#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "xmalloc.h" #include "die.h" #include "sock.h" #include "stun.h" #define BINDING_REQUEST 0x0001 #define BINDING_RESPONSE 0x0101 #define MAPPED_ADDRESS 0x0001 #define TIMEOUT 5000 #define REQUEST_LEN 20 #define ID_COOKIE_FIELD htonl(((int) 'a' << 24) + \ ((int) 'c' << 16) + \ ((int) 'd' << 8) + \ (int) 'c') struct stun_header { uint16_t type; uint16_t len; uint32_t magic_cookie; uint32_t transid[3]; }; struct stun_attrib { uint16_t type; uint16_t len; uint8_t *value; }; struct stun_mapped_addr { uint8_t none; uint8_t family; uint16_t port; uint32_t ip; }; static int stun_test(const char *server_ip, int server_port, int tun_port) { int ret, sock; uint8_t pkt[256]; uint8_t rpkt[256]; size_t len, off, max; struct in_addr in; struct timeval timeout; struct stun_header *hdr, *rhdr; struct stun_attrib *attr; struct stun_mapped_addr *addr; struct sockaddr_in saddr, daddr; fd_set fdset; if (!server_ip) return -EINVAL; sock = socket(PF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, IPPROTO_UDP); if (sock < 0) panic("Cannot obtain socket!\n"); set_reuseaddr(sock); memset(&saddr, 0, sizeof(saddr)); saddr.sin_family = PF_INET; saddr.sin_port = htons(tun_port); saddr.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY; ret = bind(sock, (struct sockaddr *) &saddr, sizeof(saddr)); if (ret) panic("Cannot bind udp socket!\n"); len = REQUEST_LEN; hdr = (struct stun_header *) pkt; hdr->type = htons(BINDING_REQUEST); hdr->len = 0; hdr->magic_cookie = ID_COOKIE_FIELD; hdr->transid[0] = htonl(rand()); hdr->transid[1] = htonl(rand()); hdr->transid[2] = htonl(rand()); daddr.sin_family = PF_INET; daddr.sin_port = htons(server_port); daddr.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(server_ip); ret = sendto(sock, pkt, len, 0, (struct sockaddr *) &daddr, sizeof(daddr)); if (ret != len) { printf("Error sending request (%s)!\n", strerror(errno)); goto close_error; } timeout.tv_sec = TIMEOUT / 1000; timeout.tv_usec = (TIMEOUT % 1000) * 1000; FD_ZERO(&fdset); FD_SET(sock, &fdset); ret = select(sock + 1, &fdset, NULL, NULL, &timeout); if (ret <= 0) { printf("STUN server timeout!\n"); goto close_error; } memset(rpkt, 0, sizeof(rpkt)); len = read(sock, rpkt, sizeof(rpkt)); close(sock); if (len < REQUEST_LEN) { printf("Bad STUN response (%s)!\n", strerror(errno)); return -EIO; } rhdr = (struct stun_header *) rpkt; if (ntohs(rhdr->type) != BINDING_RESPONSE) { printf("Wrong STUN response type!\n"); return -EIO; } if (rhdr->len == 0) { printf("No attributes in STUN response!\n"); return -EIO; } if (rhdr->magic_cookie != hdr->magic_cookie || rhdr->transid[0] != hdr->transid[0] || rhdr->transid[1] != hdr->transid[1] || rhdr->transid[2] != hdr->transid[2]) { printf("Got wrong STUN transaction id!\n"); return -EIO; } off = REQUEST_LEN; max = ntohs(rhdr->len) + REQUEST_LEN; while (off + 8 < max) { attr = (struct stun_attrib *) (rpkt + off); if (ntohs(attr->type) != MAPPED_ADDRESS) goto next; addr = (struct stun_mapped_addr *) (rpkt + off + 4); if (addr->family != 0x1) break; in.s_addr = addr->ip; printf("Public mapping %s:%u!\n", inet_ntoa(in), ntohs(addr->port)); break; next: off += 4; off += ntohs(attr->len); } return 0; close_error: close(sock); return -EIO; } int print_stun_probe(char *server, int sport, int tport) { char *address; struct hostent *hp; printf("STUN on %s:%u\n", server, sport); srand(time(NULL)); hp = gethostbyname(server); if (!hp) return -EIO; address = inet_ntoa(*(struct in_addr *) hp->h_addr_list[0]); return stun_test(address, sport, tport); } ews' onchange='this.form.submit();'>mode:
authorArd Biesheuvel <ard.biesheuvel@linaro.org>2017-02-03 09:54:07 +0000
committerLinus Torvalds <torvalds@linux-foundation.org>2017-02-03 08:28:25 -0800
commit4b9eee96fcb361a5e16a8d2619825e8a048f81f7 (patch)
tree1347fe88fba35018e2d9f14be79a7feb29e75151 /include
parent71810db27c1c853b335675bee335d893bc3d324b (diff)
module: unify absolute krctab definitions for 32-bit and 64-bit
The previous patch introduced a separate inline asm version of the krcrctab declaration template for use with 64-bit architectures, which cannot refer to ELF symbols using 32-bit quantities. This declaration should be equivalent to the C one for 32-bit architectures, but just in case - unify them in a separate patch, which can simply be dropped if it turns out to break anything. Signed-off-by: Ard Biesheuvel <ard.biesheuvel@linaro.org> Signed-off-by: Linus Torvalds <torvalds@linux-foundation.org>
Diffstat (limited to 'include')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 7 deletions
diff --git a/include/linux/export.h b/include/linux/export.h