diff options
authorTobias Klauser <>2012-10-19 13:53:55 +0200
committerTobias Klauser <>2012-10-19 13:53:55 +0200
commitd831a546b170dff93f87b7915ae1e59777f94024 (patch)
parentb6ca466859b0bbe1dc0614d62a48b3ca8c513330 (diff)
Use Solarized colors for dircolors
2 files changed, 316 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/.zsh/dir_colors b/.zsh/dir_colors
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..81988df
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.zsh/dir_colors
@@ -0,0 +1,315 @@
+# This is not really a zsh config file, but it is loaded by dircolors in
+# zshrc/00_colours, therefor keep it here.
+# Based on dark Solarized color scheme.
+COLOR tty
+# Below, there should be one TERM entry for each termtype that is colorizable
+TERM ansi
+TERM color_xterm
+TERM color-xterm
+TERM con132x25
+TERM con132x30
+TERM con132x43
+TERM con132x60
+TERM con80x25
+TERM con80x28
+TERM con80x30
+TERM con80x43
+TERM con80x50
+TERM con80x60
+TERM cons25
+TERM console
+TERM cygwin
+TERM dtterm
+TERM Eterm
+TERM eterm-color
+TERM gnome
+TERM gnome-256color
+TERM jfbterm
+TERM konsole
+TERM kterm
+TERM linux
+TERM linux-c
+TERM mach-color
+TERM mlterm
+TERM nxterm
+TERM putty
+TERM rxvt
+TERM rxvt-256color
+TERM rxvt-cygwin
+TERM rxvt-cygwin-native
+TERM rxvt-unicode
+TERM rxvt-unicode256
+TERM rxvt-unicode-256color
+TERM screen
+TERM screen-256color
+TERM screen-256color-bce
+TERM screen-bce
+TERM screen.linux
+TERM screen-w
+TERM vt100
+TERM xterm
+TERM xterm-16color
+TERM xterm-256color
+TERM xterm-88color
+TERM xterm-color
+TERM xterm-debian
+# EIGHTBIT, followed by '1' for on, '0' for off. (8-bit output)
+# Below are the color init strings for the basic file types. A color init
+# string consists of one or more of the following numeric codes:
+# Attribute codes:
+# 00=none 01=bold 04=underscore 05=blink 07=reverse 08=concealed
+# Text color codes:
+# 30=black 31=red 32=green 33=yellow 34=blue 35=magenta 36=cyan 37=white
+# Background color codes:
+# 40=black 41=red 42=green 43=yellow 44=blue 45=magenta 46=cyan 47=white
+# - See
+# - Color combinations
+# ANSI Color code Solarized Notes Universal SolDark SolLight
+# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~
+# 00 none NORMAL, FILE <SAME> <SAME>
+# 30 black base02
+# 01;30 bright black base03 bg of SolDark
+# 31 red red docs & mm src <SAME> <SAME>
+# 01;31 bright red orange EXEC <SAME> <SAME>
+# 32 green green editable text <SAME> <SAME>
+# 01;32 bright green base01 unimportant text <SAME>
+# 33 yellow yellow unclear in light bg multimedia <SAME> <SAME>
+# 01;33 bright yellow base00 fg of SolLight unimportant non-text
+# 34 blue blue unclear in dark bg user customized <SAME> <SAME>
+# 01;34 bright blue base0 fg in SolDark unimportant text
+# 35 magenta magenta LINK <SAME> <SAME>
+# 01;35 bright magenta violet archive/compressed <SAME> <SAME>
+# 36 cyan cyan DIR <SAME> <SAME>
+# 01;36 bright cyan base1 unimportant non-text <SAME>
+# 37 white base2
+# 01;37 bright white base3 bg in SolLight
+# 05;37;41 unclear in Putty dark
+### By file type
+# global default
+# normal file
+FILE 00
+# directory
+DIR 01;34
+# symbolic link
+LINK 35
+# pipe, socket, block device, character device (blue bg)
+FIFO 30;44
+SOCK 35;44
+DOOR 35;44 # Solaris 2.5 and later
+BLK 33;44
+CHR 37;44
+### By file attributes
+ORPHAN 40;31;01
+# ... and the files that orphaned symlinks point to (blinking white on red)
+MISSING 05;37;41
+# files with execute permission
+EXEC 01;31 # Unix
+.cmd 01;31 # Win
+.exe 01;31 # Win 01;31 # Win
+.bat 01;31 # Win
+.reg 01;31 # Win 01;31 # OSX
+### By extension
+# List any file extensions like '.gz' or '.tar' that you would like ls
+# to colorize below. Put the extension, a space, and the color init string.
+# (and any comments you want to add after a '#')
+### Text formats
+# Text that we can edit with a regular editor
+.txt 32 32 32
+.mkd 32
+.pdc 32
+# Source text
+.h 32
+.c 32 32
+.cxx 32
+.objc 32 32
+.csh 32
+.zsh 32
+.el 32
+.vim 32 32 32 32 32
+.rb 32
+.hs 32
+.php 32
+.htm 32
+.html 32
+.shtml 32
+.xml 32
+.rdf 32
+.css 32
+.js 32 32
+.0 32
+.1 32
+.2 32
+.3 32
+.4 32
+.5 32
+.6 32
+.7 32
+.8 32
+.9 32
+.l 32
+.n 32
+.p 32
+.pod 32
+.tex 32 32 32
+.vhd 32
+.vhdl 32 32
+### Multimedia formats
+# Image
+.bmp 33
+.cgm 33
+.dl 33
+.dvi 33
+.emf 33
+.eps 33
+.gif 33
+.jpeg 33
+.jpg 33
+.JPG 33
+.mng 33
+.pbm 33
+.pcx 33
+.pdf 33
+.pgm 33
+.png 33
+.ppm 33
+.pps 33
+.ppsx 33 33
+.svg 33
+.svgz 33
+.tga 33
+.tif 33
+.tiff 33
+.xbm 33
+.xcf 33
+.xpm 33
+.xwd 33
+.xwd 33
+.yuv 33
+# Audio
+.aac 33 33
+.flac 33
+.mid 33
+.midi 33
+.mka 33
+.mp3 33
+.mpa 33
+.mpeg 33
+.mpg 33
+.ogg 33
+.ra 33
+.wav 33
+# Video
+.anx 33
+.asf 33
+.avi 33
+.axv 33
+.flc 33
+.fli 33
+.flv 33 33
+.m2v 33
+.m4v 33
+.mkv 33 33
+.mp4 33
+.mp4v 33
+.mpeg 33
+.mpg 33
+.nuv 33
+.ogm 33
+.ogv 33
+.ogx 33
+.qt 33
+.rm 33
+.rmvb 33
+.swf 33
+.vob 33
+.wmv 33
+### Misc
+# Binary document formats and multimedia source
+.doc 31
+.docx 31
+.rtf 31 31
+.dotx 31
+.xls 31
+.xlsx 31
+.ppt 31
+.pptx 31
+.fla 31
+.psd 31
+# Archives, compressed
+.7z 1;35
+.apk 1;35
+.arj 1;35
+.bin 1;35 1;35
+.bz2 1;35 1;35 # Win
+.deb 1;35
+.dmg 1;35 # OSX
+.gem 1;35
+.gz 1;35
+.iso 1;35
+.jar 1;35
+.msi 1;35 # Win
+.rar 1;35
+.rpm 1;35
+.tar 1;35
+.tbz 1;35
+.tbz2 1;35
+.tgz 1;35
+.tx 1;35
+.war 1;35
+.xpi 1;35
+.xz 1;35
+.z 1;35
+.Z 1;35 1;35
diff --git a/.zsh/zshrc/00_colours b/.zsh/zshrc/00_colours
index 4f00519..b68b838 100644
--- a/.zsh/zshrc/00_colours
+++ b/.zsh/zshrc/00_colours
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ else
# colour setup for ls
-is_darwin || eval $(dircolors -b)
+is_darwin || eval $(dircolors -b $(HOME)/.zsh/dir_colors)
# colour setup for ls on OS X:
is_darwin && export CLICOLOR=1