AgeCommit message (Collapse)AuthorFilesLines
2011-07-27Print line number on grep, add myself to bcc instead of cc on send-emailTobias Klauser2-6/+14
2010-04-01Add dist alias, taken from madduck and slightly adjustedTobias Klauser1-0/+1
2010-03-29Add push merge and sendemail config, update gitk.Tobias Klauser2-7/+19
Both from fermion. Still need to find a way to get a machine specific config.
2010-01-02Add signingkey, reorderTobias Klauser1-2/+5
2010-01-02Add .gitkTobias Klauser1-0/+29
2010-01-02Initial commit of git configurationTobias Klauser1-0/+22