/* * tui.c ncurses text user interface for TMON program * * Copyright (C) 2013 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version * 2 or later as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * Author: Jacob Pan <jacob.jun.pan@linux.intel.com> * */ #include <unistd.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdint.h> #include <ncurses.h> #include <time.h> #include <syslog.h> #include <panel.h> #include <pthread.h> #include <signal.h> #include "tmon.h" #define min(x, y) ({ \ typeof(x) _min1 = (x); \ typeof(y) _min2 = (y); \ (void) (&_min1 == &_min2); \ _min1 < _min2 ? _min1 : _min2; }) #define max(x, y) ({ \ typeof(x) _max1 = (x); \ typeof(y) _max2 = (y); \ (void) (&_max1 == &_max2); \ _max1 > _max2 ? _max1 : _max2; }) static PANEL *data_panel; static PANEL *dialogue_panel; static PANEL *top; static WINDOW *title_bar_window; static WINDOW *tz_sensor_window; static WINDOW *cooling_device_window; static WINDOW *control_window; static WINDOW *status_bar_window; static WINDOW *thermal_data_window; static WINDOW *dialogue_window; char status_bar_slots[10][40]; static void draw_hbar(WINDOW *win, int y, int start, int len, unsigned long pattern, bool end); static int maxx, maxy; static int maxwidth = 200; #define TITLE_BAR_HIGHT 1 #define SENSOR_WIN_HIGHT 4 /* one row for tz name, one for trip points */ /* daemon mode flag (set by startup parameter -d) */ static int tui_disabled; static void close_panel(PANEL *p) { if (p) { del_panel(p); p = NULL; } } static void close_window(WINDOW *win) { if (win) { delwin(win); win = NULL; } } void close_windows(void) { if (tui_disabled) return; /* must delete panels before their attached windows */ if (dialogue_window) close_panel(dialogue_panel); if (cooling_device_window) close_panel(data_panel); close_window(title_bar_window); close_window(tz_sensor_window); close_window(status_bar_window); close_window(cooling_device_window); close_window(control_window); close_window(thermal_data_window); close_window(dialogue_window); } void write_status_bar(int x, char *line) { mvwprintw(status_bar_window, 0, x, "%s", line); wrefresh(status_bar_window); } /* wrap at 5 */ #define DIAG_DEV_ROWS 5 /* * list cooling devices + "set temp" entry; wraps after 5 rows, if they fit */ static int diag_dev_rows(void) { int entries = ptdata.nr_cooling_dev + 1; int rows = max(DIAG_DEV_ROWS, (entries + 1) / 2); return min(rows, entries); } void setup_windows(void) { int y_begin = 1; if (tui_disabled) return; getmaxyx(stdscr, maxy, maxx); resizeterm(maxy, maxx); title_bar_window = subwin(stdscr, TITLE_BAR_HIGHT, maxx, 0, 0); y_begin += TITLE_BAR_HIGHT; tz_sensor_window = subwin(stdscr, SENSOR_WIN_HIGHT, maxx, y_begin, 0); y_begin += SENSOR_WIN_HIGHT; cooling_device_window = subwin(stdscr, ptdata.nr_cooling_dev + 3, maxx, y_begin, 0); y_begin += ptdata.nr_cooling_dev + 3; /* 2 lines for border */ /* two lines to show borders, one line per tz show trip point position * and value. * dialogue window is a pop-up, when needed it lays on top of cdev win */ dialogue_window = subwin(stdscr, diag_dev_rows() + 5, maxx-50, DIAG_Y, DIAG_X); thermal_data_window = subwin(stdscr, ptdata.nr_tz_sensor * NR_LINES_TZDATA + 3, maxx, y_begin, 0); y_begin += ptdata.nr_tz_sensor * NR_LINES_TZDATA + 3; control_window = subwin(stdscr, 4, maxx, y_begin, 0); scrollok(cooling_device_window, TRUE); maxwidth = maxx - 18; status_bar_window = subwin(stdscr, 1, maxx, maxy-1, 0); strcpy(status_bar_slots[0], " Ctrl-c - Quit "); strcpy(status_bar_slots[1], " TAB - Tuning "); wmove(status_bar_window, 1, 30); /* prepare panels for dialogue, if panel already created then we must * be doing resizing, so just replace windows with new ones, old ones * should have been deleted by close_window */ data_panel = new_panel(cooling_device_window); if (!data_panel) syslog(LOG_DEBUG, "No data panel\n"); else { if (dialogue_window) { dialogue_panel = new_panel(dialogue_window); if (!dialogue_panel) syslog(LOG_DEBUG, "No dialogue panel\n"); else { /* Set up the user pointer to the next panel*/ set_panel_userptr(data_panel, dialogue_panel); set_panel_userptr(dialogue_panel, data_panel); top = data_panel; } } else syslog(LOG_INFO, "no dialogue win, term too small\n"); } doupdate(); werase(stdscr); refresh(); } void resize_handler(int sig) { /* start over when term gets resized, but first we clean up */ close_windows(); endwin(); refresh(); clear(); getmaxyx(stdscr, maxy, maxx); /* get the new screen size */ setup_windows(); /* rate limit */ sleep(1); syslog(LOG_DEBUG, "SIG %d, term resized to %d x %d\n", sig, maxy, maxx); signal(SIGWINCH, resize_handler); } const char cdev_title[] = " COOLING DEVICES "; void show_cooling_device(void) { int i, j, x, y = 0; if (tui_disabled || !cooling_device_window) return; werase(cooling_device_window); wattron(cooling_device_window, A_BOLD); mvwprintw(cooling_device_window, 1, 1, "ID Cooling Dev Cur Max Thermal Zone Binding"); wattroff(cooling_device_window, A_BOLD); for (j = 0; j < ptdata.nr_cooling_dev; j++) { /* draw cooling device list on the left in the order of * cooling device instances. skip unused idr. */ mvwprintw(cooling_device_window, j + 2, 1, "%02d %12.12s%6d %6d", ptdata.cdi[j].instance, ptdata.cdi[j].type, ptdata.cdi[j].cur_state, ptdata.cdi[j].max_state); } /* show cdev binding, y is the global cooling device instance */ for (i = 0; i < ptdata.nr_tz_sensor; i++) { int tz_inst = ptdata.tzi[i].instance; for (j = 0; j < ptdata.nr_cooling_dev; j++) { int cdev_inst; y = j; x = tz_inst * TZONE_RECORD_SIZE + TZ_LEFT_ALIGN; draw_hbar(cooling_device_window, y+2, x, TZONE_RECORD_SIZE-1, ACS_VLINE, false); /* draw a column of spaces to separate thermal zones */ mvwprintw(cooling_device_window, y+2, x-1, " "); if (ptdata.tzi[i].cdev_binding) { cdev_inst = ptdata.cdi[j].instance; unsigned long trip_binding = ptdata.tzi[i].trip_binding[cdev_inst]; int k = 0; /* per zone trip point id that * binded to this cdev, one to * many possible based on the * binding bitmask. */ syslog(LOG_DEBUG, "bind tz%d cdev%d tp%lx %d cdev%lx\n", i, j, trip_binding, y, ptdata.tzi[i].cdev_binding); /* draw each trip binding for the cdev */ while (trip_binding >>= 1) { k++; if (!(trip_binding & 1)) continue; /* draw '*' to show binding */ mvwprintw(cooling_device_window, y + 2, x + ptdata.tzi[i].nr_trip_pts - k - 1, "*"); } } } } /* draw border after data so that border will not be messed up * even there is not enough space for all the data to be shown */ wborder(cooling_device_window, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); wattron(cooling_device_window, A_BOLD); mvwprintw(cooling_device_window, 0, maxx/2 - sizeof(cdev_title), cdev_title); wattroff(cooling_device_window, A_BOLD); wrefresh(cooling_device_window); } const char DIAG_TITLE[] = "[ TUNABLES ]"; void show_dialogue(void) { int j, x = 0, y = 0; int rows, cols; WINDOW *w = dialogue_window; if (tui_disabled || !w) return; getmaxyx(w, rows, cols); /* Silence compiler 'unused' warnings */ (void)cols; werase(w); box(w, 0, 0); mvwprintw(w, 0, maxx/4, DIAG_TITLE); /* list all the available tunables */ for (j = 0; j <= ptdata.nr_cooling_dev; j++) { y = j % diag_dev_rows(); if (y == 0 && j != 0) x += 20; if (j == ptdata.nr_cooling_dev) /* save last choice for target temp */ mvwprintw(w, y+1, x+1, "%C-%.12s", 'A'+j, "Set Temp"); else mvwprintw(w, y+1, x+1, "%C-%.10s-%2d", 'A'+j, ptdata.cdi[j].type, ptdata.cdi[j].instance); } wattron(w, A_BOLD); mvwprintw(w, diag_dev_rows()+1, 1, "Enter Choice [A-Z]?"); wattroff(w, A_BOLD); /* print legend at the bottom line */ mvwprintw(w, rows - 2, 1, "Legend: A=Active, P=Passive, C=Critical"); wrefresh(dialogue_window); } void write_dialogue_win(char *buf, int y, int x) { WINDOW *w = dialogue_window; mvwprintw(w, y, x, "%s", buf); } const char control_title[] = " CONTROLS "; void show_control_w(void) { unsigned long state; get_ctrl_state(&state); if (tui_disabled || !control_window) return; werase(control_window); mvwprintw(control_window, 1, 1, "PID gain: kp=%2.2f ki=%2.2f kd=%2.2f Output %2.2f", p_param.kp, p_param.ki, p_param.kd, p_param.y_k); mvwprintw(control_window, 2, 1, "Target Temp: %2.1fC, Zone: %d, Control Device: %.12s", p_param.t_target, target_thermal_zone, ctrl_cdev); /* draw border last such that everything is within boundary */ wborder(control_window, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); wattron(control_window, A_BOLD); mvwprintw(control_window, 0, maxx/2 - sizeof(control_title), control_title); wattroff(control_window, A_BOLD); wrefresh(control_window); } void initialize_curses(void) { if (tui_disabled) return; initscr(); start_color(); keypad(stdscr, TRUE); /* enable keyboard mapping */ nonl(); /* tell curses not to do NL->CR/NL on output */ cbreak(); /* take input chars one at a time */ noecho(); /* dont echo input */ curs_set(0); /* turn off cursor */ use_default_colors(); init_pair(PT_COLOR_DEFAULT, COLOR_WHITE, COLOR_BLACK); init_pair(PT_COLOR_HEADER_BAR, COLOR_BLACK, COLOR_WHITE); init_pair(PT_COLOR_ERROR, COLOR_BLACK, COLOR_RED); init_pair(PT_COLOR_RED, COLOR_WHITE, COLOR_RED); init_pair(PT_COLOR_YELLOW, COLOR_WHITE, COLOR_YELLOW); init_pair(PT_COLOR_GREEN, COLOR_WHITE, COLOR_GREEN); init_pair(PT_COLOR_BLUE, COLOR_WHITE, COLOR_BLUE); init_pair(PT_COLOR_BRIGHT, COLOR_WHITE, COLOR_BLACK); } void show_title_bar(void) { int i; int x = 0; if (tui_disabled || !title_bar_window) return; wattrset(title_bar_window, COLOR_PAIR(PT_COLOR_HEADER_BAR)); wbkgd(title_bar_window, COLOR_PAIR(PT_COLOR_HEADER_BAR)); werase(title_bar_window); mvwprintw(title_bar_window, 0, 0, " TMON v%s", VERSION); wrefresh(title_bar_window); werase(status_bar_window); for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) { if (strlen(status_bar_slots[i]) == 0) continue; wattron(status_bar_window, A_REVERSE); mvwprintw(status_bar_window, 0, x, "%s", status_bar_slots[i]); wattroff(status_bar_window, A_REVERSE); x += strlen(status_bar_slots[i]) + 1; } wrefresh(status_bar_window); } static void handle_input_val(int ch) { char buf[32]; int val; char path[256]; WINDOW *w = dialogue_window; echo(); keypad(w, TRUE); wgetnstr(w, buf, 31); val = atoi(buf); if (ch == ptdata.nr_cooling_dev) { snprintf(buf, 31, "Invalid Temp %d! %d-%d", val, MIN_CTRL_TEMP, MAX_CTRL_TEMP); if (val < MIN_CTRL_TEMP || val > MAX_CTRL_TEMP) write_status_bar(40, buf); else { p_param.t_target = val; snprintf(buf, 31, "Set New Target Temp %d", val); write_status_bar(40, buf); } } else { snprintf(path, 256, "%s/%s%d", THERMAL_SYSFS, CDEV, ptdata.cdi[ch].instance); sysfs_set_ulong(path, "cur_state", val); } noecho(); dialogue_on = 0; show_data_w(); show_control_w(); top = (PANEL *)panel_userptr(top); top_panel(top); } static void handle_input_choice(int ch) { char buf[48]; int base = 0; int cdev_id = 0; if ((ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'A' + ptdata.nr_cooling_dev) || (ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'a' + ptdata.nr_cooling_dev)) { base = (ch < 'a') ? 'A' : 'a'; cdev_id = ch - base; if (ptdata.nr_cooling_dev == cdev_id) snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "New Target Temp:"); else snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "New Value for %.10s-%2d: ", ptdata.cdi[cdev_id].type, ptdata.cdi[cdev_id].instance); write_dialogue_win(buf, diag_dev_rows() + 2, 2); handle_input_val(cdev_id); } else { snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "Invalid selection %d", ch); write_dialogue_win(buf, 8, 2); } } void *handle_tui_events(void *arg) { int ch; keypad(cooling_device_window, TRUE); while ((ch = wgetch(cooling_device_window)) != EOF) { if (tmon_exit) break; /* when term size is too small, no dialogue panels are set. * we need to filter out such cases. */ if (!data_panel || !dialogue_panel || !cooling_device_window || !dialogue_window) { continue; } pthread_mutex_lock(&input_lock); if (dialogue_on) { handle_input_choice(ch); /* top panel filter */ if (ch == 'q' || ch == 'Q') ch = 0; } switch (ch) { case KEY_LEFT: box(cooling_device_window, 10, 0); break; case 9: /* TAB */ top = (PANEL *)panel_userptr(top); top_panel(top); if (top == dialogue_panel) { dialogue_on = 1; show_dialogue(); } else { dialogue_on = 0; /* force refresh */ show_data_w(); show_control_w(); } break; case 'q': case 'Q': tmon_exit = 1; break; } update_panels(); doupdate(); pthread_mutex_unlock(&input_lock); } if (arg) *(int *)arg = 0; /* make gcc happy */ return NULL; } /* draw a horizontal bar in given pattern */ static void draw_hbar(WINDOW *win, int y, int start, int len, unsigned long ptn, bool end) { mvwaddch(win, y, start, ptn); whline(win, ptn, len); if (end) mvwaddch(win, y, MAX_DISP_TEMP+TDATA_LEFT, ']'); } static char trip_type_to_char(int type) { switch (type) { case THERMAL_TRIP_CRITICAL: return 'C'; case THERMAL_TRIP_HOT: return 'H'; case THERMAL_TRIP_PASSIVE: return 'P'; case THERMAL_TRIP_ACTIVE: return 'A'; default: return '?'; } } /* fill a string with trip point type and value in one line * e.g. P(56) C(106) * maintain the distance one degree per char */ static void draw_tp_line(int tz, int y) { int j; int x; for (j = 0; j < ptdata.tzi[tz].nr_trip_pts; j++) { x = ptdata.tzi[tz].tp[j].temp / 1000; mvwprintw(thermal_data_window, y + 0, x + TDATA_LEFT, "%c%d", trip_type_to_char(ptdata.tzi[tz].tp[j].type), x); syslog(LOG_INFO, "%s:tz %d tp %d temp = %lu\n", __func__, tz, j, ptdata.tzi[tz].tp[j].temp); } } const char data_win_title[] = " THERMAL DATA "; void show_data_w(void) { int i; if (tui_disabled || !thermal_data_window) return; werase(thermal_data_window); wattron(thermal_data_window, A_BOLD); mvwprintw(thermal_data_window, 0, maxx/2 - sizeof(data_win_title), data_win_title); wattroff(thermal_data_window, A_BOLD); /* draw a line as ruler */ for (i = 10; i < MAX_DISP_TEMP; i += 10) mvwprintw(thermal_data_window, 1, i+TDATA_LEFT, "%2d", i); for (i = 0; i < ptdata.nr_tz_sensor; i++) { int temp = trec[cur_thermal_record].temp[i] / 1000; int y = 0; y = i * NR_LINES_TZDATA + 2; /* y at tz temp data line */ mvwprintw(thermal_data_window, y, 1, "%6.6s%2d:[%3d][", ptdata.tzi[i].type, ptdata.tzi[i].instance, temp); draw_hbar(thermal_data_window, y, TDATA_LEFT, temp, ACS_RARROW, true); draw_tp_line(i, y); } wborder(thermal_data_window, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); wrefresh(thermal_data_window); } const char tz_title[] = "THERMAL ZONES(SENSORS)"; void show_sensors_w(void) { int i, j; char buffer[512]; if (tui_disabled || !tz_sensor_window) return; werase(tz_sensor_window); memset(buffer, 0, sizeof(buffer)); wattron(tz_sensor_window, A_BOLD); mvwprintw(tz_sensor_window, 1, 1, "Thermal Zones:"); wattroff(tz_sensor_window, A_BOLD); mvwprintw(tz_sensor_window, 1, TZ_LEFT_ALIGN, "%s", buffer); /* fill trip points for each tzone */ wattron(tz_sensor_window, A_BOLD); mvwprintw(tz_sensor_window, 2, 1, "Trip Points:"); wattroff(tz_sensor_window, A_BOLD); /* draw trip point from low to high for each tz */ for (i = 0; i < ptdata.nr_tz_sensor; i++) { int inst = ptdata.tzi[i].instance; mvwprintw(tz_sensor_window, 1, TZ_LEFT_ALIGN+TZONE_RECORD_SIZE * inst, "%.9s%02d", ptdata.tzi[i].type, ptdata.tzi[i].instance); for (j = ptdata.tzi[i].nr_trip_pts - 1; j >= 0; j--) { /* loop through all trip points */ char type; int tp_pos; /* reverse the order here since trips are sorted * in ascending order in terms of temperature. */ tp_pos = ptdata.tzi[i].nr_trip_pts - j - 1; type = trip_type_to_char(ptdata.tzi[i].tp[j].type); mvwaddch(tz_sensor_window, 2, inst * TZONE_RECORD_SIZE + TZ_LEFT_ALIGN + tp_pos, type); syslog(LOG_DEBUG, "draw tz %d tp %d ch:%c\n", inst, j, type); } } wborder(tz_sensor_window, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); wattron(tz_sensor_window, A_BOLD); mvwprintw(tz_sensor_window, 0, maxx/2 - sizeof(tz_title), tz_title); wattroff(tz_sensor_window, A_BOLD); wrefresh(tz_sensor_window); } void disable_tui(void) { tui_disabled = 1; }