/* * netsniff-ng - the packet sniffing beast * By Daniel Borkmann * Copyright 2012 Daniel Borkmann , * Swiss federal institute of technology (ETH Zurich) * Subject to the GPL, version 2. */ /* lex-func-prefix: yy */ %{ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "trafgen_parser.tab.h" #include "xmalloc.h" #include "built_in.h" #include "str.h" extern void yyerror(const char *); static char *try_convert_shellcode(char *sstr) { bool found_any = false; char *bstr, *ostr = sstr, *hay, *orig = sstr; size_t j = 0, blen, slen = strlen(sstr), tot = 0; const char *needle = "\\x"; sstr++; slen -= 2; if (slen % 4 != 0) return orig; blen = slen / 4; hay = sstr; while ((hay = strstr(hay, needle)) != NULL ) { hay += strlen(needle) + 2; found_any = true; tot++; } if (blen != tot || !found_any) return orig; blen += 2; bstr = xzmalloc(blen); bstr[j++] = '\"'; while (j < blen - 1) bstr[j++] = (uint8_t) strtoul(sstr + 2, &sstr, 16); bstr[j++] = '\"'; xfree(ostr); return bstr; } %} %option align %option nounput %option noyywrap %option noreject %option 8bit %option caseless %option noinput %option nodefault number_oct ([0][0-9]+) number_hex ([0]?[x][a-fA-F0-9]+) number_bin ([0]?[b][0-1]+) number_dec (([0])|([1-9][0-9]*)) number_ascii ([a-zA-Z]) a_hex ([a-fA-F0-9]+) mac ({a_hex}:{a_hex}:{a_hex}:{a_hex}:{a_hex}:{a_hex}) ip4_addr ([0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+) /* We're very permissive about IPv6 addresses the grammar accepts, as * they can come in various different formats. In any case, * inet_pton(AF_INET6, ...) will reject the invalid ones later on. */ ip6_addr (({a_hex}?:)?({a_hex}?:)?({a_hex}?:)?({a_hex}?:)?({a_hex}?:)?({a_hex}?:)?({a_hex}?:)?({a_hex})?) %% "cpu" { return K_CPU; } "fill" { return K_FILL; } "rnd" { return K_RND; } "csum16" { return K_CSUMIP; } "csumip" { return K_CSUMIP; } "csumip4" { return K_CSUMIP; } "csumicmp" { return K_CSUMIP; } "csumicmp4" { return K_CSUMIP; } "csumudp" { return K_CSUMUDP; } "csumtcp" { return K_CSUMTCP; } "csumudp6" { return K_CSUMUDP6; } "csumtcp6" { return K_CSUMTCP6; } "drnd" { return K_DRND; } "dinc" { return K_DINC; } "ddec" { return K_DDEC; } "seqinc" { return K_SEQINC; } "seqdec" { return K_SEQDEC; } "const8"|"c8" { return K_CONST8; } "const16"|"c16" { return K_CONST16; } "const32"|"c32" { return K_CONST32; } "const64"|"c64" { return K_CONST64; } "prot"[o]? { return K_PROT; } "tc"|"tclass" { return K_TC; } /* Ethernet */ "daddr"|"da" { return K_DADDR; } "saddr"|"sa" { return K_SADDR; } "etype" { return K_ETYPE; } "type" { return K_TYPE; } /* PFC/IEEE 802.3X PAUSE */ "time" { return K_TIME; } "pri"|"prio" { return K_PRIO; } /* VLAN (802.1Q & 802.1ad) */ "tpid" { return K_TPID; } "tci" { return K_TCI; } "pcp" { return K_PCP; } "dei"|"cfi" { return K_DEI; } "1ad" { return K_1AD; } "1q" { return K_1Q; } /* MPLS (Multi Protocol Label Switching) */ "lbl"|"label" { return K_LABEL; } "last" { return K_LAST; } "exp" { return K_EXP; } /* ARP */ "sha"|"smac" { return K_SHA; } "spa"|"sip" { return K_SPA; } "tha"|"tmac" { return K_THA; } "tpa"|"tip" { return K_TPA; } "req"|"request" { return K_REQUEST; } "reply" { return K_REPLY; } "op"|"oper" { return K_OPER; } "htype" { return K_HTYPE; } "ptype" { return K_PTYPE; } /* IPv4 */ "ihl" { return K_IHL; } "ver"|"version" { return K_VER; } "ttl" { return K_TTL; } "dscp" { return K_DSCP; } "ecn" { return K_ECN; } "tos" { return K_TOS; } "len"|"length" { return K_LEN; } "id" { return K_ID; } "flags" { return K_FLAGS; } "frag" { return K_FRAG; } "csum" { return K_CSUM; } "df" { return K_DF; } "mf" { return K_MF; } /* IPv6 */ "fl"|"flow" { return K_FLOW; } "nh"|"nexthdr" { return K_NEXT_HDR; } "hl"|"hoplimit" { return K_HOP_LIMIT; } /* ICMPv4 */ "addr" { return K_ADDR; } "mtu" { return K_MTU; } /* ICMPv6 */ "code" { return K_CODE; } "echorequest" { return K_ECHO_REQUEST; } "echoreply" { return K_ECHO_REPLY; } /* UDP */ "sp"|"sport" { return K_SPORT; } "dp"|"dport" { return K_DPORT; } /* TCP */ "seq" { return K_SEQ; } "ackseq"|"aseq" { return K_ACK_SEQ; } "doff"|hlen { return K_DOFF; } "cwr" { return K_CWR; } "ece"|"ecn" { return K_ECE; } "urg" { return K_URG; } "ack" { return K_ACK; } "psh" { return K_PSH; } "rst" { return K_RST; } "syn" { return K_SYN; } "fin" { return K_FIN; } "win"|"window" { return K_WINDOW; } "urgptr" { return K_URG_PTR; } "eth" { return K_ETH; } "pause" { return K_PAUSE; } "pfc" { return K_PFC; } "vlan" { return K_VLAN; } "mpls" { return K_MPLS; } "arp" { return K_ARP; } "ip4"|"ipv4" { return K_IP4; } "ip6"|"ipv6" { return K_IP6; } "icmp4"|"icmpv4" { return K_ICMP4; } "icmp6"|"icmpv6" { return K_ICMP6; } "udp" { return K_UDP; } "tcp" { return K_TCP; } [ ]*"-"[ ]* { return '-'; } [ ]*"+"[ ]* { return '+'; } [ ]*"*"[ ]* { return '*'; } [ ]*"/"[ ]* { return '/'; } [ ]*"%"[ ]* { return '%'; } [ ]*"&"[ ]* { return '&'; } [ ]*"|"[ ]* { return '|'; } [ ]*"<"[ ]* { return '<'; } [ ]*">"[ ]* { return '>'; } [ ]*"^"[ ]* { return '^'; } "{" { return '{'; } "}" { return '}'; } "(" { return '('; } ")" { return ')'; } "[" { return '['; } "]" { return ']'; } "," { return ','; } ":" { return ':'; } "=" { return '='; } "\n" { yylineno++; } "\""[^\"]+"\"" { yylval.str = try_convert_shellcode(xstrdup(yytext)); return string; } ([ \t\n]+)? { return K_WHITE; } "/*"([^\*]|\*[^/])*"*/" { return K_COMMENT; } "#"[^\n]* { return K_COMMENT; } {number_hex} { yylval.number = strtoul(yytext + (yytext[0] == 'x' ? 1 : 0), NULL, 16); return number; } {number_dec} { yylval.number = strtol(yytext, NULL, 10); return number; } {number_oct} { yylval.number = strtol(yytext + 1, NULL, 8); return number; } {number_bin} { yylval.number = strtol(yytext + (yytext[0] == 'b' ? 1 : 2), NULL, 2); return number; } {number_ascii} { yylval.number = (uint8_t) (*yytext); return number; } {mac} { if (str2mac(yytext, yylval.bytes, 256)) panic("Failed to parse MAC address %s\n", yytext); return mac; } {ip4_addr} { if (inet_pton(AF_INET, yytext, &yylval.ip4_addr) != 1) panic("Failed to parse IPv4 address %s\n", yytext); return ip4_addr; }; {ip6_addr} { if (inet_pton(AF_INET6, yytext, &yylval.ip6_addr) != 1) panic("Failed to parse IPv6 address %s\n", yytext); return ip6_addr; }; "'\\x"[a-fA-F0-9]{2}"'" { yylval.number = strtol(yytext + 3, NULL, 16); return number; } "'"."'" { yylval.number = (uint8_t) (*(yytext + 1)); return number; } ";"[^\n]* {/* NOP */} . { printf("Unknown character '%s'", yytext); yyerror("lex Unknown character"); } %% les were never present or lost, but the code is there and they seem somewhat useful, so add them back. Signed-off-by: Johannes Berg <johannes.berg@intel.com>
Diffstat (limited to 'include/dt-bindings/input/input.h')