/* * Mausezahn - A fast versatile traffic generator * Copyright (C) 2008-2010 Herbert Haas * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the * Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more * details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with * this program; if not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html * */ #include "mz.h" #include "cli.h" #include "mops.h" int cmd_lldp_conformance (struct cli_def *cli, const char *command, char *argv[], int argc) { struct mops_ext_lldp * pd = clipkt->p_desc; if ( (strcmp(argv[argc-1],"?")==0) || (argc!=1)) { cli_print(cli, "Enables or disables LLDP standard conformance mode.\n"); cli_print(cli, "Keywords: enable | disable\n"); cli_print(cli, "Per default, standard LLDP messages are created which require a fixed\r"); cli_print(cli, "order of the mandatory TLVs. If the standard conformance mode is disabled\r"); cli_print(cli, "then you can configure an arbitrary sequence of LLDP TLVs. \n"); cli_print(cli, "Currently, the LLDP standard conformance mode is %s\n", (pd->non_conform) ? "DISABLED" : "ENABLED"); return CLI_OK; } if (mz_strcmp(argv[0], "enable", 1)==0) { pd->non_conform = 0; return CLI_OK; } if (mz_strcmp(argv[0], "disable", 1)==0) { pd->non_conform = 1; return CLI_OK; } cli_print(cli, "Enter enable or disable\n"); return CLI_OK; } int cmd_lldp_chassis_id (struct cli_def *cli, const char *command, char *argv[], int argc) { struct mops_ext_lldp * pd = clipkt->p_desc; int subtype = 4; char *cid; int cl, cidl; u_int8_t tmp[512]; if ( (strcmp(argv[argc-1],"?")==0) || (argc>2)) { cli_print(cli, "Configure a Chassis ID TLV.\n"); cli_print(cli, "ARGUMENTS: [] \n"); cli_print(cli, "By default the is of kind 'mac address (4)' and the \r"); cli_print(cli, "must be a hexadecimal string (e. g. 00:01:ca:fe:de:ad) of max 255 bytes\n"); return CLI_OK; } if (argc==2) { subtype = (int) str2int(argv[0]); if ((subtype>255) || (mz_strisnum(argv[0])==0)) { cli_print(cli, "Invalid subtype\n"); return CLI_OK; } cid = argv[1]; } else cid = argv[0]; cl=strnlen(cid, 1024); if (cl>=1024) { cli_print(cli, "Chassis-ID too long\n"); return CLI_OK; } else cidl=str2hex(cid, tmp, 511); if (pd->non_conform == 0) { pd->chassis_id_subtype = subtype; memcpy((void*) pd->chassis_id, (void*)tmp, cidl); pd->chassis_id_len = cidl; } else { // non_conform mops_lldp_opt_tlv_chassis (clipkt, subtype, cidl, tmp); } return CLI_OK; } int cmd_lldp_port_id (struct cli_def *cli, const char *command, char *argv[], int argc) { struct mops_ext_lldp * pd = clipkt->p_desc; int subtype = 4; char *pid; int pl; if ( (strcmp(argv[argc-1],"?")==0) || (argc>2)) { cli_print(cli, "Configure a Port ID TLV.\n"); cli_print(cli, "ARGUMENTS: [] \n"); cli_print(cli, "By default the is of kind 'Interface name (5)' and the \r"); cli_print(cli, "must be a ascii string (usually the name of the interface e. g. eth3) of\r"); cli_print(cli, "max 255 bytes.\n"); return CLI_OK; } if (argc==2) { subtype = (int) str2int(argv[0]); if ((subtype>255) || (mz_strisnum(argv[0])==0)) { cli_print(cli, "Invalid subtype\n"); return CLI_OK; } pid = argv[1]; } else pid = argv[0]; pl=strnlen(pid, 256); if (pl>255) { cli_print(cli, "Port-ID too long\n"); return CLI_OK; } if (pd->non_conform == 0) { pd->port_id_subtype = subtype; memcpy((void*) pd->port_id, (void*) pid, pl); pd->port_id_len = pl; } else { // non_conform mops_lldp_opt_tlv_port (clipkt, subtype, pl, (u_int8_t*) pid); } return CLI_OK; } int cmd_lldp_ttl (struct cli_def *cli, const char *command, char *argv[], int argc) { struct mops_ext_lldp * pd = clipkt->p_desc; int ttl; if ( (strcmp(argv[argc-1],"?")==0) || (argc!=1)) { cli_print(cli, "Configure the LLDP TTL.\n"); cli_print(cli, "ARGUMENTS: \n"); cli_print(cli, "The TTL must be within 0..65535\n"); return CLI_OK; } ttl = (int) str2int(argv[0]); if (mz_strisnum(argv[0])==0) { cli_print(cli, "Invalid argument\n"); return CLI_OK; } if (ttl>0xffff) { cli_print(cli, "TTL must be within 0..65535\n"); return CLI_OK; } if (pd->non_conform == 0) { pd->TTL = ttl; } else { // non_conform mops_lldp_opt_tlv_TTL (clipkt, ttl); } return CLI_OK; } int cmd_lldp_vlan (struct cli_def *cli, const char *command, char *argv[], int argc) { int vlan; if ( (strcmp(argv[argc-1],"?")==0) || (argc!=1)) { cli_print(cli, "Configure the LLDP Port VLAN-ID.\n"); cli_print(cli, "ARGUMENTS: \n"); cli_print(cli, "The vlan-id must be within 0..65535\n"); return CLI_OK; } vlan = (int) str2int(argv[0]); if (mz_strisnum(argv[0])==0) { cli_print(cli, "Invalid argument\n"); return CLI_OK; } if (vlan>0xffff) { cli_print(cli, "The VLAN-ID must be within 0..65535\n"); return CLI_OK; } mops_lldp_opt_tlv_vlan (clipkt, vlan); return CLI_OK; } int cmd_lldp_opt_tlv (struct cli_def *cli, const char *command, char *argv[], int argc) { int type=0, len=0; u_int8_t tmp[512]; if ( (strcmp(argv[argc-1],"?")==0) || (argc!=3)) { cli_print(cli, "Configure an arbitrary optional TLV.\n"); cli_print(cli, "ARGUMENTS: ascii|hex \n"); cli_print(cli, "The TLV type must be between 0..127, the value length is up to 511 bytes.\n"); return CLI_OK; } if (mz_strcmp(argv[0], "ascii", 1)==0) { if ((len=strnlen(argv[2],512))>511) { cli_print(cli, " must be smaller or equal 511 characters\n"); return CLI_OK; } mz_strncpy((char*) tmp, argv[2], 511); } else if (mz_strcmp(argv[0], "hex", 1)==0) { len=str2hex(argv[2], tmp, 512); if (len>511) { cli_print(cli, " must be smaller or equal 511 bytes\n"); return CLI_OK; } } type = (int) str2int(argv[1]); if (mz_strisnum(argv[1])==0) { cli_print(cli, "Invalid type\n"); return CLI_OK; } if (type>127) { cli_print(cli, " must be within 0..127\n"); return CLI_OK; } if (mops_lldp_opt_tlv (clipkt, type, len, tmp)==0) cli_print(cli, "Invalid TLV values\n"); return CLI_OK; } int cmd_lldp_opt_tlv_bad (struct cli_def *cli, const char *command, char *argv[], int argc) { int type, len=0, wronglen; u_int8_t tmp[512]; if ( (strcmp(argv[argc-1],"?")==0) || (argc!=4)) { cli_print(cli, "Configure an arbitrary optional *BAD* TLV.\n"); cli_print(cli, "ARGUMENTS: ascii|hex \n"); cli_print(cli, "Using this command you can add a custom TLV with a wrong length parameter.\r"); cli_print(cli, "Such TLV can be used to verify whether LLDP receivers are robust enough\r\r"); cli_print(cli, "since a too small could cause a buffer overflow. The TLV type\r"); cli_print(cli, "must be between 0..127, the can be within 0..511 (and can be\r"); cli_print(cli, "also the true length of course\n"); return CLI_OK; } if (mz_strcmp(argv[0], "ascii", 1)==0) { if ((len=strnlen(argv[3],512))>511) { cli_print(cli, " must be smaller or equal 511 characters\n"); return CLI_OK; } mz_strncpy((char*) tmp, argv[3], 511); } else if (mz_strcmp(argv[0], "hex", 1)==0) { len=str2hex(argv[3], tmp, 512); if (len>511) { cli_print(cli, " must be smaller or equal 511 bytes\n"); return CLI_OK; } } type = (int) str2int(argv[1]); if (mz_strisnum(argv[1])==0) { cli_print(cli, "Invalid type\n"); return CLI_OK; } if (type>127) { cli_print(cli, " must be within 0..127\n"); return CLI_OK; } wronglen = (int) str2int(argv[2]); if (mz_strisnum(argv[2])==0) { cli_print(cli, "Invalid length\n"); return CLI_OK; } if (wronglen>511) { cli_print(cli, " must be within 0..511\n"); return CLI_OK; } if (mops_lldp_opt_tlv_bad (clipkt, type, wronglen, len, tmp)==0) cli_print(cli, "Invalid TLV values\n"); return CLI_OK; } int cmd_lldp_opt_org (struct cli_def *cli, const char *command, char *argv[], int argc) { int subtype, len=0, oui=0; u_int8_t tmp[512]; if ( (strcmp(argv[argc-1],"?")==0) || (argc!=4)) { cli_print(cli, "Configure an organisational TLV.\n"); cli_print(cli, "ARGUMENTS: ascii|hex \n"); cli_print(cli, "Using this command you can add an arbitrary organisational TLV. The represents\r"); cli_print(cli, "the 'Organisational Unique Identifier' and consists of exactly three bytes in hexadecimal\r"); cli_print(cli, "format, such as '00005e' The is a value between <0..255>, and the length of the\r"); cli_print(cli, "value is up to 507 bytes.\n"); return CLI_OK; } if (mz_strcmp(argv[0], "ascii", 1)==0) { if ((len=strnlen(argv[3],512))>511) { cli_print(cli, " must be smaller or equal 511 characters\n"); return CLI_OK; } mz_strncpy((char*) tmp, argv[3], 511); } else if (mz_strcmp(argv[0], "hex", 1)==0) { len=str2hex(argv[3], tmp, 512); if (len>511) { cli_print(cli, " must be smaller or equal 511 bytes\n"); return CLI_OK; } } oui = xstr2int(argv[1]); if (mz_strishex(argv[1])==0) { cli_print(cli, "Invalid oui value\n"); return CLI_OK; } if (oui>0xffffff) { cli_print(cli, " must be within 0..ffffff\n"); return CLI_OK; } subtype = (int) str2int(argv[2]); if (mz_strisnum(argv[2])==0) { cli_print(cli, "Invalid subtype\n"); return CLI_OK; } if (subtype>255) { cli_print(cli, " must be within 0..255\n"); return CLI_OK; } if (mops_lldp_opt_tlv_org (clipkt, oui, subtype, len, tmp)==0) cli_print(cli, "Invalid TLV values\n"); return CLI_OK; } int cmd_lldp_endtlv (struct cli_def *cli, const char *command, char *argv[], int argc) { if ( (strcmp(argv[argc-1],"?")==0) || (argc>0)) { cli_print(cli, "Add an 'End of LLDP' TLV\n"); cli_print(cli, "ARGUMENTS: none\n"); cli_print(cli, "This command allows you to insert an 'End of LLDP' TLV at any\r"); cli_print(cli, "point within the optional TLV list. You usually want this to\r"); cli_print(cli, "create an invalid LLDPU to test the receiver.\n"); return CLI_OK; } mops_lldp_opt_tlv_end (clipkt); return CLI_OK; } int cmd_lldp_reset (struct cli_def *cli, const char *command, char *argv[], int argc) { if ( (strcmp(argv[argc-1],"?")==0) || (argc>0)) { cli_print(cli, "Reset the LLPDU and clear all optional TLVs.\n"); cli_print(cli, "ARGUMENTS: none\n"); cli_print(cli, "All optional TLVs are added in the sequence as you configure them.\r"); cli_print(cli, "Use this command to reset the LLDP and reconfigure all optional\r"); cli_print(cli, "TLVs again. Additionally the parameters of the mandatory TLVs are\r"); cli_print(cli, "reset to defaults.\n"); return CLI_OK; } mops_init_pdesc_lldp(clipkt); return CLI_OK; }