/* * netsniff-ng - the packet sniffing beast * By Daniel Borkmann * Copyright 2012 Daniel Borkmann , * Swiss federal institute of technology (ETH Zurich) * Subject to the GPL, version 2. */ /* lex-func-prefix: yy */ %{ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "trafgen_parser.tab.h" #include "xmalloc.h" #include "built_in.h" #include "str.h" extern void yyerror(const char *); static char *try_convert_shellcode(char *sstr) { bool found_any = false; char *bstr, *ostr = sstr, *hay, *orig = sstr; size_t j = 0, blen, slen = strlen(sstr), tot = 0; const char *needle = "\\x"; sstr++; slen -= 2; if (slen % 4 != 0) return orig; blen = slen / 4; hay = sstr; while ((hay = strstr(hay, needle)) != NULL ) { hay += strlen(needle) + 2; found_any = true; tot++; } if (blen != tot || !found_any) return orig; blen += 2; bstr = xzmalloc(blen); bstr[j++] = '\"'; while (j < blen - 1) bstr[j++] = (uint8_t) strtoul(sstr + 2, &sstr, 16); bstr[j++] = '\"'; xfree(ostr); return bstr; } %} %option align %option nounput %option noyywrap %option noreject %option 8bit %option caseless %option noinput %option nodefault number_oct ([0][0-9]+) number_hex ([0]?[x][a-fA-F0-9]+) number_bin ([0]?[b][0-1]+) number_dec (([0])|([1-9][0-9]*)) number_ascii ([a-zA-Z]) /* rules taken from nftables scanner.l */ hex4 ([[:xdigit:]]{1,4}) v680 (({hex4}:){7}{hex4}) v670 ((:)((:{hex4}){7})) v671 ((({hex4}:){1})((:{hex4}){6})) v672 ((({hex4}:){2})((:{hex4}){5})) v673 ((({hex4}:){3})((:{hex4}){4})) v674 ((({hex4}:){4})((:{hex4}){3})) v675 ((({hex4}:){5})((:{hex4}){2})) v676 ((({hex4}:){6})(:{hex4}{1})) v677 ((({hex4}:){7})(:)) v67 ({v670}|{v671}|{v672}|{v673}|{v674}|{v675}|{v676}|{v677}) v660 ((:)((:{hex4}){6})) v661 ((({hex4}:){1})((:{hex4}){5})) v662 ((({hex4}:){2})((:{hex4}){4})) v663 ((({hex4}:){3})((:{hex4}){3})) v664 ((({hex4}:){4})((:{hex4}){2})) v665 ((({hex4}:){5})((:{hex4}){1})) v666 ((({hex4}:){6})(:)) v66 ({v660}|{v661}|{v662}|{v663}|{v664}|{v665}|{v666}) v650 ((:)((:{hex4}){5})) v651 ((({hex4}:){1})((:{hex4}){4})) v652 ((({hex4}:){2})((:{hex4}){3})) v653 ((({hex4}:){3})((:{hex4}){2})) v654 ((({hex4}:){4})(:{hex4}{1})) v655 ((({hex4}:){5})(:)) v65 ({v650}|{v651}|{v652}|{v653}|{v654}|{v655}) v640 ((:)((:{hex4}){4})) v641 ((({hex4}:){1})((:{hex4}){3})) v642 ((({hex4}:){2})((:{hex4}){2})) v643 ((({hex4}:){3})((:{hex4}){1})) v644 ((({hex4}:){4})(:)) v64 ({v640}|{v641}|{v642}|{v643}|{v644}) v630 ((:)((:{hex4}){3})) v631 ((({hex4}:){1})((:{hex4}){2})) v632 ((({hex4}:){2})((:{hex4}){1})) v633 ((({hex4}:){3})(:)) v63 ({v630}|{v631}|{v632}|{v633}) v620 ((:)((:{hex4}){2})) v621 ((({hex4}:){1})((:{hex4}){1})) v622 ((({hex4}:){2})(:)) v62 ({v620}|{v621}|{v622}) v610 ((:)(:{hex4}{1})) v611 ((({hex4}:){1})(:)) v61 ({v610}|{v611}) v60 (::) a_hex ([a-fA-F0-9]+) mac ({a_hex}:{a_hex}:{a_hex}:{a_hex}:{a_hex}:{a_hex}) ip4_addr ([0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+) ip6_addr ({v680}|{v67}|{v66}|{v65}|{v64}|{v63}|{v62}|{v61}|{v60}) %% "cpu" { return K_CPU; } "fill" { return K_FILL; } "rnd" { return K_RND; } "csum16" { return K_CSUMIP; } "csumip" { return K_CSUMIP; } "csumip4" { return K_CSUMIP; } "csumicmp" { return K_CSUMIP; } "csumicmp4" { return K_CSUMIP; } "csumudp" { return K_CSUMUDP; } "csumtcp" { return K_CSUMTCP; } "csumudp6" { return K_CSUMUDP6; } "csumtcp6" { return K_CSUMTCP6; } "drnd" { return K_DRND; } "dinc" { return K_DINC; } "ddec" { return K_DDEC; } "seqinc" { return K_SEQINC; } "seqdec" { return K_SEQDEC; } "const8"|"c8" { return K_CONST8; } "const16"|"c16" { return K_CONST16; } "const32"|"c32" { return K_CONST32; } "const64"|"c64" { return K_CONST64; } "prot"[o]? { return K_PROT; } "tc"|"tclass" { return K_TC; } /* Ethernet */ "daddr"|"da" { return K_DADDR; } "saddr"|"sa" { return K_SADDR; } "etype" { return K_ETYPE; } "type" { return K_TYPE; } /* PFC/IEEE 802.3X PAUSE */ "time" { return K_TIME; } "pri"|"prio" { return K_PRIO; } /* VLAN (802.1Q & 802.1ad) */ "tpid" { return K_TPID; } "tci" { return K_TCI; } "pcp" { return K_PCP; } "dei"|"cfi" { return K_DEI; } "1ad" { return K_1AD; } "1q" { return K_1Q; } /* MPLS (Multi Protocol Label Switching) */ "lbl"|"label" { return K_LABEL; } "last" { return K_LAST; } "exp" { return K_EXP; } /* ARP */ "sha"|"smac" { return K_SHA; } "spa"|"sip" { return K_SPA; } "tha"|"tmac" { return K_THA; } "tpa"|"tip" { return K_TPA; } "req"|"request" { return K_REQUEST; } "reply" { return K_REPLY; } "op"|"oper" { return K_OPER; } "htype" { return K_HTYPE; } "ptype" { return K_PTYPE; } /* IPv4 */ "ihl" { return K_IHL; } "ver"|"version" { return K_VER; } "ttl" { return K_TTL; } "dscp" { return K_DSCP; } "ecn" { return K_ECN; } "tos" { return K_TOS; } "len"|"length" { return K_LEN; } "id" { return K_ID; } "flags" { return K_FLAGS; } "frag" { return K_FRAG; } "csum" { return K_CSUM; } "df" { return K_DF; } "mf" { return K_MF; } /* IPv6 */ "fl"|"flow" { return K_FLOW; } "nh"|"nexthdr" { return K_NEXT_HDR; } "hl"|"hoplimit" { return K_HOP_LIMIT; } /* ICMPv4 */ "addr" { return K_ADDR; } "mtu" { return K_MTU; } /* ICMPv6 */ "code" { return K_CODE; } "echorequest" { return K_ECHO_REQUEST; } "echoreply" { return K_ECHO_REPLY; } /* UDP */ "sp"|"sport" { return K_SPORT; } "dp"|"dport" { return K_DPORT; } /* TCP */ "seq" { return K_SEQ; } "ackseq"|"aseq" { return K_ACK_SEQ; } "doff"|hlen { return K_DOFF; } "cwr" { return K_CWR; } "ece"|"ecn" { return K_ECE; } "urg" { return K_URG; } "ack" { return K_ACK; } "psh" { return K_PSH; } "rst" { return K_RST; } "syn" { return K_SYN; } "fin" { return K_FIN; } "win"|"window" { return K_WINDOW; } "urgptr" { return K_URG_PTR; } "eth" { return K_ETH; } "pause" { return K_PAUSE; } "pfc" { return K_PFC; } "vlan" { return K_VLAN; } "mpls" { return K_MPLS; } "arp" { return K_ARP; } "ip4"|"ipv4" { return K_IP4; } "ip6"|"ipv6" { return K_IP6; } "icmp4"|"icmpv4" { return K_ICMP4; } "icmp6"|"icmpv6" { return K_ICMP6; } "udp" { return K_UDP; } "tcp" { return K_TCP; } [ ]*"-"[ ]* { return '-'; } [ ]*"+"[ ]* { return '+'; } [ ]*"*"[ ]* { return '*'; } [ ]*"/"[ ]* { return '/'; } [ ]*"%"[ ]* { return '%'; } [ ]*"&"[ ]* { return '&'; } [ ]*"|"[ ]* { return '|'; } [ ]*"<"[ ]* { return '<'; } [ ]*">"[ ]* { return '>'; } [ ]*"^"[ ]* { return '^'; } "{" { return '{'; } "}" { return '}'; } "(" { return '('; } ")" { return ')'; } "[" { return '['; } "]" { return ']'; } "," { return ','; } ":" { return ':'; } "=" { return '='; } "\n" { yylineno++; } "\""[^\"]+"\"" { yylval.str = try_convert_shellcode(xstrdup(yytext)); return string; } ([ \t\n]+)? { return K_WHITE; } "/*"([^\*]|\*[^/])*"*/" { return K_COMMENT; } "#"[^\n]* { return K_COMMENT; } {number_hex} { yylval.number = strtoul(yytext + (yytext[0] == 'x' ? 1 : 0), NULL, 16); return number; } {number_dec} { yylval.number = strtol(yytext, NULL, 10); return number; } {number_oct} { yylval.number = strtol(yytext + 1, NULL, 8); return number; } {number_bin} { yylval.number = strtol(yytext + (yytext[0] == 'b' ? 1 : 2), NULL, 2); return number; } {number_ascii} { yylval.number = (uint8_t) (*yytext); return number; } {mac} { if (str2mac(yytext, yylval.mac, 6)) panic("Failed to parse MAC address %s\n", yytext); return mac; } {ip4_addr} { if (inet_pton(AF_INET, yytext, &yylval.ip4_addr) != 1) panic("Failed to parse IPv4 address %s\n", yytext); return ip4_addr; }; {ip6_addr} { if (inet_pton(AF_INET6, yytext, &yylval.ip6_addr) != 1) panic("Failed to parse IPv6 address %s\n", yytext); return ip6_addr; }; "'\\x"[a-fA-F0-9]{2}"'" { yylval.number = strtol(yytext + 3, NULL, 16); return number; } "'"."'" { yylval.number = (uint8_t) (*(yytext + 1)); return number; } ";"[^\n]* {/* NOP */} . { printf("Unknown character '%s'", yytext); yyerror("lex Unknown character"); } %% early has happened before in other places. [ Reported it originally to the i915 developers on Jan 8, applying the ugly workaround on my own now after triggering the problem for the second time with no feedback. This is likely to be the same bug reported as https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=98829 https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=99134 which has a patch for the underlying problem, but it hasn't gotten to me, so I'm applying the workaround. ] Cc: Daniel Vetter <daniel.vetter@intel.com> Cc: Jani Nikula <jani.nikula@linux.intel.com> Cc: Ville Syrjälä <ville.syrjala@linux.intel.com> Cc: Chris Wilson <chris@chris-wilson.co.uk> Cc: Maarten Lankhorst <maarten.lankhorst@linux.intel.com> Cc: Tvrtko Ursulin <tvrtko.ursulin@intel.com> Cc: Imre Deak <imre.deak@intel.com> Signed-off-by: Linus Torvalds <torvalds@linux-foundation.org>
Diffstat (limited to 'net/tipc/bearer.h')