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+TITLE: *** YABL ***
+AUTHOR: Mitch Wright
+AUTHOR: Fellow USENET Readers...
+DATE: Tue Dec 7 11:53:54 PST 1993
+ For complaints, kudos, suggestions, corrections, additions, donations, ...
+ drop me an E-mail note --
+ The latest version of this list can be obtained via anonymous ftp from
+ pub/mitch/YABL/yabl
+TITLE: !%@:: A Guide to Electronic Mail Addressing, 2nd edition
+AUTHOR: Frey, Donnalyn
+AUTHOR: Adams, Rick
+SUBJECT: Introduction
+PUBLISHER: O'Reilly & Associates, Inc.
+DATE: 1993
+PAGES: 458
+ISBN: 0-56592-03107
+APPROX_COST: $24.95
+KEYWORDS: e-mail
+ Answers the problem of addressing mail to people you've never met, on
+ networks you've never heard of. Includes a general introduction to
+ e-mail, followed by detailed reference sections for over 130 networks.
+ ** This has been completely updated since the 1990 version!!! **
+ Topics covered include:
+ * An introduction to e-mail for beginners
+ * For over 180 networks: a description of the network, the
+ services it provides, the format of the e-mail addresses
+ needed to reach users on that network
+ * Index to networks by network name, country or area name,
+ and country code
+ * Index to second and third level domains and many sites
+ within each network
+SUBJECT: Pocket-sized reference card on the ANSI C language
+PUBLISHER: SSC (Specialized Systems Consultants, Inc.)
+DATE: June, 1991 (revised)
+ISBN: 0-916151-48-4
+KEYWORDS: ANSI C, pocket reference
+SUGGESTED_BY: Phil Hughes
+ Includes constants, variables, functions, statements,
+ proprocessor directives, common I/O functions, formatted I/O,
+ ASCII chart. Operator precidence chart.
+TITLE: The AWK Programming Language
+AUTHOR: Aho, Al
+AUTHOR: Kernighan, Brian
+AUTHOR: Weinberger, Peter
+SUBJECT: AWK Programming
+PUBLISHER: Addison Wesley
+DATE: 1988
+PAGES: 210
+ISBN: 0-201-07981-X
+LC: 87-17566
+TITLE: Algorithms in C
+AUTHOR: Sedgewick, Robert
+PUBLISHER: Addison-Wesley
+DATE: 1990
+PAGES: <pages>
+ISBN: 0-201-51425-7
+APPROX_COST: <$$.cc>
+SUGGESTED_BY: "Diomidis Spinellis" <>
+ Many useful algorightms expressed in C
+TITLE: The Art of Distributed Appl., Programming Techniques for RPC
+AUTHOR: Corbin, John R.
+PUBLISHER: Springer-Verlag (Part of Sun Techincal Reference Library)
+DATE: 1991
+PAGES: 558
+ISBN: 0-387-97247-1
+APPROX_Cost: 39.95
+SUGGESTED_BY: "Betty Jo Armstead, Sverdrup" <>
+ An excellent book for anyone starting to develop RPC applications.his
+ The book covers SUN style RPC programming with lots of examples. the
+ It covers XDR, RPC Protocol, RPC programming, Low-level RPC
+ Programming, Additional RPC Library Features, RPCGEN, Developing
+ RPC-based Distributed Applications and the future of RPC
+ programming. The books also hints at multithreaded RPC
+ applications, but provides no examples and very little discussion
+ on this topic.
+TITLE: Advanced C Programming for Displays
+AUTHOR: Rochkind, Marc J.
+SUBJECT: Programming
+PUBLISHER: Prentice-Hall
+DATE: 1988
+PAGES: 331
+ISBN: 0-13-010240-07
+SUGGESTED_BY: "Michael J. Chinni, SMCAR-CCS-E" <mchinni@PICA.ARMY.MIL>
+ Covers Character Displays, Windows, and Keyboards for UNIX and MS-DOS.
+TITLE: Advanced UNIX Programming
+AUTHOR: Rochkind, Marc J.
+SUBJECT: Programming
+PUBLISHER: Prentice-Hall
+EDITION: 1985, pp 265
+ISBN: 0-13-011818-4 HBK
+ISBN: 0-13-011800-1 PBK
+ Rochkind is a former Bell Labs UNIX guru who wrote SCCS back in the
+ mid 70's. This book is exactly what the title states, basically an
+ extremely thorough treatment of programming using the UNIX System
+ Call Interface. System V, System III, V7, 4.2 BSD, and Xenix are
+ all discussed. The system calls are organized functionally into
+ chapters that cover file i/o, terminal i/o, process control,
+ interprocess communication, and miscellaneous calls. The opening
+ chapter is an overvview of fundamental concepts of UNIX. Anytime
+ I have a question on the usage of system calls I consult this book.
+ The only problem with it is that it needs to be updated per
+ System V Rel 3, 4.3 BSD and the efforts of Sun and AT&T to bring
+ SunOS and System V together as well as the efforts in the UNIX 386
+ world.
+TITLE: Advanced UNIX: A Programmer's Guide
+AUTHOR: Prata, Stephen
+SUBJECT: Programming Guide
+PUBLISHER: Howard W. Sams & Co.
+DATE: 1985
+PAGES: 484
+ISBN: 0-067-22403-8.
+ Prata assumes you know how to login and use an editor. It's very
+ good for shell programing.
+TITLE: The Art of Computer Programming (V1), Fundamental Algorithms
+AUTHOR: Knuth, Donald E.
+PUBLISHER: Addison-Wesley
+DATE: 1973
+ISBN: <isbn>
+PAGES: <pages>
+APPROX_COST: <$$.cc>
+KEYWORDS: Algorithms
+TITLE: The Art of Computer Programming (V2), Seminumerical Algorithms
+AUTHOR: Knuth, Donald E.
+PUBLISHER: Addison-Wesley
+DATE: 1981
+ISBN: 0-201-03822-6
+PAGES: <pages>
+APPROX_COST: <$$.cc>
+KEYWORDS: Algorithms
+TITLE: The Art of Computer Programming (V3), Sorting and Searching
+AUTHOR: Knuth, Donald E.
+PUBLISHER: Addison-Wesley
+DATE: 1973
+ISBN: 0-201-03803-X
+PAGES: <pages>
+APPROX_COST: <$$.cc>
+KEYWORDS: Algorithms
+TITLE: BSD 4.3 Manual Set
+AUTHOR: University of California Berkeley
+SUBJECT: 4.3 BSD UNIX Operating System
+DATE: June 1988
+PAGES: <lots>
+ISBN: <unknown>
+APPROX_COST: 60.00/set
+SUGGESTED_BY: An anonymous BSD zealot
+ This is a must for programmers, administrator, and users alike.
+ If you are in contact with the BSD UNIX Operating system, YOU
+ need these manuals! Kudos to the boys at Cory and Evans!
+ *Printed by the USENIX Association as a service to the UNIX Comm.
+TITLE: Beginning UNIX Commands
+SUBJECT: Pocket-sized reference card on basic UNIX System commands
+PUBLISHER: SSC (Specialized Systems Consultants, Inc.)
+DATE: January, 1992 (revised)
+ISBN: 0-916151-55-7
+APPROX_COST: FREE with order of send #10 SASE
+KEYWORDS: UNIX, pocket reference
+SUGGESTED_BY: Phil Hughes
+ Lists 30 generic UNIX commands with examples of usage.
+TITLE: The Berkeley UNIX Environment
+AUTHOR: Horspool, R. Nigel
+SUBJECT: C Programming, BSD Unix
+PUBLISHER: Prentice Hall
+DATE: 1992
+PAGES: 379
+ISBN: 0-13-089368-4
+SUGGESTED_BY: Chet Creider <>
+ An excellent introduction to workstation use. Sections on
+ vi, Gnu emacs, csh (including C shell programming), lex, yacc,
+ systems programming in C (5 chapters), make, SCCS, RCS, dbx,
+ and much more.
+TITLE: A Book on C
+AUTHOR: Kelley, Al
+AUTHOR: Pohl, Ira
+SUBJECT: C Programming
+PUBLISHER: Benjamin/Cummings Publishing Company, Inc.
+DATE: 1984
+PAGES: 362
+ISBN: 0-8053-6860-4
+SUGGESTED_BY: Mitch Wright <>
+ This is a book written with the beginning C programmer in mind.
+TITLE: Checking C Programs with lint
+AUTHOR: Darwin, Ian F.
+SUBJECT: lint
+PUBLISHER: O'Reilly & Associates
+DATE: 1990
+PAGES: 84
+ISBN: 0-937175-30-7
+KEYWORDS: lint, C, nutshell
+ The lint program checker has proven itself time and again to be
+ one of the best tools for finding portability problems and
+ certain types of coding errors in C programs. This book
+ introduces you to lint, guides you through running it on your
+ programs and helps you to interpret lint's output.
+TITLE: The C Answer Book
+AUTHOR: Tondo, Clovis L.
+AUTHOR: Gimpel, Scott E.
+SUBJECT: C programming
+PUBLISHER: Prentice-Hall
+DATE: 1989
+PAGES: 208
+ISBN: 0-13-109877-2
+KEYWORDS: K&R answers
+ This book provides the answers to the exercises found in K&R. I
+ believe that a second edition of this book has also been recently
+ published corresponding with the 2nd edition of K&R.
+TITLE: C Language for Programmers, 2nd ed.
+AUTHOR: Pugh, Kenneth
+SUBJECT: C Programming
+PUBLISHING: QED Information Sciences
+DATE: 1989
+PAGES: 320
+ISBN: 0-89435-367-5
+APPROX_COST: $29.95
+KEYWORDS: C, tutorial
+COMMENTS: Teaches non-C programmers how to code in C
+TITLE: C Library Reference
+SUBJECT: Pocket-sized reference on the C library
+PUBLISHER: SSC (Specialized Systems Consultants, Inc.)
+DATE: 1985
+PAGES: 33
+ISBN: 0-916151-11-5
+KEYWORDS: C library, pocket reference
+SUGGESTED_BY: Phil Hughes
+ Documents the UNIX System 5.2 C library. Includes index
+ to UNIX man pages. The cover is a condensed explanation
+ of the C language.
+TITLE: C Pointers and Dynamic Memory Management
+AUTHOR: Daconta, Michael C.
+SUBJECT: C Pointers, Mem Management, Traps
+PUBLISHER: QED Publishing
+DATE: 1993
+PAGES: 340
+ISBN: 0-89435-473-6
+SUGGESTED_BY: Roger Smith <>
+KEYWORDS: C Programming, pointers, memory management, data structures
+ Saves lots of time using some of the parser code. Cements pointer
+ and memory management concepts. Good diagrams and plenty of examples.
+ Lots of other stuff explained well: pointer pointers, function
+ pointers, pointer traps, memory debugger ... highly recommend for
+ a C programmers bookshelf!
+TITLE: C Primer Plus Revised Edition
+AUTHOR: Waite, Mitchell
+AUTHOR: Prata, Stephen
+AUTHOR: Martin, Donald
+SUBJECT: C programming
+PUBLISHER: Howard W. Samms & Company
+DATE: 1987
+PAGES: 558
+ISBN: 0-672-22582-4
+SUGGESTED_BY: "Michael J. Chinni, SMCAR-CCS-E" <mchinni@PICA.ARMY.MIL>
+ An excellent beginners guide to C programming. I found out about this
+ book through a vendor's training class on C, where they used it as the
+ textbook.
+TITLE: C Programming Guide, 3rd Ed.
+AUTHOR: Purdum, J.J.
+SUBJECT: C Programming
+PUBLISHER: Que Corporation
+DATE: 1988
+PAGES: 456
+ISBN: 0-88022-356-1
+LCCN: 88-61496
+OCLC: 18865012
+TITLE: The C Programmer's Handbook
+AUTHOR: Bolsky, Morris I.
+SUBJECT: Reference
+PUBLISHER: Prentice-Hall
+DATE: 1985
+PAGES: 84
+ISBN: 0-13-110073-4
+KEYWORDS: C Programming
+ This is a handbook for experience programmers, not a book for reading.
+ Information is intended as a quickie reference and is not that
+ detailed.
+TITLE: The C Programming Language, First Edition
+AUTHOR: Kernigan, Brian W.
+AUTHOR: Ritchie, Dennis M.
+SUBJECT: C Programming
+PUBLISHER: Prentice-Hall
+DATE: 1978
+PAGES: 228
+ISBN: 0-13-110163-3
+SUGGESTED_BY: Mitch Wright <>
+ ** The Original Bible of C programming **
+ "... a book that ocntains a tutorial introduction to get new userss
+ started as soon as possible, separate chapters on major features
+ and a reference manual"
+TITLE: The C Programming Language, Second Edition
+AUTHOR: Kernigan, Brian W.
+AUTHOR: Ritchie, Dennis M.
+SUBJECT: C Programming
+PUBLISHER: Prentice-Hall
+DATE: 1988
+PAGES: 272
+ISBN: 0-13-110362-8
+SUGGESTED_BY: "Michael J. Chinni, SMCAR-CCS-E" <mchinni@PICA.ARMY.MIL>
+ The Bible of C programming
+TITLE: C Programmer's Library, 2nd Ed.
+AUTHOR: Purdum, J.J.
+SUBJECT: C language
+PUBLISHER: Que Corporation
+DATE: 1985
+PAGES: 319
+ISBN: 0-88022-157-7
+LCCN: 85-60689
+OCLC: 12819701
+TITLE: C Programmer's Toolkit
+AUTHOR: Purdum, Jack J.
+SUBJECT: C language
+PUBLISHER: Que Corporation
+DATE: 1989
+PAGES: 350
+ISBN: 0-88022-457-6
+LCCN: 89-61069
+OCLC: 21130331
+TITLE: The C Puzzle Book: Puzzles for the C Programming Language, 2nd Ed.
+AUTHOR: Feuer, Alan R.
+SUBJECT: C programming
+PUBLISHER: Prentice-Hall
+DATE: 1982
+PAGES: 173
+ISBN: 0-13-109934-5 HBK
+ISBN: 0-13-109926-4 PBK
+ Exactly what the title indicates. The puzzles are organized by
+ chapter: basic arithmetic operators, assignment operators, logic and
+ increment operators, bitwise operators, relational and conditional
+ operators, operator precedence and evaluation. The answers for all of
+ the puzzles are also provided. This is an excellent way to learn some
+ of the more advanced expressions that can be concocted with C.
+TITLE: C Self-Study Guide
+AUTHOR: Purdum, J.J.
+SUBJECT: C language
+PUBLISHER: Que Corporation
+DATE: 1985
+PAGES: 249
+ISBN: 0-88022-149-6
+OCLC: 12790605
+B-NO: 411153F
+TITLE: C Standard Library
+AUTHOR: Purdum, Jack J.
+AUTHOR: Leslie, Timothy C
+SUBJECT: C language
+PUBLISHER: Que Corporation
+DATE: 1987
+PAGES: 437
+ISBN: 0-88022-279-4
+LCCN: 86-62528
+OCLC: 16411542
+TITLE: C Traps and Pitfalls
+AUTHOR: Koenig, Andrew
+SUBJECT: C programming
+PUBLISHER: Addison-Wesley
+DATE: 1988
+PAGES: 147
+ISBN: 0-201-17928-8
+ Andrew published a BTL Technical Memorandum by this title several
+ years back. Later it was published as a Technical Report. It has now
+ been expanded into a book. I read the TR and it was excellent. I
+ just recently finished the book and would recommend it to anyone who
+ uses C.
+TITLE: The C and Unix Dictionary
+AUTHOR: Christian, Kaare
+SUBJECT: Definitions of terms
+PUBLISHER: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
+DATE: 1988
+PAGES: 216
+ISBN: 0-471-60929-3 HBK
+ISBN: 0-471-60931-5 PBK
+ Definitions of over 1000 terms in the C and Unix lexicon.
+TITLE: C: A Reference Manual, 2nd Edition
+AUTHOR: Harbison, Samuel P.
+AUTHOR: Steele Jr., Guy L.
+SUBJECT: C Programming
+PUBLISHER: Prentice-Hall
+DATE: 1987
+PAGES: 404
+ISBN: 0-13-109810-1 HBK
+ISBN: 0-13-109802-0 PBK
+ An excellent book on C. It is not really an introductory level book,
+ and is a great companion to K&R (2nd Ed.). Both this book and K&R
+ (2nd Ed.) cover the draft-proposed ANSI standards. Where H&S really
+ stands out is in the sections that cover the UNIX library calls. If
+ you have ever struggled with any of printf or scanf family of library
+ calls in trying to figure out the conversion rules in the format
+ string, this book is the answer.
+TITLE: Compiler Design in C
+AUTHOR: Holub, Allen I.
+SUBJECT: Compiler Design
+PUBLISHER: Prentice-Hall
+DATE: 1990
+PAGES: 924
+KEYWORDS: C Compilers, YACC
+SUGGESTED_BY: Mitch Wright <>
+ Great book! And lots of source examples to boot.
+TITLE: Compilers, Principles, Techniques, and Tools
+AUTHOR: Aho, Alfred V.
+AUTHOR: Sethi, Ravi
+AUTHOR: Ullman, Jefferey D.
+PUBLISHER: Addison-Wesley
+DATE: 1985
+PAGES: <pages>
+ISBN: 0-201-10088-6
+APPROX_COST: <$$.cc>
+SUGGESTED_BY: "Diomidis Spinellis" <>
+ Very good compile book. Covers yacc and lex theory and practice.
+TITLE: Computer Security Basics
+AUTHOR: Russell, Deborah
+AUTHOR: Gangemi Sr., G.T.
+SUBJECT: Computer Security
+PUBLISHER: O'Reilly and Associates
+DATE: 1992
+PAGES: 464
+ISBN: 0-937175-71-4
+SUGGESTED_BY: "Cliff Stoll" <>
+ For computer managers who use Orange Book sytems -- trusted
+ computer systems. A lot about government standards and what
+ it means to have a certified secure system.
+TITLE: Computers Under Attack
+AUTHOR: Denning, Peter [editor]
+PUBLISHER: ACM Press / Addison-Wesley Publishing Co.
+DATE: 1990
+PAGES: 554
+ISBN: 0-201-53067-8
+SUGGESTED_BY: "Cliff Stoll" <>
+ A collection of articles about computer security.
+ Good history of networks and an introduction to the internet,
+ with emphasis on security problems. Reviews of the internet
+ worm of 1988, computer viruses, and the nature of openness
+ in a networked community.
+TITLE: Computerization and Controversy
+AUTHOR: Dunlop & Kling [editor]
+PUBLISHER: Academic Press
+DATE: 1991
+PAGES: 758
+ISBN: 0-12-224356-0
+SUGGESTED_BY: "Cliff Stoll" <>
+ A splendid collection of articles on the social impact of
+ computers. Check out "The Strange Case of the Electronic
+ Lover" (from Ms. Magazine), or "Safety-Critical Computing"
+ or "Social Analysis of Computing". Technically solid and
+ socially important writing in here.
+TITLE: Connecting to the Internet
+AUTHOR: Estrada, Susan
+SUBJECT: Networking
+PUBLISHER: O'Reilly & Associates
+DATE: Aug 1993
+PAGES: 170
+ISBN: 1-56592-061-9
+KEYWORDS: networking, internet
+TITLE: Cryptography and Data Security
+AUTHOR: Denning, Dorothy E.
+PUBLISHER: Addison-Wesley
+DATE: 1983
+PAGES: <pages>
+ISBN: 0-201-10150-5
+APPROX_COST: <$$.cc>
+SUGGESTED_BY: "Diomidis Spinellis" <>
+ Scientific treatment of cryptography and security.
+TITLE: The Cuckoo's Egg
+AUTHOR: Stoll, Cliff
+PUBLISHER: Pocketbooks, New York City
+DATE: 1989, 1990
+PAGES: 356
+ISBN: 0-671-72688-9
+APPROX_Cost: Paperback - $5.95 (cheap at half the price)
+HARDBACK: Doubleday, ISBN 0-385-24946-2, $20 (acid free!)
+SUGGESTED_BY: "Cliff Stoll" <> [see disclaimer]
+ This is the true story of catching a spy over the Internet.
+ A hacker broke into a Berkeley astronomy computer, then
+ entered dozens of military computers through networks.
+ Here's how to catch a spy, without much help from the
+ FBI, the CIA, and the NSA.
+ Six months on the NY Times best-seller list,
+ two weeks on the Usenet most-flamed about list.
+ "A spy story for the 90's -- and it's all true!" - Tom Clancy
+ "A nonfiction book that reads like a Le Carre spy novel"- Seattle Times
+ "A gripping spy thriller" -- New York Times Book Review
+ "Indiana Jones & Tron, with a dash of Berkeley" -- William Press
+ "Fast-moving - read it straight through in one evening" -- Evelyn Leeper
+ "Not bad" - Cliff's Mom
+ Disclaimer: I caught the hacker, wrote the book, and
+ stand to earn two bits if you buy a copy. - Cliff Stoll
+TITLE: Cyberpunk
+AUTHOR: Hafner and Markoff
+PUBLISHER: Simon and Schuster
+DATE: 1991
+PAGES: 362
+ISBN: 0-671-68322-5
+SUGGESTED_BY: "Cliff Stoll" <>
+ This book tells of the computing counterculture -- the
+ underground of computing. Three people who became known
+ for their exploits: Kevin Mitnick, who obsessively broke
+ into DEC systems in Southern California; Hans Hubner, who
+ was a part of the German group that stole American military
+ information and sold it to the KGB; and Robert T. Morris,
+ who wrote the Internet worm of 1988. Perhaps the title of
+ this book is misleading, but the subtitle isn't: Outlaws
+ and hackers on the Computer Frontier
+TITLE: The C++ Programming Language
+AUTHOR: Stroustrup, Bjarne
+PUBLISHER: Addison-Wesley
+ISBN: 0-201-12078-X
+PAGES: <pages>
+APPROX_COST: <$$.cc>
+SUGGESTED_BY: "Diomidis Spinellis" <>
+ The standard C++ book.
+TITLE: A C++ Primer
+AUTHOR: Lippman, Stanley B.
+PUBLISHER: Addison-Wesley
+DATE: 1989
+PAGES: <pages>
+ISBN: 0-201-16487-6
+APPROX_COST: <$$.cc>
+SUGGESTED_BY: "Diomidis Spinellis" <>
+ A good introduction to C++ programming.
+TITLE: C++ Reference
+SUBJECT: Pocket-sized reference card on C++ language, Version 2
+PUBLISHER: SSC (Specialized Systems Consultants, Inc.)
+DATE: July, 1991
+PAGES: 16
+ISBN: 0-916151-49-2
+KEYWORDS: C++, pocket reference
+SUGGESTED_BY: Phil Hughes
+AUTHOR: Albitz, Paul
+AUTHOR: Liu, Cricket
+PUBLISHER: O'Reilly and Associates
+DATE: October 1992
+PAGES: 381
+ISBN: 1-56592-010-4
+APPROX_COST: $27.95
+KEYWORDS: Domain Name Service, DNS, BIND, named, resolve
+SUGGESTED_BY: Mitch Wright <>
+ I'm just starting to read mine (got it today), and so far so
+ good. For the moment, let me leave you with an excerpt from
+ the cover:
+ ``Whether you're an administrator involved with DNS on a daily
+ basis, or a user who wants to be mroe informed about the
+ internet and how it works, you'll find that this book is
+ essential reading.''
+ Topics include:
+ . What DNS does, how it works, and when you need to use it
+ . How to find your own place in the Internet's name space
+ . Setting up name servers
+ . Using MX records to route mail
+ . Configuring hosts to use DNS name servers
+ . Subdividing domains (parenting)
+ . Long-term maintenance
+ . Troubleshooting: using nslookup, reading debug output,
+ and common problems
+ . Low-level programming with the resolver library
+AUTHOR: Dougherty, Dale
+AUTHOR: O'Reilly, Tim
+SUBJECT: Introduction
+PUBLISHER: O'Reilly & Associates, Inc.
+DATE: 1988
+PAGES: 148
+ISBN: 0-937175-21-8
+KEYWORDS: Nutshell Handbook
+ Describes the solutions available for integrating DOS and UNIX. It
+ also briefly introduces UNIX for DOS users.
+TITLE: Data Structures and C Programs.
+AUTHOR: Van Wyk, Christopher
+SUBJECT: C programming
+DATE: 1989
+PAGES: 387
+ISBN: 0-201161-16-8
+KEYWORDS: C, Data Structures
+ The author is from Bell Labs and this is also one of my favorite books
+ for learing C programming with different kinds of data structures."
+ [ *** NOTE: Has been reprinted with corrections *** ]
+TITLE: Data Structures and Program Design in C
+AUTHOR: Kruse, Robert L.
+AUTHOR: Leung, Bruce P.
+AUTHOR: Tondo Clovis L.
+SUBJECT: C Programming
+PUBLISHER: Prentice Hall
+DATE: 1991
+PAGES: 525
+ISBN: 0-13-725649-3
+KEYWORDS: C, Data Structures
+ From back cover:
+ This introduction to data structures using the C programming
+ language emphasizes problem specification and program design;
+ analysis, testing, and verification; and program correctness
+TITLE: The Design and Implementation of the 4.3BSD Unix Operating System
+AUTHOR: Leffler, Samuel J.
+AUTHOR: McKusick, Marshall Kirk
+AUTHOR: Karels, Michael J.
+AUTHOR: Quarterman, John S.
+PUBLISHER: Addison-Wesley
+DATE: 1989
+PAGES: 471
+ISBN: 0-201-06196-1
+KEYWORDS: Internals, Kernel, BSD
+SUGGESTED_BY: Mitch Wright <>
+ These are the primary people who are responsible for 4.3 BSD.
+ --From back cover--
+ This book is the first authoritative description of the design and
+ implementation of the research version of the UNIX System developed
+ at the University of California at Berkeley. It covers the INTERNAL
+ structure of the 4.3BSD system and the concetps, data structures, and
+ algorithms used in implementing the system facilites. The book also
+ includes a chaper on the implementation of TCP/IP -- a networking
+ protocol suite widely implemented throughout the world.
+ Both philosophical and design issues of 4.3BSD are discussed, as well
+ as details of the actual implementation. In most cases, the
+ discussion starts at the system-call level and descends from the
+ interface to the kernel down to the hardware itself. The kernel
+ includes system facilities such as process management, memory
+ management, the I/O system, the filesystem, the socket IPC mechanism,
+ and network-protocol implementations.
+ The Design and Implemenation of the 4.3BSD UNIX Operating System is an
+ in-depth study of a contemporary operating system. This book assumes
+ that the reader understands basic operating-system terminology and has
+ some familiarity with any version of the UNIX System and with the C
+ programming language. Therefore, this book is suitable for
+ operating-system implementors, systems programmers, and UNIX
+ application developers.
+TITLE: The Design of the Unix Operating System
+AUTHOR: Bach, Maurice J.
+SUBJECT: Design of UNIX
+PUBLISHER: Prentice-Hall
+DATE: 1986
+PAGES: 471
+ISBN: 0-13-201799-7
+ A good generic introduction to kernel operation. (System V)
+TITLE: The Elements of Programming Style
+AUTHOR: Kernighan, Brian W.
+AUTHOR: Plauger, P. J.
+DATE: 1978
+PAGES: <pages>
+ISBN: 0-07-034207-5
+APPROX_COST: <$$.cc>
+SUGGESTED_BY: "Diomidis Spinellis" <>
+ A very good book on style. Although dated, most of it is
+ still important and relevant.
+TITLE: Efficient C
+AUTHOR: Plum, Thomas
+AUTHOR: Brodie, Jim
+SUBJECT: C programming
+DATE: 1985
+PAGES: 150
+ISBN: 0-911537-05-8
+ This is a useful book. Portability is one aspect of programming in C.
+ Efficiency is the other. Many use C because it allows them the
+ freedom to tie the programs down to the hardware in order to run
+ efficiently. This book is an excellent guide and when combined with
+ Jon Bentley's book on writting efficient programs gives one an
+ excellent background in measuring programs and fine tuning them.
+TITLE: Emacs Reference Card
+AUTHOR: Dennis Gentry
+SUBJECT: Pocket-sized reference card on the Gnu Emacs editor
+PUBLISHER: SSC (Specialized Systems Consultants, Inc.)
+DATE: August, 1992
+PAGES: 16
+ISBN: 0-916151-59-2
+KEYWORDS: Gnu, Emacs, pocket reference
+SUGGESTED_BY: Phil Hughes
+TITLE: Essential System Administration
+AUTHOR: Frisch, AEleen
+SUBJECT: Administration
+PUBLISHER: O'Reilly and Associates
+DATE: 1992
+PAGES: 466
+ISBN: 0-937175-80-3
+KEYWORDS: System admin., SVR3, SVR4, SunOS, AIX, BSD, XENIX
+ -From back cover-
+ Topics covered include:
+ . Starting your system and shutting it down
+ . Adding new users
+ . Managing UNIX processes
+ . Making the sytem secure
+ . Organizing and planning filesystems
+ . Planning and performing backups
+ . Restoring lost files from a backup tape
+ . Setting up a printer and the spooling system
+ . Overseeing a TCP/IP network (including NFS)
+ . Adding new terminals and disk drives
+ . Setting up and using the accounting system
+ Essential System Administration covers all of the major versions
+ of UNIX, including BSD, Systems V.3 and V.4, SunOS, XENIX, and
+ AIX 3.1.
+TITLE: Exploring the UNIX system
+AUTHOR: Kochan, Stephen G.
+AUTHOR: Wood, Patrick H.
+SUBJECT: Introduction to UNIX
+PUBLISHER: Hayden Book Company
+DATE: 1984
+PAGES: 370
+ISBN: 0-8104-6268-0
+SUGGESTED_BY: "Michael J. Chinni, SMCAR-CCS-E" <mchinni@PICA.ARMY.MIL>
+KEYWORDS: Introduction
+ A very good intro. book to UNIX. Has chapters on UNIX file system,
+ Bourne shell, vi, Program development, security, communications, and
+ administration.
+TITLE: GNU Emacs: UNIX Text Editing and Programming
+AUTHOR: Schoonover, Michael
+AUTHOR: Bowie, John
+AUTHOR: Arnold, Bill
+PUBLISHER: Addison-Wesley / HP Press
+DATE: 1991
+PAGES: 640
+ISBN: 0-201563-45-2
+KEYWORDS: Emacs, Editor, GNU
+SUGGESTED_BY: Michael Schoonover <>
+ Ordering info: 1-800-333-0088
+ . Examples, examples, examples.
+ . Appendix on switching from vi to Emacs; has vi-to-Emacs
+ command mappings for all your favorite vi commands.
+ . Separate chapters on general programming, C mode, Fortran
+ mode, and Lisp modes; also, an appendix on the non-standard
+ Pascal mode written by Vincent Broman.
+ . Extensive chapter on customizing Emacs, with many examples.
+ . Emacs-Lisp programming appendix (40 pages worth of info),
+ with examples of using common Emacs-Lisp functions.
+ . Comprehensive command reference with commands and variables
+ grouped together by function, so you don't have to wade
+ through voluminous alphabetical lists of commands and
+ functions. In addition, the command reference refers you to
+ pages in the manual where detailed info is found.
+ . Command summary at the end of each chapter.
+ . Printed on recycled paper!
+TITLE: Guide to OSF/1: A Technical Synopsis
+AUTHOR: Staff at O'Reilly & Associates
+PUBLISHER: O'Reilly and Associates
+DATE: <year>
+PAGES: 304
+ISBN: 0-937175-78-1
+ This technically-competent introduction to OSF/1 is based on
+ OSF technical seminars. In addition to its description of
+ OSF/1, it includes the differences between OSF/1 and System V
+ Release 4, and a look ahead at DCE.
+TITLE: The New Hackers Dictionary
+AUTHOR: Raymond, Eric
+DATE: 1991
+PAGES: <pages>
+ISBN: <isbn>
+APPROX_COST: <$$.cc>
+SUGGESTED_BY: "Diomidis Spinellis" <>
+ A dictionary of most words, acronyms and slang used by people
+ using computers.
+TITLE: The Internet Message, Closing the book with Electronic Mail
+AUTHOR: Rose, Marshall T.
+PUBLISHER: Prentice Hall
+DATE: 1993
+PAGES: 370
+ISBN: 0-13-092941-7
+APPROX_COST: <$$.cc>
+TITLE: Internetworking with TCP/IP
+AUTHOR: Comer, Douglas
+SUBJECT: Networking
+PUBLISHER: Prentice-Hall
+DATE: 1988
+PAGES: 382
+ISBN: 0-13-470154-2
+SUGGESTED_BY: Mitch Wright <>
+ -- From back of book
+ This comprehensive book begins with a discussion of the TCP/IP
+ technology and the Internet in general terms, summarizing the services
+ provided and the history of their development.
+ The remainder of the book looks at the architecture of the Internet,
+ the TCP/IP technology, and the applications that use it in more
+ detail. It discusses the fundamentals of protocols like TCP/IP as
+ well as showing how they fit into the internet. In additon to
+ providing details, the book highlights the general principles
+ underlying network protocols, and explains why the TCP/IP protocols
+ adapt easily to so many underlying network technologies. Readers will
+ find a brief summary of the network hardware used throughout the
+ Internet that focuses on the features of each technology that are of
+ primary importance to an Internet architect.
+TITLE: Internetworking with TCP/IP Volume 1, 2nd Edition
+AUTHOR: Comer, Douglas E.
+SUBJECT: Networking: Principles, Protocols, and Architecture
+PUBLISHER: Prentice Hall
+DATE: 1991
+PAGES: 547
+ISBN: 0-13-468505-9
+SUGGESTED_BY: Mitch Wright <>
+ If you thought the first book was good, wait until you get ahold
+ of this second set. Now it's two volumes....
+TITLE: Internetworking with TCP/IP Volume 2, 2nd Edition
+AUTHOR: Comer, Douglas E.
+AUTHOR: Stevens, David L.
+SUBJECT: Networking: Design, Implementation, and Internals
+PUBLISHER: Prentice Hall
+DATE: 1991
+PAGES: 532
+ISBN: 0-13-472242-6
+SUGGESTED_BY: Mitch Wright <>
+TITLE: Internetworking with TCP/IP Volume 3
+AUTHOR: Comer, Douglas E.
+AUTHOR: Stevens, David L.
+SUBJECT: Networking: Design, Implementation, and Internals
+PUBLISHER: Prentice Hall
+DATE: 1992
+PAGES: 417
+ISBN: <isbn>
+APPROX_COST: $50.00
+SUGGESTED_BY: Mitch Wright <>
+ I got a glimse last month of this book... Needless to say I have
+ mine on order from my book club. With luck it will be here soon.
+ Looks like Comer and Stevens have another fine text on the shelf.
+TITLE: Introducing The UNIX System
+AUTHOR: McGilton, Henry
+AUTHOR: Morgan, Rachel
+SUBJECT: Introduction to UNIX
+PUBLISHER: McGraw-Hill Book Company
+DATE: 1983
+PAGES: 556
+ISBN: 0-07-045001-3
+SUGGESTED_BY: "Michael J. Chinni, SMCAR-CCS-E" <mchinni@PICA.ARMY.MIL>
+ Introductory for the most part, but far more extensive than Gauthier's
+ book. There are two chapters on editors and two on text formatting
+ that are the best I have seen in this type book. There is even a
+ chapter on system management.
+ ... a later edition of this book was targeted specifically to
+ System V. -- Henry
+TITLE: Introducing UNIX System V
+AUTHOR: Morgan, Rachel
+AUTHOR: McGilton, Henry
+SUBJECT: Introduction
+DATE: 1987
+PAGES: 612
+ISBN: 0-07-043152-3
+COST: 19.95 PBK
+ It gives the user a good working knowledge of a number of commands
+ and packages. I emphasize that it is a user book, by no means a
+ technical manual. I assume by the difficulty in getting it in these
+ parts that it is pretty popular.
+TITLE: An Introduction to Berkeley Unix
+AUTHOR: Wang, Paul
+SUBJECT: Introduction
+PUBLISHER: Wadsworth Publishing Company
+DATE: 1988
+PAGES: 512
+ISBN: 0-534-08862-7
+ If you need a BSD oriented book, then I don't think you would find a
+ more thorough introductory book.
+TITLE: The Kornshell, Command and Programming Language
+AUTHOR: Korn, David G.
+AUTHOR: Bolsky, Morris I.
+SUBJECT: Korn shell programming
+PUBLISHER: Prentice-Hall
+DATE: 1989
+PAGES: 356
+ISBN: 0-13-516972-0
+SUGGESTED_BY: Mitch Wright <>
+ The book to have if you are beginning to learn the ksh.
+TITLE: LATEX: A Document Preparation System
+AUTHOR: Lamport, Leslie
+PUBLISHER: Addisson-Wesley
+DATE: 1985
+PAGES: <pages>
+ISBN: 0-201-15790-X
+APPROX_COST: <$$.cc>
+SUGGESTED_BY: "Diomidis Spinellis" <>
+ Have it by your side when using LaTeX
+TITLE: Learning GNU Emacs
+AUTHOR: Cameron, Deb
+AUTHOR: Rosenblatt, Bill
+SUBJECT: Editing
+PUBLISHER: O'Reilly and Associates
+DATE: 1992
+PAGES: 442
+ISBN: 0-937175-84-6
+KEYWORDS: Emacs, Editor, GNU
+ A book aimed at new Emacs users, whether or not they are
+ programmers.
+TITLE: Learning the Korn Shell
+AUTHOR: Rosenblatt, Bill
+PUBLISHER: O'Reilly & Associates
+DATE: 1993
+PAGES: 338
+ISBN: 1-56592-054-6
+APPROX_COST: $27.95
+KEYWORDS: shell, korn, programming
+ 1 - Korn Shell Basics 7 - Input/Output and Command-line
+ 2 - Command-line Editing Processing
+ 3 - Customizing Your Environment 8 - Process Handling
+ 4 - Basic Shell Programming 9 - Debugging Shell Programs
+ 5 - Flow Control 10 - Korn Shell Administration
+ 6 - Command-line Options &
+ Typed Variables
+TITLE: Learning the UNIX Operating System
+AUTHOR: Todino, Grace
+SUBJECT: Introduction
+PUBLISHER: O'Reilly & Associates, Inc.
+DATE: 1987
+PAGES: 76
+ISBN: 0-937175-16-1
+KEYWORDS: Nutshell Handbook
+TITLE: Learning the vi Editor, 5th Edition
+AUTHOR: Lamb, Linda
+SUBJECT: Introduction
+PUBLISHER: O'Reilly & Associates, Inc.
+DATE: 1991
+PAGES: 192
+ISBN: 0-937175-67-6
+KEYWORDS: Nutshell Handbook
+TITLE: Learning to Program in C
+AUTHOR: Plum, Thomas
+SUBJECT: C Programming
+PUBLISHER: Prentice Hall
+DATE: 1983
+PAGES: 300
+ISBN: 0-13-527847-3 (pbk)
+SUGGESTED_BY: Chet Creider <>
+ An old classic.
+TITLE: Learning Perl
+AUTHOR: Schwartz, Randal L.
+SUBJECT: Programming
+PUBLISHER: O'Reilly & Associates
+DATE: 1993
+PAGES: 246
+ISBN: 1-56592-04202
+APPROX_COST: $24.95
+KEYWORDS: Perl, programming. llama
+SUGGESTED_BY: Mitch Wright <>
+ Yowza! Well, here it is folks, "the" book to teach you perl. No
+ more excuses no to learn one of the most useful and effective
+ programming languages of our time. This book provides a quick
+ ramp up for those with little time to spend, but need the power
+ perl provides.
+TITLE: Life With UNIX
+AUTHOR: Libes, Don
+AUTHOR: Ressler, Sandy
+SUBJECT: Introduction and Overview of UNIX
+PUBLISHER: Prentice-Hall
+DATE: 1989
+PAGES: 350
+ISBN: 0-13-536657-7
+KEYWORDS: Introduction, Overview
+ - A comprehensive overview of UNIX. Major sections are:
+ UNIX in Time - Usual trash plus history of user groups,
+ universities, with a comprehensive "who's who" in
+ UNIX history. Present & Future deals with where
+ UNIX is now and where its going - companies,
+ standards and dialects are treated at length.
+ UNIX Information - How people really learn about UNIX.
+ Discussion of books, magazines, conferences, and, of
+ course, source code.
+ Inside UNIX - In-depth descriptions of UNIX from three
+ different perspectives - user, programmer and
+ adminstrator.
+ Outside UNIX - Third-party stuff. Discussions of how UNIX
+ has prospered/withered in face of real-world problems.
+ Underground - archives, USENET, public access UNIX,
+ GNU, MINIX, public-domain and/or free software, etc.
+ This book is quite unusual, not only because of its scope, but
+ because it prints things that have never appeared in print (for one
+ reason or another) - things that most people don't realize or find
+ until years after they have used UNIX. It is essentially a
+ "reading between the lines" of all the other UNIX manuals, books
+ and magazines. Lastly, "Life With UNIX" is chock full of amusing
+ UNIX stories and anecdotes, all designed to provide you with key
+ insights into why UNIX is the way it is. "Life with UNIX" is a
+ must book for UNIX beginners to UNIX gurus.
+ { Best! Best! Best! Hooray -- loved it!!! S.B.Bassett }
+TITLE: lex & yacc, 2nd Edition
+AUTHOR: Mason, Tony
+AUTHOR: Brown, Doug
+AUTHOR: Levine, John
+SUBJECT: Unix lex and yacc utilites
+PUBLISHER: O'Reilly and Associates
+DATE: October 1992
+PAGES: 400
+ISBN: 1-56592-000-7
+KEYWORDS: lex, yacc
+ Shows programmers how to use two UNIX utilities, lex and yacc,
+ to solve problems in program development. Includes explanations
+ of the concepts and tutorial examples, as well as detailed technical
+ information for advanced users.
+ LEX & YACC, 2nd edition, continues to be the only book exclusively
+ devoted to these two important UNIX programming tools. Every chapter
+ from the first edition has been wholly revised, with new, expanded
+ examples replacing old ones.
+ Major changes (From 1st Edition) include:
+ * Lex and yacc each have a chapter devoted to understanding
+ basic usage and simple, stand-alone applications;
+ * A new chapter with full SQL grammar;
+ * Greatly expanded reference chapters;
+ * Coverage of the new POSIX 1003.2 standard versions of lex
+ and yacc;
+ * Full coverage of all major MS-DOS and UNIX versions of lex
+ and yacc, including AT&T lex and yacc, Berkeley yacc,
+ Berkeley/Gnu flex, Gnu bison, MKS Lex and Yacc, and Abraxas
+TITLE: MH & xmh: E-mail for Users & Programmers, 2nd Edition
+AUTHOR: Peek, Jerry
+SUBJECT: Electronic mail
+PUBLISHER: O'Reilly and Associates
+DATE: September 1992
+PAGES: 728
+ISBN: 1-56592-027-9
+ Customizing your e-mail environment to save time and make communicating
+ more enjoyable. MH & xmh: E-Mail for Users & Programmers explains how to
+ use, customize, and program with the MH electronic mail commands, available
+ on virtually any UNIX system. The handbook also covers xmh, an X Window
+ System client that runs MH programs.
+ The new 2nd edition has been updated for X Release 5 and MH 6.7.2.
+ We've added a chapter on "mhook", new sections explaining under-appreciated
+ small commands and features, and more examples showing how to use MH to
+ handle common situations.
+ NOTE: Over 100 pages added since the 1st edition.
+TITLE: Managing NFS and NIS
+AUTHOR: Stern, Hal
+SUBJECT: Networking
+PUBLISHER: O'Reilly & Associates, Inc.
+DATE: 1991
+PAGES: 436
+ISBN: 0-937175-75-7
+SUGGESTED_BY: stern@sunne.East.Sun.COM (Hal Stern - Consultant)
+ The book includes the usual discussions of setting up and
+ administering NFS and NIS, but it focuses much more on the
+ system design, on-going maintenance, growth management and
+ performance tuning issues that seem to create the most problems.
+ The chapters include:
+ - NIS applications: how to build your own maps, and write
+ applications that use NIS map files
+ - NFS design and operation: what biod and nfsd really do.
+ how file attribute caching works.
+ - Using NFS and NIS to centralize mail delivery
+ - Network Security, including a discussion of Secure RPC/NFS
+ - Diagnostic Tools, focusing on debugging and problem isolation
+ - Performance Analysis and Tuning
+ - The Automounter
+ - PC/NFS
+ There's also an appendix describing various NFS benchmarking
+ techniques and tools.
+TITLE: Managing Projects with Make, 2nd Edition
+AUTHOR: Oram, Andrew
+AUTHOR: Talbot, Steve
+SUBJECT: Introduction to make(1)
+PUBLISHER: O'Reilly & Associates, Inc.
+DATE: 1991
+PAGES: 135
+ISBN: 0-937175-90-0
+KEYWORDS: Nutshell Handbook
+TITLE: Managing UUCP and USENET, 10th Edition
+AUTHOR: O'Reilly, Tim
+AUTHOR: Todino, Grace
+SUBJECT: Introduction to UUCP and Usenet
+PUBLISHER: O'Reilly & Associates, Inc.
+DATE: 1991
+PAGES: 368
+ISBN: 0-937175-93-5
+KEYWORDS: Nutshell Handbook
+SUGGESTED_BY: Mitch Wright <>
+ For all its widespread use, UUCP is one of the most difficult UNIX
+ utilities to master. This book is for system administrators who
+ want to install and manage UUCP and Usenet software. "Don't even
+ TRY to install UUCP without it!" -- Usenet message 456@nitrex.UUCP
+TITLE: Modern Operating Systems
+AUTHOR: Tanenbaum, Andrew S.
+SUBJECT: Operating systems
+PUBLISHER: Prentice Hall
+DATE: 1992
+PAGES: <715+>
+ISBN: 0-13-588187-0
+APPROX_COST: <??.??>
+ From the preface...
+ [...]
+ During the past 15 years, I have personally helped design
+ and implement three different operating systems:
+ TSS-11 (PDP-11), MINIX (IBM PC, Atari, Amiga, Macintosh,
+ and SPARC), and Amoeba (80386, Sun-3, SPARC, and VAX). I have
+ drawn on this long experience to emphasize those topics that
+ actually matter in real systems. All the subjects that are
+ expected in an undergraduate text on operating systems are
+ included here, including processes, interprocess communication,
+ semaphores, monitors, message passing, classical IPC problems,
+ scheduling, swapping, virtual memory, paging algorithms,
+ segmentation, file systems, security, [...]
+ -- Andrew S. Tanenbaum
+TITLE: Notes on the Draft C Standard
+AUTHOR: Plum, Thomas
+SUBJECT: C Programming
+DATE: 1987
+PAGES: 92
+ISBN: 0-911537-06-6
+ Tom Plum is the Vice Chair of the ANSI X3J11 committee, so who better
+ to write this book than he? However, as with any of the other C books
+ that treat the ANSI C Standard, it does not cover the Standard in it's
+ final form due to the fact that it has yet to be adopted. However,
+ the price is about $10, so it makes a good pickup to keep informed
+ about the standard and how it differs from K&R C.
+TITLE: Numerical Recipes in C, The Art of Scientific Computing
+AUTHOR: Press, William H.
+AUTHOR: Flannery, Brian
+AUTHOR: Teukolsky, Saul
+AUTHOR: Vetterling, William
+SUBJECT: C Programming
+PUBLISHER: Cambridge University Press
+DATE: 1988
+PAGES: 735
+ISBN: 0-521-35465-X
+SUGGESTED_BY: Mitch Wright <>
+ ". . . it is the one book to buy if you are going to have to solve
+ anything numerically on a computer." - Dr. Dobb's Journal
+TITLE: Obfuscated C and Other Mysteries
+AUTHOR: Libes, Don
+SUBJECT: C Programming
+PUBLISHER: John Wiley & Sons
+DATE: 1993
+PAGES: 425, including disk with complete source code
+ISBN: 0-471-57805-3
+ Finally, an educational yet entertaining book for C
+ programmers - or anyone else who wants to make fun of the
+ language.
+ "Obfuscated C ..." contains 40 essays that explain various
+ mysteries of the language (or perhaps just the author's
+ confusion over it) in an enjoyably light-hearted and humorous
+ style. Included are explanations of all of the winners of the
+ Obfuscated C Code Contest from 1985 to 1991. You've seen them
+ before, but a superficial glance doesn't do them justice.
+ Each of these seemingly short programs are wonderfully
+ constructed knots of clever syntax and logic. You'll cry for
+ hours and laugh for days.
+ Keep this book away from children! You've been warned!
+TITLE: Object-oriented Software Construction
+AUTHOR: Meyer, Berstrand
+PUBLISHER: Prentice Hall
+DATE: 1988
+PAGES: <pages>
+ISBN: 0-13-629031-0
+APPROX_COST: <$$.cc>
+SUGGESTED_BY: "Diomidis Spinellis" <>
+ A strong, personal view on object oriented programming. A good
+ introduction to the Eiffel language.
+TITLE: The Open Book
+AUTHOR: Rose, Marshall T.
+PUBLISHER: Prentice-Hall
+DATE: 1990
+PAGES: 651
+ISBN: 0-13-643016-3
+KEYWORDS: Networking
+SUGGESTED_BY: Mitch Wright <>
+ -- From back cover --
+ This book is an important contribution to the networking literature
+ for two reasons. First, it is one of the clearest expositions of the
+ OSI architecture and protocols, and it deals with concrete issues,
+ including implementation matters. Second, it seeks to explicate ways
+ in which the TCP/IP Internet community may accommodate the phased
+ introduction of OSI protocols. This latter contribution is of prime
+ importance if this large and rapidly growing community is to benefit
+ from the heavy vendor community investment in OSI software and
+ services.
+ -- Vint Cerf, Chariman, Internet Activities Board
+TITLE: Operating Systems, Design and Implementation
+AUTHOR: Tanenbaum, Andrew S.
+PUBLISHER: Prentice-Hall
+DATE: 1987
+PAGES: 719
+ISBN: 0-13-637406-9
+SUGGESTED_BY: Mitch Wright <>
+ -- From back cover --
+ o Covers the fundamental principles in detail including processes,
+ interporcess communication, semaphores, monitors, message passing,
+ remote procedure call, scheduling algorithms input/output,
+ deadlocks, device drivers, memory management, paging algorithms,
+ file system design, network file servers, atomic transactions,
+ security, and protection mechanisms.
+ o discusses one system -- MINIX, a UNIXX-compatible operating
+ system -- in detail to illustrate the principles.
+ o provides a complete source code listing of MINIX for study.
+TITLE: Operating System Design, The XINU approach
+AUTHOR: Comer, Douglas
+Publisher: Prentice-Hall
+DATE: 1984
+PAGES: 486
+ISBN: 0-13-637539-1
+SUGGESTED_BY: Mitch Wright <>
+ -- From back cover --
+ In this book, Douglas Comer, dispels the magic from operating system
+ design and consolidates the body of material into a systematic
+ discipline...
+ The author guides you through the construction of a conventional
+ process-based system, using practical straightforward primitives...
+TITLE: POSIX Programmer's Guide
+AUTHOR: Lewine, Donald
+PUBLISHER: O'Reilly and Associates
+DATE: 1991
+PAGES: 640
+ISBN: 0-937175-73-0
+KEYWORDS: Posix, standards
+TITLE: Peter Norton's Guide to Unix
+AUTHOR: Norton, Peter
+AUTHOR: Hahn, Harley
+PUBLISHER: Bantam Books
+DATE: 1991
+PAGES: 560
+ISBN: 0-553-35260-1
+SUGGESTED_BY: Lawrence R. Gibes <>
+TITLE: Portable C Software
+AUTHOR: Horton, Mark
+SUBJECT: C programming
+PUBLISHER: Prentice Hall
+DATE: 1990
+PAGES: 400
+ISBN: 0-13-868050-7
+ ** From the back jacket:
+ Portable C Software is designed for professional programmers and
+ students who want to write portable C code between System V
+ implementations, POSIX, MS DOS, and other operating systems.
+ Assuming a working knowledge of C, this book addresses and rates
+ each feature of the C software environment. Shell commands, system
+ calls, external variables, and macros are discussed and examined
+ in detail.
+ The author provides an advanced introduction to C, describes how
+ best to write portable software, examines what not to do, discusses
+ common mistakes, and includes an invaluable portability reference
+ manual. In this extensive manual, the author rates the portability
+ of the following
+ o subroutines available in C libraries
+ o operating system calls
+ o header include files
+ o predefined variables in the C library
+ o UNIX(R) system shell commands
+ Portable C Software offers concise, current coverage of C, and
+ will be an important reference for anyone who writes C programs.
+ Of the nearly 400 pages, about 250 are reference material. Some of it
+ is fairly detailed. If you find any errors, or have any suggestions
+ for the next edition, please drop me a note at
+ Mark.Horton@ATT.COM
+ Thanks to everyone who made helpful suggestions or otherwise
+ contributed to the book. -- Mark
+TITLE: Portable C and UNIX System Programming
+AUTHOR: Lapin, J.E.
+SUBJECT: C programming
+PUBLISHER: Prentice-Hall
+DATE: 1987
+PAGES: 249
+ISBN: 0-13-686494-5
+KEYWORDS: Portable C
+ A useful book, mostly because there are no others written on this
+ topic, yet...
+TITLE: Postscript Language Program Design
+AUTHOR: Adobe Systems Incorporated
+PUBLISHER: Addison-Wesley
+DATE: 1988
+PAGES: <pages>
+ISBN: 0-201-14396-8
+APPROX_COST: <$$.cc>
+SUGGESTED_BY: "Diomidis Spinellis" <>
+ A must for writing serious PostScript programs.
+TITLE: Postscript Language Reference Manual
+AUTHOR: Adobe Systems Incorporated
+PUBLISHER: Addison-Wesley
+DATE: <date>
+PAGES: <pages>
+ISBN: 0-201-10174-2
+APPROX_COST: <$$.cc>
+SUGGESTED_BY: "Diomidis Spinellis" <>
+ The standard PostScript reference.
+TITLE: Practical C Programming
+AUTHOR: Oualline, Steve
+SUBJECT: C programming
+PUBLISHER: O'Reilly and Associates
+DATE: 1992
+PAGES: 420
+ISBN: 0-937175-65-X
+KEYWORDS: C, programming
+TITLE: A Practical guide to UNIX System V
+AUTHOR: Sobell, Mark G.
+PUBLISHER: Benjamin/Cummings Publishing Co.
+DATE: 1985
+PAGES: 577
+ISBN: 0-80-538915-6
+TITLE: A Practical Guide to the Unix System (2nd ed.)
+AUTHOR: Sobell, Mark G.
+PUBLISHER: Benjamin/Cummings Publishing Co.
+DATE: 1989
+PAGES: 632
+ISBN: 0-80-530243-3
+TITLE: Practical UNIX Security
+AUTHOR: Garfinkel, Simson
+AUTHOR: Spafford, Gene
+SUBJECT: Unix security
+PUBLISHER: O'Reilly and Associates
+DATE: 1991
+PAGES: 512
+ISBN: 0-937175-72-2
+KEYWORDS: security
+SUGGESTED_BY: "Cliff Stoll" <>
+ Here's how to secure your Unix system -- where the security
+ holes are, what to watch out for, how outsiders break in,
+ how to secure your system in a networked environment.
+ The best technical book on the subject that I've seen,
+ written for systems people who need to know. It'll save
+ you its purchase price in asprin.
+TITLE: Power Programming with RPC
+AUTHOR: Bloomer, John
+SUBJECT: RPC Programming
+PUBLISHER: O'Reilly and Associates
+DATE: 1991
+PAGES: 494
+ISBN: 0-937175-77-3
+KEYWORDS: RPC, Nutshell
+ Contents include:
+ -- The foundations of remote procedure calling; what it is,
+ how it works and what vendors support it.
+ -- What RPC offers to application and product developers.
+ -- How RPC fits into a distributed computing environment
+ -- ONC and DCE, a comparison of their similarities and differences.
+ -- How to develop, debug and deploy networked applications.
+ -- Understanding the interprocess control (IPC) mechanisms on
+ which RPC is based.
+ -- Using remote procedure calling in parallel/distributed
+ processing and scheduling.
+ -- Using remote procedure calling with windowing systems.
+ -- Examples of distributed applications using both single and
+ multiple concurrent servers.
+TITLE: Programming perl
+AUTHOR: Wall, Larry
+AUTHOR: Schwartz, Randal L.
+SUBJECT: Programming in perl
+PUBLISHER: O'Reilly & Associates, Inc.
+DATE: 1991
+PAGES: 465
+ISBN: 0-937175-64-1
+KEYWORDS: perl, nutshell
+SUGGESTED_BY: Mitch Wright <>
+ OUTSTANDING!!!!!!! I've had mine since USENIX and it's been with
+ me since then. I just don't leave home without it. This book is
+ for you if you are even slightly interested in perl as a language,
+ and it's easy reading and excellent examples will make you, as
+ Randal would say ``Just Another Perl Hacker''. It is even worth
+ reading if you are not *yet* interested in the language.
+ Programming perl is very light reading and in the words of Larry:
+ "...mildly amusing in some spots (and wildly amusing in others)."
+ From back cover: Perl is a language for easily manipulating text
+ files and processes. Perl provides a more concise and readable way to
+ do many jobs that were formally accomplished (with difficulty) by
+ programming in the C language or one of the shells. Even though Perl
+ is not yet a standard part of UNIX, it is likely to be available at
+ any UNIX site. And if it isn't, users can get it and install it
+ easily and FREE of charge.
+TITLE: Programming with Curses
+AUTHOR: Strang, John
+SUBJECT: Introduction
+PUBLISHER: O'Reilly & Associates, Inc.
+DATE: 1986
+PAGES: 76
+ISBN: 0-937175-02-1
+KEYWORDS: Nutshell Handbook
+ curses is a UNIX library of functions for controlling a terminal's
+ display screen from a C program. This handbook helps you make use of
+ the curses library.
+TITLE: RS-232 Card
+SUBJECT: Pocket-sized reference card RS-232 serial communications
+PUBLISHER: SSC (Specialized Systems Consultants, Inc.)
+DATE: 1990
+ISBN: 0-916151-42-7
+KEYWORDS: RS-232, serial communications, reference card
+SUGGESTED_BY: Phil Hughes
+ Concise explanation of the RS-232 standard for serial communications.
+ Includes signal descriptions, pinouts for both DB-25 and DB-9
+ connectors, null modem wiring and an ASCII code chart.
+TITLE: Recommended C Stype and Coding Standards
+AUTHOR: Keppel, David
+AUTHOR: ...others...
+SUBJECT: Revision of Indian Hill C Style paper
+PUBLISHER: SSC (Specialized Systems Consultants, Inc.)
+DATE: June, 1991
+PAGES: 40
+ISBN: 0-916151-46-8
+KEYWORDS: C language, programming style
+SUGGESTED_BY: Phil Hughes
+ Describes a recommended coding standard for C language programs.
+TITLE: sed & awk
+AUTHOR: Dougherty, Dale
+SUBJECT: Sed and awk programming
+PUBLISHER: O'Reilly and Associates
+DATE: 1990
+PAGES: 414
+ISBN: 0-937175-59-5
+KEYWORDS: sed, awk
+TITLE: sendmail
+AUTHOR: Costales, Bryan
+AUTHOR: Allman, Eric
+AUTHOR: Rickert, Neil
+SUBJECT: sendmail admin.
+PUBLISHER: O'Reilly & Associates
+DATE: 1993
+PAGES: 792
+ISBN: 1-56592-056-2
+APPROX_COST: $32.95
+KEYWORDS: sendmail, e-mail
+SUGGESTED_BY: Mitch Wright <>
+ It's been a long time waiting, but Bryan Costales has created an
+ excellent and authoratative work on one of the most "magical"
+ programs in UNIX. The black art of sendmail has been uncovered
+ and it's mysteries (most of them) have been solved. With help
+ from Eric Allman (creator of sendmail) and Neil Rickert this book
+ covers not only the traditional Version 5.x of sendmail, but things
+ like the new V8 and IDA sendmail. The book is well broken up and
+ provides a tutorial, followed by an administration section, then a
+ reference section, and finally (670 pages later) the appendices.
+TITLE: The SPARC System Developer's Guide
+AUTHOR: Leventhal, L.
+AUTHOR: Rohner, J.
+SUBJECT: SPARC Assemble Language
+PUBLISHER: Springer-Verlag
+DATE: 1989
+PAGES: <pages>
+ISBN: 0-387-97251-X
+TITLE: The Standard C Library
+AUTHOR: Plauger, P.J.
+SUBJECT: C Programming
+PUBLISHER: Prentice Hall
+DATE: 1990
+PAGES: 498
+ISBN: 0-13-131509-9
+KEYWORDS: C, libc, programming
+TITLE: A Student's Guide to UNIX
+AUTHOR: Hahn, Harley
+DATE: 1993
+PAGES: 633
+ISBN: 0-07-025511-3
+APPROX_COST: <price>
+ Here is a book that will help you ramp up your UNIX expertise
+ quickly. The book is organized well and takes an honest view
+ of what is out there. Harley even tells you about MUD (p.430),
+ but kindly warns you about it's effects on the graduation rate...
+ I suppose the time I saved reading this book will allow me the
+ time for a few minutes of studying...
+ [This is the first book I have read that actually spells out
+ the infamous RTFM -- in fine fashion I might add. Page 430
+ ~mitch]
+TITLE: Software Copyright Handbook
+AUTHOR: Joel B. Gilman
+SUBJECT: Step-by-step guide to obtaining a software copyright
+PUBLISHER: SSC (Specialized Systems Consultants, Inc.)
+DATE: June, 1991 (revised)
+PAGES: 29
+ISBN: 0-916151-45-X
+KEYWORDS: software copyrights
+SUGGESTED_BY: Phil Hughes
+ "Understandability: Almost Crystal Clear" and "Summary: A
+ quick rundown of the simple requirements for gaining
+ copyright protection." -- Walter Zintz, UNIX World, September, 1991
+TITLE: Software Engineering in C.
+AUTHOR: Darnell, Peter A.
+AUTHOR: Margolis, Philip E.
+SUBJECT: C programming
+PUBLISHER: Springer-Verlag
+DATE: 1988
+PAGES: 612
+ISBN: 0-387-96574-2
+ One of the finest books I have seen for beginners. Highly recommended
+ even for intermediate-level C programmers.
+TITLE: Software Tools
+AUTHOR: Kernighan, Brian W.
+AUTHOR: Plauger, P. J.
+SUBJECT: How to write programs that make good tools.
+PUBLISHER: Addison-Wesley
+DATE: 1976
+PAGES: 338
+ISBN: 0-201-03669-X
+KEYWORDS: programming, top-down design, software engineering.
+ The language used is RATFOR but it looks enough like C
+ to be used by anyone who knows or is learning C.
+ The book purports to contain generic examples that might
+ be on any system; the reader will recognise many similarities
+ to UNIX.
+ Several UNIX-like commands and features are discussed in
+ detail. Many UNIX design considerations and philosophies
+ are explained.
+TITLE: System Performance Tuning
+AUTHOR: Loukides, Mike
+SUBJECT: System Performance
+PUBLISHER: O'Reilly & Associates, Inc.
+DATE: 1991
+PAGES: 336
+ISBN: 0-937175-60-9
+KEYWORDS: performance, nutshell
+ *** From: ORA Fall/Winter 1990 Catalog
+ System Performance Tuning answers one of the most fundamental
+ questions you can ask abou your computer: "How can I get it to
+ do more work without buying more hardware?" Anyone who has
+ ever used a computer has periodically wished that the system
+ was faster, particularly at times when it was under heavy load.
+TITLE: Software Portability with imake
+AUTHOR: DuBois, Paul
+SUBJECT: programming
+PUBLISHER: O'Reilly & Associates
+DATE: 1993
+PAGES: 390
+ISBN: 1-56592-055-4
+APPROX_COST: $27.95
+KEYWORDS: X, programming, make
+ From a marketing blurb: imake is a utility that works with make to
+ enable code to be compilied and installed on different UNIX machines.
+ This new nutshell handbook -- the only book available on imake -- is
+ ideal for X and UNIX programmers who want their software to be
+ portable. It includes a general explanation of imake, how to write
+ and debug an Imakefile, and how to write configuration files.
+TITLE: The TCP/IP Companion: A Guide for the Common User
+AUTHOR: Arick, Martin R.
+PUBLISHER: QED Publishing Group
+DATE: August 1993
+PAGES: 263
+ISBN: 0-89435-466-3
+APPROX_COST: $29.95
+SUGGESTED BY: Rich O'Hanley, QED,
+ Step-by-step instructions on how to use TCP/IP protocols:
+ rlogin, telnet, rcp, rsh, tftp and smtp, ftp, mail, mount,
+ and network services.
+TITLE: TCP/IP Network Administration
+AUTHOR: Hunt, Craig
+SUBJECT: TCP/IP Networking
+PUBLISHER: O'Reilly and Associates
+DATE: July 1992
+PAGES: 502
+ISBN: 0-937175-X
+APPROX_COST: $29.95
+KEYWORDS: TCP, IP, Networking, Admin
+ A complete guide to setting up and running a TCP/IP network for
+ practicing system administrators. Covers how to set up your network,
+ how to configure important network applications including sendmail,
+ and discusses troubleshooting and security.
+ Covers BSD and System V TCP/IP implementations.
+TITLE: TCP/IP and Related Protocols
+AUTHOR: Black, Uyless
+SUBJECT: TCP/IP Networking
+DATE: 1992
+PAGES: <pages>
+ISBN: 0-07-005553-X
+SUGGESTED_BY: James Petts <>
+ Chapter 1. TCP/IP and the Internet
+ Chapter 2. Introduction to Betworks, Bridges, Gateways,
+ and Routers
+ Chapter 3. Naming, Addressing, and Routing in an Internet
+ Chapter 4. The Domain Name System (DNS)
+ Chapter 5. The Internet Protocol (IP)
+ Chapter 6. Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP)
+ Chapter 7. Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) and User
+ Datagram Protocol (UDP)
+ Chapter 8. Route Discover Protocols
+ Chapter 9. The Major Application Layer Protocols
+ Chapter 10. Other Protocols
+ Chapter 11. Internet Network Management Systems
+ Chapter 12. Operating TCP/IP with Other Protocols
+ (and Other Protocols without TCP/IP)
+ Chapter 13. TCP/IP and Operating Systems
+ Chapter 14. Management Considerations
+ A book written in an "advanced tutorial style", this gives a
+ thorough and clear introduction to TCP/IP from a technical point
+ of view, but also gives some emphasis to the place of TCP/IP in
+ internetworking from an integration and management point of view.
+TITLE: The TeXbook
+AUTHOR: Knuth, Donald E.
+PUBLISHER: Addisson-Wesley
+DATE: 1989
+PAGES: <pages>
+ISBN: 0-201-13448-9
+APPROX_COST: <$$.cc>
+SUGGESTED_BY: "Diomidis Spinellis" <>
+ The standard book on TeX.
+TITLE: Termcap & Terminfo, 3rd Edition
+AUTHOR: Strang, John
+AUTHOR: Mui, Linda
+AUTHOR: O'Reilly, Tim
+SUBJECT: Introduction
+PUBLISHER: O'Reilly & Associates, Inc.
+DATE: 1990
+PAGES: 270
+ISBN: 0-937175-22-6
+KEYWORDS: Nutshell Handbook
+ E-mail: ... uunet!ora!nuts
+ Phone#: 1-800-338-NUTS
+TITLE: Tricks of the UNIX Masters
+AUTHOR: Sage, Russel G.
+SUBJECT: Reference
+PUBLISHER: Howard Sams & Co
+DATE: 1987
+PAGES: 400
+ISBN: 0-672-22449-6.
+ a "must add" to your list of UNIX books. For about $20, you'll get a
+ lot of nifty little tricks & tips you won't pick up unless you've got
+ a good UNIX guru to coach you. The style is relaxed & aimed at a bit
+ above the novice UNIX user (experienced programmer with sparse UNIX
+ exposure).
+TITLE: Typesetting Tables on the UNIX System
+AUTHOR: McGilton, Henry
+AUTHOR: McNabb, Mary
+SUBJECT: Using the 'tbl' utility
+PUBLISHER: Trilithon Press, 334 State St., Ste. 106 Los Altos CA 94022
+DATE: 1990
+PAGES: 280
+ISBN: 0-9626289-0-5
+KEYWORDS: Typesetting, tbl, troff
+ -- From the back cover:
+ Reviewers said:
+ "You're a pair of lunatics!" -- James Gosling, Sun Micro
+ "Good Grief!" -- Ken Greer, Elan Computer Group, Inc.
+ "Three Hundred Pages on TBL?!?" -- Prof. Powell, U. Minn
+ I (S.B.Bassett) rather agree, but I wish there were more lunatics like
+ these two, who would do a thorough job of documenting the workings of
+ various cryptic, arcane, and downright quirky UNIX utilities for the
+ benefit of those of us without source . . .
+ I actually enjoyed reading this -- Henry sent me a complimentary copy
+ in the hopes that I would review it here (thanks, Henry, I did), and I
+ figured out why I had so much trouble with 'tbl' on a former job -- I'd
+ have paid several times the price for a copy of this 2 years ago. Too
+ bad I'm not doing tech writing any more . . . ;^)
+TITLE: UNIX C Shell Desk Reference
+AUTHOR: Arick, Martin K.
+PUBLISHER: QED Information Sciences
+DATE: 1991
+PAGES: 220
+ISBN: 0-89435-321-4
+APPROX_COST: $29.95
+TITLE: The UNIX C Shell Field Guide
+AUTHOR: Anderson, Gail
+AUTHOR: Anderson, Paul
+SUBJECT: C-Shell Guide
+PUBLISHER: Prentice-Hall
+DATE: 1986
+PAGES: 374
+ISBN: 0-13-937468-X
+KEYWORDS: C-shell, csh
+SUGGESTED_BY: "Michael J. Chinni, SMCAR-CCS-E" <mchinni@PICA.ARMY.MIL>
+ I have heard this called the C-Shell Bible.
+TITLE: UNIX Curses Explained
+AUTHOR: Goodheart, Berny
+SUBJECT: Complete Curses and Terminfo reference
+PUBLISHER: Prentice-Hall
+DATE: 1990
+PAGES: 304
+ISBN: 0-13-931957-3
+KEYWORDS: Introduction, Overview, Curses
+ This is a complete text and reference book on UNIX Curses.
+ It provides C programmers and UNIX users with the expertise to
+ create, install and debug, Curses written applications and
+ terminfo description files using the UNIX System V.3 Operating
+ System.
+ Will enable any C programmer to create UNIX Curses or terminfo
+ based programs.
+ The text is based on UNIX System V.3 and refers to earlier
+ releases where appropriate.
+ In text examples on: using Curses; using Windows; color manipulation;
+ using an alternative character set; pads; and terminfo.
+ The book includes a full alphabetical reference section (120pp)
+ documenting all curses functions from both past and present versions
+ of the UNIX operating system.
+ An appendix with terminfo reference tables for both the terminfo
+ description designer and the C programmer.
+TITLE: The UNIX Industry:
+ Evolution, Concepts, Architecture, Applications, and Standards
+AUTHOR: Dunphy, Edward P.
+SUBJECT: UNIX market analysis
+PUBLISHER: QED Information Sciences
+DATE: 1991
+PAGES: 338
+ISBN: 0-89435-390-X
+APPROX_COST: $34.95
+TITLE: UNIX Network Programming
+AUTHOR: Stevens, W. Richard
+SUBJECT: UNIX Networking
+PUBLISHER: Prentice Hall
+DATE: 1990
+PAGES: 772
+ISBN: 0-13-949876-1
+EDITION: 1990
+SUGGESTED_BY: Richard Stevens ... { uunet | yale } ! hsi ! stevens
+ (201) 767-5937 for fewer than 20 copies
+ (201) 592-2498 for corporate customers ordering 20 or more
+ (201) 767-5994 for Government orders
+ -- From back cover
+ As networking software becomes increasingly importat in today's world,
+ a book that teaches programmers how to write and how better to use
+ this technology has finally arrived.
+ ... is unique because it includes numerous case studies of real
+ network applications, as well as approximately 15,000 lines of
+ C source code, take directly from their source files, to help further
+ understanding of networking software.
+ [ Source is available for anon. ftp at ~mitch ]
+TITLE: UNIX Networking
+AUTHOR: Kochan, Stephen G.
+AUTHOR: Wood, Patrick H.
+SUBJECT: UNIX Networking
+PUBLISHER: Hayden Books
+DATE: 1989
+PAGES: 400
+ISBN: 0-672-48440-4
+KEYWORDS: Networking, TCP, NFS
+SUGGESTED_BY: Frank W. Peters <peters@apple!CC.MsState.Edu>
+ An excellent book covering UUCP, TCP/IP, NFS, RPC, Streams, OSI, RFS,
+ X11 and NeWS (Sun's postscript based graphical protocol). Each chapter
+ serves as an excellent programmers introduction to the topic
+ discussed."
+TITLE: UNIX Papers for UNIX Developers & Power Users
+AUTHOR: The Waite Group Editors - edited by Mitchell Waite
+SUBJECT: UNIX Reference
+PUBLISHER: Howard W. Sams & Co
+DATE: 1987
+PAGES: 518
+ISBN: 0-672-22578-6
+ This is a collection of papers. Some of the them are introductions
+ and others cover more arcane bits of knowledge.
+TITLE: UNIX Power Tools
+AUTHOR: Peek, Jerry
+AUTHOR: Loukides, Mike
+AUTHOR: O'Reilly, Tim
+AUTHOR: "other contributors"
+PUBLISHER: O'Reilly & Associates
+DATE: 1993
+PAGES: 1,162
+ISBN: 0-553-35402-7
+APPROX_COST: $59.95 (w/ CD)
+KEYWORDS: CD, UNIX, "Arr, Arr, Arr"
+SUGGESTED_BY: Mitch Wright <>
+ Hey! It's "tool time". You need a book with "more power"? Well,
+ this is the one -- Arr, Arr, Arr. No need for Al to help out on
+ with using this tool. This book is made for *power*. It has 1100+
+ pages firmly planted on a layflat binding (arr, arr, arr)... real
+ paper pages filled with high levels of toner for maximum power in
+ those learning curves (arr, arr, arr, arr). It even comes equipped
+ with a CD (AM/FM radio and player not included!).
+TITLE: UNIX time-sharing system : UNIX programmer's manual vol 1&2
+AUTHOR: BELL Laboratories
+PUBLISHERS: Holt, Rinehart and Winston
+PUBLISHER: Bell Laboratories
+DATE: 1983
+ISBN: 0-03-061742-1 (v1)
+ISBN: 0-03-061742-X (v2)
+TITLE: The UNIX Programming Environment
+AUTHOR: Kernighan, Brian W.
+AUTHOR: Pike, Rob
+SUBJECT: Basic UNIX Programming
+PUBLISHER: Prentice-Hall
+YEAR: 1984
+PAGES: 357
+ISBN: 0-13-937699-2 HBK
+ISBN: 0-13-937681-X PBK
+SUGGESTED_BY: *Everyone*
+ This book is what I call a classic. Just buy it.
+ A good programmer's introduction.
+TITLE: UNIX SVR4, The Complete Reference
+AUTHOR: Coffin, Stephen
+SUBJECT: UNIX Reference
+PUBLISHER: Osborne-McGraw Hill
+DATE: 1990
+PAGES: 882
+ISBN: 0-07-881653-X
+SUGGESTED_BY: S.Coffin <>
+ An update, revision, expansion, and overall improvement of the
+ best-selling UNIX, The Complete Reference (ISBN 0-07-881299-2).
+ Written especially for SVR4. New chapters on csh and ksh, troff,
+ NFS and networking, and X Window System, as well as wholesale
+ revision of many other chapters. Well-written, readable, complete;
+ but does not cover UNIX internals or software development.
+TITLE: UNIX System 5 (Bourne) Shell Tutorial
+SUBJECT: Pocket-sized tutorial card on the System 5 shell
+PUBLISHER: SSC (Specialized Systems Consultants, Inc.)
+DATE: 1990
+PAGES: 48
+ISBN: 0-916151-39-5
+KEYWORDS: shell programming, pocket tutorial
+SUGGESTED_BY: Phil Hughes
+ Tutorial on the use of the shell. Covers the shell as a
+ command interpreter and as a programming language. Includes
+ a reference section and a summary of commonly used commands.
+TITLE: UNIX V.4 C Library Reference
+SUBJECT: Pocket reference on C library functions of SVR4
+PUBLISHER: SSC (Specialized Systems Consultants, Inc.)
+DATE: June, 1991
+PAGES: 80
+ISBN: 0-916151-47-6
+KEYWORDS: C library, ANSI C library, pocket reference
+SUGGESTED_BY: Phil Hughes
+ Documents the functions and system calls available to the
+ C programming using UNIX System V, Release 4. ANSI prototypes
+ are used to illustrate the calling conventions of the functions.
+ Functions that are part of the ANSI standard library are flagged.
+ Designed to complement the SSC ANSI C card.
+TITLE: UNIX System V.4 Command Summary
+SUBJECT: Pocket-sized book listing SVR4 commands
+PUBLISHER: SSC (Specialized Systems Consultants, Inc.)
+DATE: December, 1990
+PAGES: 80
+ISBN: 0-916151-44-1
+KEYWORDS: UNIX SVR4, commands, pocket reference
+SUGGESTED_BY: Phil Hughes
+ Includes commands, options and explanations as well as special
+ sections on awk/nawk, sed, ftp, sdb and telnet.
+TITLE: UNIX System 5.2/5.3 Command Summary
+SUBJECT: Pocket-sized book listing UNIX Systems 5.2 and 5.3 commands
+PUBLISHER: SSC (Specialized Systems Consultants, Inc.)
+DATE: 1989 (revised)
+PAGES: 56
+ISBN: 0-916151-23-9
+KEYWORDS: UNIX system V, commands, pocket reference
+SUGGESTED_BY: Phil Hughes
+ Includes commands, options and explanations as well as
+ special sections on awk and sdb.
+TITLE: UNIX Shell Programming
+AUTHOR: Kochan, Stephen G.
+AUTHOR: Wood, Patrick H.
+SUBJECT: Shell Programming
+PUBLISHER: Hayden Book Company
+DATE: 1985
+PAGES: 442
+ISBN: 0-8104-6309-1
+KEYWORDS: Bourne Shell, sh
+ I own this book, but I rarely crack it open. I guess the main reason
+ is that I am still a Bourne-again shell user. For years I worked with
+ a variety of systems where one might find csh and/or ksh. However,
+ /bin/sh was the only common denominator. I find that most often I
+ refer to Kernighan and Pike for shell programming questions. However,
+ they don't address the C Shell (csh) or Korn Shell (ksh). This book
+ does offer a chapter on each. In addition, this book may be more
+ suited for a beginner than an experienced UNIX programmer.
+TITLE: UNIX System Administration Handbook
+AUTHOR: Nemeth, Evi
+AUTHOR: Snyder, Garth
+AUTHOR: Seebass, Scott
+SUBJECT: System Administration
+PUBLISHER: Prentice Hall
+ISBN: 0-13-933441-6
+DATE: 1989
+PAGES: 593
+KEYWORDS: SunOS, BSD, Administration
+SUGGESTED_BY: Michael S. Cross <>
+ { I'm recommending it for all of the people who get workstations
+ from us, and for all of the User Services people here -- an
+ added plus is that the programs listed are available by
+ anonymous ftp from the authors' home system. S.B.Bassett }
+ The book does a pretty good job of explaining the differences
+ between the types of UNIX(R) systems and administering them. It's
+ also on the light or humorous side which is a definite plus.
+TITLE: UNIX System Command Summary for SVR4/Solaris 2.1
+SUBJECT: UNIX: Solaris 2.x
+DATE: 1992
+PAGES: 159
+ISBN: 0-916151-61-1
+KEYWORDS: Solaris, SVR4
+ Pocket reference? Pocket Book! Here is alot of information
+ concisely placed in a pocket sized book and easy on the pocket
+ book. It is jam packed with information ranging from your
+ favorite options to adb, through NIS+, and on to vgrind and yacc.
+ It has alot of "pkginfo(1)"...
+TITLE: UNIX System Programming
+AUTHOR: Haviland, Keith
+AUTHOR: Salama, Ben
+SUBJECT: Programming
+PUBLISHER: Addison-Wesley
+DATE: 1987
+PAGES: 339
+ISBN: 0-201-12919-1
+ Concentrates on the UNIX System call interface.
+TITLE: UNIX System Security
+AUTHOR: Wood, Patrick H.
+AUTHOR: Kochan, Stephen G.
+PUBLISHER: Hayden Book Company
+DATE: 1985
+PAGES: 299
+ISBN: 0-8104-6267-2
+KEYWORDS: Security
+SUGGESTED_BY: Mitch Wright <>
+ -- From back cover
+ Here is a practical guide to computer security on the UNIX system for
+ the user, administrator, or potential UNIX system buyer. It will
+ teach you everything you need to know ot make your system secure and
+ keep it that way. Topics covered include:
+ - file and directory permissions
+ - password security
+ - how the setuid/gid permissions work and how to use them
+ - how the various security-related UNIX commands and functions work
+ - how to write secure programs
+ - different methods of data encryption -- including the government
+ standard DES algorithm -- and how secure they are
+ - data encryption over communication networks
+ - how to discover and plug potential security holes in your system
+ - how to periodically monitor your system to maintain security
+ Also included is the complete source for several security auditing and
+ administration programs.
+TITLE: UNIX System V Bible
+AUTHOR: Prata, Stephen
+AUTHOR: Martin, Donald
+AUTHOR: The Waite Group
+SUBJECT: SYSV Reference
+PUBLISHER: Howard Sams & Company
+DATE: 1987
+PAGES: 516
+ISBN: 0-672-22562-X
+ This is a comprehenisve reference for programmers working with the
+ UNIX operating system documentation, covering intermediate to advanced
+ level programming for professionals who have prior experience
+ programming in C or using UNIX.
+TITLE: The UNIX System V Environment
+AUTHOR: Bourne, Steven R.
+SUBJECT: Users Guide
+PUBLISHER: Addison-Wesley
+DATE: 1987
+PAGES: 378
+ISBN: 0-201-18484-2
+SUGGESTED_BY: Steen Hammerum
+ Steen Hammerum Department of Chemistry, University of Copenhagen says:
+ "has been _very_ useful to me (proof: I'm on my second copy)"
+TITLE: UNIX System: Readings and Applications
+SUBJECT: Reference
+PUBLISHER: Prentice-Hall
+DATE: 1987
+PAGES: <pages>
+ISBN: 013-938532-0 (v1)
+ISBN: 013-939845-7 (v2)
+APPROX_COST: 19.00 each
+ Vol 1: UNIX Time-Sharing System
+ Vol.2: The UNIX System
+ These two volumes are reprints of the two volumes of the Bell
+ Labs Technical Journal (now AT&T Tech J.) that were devoted to UNIX:
+ Vol. 57, No. 6, Part 2, July-August, 1987, and
+ Vol. 63, No. 8, October, 1984.
+TITLE: Unix System Security
+AUTHOR: Rik Farrow
+SUBJECT: UNIX security
+PUBLISHER: Addison-Wesley
+DATE: 1991
+PAGES: 278
+ISBN: 0-201-57030-0
+KEYWORDS: Security
+ Farrow is editor-at-large for UNIXWorld magazine and also wrote
+ "Unix administration guide for System V". This book is well-done,
+ containing lots of examples of how to break and fix Unix security,
+ although a lot of it seems to be a rehash of material that's been
+ printed before. It's a worthwhile addition to any Unix
+ system admin's library.
+TITLE: Unix System Security - A Guide for Users and System Administrators
+AUTHOR: Curry, David
+SUBJECT: Security
+PUBLISHER: Addison Wesley
+DATE: 1992
+ISBN: 0-201-56327-4
+KEYWORDS: UNIX security
+SUGGESTED_BY: Rob Slade <>
+ What do you say about a computer security book that has a picture of a
+ cute little cartoon devil on the cover?
+ Well, in this case, the cover hides a competent and fairly thorough
+ treatment of security on UNIX systems. Nothing terribly surprising,
+ but a step-by-step exploration of the various aspects of UNIX
+ security, potential threats, and suggestions to reduce the level of
+ vulnerability.
+ The subtitle explains that the book is "A Guide for Users and System
+ Administrators" and the preface further provides that the attempt has
+ been made to provide sufficient information that administrators can
+ protect their systems, while not giving away details that can help
+ crackers. By and large the book succeeds. The book is clear and
+ simple enough that users (intelligent ones, anyway) should be able to
+ understand the concepts and need for security. System administrators
+ will find a fairly comprehensive overview of the topic. (Some areas,
+ such as the reading list, could use a bit more material, but there is,
+ at least, a "good start".) "Crackers" may find some help (such as the
+ password cracking program), but definitely won't be able to use this
+ as a "cookbook".
+ copyright Robert M. Slade, 1993 BKCURRY.RVW 930802
+TITLE: UNIX Text Processing
+AUTHOR: Dougherty, Dale
+AUTHOR: O'Reilly, Tim
+SUBJECT: Text Processing
+PUBLISHER: Hayden Books
+DATE: 1987
+PAGES: 665
+ISBN: 0-672-46291-5
+SUGGESTED_BY: Mitch Wright <>
+ This is a MUST for all [nt]roff users.
+TITLE: The UNIX Text Processing System
+AUTHOR: Christian, Kaare
+SUBJECT: Text Processing
+PUBLISHER: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
+DATE: 1987
+PAGES: 250
+ISBN: 0-471-85581-2
+SUGGESTED_BY: "Michael J. Chinni, SMCAR-CCS-E" <mchinni@PICA.ARMY.MIL>
+ I have found this to be a very good guide to nroff, and the -mm
+ macros. It also covers the -ms macros, vi, eqn, tbl, refer, and pic
+TITLE: UNIX for Super-Users
+AUTHOR: Foxley, Eric
+SUBJECT: Users Guide
+PUBLISHER: Addison-Wesley
+DATE: 1985
+PAGES: 213
+ISBN: 0-201-14228-7
+TITLE: UNIX for the impatient
+AUTHOR: Abrahams, Paul W.
+AUTHOR: Larson, Bruce A.
+SUBJECT: UNIX, patience
+PUBLISHER: Addison Wesley
+DATE: 1992
+PAGES: 559
+ISBN: 0-201-55703-7
+APPROX_COST: $26.95
+KEYWORDS: UNIX, Shell, X, Intro
+SUGGESTED_BY: Lawrence P. O'Keefe, <>
+ From the preface: "... an in-depth, comprehensive guide to
+ UNIX - a handbook you can use both as a manual to learn UNIX
+ and as a ready reference for fast answers to specific UNIX questions"
+ Chapters:
+ Introduction
+ Concepts
+ Basic operations on files
+ Utility programs
+ Shells
+ Standard editors
+ The GNU Emacs editor
+ Data manipulation using filters
+ Sending and receiving mail
+ Communicating with remote computers
+ The X window system
+ Appendices:
+ Alphabetical summary of commands
+ Comparison of MS-DOS and UNIX
+ Resources
+ Glossary
+ Lawrence says:
+ ``I find the book very useful, particularly the command summary
+ and the section on filters.''
+TITLE: UNIX in a Nutshell (BSD)
+AUTHOR: <author>
+SUBJECT: Introduction
+PUBLISHER: O'Reilly & Associates, Inc.
+DATE: 1987
+PAGES: 272
+ISBN: 0-937175-20-X
+KEYWORDS: Nutshell Handbook
+TITLE: UNIX in a Nutshell (System V)
+AUTHOR: <author>
+SUBJECT: Introduction
+PUBLISHER: O'Reilly & Associates, Inc.
+DATE: 1987
+PAGES: 296
+ISBN: 0-937175-19-6
+KEYWORDS: Nutshell Handbook
+TITLE: UNIX in a Nutshell: Desktop Quick Reference for SV & Solaris 2.0
+AUTHOR: Gilly, Daniel
+PUBLISHER: O'Reilly and Associates
+DATE: June 1992
+PAGES: 444
+ISBN: 1-56592-001-5
+ You may have seen UNIX quick reference guides, but you've never seen
+ anything like UNIX in a Nutshell. Not a scaled-down quick-reference
+ of common commands, UNIX in a Nutshell is a complete reference
+ containing all commands and options, along with generous descriptions
+ and examples that put the commands in context. For all but the
+ thorniest UNIX problems this one reference should be all the
+ documentation you need.
+ Covers System V Releases 3 and 4 and Solaris 2.0.
+TITLE: UNIX, The Complete Reference
+AUTHOR: Coffin, Stephen
+SUBJECT: UNIX Reference
+PUBLISHER: Osborne-McGraw Hill
+DATE: 1988
+PAGES: 704
+ISBN: 0-07-881299-2
+ An inexpensive reference and guide to System V in a style
+ familiar to those from the micro world where OMH and QUE
+ have many best selling guides to Lotus, DOS, Word, etc.
+TITLE: Understanding and Using COFF
+AUTHOR: Gircys, Gintaras R.
+SUBJECT: Introduction
+PUBLISHER: O'Reilly & Associates, Inc.
+DATE: 1988
+PAGES: 196
+ISBN: 0-937175-31-5
+KEYWORDS: Nutshell Handbook
+SUGGESTED_BY: Mitch Wright <>
+ -- From back cover
+ This handbook explains the COFF data structure and its manipulation.
+ Contents include:
+ - The basics of COFF
+ - Assembley code relocation process
+ - COFF file headers
+ - Relocation structures
+ - The linking process
+ - The COFF system in UNIX
+ - Magic numbers
+ - The COFF symbolic debug system
+ - COFF and shared libraries
+ - Utilities and techniques for working with COFF files
+ - A sample program to manipulate COFF
+ [ Source used in this book is available via ftp from UUNET ~mitch ]
+TITLE: Unix Administrations Guide for System V
+AUTHOR: Thomas, Rebecca
+AUTHOR: Farrow, Rik
+SUBJECT: System Administration
+PUBLISHER: Prentice-Hall
+DATE: 1989
+PAGES: 636
+ISBN: 0-139-42889-5
+SUGGESTED_BY: Lars Tunkrans
+ Bought this book last week, seems to me to be the most
+ comprehensive and fact-packed book on the subject I've ever seen.
+TITLE: UNIX Applications Programming Mastering the Shell
+AUTHOR: Swartz, Ray
+SUBJECT: Bourne Shell programming, grep, sed, awk, sort
+PUBLISHER: SAMS, A Division of Macmillan Computer Publishing
+DATE: 1990
+PAGES: 452
+ISBN: 0-672-22715-0
+LCCN: 90-61476
+KEYWORDS: Unix, Bourne shell programming, tools
+SUGGESTED_BY: (Walter Moore)
+ I find this book a VERY good primer and an excellent reference
+ book on Unix tools and shell programming.
+TITLE: The Unix Command Reference Guide
+AUTHOR: Christian, Kaare
+SUBJECT: Topically organized reference for about 50 Unix commands
+PUBLISHER: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
+DATE: 1988
+PAGES: 361
+ISBN: 0-471-85580-4 PBK
+ This book is a guide to the most useful Unix commands, organized
+ topically. It is used both as a handy reference, and as a quick start
+ guide for technically adept users who are starting to use the Unix
+ system. The book contains comprehensive sections on awk, sed, vi, and
+ the Bourne shell. There are many examples.
+TITLE: Unix Communications
+AUTHOR: Anderson, Bart
+AUTHOR: Costales, Barry
+AUTHOR: Henderson, Harry
+SUBJECT: Communication Reference
+PUBLISHER: The Waite Group
+DATE: 1991
+PAGES: 736
+ISBN: 0-672-22773-8
+ Covers everything the end user needs to know about email, USENET
+ and UUCP.
+TITLE: The Unix Environment
+AUTHOR: Walker, A. N.
+PUBLISHER: John Wiley & Sons
+DATE: 1984
+PAGES: 151
+ISBN: 0-471-90564-X
+ An excellent user's introduction. I have a special affection for
+ this book, as it introduced me to the plural forms VAXen and Unices.
+TITLE: The Unix Operating System, Second Edition
+AUTHOR: Christian, Kaare
+SUBJECT: Comprehensive introduction to Unix
+PUBLISHER: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
+DATE: 1988
+PAGES: 455
+ISBN: 0-471-84782-8 HBK
+ISBN: 0-471-84781-X PBK
+ This is the second edition of a widely used, widely translated
+ primeval Unix book. It is a comprehensive introductory book that goes
+ into more detail than most. While it is not a very good introduction
+ for people who will only use the system superficially, it is an
+ excellent introduction for those who plan to master the Unix system.
+ It includes sections on the most useful utilities, shell programming,
+ vi editing, and system internals.
+TITLE: Unix Power Utilities for Power Users
+AUTHOR: Muster, John
+AUTHOR: Birns, Peter
+SUBJECT: Introduction to UNIX
+DATE: 1989
+PAGES: 420
+ISBN: 1-55828-000-6
+ ** From Page 2...
+ Overview of Contents
+ If you have the ability to log on the system, create, move, copy and
+ remove files, create and change directories, and issue basic shell
+ commands, you will be able to complete the exercises in these modules.
+ If you are more experienced, you may be able to proceed quickly
+ through part or all of Modules 2 and 3, and the introductory steps to
+ several of the other modules.
+TITLE: The UNIX Survival Guide
+AUTHOR: Nichols, Elizabeth A.
+AUTHOR: Balin, Sidney C.
+AUTHOR: Nichols, Joseph C.
+SUBJECT: Introduction to UNIX basics
+PUBLISHER: Holt, Rinehart & Winston
+DATE: 1987
+PAGES: 311
+ISBN: 0-03-000773-9
+SUGGESTED_BY: Andrew T. Young <>
+ It contains good tutorial information for new owners of UNIX systems,
+ as well as for new users. There is a useful introduction to the nuts
+ and bolts of the file system, for example, as well as info on basic
+ commands, and a chapter on processes and signals.
+TITLE: Unix System Administration
+AUTHOR: Fiedler, David
+AUTHOR: Hunter, Bruce H.
+SUBJECT: System Administration
+PUBLISHER: Hayden Books (Howard Sams & Co)
+DATE: 1986
+PAGES: 320
+ISBN: 0-8104-6289-3
+KEYWORDS: Administration
+ -- From back cover --
+ An essential guide for anyone who owns or operates a UNIX system. The
+ clear presentation and easy-to-follow style make it suitable for the
+ user who does not have a technical background. [...]
+ Using step-by-step guidelines for complex procedures, the book
+ includes information on:
+ - making back-ups
+ - configuring systems
+ - writing shell programs
+ - connecting a printer, a terminal, and other devices
+ - communicating with other systems
+TITLE: UNIX System V, Release 4 Administration
+AUTHOR: Fiedler, David
+AUTHOR: Hunter, Bruce H.
+SUBJECT: System Administration
+PUBLISHER: Hayden Books
+DATE: 1992
+PAGES: 436
+ISBN: 0-672-22810-6
+KEYWORDS: Administration, SVR4
+ -- From back cover --
+ UNIX(r) Sytem V Release 4 Administration, Second Editoin, starts with
+ a quick overview and shows you how to set up file systems, add and
+ remove users, and improve the security of your UNIX system. Explicit
+ troubleshooting charts help you find and solve typical system problems,
+ including those that invade networks. This updated edition also
+ presents expert UNIX coverage of mail and news systems, workstations,
+ X terminals, and PCs. You'll also find timesaving, ready-to-run
+ programs so that you can administrate your system with ease.
+TITLE: Unix for People
+AUTHOR: Birns, Peter M.
+AUTHOR: Brown, Patrick B.
+AUTHOR: Muster, John C.
+SUBJECT: Introduction
+PUBLISHER: Prentice-Hall
+DATE: 1985
+PAGES: 528
+ISBN: 0-13-937442-6 PBK
+ISBN: 0-13-937459-0 HBK
+TITLE: Using the UNIX system
+AUTHOR: Gauthier, Richard L.
+SUBJECT: Introduction to UNIX
+DATE: 1981
+PAGES: 297
+ISBN: 0-8359-8164-9 HBK
+ISBN: 0-8359-8162-2 PBK
+ Introductory level book, extremely basic and easy reading. I read
+ this on a plane trip between Newark, NJ and Columbus, OH before I ever
+ worked seriously with UNIX. Unlike, Rebecca Thomas and Jean Yates
+ Tutorial style book this one does not require you to be sitting down
+ in front of a crt in order to derive benefit from it.
+TITLE: Using C on the UNIX system
+AUTHOR: Curry, David A.
+SUBJECT: C programming
+PUBLISHER: O'Reilly & Associates, Inc.
+DATE: 1989
+PAGES: 250
+ISBN: 0-937175-23-4
+SUGGESTED_BY: Mitch Wright <>
+ E-mail: ... uunet!ora!nuts
+ Phone#: 1-800-338-NUTS
+ This is a must for the Beginning UNIX programmer.
+TITLE: Using C with Curses, Lex and YACC
+AUTHOR: Schreiner, Axel T.
+SUBJECT: Programming
+PUBLISHER: Prentice-Hall
+DATE: 1990
+PAGES: 257
+ISBN: 0-13-932864-5
+KEYWORDS: C, Curses, Lex, YACC
+ -- From back cover --
+ This book presents the development of programs that make extensive use
+ of curses and provides solutions to the typical problems encountered
+ when implementing full-screen applications with curses.
+ The book illustrates how to work in the Unix C environment:
+ - how to build command languages with the compiler generatores lex and
+ yacc
+ - how to make portable full-screen dialogs with the curses library
+ - how to build symbol tables and manage variable-length argument lists
+ using C library functions
+ - how to manage program development with the make program
+ - how to manage multiple processes from a program and how to
+ communicate with them.
+ Throughout the book the full source code of a major example is shown.
+AUTHOR: Todino, Grace
+AUTHOR: Dougherty, Dale
+SUBJECT: Introduction
+PUBLISHER: O'Reilly & Associates, Inc.
+DATE: 1990
+PAGES: 210
+ISBN: 0-937175-10-2
+KEYWORDS: Nutshell Handbook
+SUGGESTED_BY: Mitch Wright <>
+TITLE: UNIX for FORTRAN Programmers
+AUTHOR: Loukides, Mike
+DATE: <date>
+PUBLISHER: O'Reilly and Associates
+PAGES: 264
+ISBN: 0-937175-51-X
+ This handbook minimizes the UNIX entry barrier, by providing
+ the serious scientific programmer with an introduction to
+ the UNIX operating system and its tools.
+ Assumes some knowledge of FORTRAN, but none of UNIX nor C.
+TITLE: UNIX/Xenix Text Processing Reference
+SUBJECT: Pocket-sized reference card on nroff, troff, tbl, eqn and mm macros
+PUBLISHER: SSC (Specialized Systems Consultants, Inc.)
+DATE: 1987
+PAGES: 33
+ISBN: 0-916151-22-0
+KEYWORDS: troff, nroff, tbl, eqn, mm, text processing, pocket reference
+SUGGESTED_BY: Phil Hughes
+TITLE: VI Reference
+SUBJECT: Pocket-sized reference card on the VI editor
+PUBLISHER: SSC (Specialized Systems Consultants, Inc.)
+DATE: January, 1991 (revised)
+PAGES: 10
+ISBN: 0-916151-41-7
+KEYWORDS: vi, pocket reference, UNIX
+SUGGESTED_BY: Phil Hughes
+ First published in 1984, updated regularly since then
+TITLE: VI Tutorial
+AUTHOR: Frazier, Belinda
+SUBJECT: Pocket-sized tutorial on the VI editor
+PUBLISHER: SSC (Specialized Systems Consultants, Inc.)
+DATE: January, 1992 (revised)
+PAGES: 56
+ISBN: 0-916151-54-9
+KEYWORDS: vi, pocket tutorial, UNIX
+SUGGESTED_BY: Phil Hughes
+ Complements the SSC VI Reference
+TITLE: The Whole Internet User's Guide & Catalog
+AUTHOR: Krol, Ed
+SUBJECT: Use of the Internet
+PUBLISHER: O'Reilly and Associates
+DATE: September 1992
+PAGES: 397
+ISBN: 1-56592-025-2
+APPROX_COST: $24.95
+KEYWORDS: Internet, Archie, WAIS, Gopher
+SUGGESTED_BY: Mitch Wright <>
+ [taken from ORA literature]
+ A comprehensive introduction to the Internet, the international
+ network that includes virtually every major computer site in the world.
+ The Internet is a resource of almost unimaginable wealth. In addition
+ to electronic mail and news services, thousands of public archives,
+ databases, and other special services are available: everything from
+ space flight announcements to ski reports. This book is a comprehensive
+ introduction to what's available and how to find it. In addition to
+ electronic mail, file transfer, remote login, and network news, The
+ Whole Internet User's Guide pays special attention to some
+ new tools for helping you find information. Whether you're a
+ researcher, a student, or just someone who likes electronic mail,
+ this book will help you to explore what's possible.
+ Also includes a pull-out quick-reference card.
+ Be sure to see page 294! :-)
+TITLE: Writing a Unix Device Driver
+AUTHOR: Egan, Janet I.
+AUTHOR: Teixeira, Thomas J.
+SUBJECT: Programming
+PUBLISHER: John Wiley & Sons.
+DATE: 1988
+PAGES: 357
+ISBN: 0-471-62811-5, paperback: 0-471-62859-X
+TITLE: X Window System Administrator's Guide
+AUTHOR: Mui, Linda
+AUTHOR: Pearce, Eric
+SUBJECT: X, Admin
+PUBLISHER: O'Reilly & Associates
+DATE: October 1992
+PAGES: 372
+ISBN: 0-937175-83-8
+ Ever wonder what is involved in setting up and maintaining X.
+ Wonder no more... buy this book!
+TITLE: The X Window System in a Nutshell
+AUTHOR: Cutler, Ellie
+AUTHOR: Gilly, Daniel
+AUTHOR: O'Reilly, Tim
+PUBLISHER: O'Reilly & Associates
+DATE: 1993
+PAGES: 424
+ISBN: 1-56592-017-1
+ From ORA mailing
+ We have lowered the price of this book to $9.95 from $24.95.
+ It contains essential information in a boiled-down quick-reference
+ format that makes it easy to find the answers needed most often:
+ - Command line options and resources for the standard MIT X clients.
+ - Calling sequence for all Xlib and Xt functions and macros.
+ - Detailed description of structures, enums, and other X data types
+ used as arguments or return values in Xlib or Xt functions.
+ - Description of the code inside a basic widget.
+ - Quick reference to the event structures.
+ - Font name syntax, color names, resource file and translations
+ table syntax, and cursors.
+ - Xlib and Xt error messages.
+ The descriptions of the functions have been expanded and clarified,
+ with improved cross-referencing to important related functions.
+ Includes material on Xcms and the internationalization features of R5.
+TITLE: X Window System User's Guide
+AUTHOR: Quercia, Valerie
+AUTHOR: O'Reilly, Tim
+PUBLISHER: O'Reilly & Associates
+DATE: May 1993
+PAGES: 752
+ISBN: 1-56592-014-7
+ X is just too darn configurable. And why does the client/server
+ seem so strange. This book will help you wrestle with those
+ concepts and help you create a usable X environment.
+ It is also an excellent guide for admins -- just point to it on
+ your desk when some user comes up to you and asks ``how do I...''
+TITLE: The Xenix Command Reference Guide
+AUTHOR: Christian, Kaare
+AUTHOR: Richter, Susan
+SUBJECT: Topically organized reference for about 50 Xenix commands
+PUBLISHER: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
+DATE: 1988
+PAGES: 420
+ISBN: 0-471-61707-5 (pbk)
+ This book is a guide to the most useful Xenix commands, organized
+ topically. It is used both as a handy reference, and as a quick start
+ guide for technically adept users who are starting to use the Xenix
+ system. The book contains comprehensive sections on awk, sed, vi, the
+ Bourne shell, and system administration. There are many examples.
+TITLE: Xenix System V Command Summary
+SUBJECT: Pocket-sized book listing SCO Xenix System V commands
+PUBLISHER: SSC (Specialized Systems Consultants, Inc.)
+DATE: 1989
+PAGES: 60
+ISBN: 0-916151-35-2
+KEYWORDS: vi, pocket reference
+SUGGESTED_BY: Phil Hughes
+ Includes commands, options and explanations as well as special
+ sections on awk, C Shell and sdb.
+TITLE: The Z-Mail Handbook: 3 Interfaces for E-mail
+AUTHOR: Nelson, Hanna
+SUBJECT: Electronic mail
+PUBLISHER: O'Reilly and Associates
+DATE: <year>
+PAGES: 462
+ISBN: 0-937175-76-5
+KEYWORDS: E-mail, Z-mail, mush
+SUGGESTED_BY: <person> <email-addr>
+ Z-Mail is a superset of the widely-used public-domain program,
+ Mush. Z-Mail runs on UNIX terminals or on graphic workstations
+ running the X Window System, and even supports multimedia
+ attachments (so you can mail anything that you can store on disk).
+ This is the complete guide to this powerful mail program. Also
+ covers Mush.
+TITLE: Zen and the Art of the Internet, A Beginner's Guide
+AUTHOR: Kehoe, Brendan P.
+SUBJECT: networking
+DATE: 1992
+PAGES: 113
+APPROX_COST: $22.00
+KEYWORDS: network, internet
+ A fun introduction and quick-access reference for once and future
+ travelers on the Internet. This complete guide covers searching
+ databases, sending and receiving e-mail, accessing Usenet news,
+ remote and commercial information services, using the FTP, and
+ much more.
+TITLE: ** Publishers **
+SUBJECT: Suppliers
+ >> Tell 'em Mitch sent ya. :-)
+ ----------------------------------------------------------
+ Addison-Wesley Publishing Co.
+ 1 Jacob Way
+ Reading, MA 01867-9984
+ 800-527-5210
+ 617-944-3700
+ 5851 Guion Road
+ Indianapolis, IN 46254
+ 800-447-2226
+ ----------------------------------------------------------
+ O'Reilly and Associates
+ 103 Morris Street, Suite A
+ Sebastopol, CA 95472
+ ** (800) 998-9938 **
+ Local/Overseas: 1-707-829-0515 (7am-5pm PST)
+ FAX: (707) 829-0104
+ E-mail:
+ uunet!ora!nuts
+ Gopher:
+ WWW users can use the following http addr: "gopher://"
+ ----------------------------------------------------------
+ P.O. Box 55549
+ Seattle, WA 98155
+ (206) FOR-UNIX / (206)527-3385
+ FAX: (206) 527-2806
+ E-mail:
+ ----------------------------------------------------------
+ QED Publishing Group
+ PO Box 812070
+ Wellesley, MA 02181-0013
+ tel: 617-237-5656-, 800-343-4848
+ fax: 627-235-0826
+ e-mail:
+ ----------------------------------------------------------
+ As a note, I'm only including publisher names, addresses, ...
+ IFF they have a phone number or E-mail address for ordering.
+Local Variables:
+mode: outline
+selective-display-ellipses: nil
+outline-regexp: "TITLE: "
+eval: (hide-body)