# $Id: cscope,v 1.2 2007/01/07 12:34:01 broeker Exp $
# WebCscope: A web interface to the cscope application
# Copyright (C) 2001, Ragho Mahalingam
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
# License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
# Change History:
# $Log: cscope,v $
# Revision 1.2 2007/01/07 12:34:01 broeker
# Direct attention to security issues with webcscope.
# Revision 1.1 2001/06/29 14:20:16 petr
# Added webcscope to contribs.
# Revision 2001/02/05 15:14:34 rmahalin
# initial release with some bug fixes
# Revision 2001/01/22 22:21:23 rmahalin
# added multi-database support
# fixed cookie support for trivial functions; removed global trivials
# added syntax highlighting for files displayed on browser
# Revision 2001/01/11 22:17:30 rmahalin
# added direct download with mime-type 'text/c-source' and made cosmetic changes
# Revision 1.3 2001/01/11 21:36:39 rmahalin
# *** empty log message ***
# Revision 1.2 2001/01/11 21:34:13 rmahalin
# incorporated draft feedback changes
# Revision 1.1 2001/01/11 21:19:32 rmahalin
# Initial revision
require "cgi-lib.pl";
# current code version being used
$version = "iSOS 2.5/int16";
# full path to the cscope binary
$cscopecmd = "/usr/global/bin/cscope";
# cscope working directory, where all the in/out and db files are stored
$cscopedir = "/usr/local/cscope";
# trivial functions not to display, one per line in the trivs file
$trivs = "/usr/local/htdocs/cscope/trivials";
# temporary storage directory
$tmpdir = "/tmp";
$tmpinfile = $tmpdir . "/cscopein.$$";
$tmpoutfile = $tmpdir . "/cscopeout.$$";
$showfile = $tmpdir . "/showfile.$$";
# C syntax highlighting application or uncomment the line beneath to just cat
#$hiliter = "/bin/cat";
$hiliter = "/usr/local/cgi-bin/cscope/hilite";
($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday) = gmtime(time+1000000);
$cookie_exp = sprintf("%s %02d-%s-%s %02d:%02d:%02d GMT", $wday, $mday, $mon, $year, $hour, $min, $sec);
# standard images, from the apache distribution
$img{openfile} = "/icons/folder.gif";
$img{downloadfile} = "/icons/folder.open.gif";
$img{csymbol} = "/icons/c.gif";
$img{upfunc} = "/icons/up.gif";
$img{downfunc} = "/icons/down.gif";
$img{globalfunc} = "/icons/world2.gif";
$img{trashfunc} = "/icons/bomb.gif";
$img{untrashfunc} = "/icons/back.gif";
$img{back} = "/icons/left.gif";
# feedback details
$comment{name} = "Ragho Mahalingam";
$comment{email} = "ragho\@mahalingam.com";
# operations allowed
@oper = ( "Find this C symbol",
"Find this global symbol",
"Find functions called by",
"Find functions calling",
"Find this text string",
"Find this egrep pattern",
"Find this file",
"Find files #including this file" );
# -- removed global trivial function list in favor of customized trivials
#open(TRIVIAL_FUNC, $trivs);
#@trivial = ;
@trivial = ();
$starttime = time;
if (&ReadParse(*input)) {
} else {
sub ProcessCookie {
if ( defined $ENV{HTTP_COOKIE} ) {
($var, $val) = split('=',$ENV{HTTP_COOKIE});
$Cookie{$var} = $val;
if ( defined $Cookie{'cs-trivf'} ) {
# do nothing, else initialize it to null
} else {
$Cookie{'cs-trivf'} = "defined";
@loc_trivial = split(',', $Cookie{'cs-trivf'});
@trivial = ( @loc_trivial );
sub ProcessTrashForm {
if ( defined $input{'trash'} ) {
@trivial = (@trivial, $input{'func'});
} else {
@tmptriv = ();
for ($i=0; $i <= $#trivial; $i++) {
$fhash = unpack('H*', $input{'func'});
$thash = unpack('H*', $trivial[$i]);
if ( $fhash != $thash ) {
@tmptriv = ( @tmptriv, $trivial[$i] );
@trivial = @tmptriv;
$Cookie{'cs-trivf'} = join(',',@trivial);
print "Content-type: text/html\n";
print "Set-Cookie: cs-trivf=$Cookie{'cs-trivf'}; path=$ENV{SCRIPT_NAME}; expires $cookie_exp\n\n";
print &HtmlTop("Your WebCScope Trivial Functions");
print "";
for ($i=0; $i <= $#trivial; $i++) {
print "
print "
print "Click
to go back.\n";
print &HtmlBot;
sub ProcessForm {
chdir $cscopedir;
@dirlist = readdir(DIRLIST);
if ( $input{'db'} eq "all" ) {
@csdirs = ();
for ($i=0; $i <= $#dirlist; $i++ ) {
if ( ($dirlist[$i] ne ".") && ($dirlist[$i] ne "..") && ( -d $dirlist[$i] ) ) {
@csdirs = ( @csdirs, $dirlist[$i] );
} else {
@csdirs = ( $input{'db'} );
$op = $input{'op'};
$arg = $input{'arg'};
$shtriv = $input{'triv'};
$db = $input{'db'};
if ( defined $input{'fshow'} ) { &ShowFileForm; exit; }
if ( defined $input{'load'} ) { &DownloadFileForm; exit; }
if ( (defined $input{'trash'}) || (defined $input{'untrash'}) ) {
&ProcessTrashForm; exit; }
print &PrintHeader;
print &HtmlTop ("WebCscope");
print <Instructions
will find a symbol with this name
will find functions calling this function
will find functions called by this
will locate a global definition of this name
will display this file and highlight
the fragment line
will download this file with mimetype "text/c-source"
will add this symbol/function to your trivial list
foreach $index ( 0 .. $#csdirs ) {
unlink $tmpinfile, $tmpoutfile;
open(CSCOPEIN, ">$tmpinfile");
print CSCOPEIN "$op$arg\n";
print CSCOPEIN "exit\n";
$dbdir = $cscopedir . "/" . $csdirs[$index];
$syscmd = "cd $dbdir; $cscopecmd -d -l < $tmpinfile > $tmpoutfile;";
$count = 1;
open(CSCOPEIN, "$tmpoutfile");
$line = ;
@temp = split(' ',$line);
$numresult = $temp[2];
print <Search Results from $csdirs[$index]
$oper[$op]: $arg
Matches: $numresult
Num | File | Function |
Line | Fragment |
$trivs_rm = 0;
for ($i=0; $i < $numresult; $i++ ) {
$line = ;
@fields = split(' ',$line);
$file = shift @fields;
$fshowfile = $file;
$func = shift @fields;
$lnum = shift @fields;
@filef = split('/',$file);
$file = $filef[$#filef];
$frag = join(' ',@fields);
if ( ! $shtriv ) {
for ( $j=0; $j <= $#trivial; $j++ )
$fhash = unpack('H*', $func);
$thash = unpack('H*', $trivial[$j]);
if ( $fhash == $thash ) { $trivs_rm++; goto done; }
if ( $func ne "" && $func ne "" ) {
print <$count |
$lnum |
$frag |
} else {
$func =~ tr/<>/[]/;
print <$count |
$func |
$lnum |
<$frag |
print "
print "
Eliminated $trivs_rm line item(s) as trivial functions
unlink $tmpinfile, $tmpoutfile;
print &OperationTime;
print &Feedback;
print &HtmlBot;
sub DownloadFileForm {
$file = $input{'file'};
print "Content-type: text/c-source\n\n";
open(SHOWFILE, $file);
while () { print; }
sub ShowFileForm {
$file = $input{'fshowfile'};
$lnum = $input{'line'};
print &PrintHeader;
print &HtmlTop ("WebCscope");
print "Note: Click
to go to the reference line
print "
unlink $showfile;
system("$hiliter $file > $showfile");
open(SHOWFILE, $showfile);
$curline = 1;
while ( ) {
$line = $_;
if ( $curline == $lnum ) {
print "";
} else {
print $line;
close (SHOWFILE);
print &OperationTime;
print &Feedback;
print &HtmlBot;
sub PrintForm {
chdir $cscopedir;
@dirlist = readdir(DIRLIST);
@csdirs = ();
for ($i=0; $i <= $#dirlist; $i++ ) {
if ( ($dirlist[$i] ne ".") && ($dirlist[$i] ne "..") && ( -d $dirlist[$i] ) ) {
@csdirs = ( @csdirs, $dirlist[$i] );
print &PrintHeader;
print &HtmlTop ("Web-CScope");
print <Be aware that this webfrontend is insecure and allows viewing ALL apache readable files, including your configuration!
Select an operation below and enter a symbol, function or text to search in
the database. The active version is $version. Input is case-sensitive,
so if your search returns no results, check the case and the symbol name.
print &Feedback;
print &HtmlBot;
sub Feedback {
$feedback = "";
$feedback .= '$Id: cscope,v 1.2 2007/01/07 12:34:01 broeker Exp $
$feedback .= "$comment{name}<";
$feedback .= "";
$feedback .= "$comment{email}>";
return $feedback;
sub OperationTime {
$deltime = time - $starttime;
return "Operation took $deltime second(s)