/* * netsniff-ng - the packet sniffing beast * By Daniel Borkmann * Copyright 2012 Daniel Borkmann , * Swiss federal institute of technology (ETH Zurich) * Subject to the GPL, version 2. */ /* yaac-func-prefix: yy */ %{ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "xmalloc.h" #include "trafgen_parser.tab.h" #include "trafgen_conf.h" #include "trafgen_proto.h" #include "trafgen_l2.h" #include "trafgen_l3.h" #include "trafgen_l4.h" #include "built_in.h" #include "die.h" #include "str.h" #include "csum.h" #include "cpp.h" #define YYERROR_VERBOSE 0 #define YYDEBUG 0 #define YYENABLE_NLS 1 #define YYLTYPE_IS_TRIVIAL 1 #define ENABLE_NLS 1 extern FILE *yyin; extern int yylex(void); extern void yy_scan_string(char *); extern void yylex_destroy(); extern void yyerror(const char *); extern int yylineno; extern char *yytext; extern struct packet *packets; extern size_t plen; #define packet_last (plen - 1) #define payload_last (packets[packet_last].len - 1) extern struct packet_dyn *packet_dyn; extern size_t dlen; #define packetd_last (dlen - 1) #define packetdc_last (packet_dyn[packetd_last].clen - 1) #define packetdr_last (packet_dyn[packetd_last].rlen - 1) #define packetds_last (packet_dyn[packetd_last].slen - 1) static int our_cpu, min_cpu = -1, max_cpu = -1; static struct proto_hdr *hdr; static inline int test_ignore(void) { if (min_cpu < 0 && max_cpu < 0) return 0; else if (max_cpu >= our_cpu && min_cpu <= our_cpu) return 0; else return 1; } static inline void __init_new_packet_slot(struct packet *slot) { slot->payload = NULL; slot->len = 0; } static inline void __init_new_counter_slot(struct packet_dyn *slot) { slot->cnt = NULL; slot->clen = 0; } static inline void __init_new_randomizer_slot(struct packet_dyn *slot) { slot->rnd = NULL; slot->rlen = 0; } static inline void __init_new_csum_slot(struct packet_dyn *slot) { slot->csum = NULL; slot->slen = 0; } static inline void __setup_new_counter(struct counter *c, uint8_t start, uint8_t stop, uint8_t stepping, int type) { c->min = start; c->max = stop; c->inc = stepping; c->val = (type == TYPE_INC) ? start : stop; c->off = payload_last; c->type = type; } static inline void __setup_new_randomizer(struct randomizer *r) { r->off = payload_last; } static inline void __setup_new_csum16(struct csum16 *s, off_t from, off_t to, enum csum which) { s->off = payload_last - 1; s->from = from; s->to = to; s->which = which; } static void realloc_packet(void) { if (test_ignore()) return; plen++; packets = xrealloc(packets, plen * sizeof(*packets)); __init_new_packet_slot(&packets[packet_last]); dlen++; packet_dyn = xrealloc(packet_dyn, dlen * sizeof(*packet_dyn)); __init_new_counter_slot(&packet_dyn[packetd_last]); __init_new_randomizer_slot(&packet_dyn[packetd_last]); __init_new_csum_slot(&packet_dyn[packetd_last]); } struct packet *current_packet(void) { return &packets[packet_last]; } uint32_t current_packet_id(void) { return packet_last; } struct packet *packet_get(uint32_t id) { return &packets[id]; } static void set_byte(uint8_t val) { struct packet *pkt = &packets[packet_last]; if (test_ignore()) return; pkt->len++; pkt->payload = xrealloc(pkt->payload, pkt->len); pkt->payload[payload_last] = val; } static void set_multi_byte(uint8_t *s, size_t len) { size_t i; for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) set_byte(s[i]); } void set_fill(uint8_t val, size_t len) { size_t i; struct packet *pkt = &packets[packet_last]; if (test_ignore()) return; pkt->len += len; pkt->payload = xrealloc(pkt->payload, pkt->len); for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) pkt->payload[payload_last - i] = val; } static void __set_csum16_dynamic(size_t from, size_t to, enum csum which) { struct packet *pkt = &packets[packet_last]; struct packet_dyn *pktd = &packet_dyn[packetd_last]; pkt->len += 2; pkt->payload = xrealloc(pkt->payload, pkt->len); pktd->slen++; pktd->csum = xrealloc(pktd->csum, pktd->slen * sizeof(struct csum16)); __setup_new_csum16(&pktd->csum[packetds_last], from, to, which); } static void __set_csum16_static(size_t from, size_t to, enum csum which __maybe_unused) { struct packet *pkt = &packets[packet_last]; uint16_t sum; uint8_t *psum; sum = htons(calc_csum(pkt->payload + from, to - from)); psum = (uint8_t *) ∑ set_byte(psum[0]); set_byte(psum[1]); } static inline bool is_dynamic_csum(enum csum which) { switch (which) { case CSUM_UDP: case CSUM_TCP: case CSUM_UDP6: case CSUM_TCP6: return true; default: return false; } } static void set_csum16(size_t from, size_t to, enum csum which) { struct packet *pkt = &packets[packet_last]; struct packet_dyn *pktd = &packet_dyn[packetd_last]; if (test_ignore()) return; if (to < from) { size_t tmp = to; to = from; from = tmp; } bug_on(!(from < to)); if (packet_dyn_has_elems(pktd) || to >= pkt->len || is_dynamic_csum(which)) __set_csum16_dynamic(from, to, which); else __set_csum16_static(from, to, which); } static void set_rnd(size_t len) { size_t i; struct packet *pkt = &packets[packet_last]; if (test_ignore()) return; pkt->len += len; pkt->payload = xrealloc(pkt->payload, pkt->len); for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) pkt->payload[payload_last - i] = (uint8_t) rand(); } static void set_sequential_inc(uint8_t start, size_t len, uint8_t stepping) { size_t i; struct packet *pkt = &packets[packet_last]; if (test_ignore()) return; pkt->len += len; pkt->payload = xrealloc(pkt->payload, pkt->len); for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) { off_t off = len - 1 - i; pkt->payload[payload_last - off] = start; start += stepping; } } static void set_sequential_dec(uint8_t start, size_t len, uint8_t stepping) { size_t i; struct packet *pkt = &packets[packet_last]; if (test_ignore()) return; pkt->len += len; pkt->payload = xrealloc(pkt->payload, pkt->len); for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) { int off = len - 1 - i; pkt->payload[payload_last - off] = start; start -= stepping; } } static void set_dynamic_rnd(void) { struct packet *pkt = &packets[packet_last]; struct packet_dyn *pktd = &packet_dyn[packetd_last]; if (test_ignore()) return; pkt->len++; pkt->payload = xrealloc(pkt->payload, pkt->len); pktd->rlen++; pktd->rnd = xrealloc(pktd->rnd, pktd->rlen * sizeof(struct randomizer)); __setup_new_randomizer(&pktd->rnd[packetdr_last]); } static void set_dynamic_incdec(uint8_t start, uint8_t stop, uint8_t stepping, int type) { struct packet *pkt = &packets[packet_last]; struct packet_dyn *pktd = &packet_dyn[packetd_last]; if (test_ignore()) return; pkt->len++; pkt->payload = xrealloc(pkt->payload, pkt->len); pktd->clen++; pktd->cnt = xrealloc(pktd->cnt, pktd->clen * sizeof(struct counter)); __setup_new_counter(&pktd->cnt[packetdc_last], start, stop, stepping, type); } static void proto_add(enum proto_id pid) { hdr = proto_header_init(pid); } %} %union { struct in_addr ip4_addr; struct in6_addr ip6_addr; long long int number; uint8_t bytes[256]; char *str; } %token K_COMMENT K_FILL K_RND K_SEQINC K_SEQDEC K_DRND K_DINC K_DDEC K_WHITE %token K_CPU K_CSUMIP K_CSUMUDP K_CSUMTCP K_CSUMUDP6 K_CSUMTCP6 K_CONST8 K_CONST16 K_CONST32 K_CONST64 %token K_DADDR K_SADDR K_ETYPE K_TYPE %token K_OPER K_SHA K_SPA K_THA K_TPA K_REQUEST K_REPLY K_PTYPE K_HTYPE %token K_PROT K_TTL K_DSCP K_ECN K_TOS K_LEN K_ID K_FLAGS K_FRAG K_IHL K_VER K_CSUM K_DF K_MF %token K_FLOW K_NEXT_HDR K_HOP_LIMIT %token K_CODE K_ECHO_REQUEST K_ECHO_REPLY %token K_SPORT K_DPORT %token K_SEQ K_ACK_SEQ K_DOFF K_CWR K_ECE K_URG K_ACK K_PSH K_RST K_SYN K_FIN K_WINDOW K_URG_PTR %token K_TPID K_TCI K_PCP K_DEI K_1Q K_1AD %token K_LABEL K_TC K_LAST K_EXP %token K_ADDR K_MTU %token K_ETH %token K_VLAN K_MPLS %token K_ARP %token K_IP4 K_IP6 %token K_ICMP4 K_ICMP6 %token K_UDP K_TCP %token ',' '{' '}' '(' ')' '[' ']' ':' '-' '+' '*' '/' '%' '&' '|' '<' '>' '^' %token number string mac ip4_addr ip6_addr %type number expression %type string %type mac %type ip4_addr %type ip6_addr %left '-' '+' '*' '/' '%' '&' '|' '<' '>' '^' %% packets : { } | packets packet { } | packets inline_comment { } | packets K_WHITE { } ; inline_comment : K_COMMENT { } ; cpu_delim : ':' { } | '-' { } ; delimiter_nowhite : ',' { } | ',' K_WHITE { } ; noenforce_white : { } | K_WHITE { } | delimiter_nowhite { } ; skip_white : { } | K_WHITE { } ; packet : '{' noenforce_white payload noenforce_white '}' { min_cpu = max_cpu = -1; proto_packet_finish(); realloc_packet(); } | K_CPU '(' number cpu_delim number ')' ':' noenforce_white '{' noenforce_white payload noenforce_white '}' { min_cpu = $3; max_cpu = $5; if (min_cpu > max_cpu) { int tmp = min_cpu; min_cpu = max_cpu; max_cpu = tmp; } proto_packet_finish(); realloc_packet(); } | K_CPU '(' number ')' ':' noenforce_white '{' noenforce_white payload noenforce_white '}' { min_cpu = max_cpu = $3; proto_packet_finish(); realloc_packet(); } ; payload : elem { } | payload elem_delimiter { } ; delimiter : delimiter_nowhite { } | K_WHITE { } ; elem_delimiter : delimiter elem { } ; elem : number { set_byte((uint8_t) $1); } | string { set_multi_byte((uint8_t *) $1 + 1, strlen($1) - 2); } | fill { } | rnd { } | drnd { } | seqinc { } | seqdec { } | dinc { } | ddec { } | csum { } | const { } | proto { proto_header_finish(hdr); } | inline_comment { } ; expression : number { $$ = $1; } | expression '+' expression { $$ = $1 + $3; } | expression '-' expression { $$ = $1 - $3; } | expression '*' expression { $$ = $1 * $3; } | expression '/' expression { $$ = $1 / $3; } | expression '%' expression { $$ = $1 % $3; } | expression '&' expression { $$ = $1 & $3; } | expression '|' expression { $$ = $1 | $3; } | expression '^' expression { $$ = $1 ^ $3; } | expression '<' '<' expression { $$ = $1 << $4; } | expression '>' '>' expression { $$ = $1 >> $4; } | '-' expression { $$ = -1 * $2; } | '(' expression ')' { $$ = $2;} ; fill : K_FILL '(' number delimiter number ')' { set_fill($3, $5); } ; const : K_CONST8 '(' expression ')' { set_byte((uint8_t) $3); } | K_CONST16 '(' expression ')' { uint16_t __c = cpu_to_be16((uint16_t) $3); set_multi_byte((uint8_t *) &__c, sizeof(__c)); } | K_CONST32 '(' expression ')' { uint32_t __c = cpu_to_be32((uint32_t) $3); set_multi_byte((uint8_t *) &__c, sizeof(__c)); } | K_CONST64 '(' expression ')' { uint64_t __c = cpu_to_be64((uint64_t) $3); set_multi_byte((uint8_t *) &__c, sizeof(__c)); } ; rnd : K_RND '(' number ')' { set_rnd($3); } ; csum : K_CSUMIP '(' number delimiter number ')' { set_csum16($3, $5, CSUM_IP); } | K_CSUMTCP '(' number delimiter number ')' { set_csum16($3, $5, CSUM_TCP); } | K_CSUMUDP '(' number delimiter number ')' { set_csum16($3, $5, CSUM_UDP); } | K_CSUMTCP6 '(' number delimiter number ')' { set_csum16($3, $5, CSUM_TCP6); } | K_CSUMUDP6 '(' number delimiter number ')' { set_csum16($3, $5, CSUM_UDP6); } ; seqinc : K_SEQINC '(' number delimiter number ')' { set_sequential_inc($3, $5, 1); } | K_SEQINC '(' number delimiter number delimiter number ')' { set_sequential_inc($3, $5, $7); } ; seqdec : K_SEQDEC '(' number delimiter number ')' { set_sequential_dec($3, $5, 1); } | K_SEQDEC '(' number delimiter number delimiter number ')' { set_sequential_dec($3, $5, $7); } ; drnd : K_DRND '(' ')' { set_dynamic_rnd(); } | K_DRND '(' number ')' { int i, max = $3; for (i = 0; i < max; ++i) set_dynamic_rnd(); } ; dinc : K_DINC '(' number delimiter number ')' { set_dynamic_incdec($3, $5, 1, TYPE_INC); } | K_DINC '(' number delimiter number delimiter number ')' { set_dynamic_incdec($3, $5, $7, TYPE_INC); } ; ddec : K_DDEC '(' number delimiter number ')' { set_dynamic_incdec($3, $5, 1, TYPE_DEC); } | K_DDEC '(' number delimiter number delimiter number ')' { set_dynamic_incdec($3, $5, $7, TYPE_DEC); } ; proto : eth_proto { } | vlan_proto { } | mpls_proto { } | arp_proto { } | ip4_proto { } | ip6_proto { } | icmp4_proto { } | icmpv6_proto { } | udp_proto { } | tcp_proto { } ; eth_proto : eth '(' eth_param_list ')' { } ; eth : K_ETH { proto_add(PROTO_ETH); } ; eth_param_list : { } | eth_field { } | eth_field delimiter eth_param_list { } ; eth_type : K_ETYPE { } | K_TYPE { } | K_PROT { } ; eth_field : K_DADDR skip_white '=' skip_white mac { proto_field_set_bytes(hdr, ETH_DST_ADDR, $5); } | K_SADDR skip_white '=' skip_white mac { proto_field_set_bytes(hdr, ETH_SRC_ADDR, $5); } | eth_type skip_white '=' skip_white number { proto_field_set_be16(hdr, ETH_TYPE, $5); } ; vlan_proto : vlan '(' vlan_param_list ')' { } ; vlan : K_VLAN { proto_add(PROTO_VLAN); } ; vlan_param_list : { } | vlan_field { } | vlan_field delimiter vlan_param_list { } ; vlan_type : K_TPID { } | K_PROT ; vlan_field : vlan_type skip_white '=' skip_white number { proto_field_set_be16(hdr, VLAN_TPID, $5); } | K_1Q { proto_field_set_be16(hdr, VLAN_TPID, ETH_P_8021Q); } | K_1AD { proto_field_set_be16(hdr, VLAN_TPID, ETH_P_8021AD); } | K_TCI skip_white '=' skip_white number { proto_field_set_be16(hdr, VLAN_TCI, $5); } | K_PCP skip_white '=' skip_white number { proto_field_set_be16(hdr, VLAN_PCP, $5); } | K_DEI skip_white '=' skip_white number { proto_field_set_be16(hdr, VLAN_DEI, $5); } | K_ID skip_white '=' skip_white number { proto_field_set_be16(hdr, VLAN_VID, $5); } ; mpls_proto : mpls '(' mpls_param_list ')' { } ; mpls : K_MPLS { proto_add(PROTO_MPLS); } ; mpls_param_list : { } | mpls_field { } | mpls_field delimiter mpls_param_list { } ; mpls_tc : K_TC { } | K_EXP { } ; mpls_field : K_LABEL skip_white '=' skip_white number { proto_field_set_be32(hdr, MPLS_LABEL, $5); } | mpls_tc skip_white '=' skip_white number { proto_field_set_be32(hdr, MPLS_TC, $5); } | K_LAST skip_white '=' skip_white number { proto_field_set_be32(hdr, MPLS_LAST, $5); } | K_TTL skip_white '=' skip_white number { proto_field_set_be32(hdr, MPLS_TTL, $5); } ; arp_proto : arp '(' arp_param_list ')' { } ; arp_param_list : { } | arp_field { } | arp_field delimiter arp_param_list { } ; arp_field : K_OPER skip_white '=' skip_white K_REQUEST { proto_field_set_be16(hdr, ARP_OPER, ARPOP_REQUEST); } | K_OPER skip_white '=' skip_white K_REPLY { proto_field_set_be16(hdr, ARP_OPER, ARPOP_REPLY); } | K_OPER skip_white '=' skip_white number { proto_field_set_be16(hdr, ARP_OPER, $5); } | K_REQUEST { proto_field_set_be16(hdr, ARP_OPER, ARPOP_REQUEST); } | K_REPLY { proto_field_set_be16(hdr, ARP_OPER, ARPOP_REPLY); } | K_HTYPE skip_white '=' skip_white number { proto_field_set_be16(hdr, ARP_HTYPE, $5); } | K_PTYPE skip_white '=' skip_white number { proto_field_set_be16(hdr, ARP_PTYPE, $5); } | K_SHA skip_white '=' skip_white mac { proto_field_set_bytes(hdr, ARP_SHA, $5); } | K_THA skip_white '=' skip_white mac { proto_field_set_bytes(hdr, ARP_THA, $5); } | K_SPA skip_white '=' skip_white ip4_addr { proto_field_set_u32(hdr, ARP_SPA, $5.s_addr); } | K_TPA skip_white '=' skip_white ip4_addr { proto_field_set_u32(hdr, ARP_TPA, $5.s_addr); } ; arp : K_ARP { proto_add(PROTO_ARP); } ; ip4_proto : ip4 '(' ip4_param_list ')' { } ; ip4_param_list : { } | ip4_field { } | ip4_field delimiter ip4_param_list { } ; ip4_field : K_VER skip_white '=' skip_white number { proto_field_set_u8(hdr, IP4_VER, $5); } | K_IHL skip_white '=' skip_white number { proto_field_set_u8(hdr, IP4_IHL, $5); } | K_DADDR skip_white '=' skip_white ip4_addr { proto_field_set_u32(hdr, IP4_DADDR, $5.s_addr); } | K_SADDR skip_white '=' skip_white ip4_addr { proto_field_set_u32(hdr, IP4_SADDR, $5.s_addr); } | K_PROT skip_white '=' skip_white number { proto_field_set_u8(hdr, IP4_PROTO, $5); } | K_TTL skip_white '=' skip_white number { proto_field_set_u8(hdr, IP4_TTL, $5); } | K_DSCP skip_white '=' skip_white number { proto_field_set_u8(hdr, IP4_DSCP, $5); } | K_ECN skip_white '=' skip_white number { proto_field_set_u8(hdr, IP4_ECN, $5); } | K_TOS skip_white '=' skip_white number { proto_field_set_u8(hdr, IP4_TOS, $5); } | K_LEN skip_white '=' skip_white number { proto_field_set_be16(hdr, IP4_LEN, $5); } | K_ID skip_white '=' skip_white number { proto_field_set_be16(hdr, IP4_ID, $5); } | K_FLAGS skip_white '=' skip_white number { proto_field_set_be16(hdr, IP4_FLAGS, $5); } | K_DF { proto_field_set_be16(hdr, IP4_DF, 1); } | K_MF { proto_field_set_be16(hdr, IP4_MF, 1); } | K_FRAG skip_white '=' skip_white number { proto_field_set_be16(hdr, IP4_FRAG_OFFS, $5); } | K_CSUM skip_white '=' skip_white number { proto_field_set_be16(hdr, IP4_CSUM, $5); } ; ip4 : K_IP4 { proto_add(PROTO_IP4); } ; ip6_proto : ip6 '(' ip6_param_list ')' { } ; ip6_param_list : { } | ip6_field { } | ip6_field delimiter ip6_param_list { } ; ip6_hop_limit : K_HOP_LIMIT { } | K_TTL { } ; ip6_field : K_VER skip_white '=' skip_white number { proto_field_set_be32(hdr, IP6_VER, $5); } | K_TC skip_white '=' skip_white number { proto_field_set_be32(hdr, IP6_CLASS, $5); } | K_FLOW skip_white '=' skip_white number { proto_field_set_be32(hdr, IP6_FLOW_LBL, $5); } | K_LEN skip_white '=' skip_white number { proto_field_set_be16(hdr, IP6_LEN, $5); } | K_NEXT_HDR skip_white '=' skip_white number { proto_field_set_u8(hdr, IP6_NEXT_HDR, $5); } | ip6_hop_limit skip_white '=' skip_white number { proto_field_set_u8(hdr, IP6_HOP_LIMIT, $5); } | K_SADDR skip_white '=' skip_white ip6_addr { proto_field_set_bytes(hdr, IP6_SADDR, (uint8_t *)&($5.s6_addr)); } | K_DADDR skip_white '=' skip_white ip6_addr { proto_field_set_bytes(hdr, IP6_DADDR, (uint8_t *)&($5.s6_addr)); } ; ip6 : K_IP6 { proto_add(PROTO_IP6); } ; icmp4_proto : icmp4 '(' icmp4_param_list ')' { } ; icmp4_param_list : { } | icmp4_field { } | icmp4_field delimiter icmp4_param_list { } ; icmp4_field : K_TYPE skip_white '=' skip_white number { proto_field_set_u8(hdr, ICMPV4_TYPE, $5); } | K_CODE skip_white '=' skip_white number { proto_field_set_u8(hdr, ICMPV4_CODE, $5); } | K_ID skip_white '=' skip_white number { proto_field_set_be16(hdr, ICMPV4_ID, $5); } | K_SEQ skip_white '=' skip_white number { proto_field_set_be16(hdr, ICMPV4_SEQ, $5); } | K_MTU skip_white '=' skip_white number { proto_field_set_be16(hdr, ICMPV4_MTU, $5); } | K_ADDR skip_white '=' skip_white ip4_addr { proto_field_set_u32(hdr, ICMPV4_REDIR_ADDR, $5.s_addr); } | K_ECHO_REQUEST { proto_field_set_u8(hdr, ICMPV4_TYPE, ICMP_ECHO); proto_field_set_u8(hdr, ICMPV4_CODE, 0); } | K_ECHO_REPLY { proto_field_set_u8(hdr, ICMPV4_TYPE, ICMP_ECHOREPLY); proto_field_set_u8(hdr, ICMPV4_CODE, 0); } ; icmp4 : K_ICMP4 { proto_add(PROTO_ICMP4); } ; icmpv6_proto : icmp6 '(' icmp6_param_list ')' { } icmp6_param_list : { } | icmp6_field { } | icmp6_field delimiter icmp6_param_list { } ; icmp6_field : K_TYPE skip_white '=' skip_white number { proto_field_set_u8(hdr, ICMPV6_TYPE, $5); } | K_TYPE skip_white '=' K_ECHO_REQUEST { proto_field_set_u8(hdr, ICMPV6_TYPE, ICMPV6_ECHO_REQUEST); } | K_ECHO_REQUEST { proto_field_set_u8(hdr, ICMPV6_TYPE, ICMPV6_ECHO_REQUEST); } | K_TYPE skip_white '=' K_ECHO_REPLY { proto_field_set_u8(hdr, ICMPV6_TYPE, ICMPV6_ECHO_REPLY); } | K_ECHO_REPLY { proto_field_set_u8(hdr, ICMPV6_TYPE, ICMPV6_ECHO_REPLY); } | K_CODE skip_white '=' skip_white number { proto_field_set_u8(hdr, ICMPV6_CODE, $5); } | K_CSUM skip_white '=' skip_white number { proto_field_set_be16(hdr, ICMPV6_CSUM, $5); } ; icmp6 : K_ICMP6 { proto_add(PROTO_ICMP6); } ; udp_proto : udp '(' udp_param_list ')' { } ; udp_param_list : { } | udp_field { } | udp_field delimiter udp_param_list { } ; udp_field : K_SPORT skip_white '=' skip_white number { proto_field_set_be16(hdr, UDP_SPORT, $5); } | K_DPORT skip_white '=' skip_white number { proto_field_set_be16(hdr, UDP_DPORT, $5); } | K_LEN skip_white '=' skip_white number { proto_field_set_be16(hdr, UDP_LEN, $5); } | K_CSUM skip_white '=' skip_white number { proto_field_set_be16(hdr, UDP_CSUM, $5); } ; udp : K_UDP { proto_add(PROTO_UDP); } ; tcp_proto : tcp '(' tcp_param_list ')' { } ; tcp_param_list : { } | tcp_field { } | tcp_field delimiter tcp_param_list { } ; tcp_field : K_SPORT skip_white '=' skip_white number { proto_field_set_be16(hdr, TCP_SPORT, $5); } | K_DPORT skip_white '=' skip_white number { proto_field_set_be16(hdr, TCP_DPORT, $5); } | K_SEQ skip_white '=' skip_white number { proto_field_set_be32(hdr, TCP_SEQ, $5); } | K_ACK_SEQ skip_white '=' skip_white number { proto_field_set_be32(hdr, TCP_ACK_SEQ, $5); } | K_DOFF skip_white '=' skip_white number { proto_field_set_be16(hdr, TCP_DOFF, $5); } | K_CWR { proto_field_set_be16(hdr, TCP_CWR, 1); } | K_ECE { proto_field_set_be16(hdr, TCP_ECE, 1); } | K_URG { proto_field_set_be16(hdr, TCP_URG, 1); } | K_ACK { proto_field_set_be16(hdr, TCP_ACK, 1); } | K_PSH { proto_field_set_be16(hdr, TCP_PSH, 1); } | K_RST { proto_field_set_be16(hdr, TCP_RST, 1); } | K_SYN { proto_field_set_be16(hdr, TCP_SYN, 1); } | K_FIN { proto_field_set_be16(hdr, TCP_FIN, 1); } | K_WINDOW skip_white '=' skip_white number { proto_field_set_be16(hdr, TCP_WINDOW, $5); } | K_CSUM skip_white '=' skip_white number { proto_field_set_be16(hdr, TCP_CSUM, $5); } | K_URG_PTR skip_white '=' skip_white number { proto_field_set_be16(hdr, TCP_URG_PTR, $5); } ; tcp : K_TCP { proto_add(PROTO_TCP); } ; %% static void finalize_packet(void) { /* XXX hack ... we allocated one packet pointer too much */ plen--; dlen--; } static void dump_conf(void) { size_t i, j; for (i = 0; i < plen; ++i) { printf("[%zu] pkt\n", i); printf(" len %zu cnts %zu rnds %zu\n", packets[i].len, packet_dyn[i].clen, packet_dyn[i].rlen); printf(" payload "); for (j = 0; j < packets[i].len; ++j) printf("%02x ", packets[i].payload[j]); printf("\n"); for (j = 0; j < packet_dyn[i].clen; ++j) printf(" cnt%zu [%u,%u], inc %u, off %jd type %s\n", j, packet_dyn[i].cnt[j].min, packet_dyn[i].cnt[j].max, packet_dyn[i].cnt[j].inc, (intmax_t)packet_dyn[i].cnt[j].off, packet_dyn[i].cnt[j].type == TYPE_INC ? "inc" : "dec"); for (j = 0; j < packet_dyn[i].rlen; ++j) printf(" rnd%zu off %jd\n", j, (intmax_t)packet_dyn[i].rnd[j].off); } } void cleanup_packets(void) { size_t i, j; for (i = 0; i < plen; ++i) { struct packet *pkt = &packets[i]; if (pkt->len > 0) xfree(pkt->payload); for (j = 0; j < pkt->headers_count; j++) { struct proto_hdr *hdr = pkt->headers[j]; if (hdr->fields) xfree(hdr->fields); xfree(hdr); } } free(packets); for (i = 0; i < dlen; ++i) { free(packet_dyn[i].cnt); free(packet_dyn[i].rnd); } free(packet_dyn); } void compile_packets(char *file, bool verbose, unsigned int cpu, bool invoke_cpp, char *const cpp_argv[]) { char tmp_file[128]; int ret = -1; if (access(file, R_OK)) { fprintf(stderr, "Cannot access %s: %s!\n", file, strerror(errno)); die(); } memset(tmp_file, 0, sizeof(tmp_file)); our_cpu = cpu; if (invoke_cpp) { if (cpp_exec(file, tmp_file, sizeof(tmp_file), cpp_argv)) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to invoke C preprocessor!\n"); goto err; } file = tmp_file; } if (!strncmp("-", file, strlen("-"))) yyin = stdin; else yyin = fopen(file, "r"); if (!yyin) { fprintf(stderr, "Cannot open %s: %s!\n", file, strerror(errno)); goto err; } realloc_packet(); if (yyparse() != 0) goto err; finalize_packet(); if (our_cpu == 0 && verbose) dump_conf(); ret = 0; err: if (yyin && yyin != stdin) fclose(yyin); if (invoke_cpp) unlink(tmp_file); if (ret) die(); } void compile_packets_str(char *str, bool verbose, unsigned int cpu) { int ret = 1; our_cpu = cpu; realloc_packet(); yy_scan_string(str); if (yyparse() != 0) goto err; finalize_packet(); if (our_cpu == 0 && verbose) dump_conf(); ret = 0; err: yylex_destroy(); if (ret) die(); } void yyerror(const char *err) { fprintf(stderr, "Syntax error at line %d, char '%s': %s\n", yylineno, yytext, err); } --db-export.c11434logplain -rw-r--r--db-export.h3816logplain -rw-r--r--debug.c4417logplain -rw-r--r--debug.h2023logplain -rw-r--r--demangle-java.c4219logplain -rw-r--r--demangle-java.h249logplain -rw-r--r--demangle-rust.c6602logplain -rw-r--r--demangle-rust.h170logplain -rw-r--r--drv_configs.c1834logplain -rw-r--r--drv_configs.h844logplain -rw-r--r--dso.c31994logplain -rw-r--r--dso.h10399logplain -rw-r--r--dwarf-aux.c33828logplain -rw-r--r--dwarf-aux.h5101logplain -rw-r--r--dwarf-regs.c1816logplain -rw-r--r--env.c1884logplain -rw-r--r--env.h1268logplain -rw-r--r--event.c36670logplain -rw-r--r--event.h15997logplain -rw-r--r--evlist.c47104logplain -rw-r--r--evlist.h12584logplain -rw-r--r--evsel.c63917logplain -rw-r--r--evsel.h13041logplain -rw-r--r--evsel_fprintf.c5831logplain -rw-r--r--find-vdso-map.c581logplain -rw-r--r--genelf.c11653logplain -rw-r--r--genelf.h1814logplain -rw-r--r--genelf_debug.c14374logplain -rwxr-xr-xgenerate-cmdlist.sh1141logplain -rw-r--r--group.h122logplain -rw-r--r--header.c73410logplain -rw-r--r--header.h4365logplain -rw-r--r--help-unknown-cmd.c3221logplain