path: root/reference/C/CONTRIB/SNIP/x00api.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'reference/C/CONTRIB/SNIP/x00api.h')
1 files changed, 236 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/reference/C/CONTRIB/SNIP/x00api.h b/reference/C/CONTRIB/SNIP/x00api.h
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..7d4e43a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/reference/C/CONTRIB/SNIP/x00api.h
@@ -0,0 +1,236 @@
+ * X00API.H - X00 FOSSIL driver HLLAPI
+ *
+ * Created by R.F. Pels.
+ * modified by Bob Stout
+ * Placed in the public domain by R.F. Pels.
+ */
+#ifndef __X00API_H /* Prevent double inclusion */
+#define __X00API_H
+/* FOSSIL specifics */
+#define X00_VECTOR 0x14
+#define X00_IDOFFSET 6
+/* FOSSIL function request codes */
+#define SET_BAUDRATE 0x0000
+#define TX_CHAR 0x0100
+#define RX_CHAR 0x0200
+#define STATUS 0x0300
+#define INITIALIZE 0x0400
+#define DEINITIALIZE 0x0500
+#define RAISE_DTR 0x0601
+#define LOWER_DTR 0x0600
+#define GET_SYS_INFO 0x0700
+#define FLUSH_OUTPUT 0x0800
+#define PURGE_OUTPUT 0x0900
+#define PURGE_INPUT 0x0A00
+#define TX_CHAR_NOWAIT 0x0B00
+#define PEEK_AHEAD_INPUT 0x0C00
+#define PEEK_AHEAD_KBD 0x0D00
+#define READ_KBD 0x0E00
+#define FLOW_CONTROL 0x0F00
+#define CTLC_CTLK_CHECK 0x1000
+#define SET_CUP 0x1100
+#define GET_CUP 0x1200
+#define WRITE_ANSI_CHAR 0x1300
+#define ENABLE_WATCHDOG 0x1401
+#define DISABLE_WATCHDOG 0x1400
+#define WRITE_BIOS_CHAR 0x1500
+#define INSERT_TICK_FUNC 0x1601
+#define DELETE_TICK_FUNC 0x1600
+#define BOOT_MACHINE 0x1700
+#define READ_BLOCK 0x1800
+#define WRITE_BLOCK 0x1900
+#define START_BREAK_SIGNAL 0x1A01
+#define STOP_BREAK_SIGNAL 0x1A00
+#define GET_DRIVER_INFO 0x1B00
+#define INSTALL_APPENDAGE 0x7e00
+#define REMOVE_APPENDAGE 0x7f00
+/* port numbers and variable type of portnumber in calls */
+#define PORTCOM1 0
+#define PORTCOM2 1
+#define PORTCOM3 2
+#define PORTCOM4 3
+#define PORTCOM5 4
+#define PORTCOM6 5
+#define PORTCOM7 6
+#define PORTCOM8 7
+#define PORTSPECIAL 0x00ff
+typedef unsigned int PORT;
+/* defines components of baud settings call */
+#define BAUD300 0x40
+#define BAUD600 0x60
+#define BAUD1200 0x80
+#define BAUD2400 0xa0
+#define BAUD4800 0xc0
+#define BAUD9600 0xe0
+#define BAUD19200 0x00
+#define BAUD38400 0x20
+#define PARITYNONE 0x00
+#define PARITYODD 0x08
+#define PARITYNONEALT 0x10
+#define PARITYEVEN 0x18
+#define STOP1BIT 0x00
+#define STOP2BIT 0x04
+#define WORD5BIT 0x00
+#define WORD6BIT 0x01
+#define WORD7BIT 0x02
+#define WORD8BIT 0x03
+/* Error numbers */
+#define X00_OK 0
+#define X00_NOT_HERE 100
+#define X00_CHAR_NOT_SENT 101
+#define X00_NO_INPUT 0xffff
+#define X00_NO_KEY 0xffff
+#define X00_INS_TICK 104
+#define X00_DEL_TICK 105
+#define X00_INS_APP 106
+#define X00_REM_APP 107
+#define X00_DTR_HIGH 108
+#define X00_DTR_LOW 109
+/* FOSSIL initcall result type */
+#define X00_PRESENT 0x1954
+typedef struct {
+ unsigned int result;
+ unsigned char max_function;
+ unsigned char revision;
+/* FOSSIL status return type: all fields are 1 if condition exists */
+typedef union {
+ struct STATUSBITS {
+ unsigned int : 3;
+ unsigned int alwayshigh : 1;
+ unsigned int : 3;
+ unsigned int carrier_detect : 1;
+ unsigned int chars_in_input : 1;
+ unsigned int input_overrun : 1;
+ unsigned int : 3;
+ unsigned int output_not_full : 1;
+ unsigned int output_empty : 1;
+ unsigned int : 1;
+ } statusbits;
+ unsigned int statusword;
+/* FOSSIL info type */
+typedef struct {
+ unsigned int size;
+ unsigned char version;
+ unsigned char revision;
+ unsigned int ofs_fossil_id;
+ unsigned int seg_fossil_id;
+ unsigned int input_size;
+ unsigned int input_avail;
+ unsigned int output_size;
+ unsigned int output_avail;
+ unsigned char screen_width;
+ unsigned char screen_height;
+ unsigned char baud_rate_mask;
+/* FOSSIL system info type */
+typedef struct {
+ unsigned char tick_number;
+ unsigned char ticks_per_second;
+ unsigned int approx_ms_per_tick;
+/* FOSSIL flow control type */
+typedef union {
+ struct FLOWBITS {
+ unsigned char xonxoff : 1;
+ unsigned char ctsrts : 1;
+ unsigned char remote_xonxoff : 1;
+ unsigned char : 5;
+ } flowbits;
+ unsigned char flowword;
+/* FOSSIL checks control type */
+#define X00_CTLCK 0x0001
+#define X00_NO_CTLCK 0x0000
+typedef union {
+ struct CHECKBITS {
+ unsigned char ctlc_ctlk : 1;
+ unsigned char stop_transmitter : 1;
+ unsigned char : 6;
+ } checkbits;
+ unsigned char checkword;
+#define COLDBOOT 0
+#define WARMBOOT 1
+#if __cplusplus
+ extern "C" {
+unsigned int x00_detect(void);
+FOSSILSTATUS x00_set(unsigned char set, PORT port);
+FOSSILSTATUS x00_tx_char(unsigned char c, PORT port);
+unsigned char x00_rx_char(PORT port);
+FOSSILSTATUS x00_status(PORT port);
+FOSSILINIT x00_init(PORT port, unsigned char far *ctlc_flagbyte);
+void x00_deinit(PORT port);
+unsigned int x00_raise_dtr(PORT port);
+unsigned int x00_lower_dtr(PORT port);
+FOSSILSYSINFO x00_sysinfo(void);
+void x00_flush_output(PORT port);
+void x00_purge_output(PORT port);
+void x00_purge_input(PORT port);
+unsigned int x00_tx_char_nowait(unsigned char c, PORT port);
+unsigned int x00_peek_ahead_input(PORT port);
+unsigned int x00_peek_ahead_kbd(void);
+unsigned int x00_read_kbd(void);
+void x00_flow_control(FOSSILFLOWCTRL f, PORT port);
+unsigned int x00_ctlc_ctlk_check(FOSSILCTLCCTLK c, PORT port);
+void x00_set_cup(unsigned char row, unsigned char col);
+void x00_get_cup(unsigned char *row, unsigned char *col);
+void x00_write_ANSI_char(unsigned char c);
+void x00_enable_watchdog(PORT port);
+void x00_disable_watchdog(PORT port);
+void x00_write_BIOS_char(unsigned char c);
+unsigned int x00_insert_tick_func(void (_far *tickfunc)());
+unsigned int x00_delete_tick_func(void (_far *tickfunc)());
+void x00_boot_machine(unsigned int boottype);
+unsigned int x00_read_block(unsigned int count, void far *buf, PORT port);
+unsigned int x00_write_block(unsigned int count, void far *buf,
+PORT port);
+void x00_start_break_signal(PORT port);
+void x00_stop_break_signal(PORT port);
+unsigned int x00_get_driverinfo(void far *buf, PORT port);
+unsigned int x00_install_appendage(unsigned char appcode,
+ void (_far *appfunc)());
+unsigned int x00_remove_appendage(unsigned char appcode,
+ void (_far *appfunc)());
+#if __cplusplus
+ }
+#endif /* __X00API_H */