#!/bin/bash # netsniff-ng - the packet sniffing beast # By Emmanuel Roullit <emmanuel@netsniff-ng.org> # Copyright 2009, 2011 Emmanuel Roullit. # Subject to the GPL, version 2. cc="gcc" nacl_dir="/tmp" nacl_version="nacl-20110221" nacl_suffix="tar.bz2" nacl_base_url="http://hyperelliptic.org/nacl" nacl_path="$nacl_dir/$nacl_version.$nacl_suffix" nacl_build_dir="$1" if test -z "$nacl_build_dir"; then echo "Please input the path where NaCl should be build" exit 1 fi if ! test -d "$nacl_build_dir"; then mkdir "$nacl_build_dir" fi wget -O "$nacl_path" "$nacl_base_url/$nacl_version.$nacl_suffix" tar xjf "$nacl_path" -C "$nacl_build_dir" $cc -Wall -O2 ./abiname.c -o ./abiname arch="`./abiname`" shorthostname=$(hostname | sed 's/\..*//' | tr -cd '[a-z][A-Z][0-9]') echo "Building NaCl for arch $arch on host $shorthostname (grab a coffee, this takes a while) ..." cd "$nacl_build_dir"/"$nacl_version" ./do cd - > /dev/null nacl_lib_path="$nacl_build_dir/$nacl_version/build/$shorthostname/lib/$arch" nacl_include_path="$nacl_build_dir/$nacl_version/build/$shorthostname/include/$arch" echo "NaCl lib path $nacl_lib_path" echo "NaCl include path $nacl_include_path" ./nacl_path.sh "$nacl_include_path" "$nacl_lib_path" echo "Done!"