it, and should free() it to
+ * delete it.
+ */
+ int yy_is_our_buffer;
+ /* Whether this is an "interactive" input source; if so, and
+ * if we're using stdio for input, then we want to use getc()
+ * instead of fread(), to make sure we stop fetching input after
+ * each newline.
+ */
+ int yy_is_interactive;
+ /* Whether we're considered to be at the beginning of a line.
+ * If so, '^' rules will be active on the next match, otherwise
+ * not.
+ */
+ int yy_at_bol;
+ int yy_bs_lineno; /**< The line count. */
+ int yy_bs_column; /**< The column count. */
+ /* Whether to try to fill the input buffer when we reach the
+ * end of it.
+ */
+ int yy_fill_buffer;
+ int yy_buffer_status;
+#define YY_BUFFER_NEW 0
+ /* When an EOF's been seen but there's still some text to process
+ * then we mark the buffer as YY_EOF_PENDING, to indicate that we
+ * shouldn't try reading from the input source any more. We might
+ * still have a bunch of tokens to match, though, because of
+ * possible backing-up.
+ *
+ * When we actually see the EOF, we change the status to "new"
+ * (via yyrestart()), so that the user can continue scanning by
+ * just pointing yyin at a new input file.
+ */
+ };
+/* Stack of input buffers. */
+static size_t yy_buffer_stack_top = 0; /**< index of top of stack. */
+static size_t yy_buffer_stack_max = 0; /**< capacity of stack. */
+static YY_BUFFER_STATE * yy_buffer_stack = 0; /**< Stack as an array. */
+/* We provide macros for accessing buffer states in case in the
+ * future we want to put the buffer states in a more general
+ * "scanner state".
+ *
+ * Returns the top of the stack, or NULL.
+ */
+#define YY_CURRENT_BUFFER ( (yy_buffer_stack) \
+ ? (yy_buffer_stack)[(yy_buffer_stack_top)] \
+ : NULL)
+/* Same as previous macro, but useful when we know that the buffer stack is not
+ * NULL or when we need an lvalue. For internal use only.
+ */
+#define YY_CURRENT_BUFFER_LVALUE (yy_buffer_stack)[(yy_buffer_stack_top)]
+/* yy_hold_char holds the character lost when yytext is formed. */
+static char yy_hold_char;
+static int yy_n_chars; /* number of characters read into yy_ch_buf */
+int yyleng;
+/* Points to current character in buffer. */
+static char *yy_c_buf_p = (char *) 0;
+static int yy_init = 0; /* whether we need to initialize */
+static int yy_start = 0; /* start state number */
+/* Flag which is used to allow yywrap()'s to do buffer switches
+ * instead of setting up a fresh yyin. A bit of a hack ...
+ */
+static int yy_did_buffer_switch_on_eof;
+void yyrestart (FILE *input_file );
+void yy_switch_to_buffer (YY_BUFFER_STATE new_buffer );
+YY_BUFFER_STATE yy_create_buffer (FILE *file,int size );
+void yy_delete_buffer (YY_BUFFER_STATE b );
+void yy_flush_buffer (YY_BUFFER_STATE b );
+void yypush_buffer_state (YY_BUFFER_STATE new_buffer );
+void yypop_buffer_state (void );
+static void yyensure_buffer_stack (void );
+static void yy_load_buffer_state (void );
+static void yy_init_buffer (YY_BUFFER_STATE b,FILE *file );
+#define YY_FLUSH_BUFFER yy_flush_buffer(YY_CURRENT_BUFFER )
+YY_BUFFER_STATE yy_scan_buffer (char *base,yy_size_t size );
+YY_BUFFER_STATE yy_scan_string (yyconst char *yy_str );
+YY_BUFFER_STATE yy_scan_bytes (yyconst char *bytes,int len );
+void *yyalloc (yy_size_t );
+void *yyrealloc (void *,yy_size_t );
+void yyfree (void * );
+#define yy_new_buffer yy_create_buffer
+#define yy_set_interactive(is_interactive) \
+ { \
+ if ( ! YY_CURRENT_BUFFER ){ \
+ yyensure_buffer_stack (); \
+ yy_create_buffer(yyin,YY_BUF_SIZE ); \
+ } \
+ YY_CURRENT_BUFFER_LVALUE->yy_is_interactive = is_interactive; \
+ }
+#define yy_set_bol(at_bol) \
+ { \
+ if ( ! YY_CURRENT_BUFFER ){\
+ yyensure_buffer_stack (); \
+ yy_create_buffer(yyin,YY_BUF_SIZE ); \
+ } \
+ YY_CURRENT_BUFFER_LVALUE->yy_at_bol = at_bol; \
+ }
+#define YY_AT_BOL() (YY_CURRENT_BUFFER_LVALUE->yy_at_bol)
+/* Begin user sect3 */
+typedef unsigned char YY_CHAR;
+FILE *yyin = (FILE *) 0, *yyout = (FILE *) 0;
+typedef int yy_state_type;
+extern int yylineno;
+int yylineno = 1;
+extern char *yytext;
+#define yytext_ptr yytext
+static yy_state_type yy_get_previous_state (void );
+static yy_state_type yy_try_NUL_trans (yy_state_type current_state );
+static int yy_get_next_buffer (void );
+static void yy_fatal_error (yyconst char msg[] );
+/* Done after the current pattern has been matched and before the
+ * corresponding action - sets up yytext.
+ */
+ (yytext_ptr) = yy_bp; \
+ (yytext_ptr) -= (yy_more_len); \
+ yyleng = (size_t) (yy_cp - (yytext_ptr)); \
+ (yy_hold_char) = *yy_cp; \
+ *yy_cp = '\0'; \
+ (yy_c_buf_p) = yy_cp;
+#define YY_NUM_RULES 37
+#define YY_END_OF_BUFFER 38
+/* This struct is not used in this scanner,
+ but its presence is necessary. */
+struct yy_trans_info
+ {
+ flex_int32_t yy_verify;
+ flex_int32_t yy_nxt;
+ };
+static yyconst flex_int16_t yy_acclist[267] =
+ { 0,
+ 38, 36, 37, 29, 37, 31, 36, 37, 36, 37,
+ 25, 36, 37,16406,16407,16408, 36, 37, 30, 36,
+ 37, 12, 36, 37, 13, 36, 37, 16, 36, 37,
+ 36, 37, 35, 36, 37, 15, 36, 37, 17, 36,
+ 37, 14, 36, 37, 26, 36, 37, 36, 37, 27,
+ 36, 37, 25, 36, 37,16406,16407,16408, 25, 36,
+ 37,16406,16407,16408, 25, 36, 37,16406,16407,16408,
+ 25, 36, 37,16406,16407,16408, 6, 36, 37, 11,
+ 36, 37, 32, 36, 37, 36, 37, 25, 36, 37,
+ 16406,16407,16408, 25, 36, 37,16406,16407,16408, 34,
+ 34, 34, 34, 25,16406,16407,16408, 8215, 1, 2,
+ 35, 35, 28, 25,16406,16407,16408, 25,16406,16407,
+ 16408, 25,16406,16407,16408, 25,16406,16407,16408, 32,
+ 3, 25,16406,16407,16408, 25,16406,16407,16408, 34,
+ 34, 34, 34, 8, 34, 34, 8216, 25,16406,16407,
+ 16408, 25,16406,16407,16408, 25,16406,16407,16408, 25,
+ 16406,16407,16408, 25,16406,16407,16408, 25,16406,16407,
+ 16408, 34, 34, 34, 34, 34, 8, 34, 34, 8214,
+ 25,16406,16407,16408, 25,16404,16405,16406,16407,16408,
+ 25,16406,16407,16408, 25,16406,16407,16408, 25,16406,
+ 16407,16408, 25,16406,16407,16408, 34, 9, 34, 34,
+ 34, 34, 25,16406,16407,16408, 8213, 25,16406,16407,
+ 16408, 25,16406,16407,16408, 25,16406,16407,16408, 34,
+ 10, 34,16391, 8, 34, 34, 8216, 25,16406,16407,
+ 16408, 34, 34, 34, 8216, 8212, 25,16406,16407,16408,
+ 4, 4, 4, 8216, 34, 19, 25,16406,16407,16408,
+ 4, 18, 5, 18, 8199, 33
+ } ;
+static yyconst flex_int16_t yy_accept[153] =
+ { 0,
+ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 4, 6, 9, 11,
+ 17, 19, 22, 25, 28, 31, 33, 36, 39, 42,
+ 45, 48, 50, 53, 59, 65, 71, 77, 80, 83,
+ 86, 88, 94, 100, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 104,
+ 104, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 118, 122,
+ 126, 130, 131, 132, 136, 140, 141, 142, 143, 144,
+ 146, 147, 148, 148, 148, 148, 152, 156, 160, 164,
+ 168, 172, 173, 174, 175, 176, 177, 179, 180, 180,
+ 181, 181, 185, 191, 195, 199, 203, 207, 208, 210,
+ 211, 212, 213, 213, 217, 217, 217, 218, 222, 226,
+ 230, 231, 234, 236, 237, 237, 237, 237, 238, 242,
+ 242, 243, 243, 243, 244, 245, 245, 245, 246, 246,
+ 246, 247, 251, 252, 253, 255, 255, 255, 255, 256,
+ 256, 256, 256, 256, 257, 261, 262, 263, 263, 263,
+ 263, 263, 263, 264, 265, 266, 267, 267, 267, 267,
+ 267, 267
+ } ;
+static yyconst flex_int32_t yy_ec[256] =
+ { 0,
+ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 3,
+ 4, 4, 4, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
+ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
+ 1, 2, 1, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11,
+ 12, 13, 1, 14, 15, 16, 1, 17, 18, 18,
+ 18, 18, 18, 18, 18, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22,
+ 23, 24, 1, 1, 25, 26, 26, 27, 28, 26,
+ 29, 29, 29, 29, 29, 26, 29, 30, 29, 29,
+ 29, 29, 31, 32, 26, 29, 29, 26, 29, 33,
+ 34, 35, 36, 1, 37, 1, 38, 26, 39, 40,
+ 41, 42, 29, 29, 43, 29, 29, 44, 45, 46,
+ 47, 29, 29, 48, 49, 50, 51, 29, 29, 26,
+ 29, 52, 53, 1, 54, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
+ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
+ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
+ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
+ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
+ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
+ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
+ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
+ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
+ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
+ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
+ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
+ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
+ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1
+ } ;
+static yyconst flex_int32_t yy_meta[55] =
+ { 0,
+ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 1, 1, 1,
+ 8, 9, 10, 1, 1, 11, 12, 12, 12, 9,
+ 1, 1, 1, 5, 13, 13, 13, 13, 14, 14,
+ 14, 14, 14, 1, 1, 1, 14, 13, 13, 13,
+ 13, 13, 14, 13, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14,
+ 13, 14, 15, 1
+ } ;
+static yyconst flex_int16_t yy_base[169] =
+ { 0,
+ 0, 53, 28, 56, 306, 813, 813, 813, 61, 64,
+ 16, 813, 813, 813, 813, 54, 0, 813, 813, 813,
+ 813, 288, 813, 77, 92, 95, 107, 813, 813, 72,
+ 70, 124, 128, 115, 0, 247, 39, 40, 146, 159,
+ 162, 140, 813, 813, 0, 0, 813, 177, 180, 192,
+ 195, 87, 813, 198, 210, 0, 242, 64, 240, 76,
+ 233, 813, 214, 165, 255, 226, 240, 243, 246, 258,
+ 263, 225, 222, 217, 212, 200, 193, 183, 275, 813,
+ 167, 279, 294, 297, 300, 312, 327, 164, 0, 165,
+ 162, 138, 146, 330, 354, 406, 813, 349, 366, 372,
+ 110, 459, 0, 107, 125, 512, 183, 378, 384, 530,
+ 110, 130, 315, 0, 88, 92, 548, 554, 390, 398,
+ 813, 401, 0, 424, 0, 132, 430, 220, 416, 98,
+ 47, 0, 0, 813, 437, 0, 0, 230, 51, 516,
+ 0, 77, 442, 0, 813, 0, 43, 137, 548, 183,
+ 813, 606, 619, 623, 630, 643, 656, 670, 684, 697,
+ 711, 725, 739, 748, 761, 774, 783, 797
+ } ;
+static yyconst flex_int16_t yy_def[169] =
+ { 0,
+ 151, 1, 1, 1, 151, 151, 151, 151, 152, 153,
+ 151, 151, 151, 151, 151, 151, 154, 151, 151, 151,
+ 151, 151, 151, 153, 153, 153, 153, 151, 151, 151,
+ 151, 153, 153, 152, 155, 155, 155, 155, 156, 156,
+ 153, 151, 151, 151, 154, 154, 151, 153, 153, 153,
+ 153, 151, 151, 153, 153, 155, 155, 155, 155, 155,
+ 155, 151, 151, 157, 151, 153, 153, 153, 153, 153,
+ 153, 155, 155, 155, 155, 155, 155, 155, 157, 151,
+ 151, 153, 153, 153, 153, 153, 153, 155, 155, 155,
+ 155, 155, 151, 153, 158, 158, 151, 153, 153, 153,
+ 155, 151, 155, 155, 151, 159, 160, 160, 153, 161,
+ 155, 162, 151, 102, 155, 151, 163, 163, 151, 160,
+ 151, 153, 164, 156, 164, 165, 151, 151, 155, 151,
+ 166, 118, 118, 151, 153, 164, 167, 151, 151, 151,
+ 168, 151, 156, 167, 151, 168, 151, 151, 151, 151,
+ 0, 151, 151, 151, 151, 151, 151, 151, 151, 151,
+ 151, 151, 151, 151, 151, 151, 151, 151
+ } ;
+static yyconst flex_int16_t yy_nxt[868] =
+ { 0,
+ 6, 6, 7, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 6, 12,
+ 13, 14, 6, 15, 6, 16, 17, 17, 17, 18,
+ 19, 6, 20, 6, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10,
+ 10, 10, 10, 21, 22, 23, 10, 10, 24, 10,
+ 25, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 26, 10,
+ 27, 10, 28, 29, 30, 32, 30, 30, 33, 30,
+ 31, 148, 34, 31, 34, 39, 40, 39, 43, 44,
+ 45, 45, 45, 52, 42, 52, 40, 53, 39, 40,
+ 39, 60, 58, 32, 59, 61, 33, 42, 52, 40,
+ 52, 147, 145, 39, 40, 39, 39, 40, 39, 134,
+ 36, 37, 42, 38, 40, 42, 73, 40, 39, 40,
+ 39, 126, 74, 126, 142, 76, 34, 42, 34, 40,
+ 48, 77, 43, 44, 130, 39, 40, 39, 129, 39,
+ 40, 39, 113, 126, 42, 126, 40, 49, 42, 116,
+ 40, 63, 63, 63, 50, 149, 115, 39, 40, 39,
+ 111, 64, 51, 54, 36, 37, 42, 38, 40, 55,
+ 40, 40, 40, 39, 40, 39, 79, 79, 79, 151,
+ 105, 40, 42, 150, 40, 79, 79, 65, 39, 40,
+ 39, 39, 40, 39, 119, 119, 119, 42, 104, 40,
+ 42, 149, 40, 39, 40, 39, 39, 40, 39, 39,
+ 40, 39, 42, 103, 40, 42, 102, 40, 42, 101,
+ 40, 39, 40, 39, 66, 63, 63, 63, 93, 150,
+ 42, 138, 40, 138, 70, 64, 92, 39, 40, 39,
+ 67, 138, 76, 138, 71, 121, 42, 69, 40, 68,
+ 91, 39, 40, 39, 39, 40, 39, 39, 40, 39,
+ 42, 65, 40, 42, 90, 40, 42, 89, 40, 39,
+ 40, 39, 139, 89, 39, 40, 39, 88, 42, 81,
+ 40, 78, 139, 42, 82, 40, 79, 79, 79, 75,
+ 39, 40, 39, 72, 83, 79, 79, 57, 86, 42,
+ 47, 40, 85, 84, 87, 95, 96, 95, 39, 40,
+ 39, 39, 40, 39, 42, 151, 40, 42, 151, 40,
+ 42, 151, 40, 39, 40, 39, 127, 127, 127, 151,
+ 128, 151, 42, 151, 40, 151, 151, 94, 39, 40,
+ 39, 106, 40, 106, 151, 98, 151, 42, 151, 40,
+ 42, 151, 40, 99, 151, 83, 97, 151, 151, 151,
+ 39, 40, 39, 151, 100, 95, 96, 95, 151, 42,
+ 107, 40, 151, 151, 42, 151, 40, 39, 40, 39,
+ 62, 62, 62, 110, 40, 110, 42, 151, 40, 119,
+ 119, 119, 42, 151, 40, 39, 40, 39, 151, 151,
+ 109, 119, 119, 119, 42, 151, 40, 151, 83, 119,
+ 119, 119, 39, 40, 39, 151, 97, 96, 96, 96,
+ 151, 42, 107, 40, 151, 122, 151, 140, 40, 140,
+ 141, 151, 62, 62, 62, 40, 40, 40, 135, 151,
+ 121, 127, 127, 127, 151, 128, 40, 141, 143, 40,
+ 143, 151, 121, 39, 40, 39, 151, 42, 151, 40,
+ 121, 151, 42, 151, 40, 151, 151, 151, 97, 112,
+ 112, 113, 112, 112, 112, 114, 112, 112, 112, 112,
+ 112, 112, 112, 112, 112, 114, 114, 114, 112, 112,
+ 112, 112, 112, 114, 114, 114, 114, 114, 114, 114,
+ 114, 114, 112, 112, 112, 114, 114, 114, 114, 114,
+ 114, 114, 114, 114, 114, 114, 114, 114, 114, 114,
+ 114, 112, 112, 106, 40, 106, 151, 140, 117, 140,
+ 141, 151, 42, 151, 40, 151, 151, 151, 62, 62,
+ 62, 110, 40, 110, 151, 151, 123, 141, 151, 151,
+ 42, 151, 124, 151, 151, 151, 62, 62, 62, 131,
+ 131, 131, 151, 151, 132, 131, 131, 131, 131, 131,
+ 132, 63, 151, 63, 131, 131, 151, 131, 151, 151,
+ 63, 151, 151, 131, 151, 151, 151, 151, 151, 151,
+ 151, 151, 151, 63, 151, 151, 151, 151, 151, 151,
+ 151, 151, 151, 151, 151, 151, 151, 151, 151, 151,
+ 134, 151, 151, 151, 151, 151, 134, 35, 151, 35,
+ 151, 151, 35, 151, 151, 151, 151, 151, 35, 35,
+ 41, 41, 41, 151, 151, 41, 41, 151, 41, 151,
+ 41, 41, 41, 46, 46, 46, 56, 151, 151, 151,
+ 151, 56, 56, 56, 62, 62, 62, 151, 151, 151,
+ 62, 151, 62, 151, 62, 62, 62, 80, 80, 80,
+ 151, 80, 151, 80, 80, 151, 151, 151, 80, 80,
+ 80, 108, 108, 108, 151, 151, 108, 108, 151, 108,
+ 151, 108, 108, 108, 108, 118, 118, 118, 151, 151,
+ 118, 118, 151, 118, 151, 118, 118, 118, 120, 120,
+ 120, 151, 151, 120, 151, 151, 151, 151, 120, 120,
+ 120, 120, 125, 125, 125, 151, 151, 125, 125, 151,
+ 125, 151, 125, 125, 125, 112, 112, 112, 112, 112,
+ 112, 112, 112, 112, 112, 112, 112, 112, 112, 112,
+ 133, 133, 133, 151, 151, 133, 133, 133, 151, 151,
+ 133, 133, 133, 133, 136, 151, 151, 151, 151, 136,
+ 136, 136, 137, 151, 137, 151, 151, 137, 151, 151,
+ 151, 151, 151, 137, 137, 131, 131, 131, 151, 151,
+ 151, 131, 131, 151, 151, 131, 131, 131, 131, 144,
+ 151, 151, 151, 151, 144, 144, 144, 146, 151, 151,
+ 146, 151, 146, 146, 146, 146, 146, 146, 146, 146,
+ 146, 146, 5, 151, 151, 151, 151, 151, 151, 151,
+ 151, 151, 151, 151, 151, 151, 151, 151, 151, 151,
+ 151, 151, 151, 151, 151, 151, 151, 151, 151, 151,
+ 151, 151, 151, 151, 151, 151, 151, 151, 151, 151,
+ 151, 151, 151, 151, 151, 151, 151, 151, 151, 151,
+ 151, 151, 151, 151, 151, 151, 151
+ } ;
+static yyconst flex_int16_t yy_chk[868] =
+ { 0,
+ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
+ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
+ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
+ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
+ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
+ 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 3, 2, 4, 3, 4,
+ 2, 147, 9, 4, 9, 10, 10, 10, 11, 11,
+ 16, 16, 16, 30, 10, 30, 10, 31, 24, 24,
+ 24, 38, 37, 4, 37, 38, 4, 24, 52, 24,
+ 52, 142, 139, 25, 25, 25, 26, 26, 26, 131,
+ 9, 9, 25, 9, 25, 26, 58, 26, 27, 27,
+ 27, 111, 58, 111, 130, 60, 34, 27, 34, 27,
+ 24, 60, 31, 31, 116, 32, 32, 32, 115, 33,
+ 33, 33, 112, 126, 32, 126, 32, 25, 33, 105,
+ 33, 42, 42, 42, 26, 148, 104, 39, 39, 39,
+ 101, 42, 27, 32, 34, 34, 39, 34, 39, 33,
+ 40, 40, 40, 41, 41, 41, 64, 64, 64, 40,
+ 93, 40, 41, 148, 41, 64, 64, 42, 48, 48,
+ 48, 49, 49, 49, 107, 107, 107, 48, 92, 48,
+ 49, 150, 49, 50, 50, 50, 51, 51, 51, 54,
+ 54, 54, 50, 91, 50, 51, 90, 51, 54, 88,
+ 54, 55, 55, 55, 48, 63, 63, 63, 81, 150,
+ 55, 128, 55, 128, 54, 63, 78, 66, 66, 66,
+ 49, 138, 77, 138, 55, 107, 66, 51, 66, 50,
+ 76, 67, 67, 67, 68, 68, 68, 69, 69, 69,
+ 67, 63, 67, 68, 75, 68, 69, 74, 69, 70,
+ 70, 70, 128, 73, 71, 71, 71, 72, 70, 65,
+ 70, 61, 138, 71, 66, 71, 79, 79, 79, 59,
+ 82, 82, 82, 57, 67, 79, 79, 36, 70, 82,
+ 22, 82, 69, 68, 71, 83, 83, 83, 84, 84,
+ 84, 85, 85, 85, 83, 5, 83, 84, 0, 84,
+ 85, 0, 85, 86, 86, 86, 113, 113, 113, 0,
+ 113, 0, 86, 0, 86, 0, 0, 82, 87, 87,
+ 87, 94, 94, 94, 0, 84, 0, 87, 0, 87,
+ 94, 0, 94, 86, 0, 85, 83, 0, 0, 0,
+ 98, 98, 98, 0, 87, 95, 95, 95, 0, 98,
+ 95, 98, 0, 0, 95, 0, 95, 99, 99, 99,
+ 95, 95, 95, 100, 100, 100, 99, 0, 99, 108,
+ 108, 108, 100, 0, 100, 109, 109, 109, 0, 0,
+ 99, 119, 119, 119, 109, 0, 109, 0, 98, 120,
+ 120, 120, 122, 122, 122, 0, 95, 96, 96, 96,
+ 0, 122, 96, 122, 0, 109, 96, 129, 96, 129,
+ 129, 0, 96, 96, 96, 124, 124, 124, 122, 0,
+ 108, 127, 127, 127, 124, 127, 124, 129, 135, 135,
+ 135, 0, 119, 143, 143, 143, 0, 135, 0, 135,
+ 120, 0, 143, 0, 143, 0, 0, 0, 96, 102,
+ 102, 102, 102, 102, 102, 102, 102, 102, 102, 102,
+ 102, 102, 102, 102, 102, 102, 102, 102, 102, 102,
+ 102, 102, 102, 102, 102, 102, 102, 102, 102, 102,
+ 102, 102, 102, 102, 102, 102, 102, 102, 102, 102,
+ 102, 102, 102, 102, 102, 102, 102, 102, 102, 102,
+ 102, 102, 102, 106, 106, 106, 0, 140, 106, 140,
+ 140, 0, 106, 0, 106, 0, 0, 0, 106, 106,
+ 106, 110, 110, 110, 0, 0, 110, 140, 0, 0,
+ 110, 0, 110, 0, 0, 0, 110, 110, 110, 117,
+ 117, 117, 0, 0, 117, 118, 118, 118, 117, 117,
+ 118, 149, 0, 149, 118, 118, 0, 117, 0, 0,
+ 149, 0, 0, 118, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0, 149, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 117, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 118, 152, 0, 152,
+ 0, 0, 152, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 152, 152,
+ 153, 153, 153, 0, 0, 153, 153, 0, 153, 0,
+ 153, 153, 153, 154, 154, 154, 155, 0, 0, 0,
+ 0, 155, 155, 155, 156, 156, 156, 0, 0, 0,
+ 156, 0, 156, 0, 156, 156, 156, 157, 157, 157,
+ 0, 157, 0, 157, 157, 0, 0, 0, 157, 157,
+ 157, 158, 158, 158, 0, 0, 158, 158, 0, 158,
+ 0, 158, 158, 158, 158, 159, 159, 159, 0, 0,
+ 159, 159, 0, 159, 0, 159, 159, 159, 160, 160,
+ 160, 0, 0, 160, 0, 0, 0, 0, 160, 160,
+ 160, 160, 161, 161, 161, 0, 0, 161, 161, 0,
+ 161, 0, 161, 161, 161, 162, 162, 162, 162, 162,
+ 162, 162, 162, 162, 162, 162, 162, 162, 162, 162,
+ 163, 163, 163, 0, 0, 163, 163, 163, 0, 0,
+ 163, 163, 163, 163, 164, 0, 0, 0, 0, 164,
+ 164, 164, 165, 0, 165, 0, 0, 165, 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0, 165, 165, 166, 166, 166, 0, 0,
+ 0, 166, 166, 0, 0, 166, 166, 166, 166, 167,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 167, 167, 167, 168, 0, 0,
+ 168, 0, 168, 168, 168, 168, 168, 168, 168, 168,
+ 168, 168, 151, 151, 151, 151, 151, 151, 151, 151,
+ 151, 151, 151, 151, 151, 151, 151, 151, 151, 151,
+ 151, 151, 151, 151, 151, 151, 151, 151, 151, 151,
+ 151, 151, 151, 151, 151, 151, 151, 151, 151, 151,
+ 151, 151, 151, 151, 151, 151, 151, 151, 151, 151,
+ 151, 151, 151, 151, 151, 151, 151
+ } ;
+extern int yy_flex_debug;
+int yy_flex_debug = 0;
+static yy_state_type *yy_state_buf=0, *yy_state_ptr=0;
+static char *yy_full_match;
+static int yy_lp;
+static int yy_looking_for_trail_begin = 0;
+static int yy_full_lp;
+static int *yy_full_state;
+#define YY_TRAILING_MASK 0x2000
+#define YY_TRAILING_HEAD_MASK 0x4000
+#define REJECT \
+{ \
+*yy_cp = (yy_hold_char); /* undo effects of setting up yytext */ \
+yy_cp = (yy_full_match); /* restore poss. backed-over text */ \
+(yy_lp) = (yy_full_lp); /* restore orig. accepting pos. */ \
+(yy_state_ptr) = (yy_full_state); /* restore orig. state */ \
+yy_current_state = *(yy_state_ptr); /* restore curr. state */ \
+++(yy_lp); \
+goto find_rule; \
+static int yy_more_flag = 0;
+static int yy_more_len = 0;
+#define yymore() ((yy_more_flag) = 1)
+#define YY_MORE_ADJ (yy_more_len)
+char *yytext;
+#line 1 "scanner.l"
+#line 2 "scanner.l"
+ Copyright (c) 1998-2000, The Santa Cruz Operation
+ All rights reserved.
+ Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+ modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
+ *Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
+ this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+ *Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
+ this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
+ and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+ *Neither name of The Santa Cruz Operation nor the names of its contributors
+ may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software
+ without specific prior written permission.
+ =========================================================================*/
+/* cscope - interactive C symbol cross-reference
+ *
+ * C symbol scanner
+ */
+#include "global.h"
+#include "scanner.h"
+#include "lookup.h"
+/* the line counting has been moved from character reading for speed */
+/* comments are discarded */
+#define IFLEVELINC 5 /* #if nesting level size increment */
+static char const rcsid[] = "$Id: scanner.l,v 1.8 2007/03/09 23:54:34 broeker Exp $";
+int first; /* buffer index for first char of symbol */
+int last; /* buffer index for last char of symbol */
+int lineno; /* symbol line number */
+int myylineno = 1;
+static BOOL arraydimension; /* inside array dimension declaration */
+static BOOL bplisting; /* breakpoint listing */
+static int braces; /* unmatched left brace count */
+static BOOL classdef; /* c++ class definition */
+static BOOL elseelif; /* #else or #elif found */
+static BOOL esudef; /* enum/struct/union global definition */
+static BOOL external; /* external definition */
+static int externalbraces; /* external definition outer brace count */
+static BOOL fcndef; /* function definition */
+static BOOL global; /* file global scope (outside functions) */
+static int iflevel; /* #if nesting level */
+static BOOL initializer; /* data initializer */
+static int initializerbraces; /* data initializer outer brace count */
+static BOOL lex; /* lex file */
+static int miflevel = IFLEVELINC; /* maximum #if nesting level */
+static int *maxifbraces; /* maximum brace count within #if */
+static int *preifbraces; /* brace count before #if */
+static int parens; /* unmatched left parenthesis count */
+static BOOL ppdefine; /* preprocessor define statement */
+static BOOL pseudoelif; /* pseudo-#elif */
+static BOOL oldtype; /* next identifier is an old type */
+static BOOL rules; /* lex/yacc rules */
+static BOOL sdl; /* sdl file */
+static BOOL structfield; /* structure field declaration */
+static int tagdef; /* class/enum/struct/union tag definition */
+static BOOL template; /* function template */
+static int templateparens; /* function template outer parentheses count */
+static int typedefbraces = -1; /* initial typedef brace count */
+static int token; /* token found */
+void multicharconstant(char terminator);
+int skipcomment_input(void);
+int comment(void);
+#define YY_INPUT(buf,result,max_size) \
+ {\
+ int c = skipcomment_input (); \
+ result = (c == EOF) ? YY_NULL : (buf[0] = c, 1); \
+ }
+/* Assume this is the AT&T/SCO style lex */
+#undef input
+#define input() ((yytchar=(yytchar=yysptr>yysbuf?*(unsigned char *)--yysptr:getc(yyin))=='/'?comment():yytchar)==EOF?LEXEOF:yytchar)
+#define noncommentinput() ((yytchar=yysptr>yysbuf?*--yysptr:getc(yyin))==EOF?LEXEOF:yytchar)
+#undef unput
+#define unput(c) (*yysptr++=(c))
+#line 845 "scanner.c"
+#define INITIAL 0
+#define SDL 1
+#ifndef YY_NO_UNISTD_H
+/* Special case for "unistd.h", since it is non-ANSI. We include it way
+ * down here because we want the user's section 1 to have been scanned first.
+ * The user has a chance to override it with an option.
+ */
+#include <unistd.h>
+#ifndef YY_EXTRA_TYPE
+#define YY_EXTRA_TYPE void *
+static int yy_init_globals (void );
+/* Accessor methods to globals.
+ These are made visible to non-reentrant scanners for convenience. */
+int yylex_destroy (void );
+int yyget_debug (void );
+void yyset_debug (int debug_flag );
+YY_EXTRA_TYPE yyget_extra (void );
+void yyset_extra (YY_EXTRA_TYPE user_defined );
+FILE *yyget_in (void );
+void yyset_in (FILE * in_str );
+FILE *yyget_out (void );
+void yyset_out (FILE * out_str );
+int yyget_leng (void );
+char *yyget_text (void );
+int yyget_lineno (void );
+void yyset_lineno (int line_number );
+/* Macros after this point can all be overridden by user definitions in
+ * section 1.
+ */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" int yywrap (void );
+extern int yywrap (void );
+ static void yyunput (int c,char *buf_ptr );
+#ifndef yytext_ptr
+static void yy_flex_strncpy (char *,yyconst char *,int );
+static int yy_flex_strlen (yyconst char * );
+#ifndef YY_NO_INPUT
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+static int yyinput (void );
+static int input (void );
+/* Amount of stuff to slurp up with each read. */
+#define YY_READ_BUF_SIZE 8192
+/* Copy whatever the last rule matched to the standard output. */
+#ifndef ECHO
+/* This used to be an fputs(), but since the string might contain NUL's,
+ * we now use fwrite().
+ */
+#define ECHO fwrite( yytext, yyleng, 1, yyout )
+/* Gets input and stuffs it into "buf". number of characters read, or YY_NULL,
+ * is returned in "result".
+ */
+#ifndef YY_INPUT
+#define YY_INPUT(buf,result,max_size) \
+ if ( YY_CURRENT_BUFFER_LVALUE->yy_is_interactive ) \
+ { \
+ int c = '*'; \
+ int n; \
+ for ( n = 0; n < max_size && \
+ (c = getc( yyin )) != EOF && c != '\n'; ++n ) \
+ buf[n] = (char) c; \
+ if ( c == '\n' ) \
+ buf[n++] = (char) c; \
+ if ( c == EOF && ferror( yyin ) ) \
+ YY_FATAL_ERROR( "input in flex scanner failed" ); \
+ result = n; \
+ } \
+ else \
+ { \
+ errno=0; \
+ while ( (result = fread(buf, 1, max_size, yyin))==0 && ferror(yyin)) \
+ { \
+ if( errno != EINTR) \
+ { \
+ YY_FATAL_ERROR( "input in flex scanner failed" ); \
+ break; \
+ } \
+ errno=0; \
+ clearerr(yyin); \
+ } \
+ }\
+/* No semi-colon after return; correct usage is to write "yyterminate();" -
+ * we don't want an extra ';' after the "return" because that will cause
+ * some compilers to complain about unreachable statements.
+ */
+#ifndef yyterminate
+#define yyterminate() return YY_NULL
+/* Number of entries by which start-condition stack grows. */
+/* Report a fatal error. */
+#define YY_FATAL_ERROR(msg) yy_fatal_error( msg )
+/* end tables serialization structures and prototypes */
+/* Default declaration of generated scanner - a define so the user can
+ * easily add parameters.
+ */
+#ifndef YY_DECL
+#define YY_DECL_IS_OURS 1
+extern int yylex (void);
+#define YY_DECL int yylex (void)
+#endif /* !YY_DECL */
+/* Code executed at the beginning of each rule, after yytext and yyleng
+ * have been set up.
+ */
+/* Code executed at the end of each rule. */
+#ifndef YY_BREAK
+#define YY_BREAK break;
+#define YY_RULE_SETUP \
+ if ( yyleng > 0 ) \
+ (yytext[yyleng - 1] == '\n'); \
+/** The main scanner function which does all the work.
+ */
+ register yy_state_type yy_current_state;
+ register char *yy_cp, *yy_bp;
+ register int yy_act;
+#line 115 "scanner.l"
+#line 1033 "scanner.c"
+ if ( !(yy_init) )
+ {
+ (yy_init) = 1;
+#ifdef YY_USER_INIT
+ /* Create the reject buffer large enough to save one state per allowed character. */
+ if ( ! (yy_state_buf) )
+ (yy_state_buf) = (yy_state_type *)yyalloc(YY_STATE_BUF_SIZE );
+ if ( ! (yy_state_buf) )
+ YY_FATAL_ERROR( "out of dynamic memory in yylex()" );
+ if ( ! (yy_start) )
+ (yy_start) = 1; /* first start state */
+ if ( ! yyin )
+ yyin = stdin;
+ if ( ! yyout )
+ yyout = stdout;
+ if ( ! YY_CURRENT_BUFFER ) {
+ yyensure_buffer_stack ();
+ yy_create_buffer(yyin,YY_BUF_SIZE );
+ }
+ yy_load_buffer_state( );
+ }
+ while ( 1 ) /* loops until end-of-file is reached */
+ {
+ (yy_more_len) = 0;
+ if ( (yy_more_flag) )
+ {
+ (yy_more_len) = (yy_c_buf_p) - (yytext_ptr);
+ (yy_more_flag) = 0;
+ }
+ yy_cp = (yy_c_buf_p);
+ /* Support of yytext. */
+ *yy_cp = (yy_hold_char);
+ /* yy_bp points to the position in yy_ch_buf of the start of
+ * the current run.
+ */
+ yy_bp = yy_cp;
+ yy_current_state = (yy_start);
+ yy_current_state += YY_AT_BOL();
+ (yy_state_ptr) = (yy_state_buf);
+ *(yy_state_ptr)++ = yy_current_state;
+ do
+ {
+ register YY_CHAR yy_c = yy_ec[YY_SC_TO_UI(*yy_cp)];
+ while ( yy_chk[yy_base[yy_current_state] + yy_c] != yy_current_state )
+ {
+ yy_current_state = (int) yy_def[yy_current_state];
+ if ( yy_current_state >= 152 )
+ yy_c = yy_meta[(unsigned int) yy_c];
+ }
+ yy_current_state = yy_nxt[yy_base[yy_current_state] + (unsigned int) yy_c];
+ *(yy_state_ptr)++ = yy_current_state;
+ ++yy_cp;
+ }
+ while ( yy_base[yy_current_state] != 813 );
+ yy_current_state = *--(yy_state_ptr);
+ (yy_lp) = yy_accept[yy_current_state];
+find_rule: /* we branch to this label when backing up */
+ for ( ; ; ) /* until we find what rule we matched */
+ {
+ if ( (yy_lp) && (yy_lp) < yy_accept[yy_current_state + 1] )
+ {
+ yy_act = yy_acclist[(yy_lp)];
+ if ( yy_act & YY_TRAILING_HEAD_MASK ||
+ (yy_looking_for_trail_begin) )
+ {
+ if ( yy_act == (yy_looking_for_trail_begin) )
+ {
+ (yy_looking_for_trail_begin) = 0;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ else if ( yy_act & YY_TRAILING_MASK )
+ {
+ (yy_looking_for_trail_begin) = yy_act & ~YY_TRAILING_MASK;
+ (yy_looking_for_trail_begin) |= YY_TRAILING_HEAD_MASK;
+ (yy_full_match) = yy_cp;
+ (yy_full_state) = (yy_state_ptr);
+ (yy_full_lp) = (yy_lp);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ (yy_full_match) = yy_cp;
+ (yy_full_state) = (yy_state_ptr);
+ (yy_full_lp) = (yy_lp);
+ break;
+ }
+ ++(yy_lp);
+ goto find_rule;
+ }
+ --yy_cp;
+ yy_current_state = *--(yy_state_ptr);
+ (yy_lp) = yy_accept[yy_current_state];
+ }
+do_action: /* This label is used only to access EOF actions. */
+ switch ( yy_act )
+ { /* beginning of action switch */
+case 1:
+#line 116 "scanner.l"
+{ /* lex/yacc C declarations/definitions */
+ global = YES;
+ goto more;
+ }
+case 2:
+#line 121 "scanner.l"
+ global = NO;
+ goto more;
+ }
+case 3:
+#line 126 "scanner.l"
+{ /* lex/yacc rules delimiter */
+ braces = 0;
+ if (rules == NO) {
+ rules = YES;
+ /* simulate a yylex() or yyparse() definition */
+ (void) strcat(yytext, " /* ");
+ first = strlen(yytext);
+ if (lex == YES) {
+ (void) strcat(yytext, "yylex");
+ }
+ else { /* yacc: yyparse implicitly calls yylex */
+ char *s = " yylex()";
+ char *cp = s + strlen(s);
+ while (--cp >= s) {
+ unput(*cp);
+ }
+ (void) strcat(yytext, "yyparse");
+ }
+ last = strlen(yytext);
+ (void) strcat(yytext, " */");
+ yyleng = strlen(yytext);
+ yymore();
+ return(FCNDEF);
+ }
+ else {
+ rules = NO;
+ global = YES;
+ last = first;
+ yymore();
+ return(FCNEND);
+ }
+ }
+case 4:
+#line 160 "scanner.l"
+{ /* sdl state, treat as function def */
+ braces = 1;
+ fcndef = YES;
+ token = FCNDEF;
+ goto findident;
+ }
+case 5:
+#line 167 "scanner.l"
+{ /* end of an sdl state, treat as end of a function */
+ goto endstate;
+ }
+case 6:
+#line 171 "scanner.l"
+{ /* count unmatched left braces for fcn def detection */
+ ++braces;
+ /* mark an untagged enum/struct/union so its beginning
+ can be found */
+ if (tagdef) {
+ if (braces == 1) {
+ esudef = YES;
+ }
+ token = tagdef;
+ tagdef = '\0';
+ last = first;
+ yymore();
+ return(token);
+ }
+ goto more;
+ }
+case 7:
+/* rule 7 can match eol */
+#line 189 "scanner.l"
+ /* attempt to correct erroneous brace count caused by:
+ *
+ * #if ...
+ * ... {
+ * #endif
+ * #if ...
+ * ... {
+ * #endif
+ */
+ /* the current #if must not have an #else or #elif */
+ if (elseelif == YES) {
+ goto endif;
+ }
+ pseudoelif = YES;
+ goto more;
+ }
+case 8:
+#line 208 "scanner.l"
+{ /* #if, #ifdef or #ifndef */
+ elseelif = NO;
+ if (pseudoelif == YES) {
+ pseudoelif = NO;
+ goto elif;
+ }
+ /* make sure there is room for the current brace count */
+ if (iflevel == miflevel) {
+ miflevel += IFLEVELINC;
+ maxifbraces = myrealloc(maxifbraces, miflevel * sizeof(int));
+ preifbraces = myrealloc(preifbraces, miflevel * sizeof(int));
+ }
+ /* push the current brace count */
+ preifbraces[iflevel] = braces;
+ maxifbraces[iflevel++] = 0;
+ goto more;
+ }
+case 9:
+#line 227 "scanner.l"
+{ /* #elif or #else */
+ elseelif = YES;
+ elif:
+ if (iflevel > 0) {
+ /* save the maximum brace count for this #if */
+ if (braces > maxifbraces[iflevel - 1]) {
+ maxifbraces[iflevel - 1] = braces;
+ }
+ /* restore the brace count to before the #if */
+ braces = preifbraces[iflevel - 1];
+ }
+ goto more;
+ }
+case 10:
+#line 242 "scanner.l"
+{ /* #endif */
+ endif:
+ if (iflevel > 0) {
+ /* get the maximum brace count for this #if */
+ if (braces < maxifbraces[--iflevel]) {
+ braces = maxifbraces[iflevel];
+ }
+ }
+ goto more;
+ }
+case 11:
+#line 254 "scanner.l"
+ /* could be the last enum member initializer */
+ if (braces == initializerbraces) {
+ initializerbraces = -1;
+ initializer = NO;
+ }
+ if (--braces <= 0) {
+ endstate:
+ braces = 0;
+ classdef = NO;
+ }
+ if (braces == 0 || (braces == 1 && classdef == YES)) {
+ /* if the end of an enum/struct/union definition */
+ if (esudef == YES) {
+ esudef = NO;
+ }
+ /* if the end of the function */
+ else if (fcndef == YES) {
+ fcndef = NO;
+ last = first;
+ yymore();
+ return(FCNEND);
+ }
+ }
+ goto more;
+ }
+case 12:
+#line 282 "scanner.l"
+{ /* count unmatched left parentheses for function templates */
+ ++parens;
+ goto more;
+ }
+case 13:
+#line 287 "scanner.l"
+ if (--parens <= 0) {
+ parens = 0;
+ }
+ /* if the end of a function template */
+ if (parens == templateparens) {
+ templateparens = -1;
+ template = NO;
+ }
+ goto more;
+ }
+case 14:
+#line 299 "scanner.l"
+{ /* if a global definition initializer */
+ if (global == YES && ppdefine == NO && yytext[0] != '#') {
+ initializerbraces = braces;
+ initializer = YES;
+ }
+ goto more;
+ }
+case 15:
+#line 307 "scanner.l"
+{ /* a if global structure field */
+ if (global == YES && ppdefine == NO && yytext[0] != '#') {
+ structfield = YES;
+ }
+ goto more;
+ }
+case 16:
+#line 314 "scanner.l"
+ if (braces == initializerbraces) {
+ initializerbraces = -1;
+ initializer = NO;
+ }
+ structfield = NO;
+ goto more;
+ }
+case 17:
+#line 323 "scanner.l"
+{ /* if the enum/struct/union was not a definition */
+ if (braces == 0) {
+ esudef = NO;
+ }
+ /* if the end of a typedef */
+ if (braces == typedefbraces) {
+ typedefbraces = -1;
+ }
+ /* if the end of a external definition */
+ if (braces == externalbraces) {
+ externalbraces = -1;
+ external = NO;
+ }
+ structfield = NO;
+ initializer = NO;
+ goto more;
+ }
+case 18:
+#line 341 "scanner.l"
+ /* preprocessor macro or constant definition */
+ ppdefine = YES;
+ token = DEFINE;
+ if (compress == YES) {
+ yytext[0] = '\1'; /* compress the keyword */
+ }
+ findident:
+ first = yyleng - 1;
+ while (yytext[first] != ' ' && yytext[first] != '\t') {
+ --first;
+ }
+ ++first;
+ goto fcn;
+ }
+case 19:
+/* rule 19 can match eol */
+#line 358 "scanner.l"
+{ /* class definition */
+ classdef = YES;
+ tagdef = 'c';
+ }
+case 20:
+/* rule 20 can match eol */
+#line 364 "scanner.l"
+{ /* enum/struct/union definition */
+ tagdef = *(yytext + first);
+ goto ident;
+ }
+case 21:
+/* rule 21 can match eol */
+#line 369 "scanner.l"
+{ /* tag-less e/s/u definition */
+ tagdef = yytext[first];
+ if (braces == 0) {
+ esudef = YES;
+ }
+ last = first;
+ tagdef = '\0';
+ goto more;
+ }
+case 22:
+/* rule 22 can match eol */
+#line 378 "scanner.l"
+ /* warning: "if (...)" must not overflow yytext, so the content
+ of function argument definitions is restricted, in particular
+ parentheses are not allowed */
+ /* if a function definition */
+ /* note: "#define a (b) {" and "#if defined(a)\n#" are not */
+ if ((braces == 0 && ppdefine == NO && yytext[0] != '#' && rules == NO) ||
+ (braces == 1 && classdef == YES)) {
+ fcndef = YES;
+ token = FCNDEF;
+ goto fcn;
+ }
+ goto fcncal;
+ }
+case 23:
+#line 396 "scanner.l"
+{ /* if a function call */
+ fcncal: if (fcndef == YES || ppdefine == YES || rules == YES) {
+ token = FCNCALL;
+ goto fcn;
+ }
+ if (template == NO) {
+ templateparens = parens;
+ template = YES;
+ }
+ goto ident;
+ }
+case 24:
+/* rule 24 can match eol */
+#line 409 "scanner.l"
+{ /* typedef name use */
+ goto ident;
+ }
+case 25:
+#line 413 "scanner.l"
+ char *s;
+ if (global == YES && ppdefine == NO && yytext[0] != '#' &&
+ external == NO && initializer == NO &&
+ arraydimension == NO && structfield == NO &&
+ template == NO && fcndef == NO) {
+ if (esudef == YES) { /* if enum/struct/union */
+ token = MEMBERDEF;
+ }
+ else {
+ token = GLOBALDEF;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ ident: token = IDENT;
+ }
+ fcn:
+ /* if a long line */
+ if (yyleng > STMTMAX) {
+ int c;
+ /* skip to the end of the line */
+ warning("line too long");
+ while ((c = skipcomment_input()) != LEXEOF) {
+ if (c == '\n') {
+ unput(c);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* truncate a long symbol */
+ if (yyleng - first > PATLEN) {
+ warning("symbol too long");
+ yyleng = first + PATLEN;
+ yytext[yyleng] = '\0';
+ }
+ /* if a keyword */
+ yymore();
+ if ((s = lookup(yytext + first)) != NULL) {
+ first = yyleng;
+ /* if the start of a typedef */
+ if (s == typedeftext) {
+ typedefbraces = braces;
+ oldtype = YES;
+ }
+ /* if an enum/struct/union */
+ /* (needed for "typedef struct tag name;" so
+ tag isn't marked as the typedef name) */
+ else if (s == enumtext || s == structtext || s == uniontext) {
+ }
+ /* if an external definition */
+ else if (s == externtext) {
+ externalbraces = braces;
+ external = YES;
+ }
+ /* keyword doesn't start a function template */
+ else if (templateparens == parens && template == YES) {
+ templateparens = -1;
+ template = NO;
+ }
+ else { /* next identifier after typedef was a keyword */
+ oldtype = NO;
+ }
+ }
+ else { /* identifier */
+ last = yyleng;
+ /* if a class/enum/struct/union tag definition */
+ if (tagdef && strnotequal(yytext + first, "class")) {
+ token = tagdef;
+ tagdef = '\0';
+ if (braces == 0) {
+ esudef = YES;
+ }
+ }
+ /* if a typedef name */
+ else if (braces == typedefbraces && oldtype == NO &&
+ arraydimension == NO) {
+ token = TYPEDEF;
+ }
+ else {
+ oldtype = NO;
+ }
+ return(token);
+ }
+ }
+case 26:
+#line 502 "scanner.l"
+{ /* array dimension (don't worry or about subscripts) */
+ arraydimension = YES;
+ goto more;
+ }
+case 27:
+#line 507 "scanner.l"
+ arraydimension = NO;
+ goto more;
+ }
+case 28:
+/* rule 28 can match eol */
+#line 512 "scanner.l"
+{ /* preprocessor statement is continued on next line */
+ goto eol;
+ }
+case 29:
+/* rule 29 can match eol */
+#line 516 "scanner.l"
+{ /* end of the line */
+ if (ppdefine == YES) { /* end of a #define */
+ ppdefine = NO;
+ yyless(yyleng - 1); /* rescan \n */
+ last = first;
+ yymore();
+ return(DEFINEEND);
+ }
+ /* skip the first 8 columns of a breakpoint listing line */
+ /* and skip the file path in the page header */
+ if (bplisting == YES) {
+ int c, i;
+ switch (skipcomment_input()) { /* tab and EOF just fall through */
+ case ' ': /* breakpoint number line */
+ case '[':
+ for (i = 1; i < 8 && skipcomment_input() != LEXEOF; ++i)
+ ;
+ break;
+ case '.': /* header line */
+ case '/':
+ /* skip to the end of the line */
+ while ((c = skipcomment_input()) != LEXEOF) {
+ if (c == '\n') {
+ unput(c);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case '\n': /* empty line */
+ unput('\n');
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ eol:
+ ++myylineno;
+ first = 0;
+ last = 0;
+ if (symbols > 0) {
+ return(NEWLINE);
+ }
+ lineno = myylineno;
+ }
+case 30:
+#line 559 "scanner.l"
+{ /* character constant */
+ if (sdl == NO) {
+ multicharconstant('\'');
+ }
+ goto more;
+ }
+case 31:
+#line 566 "scanner.l"
+{ /* string constant */
+ multicharconstant('"');
+ goto more;
+ }
+case 32:
+#line 571 "scanner.l"
+{ /* don't save leading white space */
+ }
+case 33:
+#line 573 "scanner.l"
+{ /* #include file */
+ char *s;
+ s = strpbrk(yytext, "\"<");
+ incfile(s + 1, s);
+ /* HBB: avoid pointer mismatch if yytext is
+ * unsigned, or a pointer */
+ first = s - (char *)&(yytext[0]);
+ last = yyleng;
+ if (compress == YES) {
+ yytext[0] = '\2'; /* compress the keyword */
+ }
+ yymore();
+ return(INCLUDE);
+ }
+case 34:
+#line 590 "scanner.l"
+case 35:
+#line 591 "scanner.l"
+case 36:
+#line 591 "scanner.l"
+{ /* punctuation and operators */
+ more: first = yyleng;
+ yymore();
+ }
+case 37:
+#line 595 "scanner.l"
+#line 1785 "scanner.c"
+ yyterminate();
+ {
+ /* Amount of text matched not including the EOB char. */
+ int yy_amount_of_matched_text = (int) (yy_cp - (yytext_ptr)) - 1;
+ /* Undo the effects of YY_DO_BEFORE_ACTION. */
+ *yy_cp = (yy_hold_char);
+ if ( YY_CURRENT_BUFFER_LVALUE->yy_buffer_status == YY_BUFFER_NEW )
+ {
+ /* We're scanning a new file or input source. It's
+ * possible that this happened because the user
+ * just pointed yyin at a new source and called
+ * yylex(). If so, then we have to assure
+ * consistency between YY_CURRENT_BUFFER and our
+ * globals. Here is the right place to do so, because
+ * this is the first action (other than possibly a
+ * back-up) that will match for the new input source.
+ */
+ (yy_n_chars) = YY_CURRENT_BUFFER_LVALUE->yy_n_chars;
+ YY_CURRENT_BUFFER_LVALUE->yy_input_file = yyin;
+ }
+ /* Note that here we test for yy_c_buf_p "<=" to the position
+ * of the first EOB in the buffer, since yy_c_buf_p will
+ * already have been incremented past the NUL character
+ * (since all states make transitions on EOB to the
+ * end-of-buffer state). Contrast this with the test
+ * in input().
+ */
+ if ( (yy_c_buf_p) <= &YY_CURRENT_BUFFER_LVALUE->yy_ch_buf[(yy_n_chars)] )
+ { /* This was really a NUL. */
+ yy_state_type yy_next_state;
+ (yy_c_buf_p) = (yytext_ptr) + yy_amount_of_matched_text;
+ yy_current_state = yy_get_previous_state( );
+ /* Okay, we're now positioned to make the NUL
+ * transition. We couldn't have
+ * yy_get_previous_state() go ahead and do it
+ * for us because it doesn't know how to deal
+ * with the possibility of jamming (and we don't
+ * want to build jamming into it because then it
+ * will run more slowly).
+ */
+ yy_next_state = yy_try_NUL_trans( yy_current_state );
+ yy_bp = (yytext_ptr) + YY_MORE_ADJ;
+ if ( yy_next_state )
+ {
+ /* Consume the NUL. */
+ yy_cp = ++(yy_c_buf_p);
+ yy_current_state = yy_next_state;
+ goto yy_match;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ yy_cp = (yy_c_buf_p);
+ goto yy_find_action;
+ }
+ }
+ else switch ( yy_get_next_buffer( ) )
+ {
+ {
+ (yy_did_buffer_switch_on_eof) = 0;
+ if ( yywrap( ) )
+ {
+ /* Note: because we've taken care in
+ * yy_get_next_buffer() to have set up
+ * yytext, we can now set up
+ * yy_c_buf_p so that if some total
+ * hoser (like flex itself) wants to
+ * call the scanner after we return the
+ * YY_NULL, it'll still work - another
+ * YY_NULL will get returned.
+ */
+ (yy_c_buf_p) = (yytext_ptr) + YY_MORE_ADJ;
+ yy_act = YY_STATE_EOF(YY_START);
+ goto do_action;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if ( ! (yy_did_buffer_switch_on_eof) )
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ (yy_c_buf_p) =
+ (yytext_ptr) + yy_amount_of_matched_text;
+ yy_current_state = yy_get_previous_state( );
+ yy_cp = (yy_c_buf_p);
+ yy_bp = (yytext_ptr) + YY_MORE_ADJ;
+ goto yy_match;
+ (yy_c_buf_p) =
+ &YY_CURRENT_BUFFER_LVALUE->yy_ch_buf[(yy_n_chars)];
+ yy_current_state = yy_get_previous_state( );
+ yy_cp = (yy_c_buf_p);
+ yy_bp = (yytext_ptr) + YY_MORE_ADJ;
+ goto yy_find_action;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ "fatal flex scanner internal error--no action found" );
+ } /* end of action switch */
+ } /* end of scanning one token */
+} /* end of yylex */
+/* yy_get_next_buffer - try to read in a new buffer
+ *
+ * Returns a code representing an action:
+ * EOB_ACT_CONTINUE_SCAN - continue scanning from current position
+ * EOB_ACT_END_OF_FILE - end of file
+ */
+static int yy_get_next_buffer (void)
+ register char *dest = YY_CURRENT_BUFFER_LVALUE->yy_ch_buf;
+ register char *source = (yytext_ptr);
+ register int number_to_move, i;
+ int ret_val;
+ if ( (yy_c_buf_p) > &YY_CURRENT_BUFFER_LVALUE->yy_ch_buf[(yy_n_chars) + 1] )
+ "fatal flex scanner internal error--end of buffer missed" );
+ if ( YY_CURRENT_BUFFER_LVALUE->yy_fill_buffer == 0 )
+ { /* Don't try to fill the buffer, so this is an EOF. */
+ if ( (yy_c_buf_p) - (yytext_ptr) - YY_MORE_ADJ == 1 )
+ {
+ /* We matched a single character, the EOB, so
+ * treat this as a final EOF.
+ */
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* We matched some text prior to the EOB, first
+ * process it.
+ */
+ }
+ }
+ /* Try to read more data. */
+ /* First move last chars to start of buffer. */
+ number_to_move = (int) ((yy_c_buf_p) - (yytext_ptr)) - 1;
+ for ( i = 0; i < number_to_move; ++i )
+ *(dest++) = *(source++);
+ /* don't do the read, it's not guaranteed to return an EOF,
+ * just force an EOF
+ */
+ YY_CURRENT_BUFFER_LVALUE->yy_n_chars = (yy_n_chars) = 0;
+ else
+ {
+ int num_to_read =
+ YY_CURRENT_BUFFER_LVALUE->yy_buf_size - number_to_move - 1;
+ while ( num_to_read <= 0 )
+ { /* Not enough room in the buffer - grow it. */
+"input buffer overflow, can't enlarge buffer because scanner uses REJECT" );
+ }
+ if ( num_to_read > YY_READ_BUF_SIZE )
+ num_to_read = YY_READ_BUF_SIZE;
+ /* Read in more data. */
+ YY_INPUT( (&YY_CURRENT_BUFFER_LVALUE->yy_ch_buf[number_to_move]),
+ (yy_n_chars), (size_t) num_to_read );
+ YY_CURRENT_BUFFER_LVALUE->yy_n_chars = (yy_n_chars);
+ }
+ if ( (yy_n_chars) == 0 )
+ {
+ if ( number_to_move == YY_MORE_ADJ )
+ {
+ ret_val = EOB_ACT_END_OF_FILE;
+ yyrestart(yyin );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ret_val = EOB_ACT_LAST_MATCH;
+ YY_CURRENT_BUFFER_LVALUE->yy_buffer_status =
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ if ((yy_size_t) ((yy_n_chars) + number_to_move) > YY_CURRENT_BUFFER_LVALUE->yy_buf_size) {
+ /* Extend the array by 50%, plus the number we really need. */
+ yy_size_t new_size = (yy_n_chars) + number_to_move + ((yy_n_chars) >> 1);
+ YY_CURRENT_BUFFER_LVALUE->yy_ch_buf = (char *) yyrealloc((void *) YY_CURRENT_BUFFER_LVALUE->yy_ch_buf,new_size );
+ if ( ! YY_CURRENT_BUFFER_LVALUE->yy_ch_buf )
+ YY_FATAL_ERROR( "out of dynamic memory in yy_get_next_buffer()" );
+ }
+ (yy_n_chars) += number_to_move;
+ YY_CURRENT_BUFFER_LVALUE->yy_ch_buf[(yy_n_chars)] = YY_END_OF_BUFFER_CHAR;
+ YY_CURRENT_BUFFER_LVALUE->yy_ch_buf[(yy_n_chars) + 1] = YY_END_OF_BUFFER_CHAR;
+ (yytext_ptr) = &YY_CURRENT_BUFFER_LVALUE->yy_ch_buf[0];
+ return ret_val;
+/* yy_get_previous_state - get the state just before the EOB char was reached */
+ static yy_state_type yy_get_previous_state (void)
+ register yy_state_type yy_current_state;
+ register char *yy_cp;
+ yy_current_state = (yy_start);
+ yy_current_state += YY_AT_BOL();
+ (yy_state_ptr) = (yy_state_buf);
+ *(yy_state_ptr)++ = yy_current_state;
+ for ( yy_cp = (yytext_ptr) + YY_MORE_ADJ; yy_cp < (yy_c_buf_p); ++yy_cp )
+ {
+ register YY_CHAR yy_c = (*yy_cp ? yy_ec[YY_SC_TO_UI(*yy_cp)] : 1);
+ while ( yy_chk[yy_base[yy_current_state] + yy_c] != yy_current_state )
+ {
+ yy_current_state = (int) yy_def[yy_current_state];
+ if ( yy_current_state >= 152 )
+ yy_c = yy_meta[(unsigned int) yy_c];
+ }
+ yy_current_state = yy_nxt[yy_base[yy_current_state] + (unsigned int) yy_c];
+ *(yy_state_ptr)++ = yy_current_state;
+ }
+ return yy_current_state;
+/* yy_try_NUL_trans - try to make a transition on the NUL character
+ *
+ * synopsis
+ * next_state = yy_try_NUL_trans( current_state );
+ */
+ static yy_state_type yy_try_NUL_trans (yy_state_type yy_current_state )
+ register int yy_is_jam;
+ register YY_CHAR yy_c = 1;
+ while ( yy_chk[yy_base[yy_current_state] + yy_c] != yy_current_state )
+ {
+ yy_current_state = (int) yy_def[yy_current_state];
+ if ( yy_current_state >= 152 )
+ yy_c = yy_meta[(unsigned int) yy_c];
+ }
+ yy_current_state = yy_nxt[yy_base[yy_current_state] + (unsigned int) yy_c];
+ yy_is_jam = (yy_current_state == 151);
+ if ( ! yy_is_jam )
+ *(yy_state_ptr)++ = yy_current_state;
+ return yy_is_jam ? 0 : yy_current_state;
+ static void yyunput (int c, register char * yy_bp )
+ register char *yy_cp;
+ yy_cp = (yy_c_buf_p);
+ /* undo effects of setting up yytext */
+ *yy_cp = (yy_hold_char);
+ if ( yy_cp < YY_CURRENT_BUFFER_LVALUE->yy_ch_buf + 2 )
+ { /* need to shift things up to make room */
+ /* +2 for EOB chars. */
+ register int number_to_move = (yy_n_chars) + 2;
+ register char *dest = &YY_CURRENT_BUFFER_LVALUE->yy_ch_buf[
+ YY_CURRENT_BUFFER_LVALUE->yy_buf_size + 2];
+ register char *source =
+ &YY_CURRENT_BUFFER_LVALUE->yy_ch_buf[number_to_move];
+ while ( source > YY_CURRENT_BUFFER_LVALUE->yy_ch_buf )
+ *--dest = *--source;
+ yy_cp += (int) (dest - source);
+ yy_bp += (int) (dest - source);
+ (yy_n_chars) = YY_CURRENT_BUFFER_LVALUE->yy_buf_size;
+ if ( yy_cp < YY_CURRENT_BUFFER_LVALUE->yy_ch_buf + 2 )
+ YY_FATAL_ERROR( "flex scanner push-back overflow" );
+ }
+ *--yy_cp = (char) c;
+ (yytext_ptr) = yy_bp;
+ (yy_hold_char) = *yy_cp;
+ (yy_c_buf_p) = yy_cp;
+#ifndef YY_NO_INPUT
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+ static int yyinput (void)
+ static int input (void)
+ int c;
+ *(yy_c_buf_p) = (yy_hold_char);
+ if ( *(yy_c_buf_p) == YY_END_OF_BUFFER_CHAR )
+ {
+ /* yy_c_buf_p now points to the character we want to return.
+ * If this occurs *before* the EOB characters, then it's a
+ * valid NUL; if not, then we've hit the end of the buffer.
+ */
+ if ( (yy_c_buf_p) < &YY_CURRENT_BUFFER_LVALUE->yy_ch_buf[(yy_n_chars)] )
+ /* This was really a NUL. */
+ *(yy_c_buf_p) = '\0';
+ else
+ { /* need more input */
+ int offset = (yy_c_buf_p) - (yytext_ptr);
+ ++(yy_c_buf_p);
+ switch ( yy_get_next_buffer( ) )
+ {
+ /* This happens because yy_g_n_b()
+ * sees that we've accumulated a
+ * token and flags that we need to
+ * try matching the token before
+ * proceeding. But for input(),
+ * there's no matching to consider.
+ * So convert the EOB_ACT_LAST_MATCH
+ */
+ /* Reset buffer status. */
+ yyrestart(yyin );
+ {
+ if ( yywrap( ) )
+ return EOF;
+ if ( ! (yy_did_buffer_switch_on_eof) )
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+ return yyinput();
+ return input();
+ }
+ (yy_c_buf_p) = (yytext_ptr) + offset;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ c = *(unsigned char *) (yy_c_buf_p); /* cast for 8-bit char's */
+ *(yy_c_buf_p) = '\0'; /* preserve yytext */
+ (yy_hold_char) = *++(yy_c_buf_p);
+ YY_CURRENT_BUFFER_LVALUE->yy_at_bol = (c == '\n');
+ return c;
+#endif /* ifndef YY_NO_INPUT */
+/** Immediately switch to a different input stream.
+ * @param input_file A readable stream.
+ *
+ * @note This function does not reset the start condition to @c INITIAL .
+ */
+ void yyrestart (FILE * input_file )
+ yyensure_buffer_stack ();
+ yy_create_buffer(yyin,YY_BUF_SIZE );
+ }
+ yy_init_buffer(YY_CURRENT_BUFFER,input_file );
+ yy_load_buffer_state( );
+/** Switch to a different input buffer.
+ * @param new_buffer The new input buffer.
+ *
+ */
+ void yy_switch_to_buffer (YY_BUFFER_STATE new_buffer )
+ /* TODO. We should be able to replace this entire function body
+ * with
+ * yypop_buffer_state();
+ * yypush_buffer_state(new_buffer);
+ */
+ yyensure_buffer_stack ();
+ if ( YY_CURRENT_BUFFER == new_buffer )
+ return;
+ {
+ /* Flush out information for old buffer. */
+ *(yy_c_buf_p) = (yy_hold_char);
+ YY_CURRENT_BUFFER_LVALUE->yy_buf_pos = (yy_c_buf_p);
+ YY_CURRENT_BUFFER_LVALUE->yy_n_chars = (yy_n_chars);
+ }
+ yy_load_buffer_state( );
+ /* We don't actually know whether we did this switch during
+ * EOF (yywrap()) processing, but the only time this flag
+ * is looked at is after yywrap() is called, so it's safe
+ * to go ahead and always set it.
+ */
+ (yy_did_buffer_switch_on_eof) = 1;
+static void yy_load_buffer_state (void)
+ (yy_n_chars) = YY_CURRENT_BUFFER_LVALUE->yy_n_chars;
+ (yytext_ptr) = (yy_c_buf_p) = YY_CURRENT_BUFFER_LVALUE->yy_buf_pos;
+ yyin = YY_CURRENT_BUFFER_LVALUE->yy_input_file;
+ (yy_hold_char) = *(yy_c_buf_p);
+/** Allocate and initialize an input buffer state.
+ * @param file A readable stream.
+ * @param size The character buffer size in bytes. When in doubt, use @c YY_BUF_SIZE.
+ *
+ * @return the allocated buffer state.
+ */
+ YY_BUFFER_STATE yy_create_buffer (FILE * file, int size )
+ b = (YY_BUFFER_STATE) yyalloc(sizeof( struct yy_buffer_state ) );
+ if ( ! b )
+ YY_FATAL_ERROR( "out of dynamic memory in yy_create_buffer()" );
+ b->yy_buf_size = size;
+ /* yy_ch_buf has to be 2 characters longer than the size given because
+ * we need to put in 2 end-of-buffer characters.
+ */
+ b->yy_ch_buf = (char *) yyalloc(b->yy_buf_size + 2 );
+ if ( ! b->yy_ch_buf )
+ YY_FATAL_ERROR( "out of dynamic memory in yy_create_buffer()" );
+ b->yy_is_our_buffer = 1;
+ yy_init_buffer(b,file );
+ return b;
+/** Destroy the buffer.
+ * @param b a buffer created with yy_create_buffer()
+ *
+ */
+ void yy_delete_buffer (YY_BUFFER_STATE b )
+ if ( ! b )
+ return;
+ if ( b == YY_CURRENT_BUFFER ) /* Not sure if we should pop here. */
+ if ( b->yy_is_our_buffer )
+ yyfree((void *) b->yy_ch_buf );
+ yyfree((void *) b );
+#ifndef __cplusplus
+extern int isatty (int );
+#endif /* __cplusplus */
+/* Initializes or reinitializes a buffer.
+ * This function is sometimes called more than once on the same buffer,
+ * such as during a yyrestart() or at EOF.
+ */
+ static void yy_init_buffer (YY_BUFFER_STATE b, FILE * file )
+ int oerrno = errno;
+ yy_flush_buffer(b );
+ b->yy_input_file = file;
+ b->yy_fill_buffer = 1;
+ /* If b is the current buffer, then yy_init_buffer was _probably_
+ * called from yyrestart() or through yy_get_next_buffer.
+ * In that case, we don't want to reset the lineno or column.
+ */
+ if (b != YY_CURRENT_BUFFER){
+ b->yy_bs_lineno = 1;
+ b->yy_bs_column = 0;
+ }
+ b->yy_is_interactive = file ? (isatty( fileno(file) ) > 0) : 0;
+ errno = oerrno;
+/** Discard all buffered characters. On the next scan, YY_INPUT will be called.
+ * @param b the buffer state to be flushed, usually @c YY_CURRENT_BUFFER.
+ *
+ */
+ void yy_flush_buffer (YY_BUFFER_STATE b )
+ if ( ! b )
+ return;
+ b->yy_n_chars = 0;
+ /* We always need two end-of-buffer characters. The first causes
+ * a transition to the end-of-buffer state. The second causes
+ * a jam in that state.
+ */
+ b->yy_ch_buf[0] = YY_END_OF_BUFFER_CHAR;
+ b->yy_ch_buf[1] = YY_END_OF_BUFFER_CHAR;
+ b->yy_buf_pos = &b->yy_ch_buf[0];
+ b->yy_at_bol = 1;
+ b->yy_buffer_status = YY_BUFFER_NEW;
+ if ( b == YY_CURRENT_BUFFER )
+ yy_load_buffer_state( );
+/** Pushes the new state onto the stack. The new state becomes
+ * the current state. This function will allocate the stack
+ * if necessary.
+ * @param new_buffer The new state.
+ *
+ */
+void yypush_buffer_state (YY_BUFFER_STATE new_buffer )
+ if (new_buffer == NULL)
+ return;
+ yyensure_buffer_stack();
+ /* This block is copied from yy_switch_to_buffer. */
+ {
+ /* Flush out information for old buffer. */
+ *(yy_c_buf_p) = (yy_hold_char);
+ YY_CURRENT_BUFFER_LVALUE->yy_buf_pos = (yy_c_buf_p);
+ YY_CURRENT_BUFFER_LVALUE->yy_n_chars = (yy_n_chars);
+ }
+ /* Only push if top exists. Otherwise, replace top. */
+ (yy_buffer_stack_top)++;
+ /* copied from yy_switch_to_buffer. */
+ yy_load_buffer_state( );
+ (yy_did_buffer_switch_on_eof) = 1;
+/** Removes and deletes the top of the stack, if present.
+ * The next element becomes the new top.
+ *
+ */
+void yypop_buffer_state (void)
+ return;
+ yy_delete_buffer(YY_CURRENT_BUFFER );
+ if ((yy_buffer_stack_top) > 0)
+ --(yy_buffer_stack_top);
+ yy_load_buffer_state( );
+ (yy_did_buffer_switch_on_eof) = 1;
+ }
+/* Allocates the stack if it does not exist.
+ * Guarantees space for at least one push.
+ */
+static void yyensure_buffer_stack (void)
+ int num_to_alloc;
+ if (!(yy_buffer_stack)) {
+ /* First allocation is just for 2 elements, since we don't know if this
+ * scanner will even need a stack. We use 2 instead of 1 to avoid an
+ * immediate realloc on the next call.
+ */
+ num_to_alloc = 1;
+ (yy_buffer_stack) = (struct yy_buffer_state**)yyalloc
+ (num_to_alloc * sizeof(struct yy_buffer_state*)
+ );
+ if ( ! (yy_buffer_stack) )
+ YY_FATAL_ERROR( "out of dynamic memory in yyensure_buffer_stack()" );
+ memset((yy_buffer_stack), 0, num_to_alloc * sizeof(struct yy_buffer_state*));
+ (yy_buffer_stack_max) = num_to_alloc;
+ (yy_buffer_stack_top) = 0;
+ return;
+ }
+ if ((yy_buffer_stack_top) >= ((yy_buffer_stack_max)) - 1){
+ /* Increase the buffer to prepare for a possible push. */
+ int grow_size = 8 /* arbitrary grow size */;
+ num_to_alloc = (yy_buffer_stack_max) + grow_size;
+ (yy_buffer_stack) = (struct yy_buffer_state**)yyrealloc
+ ((yy_buffer_stack),
+ num_to_alloc * sizeof(struct yy_buffer_state*)
+ );
+ if ( ! (yy_buffer_stack) )
+ YY_FATAL_ERROR( "out of dynamic memory in yyensure_buffer_stack()" );
+ /* zero only the new slots.*/
+ memset((yy_buffer_stack) + (yy_buffer_stack_max), 0, grow_size * sizeof(struct yy_buffer_state*));
+ (yy_buffer_stack_max) = num_to_alloc;
+ }
+/** Setup the input buffer state to scan directly from a user-specified character buffer.
+ * @param base the character buffer
+ * @param size the size in bytes of the character buffer
+ *
+ * @return the newly allocated buffer state object.
+ */
+YY_BUFFER_STATE yy_scan_buffer (char * base, yy_size_t size )
+ if ( size < 2 ||
+ base[size-2] != YY_END_OF_BUFFER_CHAR ||
+ base[size-1] != YY_END_OF_BUFFER_CHAR )
+ /* They forgot to leave room for the EOB's. */
+ return 0;
+ b = (YY_BUFFER_STATE) yyalloc(sizeof( struct yy_buffer_state ) );
+ if ( ! b )
+ YY_FATAL_ERROR( "out of dynamic memory in yy_scan_buffer()" );
+ b->yy_buf_size = size - 2; /* "- 2" to take care of EOB's */
+ b->yy_buf_pos = b->yy_ch_buf = base;
+ b->yy_is_our_buffer = 0;
+ b->yy_input_file = 0;
+ b->yy_n_chars = b->yy_buf_size;
+ b->yy_is_interactive = 0;
+ b->yy_at_bol = 1;
+ b->yy_fill_buffer = 0;
+ b->yy_buffer_status = YY_BUFFER_NEW;
+ yy_switch_to_buffer(b );
+ return b;
+/** Setup the input buffer state to scan a string. The next call to yylex() will
+ * scan from a @e copy of @a str.
+ * @param yystr a NUL-terminated string to scan
+ *
+ * @return the newly allocated buffer state object.
+ * @note If you want to scan bytes that may contain NUL values, then use
+ * yy_scan_bytes() instead.
+ */
+YY_BUFFER_STATE yy_scan_string (yyconst char * yystr )
+ return yy_scan_bytes(yystr,strlen(yystr) );
+/** Setup the input buffer state to scan the given bytes. The next call to yylex() will
+ * scan from a @e copy of @a bytes.
+ * @param bytes the byte buffer to scan
+ * @param len the number of bytes in the buffer pointed to by @a bytes.
+ *
+ * @return the newly allocated buffer state object.
+ */
+YY_BUFFER_STATE yy_scan_bytes (yyconst char * yybytes, int _yybytes_len )
+ char *buf;
+ yy_size_t n;
+ int i;
+ /* Get memory for full buffer, including space for trailing EOB's. */
+ n = _yybytes_len + 2;
+ buf = (char *) yyalloc(n );
+ if ( ! buf )
+ YY_FATAL_ERROR( "out of dynamic memory in yy_scan_bytes()" );
+ for ( i = 0; i < _yybytes_len; ++i )
+ buf[i] = yybytes[i];
+ buf[_yybytes_len] = buf[_yybytes_len+1] = YY_END_OF_BUFFER_CHAR;
+ b = yy_scan_buffer(buf,n );
+ if ( ! b )
+ YY_FATAL_ERROR( "bad buffer in yy_scan_bytes()" );
+ /* It's okay to grow etc. this buffer, and we should throw it
+ * away when we're done.
+ */
+ b->yy_is_our_buffer = 1;
+ return b;
+#define YY_EXIT_FAILURE 2
+static void yy_fatal_error (yyconst char* msg )
+ (void) fprintf( stderr, "%s\n", msg );
+ exit( YY_EXIT_FAILURE );
+/* Redefine yyless() so it works in section 3 code. */
+#undef yyless
+#define yyless(n) \
+ do \
+ { \
+ /* Undo effects of setting up yytext. */ \
+ int yyless_macro_arg = (n); \
+ YY_LESS_LINENO(yyless_macro_arg);\
+ yytext[yyleng] = (yy_hold_char); \
+ (yy_c_buf_p) = yytext + yyless_macro_arg; \
+ (yy_hold_char) = *(yy_c_buf_p); \
+ *(yy_c_buf_p) = '\0'; \
+ yyleng = yyless_macro_arg; \
+ } \
+ while ( 0 )
+/* Accessor methods (get/set functions) to struct members. */
+/** Get the current line number.
+ *
+ */
+int yyget_lineno (void)
+ return yylineno;
+/** Get the input stream.
+ *
+ */
+FILE *yyget_in (void)
+ return yyin;
+/** Get the output stream.
+ *
+ */
+FILE *yyget_out (void)
+ return yyout;
+/** Get the length of the current token.
+ *
+ */
+int yyget_leng (void)
+ return yyleng;
+/** Get the current token.
+ *
+ */
+char *yyget_text (void)
+ return yytext;
+/** Set the current line number.
+ * @param line_number
+ *
+ */
+void yyset_lineno (int line_number )
+ yylineno = line_number;
+/** Set the input stream. This does not discard the current
+ * input buffer.
+ * @param in_str A readable stream.
+ *
+ * @see yy_switch_to_buffer
+ */
+void yyset_in (FILE * in_str )
+ yyin = in_str ;
+void yyset_out (FILE * out_str )
+ yyout = out_str ;
+int yyget_debug (void)
+ return yy_flex_debug;
+void yyset_debug (int bdebug )
+ yy_flex_debug = bdebug ;
+static int yy_init_globals (void)
+ /* Initialization is the same as for the non-reentrant scanner.
+ * This function is called from yylex_destroy(), so don't allocate here.
+ */
+ (yy_buffer_stack) = 0;
+ (yy_buffer_stack_top) = 0;
+ (yy_buffer_stack_max) = 0;
+ (yy_c_buf_p) = (char *) 0;
+ (yy_init) = 0;
+ (yy_start) = 0;
+ (yy_state_buf) = 0;
+ (yy_state_ptr) = 0;
+ (yy_full_match) = 0;
+ (yy_lp) = 0;
+/* Defined in main.c */
+#ifdef YY_STDINIT
+ yyin = stdin;
+ yyout = stdout;
+ yyin = (FILE *) 0;
+ yyout = (FILE *) 0;
+ /* For future reference: Set errno on error, since we are called by
+ * yylex_init()
+ */
+ return 0;
+/* yylex_destroy is for both reentrant and non-reentrant scanners. */
+int yylex_destroy (void)
+ /* Pop the buffer stack, destroying each element. */
+ yy_delete_buffer(YY_CURRENT_BUFFER );
+ yypop_buffer_state();
+ }
+ /* Destroy the stack itself. */
+ yyfree((yy_buffer_stack) );
+ (yy_buffer_stack) = NULL;
+ yyfree ( (yy_state_buf) );
+ (yy_state_buf) = NULL;
+ /* Reset the globals. This is important in a non-reentrant scanner so the next time
+ * yylex() is called, initialization will occur. */
+ yy_init_globals( );
+ return 0;
+ * Internal utility routines.
+ */
+#ifndef yytext_ptr
+static void yy_flex_strncpy (char* s1, yyconst char * s2, int n )
+ register int i;
+ for ( i = 0; i < n; ++i )
+ s1[i] = s2[i];
+static int yy_flex_strlen (yyconst char * s )
+ register int n;
+ for ( n = 0; s[n]; ++n )
+ ;
+ return n;
+void *yyalloc (yy_size_t size )
+ return (void *) malloc( size );
+void *yyrealloc (void * ptr, yy_size_t size )
+ /* The cast to (char *) in the following accommodates both
+ * implementations that use char* generic pointers, and those
+ * that use void* generic pointers. It works with the latter
+ * because both ANSI C and C++ allow castless assignment from
+ * any pointer type to void*, and deal with argument conversions
+ * as though doing an assignment.
+ */
+ return (void *) realloc( (char *) ptr, size );
+void yyfree (void * ptr )
+ free( (char *) ptr ); /* see yyrealloc() for (char *) cast */
+#define YYTABLES_NAME "yytables"
+#line 595 "scanner.l"
+initscanner(char *srcfile)
+ char *s;
+ if (maxifbraces == NULL) {
+ maxifbraces = mymalloc(miflevel * sizeof(int));
+ preifbraces = mymalloc(miflevel * sizeof(int));
+ }
+ first = 0; /* buffer index for first char of symbol */
+ last = 0; /* buffer index for last char of symbol */
+ lineno = 1; /* symbol line number */
+ myylineno = 1; /* input line number */
+ arraydimension = NO; /* inside array dimension declaration */
+ bplisting = NO; /* breakpoint listing */
+ braces = 0; /* unmatched left brace count */
+ classdef = NO; /* c++ class definition */
+ elseelif = NO; /* #else or #elif found */
+ esudef = NO; /* enum/struct/union global definition */
+ external = NO; /* external definition */
+ externalbraces = -1; /* external definition outer brace count */
+ fcndef = NO; /* function definition */
+ global = YES; /* file global scope (outside functions) */
+ iflevel = 0; /* #if nesting level */
+ initializer = NO; /* data initializer */
+ initializerbraces = -1; /* data initializer outer brace count */
+ lex = NO; /* lex file */
+ parens = 0; /* unmatched left parenthesis count */
+ ppdefine = NO; /* preprocessor define statement */
+ pseudoelif = NO; /* pseudo-#elif */
+ oldtype = NO; /* next identifier is an old type */
+ rules = NO; /* lex/yacc rules */
+ sdl = NO; /* sdl file */
+ structfield = NO; /* structure field declaration */
+ tagdef = '\0'; /* class/enum/struct/union tag definition */
+ template = NO; /* function template */
+ templateparens = -1; /* function template outer parentheses count */
+ typedefbraces = -1; /* initial typedef braces count */
+ BEGIN 0;
+ /* if this is not a C file */
+ if ((s = strrchr(srcfile, '.')) != NULL) {
+ switch (*++s) { /* this switch saves time on C files */
+ case 'b':
+ if (strcmp(s, "bp") == 0) { /* breakpoint listing */
+ bplisting = YES;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'l':
+ if (strcmp(s, "l") == 0) { /* lex */
+ lex = YES;
+ global = NO;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 's':
+ if (strcmp(s, "sd") == 0) { /* sdl */
+ sdl = YES;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'y':
+ if (strcmp(s, "y") == 0) { /* yacc */
+ global = NO;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ int c;
+ if ((c = getc (yyin)) == '/') {
+ return comment ();
+ }
+ else {
+ return c;
+ }
+ int c;
+ c = getc (yyin);
+ return (c == EOF) ? LEXEOF : c;
+ int c, lastc;
+ do {
+ if ((c = getc(yyin)) == '*') { /* C comment */
+ lastc = '\0';
+ while ((c = getc(yyin)) != EOF &&
+ (c != '/' || lastc != '*')) { /* fewer '/'s */
+ if (c == '\n') {
+ ++myylineno;
+ }
+ lastc = c;
+ }
+ /* return a blank for Reiser cpp token concatenation */
+ if ((c = getc(yyin)) == '_' || isalnum(c)) {
+ (void) ungetc(c, yyin);
+ c = ' ';
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (c == '/') { /* C++ comment */
+ while ((c = getc(yyin)) != EOF && c != '\n') {
+ ;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ else { /* not a comment */
+ (void) ungetc(c, yyin);
+ c = '/';
+ break;
+ }
+ /* there may be an immediately following comment */
+ } while (c == '/');
+ return(c);
+multicharconstant(char terminator)
+ char c;
+ /* scan until the terminator is found */
+ while ((c = yytext[yyleng++] = comment_input()) != terminator) {
+ switch (c) {
+ case '\\': /* escape character */
+ if ((yytext[yyleng++] = comment_input()) == '\n') {
+ ++myylineno;
+ }
+ break;
+ case '\t': /* tab character */
+ /* if not a lex program, continue */
+ if (lex == NO) {
+ break;
+ }
+ /* fall through */
+ case '\n': /* illegal character */
+ /* assume the terminator is missing, so put
+ this character back */
+ unput(c);
+ yytext[--yyleng] = '\0';
+ /* fall through */
+ case LEXEOF: /* end of file */
+ return;
+ default:
+ /* change a control character to a blank */
+ if (!isprint((unsigned char)c)) {
+ yytext[yyleng - 1] = ' ';
+ }
+ }
+ /* if this token will overflow the line buffer */
+ /* note: '\\' may cause yyleng to be > STMTMAX */
+ if (yyleng >= STMTMAX) {
+ /* truncate the token */
+ while ((c = comment_input()) != LEXEOF) {
+ if (c == terminator) {
+ unput(c);
+ break;
+ }
+ else if (c == '\n') {
+ ++myylineno;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ yytext[yyleng] = '\0';