path: root/reference/C/CONTRIB/SNIP/trapflag.asm
diff options
authorTobias Klauser <>2008-01-27 11:37:44 +0100
committerTobias Klauser <tklauser@xenon.tklauser.home>2008-01-27 11:37:44 +0100
commit7e0f021a9aec35fd8e6725e87e3313b101d26f5e (patch)
treeb1cacc4b24393f517aeb4610e9e1021f954307a8 /reference/C/CONTRIB/SNIP/trapflag.asm
Initial import (2.0.2-6)2.0.2-6
Diffstat (limited to 'reference/C/CONTRIB/SNIP/trapflag.asm')
1 files changed, 133 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/reference/C/CONTRIB/SNIP/trapflag.asm b/reference/C/CONTRIB/SNIP/trapflag.asm
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..472f3b6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/reference/C/CONTRIB/SNIP/trapflag.asm
@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
+ PAGE ,132
+; Install a custom Interrupt 23 (Ctrl-C exception) handler
+; Public domain by Bob Stout
+; Requires MASM 5.1 or later or equivalent
+; Assemble with: MASM /Mx /z ...
+; TASM /jMASM /mx /z ...
+% .MODEL memodel,C ;Add model support via command
+ ;line macros, e.g.
+ ;MASM /Dmemodel=LARGE
+kbstatseg equ 40h
+kbstatofs equ 17h
+ctl_on equ 0100b
+alt_on equ 1000b
+sk_c equ 2eh
+EOI equ 20h
+PIC equ 20h
+kb_inp equ 60h
+kb_outp equ 61h
+_oldvec09 dd ?
+_oldvec1b dd ?
+ public ccrcvd
+ccrcvd dw 0
+; This is our actual ISR
+ push ax ;save AX...
+ pushf ; ...& flags
+ in al,kb_inp ;get scan code
+ cmp al,sk_c ;'C'?
+ jne do_old ;no, forget it
+ push ax ;yes, save it...
+ push es ;...& ES reg
+ mov ax,kbstatseg ;read keyboard status from 40:17
+ mov es,ax
+ mov al,es:kbstatofs
+ test al,ctl_on ;Ctrl pressed?
+ pop es ;(restore AX, ES)
+ pop ax
+ jz do_old ;no, forget it
+ in al,kb_outp ;yes, toggle keyboard acknowledge line
+ mov ah,al
+ or al,80h
+ out kb_outp,al
+ xchg al,ah
+ out kb_outp,al
+ cli
+ mov ax,EOI ;send end-of-interrupt code
+ out PIC,al
+ mov ax,1
+ mov CS:ccrcvd,ax
+ pop ax ;discard original flags...
+ pop ax ; ...& AX
+ iret ;all done
+ popf ;restore flags...
+ pop ax ; ...& AX
+ jmp dword PTR CS:_oldvec09 ;call our handler
+; To avoid keyboard confusion, trap Ctrl-Break separately
+ push ax
+ pushf
+ mov ax,-1
+ mov CS:ccrcvd,ax
+ popf
+ pop ax
+ iret
+; Call this to uninstall our ISR
+ mov dx, word PTR CS:_oldvec09 ;restore original keyboard vector
+ mov ds, word PTR CS:_oldvec09+2
+ mov ax,2509h
+ int 21h
+ mov dx, word PTR CS:_oldvec1b ;restore original keyboard vector
+ mov ds, word PTR CS:_oldvec1b+2
+ mov ax,251bh
+ int 21h
+ ret
+undo09 ENDP
+; Call this to install our ISR
+ mov ax,3509h ;get old keyboard ISR vector...
+ int 21h
+ mov word PTR CS:_oldvec09,bx
+ mov word PTR CS:_oldvec09+2,es ;...and save it
+ mov ax,351bh ;get old exit vector...
+ int 21h
+ mov word PTR CS:_oldvec1b,bx
+ mov word PTR CS:_oldvec1b+2,es ;...and save it
+ push cs ;get myint09 segment in DS
+ pop ds
+ mov dx, OFFSET myint09 ;install myint09 in int 09h
+ mov ax,2509h
+ int 21h
+ push cs ;get myint1b segment in DS
+ pop ds
+ mov dx, OFFSET myint1b ;install myint1b in int 1bh
+ mov ax,251bh
+ int 21h
+ ret
+ins09 ENDP
+ end