# zshrc/40_history # # Set up command line history # # Copyright © 2011 Tobias Klauser # Released under the terms of the Artistic Licence 2.0 # # Source repository: git://git.distanz.ch/dotfiles/zsh.git HISTFILE=$HOME/.zsh_history HISTSIZE=5000 SAVEHIST=$HISTSIZE # append history list to the history file (think multiple zsh sessions) setopt append_history # ignore duplicates setopt hist_ignore_dups # don't store commands starting with a space in the history file setopt hist_ignore_space # remove superfluous blanks from each command line setopt hist_reduce_blanks # vim:ft=zsh id='header'> cgit logo index : net-next.git
net-next plumbingsTobias Klauser
path: root/drivers/usb/host/ohci-ps3.c
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