From 740243411e21c18bb30051b43aa0140a180fab33 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Tobias Klauser Date: Mon, 26 Apr 2021 15:08:41 +0200 Subject: Remove snipMate --- .vim/plugin/snipMate.vim | 271 ----------------------------------------------- 1 file changed, 271 deletions(-) delete mode 100644 .vim/plugin/snipMate.vim (limited to '.vim/plugin') diff --git a/.vim/plugin/snipMate.vim b/.vim/plugin/snipMate.vim deleted file mode 100644 index ef03b12..0000000 --- a/.vim/plugin/snipMate.vim +++ /dev/null @@ -1,271 +0,0 @@ -" File: snipMate.vim -" Author: Michael Sanders -" Version: 0.84 -" Description: snipMate.vim implements some of TextMate's snippets features in -" Vim. A snippet is a piece of often-typed text that you can -" insert into your document using a trigger word followed by a "". -" -" For more help see snipMate.txt; you can do this by using: -" :helptags ~/.vim/doc -" :h snipMate.txt - -if exists('loaded_snips') || &cp || version < 700 - finish -endif -let loaded_snips = 1 -if !exists('snips_author') | let snips_author = 'Me' | endif - -au BufRead,BufNewFile *.snippets\= set ft=snippet -au FileType snippet setl noet fdm=indent - -let s:snippets = {} | let s:multi_snips = {} - -if !exists('snippets_dir') - let snippets_dir = substitute(globpath(&rtp, 'snippets/'), "\n", ',', 'g') -endif - -fun! MakeSnip(scope, trigger, content, ...) - let multisnip = a:0 && a:1 != '' - let var = multisnip ? 's:multi_snips' : 's:snippets' - if !has_key({var}, a:scope) | let {var}[a:scope] = {} | endif - if !has_key({var}[a:scope], a:trigger) - let {var}[a:scope][a:trigger] = multisnip ? [[a:1, a:content]] : a:content - elseif multisnip | let {var}[a:scope][a:trigger] += [[a:1, a:content]] - else - echom 'Warning in snipMate.vim: Snippet '.a:trigger.' is already defined.' - \ .' See :h multi_snip for help on snippets with multiple matches.' - endif -endf - -fun! ExtractSnips(dir, ft) - for path in split(globpath(a:dir, '*'), "\n") - if isdirectory(path) - let pathname = fnamemodify(path, ':t') - for snipFile in split(globpath(path, '*.snippet'), "\n") - call s:ProcessFile(snipFile, a:ft, pathname) - endfor - elseif fnamemodify(path, ':e') == 'snippet' - call s:ProcessFile(path, a:ft) - endif - endfor -endf - -" Processes a single-snippet file; optionally add the name of the parent -" directory for a snippet with multiple matches. -fun s:ProcessFile(file, ft, ...) - let keyword = fnamemodify(a:file, ':t:r') - if keyword == '' | return | endif - try - let text = join(readfile(a:file), "\n") - catch /E484/ - echom "Error in snipMate.vim: couldn't read file: ".a:file - endtry - return a:0 ? MakeSnip(a:ft, a:1, text, keyword) - \ : MakeSnip(a:ft, keyword, text) -endf - -fun! ExtractSnipsFile(file, ft) - if !filereadable(a:file) | return | endif - let text = readfile(a:file) - let inSnip = 0 - for line in text + ["\n"] - if inSnip && (line[0] == "\t" || line == '') - let content .= strpart(line, 1)."\n" - continue - elseif inSnip - call MakeSnip(a:ft, trigger, content[:-2], name) - let inSnip = 0 - endif - - if line[:6] == 'snippet' - let inSnip = 1 - let trigger = strpart(line, 8) - let name = '' - let space = stridx(trigger, ' ') + 1 - if space " Process multi snip - let name = strpart(trigger, space) - let trigger = strpart(trigger, 0, space - 1) - endif - let content = '' - endif - endfor -endf - -" Reset snippets for filetype. -fun! ResetSnippets(ft) - let ft = a:ft == '' ? '_' : a:ft - for dict in [s:snippets, s:multi_snips, g:did_ft] - if has_key(dict, ft) - unlet dict[ft] - endif - endfor -endf - -" Reset snippets for all filetypes. -fun! ResetAllSnippets() - let s:snippets = {} | let s:multi_snips = {} | let g:did_ft = {} -endf - -" Reload snippets for filetype. -fun! ReloadSnippets(ft) - let ft = a:ft == '' ? '_' : a:ft - call ResetSnippets(ft) - call GetSnippets(g:snippets_dir, ft) -endf - -" Reload snippets for all filetypes. -fun! ReloadAllSnippets() - for ft in keys(g:did_ft) - call ReloadSnippets(ft) - endfor -endf - -let g:did_ft = {} -fun! GetSnippets(dir, filetypes) - for ft in split(a:filetypes, '\.') - if has_key(g:did_ft, ft) | continue | endif - call s:DefineSnips(a:dir, ft, ft) - if ft == 'objc' || ft == 'cpp' || ft == 'cs' - call s:DefineSnips(a:dir, 'c', ft) - elseif ft == 'xhtml' - call s:DefineSnips(a:dir, 'html', 'xhtml') - endif - let g:did_ft[ft] = 1 - endfor -endf - -" Define "aliasft" snippets for the filetype "realft". -fun s:DefineSnips(dir, aliasft, realft) - for path in split(globpath(a:dir, a:aliasft.'/')."\n". - \ globpath(a:dir, a:aliasft.'-*/'), "\n") - call ExtractSnips(path, a:realft) - endfor - for path in split(globpath(a:dir, a:aliasft.'.snippets')."\n". - \ globpath(a:dir, a:aliasft.'-*.snippets'), "\n") - call ExtractSnipsFile(path, a:realft) - endfor -endf - -fun! TriggerSnippet() - if exists('g:SuperTabMappingForward') - if g:SuperTabMappingForward == "" - let SuperTabKey = "\" - elseif g:SuperTabMappingBackward == "" - let SuperTabKey = "\" - endif - endif - - if pumvisible() " Update snippet if completion is used, or deal with supertab - if exists('SuperTabKey') - call feedkeys(SuperTabKey) | return '' - endif - call feedkeys("\a", 'n') " Close completion menu - call feedkeys("\") | return '' - endif - - if exists('g:snipPos') | return snipMate#jumpTabStop(0) | endif - - let word = matchstr(getline('.'), '\S\+\%'.col('.').'c') - for scope in [bufnr('%')] + split(&ft, '\.') + ['_'] - let [trigger, snippet] = s:GetSnippet(word, scope) - " If word is a trigger for a snippet, delete the trigger & expand - " the snippet. - if snippet != '' - let col = col('.') - len(trigger) - sil exe 's/\V'.escape(trigger, '/\.').'\%#//' - return snipMate#expandSnip(snippet, col) - endif - endfor - - if exists('SuperTabKey') - call feedkeys(SuperTabKey) - return '' - endif - return "\" -endf - -fun! BackwardsSnippet() - if exists('g:snipPos') | return snipMate#jumpTabStop(1) | endif - - if exists('g:SuperTabMappingForward') - if g:SuperTabMappingBackward == "" - let SuperTabKey = "\" - elseif g:SuperTabMappingForward == "" - let SuperTabKey = "\" - endif - endif - if exists('SuperTabKey') - call feedkeys(SuperTabKey) - return '' - endif - return "\" -endf - -" Check if word under cursor is snippet trigger; if it isn't, try checking if -" the text after non-word characters is (e.g. check for "foo" in "") -fun s:GetSnippet(word, scope) - let word = a:word | let snippet = '' - while snippet == '' - if exists('s:snippets["'.a:scope.'"]["'.escape(word, '\"').'"]') - let snippet = s:snippets[a:scope][word] - elseif exists('s:multi_snips["'.a:scope.'"]["'.escape(word, '\"').'"]') - let snippet = s:ChooseSnippet(a:scope, word) - if snippet == '' | break | endif - else - if match(word, '\W') == -1 | break | endif - let word = substitute(word, '.\{-}\W', '', '') - endif - endw - if word == '' && a:word != '.' && stridx(a:word, '.') != -1 - let [word, snippet] = s:GetSnippet('.', a:scope) - endif - return [word, snippet] -endf - -fun s:ChooseSnippet(scope, trigger) - let snippet = [] - let i = 1 - for snip in s:multi_snips[a:scope][a:trigger] - let snippet += [i.'. '.snip[0]] - let i += 1 - endfor - if i == 2 | return s:multi_snips[a:scope][a:trigger][0][1] | endif - let num = inputlist(snippet) - 1 - return num == -1 ? '' : s:multi_snips[a:scope][a:trigger][num][1] -endf - -fun! ShowAvailableSnips() - let line = getline('.') - let col = col('.') - let word = matchstr(getline('.'), '\S\+\%'.col.'c') - let words = [word] - if stridx(word, '.') - let words += split(word, '\.', 1) - endif - let matchlen = 0 - let matches = [] - for scope in [bufnr('%')] + split(&ft, '\.') + ['_'] - let triggers = has_key(s:snippets, scope) ? keys(s:snippets[scope]) : [] - if has_key(s:multi_snips, scope) - let triggers += keys(s:multi_snips[scope]) - endif - for trigger in triggers - for word in words - if word == '' - let matches += [trigger] " Show all matches if word is empty - elseif trigger =~ '^'.word - let matches += [trigger] - let len = len(word) - if len > matchlen | let matchlen = len | endif - endif - endfor - endfor - endfor - - " This is to avoid a bug with Vim when using complete(col - matchlen, matches) - " (Issue#46 on the Google Code snipMate issue tracker). - call setline(line('.'), substitute(line, repeat('.', matchlen).'\%'.col.'c', '', '')) - call complete(col, matches) - return '' -endf -" vim:noet:sw=4:ts=4:ft=vim -- cgit v1.2.3-54-g00ecf