path: root/reference/C/CONCEPT/pointers.html
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authorTobias Klauser <>2008-01-27 11:37:44 +0100
committerTobias Klauser <tklauser@xenon.tklauser.home>2008-01-27 11:37:44 +0100
commit7e0f021a9aec35fd8e6725e87e3313b101d26f5e (patch)
treeb1cacc4b24393f517aeb4610e9e1021f954307a8 /reference/C/CONCEPT/pointers.html
Initial import (2.0.2-6)2.0.2-6
Diffstat (limited to 'reference/C/CONCEPT/pointers.html')
1 files changed, 559 insertions, 0 deletions
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+<body bgcolor="#ffffcc">
+Pointers are at the heart of C. When you crack this subject, you have got the worst
+of C behind you. Before you tackle pointers though, you should get a grip
+on <a href=arrays.html>arrays</a>.<p>
+<li><a href="#first">First principles.</a>
+<li><a href="#def">Definition of a pointer.</a>
+<li><a href="string.html">Pointers to strings.</a>
+<li><a href="#arrays">Pointers to arrays.</a>
+<li><a href="#compare">Char arrays verses char pointers.</a>
+<li><a href="#void">Void pointers.</a>
+<li><a href="#ptrs">Pointers to pointers.</a>
+<li><a href="#functions">Pointers to functions.</a>
+<li><a href=../MISC/linklists.html>Linked lists.</a>
+<a name=string>
+<a name=basic>
+<a name=first>
+<h2>First Principles.</h2>
+To understand pointers, it may be worth understanding how normal
+variables are stored. If you disagree, <A HREF="#def">Click here</A>
+to move on.
+What does the following program realy mean?
+<table border=2 width=100% bgcolor=ivory>
+ main()
+ {
+ int Length;
+ }
+In my mind, it means, reserve enough storage to hold an integer and assign the variable
+name 'Length' to it. The data held in this storage is undefined.
+Graphically it looks like:
+ (Address) (Data)
+ ---- ----
+ | F1 | <------- Length
+ |----|----|
+ | F2 | |
+ |----|----|
+ | F3 | |
+ |----|----|
+ | F4 | |
+ ---------
+To put a known value into 'Length' we code,
+<table border=2 width=100% bgcolor=ivory>
+ main()
+ {
+ int Length;
+ Length = 20;
+ }
+the deciamal value 20 (Hex 14) is placed into the storage location.
+ (Address) (Data)
+ ---- ----
+ | F1 | 00 <------- Length
+ |----|----|
+ | F2 | 00 |
+ |----|----|
+ | F3 | 00 |
+ |----|----|
+ | F4 | 14 |
+ ---------
+Finally, if the program is expanded to become
+<table border=2 width=100% bgcolor=ivory>
+ main()
+ {
+ int Length;
+ Length = 20;
+ <A HREF="../FUNCTIONS/printf.html">printf</a>("Length is %d\n", Length);
+ printf("Address of Length is %p\n", &Length);
+ }
+The output would look something like this .....
+ Length is 20
+ Address of Length is 0xF1
+Please note the '&Length' on the second printf statement.
+The <b>&</b> means <b>address of</b> Length.
+If you are happy with this, you should push onto the pointers below.
+<a name=def>
+<h2>Pointer definition.</h2>
+<b>A pointer contains an <a href=../glossary.html#address>address</a> that points
+to data.</b>
+An example of code <a href=../glossary.html#definition>defining</a> a pointer could be...
+<table border=2 width=100% bgcolor=ivory>
+ main()
+ {
+ int *Width;
+ }
+A graphical representation could be...
+ (Address) (Data)
+ ---- ----
+ | F1 | <------- Width
+ |----|----|
+ | F2 | |
+ |----|----|
+ | F3 | |
+ |----|----|
+ | F4 | |
+ ---------
+So far, this variable looks the same as above,
+ the value stored at 'Width' is unknown.
+To place a value in 'Width' you could code.
+<Table border=2 width=100% bgcolor=ivory>
+ main()
+ {
+ int *Width; /* 1 */
+ Width = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int)); /* 2 */
+ *Width = 34; /* 3 */
+ }
+ (Address) (Data)
+ ---- ----
+ | F1 | 00 <------- Width
+ |----|----| (Data) (Adress)
+ | F2 | 00 | ---------
+ |----|----| -------> 00 | D1 |
+ | F3 | 00 | | |----|----|
+ |----|----| *Width| | 00 | D2 |
+ | F4 | D1 | ------- |----|----|
+ --------- | 00 | D3 |
+ |----|----|
+ | 22 | D4 |
+ ---------
+Statements 2 and 3 are important here:
+2) The <a href="../FUNCTIONS/malloc.html">malloc</a> function reserves some storage and puts the address of the
+storage into Width.
+3) *Width puts a value into the storage pointed to by Width.
+Unlike the
+<a href="#first">Length = 20</a> example above, the storage pointed to by 'Width'
+does NOT contain 34 (22 in Hex), it contains the address where the value
+34 can be found.
+The final program is...
+<table border=2 width=100% bgcolor=ivory>
+ main()
+ {
+ int *Width;
+ Width = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int));
+ *Width = 34;
+ printf(" Data stored at *Width is %d\n", *Width);
+ printf(" Address of Width is %p\n", &Width);
+ printf("Address stored at Width is %p\n", Width);
+ }
+The program would O/P something like.
+<table border=2 width=100% bgcolor=ivory>
+ Data stored at *Width is 34
+ Address of Width is 0xF1
+ Address stored at Width is 0xD1
+<a name=why>A pointer can point to any data type, ie
+<a href=data_types.html#int>int</a>,
+<a href=data_types.html#float>float</a>,
+<a href=data_types.html#char>char</a>.
+When <a href=../glossary.html#definition>defining</a> a pointer you
+place an <b>*</b> (asterisk) character
+between the data type and the variable name, here are a few examples.
+<table border=2 width=100% bgcolor=ivory>
+ main()
+ {
+ int count; /* an integer variable */
+ int *pcount; /* a pointer to an integer variable */
+ float miles; /* a floating point variable. */
+ float *m; /* a pointer */
+ char ans; /* character variable */
+ char *charpointer; /* pointer to a character variable */
+ }
+<a name=arrays>
+<h2>Pointers to arrays</h2>
+When looking at
+<a href=arrays.html>arrays</a> we had a program that accessed data within a
+two dimensional character array. This is what the code looked like.
+ main()
+ {
+ char colours[3][6]={"red","green","blue"};
+ }
+The code above has defined an array of 3 elements, each pointing to 6
+character strings.
+You can also code it like this. Which is actually more descriptive
+because it indicates what is actually going on in storage.
+ main()
+ {
+ char *colours[]={"red","green","blue"};
+ }
+Graphically it looks like this:
+<table border=2 width=100% bgcolor=ivory>
+<font color="gray">
+ colours *colours *(colours+2) **colours
+ | | | |
+ | | | |
+ V V V | </font>
+ --- ----------- <font color="gray"> | </font>
+ | |---->| | | | <font color="gray"> | </font>
+ --- ----------- <font color="gray"> | </font>
+ | | | <font color="gray"> V </font>
+ | | | -----------------------
+ --------------->| r | e | d | | | |
+ | | -----------------------
+ | |
+ | | -----------------------
+ ---|-------->| g | r | e | e | n | |
+ | -----------------------
+ |
+ | -----------------------
+ -------->| b | l | u | e | | |
+ -----------------------
+<font color="gray"> A A
+ | |
+ | |
+ **(colours+2) *(*(colours+2)+3)
+ printf("%s \n", colours[1]);
+ printf("%s \n", *(colours+1))
+will both return <b>green</b>.
+<a name=compare>
+<h2>Char Arrays verses Char pointers</h2>
+What is the difference
+between these two lumps of code?
+<table border=2 width=100% bgcolor=ivory>
+ main()
+ {
+ char colour[]="red";
+ printf("%s \n",colour);
+ }
+ main()
+ {
+ char *colour="red";
+ printf("%s \n",colour);
+ }
+The answer is, NOTHING! They both print the word
+<b>red</b> because in both cases 'printf' is being passed a pointer to a
+An <a href=arrays.html>array</a> of 4 bytes is
+reserved and the text 'red' placed
+into the storage array. The contents of the array can be chaged later
+BUT on the left, the size of the array is fixed.
+Here is a picture of the example on the right. The 'r' of 'red' is stored
+at address 10, the 'e' is at address 11 etc.
+<img src=../../GRAPHICS/ptr.gif>
+At this point it maybe worth looking at
+the <a href=../FUNCTIONS/malloc.html>malloc</a> function.
+<a name=void>
+<h2>Void Pointers</h2>
+There are times when you write a function but do not know the datatype
+of the returned value. When this is the case, you can use a void pointer.
+<table border=2 width=100% bgcolor=ivory>
+ int func(void *Ptr);
+ main()
+ {
+ char *Str = "abc";
+ func(Str);
+ }
+ int func(void *Ptr)
+ {
+ printf("%s\n", Ptr);
+ }
+<b>Please note, you cant do pointer arithmatic on void pointers.</b>
+<a name=ptrs>
+<h2>Pointers to pointers</h2>
+So far we have looked at pointers to data, but there is no reason why
+we should not define a pointer to a pointer. The syntax looks like this.
+<table border=2 width=100% bgcolor=ivory>
+ main()
+ {
+ char **DoublePtr;
+ }
+A common use for these is when you want to return a
+pointer in a function parameter.
+<table border=2 width=100% bgcolor=ivory>
+ #include <stdlib.h> /* malloc */
+ void Func(char **DoublePtr);
+ main()
+ {
+ char *Ptr;
+ Func(&Ptr);
+ }
+ void Func(char **DoublePtr)
+ {
+ *DoublePtr = <a href=../FUNCTIONS/malloc.html>malloc</a>(50);
+ }
+<a name=functions>
+<h2>Pointers to functions</h2>
+Pointers to functions can be used to create 'callback' functions.
+An example of these pointers can be seen in the
+<a href=../FUNCTIONS/qsort.html>qsort</a> function.
+<img src="../../GRAPHICS/computer.gif">
+<a href="../EXAMPLES/funcpt1.c">Simple example passing a function pointer.</a><p>
+<img src="../../GRAPHICS/computer.gif">
+<a href="../EXAMPLES/funcpt2.c"> Example passing 'int' variables.</a><p>
+<img src="../../GRAPHICS/computer.gif">
+<a href="../EXAMPLES/funcpt3.c"> Example passing 'char' and 'char *' variables.</a><p>
+<h2>See Also:</h2>
+<img src="../../GRAPHICS/whiteball.gif">
+<a href="../SYNTAX/void.html">VOID keyword.</a>
+<img src="../../GRAPHICS/whiteball.gif">
+<a href="../SYNTAX/functions.html">function</a> arguments.
+<img src="../../GRAPHICS/whiteball.gif">
+<a href="../MISC/linklists.html">linked lists</a>.
+<img src="../../GRAPHICS/whiteball.gif">
+<a href="string.html">Strings</a>.
+<img src="../../GRAPHICS/whiteball.gif">
+<a href="arrays.html">Arrays.</a>
+<table border=2 width="80%" bgcolor=ivory>
+<tr align=center>
+<td width=25%>
+<a href="../cref.html">Top</a>
+</td><td width="25%">
+<a href="../master_index.html">Master Index</a>
+</td><td width="25%">
+<a href="../SYNTAX/keywords.html">Keywords</a>
+</td><td width="25%">
+<a href="../FUNCTIONS/funcref.htm">Functions</a>
+<address>Martin Leslie
+<script language="JavaScript">
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