path: root/reference/C/CONTRIB/SNIP/mdalloc.c
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diff --git a/reference/C/CONTRIB/SNIP/mdalloc.c b/reference/C/CONTRIB/SNIP/mdalloc.c
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..171d464
--- /dev/null
+++ b/reference/C/CONTRIB/SNIP/mdalloc.c
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+/* Written by Blair Haukedal 91/09 and placed in the public domain */
+/* mdalloc - a multi dimensional array allocator
+ * mdfree - a companion function to mdalloc for freeing storage
+ * synopsis:
+ * void *mdalloc(int ndim, int width, ...);
+ * where: ndim: number of array dimensions
+ * width: size of elements in array
+ * variable args are dimensions of array
+ * returns: n-way indirect pointer to allocated storage
+ * or NULL if insufficient storage
+ *
+ * void mdfree(void *p, ndim);
+ * where: p: pointer to storage obtained by mdalloc
+ * ndim: number of dimensions used in mdalloc
+ *
+ * example:
+ * int ***tip;
+ * tip = mdalloc(3, sizeof(int), 2, 3, 4);
+ * tip will be a triple indirect pointer to a 3 dimensional array
+ * tip[0][0][0] refers to the first int in a contiguous area of
+ * storage that is 2*3*4*sizeof(int) bytes long
+ * tip[0][0] is the address of the first int
+ * memset can be used to initialize array elements as follows:
+ * memset(tip[0][0], 0, 2*3*4*sizeof(int));
+ * mdfree is used to free storage obtained with mdalloc:
+ * mdfree(tip, 3)
+ *
+ * notes:
+ * - must be compiled with appropriate memory model
+ * - memory is allocated for each dimension for indirect pointers
+ * eg. 3x4x5 array of longs
+ * (assuming 4 byte longs, small mem model)
+ * p = mdalloc(3, sizeof(long), 3, 4, 5) - bytes
+ * 3 pointers allocated for 1st dimension - 6
+ * 3x4 pointers allocated for 2nd dimension - 24
+ * 3x4x5 longs allocated for array elements - 240
+ * total of 270 bytes allocated
+ * - if insufficient memory, nothing will be allocated.
+ * ie. intermediate pointer arrays that were successfully
+ * allocated will be freed.
+ * - the intent of mdalloc is to facilitate dynamic array creation,
+ * it will use more memory than statically declared arrays, and
+ * the required dereferencing will be slower than the use of
+ * statically declared arrays.
+ * - this function assumes that sizeof(char) == 1.
+ */
+#include <stdarg.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+static void **md2(int n_units, int ndim, int *dims);
+static void md3(char ***tip, int n_units, int ndim, int *dims);
+static int w_units;
+/* mdalloc: entry point for mdalloc function described above
+ * - reduces variable arg list to fixed list with last arg
+ * represented as pointer to int (array dimensions).
+ * Calls md2 to allocate storage.
+ * Calls md3 to initialize intermediate pointers.
+ * Returns pointer.
+ */
+void *mdalloc(int ndim, int width, ...)
+ va_list argp;
+ int *dims, i;
+ char ***tip;
+ va_start(argp, width);
+ /* allocate storage for variable args (dimensions) */
+ dims = malloc(ndim*sizeof(int));
+ if(dims == NULL)
+ return NULL;
+ /* initialize dimensions array for subsequent calls */
+ for(i=0; i<ndim; i++)
+ dims[i] = va_arg(argp,int);
+ w_units = width; /* global used by md2 and md3 */
+ /* allocate required pointer and array element storage */
+ tip = (char ***)md2(dims[0], ndim, &dims[1]);
+ if(ndim>1 && tip)
+ md3(tip, dims[0], ndim-1, &dims[1]); /* init pointers */
+ free(dims);
+ return tip;
+/* mdfree: companion function to mdalloc
+ * frees storage obtained by mdalloc
+ */
+void mdfree(void *tip, int ndim)
+ if(ndim == 1)
+ free(tip);
+ else
+ {
+ mdfree(((void **)tip)[0], ndim-1);
+ free(tip);
+ }
+/* md2: allocates storage for n-way indirect pointer arrays
+ * allocates storage for requested array elements
+ */
+static void **md2(int n_units, int ndim, int *dims)
+ char **tip;
+ if(ndim == 1)
+ /* recursed to final dimension - allocate element storage */
+ tip = malloc(n_units*w_units);
+ else
+ {
+ /* allocate pointer array for dimension n */
+ tip = malloc(n_units*sizeof(char *));
+ if(tip)
+ {
+ /* recurse until final dimension */
+ tip[0] = (char *)md2(n_units*dims[0], ndim-1, &dims[1]);
+ if(tip[0] == NULL)
+ {
+ /* allocate error - fall back up freeing everything */
+ free(tip);
+ tip = NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return (void **)tip;
+/* md3: initializes indirect pointer arrays */
+static void md3(char ***tip, int n_units, int ndim, int *dims)
+ int i;
+ for(i=1; i<n_units; i++)
+ {
+ if(ndim == 1)
+ /* final dimension - must scale by element width */
+ tip[i] = (char **)((char *)tip[0] + i*dims[0]*w_units);
+ else
+ /* intermediate dimension - scale by pointer size */
+ tip[i] = tip[0] + i*dims[0];
+ }
+ if(ndim > 1)
+ /* not at final dimension - continue to recurse */
+ md3((char ***)tip[0], n_units*dims[0], ndim-1, &dims[1]);