KASAN_SANITIZE := n UBSAN_SANITIZE_kasan.o := n KCOV_INSTRUMENT := n CFLAGS_REMOVE_kasan.o = -pg # Function splitter causes unnecessary splits in __asan_load1/__asan_store1 # see: https://gcc.gnu.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=63533 CFLAGS_kasan.o := $(call cc-option, -fno-conserve-stack -fno-stack-protector) obj-y := kasan.o report.o kasan_init.o quarantine.o om/sound/soc/codecs/da732x.h?h=nds-private-remove' type='application/atom+xml'/>
path: root/sound/soc/codecs/da732x.h
diff options
authorLiam R. Howlett <Liam.Howlett@Oracle.com>2017-01-17 10:59:03 -0500
committerDavid S. Miller <davem@davemloft.net>2017-01-30 14:27:54 -0800
commit047487241ff59374fded8c477f21453681f5995c (patch)
tree1c2616bd373ce5ea28aac2a53e32f5b5834901ce /sound/soc/codecs/da732x.h
parent7a7dc961a28b965a0d0303c2e989df17b411708b (diff)
sparc64: Handle PIO & MEM non-resumable errors.
User processes trying to access an invalid memory address via PIO will receive a SIGBUS signal instead of causing a panic. Memory errors will receive a SIGKILL since a SIGBUS may result in a coredump which may attempt to repeat the faulting access. Signed-off-by: Liam R. Howlett <Liam.Howlett@Oracle.com> Signed-off-by: David S. Miller <davem@davemloft.net>
Diffstat (limited to 'sound/soc/codecs/da732x.h')