/* * Copyright (C) 2014-2016 Tobias Klauser * * This file is part of llmnrd. * * llmnrd is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, version 2 of the License. * * llmnrd is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with llmnrd. If not, see . */ #define _GNU_SOURCE #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "iface.h" #include "log.h" #include "pkt.h" #include "socket.h" #include "iface.h" #include "llmnr-packet.h" #include "llmnr.h" static int llmnr_sock_ipv4 = -1; static int llmnr_sock_ipv6 = -1; static bool llmnr_running = true; /* * Host name in DNS name format (length octet + name + 0 byte) */ static char llmnr_hostname[LLMNR_LABEL_MAX_SIZE + 2]; static void llmnr_iface_event_handle(enum iface_event_type type, unsigned char af, unsigned int ifindex) { switch (af) { case AF_INET: socket_mcast_group_ipv4(llmnr_sock_ipv4, ifindex, type == IFACE_ADD); break; case AF_INET6: socket_mcast_group_ipv6(llmnr_sock_ipv6, ifindex, type == IFACE_ADD); break; default: /* ignore */ break; } } int llmnr_init(const char *hostname, uint16_t port, bool ipv6, const char *iface) { llmnr_hostname[0] = strlen(hostname); strncpy(&llmnr_hostname[1], hostname, LLMNR_LABEL_MAX_SIZE); llmnr_hostname[LLMNR_LABEL_MAX_SIZE + 1] = '\0'; log_info("Starting llmnrd on port %u, hostname %s\n", port, hostname); if (iface) log_info("Binding to interface %s\n", iface); llmnr_sock_ipv4 = socket_open_ipv4(port, iface); if (llmnr_sock_ipv4 < 0) return -1; if (ipv6) { llmnr_sock_ipv6 = socket_open_ipv6(port, iface); if (llmnr_sock_ipv6 < 0) return -1; } iface_register_event_handler(&llmnr_iface_event_handle); return 0; } static bool llmnr_name_matches(const uint8_t *query) { uint8_t i, n = llmnr_hostname[0]; /* length */ if (query[0] != n) return false; /* NULL byte */ if (query[1 + n] != 0) return false; for (i = 1; i < llmnr_hostname[0]; i++) if (tolower(query[i]) != tolower(llmnr_hostname[i])) return false; return true; } static void llmnr_respond(unsigned int ifindex, const struct llmnr_hdr *hdr, const uint8_t *query, size_t query_len, int sock, const struct sockaddr_storage *sst) { uint16_t qtype, qclass; uint8_t name_len = query[0]; /* skip name length & additional '\0' byte */ const uint8_t *query_name_end = query + name_len + 2; size_t i, n, response_len; unsigned char family = AF_UNSPEC; /* * arbitrary restriction to 16 addresses per interface for the * sake of a simple, atomic interface */ struct sockaddr_storage addrs[16]; struct pkt *p; struct llmnr_hdr *r; /* 4 bytes expected for QTYPE and QCLASS */ if ((query_len - name_len - 2) < (sizeof(qtype) + sizeof(qclass))) return; qtype = ntohs(*((uint16_t *)query_name_end)); qclass = ntohs(*((uint16_t *)query_name_end + 1)); /* Ony IN queries supported */ if (qclass != LLMNR_QCLASS_IN) return; switch (qtype) { case LLMNR_QTYPE_A: family = AF_INET; break; case LLMNR_QTYPE_AAAA: family = AF_INET6; break; case LLMNR_QTYPE_ANY: family = AF_UNSPEC; break; default: return; } n = iface_addr_lookup(ifindex, family, addrs, ARRAY_SIZE(addrs)); /* * This is the max response length (i.e. using all IPv6 addresses and * not message compression). We might not use all of it. */ response_len = n * (1 + name_len + 1 + 2 + 2 + 4 + 2 + sizeof(struct in6_addr)); p = pkt_alloc(sizeof(*hdr) + query_len + response_len); /* fill the LLMNR header */ r = (struct llmnr_hdr *)pkt_put(p, sizeof(*r)); r->id = hdr->id; /* response flag */ r->flags = htons(LLMNR_F_QR); r->qdcount = hdr->qdcount; r->ancount = htons(n); r->nscount = 0; r->arcount = 0; /* copy the original question */ memcpy(pkt_put(p, query_len), query, query_len); /* append an RR for each address */ for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { void *addr; size_t addr_size; uint16_t type; if (addrs[i].ss_family == AF_INET) { struct sockaddr_in *sin = (struct sockaddr_in *)&addrs[i]; addr = &sin->sin_addr; addr_size = sizeof(sin->sin_addr); type = LLMNR_TYPE_A; } else if (addrs[i].ss_family == AF_INET6) { struct sockaddr_in6 *sin6 = (struct sockaddr_in6 *)&addrs[i]; addr = &sin6->sin6_addr; addr_size = sizeof(sin6->sin6_addr); type = LLMNR_TYPE_AAAA; } else continue; /* NAME */ if (i == 0) memcpy(pkt_put(p, llmnr_hostname[0] + 2), llmnr_hostname, llmnr_hostname[0] + 2); else { /* message compression (RFC 1035, section 4.1.3) */ uint16_t ptr = 0xC000 | (sizeof(*hdr) + query_len); pkt_put_u16(p, ntohs(ptr)); } /* TYPE */ pkt_put_u16(p, htons(type)); /* CLASS */ pkt_put_u16(p, htons(LLMNR_CLASS_IN)); /* TTL */ pkt_put_u32(p, htonl(LLMNR_TTL_DEFAULT)); /* RDLENGTH */ pkt_put_u16(p, htons(addr_size)); /* RDATA */ memcpy(pkt_put(p, addr_size), addr, addr_size); } if (sendto(sock, p->data, pkt_len(p), 0, (struct sockaddr *)sst, sizeof(*sst)) < 0) log_err("Failed to send response: %s\n", strerror(errno)); pkt_free(p); } static void llmnr_packet_process(unsigned int ifindex, const uint8_t *pktbuf, size_t len, int sock, const struct sockaddr_storage *sst) { const struct llmnr_hdr *hdr = (const struct llmnr_hdr *)pktbuf; uint16_t flags, qdcount; const uint8_t *query; size_t query_len; uint8_t name_len; /* Query too short? */ if (len < sizeof(struct llmnr_hdr)) return; flags = ntohs(hdr->flags); qdcount = ntohs(hdr->qdcount); /* Query invalid as per RFC 4795, section 2.1.1? */ if (((flags & (LLMNR_F_QR | LLMNR_F_OPCODE)) != 0) || qdcount != 1 || hdr->ancount != 0 || hdr->nscount != 0) return; query = pktbuf + sizeof(struct llmnr_hdr); query_len = len - sizeof(struct llmnr_hdr); name_len = query[0]; /* Invalid name in query? */ if (name_len == 0 || name_len >= query_len || query[1 + name_len] != 0) return; /* Authoritative? */ if (llmnr_name_matches(query)) llmnr_respond(ifindex, hdr, query, query_len, sock, sst); } static void llmnr_recv(int sock) { uint8_t pktbuf[2048], aux[128]; struct msghdr msg; struct iovec io; struct sockaddr_storage sin_r; struct cmsghdr *cmsg; ssize_t recvlen; int ifindex = -1; io.iov_base = pktbuf; io.iov_len = sizeof(pktbuf); memset(&msg, 0, sizeof(msg)); msg.msg_name = &sin_r; msg.msg_namelen = sizeof(sin_r); msg.msg_iov = &io; msg.msg_iovlen = 1; msg.msg_control = aux; msg.msg_controllen = sizeof(aux); if ((recvlen = recvmsg(sock, &msg, 0)) < 0) { if (errno != EINTR) log_err("Failed to receive packet: %s\n", strerror(errno)); return; } for (cmsg = CMSG_FIRSTHDR(&msg); cmsg; cmsg = CMSG_NXTHDR(&msg, cmsg)) { if (cmsg->cmsg_level == IPPROTO_IP && cmsg->cmsg_type == IP_PKTINFO) { struct in_pktinfo *in = (struct in_pktinfo *)CMSG_DATA(cmsg); ifindex = in->ipi_ifindex; } else if (cmsg->cmsg_level == IPPROTO_IPV6 && cmsg->cmsg_type == IPV6_PKTINFO) { struct in6_pktinfo *in6 = (struct in6_pktinfo *)CMSG_DATA(cmsg); ifindex = in6->ipi6_ifindex; } } if (ifindex >= 0) llmnr_packet_process(ifindex, pktbuf, recvlen, sock, (const struct sockaddr_storage *)&sin_r); else log_warn("Could not get interface of incoming packet\n"); } int llmnr_run(void) { int ret = -1; while (llmnr_running) { fd_set rfds; struct timeval tv; int nfds, ret; FD_ZERO(&rfds); FD_SET(llmnr_sock_ipv4, &rfds); if (llmnr_sock_ipv6 >= 0) { FD_SET(llmnr_sock_ipv6, &rfds); nfds = max(llmnr_sock_ipv4, llmnr_sock_ipv6) + 1; } else nfds = llmnr_sock_ipv4 + 1; tv.tv_sec = 0; tv.tv_usec = 50000; ret = select(nfds, &rfds, NULL, NULL, &tv); if (ret < 0) { if (errno != EINTR) log_err("Failed to select() on socket: %s\n", strerror(errno)); goto out; } else if (ret) { if (FD_ISSET(llmnr_sock_ipv4, &rfds)) llmnr_recv(llmnr_sock_ipv4); if (llmnr_sock_ipv6 >= 0 && FD_ISSET(llmnr_sock_ipv6, &rfds)) llmnr_recv(llmnr_sock_ipv6); } } ret = 0; out: close(llmnr_sock_ipv4); if (llmnr_sock_ipv6 >= 0) close(llmnr_sock_ipv6); return ret; } void llmnr_stop(void) { llmnr_running = false; }