path: root/reference/C/CONTRIB/SAWTELL/c-lesson.5
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authorTobias Klauser <>2008-01-27 11:37:44 +0100
committerTobias Klauser <tklauser@xenon.tklauser.home>2008-01-27 11:37:44 +0100
commit7e0f021a9aec35fd8e6725e87e3313b101d26f5e (patch)
treeb1cacc4b24393f517aeb4610e9e1021f954307a8 /reference/C/CONTRIB/SAWTELL/c-lesson.5
Initial import (2.0.2-6)2.0.2-6
Diffstat (limited to 'reference/C/CONTRIB/SAWTELL/c-lesson.5')
1 files changed, 291 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/reference/C/CONTRIB/SAWTELL/c-lesson.5 b/reference/C/CONTRIB/SAWTELL/c-lesson.5
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index 0000000..949fb49
--- /dev/null
+++ b/reference/C/CONTRIB/SAWTELL/c-lesson.5
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+Lesson 4.
+ The
+operators of the language.
+ I have mentioned that 'C' is a small language with most of the heavy
+being done by explicit calls to library functions. There is however a rich
+mix of intrinsic operators which allow you to perform bit level operations,
+use pointers, and perform immediate operations on varables. In other words,
+most of a machine's instruction set is able to be used in the object program.
+At the time when 'C' was designed and first written these were unique for
+a high level language.
+ Lets start with a discussion about precedence.
+ This really means that the compiler puts invisable parentheses into
+your expression. Casting your mind back to Arithmetic in the primary school
+I expect you remember the nmemonic "My Dear Aunt Sally". The 'C' language
+does as well! So the following expression is correct
+ 15 + 4 * 11 = 59
+ The compiler has rendered the expression as:
+ 15 + ( 4 * 11 ) = 59
+ Now the 'C' language has a much larger collection of operators than
+Multiply Divide Add Subtract, in fact much too big to try to remember the
+precedence of all of them. So my recomendation is to ALWAYS put in the
+parentheses, except for simple arithmetic. However, for the sake of
+completeness as much as anything else, here is the list.
+ First up come what are called the primary-expression operators:
+ () Function.
+ [] Array.
+ . struct member ( variable ).
+ -> struct member ( pointer ).
+ The unary operators:
+ * Indirection via a Pointer.
+ & Address of Variable.
+ - Arithmetic Negative.
+ ! Logical Negation or Not.
+ ~ Bit-wise One's Complement.
+ ++ Increment.
+ -- Decrement.
+ sizeof Which is self explanitary.
+ Now the binary operators:
+ Arithmetic Operators.
+ * Multiply. My
+ / Divide. Dear
+ % Modulo, or Remainder of Integer Division.
+ + Addition. Aunt
+ - Subtraction. Sally
+ The Shifting Operators.
+ >> Bit-wise Shift to the Right.
+ << Bit-wise Shift to the Left.
+ Logical Relation Operators.
+ < Less Than.
+ > Greater Than.
+ <= Less Than or Equal.
+ >= Greater Than or Equal.
+ == Equal.
+ != Not Equal.
+ Bit-wise Boolean Operators.
+ & Bit-wise And.
+ ^ Bit-wise Exclusive-or.
+ | Bit-wise Or.
+ The Logical Operators.
+ && Logical And.
+ || Logical Or.
+ The Assignment Operators. ( They all have the same priority. )
+ = The normal assignment operator.
+ The Self-referencing Assignment Operators.
+ +=
+ -=
+ *=
+ /=
+ %=
+ >>=
+ <<=
+ &=
+ ^=
+ |=
+ Some explanation is in order here. The machine instructions in your
+computer include a suit of what are called "immediate operand" instructions.
+These instructions have one of the operands in a register and the other
+is either part of the instruction word itself ( if it is numerically small
+enough to fit ) or is the next word in the address space "immediately" after
+the instruction code word. 'C' makes efficient use of this machine feature
+by providing the above set of operations each of which translates directly
+to its corresponding machine instruction. When the variable in question is a
+'register' one, or the optimiser is in use, the compiler output is just
+the one "immediate" machine instruction. Efficiency Personified!!!
+ These two lines will make things clearer.
+ a = 8;
+ a += 2; /* The result is 10 */
+ The exclusive-or operation is very useful you can toggle any
+of bits in the variable using it.
+ a = 7;
+ a ^= 2; /* Now a is 5 */
+ a ^= 2; /* and back to 7. */
+ Naturally, you can use the other operations in exactly the same way,
+I'd like to suggest that you make a utterly simplistic little program
+and have a look at the assembler code output of the compiler. Don't be
+afraid of the assembler codes - they don't bite - and you will see
+what I was on about in the paragraph above.
+ Historical Note and a couple of Cautions.
+ In the Oldend Days when 'C' was first written all the self-referencing
+operations had the equals symbol and the operand around the other way.
+Until quite recently ( unix system V release 3.0 ) the 'C' compiler had a
+compatability mode and could cope with the old style syntax.
+ A sample or test program is probably in order here.
+/* ----------------------------------------- */
+#include <stdio.h>
+char *mes[] =
+ "Your compiler",
+ " understands",
+ " does not understand",
+ " the old-fashioned self-referencing style."
+ };
+ int a;
+ a = 5;
+ a=-2;
+ printf ( "%s %s %s\n", mes [ 0 ], mes [ ( a == -2 ) ? 2 : 1 ], mes [ 3
+] );
+ }
+/* ----------------------------------------- */
+ The 'C' compiler issued with unix System V release 3.2 seems to have
+( thankfully ) dropped the compatability mode. However a collegue, who
+was using an old compiler, and I spent hours trying to find this strange bug!
+The cure for the problem is either to put spaces on either side of the '=' sign
+or to bracket the unary minus to the operand.
+ a=(-2);
+ a = -2;
+Either is acceptable, and might save you a lot of spleen if sombody tries
+to install your work of art program on an ancient machine.
+ The other caution is the use of the shifting instructions with signed
+and unsigned integers.
+ If you shift a signed integer to the right when the sign bit is set
+then in all probability the sign will be extended. Once again a little
+demo program. Please cut it out of the news file with your editor
+and play with it.
+/* ----------------------------------------- */
+#ident "#(@) shifts.c - Signed / Unsigned integer shifting demo."
+#include <stdio.h>
+#define WORD_SIZE ( sizeof ( INTEGER int ) * 8 )
+#define NIBBLE_SIZE 4
+#define SIGN_BIT ( 1 << ( WORD_SIZE - 1 ))
+char *title[] =
+{ " Signed Unsigned",
+ " Signed Unsigned"
+ };
+main ()
+ INTEGER int a;
+ unsigned INTEGER int b, mask;
+ int ab, i, j, bit_counter, line_counter;
+ a = b = SIGN_BIT;
+ printf ( "%s\n\n", title [ ( WORD_SIZE == 16 ) ? 0 : 1 ] );
+ for ( line_counter = 0; line_counter < WORD_SIZE; line_counter++ )
+ {
+ for ( ab = 0; ab < 2; ab++ )
+ {
+ mask = SIGN_BIT;
+ for ( i = 0; i < NIBBLES_IN_WORD; i++ )
+ {
+ for ( j = 0; j < NIBBLE_SIZE; j++ )
+ {
+ printf ( "%c", ((( ab ) ? b : a ) &
+mask ) ? '1' : '0' );
+ mask >>= 1;
+ }
+ printf ( " " );
+ }
+ printf ( "%s", ( ab ) ? "\n" : " " );
+ if ( ab )
+ {
+ b >>= 1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ a >>= 1;
+#if defined(FIX_COMPILER_BUG)
+# if (INTEGER == long)
+ a |= SIGN_BIT; /* This is a work-around for
+the 3b2 compiler bug. */
+# endif
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+/* ----------------------------------------- */
+ This little program might well produce some interesting surprises on
+your machine in the same way it did on mine. I have an AT&T 3b2/400 and
+use the K & R style compiler. Interestingly, the above program did what
+I expected it to do when the integers were short, the sign bit is extended,
+but when the integers are long the sign bit is NOT extended. In this case
+the different behaviour is caused by the compiler always issuing a Logical
+Shift instruction, when it should issue a Arithmetic Shift instruction for
+signed integers and a Logical Shift instructon for unsigned ones. In the
+case of the short int the varable is loaded from memory into the register
+with a sign extend load instruction, this makes the Logical Shift instruction
+right work correctly for short ints, but not for longs. I had to examine
+the assember codes output by the compiler in order to discover this.
+ Here are the compiler invocation lines.
+cc -olong.shifts -DFIX_COMPILER_BUG -DINTEGER=long shifts.c
+ and
+cc -oshort.shifts -DINTEGER=short shifts.c
+ Experiment with the "-DFIX_COMPILER_BUG" and see what your compiler
+Copyright notice:-
+(c) 1993 Christopher Sawtell.
+I assert the right to be known as the author, and owner of the
+intellectual property rights of all the files in this material,
+except for the quoted examples which have their individual
+copyright notices. Permission is granted for onward copying,
+but not modification, of this course and its use for personal
+study only, provided all the copyright notices are left in the
+text and are printed in full on any subsequent paper reproduction.
+ +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | NAME Christopher Sawtell |
+ | SMAIL 215 Ollivier's Road, Linwood, Christchurch, 8001. New Zealand.|
+ | EMAIL |
+ | PHONE +64-3-389-3200 ( gmt +13 - your discretion is requested ) |
+ +----------------------------------------------------------------------+