/* usa26msg.h Copyright (C) 1998-2000 InnoSys Incorporated. All Rights Reserved This file is available under a BSD-style copyright Keyspan USB Async Message Formats for the USA28X Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain this licence text without modification, this list of conditions, and the following disclaimer. The following copyright notice must appear immediately at the beginning of all source files: Copyright (C) 1998-2000 InnoSys Incorporated. All Rights Reserved This file is available under a BSD-style copyright 2. The name of InnoSys Incorporated may not be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY INNOSYS CORP. ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. Third revision: USA28X version (aka USA26) Buffer formats for RX/TX data messages are not defined by a structure, but are described here: USB OUT (host -> USAxx, transmit) messages contain a REQUEST_ACK indicator (set to 0xff to request an ACK at the completion of transmit; 0x00 otherwise), followed by data: RQSTACK DAT DAT DAT ... with a total data length of 63. USB IN (USAxx -> host, receive) messages begin with a status byte in which the 0x80 bit is either: (a) 0x80 bit clear indicates that the bytes following it are all data bytes: STAT DATA DATA DATA DATA DATA ... for a total of up to 63 DATA bytes, or: (b) 0x80 bit set indicates that the bytes following alternate data and status bytes: STAT DATA STAT DATA STAT DATA STAT DATA ... for a total of up to 32 DATA bytes. The valid bits in the STAT bytes are: OVERRUN 0x02 PARITY 0x04 FRAMING 0x08 BREAK 0x10 Notes: (1) The OVERRUN bit can appear in either (a) or (b) format messages, but the but the PARITY/FRAMING/BREAK bits only appear in (b) format messages. (2) For the host to determine the exact point at which the overrun occurred (to identify the point in the data stream at which the data was lost), it needs to count 128 characters, starting at the first character of the message in which OVERRUN was reported; the lost character(s) would have been received between the 128th and 129th characters. (3) An RX data message in which the first byte has 0x80 clear serves as a "break off" indicator. revision history: 1999feb10 add reportHskiaChanges to allow us to ignore them 1999feb10 add txAckThreshold for fast+loose throughput enhancement 1999mar30 beef up support for RX error reporting 1999apr14 add resetDataToggle to control message 2000jan04 merge with usa17msg.h 2000jun01 add extended BSD-style copyright text 2001jul05 change message format to improve OVERRUN case Note on shared names: In the case of fields which have been merged between the USA17 and USA26 definitions, the USA26 definition is the first part of the name and the USA17 definition is the second part of the name; both meanings are described below. */ #ifndef __USA26MSG__ #define __USA26MSG__ struct keyspan_usa26_portControlMessage { /* there are three types of "commands" sent in the control message: 1. configuration changes which must be requested by setting the corresponding "set" flag (and should only be requested when necessary, to reduce overhead on the USA26): */ u8 setClocking, // BOTH: host requests baud rate be set baudLo, // BOTH: host does baud divisor calculation baudHi, // BOTH: baudHi is only used for first port (gives lower rates) externalClock_txClocking, // USA26: 0=internal, other=external // USA17: 0=internal, other=external/RI rxClocking, // USA17: 0=internal, 1=external/RI, other=external/DSR setLcr, // BOTH: host requests lcr be set lcr, // BOTH: use PARITY, STOPBITS, DATABITS below setFlowControl, // BOTH: host requests flow control be set ctsFlowControl, // BOTH: 1=use CTS flow control, 0=don't xonFlowControl, // BOTH: 1=use XON/XOFF flow control, 0=don't xonChar, // BOTH: specified in current character format xoffChar, // BOTH: specified in current character format setTxTriState_setRts, // USA26: host requests TX tri-state be set // USA17: host requests RTS output be set txTriState_rts, // BOTH: 1=active (normal), 0=tristate (off) setHskoa_setDtr, // USA26: host requests HSKOA output be set // USA17: host requests DTR output be set hskoa_dtr, // BOTH: 1=on, 0=off setPrescaler, // USA26: host requests prescalar be set (default: 13) prescaler; // BOTH: specified as N/8; values 8-ff are valid // must be set any time internal baud rate is set; // must not be set when external clocking is used // note: in USA17, prescaler is applied whenever // setClocking is requested /* 3. configuration data which is simply used as is (no overhead, but must be specified correctly in every host message). */ u8 forwardingLength, // BOTH: forward when this number of chars available reportHskiaChanges_dsrFlowControl, // USA26: 1=normal; 0=ignore external clock // USA17: 1=use DSR flow control, 0=don't txAckThreshold, // BOTH: 0=not allowed, 1=normal, 2-255 deliver ACK faster loopbackMode; // BOTH: 0=no loopback, 1=loopback enabled /* 4. commands which are flags only; these are processed in order (so that, e.g., if both _txOn and _txOff flags are set, the port ends in a TX_OFF state); any non-zero value is respected */ u8 _txOn, // BOTH: enable transmitting (and continue if there's data) _txOff, // BOTH: stop transmitting txFlush, // BOTH: toss outbound data txBreak, // BOTH: turn on break (cleared by _txOn) rxOn, // BOTH: turn on receiver rxOff, // BOTH: turn off receiver rxFlush, // BOTH: toss inbound data rxForward, // BOTH: forward all inbound data, NOW (as if fwdLen==1) returnStatus, // BOTH: return current status (even if it hasn't changed) resetDataToggle;// BOTH: reset data toggle state to DATA0 }; // defines for bits in lcr #define USA_DATABITS_5 0x00 #define USA_DATABITS_6 0x01 #define USA_DATABITS_7 0x02 #define USA_DATABITS_8 0x03 #define STOPBITS_5678_1 0x00 // 1 stop bit for all byte sizes #define STOPBITS_5_1p5 0x04 // 1.5 stop bits for 5-bit byte #define STOPBITS_678_2 0x04 // 2 stop bits for 6/7/8-bit byte #define USA_PARITY_NONE 0x00 #define USA_PARITY_ODD 0x08 #define USA_PARITY_EVEN 0x18 #define PARITY_1 0x28 #define PARITY_0 0x38 // all things called "StatusMessage" are sent on the status endpoint struct keyspan_usa26_portStatusMessage // one for each port { u8 port, // BOTH: 0=first, 1=second, other=see below hskia_cts, // USA26: reports HSKIA pin // USA17: reports CTS pin gpia_dcd, // USA26: reports GPIA pin // USA17: reports DCD pin dsr, // USA17: reports DSR pin ri, // USA17: reports RI pin _txOff, // port has been disabled (by host) _txXoff, // port is in XOFF state (either host or RX XOFF) rxEnabled, // as configured by rxOn/rxOff 1=on, 0=off controlResponse;// 1=a control message has been processed }; // bits in RX data message when STAT byte is included #define RXERROR_OVERRUN 0x02 #define RXERROR_PARITY 0x04 #define RXERROR_FRAMING 0x08 #define RXERROR_BREAK 0x10 struct keyspan_usa26_globalControlMessage { u8 sendGlobalStatus, // 2=request for two status responses resetStatusToggle, // 1=reset global status toggle resetStatusCount; // a cycling value }; struct keyspan_usa26_globalStatusMessage { u8 port, // 3 sendGlobalStatus, // from request, decremented resetStatusCount; // as in request }; struct keyspan_usa26_globalDebugMessage { u8 port, // 2 a, b, c, d; }; // ie: the maximum length of an EZUSB endpoint buffer #define MAX_DATA_LEN 64 // update status approx. 60 times a second (16.6666 ms) #define STATUS_UPDATE_INTERVAL 16 // status rationing tuning value (each port gets checked each n ms) #define STATUS_RATION 10 #endif class='diffstat-header'>Diffstat (limited to 'kernel/freezer.c')