diff options
1 files changed, 524 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/.vim/plugin/localvimrc.vim b/.vim/plugin/localvimrc.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..72f95f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.vim/plugin/localvimrc.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,524 @@
+" Name: localvimrc.vim
+" Version: 2.3.0
+" Author: Markus Braun <>
+" Summary: Vim plugin to search local vimrc files and load them.
+" Licence: This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+" it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+" the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+" (at your option) any later version.
+" This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+" but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+" GNU General Public License for more details.
+" You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+" along with this program. If not, see <>.
+" Section: Plugin header {{{1
+" guard against multiple loads {{{2
+if (exists("g:loaded_localvimrc") || &cp)
+ finish
+let g:loaded_localvimrc = 1
+" check for correct vim version {{{2
+if version < 702
+ finish
+" define default "localvimrc_name" {{{2
+" copy to script local variable to prevent .lvimrc modifying the name option.
+if (!exists("g:localvimrc_name"))
+ let s:localvimrc_name = ".lvimrc"
+ let s:localvimrc_name = g:localvimrc_name
+" define default "localvimrc_reverse" {{{2
+" copy to script local variable to prevent .lvimrc modifying the reverse
+" option.
+if (!exists("g:localvimrc_reverse"))
+ let s:localvimrc_reverse = 0
+ let s:localvimrc_reverse = g:localvimrc_reverse
+" define default "localvimrc_count" {{{2
+" copy to script local variable to prevent .lvimrc modifying the count option.
+if (!exists("g:localvimrc_count"))
+ let s:localvimrc_count = -1
+ let s:localvimrc_count = g:localvimrc_count
+" define default "localvimrc_sandbox" {{{2
+" copy to script local variable to prevent .lvimrc disabling the sandbox
+" again.
+if (!exists("g:localvimrc_sandbox"))
+ let s:localvimrc_sandbox = 1
+ let s:localvimrc_sandbox = g:localvimrc_sandbox
+" define default "localvimrc_ask" {{{2
+" copy to script local variable to prevent .lvimrc modifying the ask option.
+if (!exists("g:localvimrc_ask"))
+ let s:localvimrc_ask = 1
+ let s:localvimrc_ask = g:localvimrc_ask
+" define default "localvimrc_whitelist" {{{2
+" copy to script local variable to prevent .lvimrc modifying the whitelist.
+if (!exists("g:localvimrc_whitelist"))
+ let s:localvimrc_whitelist = "^$" " This never matches a file
+ let s:localvimrc_whitelist = g:localvimrc_whitelist
+" define default "localvimrc_blacklist" {{{2
+" copy to script local variable to prevent .lvimrc modifying the blacklist.
+if (!exists("g:localvimrc_blacklist"))
+ let s:localvimrc_blacklist = "^$" " This never matches a file
+ let s:localvimrc_blacklist = g:localvimrc_blacklist
+" define default "localvimrc_persistent" {{{2
+" make decisions persistent over multiple vim runs
+if (!exists("g:localvimrc_persistent"))
+ let s:localvimrc_persistent = 0
+ let s:localvimrc_persistent = g:localvimrc_persistent
+" define default "localvimrc_persistence_file" {{{2
+" file where to store persistence information
+if (!exists("g:localvimrc_persistence_file"))
+ if has("win16") || has("win32") || has("win64") || has("win95")
+ let s:localvimrc_persistence_file = expand('$HOME') . "/_localvimrc_persistent"
+ else
+ let s:localvimrc_persistence_file = expand('$HOME') . "/.localvimrc_persistent"
+ endif
+ let s:localvimrc_persistence_file = g:localvimrc_persistence_file
+" define default "localvimrc_debug" {{{2
+if (!exists("g:localvimrc_debug"))
+ let g:localvimrc_debug = 0
+" initialize data dictionary {{{2
+" key: localvimrc file
+" value: [ answer, checksum ]
+let s:localvimrc_data = {}
+" initialize sourced dictionary {{{2
+" key: localvimrc file
+" value: [ list of files triggered sourcing ]
+let s:localvimrc_sourced = {}
+" initialize persistence file checksum {{{2
+let s:localvimrc_persistence_file_checksum = ""
+" initialize persistent data {{{2
+let s:localvimrc_persistent_data = {}
+" Section: Autocmd setup {{{1
+if has("autocmd")
+ augroup localvimrc
+ autocmd!
+ " call s:LocalVimRC() when creating ore reading any file
+ autocmd BufWinEnter * call s:LocalVimRC()
+ augroup END
+" Section: Functions {{{1
+" Function: s:LocalVimRC() {{{2
+" search all local vimrc files from current directory up to root directory and
+" source them in reverse order.
+function! s:LocalVimRC()
+ " begin marker
+ call s:LocalVimRCDebug(1, "==================================================")
+ " print version
+ call s:LocalVimRCDebug(1, "localvimrc.vim " . g:loaded_localvimrc)
+ " read persistent information
+ call s:LocalVimRCReadPersistent()
+ " only consider normal buffers (skip especially CommandT's GoToFile buffer)
+ " NOTE: in general the buftype is not set for new buffers (BufWinEnter),
+ " e.g. for help files via plugins (pydoc)
+ if (&buftype != "")
+ call s:LocalVimRCDebug(1, "not a normal buffer, exiting")
+ return
+ endif
+ " directory of current file (correctly escaped)
+ let l:directory = fnameescape(expand("%:p:h"))
+ if empty(l:directory)
+ let l:directory = fnameescape(getcwd())
+ endif
+ call s:LocalVimRCDebug(2, "searching directory \"" . l:directory . "\"")
+ " generate a list of all local vimrc files with absolute file names along path to root
+ let l:absolute = {}
+ for l:rcfile in findfile(s:localvimrc_name, l:directory . ";", -1)
+ let l:absolute[resolve(fnamemodify(l:rcfile, ":p"))] = ""
+ endfor
+ let l:rcfiles = sort(keys(l:absolute))
+ call s:LocalVimRCDebug(1, "found files: " . string(l:rcfiles))
+ " shrink list of found files
+ if (s:localvimrc_count >= 0 && s:localvimrc_count < len(l:rcfiles))
+ call remove(l:rcfiles, 0, len(l:rcfiles) - s:localvimrc_count - 1)
+ endif
+ " reverse order of found files if reverse loading is requested
+ if (s:localvimrc_reverse != 0)
+ call reverse(l:rcfiles)
+ endif
+ call s:LocalVimRCDebug(1, "candidate files: " . string(l:rcfiles))
+ " source all found local vimrc files along path from root (reverse order)
+ let l:answer = ""
+ for l:rcfile in l:rcfiles
+ call s:LocalVimRCDebug(2, "processing \"" . l:rcfile . "\"")
+ let l:rcfile_load = "unknown"
+ if filereadable(l:rcfile)
+ " extract information
+ if has_key(s:localvimrc_data, l:rcfile)
+ let [ l:stored_answer, l:stored_checksum ] = s:localvimrc_data[l:rcfile]
+ else
+ let l:stored_answer = ""
+ let l:stored_checksum = ""
+ endif
+ call s:LocalVimRCDebug(3, "stored information: answer = '" . l:stored_answer . "' checksum = '" . l:stored_checksum . "'")
+ " check if whitelisted
+ if (l:rcfile_load == "unknown")
+ if (match(l:rcfile, s:localvimrc_whitelist) != -1)
+ call s:LocalVimRCDebug(2, l:rcfile . " is whitelisted")
+ let l:rcfile_load = "yes"
+ endif
+ endif
+ " check if blacklisted
+ if (l:rcfile_load == "unknown")
+ if (match(l:rcfile, s:localvimrc_blacklist) != -1)
+ call s:LocalVimRCDebug(2, l:rcfile . " is blacklisted")
+ let l:rcfile_load = "no"
+ endif
+ endif
+ " check if an answer has been given for the same file
+ if !empty(l:stored_answer)
+ if (s:LocalVimRCCheckChecksum(l:rcfile, l:stored_checksum) == 1)
+ call s:LocalVimRCDebug(2, "reuse previous answer \"" . l:stored_answer . "\"")
+ " check the answer
+ if (l:stored_answer =~? '^y$')
+ let l:rcfile_load = "yes"
+ elseif (l:stored_answer =~? '^n$')
+ let l:rcfile_load = "no"
+ endif
+ else
+ call s:LocalVimRCDebug(2, "checksum mismatch, no answer reuse")
+ endif
+ endif
+ " ask if in interactive mode
+ if (l:rcfile_load == "unknown")
+ if (s:localvimrc_ask == 1)
+ if (l:answer !~? "^a$")
+ call s:LocalVimRCDebug(2, "need to ask")
+ let l:answer = ""
+ while (l:answer !~? '^[ynaq]$')
+ if (s:localvimrc_persistent == 0)
+ let l:message = "localvimrc: source " . l:rcfile . "? ([y]es/[n]o/[a]ll/[q]uit) "
+ elseif (s:localvimrc_persistent == 1)
+ let l:message = "localvimrc: source " . l:rcfile . "? ([y]es/[n]o/[a]ll/[q]uit ; persistent [Y]es/[N]o/[A]ll) "
+ else
+ let l:message = "localvimrc: source " . l:rcfile . "? ([y]es/[n]o/[a]ll/[q]uit) "
+ endif
+ " turn off possible previous :silent command to force this
+ " message to be printed
+ unsilent let l:answer = inputdialog(l:message)
+ call s:LocalVimRCDebug(2, "answer is \"" . l:answer . "\"")
+ if empty(l:answer)
+ call s:LocalVimRCDebug(2, "aborting on empty answer")
+ let l:answer = "q"
+ endif
+ endwhile
+ endif
+ " make answer upper case if persistence is 2 ("force")
+ if (s:localvimrc_persistent == 2)
+ let l:answer = toupper(l:answer)
+ endif
+ " store y/n answers
+ if (l:answer =~? "^y$")
+ let l:stored_answer = l:answer
+ elseif (l:answer =~? "^n$")
+ let l:stored_answer = l:answer
+ elseif (l:answer =~# "^a$")
+ let l:stored_answer = "y"
+ elseif (l:answer =~# "^A$")
+ let l:stored_answer = "Y"
+ endif
+ " check the answer
+ if (l:answer =~? '^[ya]$')
+ let l:rcfile_load = "yes"
+ elseif (l:answer =~? "^q$")
+ call s:LocalVimRCDebug(1, "ended processing files")
+ break
+ endif
+ endif
+ endif
+ " load unconditionally if in non-interactive mode
+ if (l:rcfile_load == "unknown")
+ if (s:localvimrc_ask == 0)
+ let l:rcfile_load = "yes"
+ endif
+ endif
+ " should this rc file be loaded?
+ if (l:rcfile_load == "yes")
+ " store name and directory of file
+ let g:localvimrc_file = resolve(expand("<afile>"))
+ let g:localvimrc_file_dir = fnamemodify(g:localvimrc_file, ":h")
+ " store name and directory of script
+ let g:localvimrc_script = l:rcfile
+ let g:localvimrc_script_dir = fnamemodify(g:localvimrc_script, ":h")
+ " detect if this local vimrc file had been loaded
+ let g:localvimrc_sourced_once = 0
+ let g:localvimrc_sourced_once_for_file = 0
+ if has_key(s:localvimrc_sourced, l:rcfile)
+ let g:localvimrc_sourced_once = 1
+ if index(s:localvimrc_sourced[l:rcfile], g:localvimrc_file) >= 0
+ let g:localvimrc_sourced_once_for_file = 1
+ else
+ call add(s:localvimrc_sourced[l:rcfile], g:localvimrc_file)
+ endif
+ else
+ let s:localvimrc_sourced[l:rcfile] = [ g:localvimrc_file ]
+ endif
+ " initialize command
+ let l:command = "silent "
+ " add 'sandbox' if requested
+ if (s:localvimrc_sandbox != 0)
+ let l:command .= "sandbox "
+ call s:LocalVimRCDebug(2, "using sandbox")
+ endif
+ let l:command .= "source " . fnameescape(l:rcfile)
+ " execute the command
+ exec l:command
+ call s:LocalVimRCDebug(1, "sourced " . l:rcfile)
+ " remove global variables again
+ unlet g:localvimrc_file
+ unlet g:localvimrc_file_dir
+ unlet g:localvimrc_script
+ unlet g:localvimrc_script_dir
+ unlet g:localvimrc_sourced_once
+ unlet g:localvimrc_sourced_once_for_file
+ else
+ call s:LocalVimRCDebug(1, "skipping " . l:rcfile)
+ endif
+ " calculate checksum for each processed file
+ let l:stored_checksum = s:LocalVimRCCalcChecksum(l:rcfile)
+ " store information again
+ let s:localvimrc_data[l:rcfile] = [ l:stored_answer, l:stored_checksum ]
+ endif
+ endfor
+ " make information persistent
+ call s:LocalVimRCWritePersistent()
+ " end marker
+ call s:LocalVimRCDebug(1, "==================================================")
+" Function: s:LocalVimRCCalcChecksum(filename) {{{2
+" calculate checksum and store it in dictionary
+function! s:LocalVimRCCalcChecksum(filename)
+ let l:file = fnameescape(a:filename)
+ let l:checksum = getfsize(l:file) . getfperm(l:file) . getftime(l:file)
+ call s:LocalVimRCDebug(3, "checksum calc -> " . l:file . " : " . l:checksum)
+ return l:checksum
+" Function: s:LocalVimRCCheckChecksum(filename, checksum) {{{2
+" Check checksum in dictionary. Return "0" if it does not exist, "1" otherwise
+function! s:LocalVimRCCheckChecksum(filename, checksum)
+ let l:return = 0
+ let l:file = fnameescape(a:filename)
+ let l:checksum = s:LocalVimRCCalcChecksum(l:file)
+ if (a:checksum == l:checksum)
+ let l:return = 1
+ endif
+ return l:return
+" Function: s:LocalVimRCReadPersistent() {{{2
+" read decision variables from persistence file
+function! s:LocalVimRCReadPersistent()
+ if (s:localvimrc_persistent >= 1)
+ " check if persistence file is readable
+ if filereadable(s:localvimrc_persistence_file)
+ " check if reading is needed
+ let l:checksum = s:LocalVimRCCalcChecksum(s:localvimrc_persistence_file)
+ if l:checksum != s:localvimrc_persistence_file_checksum
+ " read persistence file
+ let l:serialized = readfile(s:localvimrc_persistence_file)
+ call s:LocalVimRCDebug(3, "read persistent data: " . string(l:serialized))
+ " deserialize stored persistence information
+ for l:line in l:serialized
+ let l:columns = split(l:line, '[^\\]\zs|')
+ if len(l:columns) != 3
+ call s:LocalVimRCDebug(1, "error in persistence file")
+ call s:LocalVimRCError("error in persistence file")
+ else
+ let [ l:key, l:answer, l:checksum ] = l:columns
+ let l:key = substitute(l:key, '\\|', '|', "g")
+ let l:answer = substitute(l:answer, '\\|', '|', "g")
+ let l:checksum = substitute(l:checksum, '\\|', '|', "g")
+ let s:localvimrc_data[l:key] = [ l:answer, l:checksum ]
+ endif
+ endfor
+ else
+ call s:LocalVimRCDebug(3, "persistence file did not change")
+ endif
+ else
+ call s:LocalVimRCDebug(1, "unable to read persistence file '" . s:localvimrc_persistence_file . "'")
+ endif
+ endif
+" Function: s:LocalVimRCWritePersistent() {{{2
+" write decision variables to persistence file
+function! s:LocalVimRCWritePersistent()
+ if (s:localvimrc_persistent >= 1)
+ " select only data relevant for persistence
+ let l:persistent_data = filter(copy(s:localvimrc_data), 'v:val[0] =~# "^[YN]$"')
+ " if there are answers to store and global variables are enabled for viminfo
+ if (len(l:persistent_data) > 0)
+ if l:persistent_data != s:localvimrc_persistent_data
+ " check if persistence file is writable
+ if filereadable(s:localvimrc_persistence_file) && filewritable(s:localvimrc_persistence_file) ||
+ \ !filereadable(s:localvimrc_persistence_file) && filewritable(fnamemodify(s:localvimrc_persistence_file, ":h"))
+ let l:serialized = [ ]
+ for [ l:key, l:value ] in items(l:persistent_data)
+ let [ l:answer, l:checksum ] = l:value
+ call add(l:serialized, escape(l:key, '|') . "|" . escape(l:answer, '|') . "|" . escape(l:checksum, '|'))
+ endfor
+ call s:LocalVimRCDebug(3, "write persistent data: " . string(l:serialized))
+ call writefile(l:serialized, s:localvimrc_persistence_file)
+ else
+ call s:LocalVimRCDebug(1, "unable to write persistence file '" . s:localvimrc_persistence_file . "'")
+ endif
+ " store persistence file checksum
+ let s:localvimrc_persistence_file_checksum = s:LocalVimRCCalcChecksum(s:localvimrc_persistence_file)
+ endif
+ let s:localvimrc_persistent_data = l:persistent_data
+ endif
+ else
+ " delete persistence file
+ if filewritable(s:localvimrc_persistence_file)
+ call delete(s:localvimrc_persistence_file)
+ endif
+ endif
+ " remove old persistence data {{{2
+ if exists("g:LOCALVIMRC_ANSWERS")
+ endif
+ endif
+" Function: s:LocalVimRCClear() {{{2
+" clear all stored data
+function! s:LocalVimRCClear()
+ let s:localvimrc_data = {}
+ call s:LocalVimRCDebug(3, "cleared local data")
+ let s:localvimrc_persistence_file_checksum = ""
+ call s:LocalVimRCDebug(3, "cleared persistence file checksum")
+ let s:localvimrc_persistent_data = {}
+ call s:LocalVimRCDebug(3, "cleared persistent data")
+ if filewritable(s:localvimrc_persistence_file)
+ call delete(s:localvimrc_persistence_file)
+ call s:LocalVimRCDebug(3, "deleted persistence file")
+ endif
+" Function: s:LocalVimRCError(text) {{{2
+" output error message
+function! s:LocalVimRCError(text)
+ echohl ErrorMsg | echo "localvimrc: " . a:text | echohl None
+" Function: s:LocalVimRCDebug(level, text) {{{2
+" output debug message, if this message has high enough importance
+function! s:LocalVimRCDebug(level, text)
+ if (g:localvimrc_debug >= a:level)
+ echom "localvimrc: " . a:text
+ endif
+" Section: Commands {{{1
+command! LocalVimRCClear call s:LocalVimRCClear()
+" vim600: foldmethod=marker foldlevel=0 :