What: /sys/bus/greybus/devices/greybusN Date: October 2015 KernelVersion: 4.XX Contact: Greg Kroah-Hartman Description: The "root" greybus device for the Greybus device tree, or bus, where N is a dynamically assigned 1-based id. What: /sys/bus/greybus/devices/greybusN/bus_id Date: April 2016 KernelVersion: 4.XX Contact: Greg Kroah-Hartman Description: The ID of the "root" greybus device, or bus. What: /sys/bus/greybus/devices/N-M Date: March 2016 KernelVersion: 4.XX Contact: Greg Kroah-Hartman Description: A Module M on the bus N, where M is the 1-byte interface ID of the module's primary interface. What: /sys/bus/greybus/devices/N-M/eject Date: March 2016 KernelVersion: 4.XX Contact: Greg Kroah-Hartman Description: Writing a non-zero argument to this attibute disables the module's interfaces before physically ejecting it. What: /sys/bus/greybus/devices/N-M/module_id Date: March 2016 KernelVersion: 4.XX Contact: Greg Kroah-Hartman Description: The ID of a Greybus module, corresponding to the ID of its primary interface. What: /sys/bus/greybus/devices/N-M/num_interfaces Date: March 2016 KernelVersion: 4.XX Contact: Greg Kroah-Hartman Description: The number of interfaces of a module. What: /sys/bus/greybus/devices/N-M.I Date: October 2015 KernelVersion: 4.XX Contact: Greg Kroah-Hartman Description: An Interface I on the bus N and module N-M, where I is the 1-byte interface ID. What: /sys/bus/greybus/devices/N-M.I/current_now Date: March 2016 KernelVersion: 4.XX Contact: Greg Kroah-Hartman Description: Current measurement of the interface in microamps (uA) What: /sys/bus/greybus/devices/N-M.I/ddbl1_manufacturer_id Date: October 2015 KernelVersion: 4.XX Contact: Greg Kroah-Hartman Description: Unipro Device Descriptor Block Level 1 manufacturer ID for the greybus Interface. What: /sys/bus/greybus/devices/N-M.I/ddbl1_product_id Date: October 2015 KernelVersion: 4.XX Contact: Greg Kroah-Hartman Description: Unipro Device Descriptor Block Level 1 product ID for the greybus Interface. What: /sys/bus/greybus/devices/N-M.I/interface_id Date: October 2015 KernelVersion: 4.XX Contact: Greg Kroah-Hartman Description: The ID of a Greybus interface. What: /sys/bus/greybus/devices/N-M.I/interface_type Date: June 2016 KernelVersion: 4.XX Contact: Greg Kroah-Hartman Description: The type of a Greybus interface; "dummy", "unipro", "greybus", or "unknown". What: /sys/bus/greybus/devices/N-M.I/power_now Date: March 2016 KernelVersion: 4.XX Contact: Greg Kroah-Hartman Description: Power measurement of the interface in microwatts (uW) What: /sys/bus/greybus/devices/N-M.I/power_state Date: March 2016 KernelVersion: 4.XX Contact: Greg Kroah-Hartman Description: This reflects the power state of a Greybus Interface. If the value read from it is "on", then power is currently supplied to the Interface. Otherwise this will read "off" and the power is currently not supplied to the Interface. If the value read is "off", then writing "on" (or '1', 'y', 'Y') to it will enable power to the Interface. If the value read is "on", then writing "off" (or '0', 'n', 'N') to it will disable power to the Interface. Writing the currently read value to it has no effect. What: /sys/bus/greybus/devices/N-M.I/product_id Date: October 2015 KernelVersion: 4.XX Contact: Greg Kroah-Hartman Description: Product ID of a Greybus interface. What: /sys/bus/greybus/devices/N-M.I/serial_number Date: October 2015 KernelVersion: 4.XX Contact: Greg Kroah-Hartman Description: Serial Number of the Greybus interface, represented by a 64 bit hexadecimal number. What: /sys/bus/greybus/devices/N-M.I/vendor_id Date: October 2015 KernelVersion: 4.XX Contact: Greg Kroah-Hartman Description: Vendor ID of a Greybus interface. What: /sys/bus/greybus/devices/N-M.I/voltage_now Date: March 2016 KernelVersion: 4.XX Contact: Greg Kroah-Hartman Description: Voltage measurement of the interface in microvolts (uV) What: /sys/bus/greybus/devices/N-M.I.ctrl Date: October 2015 KernelVersion: 4.XX Contact: Greg Kroah-Hartman Description: Abstract control device for interface I that represents the current mode of an enumerated Greybus interface. What: /sys/bus/greybus/devices/N-M.I.ctrl/product_string Date: October 2015 KernelVersion: 4.XX Contact: Greg Kroah-Hartman Description: Product ID string of a Greybus interface. What: /sys/bus/greybus/devices/N-M.I.ctrl/vendor_string Date: October 2015 KernelVersion: 4.XX Contact: Greg Kroah-Hartman Description: Vendor ID string of a Greybus interface. What: /sys/bus/greybus/devices/N-M.I.B Date: October 2015 KernelVersion: 4.XX Contact: Greg Kroah-Hartman Description: A bundle B on the Interface I, B is replaced by a 1-byte number representing the bundle. What: /sys/bus/greybus/devices/N-M.I.B/bundle_class Date: October 2015 KernelVersion: 4.XX Contact: Greg Kroah-Hartman Description: The greybus class of the bundle B. What: /sys/bus/greybus/devices/N-M.I.B/bundle_id Date: October 2015 KernelVersion: 4.XX Contact: Greg Kroah-Hartman Description: The interface-unique id of the bundle B. What: /sys/bus/greybus/devices/N-M.I.B/gpbX Date: April 2016 KernelVersion: 4.XX Contact: Greg Kroah-Hartman Description: The General Purpose Bridged PHY device of the bundle B, where X is a dynamically assigned 0-based id. What: /sys/bus/greybus/devices/N-M.I.B/state Date: October 2015 KernelVersion: 4.XX Contact: Greg Kroah-Hartman Description: A bundle has a state that is managed by the userspace Endo process. This file allows that Endo to signal other Android HALs that the state of the bundle has changed to a specific value. When written to, any process watching the file will be woken up, and the new value can be read. It's a "poor-man's IPC", yes, but simplifies the Android userspace code immensely. What: /sys/bus/greybus/devices/N-svc Date: October 2015 KernelVersion: 4.XX Contact: Greg Kroah-Hartman Description: The singleton SVC device of bus N. What: /sys/bus/greybus/devices/N-svc/ap_intf_id Date: October 2015 KernelVersion: 4.XX Contact: Greg Kroah-Hartman Description: The AP interface ID, a 1-byte non-zero integer which defines the position of the AP module on the frame. The interface positions are defined in the ARA Module Developer Kit. What: /sys/bus/greybus/devices/N-svc/endo_id Date: October 2015 KernelVersion: 4.XX Contact: Greg Kroah-Hartman Description: The Endo ID, which is a 2-byte hexadecimal value defined by the Endo layout scheme, documented in the ARA Module Developer Kit. What: /sys/bus/greybus/devices/N-svc/intf_eject Date: October 2015 KernelVersion: 4.XX Contact: Greg Kroah-Hartman Description: Write the number of the interface that you wish to forcibly eject from the system. What: /sys/bus/greybus/devices/N-svc/version Date: October 2015 KernelVersion: 4.XX Contact: Greg Kroah-Hartman Description: The version number of the firmware in the SVC device. What: /sys/bus/greybus/devices/N-svc/watchdog Date: October 2016 KernelVersion: 4.XX Contact: Greg Kroah-Hartman Description: If the SVC watchdog is enabled or not. Writing 0 to this file will disable the watchdog, writing 1 will enable it.