	$(Q)echo "$(bold)$(WHAT) $@:$(normal)"
	$(Q)cd curvetun/ && ./ ~/nacl
	$(Q)source ~/.bashrc

tarball.gz:  ; $(call GIT_ARCHIVE,gzip,gz)
tarball.bz2: ; $(call GIT_ARCHIVE,bzip2,bz2)
tarball.xz:  ; $(call GIT_ARCHIVE,xz,xz)
tarball: tarball.gz tarball.bz2 tarball.xz




	$(Q)echo -e "   *** BLURB HERE (general bits, optional) ***\n\n---\n" > .MAIL_MSG
	$(Q)echo -e "netsniff-ng $(VERSION_SHORT) has been released to the public (\n" >> .MAIL_MSG
	$(Q)echo -e "It can be fetched via Git:\n" >> .MAIL_MSG
	$(Q)echo -e "   git clone git://" >> .MAIL_MSG
	$(Q)echo -e "   git checkout $(VERSION_SHORT)\n" >> .MAIL_MSG
	$(Q)echo -e "Or via HTTP:\n" >> .MAIL_MSG
	$(Q)echo -e "   wget$(VERSION_SHORT).tar.gz\n" >> .MAIL_MSG
	$(Q)echo -e "The release can be verified via Git (see README):\n" >> .MAIL_MSG
	$(Q)echo -e "   git tag -v $(VERSION_SHORT)\n" >> .MAIL_MSG
	$(Q)echo -e "Major high-level changes since the last release are:\n" >> .MAIL_MSG
	$(Q)echo -e "   *** BLURB HERE (specific bits) ***\n" >> .MAIL_MSG
	$(Q)echo -e "Contributions since last release:\n" >> .MAIL_MSG
	$(Q)echo -e "\nGit changelog since last release:\n" >> .MAIL_MSG

release: tag announcement tarball
	$(Q)echo "Released $(bold)$(VERSION_SHORT)$(normal)"

FIND_SOURCE_FILES = ( git ls-files '*.[hcS]' 2>/dev/null || \
			find . \( -name .git -type d -prune \) \
				-o \( -name '*.[hcS]' -type f -print \) )

tags ctags:
	$(Q)$(call RM,tags)
	$(FIND_SOURCE_FILES) | xargs ctags -a

	$(Q)$(call RM,cscope*)
	$(FIND_SOURCE_FILES) | xargs cscope -b

	$(Q)echo "$(bold)Available tools from the toolkit:$(normal)"
	$(Q)echo " <tool>:={$(TOOLS)}"
	$(Q)echo "$(bold)Targets for building the toolkit:$(normal)"
	$(Q)echo " all|toolkit                  - Build the whole toolkit"
	$(Q)echo " allbutcurvetun               - Build all except curvetun"
	$(Q)echo " allbutmausezahn              - Build all except mausezahn"
	$(Q)echo " <tool>                       - Build only one of the tools"
	$(Q)echo "$(bold)Targets for cleaning the toolkit's build files:$(normal)"
	$(Q)echo " clean                        - Remove all build files"
	$(Q)echo " <tool>_clean                 - Remove only one of the tool's files"
	$(Q)echo " distclean                    - Remove all build and build config files"
	$(Q)echo " mrproper                     - Remove all files not in source distribution"
	$(Q)echo "$(bold)Targets for installing the toolkit:$(normal)"
	$(Q)echo " install                      - Install the whole toolkit"
	$(Q)echo " <tool>_install               - Install only one of the tools"
	$(Q)echo "$(bold)Targets for removing the toolkit:$(normal)"
	$(Q)echo " uninstall                    - Remove the whole toolkit from the system"
	$(Q)echo " <toolname>_uninstall         - Remove only one of the tools"
	$(Q)echo "$(bold)Hacking/development targets:$(normal)"
	$(Q)echo " tag                          - Generate Git tag of current version"
	$(Q)echo " tarball                      - Generate tarball of latest version"
	$(Q)echo " release                      - Generate a new release"
	$(Q)echo " tags                         - Generate sparse ctags"
	$(Q)echo " cscope                       - Generate cscope files"
	$(Q)echo "$(bold)Misc targets:$(normal)"
	$(Q)echo " nacl                         - Execute the build_nacl script"
	$(Q)echo " help                         - Show this help"
	$(Q)echo "$(bold)Available parameters:$(normal)"
	$(Q)echo " DEBUG=1 / DISTRO=1           - Enable debugging / Build for distros"
	$(Q)echo " HARDENING=1                  - Enable GCC hardening of executables"
	$(Q)echo " PREFIX=/path                 - Install path prefix"
	$(Q)echo " CROSS_COMPILE=/path-prefix   - Kernel-like cross-compiling prefix"
	$(Q)echo " CROSS_LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/path  - Library search path for cross-compiling"
	$(Q)echo " CC=cgcc                      - Use sparse compiler wrapper"
	$(Q)echo " CFLAGS=\"-O2 -Wall ...\"       - Overwrite CFLAGS for compilation"
	$(Q)echo " CPPFLAGS=\"-I <path> ...\"     - Additional CFLAGS for compilation"
	$(Q)echo " LDFLAGS=\"-L <path> ...\"      - Additional LDFLAGS for compilation"
	$(Q)echo " CCACHE=                      - Do not use ccache for compilation"
	$(Q)echo " Q=                           - Show verbose garbage"