path: root/reference/C/CONTRIB/SNIP/cerrtrap.asm
diff options
authorTobias Klauser <>2008-01-27 11:37:44 +0100
committerTobias Klauser <tklauser@xenon.tklauser.home>2008-01-27 11:37:44 +0100
commit7e0f021a9aec35fd8e6725e87e3313b101d26f5e (patch)
treeb1cacc4b24393f517aeb4610e9e1021f954307a8 /reference/C/CONTRIB/SNIP/cerrtrap.asm
Initial import (2.0.2-6)2.0.2-6
Diffstat (limited to 'reference/C/CONTRIB/SNIP/cerrtrap.asm')
1 files changed, 134 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/reference/C/CONTRIB/SNIP/cerrtrap.asm b/reference/C/CONTRIB/SNIP/cerrtrap.asm
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..9d1eab9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/reference/C/CONTRIB/SNIP/cerrtrap.asm
@@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
+ PAGE ,132
+; A sample Interrupt 24 (DOS critical error exception) handler
+; Public domain by Bob Stout
+; Requires MASM 5.1 or later or equivalent
+; Assemble with: MASM /Mx /z ...
+; TASM /jMASM /mx /z ...
+% .MODEL memodel,C ;Add model support via command
+ ;line macros, e.g.
+ ;MASM /Dmemodel=LARGE
+ EXTRN cedevdvr:dword, cetype:word, ceerror:word, cereturn:byte
+ EXTRN read_err:far, write_err:far, term_err:far
+ EXTRN no_paper:far, fixup_ret:far, FAT_err:far
+ ;NOTE: All the above routines MUST set cereturn to:
+ ; 0 - Ignore
+ ; 1 - Retry
+ ; 2 - Abort
+ ; 3 - Fail (DOS 3.3 and later)
+ .DATA?
+ PUBLIC osver, rmvbl, exerr, locus, class, suggest
+osver db ?
+rmvbl db ?
+exerr dw ?
+locus db ?
+class db ?
+suggest db ?
+; This is called by myint24
+; extern int (*read_err)(),
+; (*write_err)(),
+; (*term_err)(),
+; (*no_paper)(),
+; (*fixup_ret)(),
+; (*FAT_err)();
+; Each returns: 0 - Ignore
+; 1 - Retry
+; 2 - Abort
+; 3 - Fail (DOS 3.3 and later)
+mynew24 PROC USES BX
+ mov ah,030h ;get DOS version number
+ int 21
+ or al,al ;zero means DOS 1.x
+ jnz NotDOS1
+ mov al,1
+ mov osver,al ;save DOS version
+ mov ax,cetype ;get type of exception...
+ mov bx,ax ; & save it for later
+ and ax,80h ;disk error?
+ jnz NotDiskErr ;no, continue
+ cmp al,1 ;yes, DOS 1.x?
+ jz wrong_DOS ;yes, can't check for removable media
+ mov ah,-1 ;no, assume removable media
+ test word PTR cedevdvr,0800h ;is the media removable?
+ jz removable
+ xor ah,ah ;no, flag fixed media
+ mov rmvbl,ah ;save media type
+ cmp al,3 ;DOS 3.0 or greater?
+ jb wrong_DOS ;no, skip it
+ push bx ;yes, save cetype info...
+ push ds ; & other regs
+ push es
+ push dx
+ push si
+ push di
+ push bp
+ mov ah,59h ;get extended error info
+ int 21
+ pop bp ;restore regs
+ pop di
+ pop si
+ pop dx
+ pop es
+ pop ds
+ mov exerr,ax ;save extended error code...
+ mov locus,ch ; locus...
+ mov class,bh ; class...
+ mov suggest,bl ; & suggested action
+ pop bx ;restore cetype info
+ mov ax,bx ;get exception type
+ and ax,06h ;FAT problems?
+ cmp ax,02h
+ jnz ok_fat ;no, continue
+ jmp far PTR FAT_err ;yes, handle it
+ mov ax,bx ;get exception type
+ and ax,01h ;handle read and write separately
+ jz rd_err
+ jmp far PTR write_err
+ jmp far PTR read_err
+ test ceerror,0009h ;printer out of paper?
+ jnz not_eop ;no, continue
+ jmp far PTR no_paper ;yes, handle it
+ test word PTR cedevdvr,8000h ;character device?
+ jnz unknown ;no, continue
+ jmp far PTR term_err ;yes, assume bad terminal I/O
+; If we get here, we haven't identified the error. We now call fixup_ret()
+; to resolve which action to take. This will usually involve the information
+; in exerr qualified by the version of DOS in use and is best left to coding
+; in a higher level language like C.
+; NOTE: It is IMPERATIVE that the return value of fixup_ret() default to 2
+; to insure that if all else fails, the critcal error handler aborts!
+ call far PTR fixup_ret ;unknown error - handle loose ends...
+ xor ah,ah ; & return
+ mov cereturn,al
+ ret
+mynew24 ENDP
+ end