path: root/src/hexEditor.cpp
diff options
authorTobias Klauser <>2008-10-08 19:22:25 +0200
committerTobias Klauser <tklauser@xenon.tklauser.home>2008-10-08 19:22:25 +0200
commit2a441ecbea378da1a2cdea969c48bb7d9e547135 (patch)
tree63e071a86374ad86615c67f4c75534c4df8b6ab3 /src/hexEditor.cpp
parent226f961c4b7fef115ae2c7950abe0e1973efc6a4 (diff)
Import new upstream release 0.42
Diffstat (limited to 'src/hexEditor.cpp')
1 files changed, 1112 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/hexEditor.cpp b/src/hexEditor.cpp
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..48cfe8b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/hexEditor.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,1112 @@
+/* $Id: hexEditor.cpp,v 1.14 2006-11-05 04:42:43 ganzhorn Exp $
+ * This file is part of lfhex.
+ * Copyright (C) 2006 Salem Ganzhorn <>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+ * as published by the Free Software Foundation version 2.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+ */
+#include <math.h>
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <ctype.h>
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <QApplication>
+#include <QMessageBox>
+#include <QFileDialog>
+#include <QProgressDialog>
+#include <QPainter>
+#include <QPixmap>
+#include <QFocusEvent>
+#include <QPaintEvent>
+#include <QKeyEvent>
+#include <QResizeEvent>
+#include <QMouseEvent>
+#include "hexEditor.hpp"
+#include "translate.hpp"
+#include "local.h"
+extern int errno;
+HexEditor::HexEditor( QWidget * parent )
+ : QWidget(parent)
+ _cols = 5;
+ _rows = 10;
+ _charsPerByte = 2;
+ _base = 16;
+ _topLeft = 0;
+ _topMargin = _wordSpacing = 6;
+ _bytesPerWord = 1;
+ _lastValidWord = -1;
+ _selection[SelectionStart] = _selection[SelectionEnd] = -1;
+ setFocusPolicy(Qt::StrongFocus);
+ // the first setBytesPerWord should not come before the first setFont()
+ QFont font("fixed");
+ font.setFixedPitch(1);
+ setFont( font );
+ setBackgroundRole( QPalette::Base );
+ _reader.close();
+bool HexEditor::isModified() const
+ return ( _reader.is_open() && _delta.numEdits() );
+bool HexEditor::save( QString filename )
+ if( !isModified() ) {
+ QString errMsg = "Error, file is not open or has not been modified. "
+ "Aborting save.";
+ QMessageBox::warning(this,PROGRAM_STRING,errMsg);
+ return false;
+ }
+ if( filename != "" ) {
+ // copy open reader file to filename
+ QString oldFilename = _reader.filename();
+ if( oldFilename == "" )
+ return false;
+ _reader.close();
+ FILE* fin = fopen(C_STR(oldFilename),"r");
+ if( !fin ) {
+ QString errMsg = "Error opening \"" + oldFilename + "\" for reading: " +
+ strerror(errno);
+ QMessageBox::warning(this,PROGRAM_STRING,errMsg);
+ return false;
+ }
+ FILE* fout = fopen(C_STR(filename),"w");
+ if( !fout ) {
+ QString errMsg = "Error opening \"" + filename+ "\" for writing: " +
+ strerror(errno);
+ QMessageBox::warning(this,PROGRAM_STRING,errMsg);
+ fclose(fin);
+ return false;
+ }
+ int length;
+ uchar bytes[4096];
+ while( (length = fread(bytes,1,4096,fin)) ) {
+ fwrite( bytes, 1, length, fout );
+ }
+ fclose(fin);
+ fclose(fout);
+ } else {
+ filename = _reader.filename();
+ _reader.close();
+ }
+ if( filename == "" )
+ return false;
+ if( !_delta.numEdits() )
+ return false;
+ if( !writeDeltas(C_STR(filename),_delta) ) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ _delta.clear();
+ setTopLeft(_topLeft);
+ return true;
+QString HexEditor::filename() const
+ return _reader.filename();
+bool HexEditor::open( const QString & filename )
+ if( closeFile() == QMessageBox::Cancel )
+ return false;
+ if(! {
+ QMessageBox::critical( this, "HexEdit",
+ "Error loading \"" + filename + "\"\n" +
+ _reader.lastError(),
+ QMessageBox::Ok,0);
+ return false;
+ }
+ _delta.clear(); // reset modification tree
+ // set the new range for the scrollbar
+ _cursor.setRange(0,_reader.size());
+ _cursor.setCharsPerByte(_charsPerByte);
+ setSelection(SelectionStart,-1);
+ setSelection(SelectionEnd,-1);
+ emit rangeChanged(0,_reader.size()/bytesPerLine());
+ calculateFontMetrics(); // update labels
+ setTopLeft(0); // reset the GUI
+ return true;
+int HexEditor::closeFile(bool force)
+ int retval = QMessageBox::No;
+ if( _delta.numEdits() ) {
+ QString message =
+ "Save changes to \"" + QString(_reader.filename()) + "\"?";
+ if( force ) {
+ retval = QMessageBox::warning( this,
+ message,
+ QMessageBox::Yes,
+ QMessageBox::No );
+ } else {
+ retval = QMessageBox::warning( this,
+ message,
+ QMessageBox::Yes,
+ QMessageBox::No,
+ QMessageBox::Cancel);
+ }
+ }
+ if( retval == QMessageBox::Yes )
+ save();
+ return retval;
+void HexEditor::setBytesPerWord( int nbytes )
+ _bytesPerWord = nbytes;
+ calculateFontMetrics();
+ QResizeEvent *re = new QResizeEvent(QSize(size()),QSize(size()));
+ resizeEvent(re);
+ delete re;
+int HexEditor::fontHeight() const
+ return _fontHeight;
+int HexEditor::lineSpacing() const
+ return _lineSpacing;
+int HexEditor::fontMaxWidth() const
+ return _fontMaxWidth;
+void HexEditor::calculateFontMetrics()
+ _lineSpacing = fontMetrics().lineSpacing();
+ _fontMaxWidth = fontMetrics().maxWidth();
+ _wordWidth = _fontMaxWidth*charsPerWord();
+ _fontHeight = fontMetrics().height();
+ // see how many bytes are needed to show the size of this file
+ // log base 16 -> log16(x) = log(x)/log(16)
+ if( _reader.size() ) {
+ double width = log(static_cast<float>(_reader.size()))/log(16.0)+2;
+ _offsetLabelBytes = static_cast<int>( width );
+ } else {
+ _offsetLabelBytes = 0;
+ }
+ _leftMargin = _topMargin + _fontMaxWidth*(_offsetLabelBytes + 2);
+ // make sure bboxes are updated with new offset subdivision
+ QResizeEvent *re = new QResizeEvent(QSize(size()),QSize(size()));
+ resizeEvent(re);
+ delete re;
+void HexEditor::setFont(const QFont& font )
+ if( !font.fixedPitch() ) {
+ cerr << "setFont() failed, font was not fixedPitch()." << endl;
+ return;
+ }
+ QWidget::setFont(font);
+ calculateFontMetrics();
+// set the top left editor to offset in reader
+void HexEditor::setTopLeft( off_t offset )
+ static bool inTopLeft;
+ if( inTopLeft ) {
+ // don't nest
+ return;
+ }
+ inTopLeft = true;
+ try {
+ if( offset < 0 ) {
+ _topLeft = 0;
+ } else if( offset > _reader.size() ) {
+ _topLeft = _reader.size();
+ } else {
+ _topLeft = offset;
+ }
+ // only let _topLeft be an integer multiple of the line length (round down)
+ _topLeft = (_topLeft/bytesPerLine()) * bytesPerLine();
+ // update the labels
+ // setOffsetLabels(_topLeft);
+ const Delta * delta;
+ // update data from delta map
+ for( offset = _delta.lower_bound(_topLeft);
+ (offset != -1) && (offset < _topLeft + bytesPerPage());
+ offset = _delta.lower_bound(offset) ) {
+ delta =;
+ _data[offset++-_topLeft] = delta->newData()[0];
+ }
+ repaint();
+ emit topLeftChanged(_topLeft);
+ } catch( const exception &e ) {
+ inTopLeft = false;
+ throw e;
+ }
+ inTopLeft = false;
+//void HexEditor::setOffsetLabels( off_t topLeft )
+ // need to impliment manually printing labels
+int HexEditor::topMargin() const
+ return _topMargin;
+int HexEditor::leftMargin() const
+ return _leftMargin;
+// access fn's for offset manip
+int HexEditor::bytesPerPage() const
+ return _rows*_cols*bytesPerWord();
+int HexEditor::bytesPerWord() const
+ return _bytesPerWord;
+int HexEditor::bytesPerLine() const
+ return bytesPerWord()*wordsPerLine();
+int HexEditor::wordsPerLine() const
+ return _cols;
+int HexEditor::linesPerPage() const
+ return _rows;
+int HexEditor::wordsPerPage() const
+ return _rows*_cols;
+int HexEditor::charsPerByte() const
+ return _charsPerByte;
+int HexEditor::charsPerWord() const
+ return _charsPerByte*bytesPerWord();
+int HexEditor::charsPerLine() const
+ return _charsPerByte*(bytesPerLine());
+// translate local byte offsets to global byte offsets
+off_t HexEditor::globalOffset( off_t local ) const
+ return local+_topLeft;
+// translate global byte offsets to viewport byte offsets
+off_t HexEditor::localOffset( off_t global ) const
+ return global-_topLeft;
+int HexEditor::offsetToPercent(
+ off_t offset
+ )
+ // round up
+ return _reader.size() ? (int)ceil(100.0*offset/_reader.size()) : 0;
+// public slots:
+bool HexEditor::browseLoadFile()
+ QString filename = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName();
+ if( filename.isNull() )
+ return false;
+ return open(filename);
+QRect HexEditor::charBBox( off_t charIdx ) const {
+ // byteIdx = charIdx/charsPerByte
+ // wordIdx = byteIdx/bytesPerWord
+ int wordIdx = (charIdx/charsPerByte())/bytesPerWord();
+ int localCharIdx = charIdx % charsPerWord();
+ return QRect( _wordBBox[wordIdx].left() + localCharIdx*fontMaxWidth() +
+ wordSpacing()/2,
+ _wordBBox[wordIdx].top(),
+ fontMaxWidth(),
+ fontHeight() );
+QRect HexEditor::byteBBox( off_t byteIdx ) const {
+ // wordIdx = byteIdx/bytesPerWord
+ int wordIdx = byteIdx/bytesPerWord();
+ int localByteIdx = byteIdx % bytesPerWord();
+ return QRect( _wordBBox[wordIdx].left() + localByteIdx*2*fontMaxWidth() +
+ wordSpacing()/2,
+ _wordBBox[wordIdx].top(),
+ fontMaxWidth()*2,
+ lineSpacing() );
+void HexEditor::setTopLeftToPercent( int percent )
+ setTopLeft( (_reader.size()/100)*percent );
+// slot for setting cursor offset.
+void HexEditor::setOffset( off_t offset )
+ off_t oldWordOffset = localWordOffset();
+ _cursor.setOffset( offset, 0 );
+ // updateWord clamps the wordIdx to [0,_rows*_cols)
+ updateWord( oldWordOffset );
+ emit offsetChanged( _cursor.byteOffset() );
+void HexEditor::nextLine()
+ setTopLeft(_topLeft+bytesPerLine());
+void HexEditor::prevLine()
+ setTopLeft(_topLeft-bytesPerLine());
+void HexEditor::nextPage()
+ setTopLeft(_topLeft+bytesPerPage());
+void HexEditor::prevPage()
+ setTopLeft(_topLeft-bytesPerPage());
+off_t HexEditor::localByteOffsetAtXY(off_t x, off_t y)
+ off_t wordIdx;
+ off_t wordLength = wordSpacing()+wordWidth();
+ off_t line = min(y/lineSpacing(),(off_t)linesPerPage());
+ // constrain x to be less than the right side of the last char on a line
+ x = max( (off_t)0, x - leftMargin());
+ x = min(wordsPerLine()*wordLength - 1 ,x);
+ // constrain y to be > topMargin() and less than bottom of last line
+ y = max( (off_t)0, y - topMargin());
+ line = min(y/lineSpacing(), (off_t)linesPerPage()-1);
+ wordIdx = line*wordsPerLine() + x/wordLength;
+ off_t byteOffsetInWord = (x%wordLength)*bytesPerWord()/wordLength;
+ // = wordIdx*bytesPerWord + byteOffsetInWord
+ return min( (off_t) bytesPerPage()-1,
+ wordIdx*bytesPerWord() + byteOffsetInWord);
+// event handler implimentation:
+void HexEditor::setCursorFromXY(int x,int y)
+ off_t oldWordIdx = localWordOffset();
+ _cursor.setOffset( _topLeft+localByteOffsetAtXY(x,y) ,0 );
+ // update where the cursor used to be, and where it is now
+ if( oldWordIdx != localWordOffset() ) {
+ updateWord( oldWordIdx );
+ }
+ updateWord( localWordOffset() );
+ emit offsetChanged(_cursor.byteOffset());
+void HexEditor::mousePressEvent( QMouseEvent* e )
+ setCursorFromXY(e->x(),e->y());
+ off_t byte_offset = localByteOffset();
+ QRect bbox = byteBBox(byte_offset);
+ if( e->x() > bbox.right() ) {
+ byte_offset++;
+ }
+ setSelection( SelectionStart, globalOffset( byte_offset ));
+void HexEditor::mouseMoveEvent( QMouseEvent* e )
+ setCursorFromXY(e->x(),e->y());
+ off_t byte_offset = localByteOffset();
+ QRect bbox = byteBBox(byte_offset);
+ if(e->x() > bbox.right() ) {
+ byte_offset++;
+ }
+ setSelection( SelectionEnd, globalOffset( byte_offset ));
+void HexEditor::mouseReleaseEvent( QMouseEvent* e )
+ setCursorFromXY(e->x(),e->y());
+ off_t byte_offset = localByteOffset();
+ QRect bbox = byteBBox(byte_offset);
+ if(e->x() > bbox.right() ) {
+ byte_offset++;
+ }
+ setSelection( SelectionEnd, globalOffset( byte_offset ));
+off_t HexEditor::selectionStart() const
+ if( _selection[SelectionStart] == -1 || _selection[SelectionEnd] == -1 )
+ return -1;
+ return min(_selection[SelectionStart],_selection[SelectionEnd]);
+// note: end is open. range is: [start,end)
+off_t HexEditor::selectionEnd() const
+ if( _selection[SelectionStart] == -1 || _selection[SelectionEnd] == -1 )
+ return -1;
+ return max(_selection[SelectionStart],_selection[SelectionEnd]);
+void HexEditor::setSelection(SelectionPos_e pos, off_t offset)
+ if( !_reader.is_open() ) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if( pos == SelectionStart ) {
+ _selection[SelectionEnd] = -1;
+ }
+ _selection[pos] = offset;
+ if( _selection[SelectionStart] < 0 ) {
+ emit selectionChanged("");
+ } else {
+ if( selectionEnd() > -1 && selectionEnd() <= _reader.size() ) {
+ QString data;
+ const Delta* delta;
+ for(off_t i = selectionStart();
+ i < selectionEnd();
+ ++i) {
+ if( (delta = )
+ data += Translate::ByteToHex(delta->newData()[0]);
+ else
+ data += Translate::ByteToHex(_reader[i]);
+ }
+ emit selectionChanged( data );
+ } else {
+ emit selectionChanged( "" );
+ }
+ }
+ repaint();
+// Editor implimentation
+void HexEditor::keyPressEvent( QKeyEvent *e )
+ int key = e->key();
+ switch(_base) {
+ case -1:
+ // ascii
+ // range is taken from qnamespace.h
+ if( key >= Qt::Key_Space && key <= Qt::Key_AsciiTilde ) {
+ seeCursor();
+ vector<uchar> oldData;
+ vector<uchar> newData;
+ vector<uchar> chars;
+ oldData.push_back( *(_data.begin()+localByteOffset()) );
+ Translate::ByteToChar(chars,oldData);
+ chars[0] = key;
+ Translate::CharToByte(newData,chars);
+ _delta.insert( _cursor.byteOffset(),
+ oldData,
+ newData);
+ _data[_cursor.byteOffset()-_topLeft] = newData[0];
+ cursorRight();
+ setSelection(SelectionStart,-1);
+ return;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 16:
+ if ( key >= 'A' && key <= 'F' ) {
+ key = tolower(key);
+ }
+ if ( (key >= 'a' && key <= 'f') ||
+ (key >= '0' && key <= '9') ) {
+ //
+ // make sure we can see where the cursor is
+ //
+ seeCursor();
+ vector<uchar> oldData;
+ vector<uchar> newData;
+ vector<uchar> hex;
+ oldData.push_back( *(_data.begin()+localByteOffset()) );
+ Translate::ByteToHex(hex,oldData);
+ hex[_cursor.charOffset()] = key;
+ Translate::HexToByte(newData,hex);
+ _delta.insert( _cursor.byteOffset(),
+ oldData,
+ newData );
+ _data[_cursor.byteOffset()-_topLeft] = newData[0];
+ // move to the next char
+ cursorRight();
+ setSelection(SelectionStart,-1);
+ return;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 8:
+ if( key >= '0' && key < '8' ) {
+ // valid octal key
+ seeCursor();
+ vector<uchar> oldData;
+ vector<uchar> newData;
+ vector<uchar> octal;
+ oldData.push_back( *(_data.begin()+localByteOffset()) );
+ Translate::ByteToOctal(octal,oldData);
+ octal[_cursor.charOffset()] = key;
+ Translate::OctalToByte(newData,octal);
+ _delta.insert( _cursor.byteOffset(),
+ oldData,
+ newData );
+ _data[_cursor.byteOffset()-_topLeft] = newData[0];
+ cursorRight();
+ setSelection(SelectionStart,-1);
+ return;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ if( key >= '0' && key < '2' ) {
+ // valid binary key
+ seeCursor();
+ vector<uchar> oldData;
+ vector<uchar> newData;
+ vector<uchar> binary;
+ oldData.push_back( *(_data.begin()+localByteOffset()) );
+ Translate::ByteToBinary(binary,oldData);
+ binary[_cursor.charOffset()] = key;
+ Translate::BinaryToByte(newData,binary);
+ _delta.insert( _cursor.byteOffset(),
+ oldData,
+ newData );
+ _data[_cursor.byteOffset()-_topLeft] = newData[0];
+ cursorRight();
+ setSelection(SelectionStart,-1);
+ return;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ switch ( e->key() ) {
+ case Qt::Key_Left:
+ cursorLeft();
+ break;
+ case Qt::Key_Right:
+ cursorRight();
+ break;
+ case Qt::Key_Up:
+ cursorUp();
+ break;
+ case Qt::Key_Down:
+ cursorDown();
+ break;
+ case Qt::Key_PageUp:
+ prevPage();
+ break;
+ case Qt::Key_PageDown:
+ nextPage();
+ break;
+ case Qt::Key_End:
+ setTopLeft( _reader.size() - bytesPerPage()/2 );
+ break;
+ case Qt::Key_Home:
+ setTopLeft(0);
+ break;
+ default:
+ e->ignore();
+ break;
+ }
+void HexEditor::resizeEvent( QResizeEvent * e )
+ int height= lineSpacing();
+ int totalWordWidth = wordWidth() + wordSpacing();
+ int linewidth = e->size().width();
+ // don't let _rows or _cols drop below 1
+ _rows = max(1,(e->size().height() - _topMargin)/height);
+ _cols = max(1,(e->size().width() - _leftMargin)/totalWordWidth);
+ // now update the line && word bbox vectors
+ _lineBBox.reserve(_rows);
+ _wordBBox.reserve(_rows*_cols);
+ int top,left;
+ for(int r = 0; r < _rows; r++) {
+ top = r*height + _topMargin;
+ for(int c = 0; c < _cols; c++) {
+ left = totalWordWidth*c + _leftMargin;
+ _wordBBox[r*_cols+c] = QRect(left, //left
+ top, //top
+ totalWordWidth, //width
+ height); //height
+ }
+ _lineBBox[r] = QRect(_leftMargin,top,linewidth,height);
+ }
+ // calculate offset label bounding box
+ _labelBBox.setRect(0, // x
+ 0, // y
+ _leftMargin, // width
+ e->size().height()); // height
+ // do this to recalculate the amount of displayed data.
+ setTopLeft(_topLeft);
+ emit rangeChanged(0,_reader.size()/bytesPerLine());
+// Reimplimented to be more efficient then repainting the whole screen on
+// focus events.
+void HexEditor::focusInEvent( QFocusEvent* )
+ updateWord( localWordOffset() );
+void HexEditor::focusOutEvent( QFocusEvent* )
+ updateWord( localWordOffset() );
+// generate's paint events for wordIdx (global wordIdx)
+// is safe to call with any wordIdx
+void HexEditor::updateWord( off_t wordIdx )
+ if( wordIdx > -1 && wordIdx < _rows*_cols )
+ repaint(_wordBBox[wordIdx]);
+void HexEditor::paintLabels( QPainter* paintPtr)
+ // ignore redraw range for first aproximation:
+ int y = _wordBBox[0].bottom();
+ unsigned int i;
+ off_t offset = _topLeft;
+ uchar *ucptr;
+ QString label;
+ for(int row = 0; row < _rows;++row) {
+ label = "";
+ for(i=0, ucptr = (uchar*)&offset; i<sizeof(off_t);++i) {
+ label += Translate::ByteToHex(*ucptr++);
+ }
+ // make sure we write offset labels in big-endian (easier to read)
+ ucptr = (uchar*)(&offset) + sizeof(off_t)-1;
+ for(i=0;i<sizeof(off_t);++i) {
+ label += Translate::ByteToHex(*ucptr--);
+ }
+ label = label.mid(sizeof(off_t)*2-_offsetLabelBytes);
+ paintPtr->drawText( 5, y, label );
+ offset+=bytesPerLine();
+ y+=lineSpacing();
+ }
+ // draw dividing line between offset labels and data
+ int x = leftMargin()-fontMaxWidth();
+ paintPtr->drawLine(x,topMargin(),
+ x,height()-topMargin());
+// painting optimizations, each time resize is called, it calculates
+// the bounding boxes for each word and each line.
+// This data can then be retrieved with wordBBox()
+// We can then test intersections to see which words need to be redrawn
+void HexEditor::paintEvent( QPaintEvent* e)
+/* QPixmap pixmap(this->width(),this->height());
+ pixmap.fill(backgroundRole());*/
+ QPainter paint( this );//&pixmap);
+ // set up painter;/
+ paint.setFont(font());
+ const QPalette& p = qApp->palette();
+ paint.setBrush(p.background());
+ if( _labelBBox.intersects(e->rect()) ) {
+ paintLabels(&paint);
+ }
+ QString text;
+ if( !getDisplayText(text) ) {
+ cerr << "[error] - internal inconsitency. Please file bug report."
+ << endl;
+ return;
+ }
+ // both cursor and selection is drawn underneath the text
+ drawCursor( paint );
+ drawSelection( paint );
+ // Find the stop/start row/col idx's for the repaint
+ int totalWordWidth = wordWidth()+wordSpacing();
+ int row_start = max(0,(e->rect().top()-topMargin())/lineSpacing() );
+ int col_start = max(0,(e->rect().left()-leftMargin())/totalWordWidth);
+ int row_stop = min(_rows-1,e->rect().bottom() / lineSpacing());
+ int col_stop = min(_cols-1,e->rect().right() / totalWordWidth);
+ // draw text in repaint event
+ drawTextRegion( paint, text, row_start, row_stop, col_start, col_stop );
+bool HexEditor::getDisplayText( QString& text )
+ // get data to draw
+ switch (_base) {
+ case 16:
+ Translate::ByteToHex(text,_data);
+ break;
+ case 8:
+ Translate::ByteToOctal(text,_data);
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ Translate::ByteToBinary(text,_data);
+ break;
+ case -1:
+ Translate::ByteToChar(text,_data);
+ break;
+ default:
+ // error state
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+bool HexEditor::wordModified ( off_t wordIdx ) const
+ off_t lboffset = wordIdx*bytesPerWord()+_topLeft;
+ off_t nearest_offset = _delta.lower_bound(lboffset);
+ return ( nearest_offset != -1 && nearest_offset < lboffset+bytesPerWord() );
+// accessors for local offsets
+off_t HexEditor::localByteOffset() const
+ return _cursor.byteOffset() - _topLeft;
+off_t HexEditor::localWordOffset() const
+ return localByteOffset()/bytesPerWord();
+// in offset relative to _data[0]
+off_t HexEditor::localCharOffset() const
+ return localByteOffset()*charsPerByte() + _cursor.charOffset();
+off_t HexEditor::localLineOffset() const
+ return localWordOffset()/wordsPerLine();
+int HexEditor::wordWidth() const
+ return _fontMaxWidth*charsPerWord();
+int HexEditor::wordSpacing() const
+ return _wordSpacing;
+// cursor movement members
+void HexEditor::seeCursor()
+ // see if it is already visible
+ if ( _cursor.byteOffset() >= _topLeft &&
+ _cursor.byteOffset() <= _topLeft+bytesPerPage()-1 ) {
+ updateWord( localWordOffset() );
+ return;
+ } else {
+ // setTopLeft so cursor is in middle line of screen
+ setTopLeft( max(_cursor.byteOffset() - bytesPerPage()/2, (off_t)0) );
+ }
+void HexEditor::cursorLeft()
+ off_t oldWordIdx = localWordOffset();
+ // move the cursor
+ _cursor.decrByChar(1);
+ // make sure the user can see the cursor
+ seeCursor();
+ // redraw where the cursor used to be
+ if( localWordOffset() != oldWordIdx )
+ updateWord( oldWordIdx );
+ emit offsetChanged( _cursor.byteOffset() );
+void HexEditor::cursorRight()
+ off_t oldWordIdx = localWordOffset();
+ _cursor.incrByChar(1);
+ seeCursor();
+ if( localWordOffset() != oldWordIdx )
+ updateWord( oldWordIdx );
+ emit offsetChanged( _cursor.byteOffset() );
+void HexEditor::cursorUp()
+ off_t oldWordIdx = localWordOffset();
+ _cursor.decrByByte( bytesPerLine() );
+ seeCursor();
+ if( localWordOffset() != oldWordIdx )
+ updateWord( oldWordIdx );
+ emit offsetChanged( _cursor.byteOffset() );
+void HexEditor::cursorDown()
+ off_t oldWordIdx = localWordOffset();
+ _cursor.incrByByte( bytesPerLine() );
+ seeCursor();
+ if( localWordOffset() != oldWordIdx )
+ updateWord( oldWordIdx );
+ emit offsetChanged( _cursor.byteOffset() );
+// slots for undo/redo.
+// note: it is necessary to reset topLeft to force a reread of the data.
+void HexEditor::redo()
+ _delta.redo();
+ setTopLeft(_topLeft);
+ off_t start = selectionStart();
+ off_t end = selectionEnd();
+ setSelection(SelectionStart,start);
+ setSelection(SelectionEnd,end);
+void HexEditor::undo()
+ _delta.undo();
+ setTopLeft(_topLeft);
+ off_t start = selectionStart();
+ off_t end = selectionEnd();
+ setSelection(SelectionStart,start);
+ setSelection(SelectionEnd,end);
+void HexEditor::search( const QString& hexText, bool forwards )
+ QApplication::setOverrideCursor( QCursor(Qt::WaitCursor) );
+ if( !hexText.length() || _reader.filename() == "" )
+ return;
+ if( -1 != _delta.lower_bound(0) ) {
+ QMessageBox::information(this,PROGRAM_STRING,
+ "Cannot search file with unsaved modifications.");
+ return;
+ }
+ vector<uchar> data;
+ Translate::HexToByte(data,hexText);
+// QProgressDialog progress( "Searching...","Cancel", 0,
+// _reader.size(),this );
+// progress.setWindowModality( Qt::WindowModal );
+// progress.setWindowTitle(PROGRAM_STRING);
+// progress.setValue(0);
+ off_t pos;
+ if( forwards ) {
+ pos = _reader.findIndex(_cursor.byteOffset(),data,_reader.size()-1);
+ } else {
+ pos = _reader.rFindIndex(_cursor.byteOffset(),data,0);
+ }
+ if( pos < _reader.size() ) {
+ showMatch(pos,data.size());
+ setOffset( forwards?selectionEnd():selectionStart()-1 );
+ seeCursor();
+ } else {
+ QMessageBox::information(this,PROGRAM_STRING,
+ "Could not find search data 0x" + hexText);
+ }
+ QApplication::restoreOverrideCursor();
+void HexEditor::setBaseASCII() {
+ setBase(-1);
+void HexEditor::setBaseHex()
+ setBase(16);
+void HexEditor::setBaseOctal()
+ setBase(8);
+void HexEditor::setBaseBinary()
+ setBase(2);
+void HexEditor::setBase(int base)
+ switch(base) {
+ case -1:
+ // setup ascii editing mode
+ _charsPerByte = 1;
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ // setup binary editing mode
+ _charsPerByte = 8;
+ break;
+ case 8:
+ // setup octal editing mode
+ _charsPerByte = 3;
+ break;
+ case 16:
+ // setup hex editing mode
+ _charsPerByte = 2;
+ break;
+ default:
+ // just ignore unsupported bases for now
+ return;
+ }
+ _base = base;
+ _cursor.setCharsPerByte(_charsPerByte);
+ // refresh the display
+ // note: cannot call resize() because it will ignore resize events
+ // if the size has not changed.
+ QResizeEvent *re = new QResizeEvent(QSize(size()),QSize(size()));
+ resizeEvent(re);
+ delete re;
+ // make sure we can still see the cursor
+ // switching from a larger base to a smaller base has the
+ // possibility of pushing the cursor off the screen
+ seeCursor();
+off_t HexEditor::offset() const
+ return _cursor.byteOffset();
+Reader * HexEditor::reader()
+ return &_reader;
+void HexEditor::showMatch( off_t pos, int len )
+ setSelection( SelectionStart, pos );
+ setSelection( SelectionEnd, pos + len );
+void HexEditor::drawTextRegion( QPainter& paint, const QString& text,
+ int row_start, int row_stop,
+ int col_start, int col_stop )
+ paint.setPen(qApp->palette().foreground().color());
+ for(int r = row_start; r <= row_stop; r++) {
+ for(int c = col_start; c <= col_stop; c++) {
+ int widx = r*_cols+c;
+ if ( wordModified( widx ) ) {
+ paint.setPen(qApp->palette().link().color());
+ paint.drawText( _wordBBox[widx].left() + wordSpacing()/2,
+ _wordBBox[widx].bottom(),
+ text.mid(widx*charsPerWord(),charsPerWord()) );
+ paint.setPen(qApp->palette().foreground().color());
+ } else {
+ paint.drawText( _wordBBox[widx].left() + wordSpacing()/2,
+ _wordBBox[widx].bottom(),
+ text.mid(widx*charsPerWord(),charsPerWord()) );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void HexEditor::drawSelection( QPainter& paint )
+ // draw selection
+ off_t start = max( (off_t)0, selectionStart() - _topLeft);
+ if( start < bytesPerPage() ) {
+ off_t stop = min(selectionEnd() - _topLeft, (off_t)bytesPerPage());
+ paint.setPen(Qt::NoPen);
+ paint.setBrush( qApp->palette().highlight() );
+ // foreach line with selection
+ stop--;
+ while( start <= stop ) {
+ // linestop = min(stop,endofline)
+ off_t linestop =
+ min(stop, start+bytesPerLine()-1 -(start % bytesPerLine()));
+ QRect bbox = byteBBox(start);
+ bbox.setRight( byteBBox(linestop).right() );
+ paint.drawRect( bbox );
+ start = linestop+1;
+ }
+ }
+void HexEditor::drawCursor( QPainter& paint )
+ QBrush b = qApp->palette().mid();
+ if( localWordOffset() > -1 && localWordOffset() < wordsPerPage() ) {
+ if( hasFocus() ) {
+ // draw a solid cursor
+ paint.setPen(Qt::NoPen);
+ paint.setBrush(b);
+ } else {
+ // just draw the outline
+ paint.setPen(b.color());
+ paint.setBrush(Qt::NoBrush);
+ }
+ QRect box = charBBox( localCharOffset() );
+ paint.drawRect( box );
+ }