# $Id: lfhex.pro,v 1.2 2008-09-11 01:49:00 salem Exp $ TARGET = lfhex VERSION = 0.42 TEMPLATE = app SOURCES = reader.cpp \ save.cpp \ translate.cpp \ hexEditor.cpp \ hexGui.cpp \ grid.cpp \ compareDlg.cpp \ conversionDlg.cpp \ cursor.cpp \ delta.cpp \ offsetConstraint.cpp \ driver.cpp HEADERS = box.hpp \ compareDlg.hpp \ conversionDlg.hpp \ cursor.hpp \ delta.hpp \ grid.hpp \ hexEditor.hpp \ hexGui.hpp \ offsetConstraint.hpp \ reader.hpp \ save.hpp \ translate.hpp \ expr.h \ local.h \ mappings.h # The following defines are used to select large file offsets. # If your OS does not support this comment it out. DEFINES += _LARGEFILE_SOURCE _FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 # If your machine is big endian then uncomment the following, otherwise the # offset labels will be in little endian (which some find hard to read). # DEFINES += WORDS_BIGENDIAN lfhex.path = /usr/local/bin lfhex.files = lfhex INSTALLS += lfhex RESOURCES = images.qrc YACCSOURCES += expr.y LEXSOURCES += expr.l QMAKE_LEX = flex QMAKE_YACC = bison QMAKE_YACCFLAGS = -d -b expr -p expr DISTFILES += ../README \ ../README.install \ ../COPYING \ $$YACCSOURCES \ $$LEXSOURCES \ img/exit.xbm \ img/first.xbm \ img/last.xbm \ img/next.xbm \ img/prev.xbm # Uncomment this to compile in debug mode # CONFIG += debug