README for unittest csnippet ============================== This is a simple unit testing framework for C code. The header unittest.h contains all assertion functions to use in your unit test. A python script - - is used to to run all unit tests passed to it and print their respective result. The basic usage is as follows: 1) Create your unit test using the following skeleton code: #include "unittest.h" int main(int argc, char **argv) { return TEST_PASS; } 2) Add some assertions testing your code. You might need to include further headers. 3) Compile the unit test, linking it against the code you want to test. Alternatively your unit test could also be part of the software your writing and activated/deactivated through preprocessor macros. 4) Run the unit test either manually or using ./ When manually running the unit test, it returns 0 if the test was passed and 1 if there was an assertion error. Additionally an error message is printed on the first assertion error.