/* * Driver of Inno Codec for rk3036 by Rockchip Inc. * * Author: Zheng ShunQian */ #ifndef _INNO_RK3036_CODEC_H #define _INNO_RK3036_CODEC_H /* codec registers */ #define INNO_R00 0x00 #define INNO_R01 0x0c #define INNO_R02 0x10 #define INNO_R03 0x14 #define INNO_R04 0x88 #define INNO_R05 0x8c #define INNO_R06 0x90 #define INNO_R07 0x94 #define INNO_R08 0x98 #define INNO_R09 0x9c #define INNO_R10 0xa0 /* register bit filed */ #define INNO_R00_CSR_RESET (0x0 << 0) /*codec system reset*/ #define INNO_R00_CSR_WORK (0x1 << 0) #define INNO_R00_CDCR_RESET (0x0 << 1) /*codec digital core reset*/ #define INNO_R00_CDCR_WORK (0x1 << 1) #define INNO_R00_PRB_DISABLE (0x0 << 6) /*power reset bypass*/ #define INNO_R00_PRB_ENABLE (0x1 << 6) #define INNO_R01_I2SMODE_MSK (0x1 << 4) #define INNO_R01_I2SMODE_SLAVE (0x0 << 4) #define INNO_R01_I2SMODE_MASTER (0x1 << 4) #define INNO_R01_PINDIR_MSK (0x1 << 5) #define INNO_R01_PINDIR_IN_SLAVE (0x0 << 5) /*direction of pin*/ #define INNO_R01_PINDIR_OUT_MASTER (0x1 << 5) #define INNO_R02_LRS_MSK (0x1 << 2) #define INNO_R02_LRS_NORMAL (0x0 << 2) /*DAC Left Right Swap*/ #define INNO_R02_LRS_SWAP (0x1 << 2) #define INNO_R02_DACM_MSK (0x3 << 3) #define INNO_R02_DACM_PCM (0x3 << 3) /*DAC Mode*/ #define INNO_R02_DACM_I2S (0x2 << 3) #define INNO_R02_DACM_LJM (0x1 << 3) #define INNO_R02_DACM_RJM (0x0 << 3) #define INNO_R02_VWL_MSK (0x3 << 5) #define INNO_R02_VWL_32BIT (0x3 << 5) /*1/2Frame Valid Word Len*/ #define INNO_R02_VWL_24BIT (0x2 << 5) #define INNO_R02_VWL_20BIT (0x1 << 5) #define INNO_R02_VWL_16BIT (0x0 << 5) #define INNO_R02_LRCP_MSK (0x1 << 7) #define INNO_R02_LRCP_NORMAL (0x0 << 7) /*Left Right Polarity*/ #define INNO_R02_LRCP_REVERSAL (0x1 << 7) #define INNO_R03_BCP_MSK (0x1 << 0) #define INNO_R03_BCP_NORMAL (0x0 << 0) /*DAC bit clock polarity*/ #define INNO_R03_BCP_REVERSAL (0x1 << 0) #define INNO_R03_DACR_MSK (0x1 << 1) #define INNO_R03_DACR_RESET (0x0 << 1) /*DAC Reset*/ #define INNO_R03_DACR_WORK (0x1 << 1) #define INNO_R03_FWL_MSK (0x3 << 2) #define INNO_R03_FWL_32BIT (0x3 << 2) /*1/2Frame Word Length*/ #define INNO_R03_FWL_24BIT (0x2 << 2) #define INNO_R03_FWL_20BIT (0x1 << 2) #define INNO_R03_FWL_16BIT (0x0 << 2) #define INNO_R04_DACR_SW_SHIFT 0 #define INNO_R04_DACL_SW_SHIFT 1 #define INNO_R04_DACR_CLK_SHIFT 2 #define INNO_R04_DACL_CLK_SHIFT 3 #define INNO_R04_DACR_VREF_SHIFT 4 #define INNO_R04_DACL_VREF_SHIFT 5 #define INNO_R05_HPR_EN_SHIFT 0 #define INNO_R05_HPL_EN_SHIFT 1 #define INNO_R05_HPR_WORK_SHIFT 2 #define INNO_R05_HPL_WORK_SHIFT 3 #define INNO_R06_VOUTR_CZ_SHIFT 0 #define INNO_R06_VOUTL_CZ_SHIFT 1 #define INNO_R06_DACR_HILO_VREF_SHIFT 2 #define INNO_R06_DACL_HILO_VREF_SHIFT 3 #define INNO_R06_DAC_EN_SHIFT 5 #define INNO_R06_DAC_PRECHARGE (0x0 << 4) /*PreCharge control for DAC*/ #define INNO_R06_DAC_DISCHARGE (0x1 << 4) #define INNO_HP_GAIN_SHIFT 0 /* Gain of output, 1.5db step: -39db(0x0) ~ 0db(0x1a) ~ 6db(0x1f) */ #define INNO_HP_GAIN_0DB 0x1a #define INNO_HP_GAIN_N39DB 0x0 #define INNO_R09_HP_ANTIPOP_MSK 0x3 #define INNO_R09_HP_ANTIPOP_OFF 0x1 #define INNO_R09_HP_ANTIPOP_ON 0x2 #define INNO_R09_HPR_ANITPOP_SHIFT 0 #define INNO_R09_HPL_ANITPOP_SHIFT 2 #define INNO_R09_HPR_MUTE_SHIFT 4 #define INNO_R09_HPL_MUTE_SHIFT 5 #define INNO_R09_DACR_SWITCH_SHIFT 6 #define INNO_R09_DACL_SWITCH_SHIFT 7 #define INNO_R10_CHARGE_SEL_CUR_400I_YES (0x0 << 0) #define INNO_R10_CHARGE_SEL_CUR_400I_NO (0x1 << 0) #define INNO_R10_CHARGE_SEL_CUR_260I_YES (0x0 << 1) #define INNO_R10_CHARGE_SEL_CUR_260I_NO (0x1 << 1) #define INNO_R10_CHARGE_SEL_CUR_130I_YES (0x0 << 2) #define INNO_R10_CHARGE_SEL_CUR_130I_NO (0x1 << 2) #define INNO_R10_CHARGE_SEL_CUR_100I_YES (0x0 << 3) #define INNO_R10_CHARGE_SEL_CUR_100I_NO (0x1 << 3) #define INNO_R10_CHARGE_SEL_CUR_050I_YES (0x0 << 4) #define INNO_R10_CHARGE_SEL_CUR_050I_NO (0x1 << 4) #define INNO_R10_CHARGE_SEL_CUR_027I_YES (0x0 << 5) #define INNO_R10_CHARGE_SEL_CUR_027I_NO (0x1 << 5) #define INNO_R10_MAX_CUR (INNO_R10_CHARGE_SEL_CUR_400I_YES | \ INNO_R10_CHARGE_SEL_CUR_260I_YES | \ INNO_R10_CHARGE_SEL_CUR_130I_YES | \ INNO_R10_CHARGE_SEL_CUR_100I_YES | \ INNO_R10_CHARGE_SEL_CUR_050I_YES | \ INNO_R10_CHARGE_SEL_CUR_027I_YES) #endif '>
Diffstat (limited to 'drivers/usb/serial/ipw.c')