# Monitor the system for dropped packets and proudce a report of drop locations and counts

import os
import sys

sys.path.append(os.environ['PERF_EXEC_PATH'] + \

from perf_trace_context import *
from Core import *
from Util import *

drop_log = {}
kallsyms = []

def get_kallsyms_table():
	global kallsyms

		f = open("/proc/kallsyms", "r")

	for line in f:
		loc = int(line.split()[0], 16)
		name = line.split()[2]
		kallsyms.append((loc, name))

def get_sym(sloc):
	loc = int(sloc)

	# Invariant: kallsyms[i][0] <= loc for all 0 <= i <= start
	#            kallsyms[i][0] > loc for all end <= i < len(kallsyms)
	start, end = -1, len(kallsyms)
	while end != start + 1:
		pivot = (start + end) // 2
		if loc < kallsyms[pivot][0]:
			end = pivot
			start = pivot

	# Now (start == -1 or kallsyms[start][0] <= loc)
	# and (start == len(kallsyms) - 1 or loc < kallsyms[start + 1][0])
	if start >= 0:
		symloc, name = kallsyms[start]
		return (name, loc - symloc)
		return (None, 0)

def print_drop_table():
	print "%25s %25s %25s" % ("LOCATION", "OFFSET", "COUNT")
	for i in drop_log.keys():
		(sym, off) = get_sym(i)
		if sym == None:
			sym = i
		print "%25s %25s %25s" % (sym, off, drop_log[i])

def trace_begin():
	print "Starting trace (Ctrl-C to dump results)"

def trace_end():
	print "Gathering kallsyms data"

# called from perf, when it finds a correspoinding event
def skb__kfree_skb(name, context, cpu, sec, nsec, pid, comm, callchain,
		   skbaddr, location, protocol):
	slocation = str(location)
		drop_log[slocation] = drop_log[slocation] + 1
		drop_log[slocation] = 1
net/gro_cells.h?id=0c4881ced8d2e380d0544f1e7e3249d7bbc45979'>tree</a><a href='/cgit.cgi/linux/net-next.git/commit/include/net/gro_cells.h?id=0c4881ced8d2e380d0544f1e7e3249d7bbc45979'>commit</a><a href='/cgit.cgi/linux/net-next.git/diff/include/net/gro_cells.h?id=0c4881ced8d2e380d0544f1e7e3249d7bbc45979'>diff</a></td><td class='form'><form class='right' method='get' action='/cgit.cgi/linux/net-next.git/log/include/net/gro_cells.h'>
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